RNS Number : 5126I 
MTR Corporation Ltd 
12 March 2010 

| Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange  | 
| of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of  | 
| this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or  | 
| completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for | 
| any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or | 
| any part of the contents of this announcement.                   | 
|                                                                  | 
| MTR CORPORATION LIMITED                                          | 
| ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?                                                  | 
| (the "Company")                                                  | 
| (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)               | 
| (Stock code: 66)                                                 | 
| KOWLOON INLAND LOT NO. 11126                                     | 
| (SITE C, CANTON ROAD, KOWLOON)                                   | 
| and                                                              | 
| KOWLOON INLAND LOT NO. 11129                                     | 
| (SITE D, CANTON ROAD, KOWLOON)                                   | 
|                                                                  | 
|                                                                  | 
| On 12 March, 2010, the Company accepted offers from the        |  | 
| Government to allow the Company to proceed with the proposed   | | 
| developments on KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129 subject to the | | 
| Company's acceptance of the Government's assessment of the     | | 
| Land Premiums (being (a) HK$4,958,820,000 and HK$1,000 in      | | 
| respect of the non-railway portion of KIL No. 11126 and the    | | 
| railway portion of KIL No. 11126 respectively and (b)          | | 
| HK$6,748,820,000 and HK$1,000 in respect of the non-railway    | | 
| portion of KIL No. 11129 and the railway portion of KIL No.    | | 
| 11129 respectively) and of the particulars and conditions of   | | 
| the Land Grants. The payment of the non-railway portion of the | | 
| Land Premiums will be funded by both the Developer and the     | | 
| Company with approximately two-thirds (or HK$7,807,640,000)    | | 
| funded by the Developer and approximately one-third (or        | | 
| HK$3,900,000,000) funded by the Company.  The payment of the   | | 
| railway portions of the Land Premiums will be funded by the    | | 
| Company.  The offers were made by the Government on 1          | | 
| February, 2010.  As disclosed in the circular of the Company   | | 
| dated 3 September 2007, (a) KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129    | | 
| are specified potential development sites which the Government | | 
| has undertaken (subject to payment of the Land Premiums and    | | 
| agreement of the particulars and conditions of the Land        | | 
| Grants) to grant to the Company by way of private treaty       | | 
| grants and (b) the Company shall be obliged to transfer the    | | 
| railway portions of KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129 to KCRC.   | | 
| As the Government has indicated to the Company (a) that the    | | 
| offers to the Company in respect of KIL No. 11126 and KIL No.  | | 
| 11129 must be accepted together and (b) that the Government    | | 
| will treat the Land Grants as one package, the Company has     | | 
| therefore, in compliance with Rules 14.22 and 14A.25 of the    | | 
| Listing Rules, aggregated the Transactions and treated them as | | 
| if they were one transaction for the purposes of Chapters 14   | | 
| and 14A of the Listing Rules.                                  | | 
| The Transactions are therefore discloseable transactions under | | 
| Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules and are subject to the         | | 
| requirement for the publication of an announcement in          | | 
| accordance with Rule 14.34 of the Listing Rules.               | | 
| As the Government is a controlling shareholder of the Company  | | 
| and therefore a connected person of the Company, the           | | 
| Transactions are also connected transactions for the Company   | | 
| under Rule 14A.13 of the Listing Rules.                        | | 
| As disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 13       | | 
| January, 2005, the Stock Exchange has granted the Waiver to    | | 
| the Company from the requirements under Chapter 14A of the     | | 
| Listing Rules which would otherwise apply to connected         | | 
| transactions between the Company and the Government subject to | | 
| the conditions described below under the heading "General".    | | 
| Had the Waiver not been granted, the Transactions would have   | | 
| been subject to the announcement, the reporting and the        | | 
| independent shareholders' approval requirements under Chapter  | | 
| 14A of the Listing Rules.                                      | | 
| This announcement is made in accordance with the conditions of | | 
