RNS Number : 1772Q

NMBZ Holdings Ld

28 August 2014


Holding company of

NMB BANK LIMITED (Registered Commercial Bank)




---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
                                     30 June 2014   30 June 2013          31 December 2013 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
                                        Unaudited       Reviewed                   Audited 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
 Total income (US$)                    23 303 115     25 118 143                50 135 302 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
 Attributable profit/(loss)(US$)        1 386 233      2 672 911               (3 321 823) 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
 Basic earnings/(loss) 
  per share 
  (US cents)                                 0.36           0.95                    (1.00) 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
 Total deposits (US$)                 213 795 232    209 273 789               211 215 066 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
 Loans and advances (US$)             193 620 036    183 454 912               194 777 798 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 
 Total shareholders' funds 
  (US$)                                44 834 220     49 350 247                43 441 403 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------------ 


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED Telephone: +263-4-759 651/9

James A Mushore, Group Chief Executive Officer, NMBZ Holdings Limited jamesm@nmbz.co.zw

Francis Zimuto, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, NMBZ Holdings Limited francisz@nmbz.co.zw

Benefit P Washaya, Managing Director, NMB Bank Limited benefitw@nmbz.co.zw

Benson Ndachena, Chief Finance Officer, NMBZ Holdings Limited bensonn@nmbz.co.zw

Website: http://www.nmbz.co.zw

Email: enquiries@nmbz.co.zw



The Group recorded an attributable profit of US$1 386 233 for the period under review which was a significant improvement on the attributable loss of US$3 321 823 for the year ended 31 December 2013. This was largely attributed to the efforts made in containing non-performing loans in an increasingly difficult operating environment. These results were achieved under a deteriorating economic and operating environment which was characterised by an illiquid market and a general tightening in the economy.


Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards, Companies Act, Banking Act and ZSE Listing Rules and Disclosure Requirements.

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are in compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act (Chapter 24:03), the Banking Act (Chapter 24:20) and ZSE Listing Rules and Disclosure Requirements.

Assessment of the economic environment

The slowdown in economic growth, which was prevalent in the last quarter of 2013, persisted into the first half of 2014. This was largely driven by an illiquid market and very tight operating margins as a result of the deflationary pressures.

Commentary on operating results

The profit before taxation was US$1 867 035 during the period under review and this gave rise to an attributable profit of US$1 386 233. Total income for the period decreased by 7.23% from a prior period of US$25 118 143 to US$23 303 115 which is split into interest income of US$15 033 660 (2013 - US$16 099 196), fee and commission income of US$6 814 567 (2013 -US$7 590 765), net foreign exchange gains of US$945 309 (2013 - US$866 453) and non-interest income of US$509 579 (2013 - US$561 729).

Operating expenses increased by 2.5% to US$13 352 244, and these were driven largely by staff costs, depreciation of property and equipment and amortisation of intangible assets.

Impairment losses on loans, advances and debentures amounted to US$1 581 045 for the current period from a prior period amount of US$1 887 537 and the decrease was mainly due to increased security obtained on exposures.

Commentary on the statement of financial position

The Group's total assets grew by 1.74% from US$259 483 112 as at 31 December 2013 to US$264 002 814 as at 30 June 2014. The assets comprised mainly loans, advances and other accounts US$179 128 700 (2013 - US$181 316 271), non-current assets held for sale US$2 264 300 (2013 - US$2 303 300), investment securities held to maturity US$4 763 896 (2013 -US$4 685 471), investment in debentures US$4 117 756 (2013 - US$3 984 723), cash and short term funds US$56 122 895 (2013 -US$48 871 983), investment properties US$4 395 500 (2013 - US$4 385 300) and property and equipment US$7 044 532 (2013 - US$7 372 943).

Gross loans and advances decreased by 0.59% from US$194 777 798 as at 31 December 2013 to US$193 620 036 as at 30 June 2014 mainly due to conservative lending in line with the worsening default risk in the economy. Total deposits increased by 1.22% from US$211 215 066 as at 31 December 2013 to US$213 795 232 as at 30 June 2014.

The Bank's liquidity ratio closed the period at 35.56% (31 December 2013 -32.52%) and this was above the statutory requirement of 30%.


The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 30 June 2014 calculated in accordance with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) was 17.44% (31 December 2013 - 17.28%). The minimum required by the RBZ is 12%.

The Group's shareholder funds increased by 3.21% from US$43 441 403 as at 31 December 2013 to US$44 834 220 as at 30 June 2014 as a result of an increase in retained earnings.


In view of the need to retain cash in the business and to strengthen the statutory capital requirements for the banking subsidiary, the Board has proposed not to declare a dividend.


The Group actively participates in serving the communities it operates in. During the period under review, the Group's investment in the community was channeled into protection of the environment, the arts, sporting disciplines and education.


In pursuit our mission of providing premium financial services to our customer, we launched a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) which will be instrumental in identifying opportunities to serve our valued clients better. We also upgraded our Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) to accept Chip & Pin cards and this will drastically improve security on our cards and curb fraud risk on the use of cards.


The Group has continued to scout for more international lines of credit and explore growth opportunities in other market segments.


Mr B Zwinkels, Ms M Svova, Mr B Chikwanha, Mr C Ndiaye and Mr D Malik were appointed to both the NMBZ and NMB Bank Boards with effect from 31 January 2014. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new board members and wish them a successful tenure on the Board.


I would like to pay tribute to our valued clients, shareholders and regulatory authorities for their continued support in the period under review. I would also like to thank my fellow board members, management and staff for their profound commitment and dedication which has made the achievement of these results possible in the face of a deteriorating economic environment.



20 August 2014


for the six months ended 30 June 2014

                              Note       30 June 2014      30 June 2013 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                                  US$               US$ 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                            Unaudited          Reviewed 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Interest income               4           15 033 660        16 099 196 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Interest expense                         (6 502 791)       (6 610 573) 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                       --------------   --------------- 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Net interest income                        8 530 869         9 488 623 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Net foreign exchange 
  gains                                       945 309           866 453 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Fee and commission income    5.1           6 814 567         7 590 765 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                       --------------   --------------- 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Revenue                                   16 290 745        17 945 841 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Non-interest income          5.2             509 579           561 729 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Operating expenditure         6         (13 352 244)      (13 025 587) 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Impairment losses on 
  advances and debentures                 (1 581 045)       (1 887 537) 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Share of profits of 
  associate                                         -           217 768 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                     ----------------   --------------- 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Profit before taxation                     1 867 035         3 812 214 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Taxation                      7            (480 802)       (1 139 303) 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                      ---------------   --------------- 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Profit for the period                      1 386 233         2 672 911 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Other comprehensive 
  income,                                           -                 - 
  net of tax 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                      ---------------   --------------- 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the period                            1 386 233         2 672 911 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                            =========         ========= 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Attributable to: 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
    -Owners of the parent                   1 386 233         2 672 911 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
     -Non - controlling                             -                 - 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                        -------------   --------------- 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                            1 386 233         2 672 911 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
                                             ========         ========= 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
 Earnings per share (US 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
   - Basic                    9.3                0.36              0.95 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 
   - Diluted basic            9.3                0.34              0.69 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ---------------- 


as at 30 June 2014

------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                                 30 June 2014       31 December 2013         30 June 2013 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                 Not e                    US$                    US$                  US$ 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                                 Unaudited                 Audited             Reviewed 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Share capital*                   10                   78 598                 78 598               78 598 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Capital reserves*                                 20 038 633             17 937 471           20 198 908 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Retained earnings                                  8 895 720              9 604 191           13 337 488 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                               --------------         --------------      --------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Total equity                                      29 012 951             27 620 260           33 614 994 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Redeemable ordinary 
  shares*                         11               14 335 253             14 335 253           14 335 253 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Subordinated loan**              12                1 486 016              1 485 890            1 400 000 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                               --------------             ----------       -------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Total shareholders' 
  funds                                        44 834 220           43 441 403                 49 350 247 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Deposits and other 
  accounts**                      13              219 168 594            216 041 709          215 109 737 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Current tax liabilities                                    -                      -              324 423 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                              ---------------         --------------       -------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Total liabilities                                219 168 594            216 041 709          215 434 160 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                              ---------------        ---------------      --------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                     264 002 814            259 483 112          264 784 407 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                                   ==========              =========           ========== 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents        15               56 122 895             48 871 983           61 029 068 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Current tax assets                                   635 593              1 739 210                    - 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Investment securities 
  held to 
  maturity                         14               4 763 896              4 685 471            5 578 070 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Investment in debentures         16                4 117 756              3 984 723            3 984 723 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Loans, advances and 
  accounts                         17             179 128 700            181 316 271          177 740 224 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Non - current assets 
  held for sale                                     2 264 300              2 303 300            2 216 500 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Quoted and other investments                         214 679                335 998              363 599 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Deferred tax assets                                3 540 549              2 823 544            2 367 960 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Investment in associate          18                        -                      -                    - 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Investment properties                              4 395 500              4 385 300            3 020 300 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Intangible assets                19                1 774 414              1 664 369                    - 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Property and equipment           20                7 044 532              7 372 943            8 483 963 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                              ---------------        ---------------       -------------- 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
 Total assets                                     264 002 814            259 483 112          264 784 407 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 
                                                   ==========             ==========           ========== 
------------------------------  ------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------- 

*The amount was restated following the reclassification of shares issued to three strategic foreign investors from ordinary share capital to redeemable ordinary shares (refer to note 11).

**The amount was restated following a reclassification of the subordinated term loan from deposits and other accounts to shareholders' funds (refer to note 12).


for the six months ended 30 June 2014

                                                                        Capital Reserves 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                            Share Capital    Share Premium          Share Option Reserve      Regulatory Reserve       Retained Earnings              Total 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                                      US$              US$                           US$                     US$                     US$                US$ 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Balances at 1 
  January 2013                     78 598       15 737 548                        45 671               2 301 683              12 778 583         30 942 083 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  for the six 
  months                                -                -                             -                       -               2 672 911          2 672 911 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  allowance for 
  loans and 
  advances                              -                -                             -               2 114 006             (2 114 006)                  - 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  placement                        29 040       14 802 105                             -                       -                       -         14 831 145 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Share issue 
  expenses                              -        (495 892)                             -                       -                       -          (495 892) 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                                ---------    -------------                  ------------            ------------         ---------------   ---------------- 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Balances as 
  at 30 
  June 2013                       107 638       30 043 761                        45 671               4 415 689              13 337 488         47 950 247 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                                                                                                                                              (14 335 
 Restatement*                    (29 040)     (14 306 213)                             -                       -                       -       253) 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                                ---------    -------------                 -------------             -----------          --------------     -------------- 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  balances at 30 
  June 2013                        78 598       15 737 548                        45 671               4 415 689              13 337 488         33 614 994 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  for the six 
  months                                -                -                             -                       -             (5 994 734)        (5 994 734) 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  allowance for 
  loans and 
  advances                              -                -                             -             (2 261 437)               2 261 437                  - 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                               ----------   --------------                --------------           -------------          --------------     -------------- 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Balances at 31 
  2013                             78 598       15 737 548                        45 671               2 154 252               9 604 191         27 620 260 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  for the six 
  months                                -                -                             -                       -               1 386 233          1 386 233 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
  allowance for 
  loans and 
  advances                              -                -                             -               2 094 704             (2 094 704)                  - 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Share based 
  payments - 
  issued                                -                -                         6 458                       -                       -              6 458 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                               ----------   --------------                    ----------           -------------           -------------      ------------- 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
 Balances at 30 
  June 2014                        78 598       15 737 548                        52 129               4 248 956               8 895 720         29 012 951 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 
                                   ======         ========                      ========                ========                 =======         ======== 
----------------  -----------------------  ---------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------- 

