RNS Number : 7418H 
MTR Corporation Ltd 
26 February 2010 

| Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock     | 
| Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for   | 
| the contents of this announcement, make no representation  | 
| as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim  | 
| any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising    | 
| from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the      | 
| contents of this announcement.                             | 
|                                                            | 
|                  MTR CORPORATION LIMITED                   | 
|                          ????????                          | 
|                      (the "Company")                       | 
|    (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)      | 
|                      (Stock code: 66)                      | 
|              CONTINUING CONNECTED TRANSACTION              | 
| On 30 November 2007, KCRC entered into the Original        | 
| Contract with UGL, for the refurbishment of the Phase 1    | 
| LRVs for a period of 45 months from 30 November 2007 to 31 | 
| August 2011.  On 2 December 2007, the rights and           | 
| obligations of KCRC under the Original Contract were       | 
| vested in the Company pursuant to section 52(B) of the     | 
| Mass Transit Railway Ordinance (Chapter 556 of the Laws of | 
| the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region).              | 
| As stated in the announcement dated 1 September 2009, the  | 
| Company, UGL and JHL each agreed to subscribe for shares   | 
| in MTM with the effect that the Company controls 60% of    | 
| the voting power at any general meeting of MTM and each of | 
| UGL and JHL controls 20% of the voting power at any        | 
| general meeting of MTM. Accordingly, UGL is treated as a   | 
| substantial shareholder of MTM (a subsidiary of the        | 
| Company) and therefore a "connected person" of the Company | 
| within the meaning of Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.    | 
| On 26 February 2010 the Company entered into the           | 
| Supplemental Agreement. The Supplemental Agreement is a    | 
| "continuing connected transaction" within the meaning of   | 
| Rule 14A.14 and, under Listing Rule 14A.34, the Company is | 
| subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set | 
| out in Listing Rules 14A.45 to 14A.47 (inclusive) and the  | 
| requirements of Listing Rules 14A.35(1) and 14A.35(2).     | 
| This announcement is made pursuant to Listing Rule 14A.47. | 
| On 30 November 2007, KCRC entered into the Original        | 
| Contract with UGL. On 2 December 2007, the rights and      | 
| obligations of KCRC under the Original Contract were       | 
| vested in the Company pursuant to section 52(B) of the     | 
| Mass Transit Railway Ordinance (Chapter 556 of the Laws of | 
| the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region).  On 26       | 
| February 2010, the Company entered into the Supplemental   | 
| Agreement for the extension of the Original Contract for a | 
| further period of 16 months from 31 August 2011 until 31   | 
| December 2012. The Original Contract (as amended and       | 
| supplemented by the Supplemental Agreement) is in          | 
| substantially the same form as KCRC's standard conditions  | 
| of contract for engineering works and contains (inter      | 
| alia) the following terms:                                 | 
| Parties                                                    | 
| (1)       KCRC until and including 1 December 2007 and     | 
| thereafter the Company (see paragraph above); and          | 
| (2)        UGL.                                            | 
| Obligations of UGLUnder the terms of the Original Contract | 
| (as amended and supplemented by the Supplemental           | 
| Agreement), the principal obligations of UGL comprise the  | 
| following:(a)        carrying out a carbody structure      | 
| review to assess the mechanical condition of the Phase 1   | 
| LRVs;                                                      | 
| (b)        refurbishing the drivers' consoles, the         | 
| operators' seats and the passenger saloons of the Phase 1  | 
| LRVs;                                                      | 
| (c)        conducting a brake software upgrade of the      | 
| Phase 1 LRVs; and                                          | 
| (d)        carrying out further miscellaneous repairs to   | 
| the Phase 1 LRVs                                           | 
| (together the "Refurbishment Works").UGL shall indemnify   | 
| the Company against any loss or expense sustained by the   | 
| Company and against all losses and claims in respect of    | 
| death or injuries or damage to any person or equipment or  | 
| other property whatsoever which may arise out of or in     | 
| connection with the Refurbishment Works and against all    | 
| claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses  | 
| in respect of or in relation thereto, subject to any       | 