| the Waiver and Rule 14A.47 of the Listing Rules.  Details of   | | 
| the Transactions will be disclosed in the next annual report   | | 
| of the Company in accordance with Rule 14A.45 of the Listing   | | 
| Rules.                                                         | | 
| Acceptance of the Government's Offers and the Land Grants          |  | 
| On 12 March, 2010, the Company accepted offers from the Government |  | 
| to allow the Company to proceed with the proposed developments on  | | 
| KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129 subject to the Company's           | | 
| acceptance of the Government's assessment of the Land Premiums     | | 
| (being (a) HK$4,958,820,000 and HK$1,000 in respect of the         | | 
| non-railway portion of KIL No. 11126 and the railway portion of    | | 
| KIL No. 11126 respectively and (b) HK$6,748,820,000 and HK$1,000   | | 
| in respect of the non-railway portion of  KIL No. 11129 and the    | | 
| railway portion of KIL No. 11129 respectively) and of the          | | 
| particulars and conditions of the Land Grants.  The payment of the | | 
| non-railway portion of the Land Premiums will be funded by both    | | 
| the Developer and the Company with approximately two-thirds (or    | | 
| HK$7,807,640,000) funded by the Developer and approximately        | | 
| one-third (or HK$3,900,000,000) funded by the Company.  The        | | 
| payment of the railway portions of the Land Premiums will be       | | 
| funded by the Company.  The offers were made by the Government on  | | 
| 1 February, 2010.                                                  | | 
| Under the terms of the Government's offers, binding contracts      | | 
| between the parties arise when the Government receives the         | | 
| Company's acceptances.  The Company delivered the acceptances to   | | 
| the Government on 12 March, 2010.  The Land Grants, which will     | | 
| contain particulars and conditions of the land grant by private    | | 
| treaty of KIL No. 11126 and particulars and conditions of the land | | 
| grant by private treaty of KIL No. 11129, are expected to be       | | 
| executed within three calendar months from that date.  It is       | | 
| proposed that the developments in KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129  | | 
| will comprise residential accommodation with an aggregate total    | | 
| gross floor area of not more than 119,116 square metres. The       | | 
| Company is required to pay to the Government the Land Premiums.    | | 
| The non-railway portions of the Land Premiums of KIL No. 11126 and | | 
| KIL No. 11129 have been assessed by the Government to be           | | 
| HK$4,958,820,000 and HK$6,748,820,000 respectively, in each case,  | | 
| (i) by reference to the full market value of KIL No. 11126 and KIL | | 
| No. 11129 and (ii) ignoring the presence of the railway.  The      | | 
| Company is required to pay (a) a deposit equal to 10% of the Land  | | 
| Premiums on 12 March, 2010 and (b) the remaining balance of the    | | 
| Land Premiums when the Land Grants are executed.                   | | 
| As disclosed in the circular of the Company dated 3 September,     | | 
| 2007, (a) KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129 are specified potential  | | 
| development sites which the Government has undertaken (subject to  | | 
| payment of the Land Premiums and agreement of the particulars and  | | 
| conditions of the Land Grants) to grant to the Company by way of a | | 
| private treaty grants and (b) the Company shall be obliged to      | | 
| transfer the railway portions of KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129   | | 
| to KCRC.                                                           | | 
|                                                                    | | 
| Reasons for accepting the Government's offers                      |  | 
| The Company has accepted the Government's offers and proposes to   |  | 
| execute the Land Grants in order to be allowed to proceed with the | | 
| proposed developments on KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129.  On the  | | 
| basis that the assessed Land Premiums in respect of the            | | 
| non-railway portions are considered to be in line with current     | | 
| market values, and having regard to all of the terms and           | | 
| conditions of the Government's offers, the Directors (including    | | 
| the independent non-executive Directors) believe that the terms of | | 
| the Government's offers and the Land Grants are on normal          | | 
| commercial terms, fair and reasonable, in the interests of the     | | 
| Company and its shareholders as a whole and in the ordinary and    | | 
| usual course of the business of the Company.                       | | 
|                                                                    | | 
| General                                                            |  | 
| This announcement is made in accordance with (a) Chapter 14 of the |  | 
| Listing Rules and (b) the conditions of the Waiver and Rule 14A.47 | | 
