RNS Number:4727R
Metalrax Group PLC
20 September 2005

Issued on behalf of Metalrax Group PLC
Date: Tuesday, 20th September 2005
                                                               Embargoed: 7.00am

                               Metalrax Group PLC
                                Interim Results
                    for the six months ended 30th June 2005

                                                    2005                  2004*
Revenue                                           #48.83m               #44.87m

Trading Profit                                     #4.04m                #4.58m

Profit before Tax                                  #3.97m                #4.70m

Maintained Interim Dividend                         1.65p                 1.65p

Engineering & Storage Products
Consolidation of diecasting foundries completed - provides new market opportunities
Support services experienced higher levels of demand

Re-organisation of businesses underway

"...at the annual general meeting in May we announced that the group was
experiencing the impact of the well-publicised downturn in consumer spending in
the retail sector. This has continued and has coincided with reduced levels of
demand in the automotive sector.

"The strategic review of our businesses conducted at the end of last year has
enabled the group to respond swiftly to the rapid deterioration in market

"The implementation of our strategic review of group operations will lead to
further consolidation of businesses in both divisions as we act to restore
margins and pursue profitable growth in what is proving to be an extremely
difficult trading climate."

                                                         John Crabtree, Chairman

* Restated under IFRS

Richard Arbuthnot, Chief Executive           Fiona Tooley
Metalrax Group PLC                           Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd
Tel: 0121 433 3444                           Tel: 0121 455 8370
E-mail: info@metalraxgroup.co.uk             Mobile: 07785 703523


                               Metalrax Group PLC
                                Interim Results
                    For the six months ended 30th June 2005


We indicated in our Annual Report that these results would be prepared using the
presentation, recognition and measurement requirements of International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and, in order to give a greater level of
clarity, we have restated group results for 2004 under the same rules with
explanatory notes on pages 11 and 12.

Turnover for the first half year increased to #48.83m from #44.87m. However, at
the annual general meeting in May we announced that the group was experiencing
the impact of the well-publicised downturn in consumer spending in the retail
sector. This has continued and has coincided with reduced levels of demand in
the automotive sector, resulting in a trading profit from continuing activities
for the six months to 30th June 2005 of #4.04m compared with #4.58m in the prior

Based on the current level of group profitability, the board has declared an
unchanged interim dividend of 1.65 pence per share, payable on 28th October
2005, to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 7th October

Board Changes
Eric Moore retired from the board as a non-executive director following the
annual general meeting in May, and in preparation for operational changes to be
made next year, Hedley Brook-Carter was appointed to the board as an executive
director on 6th September 2005.

The strategic review of our businesses conducted at the end of last year has
enabled the group to respond swiftly to the rapid deterioration in market

Engineering and storage products
We have now seen some stability return to steel prices but inevitably the
combination of a lag effect this year in recovering both these steep cost
increases and the sharp increase in utility costs from our customers has
impacted on group results.

The consequences of the demise of MG Rover and Powertrain in April are now
clear. We have provided for the bad debts in these accounts but it has not been
immediately possible to compensate for the resulting loss of sales. At the same
time the automotive sector saw a fall in global demand that was almost
unprecedented with resulting reductions in build volumes. The group companies
affected, responded quickly and all are now trading profitably with programmes
in place to restore their performance to acceptable levels.

The successful consolidation of our two pressure diecasting foundries onto one
site was completed in the summer, on time and to budget, producing a business
with a significant critical mass and reduced cost base to exploit new market

The engineering support services operations have experienced higher levels of
demand and have produced results that have helped offset some of the falls in
their sister companies' performance as markets called on them to deliver fast
response times to satisfy new and replacement builds for storage equipment,
structures, balustrading and stairways.



The continuing decline in footfall in the retail sector has resulted in reduced
demand for our products. All major retail customers are showing significant
reductions in their orders and consequently we have advanced the reorganisation
of the division's operations. We have discontinued the manufacture of bathroom
products and will be closing the facility by the end of this year.

Mounting uncertainty in raw plastic material prices as they track the rising oil
price levels has confirmed our decision to exit injection moulding, and this has
resulted in the manufacturing operation being prepared for sale or closure.

The implementation of our strategic review of group operations will lead to
further consolidation of businesses in both divisions as we act to restore
margins and pursue profitable growth in what is proving to be an extremely
difficult trading climate.


