Embargoed Release: 07:00hrs Monday 13 June 2005

                        Matrix Communications Group plc                        

                           ("Matrix" or the "Group")                           

            INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 APRIL 2005             

Matrix Communications Group Plc, the supplier of high performance IT network
solutions to the public and private sectors in the UK, is pleased to present
its unaudited results for the six month period ended 30 April 2005.


  * Turnover up over 500% to �22.5m (2004 - �3.7m)
  * Gross Profit up 400% to �8.0m (2004 - �1.6m)
  * Operating profit, excluding an amortisation charge of �0.6m for the period,
    up 210% to �1.9m (2004 - �0.6m)
  * EBITDA up over 200% to �2.2m (2004 - �0.7m)
  * Secured a significant global contract for the provision of the Groups'
    unique leading edge content filtering software with a global mobile
    wireless operator
  * Raised �7.5m before expenses from the issue of new equity
  * Successfully completed a further 3 acquisitions
  * Benefited from the implementation of a new divisional structure and
    corporate branding
Ian Smith, CEO, commented:

"I am very pleased to report on what has been yet another period of significant
progress for the Group. As well as completing three more key and value
enhancing acquisitions we have been successful in completing the final stages
of our initial goal to create the UK's leading integrated high performance
technology Group. In doing so we have established ourselves as the defacto
route to market for leading edge technologies - whether that be as a
distributor through our partner sales division or as an end user facing
integrator. The key to this is that having implemented our divisional structure
and having made further progress on the integration of our acquisitions we
believe that we have overcome the initial hurdles we faced as a new entrant
into our market space. Looking forward we can now expect to reap the rewards of
the achievements we have made over the past year and a half as we capture the
additional cost savings available to us and begin the next stage of our
development which will be focussed on aggressive organic growth both here in
the UK and on a wider basis as we begin to penetrate overseas markets. Looking
towards our intended overseas expansion I am particularly excited about the
prospects for our newly formed mobile division, Fujin Technology, and very much
looking forward to reporting on our progress in the future."

Further Information:

Ian Smith, CEO

Matrix Communications Group Plc: 0870 737 5000

Andrew Tan

Hansard Communications Plc: 020 7245 1100

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT                              


During the six months to 30 April 2005, the Group focussed its efforts on
finalising its divisional structure and has begun to leverage its established
position as a provider of leading edge high performance IT network solutions.

Results and Financial Review

It is with great pleasure that we present our unaudited interim results for the
six months ended 30 April 2005. This period is the fourth reporting period
since Matrix joined the Group as a start-up in March 2003. In line with our
previous reports we have continued to make substantial progress through the

Group turnover increased to �22.5m (2004 - �3.7m) and the profit before tax to
�1.15m (2004 - �0.63m). The profit before tax includes a charge of �0.59m for
amortisation of goodwill arising from acquisitions (2004 - �0.03m). Earnings
per share increased from 1.47p per share in 2004 to 2.03p per share in this
period, representing an increase of 38%.

The results are absolutely in line with the Group's expectations for the first
half of the year. As the effect of cost savings already implemented, coupled
with additional cost savings realised through the consolidation of our offices
from 8 to 4, plus a substantial contribution from Fujin in the second half is
seen, we can all look forward to a greater level of profitability.

Many new customers were added across the Group during the period and we are
beginning to see the real benefit of having multiple disciplines within the
Group as the uptake in cross selling is increased. While there have been many
customer wins the Group has adopted a position of officially now only
announcing wins that are in excess of �1m due to the number of customer wins
below this level. Of course we will still make the lesser value customer wins
available via short releases and case studies on our website.

While it seems all of our peers are suffering with margin pressure we are very
pleased with the continued level of GP across our distribution and integration
divisions at 32% and 47% respectively. As Fujin commences its contribution to
the Group our expectation is that the GP from this division will be between 35%
and 40%.


During the period, two of the earlier acquisitions, namely Bedrock and Decorum
successfully completed their earnouts with the former exceeding sales and
profit targets by over 50% and 150% respectively and the latter by over 20% and
40% respectively. Completion of the earnouts has allowed the changes necessary
to achieve full and effective integration within the division to be made
providing the Group with the opportunity to capture further operational cost

The overperformance of the subsidiaries in the achievement of their earnouts
has also given the Board comfort in the carrying value of goodwill in the
balance sheet.

Trading divisions

Following the award of a global contract from a wireless operator to provide a
content filtering service across its UK and overseas subsidiaries, it was
decided to establish a third division to the existing integration and partner
sales divisions, namely Fujin Technology. Under the direction of Peter
Drinkwater, this division will seek to exploit further the many opportunities
both at home and overseas in the mobile market for security services. David
Grant will now manage the Integration Division.


On 31 January 2005, �7.5m less expenses was raised from the placing of
3,750,000 new ordinary 10p shares at 200p per share with institutional
investors for planned acquisitions.

During the six month period three further acquisitions were completed, namely
Network Partners Ltd, Equip Technology Ltd and the operating subsidiaries of
Harrier Group Plc.