| proportionate reduction in liability on account of any     | 
| related negligence by the Company, its employees or        | 
| agents, the Engineer or those appointed by the             | 
| Engineer.UGL shall indemnify the Company against all       | 
| damages and compensation and against all claims, demands,  | 
| proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in     | 
| respect of any damages or compensation payable at law in   | 
| respect of or in consequence of any accident, injury or    | 
| illness to any workman or other person in the employment   | 
| of UGL arising out of and in the course of such            | 
| employment.                                                | 
| UGL shall effect and maintain insurance with a limit of    | 
| not less than HK$100,000,000 in relation to certain of its | 
| liabilities for the period commencing on 30 November 2007  | 
| until the date of the issue of the Substantial Completion  | 
| Certificate.                                               | 
| Pursuant to the terms of the Original Contract, a bank     | 
| guarantee issued by HSBC Bank Australia Limited has been   | 
| provided to the Company in respect of the obligations of   | 
| UGL under the Original Contract.                           | 
| Limitations of liability of UGL                            | 
| UGL's liability to indemnify the Company is reduced        | 
| proportionally to the extent that any act or omission of   | 
| the Company, its employees or agents, the Engineer or      | 
| those appointed by the Engineer, caused or contributed to  | 
| the relevant death, illness, injury, loss or damage.       | 
| The total liability of UGL shall not exceed 100% of the    | 
| total sum payable under the Original Contract, save and    | 
| except for UGL's liability for death, personal injury,     | 
| wilful misconduct, fraud and infringement of third party   | 
| intellectual property rights.                              | 
| The total liability of UGL to the Company for liquidated   | 
| damages arising as a result of delay is limited to 10% of  | 
| the total sum payable under the Original Contract.         | 
| Subject to the provisions regarding liquidated damages,    | 
| UGL is not liable for any kind of economic, financial,     | 
| indirect or consequential loss or damage, including but    | 
| not limited to loss of profit, loss of use, loss of        | 
| production, loss of any contract and the like, suffered by | 
| the Company.                                               | 
| Obligations of the Company                                 | 
| In consideration of UGL providing the Refurbishment Works  | 
| under the Original Contract, the Company is obliged to pay | 
| UGL a total sum of approximately HK$48,260,000 (excluding  | 
| amounts for variations and additional works). The          | 
| Supplemental Agreement, inter alia, extended the scope of  | 
| the Refurbishment Works of the Original Contract and the   | 
| consideration payable by the Company to UGL for such       | 
| extension is HK$83,736,143 (the "Contract Sum"). The total | 
| sum under the Original Contract plus the Contract Sum is   | 
| to be paid on a scheduled basis set out in the             | 
| Supplemental Agreement, subject to adjustments to take     | 
| account of variations made by the Engineer to the scope of | 
| the Maintenance Services. The maximum aggregate amount     | 
| payable annually by the Company under the Original         | 
| Contract and the Supplemental Agreement is approximately   | 
| HK$72,390,000.Under the terms of the Original Contract (as | 
| amended and supplemented by the Supplemental Agreement),   | 
| the Company is obliged to effect "Contractor's All Risks"  | 
| and "Third Party Liability" insurance with a third party   | 
| liability limit of not less than HK$30,000,000.            | 
| Termination                                                | 
| If UGL fails to complete the Refurbishment Works within    | 
| the contract period, the Engineer may terminate the        | 
| contract by notice in writing to UGL but without prejudice | 
| to any claims by the Company for breach of contract.       | 
| The terms of the Original Contract were agreed upon        | 
| subsequent to a tender process that invited submissions    | 
| from a number of contractors, including UGL.               | 
| The Company regularly outsources certain services to third | 
| parties that specialise in the type of work outsourced,    | 
| thereby improving the efficiency of the Company's          | 
| operations and allowing the Company to concentrate its     | 
| resources on its core business areas. UGL is a specialist  | 
| in the provision of construction, refurbishment and        | 
| maintenance services to the railway industry.              | 
| UGL is part of an Australian-listed group of engineering   | 
| and property services companies and is one of the Asia     | 
| Pacific region's leading providers of end-to-end passenger | 
| rail solutions. UGL is also one of Asia Pacific's largest  | 
