RNS Number : 0250L 
Norseman Gold PLC 
29 April 2010 
    Norseman Gold plc / Epic: NGL / Index: AIM / Sector: Mining & Exploration 
                                NORSEMAN GOLD PLC 
                       ('Norseman Gold' or 'the Company') 
      Three Month Report On Activities For The Period Ended 31 March 2010 
Norseman Gold, the AIM-listed and ASX-listed Australian gold production and 
exploration company is pleased to announce a three month progress report on its 
activities for the period to 31 March 2010. 
| Overview                     |       |  3 Months to |  3 Months to | 
|                              |       |     31/03/10 |     31/12/09 | 
| Production                   |  oz   |       14,114 |       15,721 | 
| Average Realised Gold Price  |A$/oz  |        1,224 |        1,203 | 
| Operating Cash Cost          |A$/oz  |          990 |          933 | 
| Project EBIT                 |A$(m)  |          0.7 |          1.2 | 
| Capital Investment           |A$(m)  |          8.6 |         11.5 | 
| Cash at Quarter End (incl.   |A$(m)  |         21.7 |         24.9 | 
| bullion)                     |       |              |              | 
|                              |       |              |              | 
Gold production from the Norseman Gold Project during the three months to 31 
March 2010 totalled 14,114 ounces at a cash operating cost of A$990 per ounce 
gold, generating a profit of A$0.7m. 
The Project continued development at its third mine, OK Decline, during the 
Dewatering at North Royal Open Pit has continued and over 41% of the water 
volume was pumped by the end of the quarter.  The second stage drilling 
programme has been completed at the southern end of the open pit and resource 
review and pit optimisation is underway. 
The Company's capital investment increased during the quarter with the 
development of the OK Decline resulting in the expenditure of A$8.6M on 
exploration, capitalised mine development and equipment. 
The initial deep drill-hole to test the continuity of reef between the Harlequin 
South resource and the Perch Reef resource successfully intersected structure. 
Assays are pending. 
Operating Review 
Despite the level of focus on the development of the third mine, gold production 
from the Norseman Gold Project during the three month period to 31 March 2010 
totalled 14,114 ounces.  The quarterly production continued in lower grade 
areas, with the focus remaining on capital development to open up areas for 
future stoping.  For the quarter, the Bullen Decline contributed 5,574 ounces, 
and the Harlequin Decline contributed 8,304 ounces with 236 ounces from 
development ore at the OK Decline. 
The gold price received during the quarter ranged from A$1,195 to A$1,239 per 
ounces, with an average price achieved of A$1,224 per ounce.  The operations 
remain un-hedged with a gold price of A$1,248 per ounce at the date hereof. 
|                 |        |    3     |    3     |    3     |    3     | 
|                 |        |  months  |  months  |  months  |  months  | 
|                 |        |    to    |    to    |    to    |    to    | 
|                 |        |30/06/09  |30/09/09  |31/12/09  |31/03/10  | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Capital         |metres  |      555 |      663 |      767 |      744 | 
| Development     |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Ore Development |metres  |    1,279 |    1,617 |    1,152 |    1,272 | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Development     |tonnes  |   36,620 |   55,327 |   41,210 |   41,329 | 
| Grade           | gAu/t  |     3.40 |     2.26 |     2.98 |     2.28 | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Mechanised      |tonnes  |   18,114 |    8,018 |   15,967 |   12,193 | 
| Stoping         |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Grade           | gAu/t  |     4.66 |     2.70 |     2.61 |     2.50 | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Airleg Stoping  |tonnes  |   44,481 |   42,924 |   38,082 |   35,367 | 
| Grade           | gAu/t  |    10.73 |     8.61 |     8.75 |     9.15 | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
| U/G Production  |tonnes  |   99,215 |  106,269 |   95,259 |   88,889 | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Treated Tonnes  |tonnes  |  105,025 |  106,010 |   96,043 |   89,047 | 
| Grade           | gAu/t  |     6.66 |     4.86 |     5.21 |     5.05 | 
| Recovery        |   %    |    98.0% |    97.5% |    97.7% |    97.7% | 
|                 |        |          |          |          |          | 
| Recovered       |  ozs   |   22,013 |   16,160 |   15,721 |   14,114 | 
| Ounces          |        |          |          |          |          | 
During the March 2010 quarter, the Company continued with its strategy of 
focussing on capital and ore development to open up stoping areas for 
production, and completed over two kilometres of underground development for the 
The Bullen Decline has made progress with its capital development during the 
quarter with the 21 Level of the Bullen orebody now intersected and being 
developed to the east and west along strike.  This level is expected to 
delineate ore that is amenable to long hole stoping in the future.  The capital 
development has also progressed at the Norseman Incline and is proceeding up to 
defined blocks on the upper part of the St Patrick's Reef. Diamond drilling 
continued and is expected to delineate more areas for development and stoping 
particularly once the second diamond drill rig commences at Bullen towards the 
end of the June 2010 quarter. 