*The amounts were restated following the reclassification of shares issued to three strategic investors from ordinary share capital to redeemable ordinary share capital (refer to Note 10.2.2 and 11).


for the six months ended 30 June 2014

--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                         30 June 2014        30 June 2013 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                                  US$                 US$ 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                            Unaudited            Reviewed 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Profit before taxation                                     1 867 035           3 812 214 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Non-cash items: 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Amortisation of intangible assets                           161 435              46 373 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Depreciation                                                945 146             818 851 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Impairment losses on loans, advances and 
  debentures                                                1 581 045           1 887 537 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Profit on disposal of unquoted investments                 (21 055)                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Non - current assets held for sale fair 
  value adjustment                                                  -              75 300 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Quoted and other investments fair value 
  adjustment                                                    7 374            (37 494) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Profit on disposal of associate                                   -           (580 137) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Profit on disposal of property and equipment                (5 365)                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -share based payment - remuneration expense                    6 458                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 -Share of associate profit                                         -           (217 768) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                       --------------     --------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Operating cash flows before changes in operating 
  assets and 
  liabilities                                               4 542 073           5 804 876 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Deposits and other accounts*                               3 126 885          20 107 104 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Loans, advances and other accounts                           741 528        (33 027 768) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Investment in debentures                                   (133 033)         (3 984 723) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                      ---------------   ----------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                            8 277 453        (11 100 511) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                      ---------------   ----------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Capital gains tax paid                                       (1 750)           (264 024) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Corporate tax paid                                          (92 442)         (2 127 185) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                     ----------------    ---------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating 
  activities                                                8 183 261        (13 491 720) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                     ----------------    ---------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Acquisition of intangible assets                           (271 480)                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Acquisition of investment property                          (10 200)                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Purchase of property and equipment                         (616 736)         (1 161 728) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Proceeds on disposal of property and equipment                 5 365                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Proceeds on disposal of non - current assets 
  held for sale                                                39 000              28 500 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Proceeds on disposal of associate                                  -           1 850 000 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Expenses on disposal of associate                                  -            (26 175) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Investment securities held to maturity                      (78 424)            (76 107) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                     ----------------     --------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing 
  activities                                                (932 475)             614 490 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                     ----------------     --------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 
  activities                                                7 250 786        (12 877 230) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                     ----------------     --------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Proceeds from subordinated term loan*                              -           1 400 000 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Repayments of interest on subordinated term                 (85 890)                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Interest capitalised on subordinated term                     86 016                   - 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Proceeds from issue of shares                                      -          14 831 145 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Share issue expenses                                               -           (495 892) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                     ----------------     --------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net cash inflow from financing activities                        126          15 735 253 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                       --------------     --------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                  7 250 912           2 858 023 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the period                                            48 871 983          58 171 045 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                     ----------------    ---------------- 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
  period                                                   56 122 895          61 029 068 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                                            =========           ========= 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 

*The amount was restated following a reclassification of the subordinated term loan from deposits and other accounts to shareholders' funds (refer to note 12).


for the six months ended 30 June 2014


The Holding Company is incorporated and domiciled in Zimbabwe and is an investment holding company. Its registered office is 64 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Harare. Its principal operating subsidiary is engaged in banking and other companies hold investments.


Statement of compliance

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting. Selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in financial position of the Group since the last annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2013. These condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not include all the information required for the full annual financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 20 August 2014.

   2.1    Basis of preparation 

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for quoted and other investments, investment properties and financial instruments which are carried at fair value and land and buildings which are stated at revalued amount. These condensed consolidated interim financial statements are reported in United States of America dollars and rounded to the nearest dollar.

   2.2    Basis of consolidation 

The Group financial results incorporate the financial results of the Company, its subsidiaries and associate company. Subsidiaries are investees controlled by the Group. The Group controls an investee if it is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the investee. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date on which control commences until the date when control ceases. The financial results of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies. All intra-group balances, transactions, income and expenses; profits and losses resulting from intra-group transactions that are recognised in assets and liabilities are eliminated in full. When the Group loses control over a subsidiary, it derecognises the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary, and any related non-controlling interest and other components of equity. Any resulting gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss. Any interest retained in the former subsidiary is measured at fair value when control is lost.

An associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence, as evidenced by the Group holding directly or indirectly 20% or more of the voting power of the investee, representation on the Board and direct involvement with the policy making processes of the investee. The investment in Associate is accounted for using the equity method.

   2.3    Comparative financial information 

The interim financial statements comprise consolidated statements of financial position, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows. The comparative consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows are for six months.

   2.4     Use of estimates and judgements 

The preparation of the interim financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and key sources of estimation and uncertainity were the same as those applied to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2013.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised and in any future periods affected.

In the process of applying the Group's accounting policies, management has made the following judgements which have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the consolidated financial statements:

2.4.1 Deferred tax

Provision for deferred taxation is made using the liability method in respect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. Temporary differences arising out of the initial recognition of assets or liabilities and temporary differences on initial recognition of business combinations that affect neither accounting nor taxable profit are not recognised. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the year when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.

In determining the amounts used for taxation purposes the directors referred to applicable effective exchange rates at the date of acquisition of assets or incurring of liabilities. The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), announced methods to account for the deferred tax arising on assets purchased in ZWD. These methods require the preparer to first estimate the equivalent USD value of those assets at the time of purchase. Since the measurement of transactions in Zimbabwe dollars in the prior periods is affected by several economic variables such as mode of payment and hyperinflation, this is an area where the directors have had to apply their judgement and acknowledge there could be significant variations in the results achieved depending on assumptions made.

2.4.2 Land and buildings

The properties were valued by directors. The determined fair value of land and buildings is most sensitive to the estimated yield as well as the long term vacancy rate. In addition, the property market is currently not stable due to liquidity constraints and hence comparable values are also not stable.

2.4.3 Investment properties

Investment properties were valued by directors. The directors considered comparable market evidence of recent sale transactions and those transactions where firm offers had been made but awaiting acceptance. In addition, the property market is currently not stable due to liquidity constraints and hence comparable values are also not stable.

The directors exercised their judgment in determining the residual values of the other property and equipment which have been determined as nil.

2.4.4 Investment securities held to maturity

This relates to the RBZ Bond that was valued at amortised cost as there is currently no market information to facilitate the application of fair value principles, refer to Note 14.1.

2.4.5 Impairment losses on loan and advances

The Group reviews all loans and advances at each reporting date to assess whether an impairment loss should be recorded in profit or loss. In particular, judgement by management is required in the estimation of the amount and timing of future cash flows when determining the impairment loss. In estimating these cash flows, the Group makes judgements about the borrower's financial situation and the net realisable value of collateral. These estimates are based on assumptions about a number of factors and actual results may differ, resulting in future changes to the allowance. Loans and advances that have been assessed individually and found not to be impaired and all individually insignificant loans and advances are then assessed collectively, in groups of assets with similar risk characteristics, to determine whether provision should be made due to incurred loss events for which there is objective evidence but whose effects are not yet evident. The collective assessment takes account of data from the loan portfolio (such as credit quality, levels of arrears, credit utilisation, loan to collateral ratios etc.), concentrations of risks and economic data.

The impairment loss on loans and advances is disclosed in more detail under note 8 and note 17.3 below.

2.4.6 Going concern

The Directors have assessed the ability of the Group to continue operating as a going concern and believe that the preparation of these consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis is still appropriate.

2.4.7 Non-current assets held for sale

Non-current assets or disposal group are held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. These are measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell and they are not depreciated.

Non-current assets were valued by the directors who considered comparable market evidence of recent sale transactions and those transactions where firm offers had been made but waiting acceptance.


The selected principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these condensed financial statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied unless otherwise stated.

   3.1    Financial instruments 

3.1.1 Classification

Financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit and loss include financial assets and liabilities held for trading i.e. those that the Group principally holds for the purpose of short-term profit taking as well as those that were, upon initial recognition, designated by the entity as financial assets or liabilities at fair value through profit and loss.

Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market other than those classified as held-for-trading and the Group upon initial recognition designates as at fair value through profit or loss and those the Group upon initial recognition designates as available-for-sale.

Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that the Group has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity.

Financial assets available-for-sale are non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available-for- sale or are not classified as loans and receivables, held-to-maturity investments or financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

3.1.2 Recognition

The Group recognises financial assets at fair value through profit and loss and available for sale assets on the date it commits to purchase the assets. From this date any gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of the assets are recognised in the income statement and other comprehensive income respectively.

Held-to-maturity investments and loans and receivables are recognised at cost which is the fair value of the consideration given on the day that they are transferred to the Group.

3.1.3 Measurement

Financial assets and liabilities are measured initially at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition, financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss and available-for-sale financial assets are measured at fair value, except that any instrument that does not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured is stated at cost, less impairment losses.

Held-to-maturity investments and loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost less impairment losses. Amortised cost is calculated using the effective interest rate method. Premiums and discounts, including initial transaction costs, are included in the carrying amount of the related instrument and amortised based on the effective interest rate of the instrument.

   3.1.4   Fair value measurement principles 

The fair value of financial instruments is based on their quoted market price at the reporting date without any deduction for transaction costs. If a quoted market price is not available, the fair value of the instrument is estimated using pricing models or discounted cash flow techniques.

Where discounted cash flow techniques are used, estimated future cash flows are based on management's best estimates and the discount rate is a market related rate at the reporting date for an instrument with similar terms and conditions. Where pricing models are used, inputs are based on market related measures at the reporting date.

   3.2       Investment properties 

Investment properties are stated at fair value. Gains and losses arising from a change in fair value of investment properties are recognized in the income statement. The fair value is determined at the end of each reporting period.

   3.3       Share - based payments 

The Group issues share options to certain employees in terms of the Employee Share Option Scheme. Share options are measured at fair value at the date of grant. The fair value determined at the date of grant of the options is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on the Group's estimate of shares that will eventually vest. Fair value is measured using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. The expected life used in the model has been adjusted, based on management's best estimate, for the effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions and other behavioural considerations.

   3.4      Property and equipment 

International Accounting Standard 16 (IAS 16) stipulates that the residual value and the useful life of an asset must be reviewed at least each financial year-end. If the residual value of an asset increases by an amount equal to or greater than the asset's carrying amount, then the depreciation of the asset ceases. Depreciation will resume only when the residual value decreases to an amount below the asset's carrying amount.

   3.5    Intangible assets 

Intangible assets are initially recognised at cost. Subsequently, the assets are measured at cost less accumulated armotisation and any accumulated impairment losses.

   3.6    Shareholders' funds 

Shareholders' funds refers to the total investment made by the shareholders to the Group and it consists of share capital, share premium, share options reserve, retained earnings, redeemable ordinary shares and subordinated term loans.

