Metal Tiger Plc


24 August 2017


Metal Tiger Plc


("Metal Tiger" or the "Company")


Botswana Copper/Silver Project - T3 Mineral Resource Estimate Upgraded


Metal Tiger plc (LON:MTR) the London Stock Exchange AIM listed investor in strategic natural resource opportunities is pleased to provide an update regarding the Company's Joint Venture ("JV") project with partners MOD Resources (ASX:MOD) in the Kalahari Copper Belt in Botswana (70% MOD Resources / 30% Metal Tiger). Metal Tiger also holds 91,795,214 MOD shares, equivalent to 4.86% of MOD's issued share capital and 1,541,667 MOD warrants at an exercise price of 6 cents (Australian). Activities in Botswana are conducted under the JV's local operating company Tshukudu Metals Botswana (Pty) Ltd. ("Tshukudu").



    -- Revised, JORC (2012) compliant, Mineral Resource Estimate 

completed for T3 Project following inclusion of all drilling results

from holes completed in first quarter 2017. Revised Resource updates

and supersedes the previous, maiden, Mineral Resource Estimate

(announced 26 September 2016).

    -- Total (Measured, Indicated & Inferred) Mineral Resource 

Estimate comprises 36.0Mt @ 1.14% Cu & 12.8g/t Ag

containing approximately 409kt copper and 14.8Moz silver on

a 100% basis (10.8Mt containing approximately 123kt copper

and 4.4Moz silver on a 30% attributable basis).

    -- Constitutes a 27% increase in Total Resource tonnes a 16% 

increase in contained copper compared with the Maiden Resource (at 0.5%

Cu cut-off grade).

    -- 25% of Total Resource tonnes now in Measured Resource 

category (8.9Mt on a 100% basis and 2.7Mt on a 30% attributable

basis @ 1.27% Cu & 12.5g/t Ag), denoting a higher degree of Resource

confidence (at 0.5% Cu cut-off grade).

    -- At a higher cut-off grade (1.0% Cu), the revised total Mineral 

Resource Estimate comprises 20.6Mt on a 100% basis (6.2Mt on a 30%

attributable basis) at average grades of 1.43% Cu and 14.7g/t Ag.

    -- An additional low-grade Resource contains approximately 47.6kt copper 

on a 100% basis (14.3kt on a 30% attributable basis) at 0.25% Cu

cut-off grade.

    -- The revised Resource model shows good grade continuity with horizontal 

widths of >1% Cu mineralisation up to 180m across the planned open-pit


    -- T3 (Phase 2) 2017 drilling programme currently underway with four rigs 

to test further Resource extensions, underground potential and

geophysical targets around T3. All six new holes completed to date

have intersected significant visible copper mineralisation and results

will be announced when assays are received and interpreted.


Michael McNeilly Chief Executive Officer of Metal Tiger commented:


"The revised Mineral Resource Estimateis another important and positive step towards the anticipated T3 Prefeasibility Study and constitutes a significant upgrade to the Project with a 27% increase in Total Resource tonnes and over 400,000 tonnes more contained copper.


The 16% increase in contained copper has the potential to increase the value and profitability of a future mine, the potential value is further compounded by the circa 30% rise in copper price since the maiden resource was announced last September. With the current copper price now approaching the US$3/lb used for the upside case in the original T3 Scoping Study we released on 6 December 2016. the team will be looking to optimise the planned mining schedule and processing rates to maximise the future economics in the upcoming Prefeasibility Study."


For further details of the exploration procedures employed during the Resource Estimation programme including a completed JORC 2012 Table 1, a drill plan and drill collar table we would refer readers to the announcement released today by MOD Resources.


This announcement can be viewed through the following link:




Shareholders should note that the timing of MOD announcements are outside the control of MTR, however MTR does its utmost to announce the drill results and important updates as soon as practicable after MOD makes its announcement to the ASX. MTR are only made aware of drill results and important updates immediately prior to the MOD release.


T3 Revised Mineral Resource Estimate


The JORC compliant Mineral Resource Estimate outlined in this release constitutes the first revision to a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for the T3 Deposit which was announced on 26 September 2016. This revised Mineral Resource Estimate may require further revision and resource modelling before it progresses towards an Ore Reserve which is a key outcome of the planned Prefeasibility Study.