| and most experienced providers of rolling-stock and        | 
| infrastructure solutions to the passenger and freight rail | 
| sectors.                                                   | 
| GENERAL                                                    | 
| As UGL is entitled to exercise 20% of the voting power at  | 
| any general meeting of MTM, it is a "substantial           | 
| shareholder" of MTM under Listing Rule 1.01. Under Listing | 
| Rule 14A.11, a "connected person" is defined to include a  | 
| substantial shareholder of the listed issuer.  Under       | 
| Listing Rule 14A.10(7) and Listing Rule 14.04(6), the      | 
| definition of "listed issuer" includes, unless the context | 
| otherwise requires, the subsidiaries of such listed        | 
| issuer. Following the Company's acquisition of 60% of the  | 
| voting power at any general meeting of MTM, MTM is deemed  | 
| to be a subsidiary of the Company. UGL is therefore        | 
| treated as a "connected person" of the Company. Listing    | 
| Rule 14A.34 requires listed issuers to comply with the     | 
| disclosure and reporting requirements of Chapter 14A in    | 
| respect of continuing connected transactions and with      | 
| Listing Rules 14A.35(1) and 14A.35(2).                     | 
| The Original Contract (as amended by the Supplemental      | 
| Agreement) is therefore a continuing connected transaction | 
| of the Company requiring the following to be complied with | 
| under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules:                    | 
| (a)      this announcement to be made in accordance with   | 
| Rule 14A.47 of the Listing Rules;                          | 
| (b)      the independent non-executive Directors to review | 
| the transactions under the Original Contract (as           | 
| supplemented and amended by the Supplemental Agreement)    | 
| every year and confirm in the Company's annual report that | 
| such transactions have been entered into:                  | 
| (1)        in the ordinary and usual course of the         | 
| business of the Company;                                   | 
| (2)        either on normal commercial terms or, if there  | 
| are not sufficient comparable transactions to judge        | 
| whether they are on normal commercial terms, on terms no   | 
| less favourable to the Company than terms available to or  | 
| from independent third parties; and                        | 
| (3)        in accordance with the Original Contract (as    | 
| amended and supplemented by the Supplemental Agreement) on | 
| terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of | 
| the shareholders of the Company as a whole;                | 
| (c)        the auditors of the Company to provide a letter | 
| to the Board each year (with a copy to the Stock Exchange  | 
| at least ten business days prior to the bulk printing of   | 
| the Company's annual report), confirming that the          | 
| transactions under the Original Contract (as amended and   | 
| supplemented by the Supplemental Agreement):               | 
| (1)        have been approved by the Board;                | 
| (2)        have been entered into in accordance with the   | 
| Original Contract (as amended and supplemented by the      | 
| Supplemental Agreement); and                               | 
| (3)        have not exceeded the cap, being the maximum    | 
| aggregate amount payable annually by the Company under the | 
| Original Contract and the Supplemental Agreement (as       | 
| referred to in the section above entitled "Obligations of  | 
| the Company").                                             | 
| (d)        the Company to allow and procure that the       | 
| counterparty to the transactions will allow, the auditors  | 
| of the Company sufficient access to their records for the  | 
| purposes of giving the confirmation in paragraph (c)       | 
| above;                                                     | 
| (e)        the Company to state in its annual report       | 
| whether its auditors have given the confirmation in (c)    | 
| above; and                                                 | 
| (f)         the Company to notify the Stock Exchange       | 
| promptly and publish an announcement if it knows or has    | 
| reason to believe the independent non-executive Directors  | 
| and/or the auditors of the Company will not be able to     | 
| give the confirmations in (b) and (c) above.               | 
| The Directors (including the independent non-executive     | 
| Directors) believe that the terms of the Original Contract | 
| (as amended and supplemented by the Supplemental           | 
| Agreement) are fair and reasonable and in the interests of | 
| the shareholders of the Company as a whole.                | 
| PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY                        | 
| The principal activities of the Company and its            | 
| subsidiaries are:                                          | 
| (a)        the operation of a modern railway system with   | 