   4.             INTEREST INCOME 
                                      30 June 2014    30 June 2013 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                               US$             US$ 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Loans and advances to banks               737 933         936 587 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Loans and advances to customers        14 149 747      15 038 076 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Investment securities                     115 461         124 426 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 Other                                      30 519             107 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                    --------------   ------------- 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                        15 033 660      16 099 196 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
                                          ========        ======== 
---------------------------------  ---------------  -------------- 
   5.1    Fee and commission income 
                                         30 June 2014    30 June 2013 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                  US$             US$ 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Retail banking customer fees               5 416 345       6 503 259 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Corporate banking credit - related 
  fees                                         94 932         172 005 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Financial guarantee income                    58 623          95 395 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 International banking customer fees          824 634         820 106 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Corporate finance fees                       420 033               - 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                        -------------   ------------- 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                            6 814 567       7 590 765 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                             ========        ======== 
-------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
   5.2    non-interest income 
                                                30 June 2014    30 June 2013 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                         US$             US$ 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net (losses)/gains from quoted and 
  other investments                                  (7 374)          37 494 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Fair value adjustment on non-current 
  assets held for sale                                     -        (75 300) 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit on disposal of property and                    5 365               - 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit on disposal of unquoted investments           21 055               - 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit on disposal of associate                           -         580 137 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Insurance claims and recoveries                      41 433           4 962 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Rental income                                        30 651          16 940 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Profit on disposal of quoted investments            408 725               - 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Other net operating income/(loss)                     9 724         (2 504) 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                               -------------   ------------- 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                     509 579         561 729 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                    ========        ======== 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
   6.      Operating EXPENDITURE 
                                            30 June 2014    30 June 2013 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                     US$             US$ 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 The operating profit is after charging 
  the following:- 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Administration costs                          6 156 186       6 279 681 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Staff costs - salaries, allowances 
  and related costs                            6 089 477       5 880 682 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Amortisation of intangible assets               161 435          46 373 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Depreciation                                    945 146         818 851 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                           -------------   ------------- 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                              13 352 244      13 025 587 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                ========        ======== 
----------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
   7.      taxation 
                            30 June 2014     30 June 2013 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                     US$              US$ 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Income tax expense 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Current tax                   1 154 671        1 808 389 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Aids levy                        34 640           54 252 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Deferred tax                  (717 009)        (987 362) 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Capital gains tax                 8 500          264 024 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                             -----------    ------------- 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                 480 802        1 139 303 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                 =======         ======== 
--------------------  ------------------  --------------- 

Impairment losses are applied to write off loans and advances in part or in whole when they are considered partly or wholly irrecoverable. The aggregate impairment losses which are made during the year are dealt with as per paragraph 8.3.

   8.1    Specific provisions 

Specific provisions are made where the repayment of identified loans and advances is in doubt and reflect estimates of the loss. Loans and advances are written off against specific provisions once the probability of recovering any significant amounts becomes remote.

   8.2    Portfolio provisions 

The portfolio provision relates to the inherent risk of losses which, although not separately identified, is known to be present in any loan portfolio.

8.3 Regulatory Guidelines and International Financial Reporting Standards Requirements

The Banking Regulations 2000 gives guidance on provisioning for doubtful debts and stipulates certain minimum percentages to be applied to the respective categories of the loan book.

International Accounting Standard 39, Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement (IAS 39), prescribes the provisioning for impairment losses based on the actual loan losses incurred in the past applied to the sectoral analysis of book debts and the discounting of expected cash flows on specific problem accounts.

The two prescriptions are likely to give different results. The Group has taken the view that where the IAS 39 charge is less than the amount provided for in the Banking Regulations, the difference is recognized directly in equity as a transfer from retained earnings to a regulatory reserve and where it is more, the full amount will be charged to the profit or loss.

   8.4    Non-performing loans 

Interest on loans and advances is accrued to income until such time as reasonable doubt exists about its collectability, thereafter and until all or part of the loan is written off, interest continues to accrue on customers' accounts, but is not included in income. Such suspended interest is deducted from loans and advances in the statement of financial position. This policy meets the requirements of the Banking Regulations 2000 issued by the RBZ.


Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to ordinary equity holders of NMBZ Holdings Limited by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of NMBZ Holdings Limited adjusted for the after tax effect of: (a) any dividends or other items related to dilutive potential ordinary shares deducted in arriving at profit or loss attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent entity; (b) any interest recognised in the period related to dilute potential ordinary shares; (c) any other changes in income or expense that would result from the conversion of the dilutive potential ordinary shares, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.

   9.1    Earnings 
          30 June 2014   30 June 2013 
-------  -------------  ------------- 
                   US$            US$ 
-------  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic       1 386 233      2 672 911 
-------  -------------  ------------- 
   9.2    Number of shares 
                                                             30 June 2014                    30 June 2013 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 9.2.1 Basic earnings per share 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for basic 
  earnings per share                                          384 427 401                     280 710 729 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 9.2.2 Diluted earnings per share 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Number of share at beginning of 
  period                                                      384 427 401                     280 710 729 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Shares issued                                                          -                     103 716 672 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Redeemable ordinary shares (note 
  10.2.2)                                                               -                     103 714 287 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Shares issued on consolidation                                         -                           2 385 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Effect of dilution: 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Shares options granted but not exercised                       5 035 634                         907 200 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
 Share options approved but not yet 
  granted                                                      23 942 639                         167 087 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                                         ----------------              ------------------ 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                                              413 405 674                     385 501 688 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                                              ===========               =========== 
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   9.3    Earnings per share (US cents) 
                  30 June 2014   30 June 2013 
---------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic                    0.36           0.95 
---------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Diluted basic            0.34           0.69 
---------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                   Restated                                   Restated 
---------------  -------------------  ------------------------  -----------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                        30 June 2014               31 December      30 June       30 June    31 December       30 June 
                                                          2014         2013          2014           2013          2013 
---------------  -------------------  ------------------------  -----------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                              Shares                    Shares                        US$            US$ 
---------------  -------------------  ------------------------  -----------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                             million                   million 
---------------  -------------------  ------------------------  -----------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
---------------  -------------------  ------------------------  -----------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
  of US$0.00028 
  each                           600                       600          600       168 000        168 000       168 000 
---------------  -------------------  ------------------------  -----------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                ====                      ====         ====         =====          =====        ====== 
---------------  -------------------  ------------------------  -----------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 

10.2 Issued and fully paid

10.2.1 Ordinary shares

                                                         Restated                                         Restated 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                        30 June 2014   31 December   30 June 2013   30 June 2014   31 December 2013   30 June 2013 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                              Shares        Shares                           US$                US$ 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                             million       million 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Ordinary shares                 600           600            600        168 000            168 000        168 000 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                                ====          ====           ====          =====              =====         ====== 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 

10.2.2 Reedemable ordinary shares

                                                   Restated                                         Restated 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                  30 June 2014   31 December   30 June 2013   30 June 2014   31 December 2013   30 June 2013 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                        Shares        Shares                           US$                US$ 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                       million       million 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 At 1 January              104             -              -         29 040                  -              - 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Shares issued               -           104            104              -             29 040         29 040 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                      --------      --------       --------    -----------        -----------    ----------- 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                           104           104            104         29 040             29 040         29 040 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 
                          ====          ====           ====          =====              =====         ====== 
---------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  -----------------  ------------- 

Of the unissued ordinary shares of 215 million shares (2013 - 215 million), options which may be granted in terms of the 2012 ESOS amount to 28 071 073 and as at 30 June 2014, 4 128 434 share options had been issued.

Subject to the provisions of section 183 of the Companies Act (Chapter 24:03), the unissued shares are under the control of the directors.

-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
                                  30 June 2014         31 December    30 June 2013 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
                                           US$                 US$             US$ 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
 Balance at 1 January               14 335 253                   -               - 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
 Transfer from share capital                 -              29 040          29 040 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
 Transfer from share premium                 -          14 306 213      14 306 213 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
                                --------------   -----------------   ------------- 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
                                    14 335 253          14 335 253      14 335 253 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 
                                     =========          ==========       ========= 
-----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 

The Company received on 30 June 2013 US$14 831 145 capital from Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij Voor Ontiwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO), Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund) and AfricInvest Financial Sector Holdings (AfricInvest) who were allocated 34 571 429 shares each (total of 103 714 287) for individually investing US$4 943 715. This amount, net of share issue expenses, was used to recapitalise the Bank in order to contribute towards the minimum capital requirements set by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe of US$100 million by 31 December 2020.

NMBZ Holdings Limited (NMBZ) entered into a share buy-back agreement with Norfund, FMO and AfricInvest, where these three strategic investors have a right on their own discretion at any time after the 5(th) anniversary but before the 9(th) anniversary of its first subscription date, to request NMBZ to buy back all or part of its NMBZ shares at a price to be determined as the subscription price of US$0.143 plus the proportionate share of the distributable reserves above the minimum regulatory capital at the point of exercising the share buy back . Further, no buy-back option can be exercised by any investor after the 9(th) anniversary of the effective date.

The share buy-back agreement creates a potential obligation for NMBZ Holdings Limited to purchase its own instruments. Thus shares issued gave rise to a financial liability and are classified as redeemable ordinary shares.

The investment by the three strategic investors was classified as ordinary shares as at 30 June 2013 but was subsequently reclassified to redeemable ordinary shares in the results for the year ended 31 December 2013.

The effect of this change on the 30 June 2013 results is summarised below:

                                                       30 June 2013 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive income 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Effect on income and expenses                                    - 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Decrease in share capital                                 (29 040) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Decrease in capital reserves                          (14 306 213) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Increase in redeemable ordinary shares                  14 335 253 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Effect on shareholders' funds                                    - 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                             30 June 2014    31 December 2013     30 June 2013 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                      US$                 US$              US$ 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 At 1 January                   1 485 890                   -                - 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Subordinated term loan                 -           1 400 000        1 400 000 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Interest capitalised              86 016              85 890                - 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Interest repaid                 (85 890)                   -                - 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                           --------------   -----------------   -------------- 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                1 486 016           1 485 890        1 400 000 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                =========          ==========        ========= 
------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------- 

In 2013, the Bank received a subordinated term loan amounting to US$1.4 million from a Development Financial Institution which attracts an interest rate of LIBOR plus 10% and has a seven year maturity date from the first disbursement date.

The loan was initially classified as a deposit as at 30 June 2013 but was subsequently reclassified to shareholders' funds in the results for the year ended 31 December 2013.

The effect of this change on the 30 June 2013 results is summarised below:

                                                       30 June 2013 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive income 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Effect on income and expense                                     - 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Decrease in deposits and other accounts                (1 400 000) 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Increase in shareholders' funds                          1 400 000 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 

The above liability would, in the event of the winding up of the issuer, be subordinated to the claims of depositors and all other creditors of the issuer. The Group has not had any defaults of the principal, interest and other breaches with respect to this subordinated loan during the six months period ended 30 June 2014.

13. DepositS and other accounts

13.1 Deposits and other accounts

-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
                                    30 June 2014    31 December 2013       30 June 2013 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
                                             US$                 US$                US$ 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Deposits from banks and other 
  financial institutions              48 479 775          52 338 708         46 592 182 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Current and deposit accounts        165 315 456         158 876 358        162 681 607 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
                                  --------------   -----------------   ---------------- 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Total deposits                      213 795 231         211 215 066        209 273 789 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Trade and other payables              5 373 363           4 826 643          5 835 948 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
                                  --------------   -----------------    --------------- 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
                                     219 168 594         216 041 709        215 109 737 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
                                       =========          ==========         ========== 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------------- 

13.2 Maturity analysis

---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                           30 June 2014   31 December 2013       30 June 2013 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                    US$                US$                US$ 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Less than one month        159 326 911        160 919 521        169 304 967 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 1 to 3 months               15 542 250         28 819 465         10 836 168 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 3 to 6 months               16 048 644          2 163 310         20 220 081 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 6 months to 1 year           8 986 475          1 697 507          1 769 715 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 1 to 5 years                13 890 951         17 615 263          7 142 858 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Over 5 years                         -                  -                  - 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                        ---------------    ---------------   ---------------- 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                            213 795 231        211 215 066        209 273 789 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                             ==========          =========        =========== 
---------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 