| of the Listing Rules.                                              | | 
| As the Government has indicated to the Company (a) that the offers | | 
| to the Company in respect of KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129 must  | | 
| be accepted together and (b) that the Government will treat the    | | 
| Land Grants as one package, the Company has therefore, in          | | 
| compliance with Rules 14.22 and 14A.25 of the Listing Rules,       | | 
| aggregated the Transactions and treated them as if they were one   | | 
| transaction for the purposes of Chapters 14 and 14A of the Listing | | 
| Rules.                                                             | | 
| Discloseable Transactions                                          | | 
| The Transactions are discloseable transactions under Chapter 14 of | | 
| the Listing Rules and are subject to the requirements for the      | | 
| publication of an announcement in accordance with Rule 14.34 of    | | 
| the Listing Rules.                                                 | | 
| Connected Transactions                                             | | 
| As the Government is a controlling shareholder of the Company and  | | 
| therefore a connected person of the Company, the Transactions are  | | 
| also connected transactions for the Company under Rule 14A.13 of   | | 
| the Listing Rules.                                                 | | 
| As disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 13 January,  | | 
| 2005, the Stock Exchange has granted the Waiver to the Company     | | 
| from the requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules which | | 
| would otherwise apply to connected transactions between the        | | 
| Company and the Government involving land and land interests       | | 
| subject to certain conditions.  Under the Waiver, the Company is   | | 
| required to make an announcement of the Transactions in accordance | | 
| with Rule 14A.47 of the Listing Rules and to disclose details of   | | 
| the Transactions in its next annual report in accordance with Rule | | 
| 14A.45 of the Listing Rules.  The Company is also required under   | | 
| the Waiver to make the Transactions subject to the approval of the | | 
| Board, with the Directors appointed by the Government under        | | 
| section 8 of the Mass Transit Railway Ordinance (Cap. 556 of the   | | 
| Laws of Hong Kong) and any Director who holds a position in the    | | 
| Government being required to abstain from voting.  Accordingly,    | | 
| Professor Chan Ka-keung, Ceajer, the Secretary for Transport and   | | 
| Housing and the Commissioner for Transport disclosed their         | | 
| interest in the Transactions and they each abstained from voting   | | 
| on the relevant Board resolutions.  Had the Waiver not been        | | 
| granted, the Transactions would have been subject to the           | | 
| announcement, the reporting and the independent shareholders'      | | 
| approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.      | | 
| Details of the Transactions will be disclosed in the next annual   | | 
| report of the Company in accordance with Rule 14A.45 of the        | | 
| Listing Rules.                                                     | | 
|                                                                    | | 
| Principal activities of the Company                                |  | 
| The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries are:  |  | 
|                                                                    | | 
| (a)     the operation of a modern railway system with lines from   | | 
| Central to Tsuen Wan (Tsuen Wan Line), from Yau Ma Tei to Tiu Keng | | 
| Leng (Kwun Tong Line), from Po Lam and LOHAS Park to North Point   | | 
| (Tseung Kwan O Line), from Chai Wan to Sheung Wan (Island Line),   | | 
| from Hong Kong to Tung Chung (Tung Chung Line), from Hong Kong to  | | 
| the Hong Kong International Airport and then AsiaWorld-Expo both   | | 
| at Chek Lap Kok (Airport Express), from Sunny Bay to Disneyland    | | 
| Resort (Disneyland Resort Line), from Hung Hom to the boundary at  | | 
| Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau (East Rail Line), from Tai Wai to Wu Kai Sha | | 
| (Ma On Shan Line), from Hung Hom to Tuen Mun (West Rail Line), the | | 
| North-west Railway (commonly known as Light Rail) in the           | | 
| North-West New Territories of Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai and Yuen      | | 
| Long, and an intercity railway system between Hong Kong and some   | | 
| major cities in the Mainland of China;                             | | 
| (b)     property development, either as owner or as an agent for   | | 
| KCRC, at locations relating to the railway system including the    | | 
| Tseung Kwan O Line, the Ma On Shan Line, the East Rail Line, the   | | 
| Light Rail and the West Rail Line;                                 | | 
| (c)     related commercial activities, including the letting of    | | 
| advertising and retail space, bandwidth services on the railway    | | 