The Bullen Decline production came mainly from the Bullen, Bullen West, Norseman 
and St Patrick's Reef. Airleg mining was continued in the Bullen West, Norseman 
and St Patrick's reef, while the Bullen reef was mainly mined by long-hole 
stoping methods. 
The Harlequin Decline accelerated its ore development during the quarter, 
following the departure of the twin boom jumbo to Bullen after opening up the 
-312m level.  The ore development progress was further enhanced by the movement 
of one of the Bullen single boom jumbos to Harlequin to assist in completing the 
Perch Reef development. 
The Harlequin Decline progressed on its Perch Reef development as well as work 
in the HV1 Reef.  Redfin/Perch ore development was proceeding on a number of 
levels to enable the orebody to be fully developed so that mechanised stoping 
could commence.  During the month of March 2010 the mine produced in excess of 
21,000 tonnes of ore which is a record since Norseman Gold assumed control of 
the operations. 
The OK Decline continued with its development programme during the quarter with 
good progress on refurbishment down the decline.  Further work was conducted on 
site infrastructure, with some delays being experienced in obtaining fittings to 
allow the office/change-rooms/workshops to be commissioned.  These works are 
expected to be completed by the end of the June quarter 2010. 
OK Decline ore development continued in, as expected, patchy material at the top 
of the Star of Erin reef while waste development was completed to access the 
high grade areas for mining.  New ore headings are expected to be opened up into 
the June quarter 2010 to allow ramping up of production as expected. 
Production for the quarter of 14,114 ounces of gold recovered is disappointing 
but in-line with the Company's revised guidance for the 2009/10 financial year 
of 65,000 ounces recovered at a cash cost of A$930 from the Bullen and Harlequin 
The Company forecast for the 2010/11 financial year remains at 105,000 to 
110,000 ounces recovered at cash costs of between A$670 to A$730 per ounce of 
gold and this increase in production is due to the anticipated increase in 
production from the OK Decline as it moves out of its development phase and into 
its production phase. 
Operating Costs 
As a result of the lower production profile, the net direct cash operating costs 
per ounce for the quarter have increased to A$990 per ounce of gold recovered. 
However, as indicated above, the Company expects that its full year forecast 
costs for the Bullen and Harlequin Declines will be at $930 per ounce mark at 
the forecast production profile of 65,000 ounces for the financial year. 
From an accounting profit and loss point of view, the Norseman Project generated 
estimated Earnings Before Interest and Tax ('EBIT') of A$0.7 million for the 
Cash Balances 
Cash balances at the end of the period totalled A$21.7 million (A$18.8 million 
excluding bullion).  Approximately A$5.5 million of this cash balance is 
committed to cash-backed environmental bonds. 
Capital Expenditure 
The major part of the capital expenditure for the quarter was on the equipment 
and infrastructure for the OK Decline.  The new mine took delivery of most of 
the items needed to start and at the end of the quarter had only installation 
work to complete. 
A total of A$8.6 million in capital was invested during the quarter. 
Significant capital expenditures were made on mobile equipment (A$1.9 million), 
exploration (A$2.1 million) and capitalised mine development (A$4.1 million). 
Mine Exploration 
The exploration results in this quarterly report are limited to those results 
received after the Operations update released to the AIM/ASX markets on the 10th 
March 2010. 