13.3 Sectoral analysis of deposits

---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
                                 30 June 2014               31 December                                30 June 
                                                             2013                                         2013 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
                                          US$          %               US$               %                 US$       % 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Agriculture                        8 044 176          4         9 731 279               4           6 659 542       3 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Banks and financial 
  services                         48 479 775         22        52 338 708              25          46 592 182      22 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Distribution                      21 647 370         10        21 091 778              10          19 842 897       9 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Individuals                       27 570 708         13        28 425 938              13          33 320 712      16 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Manufacturing                     28 035 050         13        26 723 790              13          25 123 778      12 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Mining companies                   4 079 517          2         3 035 997               1           4 171 466       2 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
  parastatals                      10 250 389          5        10 509 776               5          16 266 626       8 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Other deposits                    25 396 221         12        20 727 019              10          20 766 674      10 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Services                          33 929 554         16        32 933 385              16          30 184 949      15 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
 Transport and 
  companies                         6 362 471          3         5 697 396               3           6 344 963       3 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
                              ---------------   --------   ---------------            ----   -----------------   ----- 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
                                                                                                       209 273 
                                  213 795 231        100       211 215 066             100                 789     100 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 
                                    =========       ====         =========             ===          ==========     === 
---------------------  ----------------------  ---------  ----------------  --------------  ------------------  ------ 

14.1 Investment securities held to maturity

                          30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                   US$                US$ 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 RBZ Bonds 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 1 January        4 685 471          5 501 963 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Maturity                            -          (969 004) 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Interest                       78 425            152 512 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                         -------------     -------------- 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                             4 763 896          4 685 471 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                              ========           ======== 
----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 

14.2 Maturity analysis of investment securities held to maturity

                         30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                  US$                US$ 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Less than one month                -                  - 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 1 to 3 months                      -                  - 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 3 to 6 months              2 502 886          2 424 461 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 6 months to 1 year           969 004            969 004 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 1 to 5 years               1 292 006          1 292 006 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Over 5 years                       -                  - 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                        -------------      ------------- 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                            4 763 896          4 685 471 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                             ========           ======== 
---------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
   14.3   Fair values of financial instruments 

14.3.1 Financial instruments measured at fair value - fair value hierarchy

                       30 June 2014       Level 1         Level 2          Level 3 
--------------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                                US$          2013             US$              US$ 
--------------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Trade investments           76 202             -               -           76 202 
--------------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Quoted investments         138 477       138 477               -                - 
--------------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                        -----------   -----------   -------------   -------------- 
--------------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                            214 679       138 477               -           76 202 
--------------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                            =======       =======        ========         ======== 
--------------------  -------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 

During the reporting period ended 30 June 2014, there were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements, and no transfers into and out of Level 3 fair value measurements. The trade investments were valued using the net asset value method.

                       31 December 2013       Level 1         Level 2          Level 3 
--------------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                                    US$          2013             US$              US$ 
--------------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Trade investments              190 148             -               -          190 148 
--------------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
 Quoted investments             145 850       145 850               -                - 
--------------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                            -----------   -----------   -------------   -------------- 
--------------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                                335 998       145 850               -          190 148 
--------------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 
                                =======       =======        ========         ======== 
--------------------  -----------------  ------------  --------------  --------------- 

During the reporting period ended 31 December 2013, there were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements, and no transfers into and out of Level 3 fair value measurements.

Level 3 fair value measurements

Reconciliation of Trade investments

                                  30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                           US$                US$ 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Opening balance                       190 148            195 790 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Total loss in profit or loss                -            (5 642) 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Disposal                            (113 946)                  - 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                 -------------     -------------- 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Closing balance                        76 202            190 148 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                      ========           ======== 
------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 

14.3.2Financial instruments not measured at fair value

The table below sets out the fair values of financial instruments not measured at fair value and analyses them by the level in the fair value hierarchy into which each fair value measurement is categorised.

30 June 2014

                                                                                             Total carrying 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                                        Level 1            Level 2              Level 3              Amount 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                                            US$                US$                  US$                 US$ 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    -         56 122 895                    -          56 122 895 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Advances and other 
  assets                                      -        179 128 700                    -         179 128 700 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Investment in debentures                     -          4 117 756                    -           4 117 756 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Investment securities 
  held to 
  maturity                                    -          4 763 896                    -           4 763 896 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                               ----------------   ----------------    -----------------   ----------------- 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Total                                        -        244 133 247                    -         244 133 247 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                                     ==========         ==========          ===========          ========== 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Deposits and other 
  liabilities                                 -        219 168 594                    -         219 168 594 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                                ---------------   ----------------   ------------------     --------------- 
---------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                                              -        219 168 594                    -         219 168 594 
 ----------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                                       ========         ==========          ===========          ========== 
 ----------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ------------------ 

The fair value of the financial assets and liabilities are included at the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair values:

-- The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, advances and other assets and deposits and other liabilities carrying amounts approximate their fair values largely due to the short - term maturities of these instruments.

-- Fair value of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss is derived from quoted market prices in active markets. If quoted market prices are not available the fair value is estimated using pricing models or discounted cash flow techniques.

                                       30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                                US$                US$ 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Balances with Central Bank               9 635 428         13 480 628 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Current, nostro accounts and cash       21 387 467         31 391 355 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Interbank placements                    25 100 000          4 000 000 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                      -------------     -------------- 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                         56 122 895         48 871 983 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                           ========           ======== 
-----------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                    30 June 2013   31 December 2012 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             US$                US$ 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Debentures                            4 787 074          4 787 074 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Provision for impairment loss         (669 318)          (802 351) 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                  --------------      ------------- 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                       4 117 756          3 984 723 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                       =========           ======== 
-------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 

The Bank has convertible debentures with a carrying amount of US$4 787 074 with a maturity of 5 years from inception. The debentures are at an interest rate of 10% per annum. The Bank has an option to convert the debentures to equity or redeem the debentures at par on or before the maturity date of 9 March 2018.

   17.1     Total loans, advances and other accounts 
                                     30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 17.1.1 Advances                              US$                US$ 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Fixed term loans                      20 240 766         21 711 476 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Local loans and overdrafts           157 927 045        159 806 508 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                   --------------    --------------- 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                      178 167 811        181 517 984 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Reclassification to debentures       (4 117 756)        (3 984 723) 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Other accounts                         5 078 645          3 783 010 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                   --------------     -------------- 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                      179 128 700        181 316 271 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                        =========           ======== 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 17.1.2 Maturity analysis 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                         30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                                  US$                US$ 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Less than one month                      128 956 729        118 711 869 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 1 to three months                         10 943 824         18 082 940 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 3 to 6 months                              2 695 378          3 826 276 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 6 months to 1 year                         4 261 535          2 869 815 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 1 to 5 years                              46 762 570         51 286 898 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Over 5 years                                       -                  - 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                      ---------------    --------------- 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Total advances                           193 620 036        194 777 798 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
  Provision for impairment losses 
   on loans and advances                 (13 266 246)       (11 685 201) 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Suspended interest                       (2 185 979)        (1 574 613) 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                     ----------------    --------------- 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                          178 167 811        181 517 984 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Reclassification to debentures           (4 117 756)        (3 984 723) 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Other accounts                             5 078 645          3 783 010 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                      ---------------    --------------- 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                          179 128 700        181 316 271 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                           ==========          ========= 
----------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 

17.2 Sectoral analysis of utilisations

                                   30 June 2014                        31 December 2013 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
                                            US$        %                            US$      % 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Agriculture and horticulture        11 901 579        6                     11 208 448      6 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Conglomerates                       10 123 896        4                      9 190 491      4 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Distribution                        45 605 482       24                     46 458 831     24 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Food & beverages                       634 913        -                        480 502      - 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Individuals                         45 505 188       24                     46 499 825     24 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Manufacturing                       37 811 883       20                     36 880 202     19 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Mining                                 401 330        -                      1 584 085      1 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
 Services                            41 635 765       22                     42 475 414     22 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
                                 --------------   ------                ---------------   ---- 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
                                    193 620 036      100                    194 777 798    100 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 
                                      =========      ===                      =========    === 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------------------  ----- 

The material concentration of loans and advances are in the distribution sector at 24% (2013-24%) and individuals at 24% (2013-24%).

17.3 Allowance for impairment losses on loans, advances and debentures

                                     30 June 2014                                        31 December 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                        Specific        Portfolio            Total          Specific       Portfolio             Total 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                             US$              US$              US$               US$             US$               US$ 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                          11 427 
 At 1 January                356          257 845       11 685 201         7 164 064         105 735         7 269 799 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Charge against                                                               16 493                            16 645 
  profits              1 567 875           13 170        1 581 045               700         152 110               810 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Bad debts 
  Written                                                                    (12 230                           (12 230 
  off                          -                -                -              408)               -              408) 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                   -------------     ------------   --------------   ---------------    ------------   --------------- 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                          12 995                                              11 427                            11 685 
 Balance                     231          271 015       13 266 246               356         257 845               201 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                        ========          =======        =========         =========        ========         ========= 
----------------  --------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  ---------------- 
   17.4     Non-performing loans and advances 
                                             30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                                      US$                US$ 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Total non-performing loans and advances       38 739 836         38 730 878 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Provision for impairment loss on loans 
  and advances                               (12 995 231)       (11 427 356) 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Provision for impairment losses on 
  debentures (note 16)                            669 318            802 351 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Suspended interest                           (2 185 979)        (1 574 613) 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                            -------------     -------------- 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Residue                                       24 227 944         26 531 260 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
                                                 ========           ======== 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ----------------- 

The residue of these accounts represents recoverable portions covered by realisable security.


18.1 Investment in African Century Limited

The Group had a 24.79% interest in African Century Limited, which is involved in the provision of lease finance. The investment was disposed off on the 29(th) of May 2013 for a consideration of US$1 850 000.

African Century Limited is a company that is not listed on any public exchange. The following table illustrates the summarized unaudited and audited financial information of the Group's investment in African Century Limited:

                                                   30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                            US$                US$ 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                      Unaudited            Audited 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Associate's statement of financial position 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Current assets                                               -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Non-current assets                                           -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Current liabilities                                          -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Non - current liabilities                                    -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                  -------------     -------------- 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Equity                                                       -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                      =========          ========= 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Share of associate's equity                                  -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                      =========         ========== 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Associate's revenue and profit 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Revenue                                                      -          2 208 806 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                      =========         ========== 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Profit                                                       -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                      =========         ========== 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Share of associate's profit                                  -            217 768 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                      =========         ========== 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Reconciliation of carrying amount of 
  investment in 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 1 January                                         -          1 025 919 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Share of profits of associate                                -            217 768 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Disposal of investment                                       -        (1 243 687) 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                 --------------   ---------------- 
 --------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance                                                      -                  - 
---------------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                     ==========         ========== 
 --------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 

18.2 Investment in Altiwave Investments (Private) Limited

NMB Bank Limited has a 25.5% interest in Altiwave Investments (Private) Limited which is the holding company of Lobels Holdings (Private) Limited. The investment arose from a Scheme of Arrangement agreed to by Lobels Holdings (Private) Limited shareholders and creditors (banks, trade and employees). Lobels Holdings (Private) Limited is in the bread and confectionery business. Altiwave Investments (Private) Limited is a company that is not listed on any public exchange.