Since acquisition, Network Partners, Equip Technology and Norwood Adam Systems,
have performed above the levels required to achieve the deferred consideration
payable to them and the Board has therefore decided to release the vendors from
the specific performance targets in order to allow full integration (and the
resultant cost savings) to be achieved in the following months.

Customer views

In a period when a number of our peers have reported challenging IT service
environments, we have delivered exceptional year on year organic growth. This
growth can be seen at a turnover level and is also reflected in our retained
profits. Indeed the profit growth has enabled us to substantially invest into
our sales and engineering teams with the belief that this will further
accelerate our position over the next 12 months.

The company believes that this growth is the best testament of the Group's
differentiated product strategy and the real value that we bring to our
customer base. By focussing on leading edge technologies we have been able to
retain our differentiated position and thereby avoid the margin pressure
identified elsewhere. Equally this field of specialisation is the area of our
industry that is demonstrating the highest growth potential, with Cisco's own
advanced technology group showing 66% year on year growth. This area of Cisco's
product portfolio is identical to the areas of expertise that we bring to our
customers. Clear areas of growth for the Group will come from additional VoIP
and Network security sales with perhaps the greatest opportunity deriving from
the work conducted within the newly created Fujin Technology business division.
Indeed this division now has a clear objective of taking its own unique skills
into the International arena and establishing sales opportunities overseas.

Summary and Outlook

Our first half of FY05 has seen much activity not least of all;

� 3 acquisitions

� Implementation of divisional structure and branding

� Cost saving initiatives

� Emphasis on sales with the creation of a number of new sales and engineering

� Identification and planned launch of exciting new technologies in H2 FY05

Our view is that the market place will continue to see consolidation and the
Group intends to continue its participation in the appropriate circumstances.
The recent deals with Xpert/Redstone, Kingston/Omnetica and Prime/2E2 are
evidence of such. The traditional Cisco partners are seeing ever increasing
pressure on their margins and in an attempt to deal with this margin pressure
these entities will have to regard merger/acquisition as the only way to
financially engineer their way to sustainability and profit. We also expect
that Telecom companies will seek to recoup their sunk cost in network
infrastructure by exploiting value added services in Local Area Networks, as
evidenced in the recent deal between BT and Skynet. Consequently we expect that
further consolidation activity will become more expensive in the short term.

In the meantime the Board is confident that the payback for the effort invested
in the first 6 months will be delivered in the second half when all
acquisitions will be contributing for the full period and we look forward to
reporting positively for our fifth period as the enlarged Matrix Group.

Alan Watkins


Matrix Communications Group Plc

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for six months ended 30 April 2005

                                        Six months     Six months     Year to 31
                                       to 30 April    to 30 April        October
                                              2005           2004           2004
                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                 �              �              �
Turnover                                22,527,049      3,696,999     11,134,827
Cost of sales                         (14,520,328)    (2,056,548)    (6,322,870)
Gross profit                             8,006,721      1,640,451      4,811,957
Administrative expenses                (6,717,011)    (1,024,760)    (3,590,594)
Operating profit                         1,289,710        615,691      1,221,363
Profit on disposal of subsidiary                 -         19,684              -
Profit before interest and               1,289,710        635,375      1,221,363
Interest receivable                         29,037              -         13,084
Interest payable                         (169,413)        (1,397)       (22,024)
Profit on ordinary activities            1,149,334        633,978      1,212,423
before taxation                                                                 
Corporation tax                          (482,082)      (190,194)      (153,414)
Profit after taxation                      667,252        443,784      1,059,009
Minority interest                                0       (84,398)         85,910
Profit for the financial period            667,252        359,386      1,144,919
Earnings per share (pence)                    2.03           1.47           3.94

Matrix Communications Group Plc

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30April 2005

                                             As at          As at       As at 31
                                      30 April 200       30 April           2004
                                                 5           2004               
                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)               
                                                 �              �              �
Fixed Assets                                                                    
Tangible assets                          1,610,625         35,749        689,047
Intangible assets                       33,263,750      2,282,779     10,857,547
                                        34,874,375      2,318,528     11,546,594
Current assets                                                                  
Stocks                                   1,956,137        324,417        464,785
Debtors                                 15,953,829      2,851,047      4,399,867
Cash at bank and in hand                 1,034,573      1,897,578        312,680
                                        18,944,539      5,073,042      5,177,332
Creditors: amounts falling due        (28,547,619)    (2,854,254)    (6,994,884)
within one year                                                                 
Net current (liabilities) / assets     (9,603,080)      2,218,788    (1,817,552)
Total assets less current               25,271,295      4,537,316      9,729,042
Creditors: amounts falling due         (6,000,000)              -              -
after one year                                                                  
Minority interest                                -       (64,485)              -
Net assets                              19,271,295      4,472,831      9,729,042
Capital and reserves                                                            
Called up equity share capital           3,539,720      2,759,274      2,855,068
Share premium account                   12,824,915      3,727,190      4,752,074
Shares to be issued                      3,467,508              -      3,350,000
Profit and loss account                  (560,848)    (2,013,633)    (1,228,100)
                                        19,271,295      4,472,831      9,729,042

