RNS Number:2755I
Metalrax Group PLC
31 August 2006

                               Metalrax Group PLC

                   ("Metalrax", "the Company" or "the Group")

             Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006

Metalrax Group PLC, the UK-based engineering specialist group, today announces
its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2006:


   * Revenues increased to #57.9m (2005: #52.3m (restated)), reflecting the
     contribution from acquisitions
   * Including exceptional items, profit before tax was #3.7m (2005: #2.4m
   * Profit before taxation* was #1.8m (2005: #3.6m (restated)), reflecting
     the impact of challenging trading conditions and corporate activity
   * Basic earnings per share were 2.53p (2005: 1.53p)
   * Interim dividend per share maintained at 1.65p (2005: 1.65p)
   * Eight businesses successfully amalgamated into four as planned; recent
     acquisitions being successfully integrated
   * Realisation of cash from property disposals arising from the strategic
   * Board reconfigured and strengthened as part of reorganisation of the

*before exceptional items, comprising of reorganisation costs, property profits
and a discount on acquisition (see Income Statement and note 4).

Commenting on the interim results, Richard Arbuthnot, Chief Executive, said:

"The plans made as a consequence of the Strategic Review continue to be
implemented and we are making good progress with executing them.

"As the benefits of the Strategic Review accrue, together with the normal
seasonality of the business, we expect a much improved underlying performance in
the second half. However, this will not make up for the shortfall in first half
profitability and the Company therefore expects the underlying performance for
the year (before exceptional items) to be broadly in line with 2005.

"The Board believes that the Group has potential for future organic growth in
its current portfolio. In addition, it can be further strengthened in the longer
term by continuing to identify acquisitions, particularly in the Engineering
Support Services and Automotive divisions, where Metalrax's niche skills can
bring further added value as a means of achieving profitable growth on the back
of its robust financial position."

For further information, please contact:

Metalrax Group plc                              www.metalraxgroup.co.uk
Richard Arbuthnot, Chief Executive              0121 433 3444
Bill Kelly, Group Finance Director

Reg Hoare/Katie Hunt/Will Swan                  020 7360 4900

                                 INTERIM REPORT

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


Metalrax is a UK-based engineering specialist group of 22 businesses exporting
to over 50 countries worldwide.

Following a Strategic Review, the Group now operates as three distinct divisions
focusing on niche activities where it can secure strong market positions based
on its technical expertise. A number of business amalgamations and
reorganisations are underway to improve efficiencies, and release surplus
property for sale. In addition, acquisitions have been made to strengthen the
Group, which are also being integrated.

The three divisions are:

   * Automotive, which concentrates on precision manufacturing activities
     providing supplies to automotive, telecommunications, off-road vehicles,
     enclosure hardware and brewery bar display markets.
   * Engineering Support Services, which provides surface coated metals,
     architectural, primary and secondary steelwork, mezzanine flooring and
     storage equipment and also distribute tools, fasteners and janitorial
   * Housewares, which produces and markets bakeware, together with
     associated ranges of kitchen tools to both retail and commercial markets in
     the UK and internationally.


Revenues for the six months ended 30th June 2006 increased to #57.9 million from
#52.3 million (restated) in the same period last year reflecting the
contribution from acquisitions. Profit before taxation (stated before
exceptional items*) was #1.8 million compared with #3.6 million (restated) last
year, reflecting the impact of challenging trading conditions and corporate
activity. Including exceptional items, profit before tax was #3.7 million
compared to #2.4 million (restated) last year.

As reported at the Annual General Meeting, the Group is in a transitional phase
with existing businesses being reorganised and amalgamated together with
acquisitions being bedded down. Trading conditions have continued to be
challenging for several of our businesses although others have performed well.
The combined effect of all of this exceptional activity means that underlying
profits for the current year as a whole will now be lower than previously
anticipated. However, we are confident that the benefits of all the hard work
currently being undertaken will begin to emerge during 2007.


The Board has considered the levels of dividend in the context of its continued
confidence in the longer term outlook for the group and the significant level of
cash that is being realised from property disposals arising from the
re-organisation process. As a consequence, the Company is declaring a maintained
dividend of 1.65 pence per share. The dividend will be payable on 27 October
2006 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 6 October 2006.

*exceptional items comprise of reorganisation costs, property profits and a
discount on acquisition (see Income Statement and note 4).