The following table illustrates the summarised unaudited financial information of the Group's investment in Altiwave Investments (Private) Limited:

                                          30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                                   US$                US$ 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             Unaudited          Unaudited 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Associate's statement of financial 
  position summary 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Current assets                              9 700 726          7 867 222 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Non-current assets                          9 928 174         15 487 433 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Current liabilities                       (6 289 153)       (10 717 574) 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Non-current liabilities                  (31 303 684)       (30 857 571) 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                         -------------     -------------- 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Equity                                   (17 963 937)       (18 220 490) 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             =========          ========= 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Share of associate's equity (25.5%)       (4 580 804)        (4 646 225) 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             =========         ========== 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
  Associate's revenue and profit 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Revenue                                    41 842 356         64 753 584 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             =========         ========== 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Profit                                      1 805 676          1 759 363 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             =========         ========== 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Share of associate's profit (25.5%)           460 447            448 632 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             =========         ========== 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                          30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                                   US$                US$ 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                             Unaudited          Unaudited 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Reconciliation of carrying amount 
  of investment in 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 1 January                                -                  - 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Increase in investment                              -                510 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Share of profits of associate                 460 447            448 638 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Allowance for impairement                   (460 447)          (449 148) 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                        --------------   ---------------- 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Balance                                             -                  - 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                            ==========         ========== 
-------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 1 January 2013                                 - 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Reclassification from property and 
  equipment                                          740 615 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Acquisitions                                      1 170 868 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 31 December 2013                       1 911 483 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Acquisitions                                        271 480 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2014                           2 182 963 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Accumulated amortisation and impairment 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 1 January 2013                                 - 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Reclassification from property and 
  equipment                                          116 398 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Amortisation for the year                           130 716 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 31 December 2013                         247 114 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Amortisation for the period                         161 435 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2014                             408 549 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Carrying amount 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 30 June 2014                           1 774 414 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 31 December 2013                       1 664 369 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------- 
                                                     Motor         Furniture                 Freehold 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                               Computers          vehicles         equipment                buildings           Total 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                                     US$               US$               US$                      US$             US$ 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Balance at 1 January                                                                                          11 318 
  2013                         2 696 533         3 322 357         2 484 201                2 815 724             815 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                                                                                                                1 506 
 Additions                       340 606           682 969           459 413                   23 381             369 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Revaluation gain                      -                 -                 -                    4 803           4 803 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
  to intangible 
  assets                       (740 615)                 -                 -                        -       (740 615) 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Disposals                       (9 862)           (2 198)          (29 250)                        -        (41 310) 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                           -------------       -----------     -------------              -----------   ------------- 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 At 31 December                                                                                                12 048 
  2013                     2 288 662             4 003 128         2 914 364                2 843 908             062 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Additions                       224 815           331 475            60 446                        -         616 736 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Disposals                           (5)           (5 400)               (2)                        -         (5 407) 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                         ---------------     -------------    --------------             ------------      ---------- 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Balance at 30                                                                                                 12 659 
  June 2014                    2 511 472         4 329 203         2 974 808             2 843 908                391 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                           -------------     -------------     -------------             ------------     ----------- 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                                                                                                                3 131 
 At 1 January 2013               846 183           985 396         1 254 054                   45 723             356 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Charge for the                                                                                                 1 695 
  year                           308 164           910 994           435 589                   41 109             856 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
  to intangible 
  assets                       (116 398)                 -                 -                        -       (116 398) 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Disposals                       (8 637)           (1 966)          (25 092)                        -        (35 695) 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                          --------------    --------------   ---------------            -------------    ------------ 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Balance at 31 
  December                                                                                                      4 675 
  2013                         1 029 312         1 894 424         1 664 551                   86 832             119 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Charge for the 
  period                         170 410           515 775           231 332                   27 629         945 146 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Disposals                           (5)           (5 400)               (1)                        -         (5 406) 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                          --------------   ---------------     -------------             ------------   ------------- 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Balance at 30                                                                                                  5 614 
  June 2014                    1 199 717         2 404 799         1 895 882                  114 461             859 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                          --------------    --------------     -------------              -----------    ------------ 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 Carrying amount 
  At                                                                                                            7 044 
  30 June 2014                 1 311 755         1 924 404         1 078 926                2 729 447             532 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                                ========           =======          ========                  =======        ======== 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
 At 31 December                                                                                                 7 372 
  2013                         1 257 350         2 108 704         1 249 813                2 757 076             943 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                                ========           =======           =======                  =======        ======== 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                                                                                                                8 187 
 At 1 January 2013             1 850 350         2 336 961         1 230 147                2 770 001             459 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
                                ========            ======           =======                  =======        ======== 
----------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  -----------------------  -------------- 

Measurement of fair value

Fair value hierarchy

Immovable properties were revalued as at 31 December 2013 on the basis of valuations carried out by independent professional valuers, PMA Real Estate (Private) Limited. The valuation which conforms to International Valuation Standards, was in terms of the policy as set out in the accounting policies section. All movable assets are measured at their carrying amounts which are arrived at by the application of a depreciation charge on their cost values over the useful lives of the assets.

The valuation of land and buildings was arrived by applying yield rates of 9.5% on rental levels of between US$6 - US$8 per square metre.

During the period under review, the Directors assessed the fair values of the land and buildings and concluded that there were no material changes to the fair values obtained by the professional valuers as at 31 December 2013.

The carrying cost less accumulated depreciation of the land and buildings had revaluations not been performed would be US$3 391 957 as at 30 June 2014 (31 December 2013 -US$3 419 586).

Level 3

The fair value of immovable properties of US$2 729 447 has been categorised under Level 3 in fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used for the valuation technique highlighted above.

The following table shows the reconciliation between the opening and closing balances for Level 3 fair values:

                       30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                US$                US$ 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 At 1 January             2 757 076          2 770 001 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Additions                        -             23 381 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Revaluation gain                 -              4 803 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Depreciation              (27 629)           (41 109) 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                     --------------   ---------------- 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Balance                  2 729 447          2 757 076 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                           ========          ========= 
------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                     30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                              US$                US$ 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Capital expenditure contracted 
  for                                     585 000          1 157 882 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 Capital expenditure authorised 
  but not yet contracted for            2 173 788          2 294 978 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                   --------------   ---------------- 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                        2 758 788          3 452 860 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                         ========          ========= 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------- 

The capital expenditure will be funded from internal resources.

                            30 June 2014    31 December 2013 
---------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                                     US$                 US$ 
---------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Guarantees                    2 192 919             869 778 
---------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Commitments to lend          31 111 497          41 195 923 
---------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                        ----------------   ----------------- 
---------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                              33 304 416          42 065 701 
---------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
                               =========          ========== 
---------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 


The following exchange rates have been used to translate the foreign currency balances to United States of America dollars (US$) at period end:-

                                      Mid-rate           Mid-rate 
------------------------  -----  -------------  ----------------- 
                                  30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
------------------------  -----  -------------  ----------------- 
                                           US$                US$ 
------------------------  -----  -------------  ----------------- 
 British Pound Sterling     GBP         1.7029             1.6014 
------------------------  -----  -------------  ----------------- 
 South African Rand         ZAR        10.5835             9.9487 
------------------------  -----  -------------  ----------------- 
 European Euro              EUR         1.3646             1.3697 
------------------------  -----  -------------  ----------------- 
 Botswana Pula              BWP         8.6806             8.5034 
------------------------  -----  -------------  ----------------- 



for the six months ended 30 June 2014

                                                                   30 June 2014      30 June 2013 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                            US$               US$ 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                      Unaudited          Reviewed 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Interest income                                                     15 033 660        16 099 198 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Interest expense                                                   (6 502 936)       (6 610 712) 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                ---------------   --------------- 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Net interest income                                                  8 530 724         9 488 486 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Net foreign exchange gains                                             945 309           866 453 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Fee and commission income                                            6 814 567         7 590 765 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                ---------------   --------------- 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Net operating income                                                16 290 600        17 945 704 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Non-interest income/(loss)          a                                  496 018          (54 645) 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Operating expenditure               b                             (13 345 786)      (13 009 202) 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Impairment losses on loans, 
  advances and 
  debentures                                                        (1 581 045)       (1 887 537) 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                               ----------------   --------------- 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Profit before taxation                                               1 859 787         2 994 320 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Taxation                                                             (478 303)         (815 104) 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                 --------------   --------------- 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Profit for the period                                                1 381 484         2 179 216 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Other comprehensive income,                                                  -                 - 
  net of tax 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                 --------------    -------------- 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the 
  period                                                              1 381 484         2 179 216 
----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                                       ========        ========== 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Earnings per share (US cents): 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 
     -Basic                          c                                     8.37             13.21 
--------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------------  ---------------- 


As at 30 June 2014

                                           30 June 2014     31 December 2013 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                                    US$                  US$ 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                              Unaudited              Audited 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 EQUITY                         Note 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Share capital                    d              16 506               16 506 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Capital reserves                            35 723 458           33 628 754 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Retained earnings                            8 089 759            8 802 979 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                          -------------       -------------- 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Total shareholder's funds                   43 829 723           42 448 239 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Deposits and other accounts                219 126 801          216 020 406 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Subordinated term loan                       1 486 016            1 485 890 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                        ---------------      --------------- 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Total liabilities                          220 612 817          217 506 296 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                         --------------      --------------- 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Total shareholder's funds 
  and liabilities                           264 442 540          259 954 535 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                              =========            ========= 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents        e          56 122 895           48 871 983 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Current tax assets                             564 834            1 657 722 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Investment securities held 
  to maturity                                 4 763 896            4 685 471 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Amount owing from Holding 
  Company                                       726 527              747 044 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Investment in debentures                     4 117 756            3 984 723 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Loans, advances and other 
  accounts                                  179 049 163          181 371 734 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Non - current asset held 
  for sale                        g           2 264 300            2 303 300 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Unquoted investments                            76 202               76 202 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Deferred tax assets                          3 542 522            2 833 744 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Investment properties            f           4 395 500            4 385 300 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Intangible assets                            1 774 414            1 664 369 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Property and equipment                       7 044 531            7 372 943 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                         --------------   ------------------ 
-----------------------------  ------  ----------------  ------------------- 
 Total assets                               264 442 540          259 954 535 
-------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 
                                              =========            ========= 
 ------------------------------------  ----------------  ------------------- 


for the six months ended 30 June 2014

                                                      Capital Reserves 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------------------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                            Share Capital   Share Premium      Regulatory Reserve   Retained Earnings            Total 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                      US$             US$                     US$                 US$              US$ 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Balances at 1 January 
  2013                             16 502      15 577 932               2 301 683          12 487 547       30 383 664 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Shares issued                          4      15 896 570                       -                   -       15 896 574 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the six months                    -               -                       -           2 179 216        2 179 216 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Impairment allowance 
  for loans and advances                -               -               2 114 005         (2 114 005)                - 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                              -----------    ------------          --------------      --------------   -------------- 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Balances at 30 June 2013          16 506      31 474 502               4 415 688          12 552 758       48 459 454 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the six months                    -               -                       -         (6 011 215)      (6 011 215) 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Impairment allowance for 
  loans and 
  advances                              -               -             (2 261 436)           2 261 436                - 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                             ------------   -------------          --------------        ------------     ------------ 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Balances at 31 December 
  2013                             16 506      31 474 502               2 154 252           8 802 979       42 448 239 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the six months                    -               -                       -           1 381 484        1 381 434 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Impairment allowance for 
  loans and advances                    -               -               2 094 704         (2 094 704)                - 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                            -------------   -------------            ------------        ------------   -------------- 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
 Balances at 30 June 2014          16 506      31 474 502               4 248 956           8 089 759       43 829 723 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
                                 ========        ========                ========            ========         ======== 
-------------------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------  --------------- 


for the six months ended 30 June 2014

------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                         30 June 2014          30 June 2013 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                                  US$                   US$ 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                            Unaudited              Reviewed 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Profit before taxation                                     1 859 787             2 994 320 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Non-cash items 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 -Impairment losses on loans, advances 
  and debentures                                            1 581 045             1 887 537 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 -Non - current assets held for sale fair 
  value adjustment                                                  -                75 300 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 -Profit on disposal of property and equipment                (5 365)                     - 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 -Quoted and other investments fair value 
  adjustment                                                        -               (1 237) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 -Amortisation of intangible assets                           161 435                46 373 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 -Depreciation                                                945 146               818 851 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                     ----------------   ------------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Operating cash flows before changes in 
  operating assets and liabilities                          4 542 048             5 821 144 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Deposits and other liabilities                             3 106 395            21 353 382 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Amount owing from holding company                             20 517               314 842 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Loans, advances and other accounts                           741 526          (33 205 251) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Investment in debentures                                   (133 033)           (3 984 723) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------   ------------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                            8 277 453           (9 700 606) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------   ------------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Corporate tax paid                                          (92 442)           (2 127 185) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Capital gains tax paid                                       (1 750)               (1 425) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------    ------------------ 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating 
  activities                                                8 183 261          (11 829 216) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------    ------------------ 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Proceeds on disposal of property and equipment                 5 365                     - 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Acquisition of intangible assets                           (271 480)                     - 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Purchase of property and equipment                         (616 736)           (1 161 728) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Acquisition of investment property                          (10 200)                     - 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Proceeds on disposal of non - current 
  assets held for sale                                         39 000                28 500 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Investment securities held to maturity                      (78 424)              (76 107) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                     ----------------     ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Net cash outflow from investing activities                 (932 475)           (1 209 335) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------     ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 
  activities                                                7 250 786          (13 038 551) 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------     ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Issue of shares                                                    -            15 896 574 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Repayment of interest on subordinated                       (85 890)                     - 
  term loan 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Interest capitalized on subordinated term                     86 016                     - 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------    ------------------ 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Net cash inflow from financing activities                        126            15 896 574 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                    -----------------     ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                  7 250 912             2 858 023 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the period                                            48 871 983            58 171 045 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                   ------------------     ----------------- 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of 
  the period                                               56 122 895            61 029 068 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 
                                                           ==========            ========== 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------- 


for the six months ended 30 June 2014

There are no material differences between the Bank and the Holding company as the Bank is the principal operating subsidiary of the Group. The notes to the financial statements under NMBZ Holdings Limited are therefore the same as those of the Bank in every material respect.