Matrix Communications Group Plc

Group Cash Flow Statement for the period ended 30 April 2005

                                        Six months     Six months     Year to 31
                                       to 30 April    to 30 April        October
                                              2005           2004           2004
                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                 �              �              �
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from         (563,917)         40,001      (696,564)
operating activities                                                            
Returns on investments and                                                      
servicing of finance                                                            
Interest paid                            (169,413)        (1,397)       (16,007)
Interest received                           29,037              -         13,083
Interest element of finance leases               -              -        (8,543)
Net cash outflow from returns on         (140,376)        (1,397)       (11,467)
investments and servicing of                                                    
Taxation                                     5,392              -       (33,538)
Capital expenditure and financial                                               
Payments to acquire tangible fixed       (515,447)       (33,230)      (182,527)
Receipts from sale of fixed assets          49,270              -              -
Net cash outflow from capital            (466,177)       (33,230)      (182,527)
Acquisitions and disposals                                                      
Payments to acquire investments in    (11,797,447)      (741,274)    (2,703,433)
subsidiary undertakings                                                         
Cash in subsidiaries at                  3,400,604        147,413        887,300
Receipts from sale of business                   -              -          7,500
Net cash outflow from acquisitions     (8,396,843)      (593,861)    (1,808,633)
and disposals                                                                   
Net cash outflow before financing      (9,561,921)      (588,487)    (2,732,729)
Bank loans advanced                      7,000,000              -              -
Other loans repaid                     (3,753,099)              -              -
Issue of equity share capital              375,000        267,857        267,857
Share premium on issue of equity         7,125,000      2,057,143      1,939,471
Capital element of finance leases         (32,000)              -       (33,695)
Net cash inflow from financing          10,714,901      2,325,000      2,173,633
Increase/ (decrease) in cash             1,152,980      1,736,513      (559,096)

Matrix Communications Group Plc

Group Cash Flow Statement for the period ended 30 April 2005

Reconciliation of operating results to net cash (outflow) / inflow from
operating activities

                                        Six months     Six months     Year to 31
                                       to 30 April    to 30 April        October
                                              2005           2004           2004
                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                 �              �              �
Operating Profit                         1,289,710        635,375      1,221,363
Depreciation & amortisation                897,734         59,008        633,031
Profit / (loss) on disposal of               3,920              -       (23,185)
fixed assets                                                                    
(Increase) / decrease in stocks          (344,608)       (48,790)        188,320
Increase in debtors                    (9,299,460)    (2,687,730)    (1,035,529)
Increase / (decrease) in creditors       6,888,787      2,082,138    (1,680,564)
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from         (563,917)         40,001      (696,564)
operating activities                                                            

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                        Six months     Six months     Year to 31
                                       to 30 April    to 30 April        October
                                              2005           2004           2004
                                       (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                 �              �              �
Increase / (decrease) in cash in         1,152,980      1,736,513      (559,096)
the period                                                                      
Loans advanced                         (7,000,000)              -              -
Cash outflow in respect of finance          32,000              -         33,695
Change in net debt resulting from      (5,815,020)      1,736,513      (525,401)
New finance leases                               -              -       (91,100)
Change in net debt                     (5,815,020)      1,736,513      (616,501)
Net funds at the start of the            (455,436)        161,065        161,065
Net funds at the end of the period     (6,270,456)      1,897,578      (455,436)

Analysis of changes in net funds

                                              At 1     Cash flows    At 30 April
                                          November                          2005
                                                 �              �              �
Cash at bank and in hand                   312,680        721,893      1,034,573
Bank overdraft                           (710,711)        431,087      (279,624)
                                         (398,031)      1,152,980        754,949
Debt due < 1 year                                -    (1,000,000)    (1,000,000)
Debt due > 1 year                                -    (6,000,000)    (6,000,000)
Finance leases                            (57,405)         32,000       (25,405)
                                          (57,405)    (6,968,000)    (7,025,405)
Total                                    (455,436)    (5,815,020)    (6,270,456)

 1. Major non-cash transactions
    During the period 3,096,519 ordinary 10 pence shares were issued to satisfy
    deferred consideration payable following the acquisition of certain
 2. Earnings per share have been calculated on the net basis on ordinary
    activities after taxation of �667,252 (2004 : �359,386) using the weighted
    average number of ordinary shares in issue of 32,833,698 (2004 :
 3. The interim accounts were approved by the Board of Directors on the 10 June
 4. The interim report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent
    with those set out in the statutory accounts of the company for the year
    ended 31 October 2004 within the group companies.

Additional policies are:

Basis of Consolidation

The consolidated Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet include the financial
statements of the Company and it's subsidiaries made up to 30 April 2005. The
results of subsidiaries are included in the Profit & Loss Account from the date
of acquisition.

On acquisition the subsidiaries net assets are recorded at fair value.


Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the excess of fair value of
consideration given over the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired.
Goodwill is capitalised and amortised over its useful economic life.

 5. The interim financial information for the two half year periods is
    unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
    Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The results for the year ended 31
    October 2004 have been extracted from the statutory accounts of the company
    on which an unqualified auditors' report has been received and which have
    been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.


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