                               Metalrax Group PLC
                                Interim Results
                    For the six months ended 30th June 2005

Consolidated income statement
six months ended 30th June 2005

                                 Notes        2005        2004           2004
                                               Six         Six         Twelve
                                            months      months         months
                                             ended       ended          ended
                                         30th June   30th June  31st December
                                         Unaudited   Unaudited      Unaudited
                                             #'000       #'000          #'000

Revenue                                     48,828      44,866         95,167
Trading profit                               4,042       4,582         11,535
Exceptional items (net)              7        (135)          -           (363)
Operating profit before
financial                            7       3,907       4,582         11,172

Net interest receivable                         65         127            234
Profit before taxation                       3,972       4,709         11,406

Taxation                             3      (1,040)     (1,429)        (3,442)
Profit from continuing                       2,932       3,280          7,964

Loss from discontinued               9      (1,100)        369          1,226
operations                                 ------------------------------------

Profit for the period                        1,832       3,649          9,190

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                 1,832       3,592          9,129
Minority interests                               -          57             61
Profit for the period                        1,832       3,649          9,190

Earnings per share                   4
Basic and diluted earnings per
share                                         1.53p       3.00p          7.61p

Earnings per share from
continuing                                    2.45p       2.74p          6.64p


                               Metalrax Group PLC
                                Interim Results
                    For the six months ended 30th June 2005

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense
six months ended 30th June 2005

                                             2005         2004            2004
                                       Six months   Six months   Twelve months
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited       Unaudited
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000
Profit attributable to equity
shareholders                                1,832        3,592           9,129

Currency variations                             -          (28)            (70)

Adjustment to goodwill                          -            -              20

Actuarial losses arising on retirement
benefit obligations (net of tax)                -            -              (2)

Total recognised income                     1,832        3,564           9,077

Dividends paid                             (4,496)      (4,496)         (6,474)

Opening shareholders' equity               57,547       54,944          54,944
Closing shareholders' equity               54,883       54,012          57,547


                               Metalrax Group PLC
                                Interim Results
                    For the six months ended 30th June 2005

Consolidated balance sheet
30th June 2005

                                        2005           2004               2004
                                   30th June      30th June      31st December
                                   Unaudited      Unaudited          Unaudited
                                       #'000          #'000              #'000

Goodwill                               7,332          5,779              6,555
Intangible assets                        170             47                210
Property, plant and equipment         25,276         24,979             26,884
Deferred tax asset                     1,203          1,145              1,180
Total non-current assets              33,981         31,950             34,829
Inventories                           18,694         18,566             17,416
Trade and other receivables           24,157         21,217             21,227
Cash and cash equivalents              2,186          7,955             10,356
Assets classified as held for sale     1,485              -                  -
Total current assets                  46,522         47,738             48,999
Total assets                          80,503         79,688             83,828
Trade and other payables              18,302         17,632             18,231
Loan notes                               200              -                200
Current tax liabilities                  880          1,685              1,614
Total current liabilities             19,382         19,317             20,045
Other payables                             -            344                 75
Loan notes                               300              -                300
Employee benefits                      4,009          3,817              3,932
Deferred tax liabilities               1,929          1,787              1,929
Total non-current liabilities          6,238          5,948              6,236
Total liabilities                     25,620         25,265             26,281
Net assets                            54,883         54,423             57,547
Share capital                          5,995          5,995              5,995
Share premium account                  2,732          2,732              2,732
Capital redemption revenue               274            274                274
Retained earnings                     45,882         45,011             48,546
Total shareholders' equity            54,883         54,012             57,547
Minority interests                         -            411                  -
Total equity                          54,883         54,423             57,547


                               Metalrax Group PLC
                                Interim Results
                    For the six months ended 30th June 2005

Consolidated cash flow statement
six months ended 30th June 2005

                                  Notes        2005        2004           2004
                                                Six         Six         Twelve
                                             months      months         months
                                              ended       ended          ended
                                          30th June   30th June  31st December
                                          Unaudited   Unaudited      Unaudited
                                              #'000       #'000          #'000
Operating activities
Cash generated by operations         10       3,090       4,447         12,377
Net interest received                            65         127            234
Income taxes paid                            (1,327)     (1,825)        (3,820)
Net cash flow from operating
activities                                    1,828       2,749          8,791
Investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and
equipment                                    (2,079)     (1,312)        (3,498)

Proceeds from sale of property,
plant and equipment                             735          54            124

Acquisition of subsidiary
undertakings                                   (331)        (63)        (2,022)

Acquisition of business                      (3,827)          -              -

Proceeds from sale of subsidiary,
less its bank balance                             -           -          2,411
Net cash flow from investing
activities                                   (5,502)     (1,321)        (2,985)
Financing activities
Equity dividends paid                        (4,496)     (4,496)        (6,474)
Net cash flow from financing
activities                                   (4,496)     (4,496)        (6,474)
Effects of exchange rate changes                  -          (1)             -
                                            ---------    --------     ----------
Net decrease in cash and cash
equivalents                                  (8,170)     (3,069)          (668)

Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of period                          10,356      11,024         11,024
Cash and cash equivalents at end
of                                   11       2,186       7,955         10,356
period                                      ===================================


                               Metalrax Group PLC
                                Interim Results
                    For the six months ended 30th June 2005

Notes to the interim results
six months to 30th June 2005

1. Basis of preparation
The unaudited interim results for the half year ended 30th June 2005 have been
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
The financial information contained herein does not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of section 240(5) of the Companies Act 1985.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2004, which have been
delivered to the registrar of companies, carry an unqualified Auditors' Report.