Table 1 below includes the revised Mineral Resource Estimates at Cu cut-off grades of 0.5%, 1% & 1.5% Cu.


Table 1: T3 Revised Mineral Resource Estimate

                     Gross (100% basis)                          Net Attributable (MTR 30%)                  Operator 
JORC        Cut-off  Tonnes     Grade         Contained          Tonnes     Grade         Contained 
Category             (million)                                   (million) 
            Cu%                 Cu%   Ag g/t  Cu (Kt)  Ag (Moz)             Cu%   Ag g/t  Cu (Kt)  Ag (Moz) 
Measured    0.5      8.954      1.27  12.50   113.45   3.60      2.686      1.27  12.50   34.04    1.1       MOD 
            1.0      6.548      1.45  13.58   94.62    2.86      1.964      1.45  13.58   28.39    0.9       MOD 
            1.5      2.179      1.90  17.91   41.49    1.25      0.654      1.90  17.91   12.45    0.4       MOD 
Indicated   0.5      11.202     1.19  12.50   133.43   4.50      3.361      1.19  12.50   40.03    1.4       MOD 
            1.0      7.240      1.42  14.07   102.52   3.28      2.172      1.42  14.07   30.76    1.0       MOD 
            1.5      2.200      1.89  18.07   41.62    1.28      0.660      1.89  18.07   12.49    0.4       MOD 
Inferred    0.5      15.810     1.03  13.09   162.04   6.65      4.743      1.03  13.09   48.61    2.0       MOD 
            1.0      6.786      1.42  16.59   96.09    3.62      2.036      1.42  16.59   28.83    1.1       MOD 
            1.5      2.108      1.91  20.66   40.16    1.40      0.632      1.91  20.66   12.05    0.4       MOD 
TOTAL       0.5      35.966     1.14  12.79   408.93   14.79     10.790     1.43  14.73   122.68   4.4       MOD 
            1.0      20.574     1.43  14.73   293.18   9.74      6.172      1.90  18.84   87.95    2.9       MOD 
            1.5      6.487      1.90  18.84   123.25   3.93      1.946      1.27  12.50   36.98    1.2       MOD 

Source: Mr A.I. Pretorius, MSc. Pri.Sci.Nat (Competent Person)


Note: rounding errors may be present


In addition to the revised Mineral Resource Estimate in Table 1, an additional, largely Inferred, low-grade Resource has been estimated using a cut-off of 0.25% Cu. Depending on the outcome of a future Ore Reserve Estimate (to be undertaken as part of the Prefeasibility Study), some of this low-grade Resource may be economic to process in which case it would be stockpiled separately for use as low-grade feedstock during or at the end of any future mining of T3.


Table 2: T3 Revised Mineral Resource Estimate - Low-Grade (0.25% Cu Cut-off)

                     Gross                                       Net Attributable (MTR 30%)                  Operator 
JORC        Cut-off  Tonnes     Grade         Contained          Tonnes     Grade         Contained 
Category             (million)                                   (million) 
            Cu%                 Cu%   Ag g/t  Cu (Kt)  Ag (Moz)             Cu%   Ag g/t  Cu (Kt)  Ag (Moz) 
Measured    0.25     1.340      0.34  5.52    4.57     0.24      0.402      0.34  5.52    1.37     0.07      MOD 
Indicated   0.25     2.964      0.33  4.54    9.90     0.43      0.889      0.33  4.54    2.97     0.13      MOD 
Inferred    0.25     9.825      0.34  4.99    33.21    1.58      2.947      0.34  4.99    9.96     0.47      MOD 
TOTAL       0.25     14.129     0.34  4.95    47.61    2.25      4.239      0.34  4.95    14.28    0.68      MOD 

Source: Mr A.I. Pretorius, MSc. Pri.Sci.Nat (Competent Person)


Note: rounding errors may be present




1.Geology and Geological Interpretation


The copper and silver mineralisation which is the basis for the T3 Phase One Mineral Resource is interpreted to be a Proterozoic or early Palaeozoic age, vein related sediment hosted deposit which is different to other known deposits and mines in the central Kalahari Copper Belt in Botswana.