   a.      NON-INTEREST income/(LOSS) 
                                                   30 June 2014     30 June 2013 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                            US$              US$ 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Rental income                                           30 651           16 940 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Non - current assets held for sale fair 
  value adjustments                                           -         (75 300) 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Unquoted investments fair value adjustments                  -            1 237 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Insurance claims and recoveries                         41 433            4 962 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Profit on disposal of property and equipment             5 365                - 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Profit on disposal of quoted investments               408 725                - 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Other net operating income/(loss)                        9 844          (2 484) 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                 --------------   -------------- 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                        496 018         (54 645) 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                       ========         ======== 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
   b.      Operating EXPENDITURE 
                                             30 June 2014     30 June 2013 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                      US$              US$ 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 The operating profit is after charging 
  the following:- 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Administration costs                           6 156 186        6 637 891 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Staff costs - salaries, allowances and 
  related costs                                 6 083 019        5 506 087 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                161 435           46 373 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Depreciation                                     945 146          818 851 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                           --------------   -------------- 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
 Total                                         13 345 786       13 009 202 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                 ========         ======== 
----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following figures:

   c.1    Earnings 
          30 June 2014   30 June 2013 
-------  -------------  ------------- 
                   US$            US$ 
-------  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic       1 381 484      2 179 216 
-------  -------------  ------------- 
   c.2    Number of shares 
 Weighted average shares in issue    16 506 050   16 501 075 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
   c.3    Earnings per share (US cents) 
 Basic    8.37   13.21 
-------  -----  ------ 
   d.      SHARE CAPITAL 
   d.1    Authorised 

The authorised ordinary share capital at 30 June 2014 is at the historical cost figure of US$25 000 (2013 - US$25 000) comprising 25 million ordinary shares of US$0.001 each.

   d.2    Issued and fully paid 

The issued share capital at 30 June 2014 is at the historical cost figure of US$16 506 (2013 - US$16 506) comprising 16.506 million ordinary shares of US$0.001 each.

                                         30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                  US$                US$ 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Balances with the Central Bank             9 635 428         13 480 628 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Current, nostro accounts and cash         21 387 467         31 391 355 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Interbank placements                      25 100 000          4 000 000 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                      ---------------     -------------- 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                           56 122 895         48 871 983 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                            =========          ========= 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                         30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                  US$                US$ 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Balance at 1 January                       4 385 300          3 115 300 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Additions                                     10 200            769 550 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Transfers to non - current assets 
  held for sale                                     -           (95 000) 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Fair value adjustments                             -            595 450 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                      ---------------     -------------- 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Balance                                    4 395 500          4 385 300 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                            =========           ======== 
-----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 

Investment properties comprise a commercial property and residential properties that are leased out to third parties and land held for future development. All investment properties were not encumbered.

Measurement of fair value

Fair value hierarchy

The fair value of the Bank's investment properties as at 31 December 2013 was arrived at on the basis of valuations carried out by independent professional valuers, PMA Real Estate (Private) Limited. The valuation which conforms to International Valuation Standards, was in terms of the policy as set out in the accounting policies section and was derived with reference to market information close to the date of the valuation.

The values were arrived at by applying yield rates of 9.5% on rental levels of between US$6 - US$8 per square metre. The properties are leased out under operating lease to various tenants.

During the period under review, the Directors assessed the fair values of the non-current assets held for sale and concluded that there were no material changes to the fair values as obtained by the professional valuers as at 31 December 2013.

The Bank has no restrictions on the realisability of all investment properties and no contractual obligations to purchase, construct or develop the investment properties or for repairs, maintenance and enhancements.

Rental income amounting to US$30 651 (2013 - US$16 940) was received and no operating expenses were incurred on the investment properties in the current period due to the net leasing arrangements on the properties.

Level 2

The fair value for investment properties of US$2 585 500 has been categorised under Level 2 in fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used for the valuation technique highlighted above.

The following table shows the reconciliation between the opening and closing balances for Level 2 fair values:

                                               30 June 2014   31 December2013 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                                        US$               US$ 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 At 1 January                                     2 575 300         2 670 300 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Additions                                           10 200                 - 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Transfer to non-current assets held for 
  sale                                                    -          (95 000) 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Fair value adjustments                                   -                 - 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                            ---------------    -------------- 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Balance                                          2 585 500         2 575 300 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                                                  =========          ======== 
-----------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

Level 3

The fair value for investment properties of US$1 810 000 has been categorised under Level 3 in fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used for the valuation technique highlighted above.

The following table shows the reconciliation between the opening and closing balances for Level 3 fair values:

                              30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                       US$                US$ 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 At 1 January                    1 810 000            445 000 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Additions                               -            769 550 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Fair value adjustments                  -            595 450 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                           ---------------     -------------- 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Balance                         1 810 000          1 810 000 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                 =========           ======== 
------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 

Valuation technique and significant unobservable inputs

The following table shows the valuation technique used in measuring the fair value of investment properties, as well as the significant unobservable inputs used.

 Valuation technique                                           Significant unobservable      Inter-relationship 
                                                                inputs                        between key unobservable 
                                                                                              inputs and fair value 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                               .Expected market              .The estimated fair 
  *    Discounted cash flows:                                   rental growth                 value would increase 
                                                                (weighted average             (decrease) if: 
                                                                5%)                           -expected market rental 
 The discounting method                                         .Void period                  growth were higher 
 considers the present                                          (average 2 months             (lower); 
 value of the net cash                                          after the end of              -void periods were 
 flows to be generated                                          each lease)                   shorter (longer); 
 from the property,                                             .Occupancy rate (70-100%),    -the occupancy rates 
 taking into account                                            weighted average              were higher (lower); 
 expected growth rate,                                          95%)                          -the risk adjusted 
 void periods and occupancy                                     .Risk adjusted discount       discount rates were 
 rate.                                                          rates                         lower (higher). 
  *    The expected net cash flows are discounted using risk    (9.5% - 11.5%, weighted 
       adjusted discount rates.                                 average 9.5%) 
  *    Among other factors the discount rate estimation 
       considers the quality of the building and its 
       location (prime vs secondary), tenant credit quality 
       and lease terms. 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 


                                            30 June 2014   31 December 2013 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                                     US$                US$ 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Carrying amount as at 1 January               2 303 300          2 225 300 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Transfers from investment properties                  -             95 000 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Fair value adjustments                                -             21 000 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
 Disposals                                      (39 000)           (38 000) 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                         ---------------     -------------- 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                               2 264 300          2 303 300 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
                                               =========           ======== 
--------------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 

The Bank is in possession of land with a fair value of US$2 264 300 as at 30 June 2014. The Bank entered into a sale agreement for a certain piece of land in 2012, however the execution and finalisation of the sale under this contract has not yet been concluded due to unexpected delays in obtaining certain regulatory approvals. The disposal process is expected to be completed by the end of the financial year. The disposal will improve the Bank's cash flows.

Measurement of fair value

Fair value hierarchy

The fair value of non-current assets held for sale was determined by Independent professional valuers. PMA Real Estate (Private) Limited as at 31 December 2013. The valuation which conforms to International Valuation Standards, was in terms of the policy as set out in the accounting policies section and was derived with reference to market information close to the date of the valuation. All non-current assets held for sale are measured at their fair values.

The values were arrived at by applying yield rates of 9.5% on rental levels of between US$6 - US$8 per square metre.

During the period under review, the Directors assessed the fair values of the non-current assets held for sales and concluded that there were no material changes to the fair values as obtained by the professional valuers as at 31 December 2013.

Level 2

The fair value of non-current assets held for sale of U$2 264 300 has been categorised under Level 2 in fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used for the valuation technique highlighted above. (see note 2.4.7 use of judgement and estimates).


These condensed interim financial statements are the responsibility of the directors. This responsibility includes the setting up of internal control and risk management processes, which are monitored independently. The information contained in these condensed interim financial statements has been prepared on the going concern basis and is in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act (Chapter 24:03), the Banking Act (Chapter 24:20) and International Financial Reporting Standards.


The Group adheres to principles of corporate governance derived from the King II Report, the United Kingdom Combined Code and RBZ Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Group is cognisant of its duty to conduct business with due care and in good faith in order to safeguard all stakeholders' interests.


Board appointments are made to ensure a variety of skills and expertise on the Board. Non-executive directors are of such calibre as to provide independence to the Board. The Chairman of the Board is an independent non-executive director. The Board is supported by mandatory committees in executing its responsibilities. The Board meets at least quarterly to assess risk, review performance and provide guidance to management on both operational and policy issues.

The Board conducts an annual peer based evaluation on the effectiveness of its activities. The process involves the members evaluating each other collectively as a board and individually as members. The evaluation, as prescribed by the RBZ, takes into account the structure of the board, effectiveness of committees, strategic leadership, corporate social responsibility, attendance and participation of members and weaknesses noted. Remedial plans are invoked to address identified weaknesses with a view to continually improve the performance and effectiveness of the Board and its members.