| telecommunication system, property management and leasing          | | 
| management of investment properties (including shopping malls,     | | 
| offices and residential units);                                    | | 
| (d)     the investment in a 50% equity share in the operation of   | | 
| the seven-year London Overground Concession in the United Kingdom, | | 
| consisting of four London railway lines with connections into the  | | 
| London Underground network;                                        | | 
| (e)     the investment in the operation (including rolling stock   | | 
| maintenance which is undertaken by a 50:50 joint venture) of the   | | 
| eight-year Stockholm Metro Concession in Sweden, consisting of     | | 
| three lines, linking the Swedish capital's central areas with      | | 
| surrounding suburbs;                                               | | 
| (f)      the investment in a 60% equity share in the operation and | | 
| maintenance of the Melbourne train system in Australia, consisting | | 
| of 15 lines, linking Melbourne's central business district with    | | 
| surrounding suburbs, under a franchise agreement with an initial   | | 
| period of eight years;                                             | | 
| (g)     the design and construction of the West Island Line as an  | | 
| extension of the Island Line;                                      | | 
| (h)     the further design, construction, procurement of services  | | 
| and equipment, testing, commissioning and all other matters        | | 
| associated with bringing the Hong Kong Section of the              | | 
| Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link into service;       | | 
| (i)      the planning and construction of future extensions to the | | 
| railway system and other related infrastructure projects including | | 
| the South Island Line, the Kwun Tong Line Extension and the Shatin | | 
| to Central Link, as the major projects for which the Government    | | 
| has confirmed policy support;                                      | | 
| (j)       the operation of the Tung Chung to Ngong Ping Cable Car  | | 
| System and the Theme Village in Ngong Ping, Lantau Island, Hong    | | 
| Kong;                                                              | | 
| (k)     worldwide consultancy services covering all areas of       | | 
| expertise required in the project management, planning,            | | 
| construction, operation, maintenance and up-grading of railways    | | 
| plus fare collection, property integration/development advice      | | 
| including other property related services and advice on generation | | 
| of non-fare revenues;                                              | | 
| (l)       investment in Octopus Holdings Limited, a subsidiary of  | | 
| the Company, which has business activities both in Hong Kong and   | | 
| overseas including the operation of a smart card system by its     | | 
| subsidiary Octopus Cards Limited for the collection of payments    | | 
| for both transport and non-transport applications in Hong Kong;    | | 
| (m)    equity investments and long term operations and maintenance | | 
| contracts outside of Hong Kong;                                    | | 
| (n)     property management, shopping mall investment and railway  | | 
| related property development business in the Mainland of China;    | | 
| (o)     the investment in a 49% equity interest in the             | | 
| construction and operations of Beijing Metro Line 4 in the         | | 
| Mainland of China, under a 30 years concession agreement with the  | | 
| Beijing Municipal Government, and future operations and            | | 
| maintenance of Beijing Metro Daxing Line, an extension of the      | | 
| Beijing Metro Line 4, under a concession agreement with the        | | 
| Beijing Municipal Government with an initial period of 10 years;   | | 
| (p)     the investment in, design and construction of, Phase 2 of  | | 
| Shenzhen Metro Line 4 together with future operations of Phase 1   | | 
| and Phase 2 in the Mainland of China, a double-track urban railway | | 
| running from Futian Checkpoint at the boundary between Hong Kong   | | 
| and Shenzhen, Mainland of China, to Longhua New Town in Shenzhen,  | | 
| under a 30 years Build-Operate-Transfer concession agreement with  | | 
| the Shenzhen Municipal Government; and                             | | 
| (q)     the investment in a 49% equity interest in future          | | 
| operations and maintenance of Shenyang Metro Line 1 and Line 2 in  | | 
| the Mainland of China, for a franchise fee with a concession       | | 
| period of 30 years with Shenyang Municipal Government.             | | 
|                                                                    | | 
| Definitions                                                        |  | 
| "Board"             | means the board of directors of the Company; |  | 
| "Developer"         | means Fast New Limited, the successful       |  | 
|                     | tenderer in the tender to develop KIL No.    | | 
|                     | 11126 and KIL No. 11129;                     | | 