Diamond drilling at Harlequin during the March 2010 quarter has continued its 
focus on the Perch Reef.  Drilling has continued to produce excellent results 
and the orebody has still not been closed off by the drilling.  At the end of 
the March 2010 quarter the rig had moved to a location that will enable it to 
drill the Redfin Reef Footwall.  This has been done to enable the Redfin 
Footwall to be developed as an alternative working area.  Once the programme has 
been completed the drill can return to drilling the strike and depth extent of 
the Perch Reef. 
Perch Reef significant drilling results have been received as follows; 
·    0.2m @ 36.1 g/t gold from 195.0m and in drill-hole HD1817 
Diamond drilling at Bullen has continued to make good progress with significant 
results as outlined below: 
Bullen Reef Drilling 
·    0.4m @ 32.1 g/t gold from114.0m in drill-hole BN761 
St Patrick's Reef Drilling 
·    3.5m @ 5.4 g/t gold from 176.3m including 
o 1.2m @ 12.5 g/t gold from 178.5m in drill-hole BN659 
·    2.2m @ 2.6 g/t gold from 87.5m in drill-hole BN690 
Norseman (Mt Barker) Reef Drilling 
·    2.0m @ 11.1 g/t gold from 88.6m in drill-hole BN689 
·    1.2m @ 39.6 g/t gold from 75.8m in drill-hole BN736 
·    4.8m @ 8.4 g/t gold from 84.3m in drill-hole BN737 
·    0.3m @ 22.7 g/t gold from 86.6m in drill-hole BN747 
A fourth underground diamond drill rig is expected to be delivered to site by 
the end of April 2010, and will allow two underground rigs at Bullen, to 
accelerate the drilling programmes and thereby facilitating the commencement of 
new working areas as soon as possible. 
At OK Decline underground drilling continued into the Star of Erin Reef during 
the quarter.  Results continued to be positive and the drill rig is expected to 
be in its current location until the end of May 2010, when it will then move 
higher up at OK decline to test Star of Erin towards the surface.  Significant 
results from the Star of Erin drilling received since the March 2010 Update are 
as follows; 
·    0.6m @ 549.0 g/t gold from 180.4m and 
·    1.0m @ 5.0 g/t gold from 187.0m in drill-hole OKD337 
Regional Exploration and Mine Development 
The Company has conducted a number of programmes this quarter on its development 
North Royal Open Pit 
The dewatering of the North Royal Open Pit continued on during the quarter.  The 
dewatering at the end of the quarter had removed over 41% of the volume of water 
from the open pit. 
To continue to advance the project a second surface drilling programme was 
undertaken on the southern end of the pit to test the resources that are located 
to the south of the pit in that area.  At quarter end the drill programme had 
been completed and logging and assaying of the drill-holes was being undertaken. 
 Significant results that have been received so far for the North Royal South 
drilling are listed below: 
·    1.0m @ 17.5 g/t gold from 24.0m in drill-hole NRRC078 
Resource review and pit optimisation will commence during the June 2010 quarter 
as well as project work to generate the required documents to seek regulatory 
approval to commence mining of the open pit. 
West Crown Reef 
A drill programme has been conducted at West Crown during the quarter, with 
targeted reef structure intersected but containing only low grade gold 
intersections.  Analysis of the data obtained from drilling has delineated 
further structures that have the potential to host high grade within the reef. 
These further targets will be scheduled to be explored in the next financial 
Harlequin South - Perch Reef 
The deep drill-hole targeting the Harlequin area between the Harlequin South 
resource and the Perch underground resource has intersected reef structure at 
the target depth.  The hole has been logged and assays results for the 
intersections are still pending. Further drilling has continued on the shallower 
sections of the Harlequin South resources and results and any significant assays 
will be released on completion.  The drill-hole was completed by a specialist 
lake rig and successfully tested the concept regarding the continuity of the 
reef between these two resources.  The remainder of the programme is currently 
being drilled and once completed and the results analysed it is expected that 
further work will be planned. 
Cobbler North 
Drilling of this prospect is to be conducted following the drilling at Harlequin 
Gold Magnetite Project 
The drilling of two metallurgical holes is currently being undertaken in the Bon 
Accord area of the Company's SIF geology.  The material from these holes will be 
used to undertake more detailed tests of the, metallurgy of the Company's gold 
iron deposits to determine whether a saleable iron product can be obtained from 
the SIF magnetite. 