   3.1   Directors' attendance at NMB Bank Limited Board meetings 
                                                                Asset and                     Resources, 
                                                                Liability                     Remuneration 
                                                Risk            Management      Loans         and 
                  Board of      Audit           Management      Committee       Review        Nominations        Credit 
                  Directors     Committee       Committee       (ALCO)          Committee     Committee          Committee 
                                                                & Strategy 
-------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ------------- 
 T N 
  Mundawarara   2      2                                       2     2                        2     2          5      5 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 A M T 
  Mutsonziwa    2      2       2    2                                                         2     2 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 J A Mushore    2      2                       2    2          2     2                        2     2          5      5 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 M Svova        2      2       2    2                                                                          5      5 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
  Chikwanha**   2      2                       1    1          1     1         2     2 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 B W 
  Madzivire     2      2       2    2          2    2 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 D Malik        2      2                       2    2          2     2 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 J Chigwedere   2      2                                       2     2         2     2 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 J Chenevix - 
  Trench        2      2                                       2     2                        2     2          5      5 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 B P Washaya    2      2                       2    2          2     2                        2     2          5      5 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 B A M 
  Zwinkels      2      2                                       2     2         1     1        2     2 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 
 C I F Ndiaye   2      2                       2    2          2     2         2     2        2     1 
-------------  -----  ------  ---  ---------  ---  ---------  ----  --------  ----  -------  ----  ---------  -----  ------ 


**Mr B Chikwanha became a member of the Risk Committee on 20 March 2014.

**Mr B Chikwanha was a member of the ALCO Finance and Strategy Committee until 20 March 2014.

   4.       RISK MANAGEMENT 

The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Bank's risk management framework. The Board has established the Board Asset and Liability Management Committee (ALCO) and Board Risk Committee, which are responsible for defining the Bank's risk universe, developing policies and monitoring implementation. The Bank strengthened its risk management function by appointing a Chief Risk Officer in September 2013 with overall responsibility over all risks in the Bank. The Bank has complied with Basel II implementation timelines set by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

Risk management is linked logically from the level of individual transactions to the Bank level. Risk management activities broadly take place simultaneously at the following different hierarchy levels:

a) Strategic Level: This involves risk management functions performed by senior management and the board of directors. It includes the definition of risk, ascertaining the Bank's risk appetite, formulating strategy and policy for managing risk and establishes adequate systems and controls to ensure overall risk remains within acceptable levels and is adequately compensated.

b) Macro Level: It encompasses risk management within a business area or across business lines. These risk management functions are performed by middle management.

c) Micro Level: This involves "On-the-line" risk management where risks are actually created. These are the risk management activities performed by individuals who assume risk on behalf of the organization such as Treasury Front Office, Corporate Banking, Retail banking etc. The risk management in these areas is confined to operational procedures set by management.

Risk management is premised on four (4) mutually reinforcing pillars, namely:

   a)        adequate board and senior management oversight; 
   b)       adequate strategy, policies, procedures and limits; 
   c)       adequate risk identification, measurement, monitoring and information systems; 


   d)       comprehensive internal controls and independent reviews. 
             4.1     Credit risk 

Credit risk is the risk that a financial contract will not be honoured according to the original set of terms. The risk arises when borrowers or counterparties to a financial instrument fail to meet their contractual obligations. The Bank reviewed its credit risk management structures aimed at enhancing credit risk and asset quality. The Bank's general credit strategies centre on sound credit granting process, diligent credit monitoring and strong loan collection and recovery. There is a separation between loan collection and recovery. There is a separation between loan granting and credit.

Monitoring to ensure independence and effective management of the loan portfolio. The Board has put in place sanctioning committees with specific credit approval limits. The Credit Management department does the initial review of all applications before recommending them to the Executive Credit Committee and finally the Board Credit Committee depending on the loan amount. The Bank has in place a Board Loans Review Committee responsible for reviewing the quality of the loan book.

The Bank is in the process of implementing a Credit Management System and this will entail an automated end to end management of credit from the loan origination to recoveries. The system should be in place by the third quarter of 2014.

Management of credit risk is the responsibility of Credit Management, Credit Monitoring, Credit Administration and Recoveries departments with the following responsibilities:

Credit Management

   --   Responsible for evaluating & approving credit proposals from the business units. 
   --   Together with business units, has primary responsibility on the quality of the 

loan book.

   --   Reviewing credit policy for approval by the Board Credit Committee. 

-- Reviewing business unit level credit portfolios to ascertain changes in the credit quality of individual customers or other counterparties as well as the overall portfolio and detect unusual developments.

-- Approve initial customer internal credit grades or recommend to the Credit Committees for approval.

   --   Setting the credit risk appetite parameters. 
   --   Ensure the bank adheres to limits, mandates and its credit policy. 

-- Ensure adherence to facility covenants and conditions of sanction e.g. annual audits, gearing levels, management accounts.

   --   Manage trends in asset and portfolio composition, quality and growth and non-performing loans. 

-- Manage concentration risk both in terms of single borrowers or group as well as sector concentrations and the review of such limits.

Credit Monitoring and Financial Modelling

   --   Independent Credit Risk Management. 
   --   Independent on-going monitoring of individual credit and portfolios. 

-- Triggers remedial actions to protect the interests of the Bank, if appropriate (e.g. in relation to deteriorated credits).

   --   Monitors the on-going development and enhancement of credit risk management across the Bank. 
   --   Reviews the Internal Credit Rating System. 
   --   On-going championing of the Basel II methodologies across the Bank. 

-- Ensures consistency in the rating processes and performs independent review of credit grades to ensure they conform to the rating standards.

-- Confirm the appropriateness of the credit risk strategy and policy or recommends necessary revisions in response to changes/trends identified.

Credit Administration

   --   Prepares and keeps custody of all facility letters. 
   --   Security registration. 
   --   Safe custody of security documents. 
   --   Ensures all conditions of sanction are fulfilled before allowing drawdown or limit marking. 
   --   Review of credit files for documentation compliance e.g. call reports, management accounts. 


The recoveries unit is responsible for all collections and ensures that the Bank maximizes recoveries from Non-Performing Loans (NPLs).

   4.2       Market risk 

This is the exposure of the Bank's on and off balance sheet positions to adverse movement in market prices resulting in a loss in earnings and capital. The market prices will range from money market (interest rate risk), foreign exchange and equity markets in which the Bank operates. The Bank has in place a Management Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO) which monitors market risk and recommends the appropriate levels to which the bank should be exposed at any time. Net Interest Margin is the primary measure of interest rate risk, supported by periodic stress tests to assess the Bank's ability to withstand stressed market conditions. On foreign exchange risk, the Bank monitors currency mismatches and make adjustments depending on exchange rate movement forecast. The mismatches are also contained within 10% of the Bank's capital position.

ALCO meets on a monthly basis and operates within the prudential guidelines and policies established by the Board ALCO. The Board ALCO is responsible for setting exposure thresholds and limits, and meets on a quarterly basis.

   4.3    Liquidity risk 

Liquidity risk is the risk of financial loss arising from the inability of the Bank to fund asset increases or meet obligations as they fall due without incurring unacceptable costs or losses. The Bank identifies this risk through maturity profiling of assets and liabilities and assessment of expected cash flows and the availability of collateral which could be used if additional funding is required.

   4.3    Liquidity risk 

The daily liquidity position is monitored and regular liquidity stress testing is conducted under a variety of scenarios covering both normal and more severe market conditions. All liquidity policies and procedures are subject to review and approval by the Board ALCO.

The key measure used by the Bank for managing liquidity risk is the ratio of net liquid assets to deposits from customers. The Bank also actively monitors its loans to deposit ratio against a set threshold in a bid to monitor and limit funding risk. Liquidity risk is monitored through a daily treasury strategy meeting. This is augmented by a monthly management ALCO and a quarterly Board ALCO.

   4.4     Operational risk 

This risk is inherent in all business activities and is the risk of loss arising from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems or from external events. The Bank utilises monthly key risk indicators to monitor operational risk in all units. Further to this, the Bank has an elaborate operational loss reporting system in which all incidents with a material impact on the well-being of the Bank are reported to risk management. The risk department conducts periodic risk assessments on all the units within the Bank aimed at identifying the top risks and ways to minimise their impact. There is a Board Risk Committee whose function is to ensure that this risk is minimized. The Risk Committee with the assistance of the Internal Audit function and the Risk Management department assesses the adequacy of the internal controls and makes the necessary recommendations to the Board.

   4.5      Legal and compliance risk 

Legal risk is risk from uncertainty due to legal actions or uncertainty in the applicability or interpretation of contracts, laws or regulations. Legal risk may entail such issues as contract formation, capacity and contract frustration. Compliance risk is the risk arising from non - compliance with laws and regulations. To manage this risk permanent relationships are maintained with firms of legal practitioners and access to legal advice is readily available to all departments. The Bank has an independent compliance function which is responsible for identifying and monitoring all compliance issues and ensures the Bank complies with all regulatory and statutory requirements.

   4.7       Reputational risk 

Reputation risk is the risk of loss of business as a result of negative publicity or negative perceptions by the market with regards to the way the Bank conducts its business. To manage this risk, the Bank strictly monitors customers' complaints, continuously train staff at all levels, conducts market surveys and periodic reviews of business practices through its internal audit department. The directors are satisfied with the risk management processes in the Bank as these have contributed to the minimization of losses arising from risky exposures.

   4.8       Strategic risk 

This refers to current and prospective impact on a Bank's earnings and capital arising from adverse business decisions or implementing strategies that are not consistent with the internal and external environment. To manage this risk, the Bank always has a strategic plan that is adopted by the Board of directors. Further, attainment of strategic objectives by the various departments is monitored periodically at management level. Further, there is an ALCO, Finance and Strategy Committee at Board level responsible for monitoring overall progress towards attaining strategic objectives for the Bank.

The directors are satisfied with the risk management processes in the Bank as these have contributed to the minimisation of losses arising from risky exposures.

   4.9       Risk Ratings 
               4.9.1    Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Ratings 

The following are the ratings that were obtained when the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe conducted onsite inspections on the Bank in the previous periods;

               4..9.1.1                        CAMELS* Ratings 
                          Latest RBS**   Previous RBS   Previous RBS 
     CAMELS Component        Ratings        Ratings        Ratings 
                           30/06/2013     31/01/2008     30/06/2007 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Capital Adequacy              2              4              4 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Asset Quality                 4              2              3 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Management                    3              3              3 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Earnings                      2              3              3 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Liquidity                     2              3              3 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Sensitivity to Market 
  Risk                         2              3              3 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Composite Rating              3              3              4 
-----------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

*CAMELS is an acronym for Capital Adequacy, Asset quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity and Sensitivity to Market Risk. CAMELS rating system uses a rating scale of 1-5, where '1' is Strong, '2' is Satisfactory, '3' is Fair, '4' is Weak and '5' is Critical.

**RBS stands for Risk-Based Supervision.

                  Summary RAS ratings 
                                  Latest RAS***   Previous RBS   Previous RBS 
          RAS Component              Ratings         Ratings        Ratings 
                                    30/06/2013     31/01/2008     30/06/2007 
-------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Overall Inherent Risk              Moderate        Moderate         High 
-------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Overall Risk Management           Acceptable      Acceptable        Weak 
-------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Overall Composite Risk             Moderate        Moderate         High 
-------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Direction of Overall Composite      Stable          Stable       Increasing 
-------------------------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 

*** RAS stands for Risk Assessment System.

                  Summary risk matrix -30 June 2013 on - site examination 
                      Level of Inherent     Adequacy of      Overall Composite    Direction 
     Type of Risk            Risk          Risk Management          Risk          of Overall 
                                               Systems                            Composite 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Credit               High                Weak               High                Increasing 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Liquidity            Moderate            Acceptable         Moderate            Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Interest Rate        Moderate            Acceptable         Moderate            Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Foreign Exchange     Low                 Acceptable         Low                 Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Strategic Risk       Moderate            Acceptable         Moderate            Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Operational Risk     Moderate            Acceptable         Moderate            Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Legal & Compliance   Moderate            Strong             Moderate            Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Reputation           Moderate            Strong             Moderate            Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Overall              Moderate            Acceptable         Moderate            Stable 
-------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ------------------  ------------ 


Level of Inherent Risk

Low - reflects a lower than average probability of an adverse impact on a banking institution's capital and earnings. Losses in a functional area with low inherent risk would have little negative impact on the banking institution's overall financial condition.

Moderate - could reasonably be expected to result in a loss which could be absorbed by a banking institution in the normal course of business.

High - reflects a higher than average probability of potential loss. High inherent risk could reasonably be expected to result in a significant and harmful loss to the banking institution.

Adequacy of Risk Management Systems

Weak - risk management systems are inadequate or inappropriate given the size, complexity and risk profile of the banking institution. Institution's risk management systems are lacking in important ways and therefore a cause of more than normal supervisory attention. The internal control systems will be lacking in important aspects particularly as indicated by continued control exceptions or by the failure to adhere to written policies and procedures.