Board Changes

Following the Strategic Review, the group's Board has been reconfigured and
strengthened. On 14 March 2006, Bill Kelly was appointed Group Finance Director
with Darren Farrimond reverting to the position of Group Financial Controller.
Also as part of the reorganisation of the group, on 14 March 2006 Jeff Edwards,
Hedley Brook-Carter and Garry Gresham relinquished their positions on the board
in order to concentrate their efforts on the operations of their respective

On 1 January 2006 Andy Pearson was appointed a non Executive Director and with
effect from the end of the Annual General Meeting on 23 May 2006, took over the
chairmanship of the Audit Committee.


The results include contributions from the following acquisitions:

   *Stackright Building Systems acquired in November 2005
   *Makespace Mezzanine Floors in January 2006
   *The Belsize Engineering Company in February 2006
   *Advanced Handling and Hidrosib, its Romanian subsidiary, in March 2006.

The acquisitions are all fitting in well into the Group. The integration of
Belsize, however, took longer and was more complex and costly than expected due
to the business finally being acquired out of administration, and requiring some
remedial actions to be undertaken, impacting these results. Nevertheless this
acquisition will, as set out below, be highly beneficial to the Group.

As I reported at the Annual General Meeting, the full potential of the Romanian
site is beginning to emerge. Plant and equipment released as a result of the UK
business amalgamations have been identified and have begun to be transferred
there. Further capital investment is also being made. Customer response in the
Automotive sector has been very positive and new orders have already been
received specifically for the Romanian operation. The Board believes that the
benefits will begin to appear during 2007.

Review by division

   * Automotive

In line with the Strategic Review, the acquisition of Belsize and its
amalgamation onto a single site at Bacol Fine Blanking will create the country's
premier fine blanking operation, one of the largest in Europe and improve
margins. In addition, the transfer of Kenham Tools into Bacol Industries will
create a business with greater critical mass, reduced costs and improved

The other businesses in the division have experienced a difficult first half due
to uncertainty in the automotive sector, although order books indicate a much
better performance for the rest of the year.

The exception to this positive outlook for the division is B.S.C. (Diecasting)
where, despite the amalgamation with A&D Diecasting in 2005, performance remains

   * Engineering Support Services

The Engineering Support Services division saw excellent contributions from the
newly acquired businesses, Stackright Building Systems and Makespace Mezzanine

However, the division's results were lower for two reasons. Firstly due to
reduced demand from three large retail based customers undergoing corporate
activity and, secondly, cost and time overruns on certain long term contracts.
In respect of the latter new management has been appointed and is taking action
to rectify the position.

The reversal of fortunes at these two businesses offers an opportunity for the
division to improve its performance in the future, in addition to further
contributions from the acquisitions.

   * Housewares

The Housewares division is now trading at lower levels of activity following the
fall in demand that affected the last quarter in 2005 so significantly. Further
costs have been eliminated and, in addition, the Microwise operation has been
absorbed into George Wilkinson.

The prospects remain difficult to predict in this sector although we anticipate
that profitability will improve in the second half of 2006 producing a
stabilised result for the year as a whole.

Exceptional items

The reorganisations are inevitably producing one-off costs, particularly from
the protracted transfer of Belsize to Bacol Fine Blanking and the commencement
of transfers out to Romania. On the other hand profits (and cash flow) are being
generated from the disposal of surplus properties with further transactions
expected in the second half of the year.

The discount on acquisition, under IFRS, reflects principally the purchase of
the Romanian site, an appreciating asset, at an advantageous price.

Cash flow

Bank borrowings as at 30 June 2006 stood at #8.8 million. In the period, #5.7
million was spent on acquisitions (including the repayment of bank loans and
overdrafts), #1.4 million on routine capital expenditure and #4.5 million to pay
the dividend for 2005. Receipts from property disposals totalled #1.1 million.

In the second half, there will be #1.0 million of deferred consideration on
acquisitions to pay in addition to approximately #2.0 million of routine capital
expenditure and the 2006 interim dividend of #2.0 million.

Based on improved second half profitability and normal seasonal operating cash
generation, together with further proceeds from property disposals, bank
borrowings are expected to fall substantially by the year end.


We have carried out an informal IAS 19 review of the group pension scheme as at
30 June 2006. As a full valuation has not been carried out the results cannot be
definitive. However the review does indicate a material improvement in the
scheme's position and we anticipate, subject to changes in stock market
conditions, being able to record a reduced deficit as at 31 December 2006.


We are continuing to look at all aspects of our business including reviewing the
services from our advisers. Accordingly, Deloitte & Touche have been appointed
auditors to the group and Smithfield Consultants appointed to advise on
Financial Public Relations.