The Mineral Resource has been defined along >1km long strike length and the copper and silver sulphide mineralisation occurs in veins and disseminations within host rocks that include mudstone, siltstone, sandstone and marl units considered part of the D'Kar Formation. Footwall to the copper/silver Resource is generally defined by low-grade disseminated lead and zinc mineralisation within sediments also considered part of the D'Kar Formation.


Mineralisation is very continuous and is dominated by mainly chalcopyrite with chalcocite and bornite copper sulphides occurring in lesser amounts. Mineralisation extends from shallow depth (35m depth) to the limit of drilling to date at 480m vertical depth. Minor malachite and chrysocolla oxide mineralisation occurs near surface between approximately 25-50m depth.


The T3 mineralisation type can be described as a sheeted vein deposit dipping at 20-30 degrees to the north with varying widths of disseminated mineralisation around the veins. The deposit may represent multiple stacked, mineralised veins and units, thrusted one upon the other.


This interpretation opens up potential for resource extensions along strike east and west, as well as at depth and down dip. This potential is being tested in the current drilling programme.


2.Drilling Technique


The drilling results referred to in this release were drilled by diamond core drilling rigs. HQ3 diameter drill core was drilled for the shallow drill holes and geotechnical holes and NQ for the deeper drill holes. Triple tube drilling was used for the shallow drill holes to maximise core recovery in oxidised sediments intersected at shallow depth.


3.Sampling, Sub Sampling and Analytical Techniques


Drill core was logged, split by diamond saw and sampled on site. Samples of drill core were taken from half core and sampled at 1m lengths or less as dictated by lithological contacts, and assayed for Cu, Ag, Pb, Zn, Mo, ASCu (acid soluble copper) and S at ALS laboratories in Johannesburg. Samples of HQ3 core were taken from quarter core samples and sent for analysis.


Standards, blanks and duplicates were inserted into the sample stream. The remaining half portion of drill core was retained on site at Tshukudu's core logging facility in Ghanzi, Botswana.


Samples arriving at the laboratory were crushed using a jaw crusher to a particle size less than 15 mm and then crushed to a fineness of 80% less than 2.0mm. The split for analysis was milled to achieve a fineness of 90%less than 106 µm.


Analytical techniques were chosen to best characterise total and non-sulphide copper and silver mineralisation. Analysis for acid soluble Copper was by method CuAA05 and determined by sulphuric acid leach followed by ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry) finish. Analysis for total Copper, Silver, Lead, Zinc and Molybdenum is determined by 4 acid digest followed by ICP-OES finish. Total Sulphur is analysed by S-IR08 method.


4.Resource criteria and assumptions


The resource estimate was classified in accordance with the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code, 2012).


Geological interpretation was based on drill hole lithology and grade data which was completed on 22 cross-sections using Datamine software. 3D (wireframe) geological modelling was carried out by Sphynx Consulting CC ('Sphynx') and reviewed by MOD Resources. Sphynx produced resource tables at a copper cut-off grade of 0.5% Cu (Table 1).


The Mineral Resource estimate was based on the following factors and assumptions:

    -- A review of the QAQC data was completed and considered satisfactory 

for Measured Indicated and Inferred Category Resources.

    -- Mineralisation was defined by zones identified from downhole 

lithological and analytical data.

    -- Grade domaining was applied by constructing hard boundaries at 0.25% 

Cu and 0.5% Cu respectively.

    -- Using parameters derived from modelled variograms, Ordinary Kriging 

(OK) was used to estimate average block grades for Cu, Ag, Pb, Zn,

ASCu, S and Mo.

    -- The block size is 5 m (X) by 5 m (Y) by 2.5 m (Z) in the x (east) and 

y (north) directions.

    -- The following table summarises the Search ellipsoid parameters: 
Search    Search   Search  Angle    Angle    Angle 3  Axis 1   Axis 2   Axis 3 
X         Y        Z       1        2 
200m      100m     2m      60       20       0        3        2        1 
Min       Max      Factor  Min      Max      Factor   Min      Max 
Samples   Samples          Samples  Samples           Samples  Samples 
5         30       2       5        30       4        5        30 
    -- The estimation was conducted in three passes with the search radius 

increasing for each pass.