Acceptable - management of risk is largely effective but lacking to some modest degree. While the institution might be having some minor risk management weaknesses, these have been recognised and are being addressed. Management information systems are generally adequate.

Strong - management effectively identifies and controls all types of risk posed by the relevant functional areas or per inherent risk. The board and senior management are active participants in managing risk and ensure appropriate policies and limits are put in place. The policies comprehensively define the bank's risk tolerance, responsibilities and accountabilities are effectively communicated.

Overall Composite Risk

Low - would be assigned to low inherent risk areas. Moderate risk areas may be assigned a low composite risk where internal controls and risk management systems are strong and effectively mitigate much of the risk.

Moderate - risk management systems appropriately mitigates inherent risk. For a given low risk area, significant weaknesses in the risk management systems may result in a moderate composite risk assessment. On the other hand, a strong risk management system may reduce the risk so that any potential financial loss from the activity would have only a moderate negative impact on the financial condition of the organisation.

High - risk management systems do not significantly mitigate the high inherent risk. Thus, the activity could potentially result in a financial loss that would have a significant impact on the bank's overall condition.

Direction of Overall Composite Risk

Increasing - based on the current information, risk is expected to increase in the next 12 months.

Decreasing - based on current information, risk is expected to decrease in the next 12 months.

Stable - based on the current information, risk is expected to be stable in the next 12 months.

4.9.2 External Credit Ratings

The external credit ratings were given by Global Credit Rating (GCR), a credit rating agency accredited with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

   Security class                                      2013                2012 
   Long term                                             BBB-               BBB- 

There were no instances of regulatory non compliance in the period under review. The Bank remains committed to complying with and adhering to all regulatory requirements.


The primary objective of the Bank's capital management is to ensure that the Bank complies with the RBZ requirements. In implementing the current capital requirements, the RBZ requires the Banking subsidiary to maintain a prescribed ratio of total capital to total risk weighted assets.

Regulatory capital consists of Tier 1 capital, which comprises share capital, share premium, retained earnings (including current year profit), statutory reserve and other equity reserves.

The other component of regulatory capital is Tier 2 capital, which includes subordinated term debt, revaluation reserves and portfolio provisions.

Tier 3 capital relates to an allocation of capital to market and operational risk.

Various limits are applied to elements of the capital base. The core capital (Tier 1) shall comprise not less than 50% of the capital base and the regulatory reserves and portfolio provisions are limited to 1.25% of total risk weighted assets.

The Bank's regulatory capital position at 30 June 2014 was as follows:

                                                       30 June 2014             31 December 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                                US$                     US$ 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Share capital                                               16 506                  16 502 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Share premium                                           31 474 502              31 474 506 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Retained earnings                                        8 089 759               8 802 979 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Fair value gain on investment property                 (2 925 868)             (2 925 868) 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                  -----------------           ------------- 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                         36 654 899              37 368 119 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Less: capital allocated for market and 
  operational risk                                        (533 977)             (1 240 678) 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Credit to insiders                                     (4 629 174)             (4 734 129) 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                  -----------------           ------------- 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Tier 1 capital                                          31 491 748              31 393 312 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Tier 2 capital (subject to limit as per 
  regulations)                                            7 131 823               6 823 855 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Revaluation reserve                                      2 925 868               2 925 868 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Subordinated debt                                        1 400 000               1 485 890 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Regulatory reserve (limited to 1.25% of 
  weighted assets)                                        2 805 955               2 154 252 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Portfolio provisions (limited to 1.25% 
  of risk 
  weighted assets)                                                -                 257 845 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Total Tier 1 & 2 capital                                38 623 571              38 217 167 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Tier 3 capital (sum of market and operational 
  risk capital)                                             533 977               1 240 678 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                  -----------------           ------------- 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Total capital base                                      39 157 548              39 457 845 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                        ===========                ======== 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Total risk weighted assets                             224 476 411             228 275 322 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                        ===========                ======== 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Tier 1 ratio                                                14.03%                  13.75% 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Tier 2 ratio                                                 3.17%                   2.99% 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Tier 3 ratio                                                 0.24%                   0.54% 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 Total capital adequacy ratio                                17.44%                  17.28% 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 
 RBZ minimum required capital adequacy 
  ratio                                                      12.00%                  12.00% 
-----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------------- 

For management purposes, the Bank is organised into five operating segments based on products and services as follows:

Retail Banking - Individual customers deposits and consumer loans, overdrafts, credit card facilities, funds transfer facilities and bancassurance.

Corporate Banking - Loans and other credit facilities and deposit and current accounts for corporate and institutional customers.

Treasury - Money market investment, securities trading, accepting and discounting of

instruments and foreign currency trading.

International Banking -Handles the Bank's foreign currency denominated banking business and manages relationships with correspondent banks

Corporate Finance -Corporate restructuring, empowerment transactions, investment advisory services, structured finance and capital raising.

Management monitors the operating results of its business units separately for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment. Segment performance is evaluated based on operating profit or loss which in certain respects is measured differently from operating profit or loss in the financial statements. Income taxes are managed on a bank - wide basis and are not allocated to operating segments.

Interest income is reported net as management primarily relies on net interest revenue as a performance measure not the gross income and expense.

Transfer prices between operating segments are on arm's length basis in a manner similar to transactions with third parties.

No revenue from transactions with a single external customer or counterparty amounted to 10% or more of the Bank's total revenue in 2014 and 2013.

The following tables present income and profit and certain asset and liability information regarding the bank's operating segments and service units:

For the six months ended 30 June 2014

                         Retail             Corporate                   International      Corporate 
                        Banking               Banking        Treasury         Banking        Finance       Unallocated             Total 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                            US$                   US$             US$             US$            US$               US$               US$ 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                         10 008 
 Third party                317             9 510 601       1 798 703         824 633        862 440           284 859        23 289 553 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  losses on 
  debentures          (334 733)           (1 246 312)               -               -              -                 -       (1 581 045) 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                   ------------         -------------     -----------     -----------    -----------      ------------    -------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Net operating 
  income              9 673 584             8 264 289       1 798 703         824 633        862 440           284 859        21 708 508 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                  -------------         -------------   -------------     -----------    -----------       -----------   --------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Interest and 
  income              4 591 972             9 357 046         853 394               -         33 722           197 526        15 033 660 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Interest and 
  similar                (1 405 
  expense                  742)           (4 636 114)       (461 080)               -              -                 -       (6 502 936) 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                   ------------         -------------   -------------    ------------    -----------      ------------     ------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Net interest 
  income              3 186 230             4 720 932         392 314               -         33 722           197 526         8 530 724 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                  -------------        --------------   -------------    ------------    -----------         ---------     ------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Fee and 
  income              5 416 345               153 556               -         824 633        420 033                 -         6 814 567 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  of intangible 
  assets                      -                     -               -               -              -           161 435           161 435 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  of property 
  equipment             411 783                59 840          25 936          23 764          2 346           421 477           945 146 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  (loss)              3 272 134             1 254 946       1 138 490         317 722        711 858       (4 835 363)         1 859 787 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Income tax 
  expense                     -                     -               -               -              -         (478 303)         (478 303) 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                  -------------         -------------    ------------    ------------   ------------   ---------------     ------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
  for the 
  period              3 272 134             1 254 946       1 138 490         317 722        711 858       (5 313 666)         1 381 484 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
                       ========              ========        ========         =======        =======         =========          ======== 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

For the six months ended 30 June 2014

                             Retail     Corporate                International 
                            Banking       Banking     Treasury         Banking     Leasing   Unallocated         Total 
------------------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
                                US$           US$          US$             US$         US$           US$           US$ 
------------------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Assets and Liabilities 
------------------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Capital expenditure        244 658         2 492        3 807          10 503           -       626 750       888 210 
------------------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
                             66 006 
 Total assets                   673   126 387 266   53 345 164         119 720   1 630 210    16 953 507   264 442 540 
------------------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities and       79 124 
  capital                       801    80 942 351   51 942 272               -   1 500 000     7 103 393   220 612 817 
------------------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 

For the six months ended 30 June 2013

                         Retail             Corporate                   International       Corporate 
                        Banking               Banking        Treasury         Banking         Finance       Unallocated            Total 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                            US$                   US$             US$             US$                               US$              US$ 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                         10 770 
 Third party                870            10 397 840       2 232 510         820 236               -           280 315       24 501 771 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
  losses on 
  advances and 
  debentures          (352 094)           (1 535 443)               -               -               -                 -      (1 887 537) 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                   ------------         -------------     -----------     -----------    ------------      ------------   -------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Net operating           10 418 
  income                    776             8 862 397       2 232 510         820 236               -           280 315       22 614 234 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                   ------------        --------------     -----------       ---------    ------------      ------------   -------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Interest and 
  income              6 193 946             8 720 435       1 061 013               -               -           123 804       16 099 198 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Interest and 
  similar                (1 081 
  expense                  104)           (4 982 657)       (546 951)               -               -                 -      (6 610 712) 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                   ------------         -------------   -------------    ------------   -------------      ------------    ------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Net interest 
  income              5 112 842             3 737 778         514 062               -               -           123 804        9 488 486 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                  -------------        --------------   -------------    ------------      ----------         ---------    ------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Fee and 
  income              6 503 259               267 400               -         820 106               -                 -        7 590 765 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
  of property, 
  plant and 
  equipment                   -                     -               -               -               -            46 373           46 373 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
  of property 
  equipment             344 989                64 588          15 873          23 372           2 233           367 796          818 851 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
  (loss)              1 626 455               632 637         443 623          77 767       (219 421)           433 259        2 994 320 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
 Income tax 
  expense                     -                     -               -               -               -         (815 104)        (815 104) 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                  -------------         -------------    ------------    ------------    ------------   ---------------    ------------- 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
  for the 
  period              1 626 455               632 637         443 623          77 767       (219 421)         (381 845)        2 179 216 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
                       ========              ========        ========         =======        ========         =========         ======== 
---------------  --------------  --------------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  ----------------  --------------- 

As at 31 December 2013

                             Retail     Corporate                International   Corporate 
                            Banking       Banking     Treasury         Banking     Finance   Unallocated         Total 
-------------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
                                US$           US$          US$             US$                       US$           US$ 
-------------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Assets and Liabilities 
-------------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
                              1 058 
 Capital expenditure            456       133 532      132 113          12 027       2 763     1 338 345     2 677 236 
-------------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
                             54 124 
 Total assets                   890   144 209 819   41 326 313         121 897      68 854    20 102 762   259 954 535 
-------------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities and       72 525 
  capital                       463    77 182 723   61 092 072               -           -     6 706 038   217 506 296 
-------------------------  --------  ------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 

The Group operates in one geographical market, Zimbabwe.

Registered Offices

1(st) Floor NMB Centre

Unity Court George Silundika Avenue/

   Cnr 1(st) Street/Kwame Nkrumah Avenue                                   Leopold Takawira Street 
   Harare                                                                                    Bulawayo 
   Zimbabwe                                                                              Zimbabwe 
   Telephone         +263 4 759651                                                 +263 9 70169 
   Facsimile          +263 4 759648                                                 +263 9 68535 
   Website:           http://www.nmbz.co.zw 
   Email:               enquiries@nmbz.co.zw 

Transfer Secretaries

   In Zimbabwe                                                                           In UK 

First Transfer Secretaries Computershare Services PLC

1 Armagh Avenue 36 St Andrew Square

   (Off Enterprise Road)                                                              Edinburgh 
   Eastlea                                                                                    EH2 2YB 
   P O Box 11                                                                             UK 



This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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Historical Stock Chart
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Nmbz Holdings Ld (LSE:NMB)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Nmbz Holdings Ld Charts.