The plans made as a consequence of the Strategic Review continue to be
implemented and we are making good progress in executing them. We will continue
implementing these changes during the second half of 2006.

The Board believes that the major reorganisation of the Group with four business
amalgamations, together with the recent acquisitions, will combine to put
Metalrax on a positive path to recover from the disappointments of 2005 and the
weak profitability of the first half of 2006. In the future the Group is
unlikely to be able to match past operating margins given the more challenging
economic environment. However, this will be mitigated in part by the business
amalgamations, lower cost production in Romania and higher overall volumes.

As the benefits of the Strategic Review accrue, together with the normal
seasonality of the business, we expect a much improved performance at the
operating level in the second half of 2006. However, this will not make up for
the shortfall in underlying first half profitability and the Company therefore
expects the underlying performance for the year (before exceptional items) to be
broadly in line with 2005.

Overall, the significant work needed to complete our reorganisation will delay
the full benefits being realised for the Group until into 2007.

The Board believes that the Group has potential for future organic growth in its
current portfolio. In addition, it can be further strengthened in the longer
term by continuing to identify acquisitions, particularly in the Engineering
Support Services and Automotive divisions where Metalrax's niche skills can
bring further added value as a means of achieving profitable growth on the back
of its robust financial position.

                                                                  J R A Crabtree

Consolidated income statement
Six months ended 30th June 2006

                          Six months ended               Restated (note 5)                Restated (note 5)
                       30 June 2006 unaudited             Six months ended                     Year ended
                                                      30 June 2005 unaudited              31 December 2005 audited

            Notes       Before Exceptional    Total      Before Exceptional    Total      Before Exceptional     Total
                   exceptional      items*          exceptional      items*          exceptional      items*    
                         items                            items                            items           
                         #'000       #'000    #'000       #'000       #'000    #'000       #'000       #'000     #'000

Revenue         2       57,914           -   57,914      52,307           -   52,307     104,009           -   104,009
                       ========    ========   ======     =======    ========   ======    ========     =======    ======
profit                   1,965        (439)   1,526       3,571      (1,739)   1,832       6,748      (1,783)    4,965
                       --------    --------   ------     -------    --------   ------    --------     -------    ------
income                       -       2,318    2,318           -         505      505           -       1,057     1,057
profit          3        1,965       1,879    3,844       3,571      (1,234)   2,337       6,748        (726)    6,022
income                       -           -        -          97           -       97          77           -        77
costs                     (141)          -     (141)        (32)          -      (32)        (32)          -       (32)
                       --------    --------   ------     -------    --------   ------    --------     -------    ------
Profit before              
taxation                 1,824       1,879    3,703       3,636      (1,234)   2,402       6,793        (726)    6,067
                       --------    --------   ------     -------    --------   ------    --------     -------    ------
Taxation        6                              (670)                            (570)                           (1,653)
                                              ------                           ------                            ------
Profit for 
the period                                    3,033                            1,832                             4,414
                                              ======                           ======                            ======
Earnings per    7

Basic and
per share                                     2.53p                            1.53p                             3.68p

paid per        8                             3.75p                            3.75p                             5.40p

* Exceptional items comprise of reorganisation costs, property profits and a
discount on acquisition (see note 4).

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense

Six months ended 30th June 2006

                                   Notes       2006        2005           2005
                                         Six months  Six months  Twelve months
                                              ended       ended          ended
                                          30th June   30th June       31st Dec
                                          Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited
                                              #'000       #'000          #'000
Actuarial loss on defined benefit
pension scheme                                    -           -         (1,455)
Tax on items taken directly to
equity                                            -           -            436
                                            --------    --------      ---------
Net (expense)/income recognised
directly in equity                                -           -         (1,019)

Profit for the period                         3,033       1,832          4,414
                                            --------    --------      ---------
Total recognised income for the
period                                        3,033       1,832          3,395
                                            ========    ========      =========
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                  3,033       1,832          3,395
                                            ========    ========      =========