| lines from Central to Tsuen Wan (Tsuen Wan Line), from Yau | 
| Ma Tei to Tiu Keng Leng (Kwun Tong Line), from Po Lam and  | 
| LOHAS Park to North Point (Tseung Kwan O Line), from Chai  | 
| Wan to Sheung Wan (Island Line), from Hong Kong to Tung    | 
| Chung (Tung Chung Line), from Hong Kong to the Hong Kong   | 
| International Airport and then AsiaWorld-Expo both at Chek | 
| Lap Kok (Airport Express Line), from Sunny Bay to          | 
| Disneyland Resort (Disneyland Resort Line), from Hung Hom  | 
| to the boundary at Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau (East Rail Line), | 
| from Tai Wai to Wu Kai Sha (Ma On Shan Line), from Hung    | 
| Hom to Tuen Mun (West Rail Line), the North-west Railway   | 
| (commonly known as Light Rail) in the North-West New       | 
| Territories of Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long and an | 
| intercity railway system between Hong Kong and some major  | 
| cities in the Mainland of China;                           | 
| (b)        property development, either as owner or as an  | 
| agent for KCRC, at locations relating to the railway       | 
| system including the Tseung Kwan O Line, the Ma On Shan    | 
| Line, the East Rail Line, the Light Rail and the West Rail | 
| Line;                                                      | 
| (c)        related commercial activities, including the    | 
| letting of advertising and retail space, bandwidth         | 
| services on the railway telecommunication system, property | 
| management and leasing management of investment properties | 
| (including shopping centres, offices and residential       | 
| units);                                                    | 
| (d)        the investment in a 50% equity share in the     | 
| operation of the seven-year London Overground Concession   | 
| in the United Kingdom, consisting of four London railway   | 
| lines with connections into the London Underground         | 
| network;                                                   | 
| (e)        the investment in the operation (including      | 
| rolling stock maintenance which is undertaken by a 50:50   | 
| joint venture) of the eight-year Stockholm Metro           | 
| Concession in Sweden, consisting of three lines, linking   | 
| the Swedish capital's central areas with surrounding       | 
| suburbs;                                                   | 
| (f)         the investment in a 60% equity share in the    | 
| operation and maintenance of the Melbourne train system in | 
| Australia, consisting of 15 lines, linking Melbourne's     | 
| central business district with surrounding suburbs, under  | 
| a franchise agreement with an initial period of eight      | 
| years;                                                     | 
| (g)        the design and construction of the West Island  | 
| Line as an extension of the Island Line;                   | 
| (h)        the further design, construction, procurement   | 
| of services and equipment, testing, commissioning and all  | 
| other matters associated with bringing the Express Rail    | 
| Link into service;                                         | 
| (i)         the planning and construction of future        | 
| extensions to the railway system and other related         | 
| infrastructure projects including the South Island Line,   | 
| the Kwun Tong Line Extension and the Shatin to Central     | 
| Link, as the major projects for which the Government has   | 
| confirmed policy support;                                  | 
| (j)         the operation of the Tung Chung to Ngong Ping  | 
| Cable Car System and the Theme Village in Ngong Ping,      | 
| Lantau Island, Hong Kong;                                  | 
| (k)        worldwide consultancy services covering all     | 
| areas of expertise required in the project management,     | 
| planning, construction, operation, maintenance and         | 
| up-grading of railways plus fare collection, property      | 
| integration/development advice including other property    | 
| related services and advice on generation of non-fare      | 
| revenues;                                                  | 
| (l)         investment in Octopus Holdings Limited, a      | 
| subsidiary of the Company, which has business activities   | 
| both in Hong Kong and overseas including the operation of  | 
| a smart card system by its subsidiary Octopus Cards        | 
| Limited for the collection of payments for both transport  | 
| and non-transport applications in Hong Kong;               | 
| (m)       equity investments and long term operation and   | 
| maintenance contracts outside of Hong Kong;                | 
| (n)        property management, shopping centre investment | 
| and railway related property development business in the   | 
| Mainland of China;                                         | 
| (o)        the investment in a 49% equity interest in the  | 
| construction and operations of Beijing Metro Line 4 in the | 
| Mainland of China, under a 30 years concession agreement   | 