Information for the comparative periods, having previously been published using
UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UK GAAP), is now reported in
accordance with IFRS. Reconciliations of profit and equity between these two
bases are shown on pages 11 and 12.

2. Accounting policies
The introduction of IFRS has not had a material impact on the existing
accounting policies and practices of the group except for the effect on business
combinations, post-employment obligations and the recognition of dividends as a
post-balance sheet event. In general terms, with these exceptions, the
accounting policies disclosed in the financial statements for the year ended
31st December 2004 have continued to be applicable with the major differences
detailed below. A full statement of the accounting policies will be included in
the financial statements for the year ending 31st December 2005.

a) Goodwill - business combinations
Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the excess of fair value of
consideration over the fair value of all identifiable assets and liabilities
acquired at the date of acquisition. It is recognised as an intangible asset and
carried at cost, less any recognised impairment charges arising from the annual
assessment of its carrying value. Any impairment write-down identified is
charged in the income statement.

b) Pensions
The principal pension schemes operated by the group provide benefits based on
final pensionable pay. The assets of the schemes are held separately from those
of the group and contributions are determined in accordance with the
recommendations of actuaries. The group also operates a number of defined
contribution arrangements.

The group accounts for the cost of defined benefit schemes through full
recognition of the schemes' surpluses or deficits on the balance sheet at each
period end. The current and past service costs, returns on scheme assets and
interest on obligations are recognised within the operating profit. Actuarial
gains and losses are included in the statement of recognised income and expense.

The group's contributions to defined contribution arrangements are charged to
the income statement as they fall due.

3. Taxation
The charge for taxation is based on the estimated effective rate for the year as
a whole.



4. Earnings per share
The basic earnings per ordinary share are calculated on the profit for the
period attributable to equity holders of the parent. The number of shares used
in the calculation of basic earnings per share is 119,897,298 being the average
shares in issue during the period.

Diluted earnings per share, taking into account the number of shares capable of
being exercised under the various option schemes, are the same as the disclosed
basic earnings.

Earnings per share from continuing operations is calculated using the profit
from continuing operations and the average number of shares in issue during the

5. Dividends
The dividend paid in the six months ended 30th June 2005 was the final dividend
for 2004 of 3.75 pence per ordinary share paid on 27th May 2005.

The directors recommend the payment of an interim dividend of 1.65 pence per
ordinary share to shareholders registered on 7th October 2005 to be paid on 28th
October 2005.

6. Announcement of results
These results were announced to the London Stock Exchange on 20th September 2005
and sent to shareholders on the same day. Further copies are available from the
Company Secretary, Metalrax Group PLC, Ardath Road, Kings Norton, Birmingham,
B38 9PN.

7. Segmental analysis - Analysis by activity
                        2005                2004                  2004
                     Six months          Six months          Twelve months
                  ended 30th June      ended 30th June     ended 31st December
                     Unaudited           Unaudited             Unaudited
                         Operating             Operating             Operating
               Revenue      Profit   Revenue      Profit   Revenue      Profit
                 #'000       #'000     #'000       #'000     #'000       #'000

and             35,345       3,588    31,429       3,557    62,906       7,542

Housewares      13,483         454    13,437       1,025    32,261       3,993

Exceptional                   (135)                    -                  (363)
items            --------------------------------------------------------------
                48,828       3,907    44,866       4,582    95,167      11,172

The exceptional items comprise profit on sale of property #505,000, bad debts
from MG Rover Group Limited and Powertrain Limited #225,000 and reorganisation
costs #415,000 (2004: #363,000).

8. Geographical revenue analysis by destination
                             2005                 2004                    2004
                       Six months           Six months           Twelve months
                            ended                ended                   ended
                        30th June            30th June           31st December
                        Unaudited            Unaudited               Unaudited
                            #'000                #'000                   #'000
United Kingdom             36,468               38,468                  81,629
Rest of Europe              8,894                4,246                   8,579
North America               1,456                1,304                   3,060
Rest of World               2,010                  848                   1,899
                           48,828               44,866                  95,167



9. Discontinued operations
                                             2005         2004            2004
                                       Six months   Six months   Twelve months
                                            ended        ended           ended
                                        30th June    30th June   31st December
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited       Unaudited
                                            #'000        #'000           #'000