Consolidated balance sheet

30th June 2006

                                         2006          2005               2005
                                    30th June     30th June      31st December
                                    Unaudited     Unaudited            Audited
                                        #'000         #'000              #'000
Goodwill                               11,215         7,332             11,058
Intangible assets                          90           170                130
Property, plant and equipment          33,136        25,276             26,623
Deferred tax asset                      1,744         1,203              1,744
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Total non-current assets               46,185        33,981             39,555
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Inventories                            19,879        18,694             16,776
Trade and other receivables            27,751        24,157             23,618
Cash and cash equivalents                   -         2,186              2,713
Assets classified as held for sale      1,728         1,485                764
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Total current assets                   49,358        46,522             43,871
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Total assets                           95,543        80,503             83,426
                                       ========      ========          =========
Bank overdrafts and loans               8,829             -                  -
Trade and other payables               23,661        18,302             19,113
Loan notes                                550           200                300
Current tax liabilities                   992           880              1,018
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Total current liabilities              34,032        19,382             20,431
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Loan notes                                500           300                750
Employee benefits                       5,814         4,009              5,814
Deferred tax liabilities                2,192         1,929              1,963
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Total non-current liabilities           8,506         6,238              8,527
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Total liabilities                      42,538        25,620             28,958
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Net assets                             53,005        54,883             54,468
                                       ========      ========          =========
Share capital                           5,995         5,995              5,995
Share premium account                   2,732         2,732              2,732
Capital redemption reserve                274           274                274
Retained earnings                      44,004        45,882             45,467
                                       --------      --------          ---------
Total shareholders' equity             53,005        54,883             54,468
                                       ========      ========          =========
Net equity and liabilities             95,543        80,503             83,426
                                       ========      ========          =========

Consolidated cash flow statement

Six months to 30th June 2006

                                   Notes       2006        2005           2005
                                         Six months  Six months  Twelve months
                                              ended       ended          ended
                                          30th June   30th June  31st December
                                          Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited
                                              #'000       #'000          #'000
Operating activities
Cash generated by operations          9        (390)      3,090         11,224
Interest - received                               -          97             77
         - paid                                (141)        (32)           (32)
Income taxes paid                              (605)     (1,327)        (2,733)
                                             --------    --------     ----------
Net cash flow from operating
activities                                   (1,136)      1,828          8,536
                                             --------    --------     ----------
Investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and
equipment                                    (1,361)     (2,079)        (3,796)
Proceeds from sale of property,
plant and equipment                           1,143         735          2,314
Acquisition of subsidiary
undertakings including bank
balances                                     (3,568)       (331)        (8,875)
Proceeds from sale of business                    -           -            652
Acquisition of business                      (2,124)     (3,827)             -
                                             --------    --------     ----------
Net cash flow from investing
activities                                   (5,910)     (5,502)        (9,705)
                                             --------    --------     ----------
Financing activities
Equity dividends paid                        (4,496)     (4,496)        (6,474)
Increase in bank overdraft            3       8,829           -              -
                                             --------    --------     ----------
Net cash flow from financing
activities                                    4,333      (4,496)        (6,474)
                                             --------    --------     ----------
Net decrease in cash and cash
equivalents                                  (2,713)     (8,170)        (7,643)
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period                           2,713      10,356         10,356
                                             --------    --------     ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end
of period                            10           -       2,186          2,713
                                             ========    ========     ==========

Notes to the interim results

Six months to 30th June 2006

1 Basis of preparation

The accounting policies used in the interim financial statements are consistent
with those that the Directors intend to use in the annual financial statements.

The interim financial statements are unaudited and do not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2005 have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' opinion in those accounts was
unqualified and did not contain a statement made under Section 237(2) or S237(3)
of the Companies Act 1985. The interim report for 2006 is unaudited but has been
reviewed by the auditors and their report to the company is set out below. The
interim report in respect of 2005 is unaudited and has not been reviewed by the

These interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 31
August 2006.

From 1 January 2006 the company is reporting its activities under three
divisions compared to two previously. Comparative figures have been amended

2 Revenue analysis by geographical destination and activity

                                  Restated        Restated            Restated
                                      2006            2005                2005
                                Six months      Six months       Twelve months
                                     ended           ended               ended
                                 30th June       30th June       31st December
                                 Unaudited       Unaudited             Audited
                                     #'000           #'000               #'000

United Kingdom                      43,307          39,947              76,923
Rest of Europe                      11,102           8,894              19,592
North America                        1,459           1,456               3,489
Rest of World                        2,046           2,010               4,005
                                   ---------       ---------           ---------
                                    57,914          52,307             104,009
                                   =========       =========           =========
Automotive                          21,884          19,622              36,835
Engineering Support Services        26,163          18,832              39,514
Housewares                          12,415          15,923              31,959
Intra-group                         (2,548)         (2,070)             (4,299)
                                   ---------       ---------           ---------
                                    57,914          52,307             104,009
                                   =========       =========           =========