| with the Beijing Municipal Government, and future          | 
| operations and maintenance of Beijing Metro Daxing Line,   | 
| an extension of the Beijing Metro Line 4, under a          | 
| concession agreement with the Beijing Municipal Government | 
| with an initial period of 10 years;                        | 
| (p)        the investment in, design and construction of,  | 
| Phase 2 of Shenzhen Metro Line 4 together with future      | 
| operations of Phase 1 and Phase 2 in the Mainland of       | 
| China, a double-track urban railway running from Futian    | 
| Checkpoint at the boundary between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, | 
| Mainland of China, to Longhua New Town in Shenzhen, under  | 
| a 30 years Build-Operate-Transfer concession agreement     | 
| with the Shenzhen Municipal Government; and                | 
| (q)        the investment in a 49% equity interest in      | 
| future operations and maintenance of  Shenyang Metro Line  | 
| 1 and Line 2 in the Mainland of China, for a franchise fee | 
| with a concession period of 30 years with Shenyang         | 
| Municipal Government.                                      | 
| DEFINITIONS                                                | 
| In this announcement, the following expressions have the   | 
| meanings set out below unless the context otherwise        | 
| requires:                                                  | 
| "Board" means the board of directors of the Company.       | 
| "Director" means a member of the Board.                    | 
| "Engineer" means the Company's Chief Electrical and        | 
| Mechanical Engineer.                                       | 
| "Hong Kong" means the Hong Kong Special Administrative     | 
| Region of the People's Republic of China.                  | 
| "JHL" means John Holland Melbourne Rail Franchise Pty      | 
| Limited.                                                   | 
| "KCRC" means the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation.       | 
| "Listing Rules" means the Rules Governing the Listing of   | 
| Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.     | 
| "MTM" means Metro Trains Melbourne Pty Ltd, a joint        | 
| venture company incorporated in Australia.                 | 
| "Original Contract" means the contract entered into on 30  | 
| November 2007 between KCRC and UGL for the refurbishment   | 
| of Phase 1 LRVs and known as Contract No. C2007-0015.      | 
| "Phase 1 LRVs" means a fleet of 69 light rail vehicles     | 
| commissioned in 1988.                                      | 
| "Stock Exchange" means The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong     | 
| Limited.                                                   | 
| "Substantial Completion Certificate" means a certificate   | 
| issued when the Refurbishment Works are substantially      | 
| complete, and the date of substantial completion shall be  | 
| the date identified in the certificate.                    | 
| "Supplemental Agreement" means the contract entered into   | 
| on 26 February 2010 between the Company and UGL for the    | 
| extension of the Original Contract for a further period of | 
| 16 months from 31 August 2011 and known as Contract No.    | 
| C2007-0015 for the Mid-Life Refurbishment of Phase 1 Light | 
| Rail Vehicles, Supplementary Agreement No. 1.              | 
| "UGL" means United Group Rail Services Limited (formerly   | 
| known as A Goninan & Co. Ltd).                             | 
|                                      By order of the Board | 
|                                         Leonard Bryan Turk | 
|                                          Company Secretary | 
|                                    MTR Corporation Limited | 
| Hong Kong, 26 February 2010                                | 
| Members of the Board: Dr. Raymond Ch'ien Kuo-fung          | 
| (Chairman)**, Chow Chung-kong (Chief Executive Officer),   | 
| Vincent Cheng Hoi-chuen*, Christine Fang Meng-sang*,       | 
| Edward Ho Sing-tin*, Ng Leung-sing*, Abraham Shek          | 
| Lai-him*, T. Brian Stevenson*, Professor Chan Ka-keung,    | 
| Ceajer (Secretary for Financial Services and the           | 
| Treasury)**, Secretary for Transport and Housing (Eva      | 
| Cheng)** and Commissioner for Transport (Joseph Lai        | 
| Yee-tak)**                                                 | 
| Members of the Executive Directorate: Chow Chung-kong,     | 
| William Chan Fu-keung, Chew Tai Chong, Thomas Ho           | 
| Hang-kwong, Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen, Andrew McCusker and   | 
| Leonard Bryan Turk                                         | 
| * independent non-executive Directors                      | 
| ** non-executive Directors                                 | 
| This announcement is made in English and Chinese.  In the  | 
| case of any inconsistency, the English version shall       | 
| prevail.                                                   | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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