Samples have already been obtained from previously drilled holes into Lady 
Miller area SIF to conduct further test work on material that contains more 
sulphides in the gold mineralised zones. 
Corporate Review 
The Company continues to monitor the performance of its operating declines and 
is confident that Bullen will eventually return to its targeted production 
profile, that Harlequin will maintain its current profile and that OK will begin 
its production phase as its development programme matures.  The improvement of 
the declines, with the ongoing development strategy for North Royal Open Pit, 
maintains the confidence that the Phoenix Treatment plant will be at capacity 
sometime during the 2010/11 financial year. 
Competent Persons - Consent for Release 
The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral 
Resources and Ore Reserves is based on data generated by employees of Central 
Norseman Gold Corporation Limited who have the relevant experience and 
qualifications to qualify as competent persons. 
The parts of this report that relate to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources 
and Ore Reserves were compiled by Barry Cahill using that data.  He is a Member 
of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and has sufficient 
experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit 
under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as 
a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for 
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves".  He has 
consented to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on this 
information in the form and context in which it appears. 
Significant results for drill-hole intercepts contained in this report are 
considered significant because the grade by width total is equal to or greater 
than 5.0 gram metres per tonne.  That is if the intercept is 1.0 g/t gold over 
5.0 m, 5.0 g/t gold over 1.0 m, 50 g/t gold over 0.1 m etc it is considered 
Forward-Looking Statements 
This regulatory news release contains certain forward looking statements, which 
include assumptions with respect to future plans, results and capital 
expenditures.  The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation 
of such information may prove to be incorrect.  All such forward looking 
statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, 
certain of which are beyond the Company's control.  Please refer to the 
Company's Admission Document available from the Company's web site for a list of 
risk factors.  The Company's actual results could differ materially from those 
expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, 
no assurances can be given that any of the events anticipated by the 
forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, 
what benefits the Company will derive there from.  All subsequent 
forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, attributable to the Company 
or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by 
these cautionary statements.  Furthermore, the forward-looking statements 
contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release. 
                                  * * ENDS * * 
For further information visit www.norsemangoldplc.com or contact: 
Barry Cahill                             Norseman Gold Plc 
        Tel: +61 (0) 8 9473 2200 
Guy Wilkes                             Ocean Equities Ltd 
        Tel: 020 7786 4370 
Nandita Sahgal                        Seymour Pierce Ltd 
      Tel: 020 7107 8000 
Jeremy Stephenson                  Seymour Pierce Ltd 
   Tel: 020 7107 8000 
Hugo de Salis                          St Brides Media & Finance Ltd 
 Tel: 020 7236 1177 
E-mail                                     investors@ngold.com.au 
Note to editors: 
Norseman Gold plc is an AIM listed and ASX listed Australian gold production 
company, which acquired the Norseman Gold Project in May 2007, Australia's 
longest continually running gold operation.  The Norseman Gold Project is 
located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia in the highly prospective 
Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt, 725km east of Perth and 186km from Kalgoorlie. 
Gold was first found on the Norseman field in 1894 and over the last 65 years it 
has produced over 5.5 million oz of gold.  The mine is currently producing from 
three high-grade narrow-vein underground mines - the Bullen, the Harlequin and 
the OK Declines.  Currently, it has a total resource inventory of 3.7 million oz 
of gold at an average grade of 5.5 g/t. 
The tenements cover a 1,614 sq km area centred on the Norseman Township.  The 
landholding comprises 179 contiguous tenements consisting of 13 Exploration 
Licences, 106 Mining Licences, 45 Prospecting Licences, 15 Miscellaneous 
Licences and 29 Mining Lease Applications. 
The Company's strategy is focused on extending the mine life through the 
conversion of resources into reserves and identifying additional resources and 
obtaining additional ore for the operating mill through the development of a 
fourth and subsequent mines.  The Company has fifteen advanced resource projects 
under review of which three have pre-development work being undertaken on them. 
It is anticipated that at least one if not all the pre-development projects will 
develop into mining propositions. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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