3 Segmental analysis by activity

              Six months ended                 Restated (note 5)                Restated (note 5)
              30 June 2006 unaudited           Six months ended                 Year ended
              Before Exceptional items         30 June 2005 unaudited           31 December 2005 audited
                                               Before exceptional items         Before exceptional items
          Exceptional Exceptional    Total exceptional exceptional    Total Exceptional Exceptional    Total
                items       items    items     (note 4)    (note 4)               items       items                     
                          (note 4)   
                #'000       #'000    #'000       #'000       #'000    #'000       #'000       #'000    #'000
Automotive        850         926    1,776       1,590        (265)   1,325       2,649        (265)   2,384
Services        1,378         (10)   1,368       1,961   -            1,961       3,808   -            3,808
Housewares       (263)        963      700          20        (969)    (949)        291        (461)    (170)
              ---------   ---------   ------   ---------   ---------   ------   ---------   ---------   ------
                1,965       1,879    3,844       3,571      (1,234)   2,337       6,748        (726)   6,022
              =========   =========   ======   =========   =========   ======   =========   =========   ======

Notes to the interim results

Six months to 30th June 2006

4 Exceptional items

                                            2006      Restated       Restated
                                      Six months          2005           2005
                                           ended    Six months  Twelve months
                                       30th June         ended          ended
                                       Unaudited     30th June  31st December
                                           #'000     Unaudited        Audited
                                                         #'000          #'000
Profit on sale of property                 1,043           505          1,057
Discount on acquisition (see note 12
(iii))                                     1,275             -              -
Reorganisation costs (including
redundancies)                               (439)         (415)          (497)
Bad debts                                      -          (225)          (225)
Closure provisions                             -        (1,099)        (1,061)
                                         ---------    ----------     ----------
                                           1,879        (1,234)          (726)
                                         =========    ==========     ==========

5 Restatement

The income statement for the year ended 31 December 2005 has been restated.
Having reconsidered the amounts included within (loss)/profit from discontinued
operations it was concluded that these were not in accordance with IFRS 5:
"Non-current assets held for resale and discontinued operations" as they are not
considered to be "separate major lines of business or geographical areas" and
were not "subsidiaries acquired and held for sale". The effect of the
restatement, which does not impact on net profit is outlined below:

                     Six months ended                       Year ended
                  30 June 2005 unaudited            31 December 2005 audited

                    As Restatement        As          As Restatement        As
            previously                        previously              restated
              reported              restated    reported        
                 #'000       #'000     #'000       #'000       #'000     #'000         
Revenues        48,828       3,479    52,307     100,255       3,754   104,009
                --------   ---------  --------    --------   ---------  --------
profit           4,042        (471)    3,571       7,580        (832)    6,748
items             (135)     (1,099)   (1,234)       (217)       (509)     (726)
                --------   ---------  --------    --------   ---------  --------
                 3,907      (1,570)    2,337       7,363      (1,341)    6,022
Interest            65           -        65          45           -        45
                -------- ---------    --------    -------- ---------    --------
Profit before    
tax              3,972      (1,570)    2,402       7,408      (1,341)    6,067
Taxation        (1,040)        470      (570)     (2,177)        524    (1,653)
                --------   ---------  --------    --------   ---------  --------
                 2,932      (1,100)    1,832       5,231        (817)    4,414
(Loss) from
operations      (1,100)      1,100         -        (817)        817         -
                --------   ---------  --------    --------   ---------  --------
Profit for
the period       1,832           -     1,832       4,414           -     4,414
                ========   =========  ========    ========   =========  ========

6 Taxation

The tax charge of 18.1% is based on the estimated rate for the year ending 31
December 2006 and is less than the standard rate of tax due to the distorting
effect of the taxation of exceptional items in the period. The tax charge for
the six months ended 30 June 2005 of 23.7% was based on a estimated effective
rate for 2005. The actual tax rate for the year ended 31 December 2005 was

7 Earnings per share

The basic earnings per ordinary share are calculated on the profit for the
period attributable to equity holders of the parent. The number of shares used
in the calculation of basic earnings per share is 119,897,298 being the average
shares in issue during the period.

Diluted earnings per share, taking into account the number of shares capable of
being exercised under the various option schemes, are the same as the disclosed
basic earnings.

Notes to the interim results

Six months to 30th June 2006

8 Dividends

The dividend paid in the six months ended 30th June 2006 was the final dividend
for 2005 of 3.75 pence per ordinary share (total #4,496,000) paid on 25th May

The directors recommend the payment of an interim dividend of 1.65 pence per
ordinary share (total #1,978,000) to shareholders registered on 6th October 2006
to be paid on 27th October 2006.