    -- The model was validated visually and statistically using comparison to 

sample statistics.

    -- Bulk densities were assigned to mineralised domains. The dry bulk 

densities were based on immersion measurements from 1,624 core

samples. A median bulk density of 2.75 t/m3 was used.

    -- The relative accuracy is reflected in the resource classification that 

is in line with industry acceptable standards. It is a revised global

resource estimate with no production data.

    -- This Resource is a revised resource estimate compared with the maiden 

Mineral Resource Estimate announced 26 September 2016.


5.Mineral Resource Estimate Competent Persons


The information in this announcement that relates to Mineral Resource estimation and classification of the T3 Copper/Silver Project was conducted and approved by Mr A.I. Pretorius, MSc. Pri.Sci.Nat. Mr Pretorius is an independent consultant to MOD Resources Ltd and a member of the South African Council for Scientific Professionals (SACNASP Membership Number 400060/91). Mr Pretorius has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'.


The information in this announcement that relates to Geological Data and Exploration Results at the Botswana Copper/Silver Project, which includes T3 is reviewed and approved by Jacques Janse van Rensburg, BSc (Hons), Business Development Manager for MOD Resources Ltd. He is registered as a Professional Natural Scientist with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) No. 400101/05 and has reviewed the technical information in this report. Mr Janse van Rensburg has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and the activity, which it is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.




The T3 Project is located on the Kalahari Copper Belt in northern Botswana and is part of the MOD/MTR joint venture Botswana Copper/Silver Project. T3 is located within the central part of the T3 Dome (approximately 1000km2), which is the focus of rapidly increasing exploration activity undertaken by Tshukudu. Two significant resources have been discovered to date within the T3 Dome: T1 (Mahumo deposit 100% MOD) and T3 (70% MOD / 30% MTR).


The T3 deposit was discovered in March 2016 when a reverse circulation ("RC") drill hole intersected 52m @ 2.0% Cu and 32g/t Ag from shallow depth. The maiden T3 JORC compliant Mineral Resource was announced on 26 September 2016. The results of a Scoping Study for an open pit mine at T3 with a 2Mtpa processing plant, an indicative mine life of 10 years and an average production rate of 21,800tpa of copper and 665,000oz pa of silver was released on 6 December 2016. Work on a Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) commenced in January 2017 and additional deeper copper mineralisation was discovered below the T3 Resource in February 2017.


The T3 Prospect geological data and exploration results have been reviewed and approved by Jacques Janse van Rensburg, BSc (Hons), Business Development Manager and Competent Person for MOD Resources Ltd. Mineral Resource estimation and classification of the T3 Copper/Silver Project was conducted and approved by Mr A.I. Pretorius, MSc. Pri.Sci.Nat. an independent consultant to MOD Resources Ltd.


The technical information contained in this disclosure has been read and approved by Mr Nick O'Reilly (MSc, DIC, MAusIMM, FGS), who is a qualified geologist who acts as the Competent Person under the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies.Mr O'Reilly has visited the T3 site and reviewed MOD's drilling and sampling protocols and procedures. Mr O'Reilly is a Principal consultant working for Mining Analyst Consulting Ltd which has been retained by Metal Tiger PLC to provide technical support.


For further information on the Company, visit: www.metaltigerplc.com:

Michael McNeilly (Chief                         Tel: +44(0)20 7099 0738 
Executive Officer) 
Keith Springall (Finance                        Tel: +44 (0)20 7099 0738 
& Company Secretary) 
Stephen Allen or           RFC Ambrian Ltd      Tel: +44 (0) 3440 6800 
Bhavesh Patel              (Nominated Adviser) 
Jonathan Williams          RFC Ambrian Ltd      Tel: +44 (0)20 3440 6800 
                           (Joint Broker) 
Nick Emerson               SI Capital           Tel: +44 (0)1483 413 500 
                           (Joint Broker) 
Andrew Monk                VSA Capital Limited  Tel: +44 (0)20 3005 5000 
Andrew Raca                (Joint Broker) 
Gordon Poole               Camarco              Tel: +44 (0)20 3757 4980 
James Crothers             (Financial PR) 

Notes to Editors:


Metal Tiger plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM Market ("AIM") with the trading code MTR and invests in high potential mineral projects with a precious and strategic metals focus.