| "Directors"         | means members of the Board;                  |  | 
| "Government"        | means the Government of Hong Kong;           |  | 
| "HK$"               | means Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency |  | 
|                     | of Hong Kong;                                | | 
| "Hong Kong"         | means the Hong Kong Special Administrative   |  | 
|                     | Region of the People's Republic of China;    | | 
| "KCRC"              | means the Kowloon-Canton Railway             |  | 
|                     | Corporation, a statutory corporation         | | 
|                     | established under the Kowloon-Canton Railway | | 
|                     | Corporation Ordinance (Cap. 372), wholly     | | 
|                     | owned by The Financial Secretary             | | 
|                     | Incorporated on behalf of the Government;    | | 
| "KIL No. 11126"     | means Kowloon Inland Lot No. 11126 (Site C,  |  | 
|                     | Canton Road, Kowloon);                       | | 
| "KIL No. 11129"     | means Kowloon Inland Lot No. 11129 (Site D,  |  | 
|                     | Canton Road, Kowloon);                       | | 
| "Land Grants"       | means the particulars and conditions of the  |  | 
|                     | land grant by private treaty of KIL No.      | | 
|                     | 11126 and the particulars and conditions of  | | 
|                     | the land grant by private treaty of KIL No.  | | 
|                     | 11129 to be entered into between the Company | | 
|                     | and the Government;                          | | 
| "Land Premiums"     | means the land premiums for KIL No. 11126    |  | 
|                     | and KIL No. 11129;                           | | 
| "Listing Rules"     | means the Rules Governing the Listing of     |  | 
|                     | Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong     | | 
|                     | Kong Limited;                                | | 
| "Stock Exchange"    | means The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong        |  | 
|                     | Limited;                                     | | 
| "Transactions"      | means the Company's acceptance of offers     |  | 
|                     | from the Government to allow the Company to  | | 
|                     | proceed with the proposed developments on    | | 
|                     | KIL No. 11126 and KIL No. 11129 subject to   | | 
|                     | the Company's acceptance of the Government's | | 
|                     | assessment of the Land Premiums and of the   | | 
|                     | particulars and conditions of the Land       | | 
|                     | Grants; and                                  | | 
| "Waiver"            | means the waiver granted by the Stock        |  | 
|                     | Exchange to the Company from the             | | 
|                     | requirements under Chapter 14A of the        | | 
|                     | Listing Rules (subject to certain            | | 
|                     | conditions).                                 | | 
|                                         |                          |  | 
|                                         |    By Order of the Board | | 
|                                         |       Leonard Bryan Turk | | 
|                                         |        Company Secretary | | 
|                                         |  MTR Corporation Limited | | 
| Hong Kong, 12 March, 2010                                          |  | 
|                                                                    | | 
|  | Members of the Board: Dr. Raymond Ch'ien Kuo-fung (Chairman)**,    | 
| | Chow Chung-kong (Chief Executive Officer), Vincent Cheng           | 
| | Hoi-chuen*, Christine Fang Meng-sang*, Edward Ho Sing-tin*, Ng     | 
| | Leung-sing*, Abraham Shek Lai-him*, T. Brian Stevenson*, Professor | 
| | Chan Ka-keung,  Ceajer (Secretary for Financial Services and the   | 
| | Treasury)**, Secretary for Transport and Housing (Eva Cheng)** and | 
| | Commissioner for Transport (Joseph Lai Yee-tak)**                  | 
| |                                                                    | 
| | Members of the Executive Directorate: Chow Chung-kong, William     | 
| | Chan Fu-keung, Chew Tai Chong, Thomas Ho Hang-kwong, Lincoln Leong | 
| | Kwok-kuen, Andrew McCusker and Leonard Bryan Turk                  | 
| |                                                                    | 
| | *   independent non-executive Directors                            | 
| | ** non-executive Directors                                         | 
| |                                                                    | 
| | This announcement is made in English and Chinese.  In the case of  | 
| | any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.              | 
| |                   |                   |                          | | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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