9 Cash flow from operating activities

                                                     2006      2005       2005
                                               Six months       Six     Twelve
                                                             months     months
                                                    ended     ended      ended
                                                30th June 30th June       31st
                                                Unaudited Unaudited    Audited
                                                    #'000     #'000      #'000
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
flow from operating activities
Continuing operations
Operating profit                                    1,965     3,571      6,748
Exceptional items (see note 4)                        604      (135)      (324)
Depreciation (net)                                  1,685     1,671      3,299
(Profit) on sale of property                       (1,043)     (505)    (1,057)
Amortisation of intangibles                            40        40         80
Increase in inventories                            (1,758)      283      2,930
Increase in trade and other
receivables                                        (1,716)     (443)     1,902
Decrease in payables                                 (167)   (1,470)    (2,781)
Movement in pensions                                    -        78        427
                                                 ---------   --------  ---------
Cash generated from continuing
operations                                           (390)    3,090     11,224
                                                  =========  ========  =========

10 Analysis of cash and cash equivalents

                                      2006         2005               2005
                                Six months   Six months      Twelve months
                                     ended        ended              ended
                                 30th June    30th June      31st December
                                 Unaudited    Unaudited            Audited
                                     #'000        #'000              #'000

Bank balances                            -        2,186              2,713
Bank overdrafts                          -            -                  -
                                  ---------    ---------          ---------
Cash at bank per balance sheet           -        2,186              2,713
                                  =========    =========          =========

11 Movement in equity

                            Share     Share      Capital  Retained     Total
                          capital   premium   redemption  earnings    equity
                            #'000     #'000      reserve     #'000     #'000

At 1st January 2006         5,995     2,732          274    45,467    54,468
Total recognised income
for the period                  -         -            -     3,033     3,033
Dividends paid (note 8)         -         -            -    (4,496)   (4,496)
                          --------  --------     --------  --------  --------
                            5,995     2,732          274    44,004    53,005
                          ========  ========     ========  ========  ========

Notes to the interim results

Six months to 30th June 2006

12 Acquisitions

(i) On 13th January 2006 the company acquired the entire issued share capital of
Makespace Mezzanine Floors Limited, a company manufacturing lightweight
mezzanine floors. The underlying assets acquired at what the Directors
considered to be provisional fair values were as follows:

Net assets acquired                                                        395
Fair value adjustment                                                        -
Goodwill                                                                   157
Consideration and costs:                                                   
Cash                                                                       552

The provisional goodwill created by the acquisition above has been capitalised
in the balance sheet.

(ii) On 10th February 2006 the group acquired out of Administration the trade
and assets of The Belsize Engineering Company Limited, a fine blanking business.
The underlying assets acquired at what the Directors considered to be
provisional fair values were as follows:

Net assets acquired                                                      2,157
Fair value adjustments                                                     (25)
Discount on acquisition                                                     (8)
Consideration and costs:                                             
Cash                                                                     2,124

(iii) On 16th March 2006 the group acquired the entire issued share capital of
Advanced Quality Solutions Limited together with its principal subsidiaries
Advanced Handling Limited, a manufacturer of materials handling equipment, and
Hidrosib SA, based in Romania. The underlying assets acquired at what the
Directors consider to be provisional fair values were as follows:

Net assets acquired                                                        248
Fair value adjustments and revaluation                                   3,424
Discount on acquisition                                                 (1,267)
Consideration and costs:
Cash                                                                     1,280
Deferred consideration                                                   1,125

The provisional fair value adjustments include principally the revaluation of
two freehold sites and the reassessment of stock values.

The provisional discount on acquisition created by the acquisitions in (ii) and
(iii) above has been taken directly to the income statement as an exceptional
item (see note 4).

All of these transactions have been accounted for by the purchase method of

13 Announcement of results

These results were announced to the London Stock Exchange on 31st August 2006.
Further copies are available from the Company Secretary, Metalrax Group PLC,
Ardath Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B38 9PN.

Independent review report to Metalrax Group PLC


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30th June 2006 which comprises the income statement, the
balance sheet, the statement of recognised income and expense, the cash flow
statement and related notes 1 to 13. We have read the other information
contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures are consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and
Ireland) and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.
Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30th June 2006.

Chartered Accountants
Four Brindleyplace
31 August 2006

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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