The Company's target is to deliver a very high return for shareholders by investing in significantly undervalued and/or high potential opportunities in the mineral exploration and development sector timed to coincide, where possible, with a cyclical recovery in the exploration and mining markets. The Company's key strategic objective is to ensure the distribution to shareholders of major returns achieved from disposals.


Metal Tiger's Metal Projects Division is focused on the development of its key project interests in Botswana, Spain and Thailand. In Botswana Metal Tiger has a growing interest in the large and highly prospective Kalahari copper/silver belt. In Spain Metal Tiger the Company has tungsten and gold interests in the highly-mineralised Extremadura region. In Thailand Metal Tiger has interests in two potentially near-production stage silver/lead/zinc mines as well as licences, applications and critical historical data covering antimony, copper, gold, silver, lead and zinc opportunities.


The Company has access to a diverse pipeline of new opportunities focused on the natural resource sector including physical resource projects, new natural resource centred technologies and resource sector related fintech opportunities. Pipeline projects deemed commercially viable may be undertaken by Metal Tiger or by an AIM or NEX Exchange (formerly ISDX) partner with whom the Company is engaged.


Glossary of Technical Terms

cut-off"                   the grade threshold above which a mineral material is considered  potentially economic 
"g/t"                      grams per tonne; equivalent to parts per million ('ppm'). 
"Mineral Resource"         A 'Mineral Resource' is a concentration or occurrence of solid  material of economic interest in or on the Earth's crust in such  form, grade (or quality), 
                           and quantity that there are reasonable  prospects for eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity,  grade (or quality), continuity and 
                           other geological characteristics  of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from  specific geological evidence and knowledge, including 
                           sampling.  Mineral Resources are sub-divided, in order of increasing geological  confidence, into Inferred, Indicated and Measured categories. 
"Inferred Resource"        An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource  for which quantity and grade (or quality) are estimated 
                           on the basis  of limited geological evidence and sampling. Geological evidence is  sufficient to imply but not 
                           verify geological and grade (or quality)  continuity. It is based on exploration, sampling and testing  information 
                           gathered through appropriate techniques from locations  such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes. 
"Indicated Resource"       An 'Indicated Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource  for which quantity, grade 
                           (or quality), densities, shape and  physical characteristics are estimated with sufficient 
                           confidence to  allow the application of Modifying Factors in sufficient detail to  support 
                           mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of  the deposit. Geological 
                           evidence is derived from adequately detailed  and reliable exploration, sampling and testing 
                           gathered through  appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, 
                           pits, workings and drill holes, and is sufficient to assume  geological and grade (or quality) 
                           continuity between points of  observation where data and samples are gathered. 
"Measured Resource"        A 'Measured Mineral Resource' is that part of a Mineral Resource for  which quantity, grade 
                           (or quality), densities, shape, and physical  characteristics are estimated with confidence 
                           sufficient to allow  the application of Modifying Factors to support detailed mine  planning and final evaluation of the economic viability of the  deposit. Geological 
                           evidence is derived from detailed and reliable  exploration, sampling and testing gathered through appropriate  techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, 
                           workings  and drill holes, and is sufficient to confirm geological and grade  (or quality) continuity between points of observation where data and  samples are gathered. 
"Ore Reserve"              An 'Ore Reserve' is the economically mineable part of a Measured  and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. It includes 
                           diluting materials  and allowances for losses, which may occur when the material is  mined or extracted and is 
                           defined by studies at Pre-Feasibility or  Feasibility level as appropriate that include application of  Modifying 
                           Factors. Such studies demonstrate that, at the time of  reporting, extraction could reasonably be justified. 
"JORC Code (2012)"         The 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of  Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves which sets  out minimum standards, 
                           recommendations and guidelines for Public  Reporting in Australasia of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources  and Ore Reserves. It has been 
                           adopted by The Australasian Institute  of Mining and Metallurgy (the "AusIMM") and the Australian Institute  of Geoscientists ("AIG"). The JORC 
                           Code (2012) is an internationally  recognised reporting code as defined by the Combined Reserves  International Reporting Standards Committee. 
"variogram"                A geostatistical tool that describes the spatial continuity of the  data 
"Kriging"                  an interpolation method for assigning values from samples to ore  blocks that minimises the estimation error. 
"chrysocolla"              A hydrated copper silicate mineral of secondary origin and usually  forming in the oxidation zones of copper ore bodies 
"malachite"                An intense green copper carbonate mineral generally forming in the  upper, oxidised parts of copper deposits 
"bornite"                  Bornite, also known as peacock ore, is a copper sulphide mineral  with the formula Cu5FeS4. 
"chalcocite"               Chalcocite is a copper sulphide mineral with the formula Cu2S, and  is an important copper ore mineral. It is opaque and dark-grey to  black with a metallic luster. 
"chalcopyrite"             Chalcopyrite is a copper sulphide mineral with formula CuFeS2. It  has a brassy to golden yellow colour. 
"veins"                    A vein is a sheet-like or anastomosing fracture that has been  infilled with mineral ore (e.g. chalcopyrite) or mineral gangue  (quartz, calcite etc) material, within 
                           a rock. Veins form when  minerals carried by an aqueous solution within the rock mass are  deposited through precipitation and infill or coat the fracture  faces. 
"sheeted veins"            A group of closely spaced, distinct parallel fractures filled with  mineral matter and separated by layers of barren rock 
"disseminated"             A geology term denoting a deposit in which (usually) fine-grained  ore minerals are scattered throughout the rock 
"diamond drilling"         A drilling method in which penetration is achieved through abrasive  cutting by rotation 
                           of a diamond encrusted drill bit. This drilling  method enables collection of tubes 
                           of intact rock (core) and when  successful gives the best possible quality samples for description,  sampling and analysis of an ore body or mineralised structure. 
"grade"                    The proportion of a mineral within a rock or other material. For  copper mineralisation this is usually reported as % of copper per  tonne of rock (g/t) 
"assay"                    The laboratory test conducted to determine the proportion of a  mineral within a rock or other material. For copper, 
                           usually  reported as percentage which is equivalent to percentage of the  mineral (i.e. copper) per tonne of rock 
"dip"                      A line directed down the steepest axis of a planar structure  including a planar ore body or 
                           zone of mineralisation. The dip has a  measurable direction and inclination from horizontal 
"intercept/intersection"   Refers to a sample or sequence of samples taken across the entire  width or an ore body or mineralized 
                           zone. The intercept is described  by the entire thickness and the average grade of mineralisation 
"lbs"                      Pounds (measure of weight) 
"Cu"                       The chemical symbol for copper 
"Au"                       The chemical symbol for gold 
"Ag"                       The chemical symbol for silver 
"Pb"                       The chemical symbol for lead 
"Zn"                       The chemical symbol for zinc 
"Mo"                       The chemical symbol for molybdenum 
"ASCu"                     That copper contained in a deposit that is able to be leached by  acid (generally sulphuric acid) 
"QAQC"                     Quality assurance/quality control which ranges from sample handling  at all levels of exploration and processing 
                           as well as defined  protocols for insertion of standards/blanks and duplicates in  assaying. 
"Standards"                Standards or samples purchased from labs, which have a known grade  of mineral to be tested for. They can be high, low 
                           or even median  grade standards. The purpose of the standards are to test for  calibration errors at the lab level. 
"Blanks"                   Material which is guaranteed not to contain any of the mineral being  assayed for. This will determine if potential contamination at the  lab setting is taking place. 
"Duplicates"               Duplicates are taken in two different phases. Core duplicates are a  secondary splitting of core resulting in two samples that in theory  should be similar 
                           in grade. The second, usually done as internal  tests in the lab, is to retest a sample already tested. The samples  should in theory be similar. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 24, 2017 02:07 ET (06:07 GMT)

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