Revenue                                     3,479        5,714           9,291
Operating loss                               (471)         450              91
Adjustments to assets held for resale      (1,099)           -               -
Profit on disposal of subsidiary                -            -           1,164
Taxation                                      470          (81)            (29)
Loss from discontinued operations          (1,100)         369           1,226

10. Cash flow from operating activities
Reconciliation of operating profit to net
cash flow from operating activities

Continuing operations
Operating profit                                3,907       4,582       11,172
Depreciation, net of disposal surpluses         1,477       1,310        2,614
Profit on sale of property                       (505)          -            -
Amortisation of intangibles                        40          47          134
Decrease in inventories                            35      (1,462)      (1,374)
Increase in trade and other receivables          (391)       (324)        (642)
Decrease in payables                           (1,480)       (138)        (398)
Increase in pensions                               78         196          343
Cash generated from continuing operations       3,161       4,211       11,849
Discontinued operations
Operating loss                                   (471)        450           91
Depreciation                                      194         247          464
Decrease in inventories                           248        (120)         (27)
Increase in trade and other receivables           (52)       (521)         318
Increase in payables                               10         180         (318)
Cash flow for discontinued operations             (71)        236          528
Cash generated from operations                  3,090       4,447       12,377

11. Analysis of cash and cash equivalents
Bank balances                                   2,186       6,965       10,356
Short term deposits                                 -         990            -
Cash at bank per balance sheet                  2,186       7,955       10,356


Metalrax Group PLC
Explanation of changes from introducing IFRS for the first time
As a European listed entity, the group is required to prepare consolidated
financial statements using IFRS from 1st January 2005. The following explains
the differences resulting from the introduction of IFRS for the first time. As
this report includes restated figures for 2004, reconciliations are shown in the
tables below.

The IFRSs used are those valid and appropriate at the balance sheet date. On the
introduction of IFRS, the group has adopted certain exceptions allowed under the
transitional rules with regard to the restatement of financial information.
These apply principally to business combinations which took place before 1st
January 2004. As a result, the amortised value of goodwill using UK GAAP, at
that date, then became the deemed cost for IFRS purposes.

The principal impact of the introduction of IFRS has been the application of IAS
19: Employee Benefits. IAS 19 permits an approach very similar to the FRS 17
disclosures provided on pages 29 and 30 in the 2004 Annual Report and Accounts
and the group has adopted that approach.

Under UK GAAP, goodwill on acquisitions made after 1st January 1998 was
capitalised and amortised over its estimated useful life, subject to a maximum
of 20 years. Where an acquired business was sold and goodwill had previously
been written off to reserves, the goodwill was reinstated and included in the
calculation of profit or loss on disposal.

Under IFRS 3: Business Combinations, after the identification of separable
intangible assets, any goodwill arising is carried at cost and is subject to an
annual impairment review. Consequently, from 1st January 2004, there is no
goodwill amortisation charge in the income statement and certain intangible
assets have been reclassified and amortised. In addition, the goodwill
previously written off to reserves on the acquisition of The Texas Group, Inc.
is now not reinstated on disposal and has therefore been excluded from the
calculation of profit on disposal in the 2004 results.

IFRS does not permit dividends to be accrued where they have been approved after
the balance sheet date. Therefore, interim dividends are reflected in the period
in which they are approved by the Board and the final dividends, approved at the
Annual General Meeting in May, are recorded in the half year to 30th June.

The introduction of IFRS also leads to a number of changes to the presentation
of the financial statements. These mainly relate to wording and positional
changes of existing information. However, under IFRS, all of the financial
results arising in the period from discontinued operations are shown as a single
component of the income statement. Thus, for 2004, both the operating profit
after tax and profit on disposal relating to The Texas Group, Inc. are included
within discontinued operations. For the bathroom products and injection moulding
businesses, which were discontinued in the first half of 2005, the income and
cashflow statements relating to 2004 have also been restated to include the
results under discontinued operations. The non-current assets relating to these
businesses are reported within assets held for resale on the balance sheet.


Metalrax Group PLC
Explanation of changes from introducing IFRS for the first time

Reconciliation of profits attributable to equity holders of the parent
                                              Six months         Twelve months
                                                   ended                 ended
                                          30th June 2004    31st December 2004
                                               Unaudited             Unaudited
                                                   #'000                 #'000

Profit previously reported using UK GAAP           3,605                 8,475

Inclusion of defined benefit pension
scheme deficits                                     (162)                 (275)

Elimination of defined benefit pension
scheme prepayment                                    (34)                  (68)

Change in policy on treatment of
goodwill                                             172                   392

Reclassification of goodwill as
intangible assets                                    (47)                 (134)

Taxation effects on the above                         58                   103

Goodwill written back on disposal of
subsidiary                                             -                   636
Profit reported using IFRS                         3,592                 9,129

Reconciliation of shareholders' equity
                       1st January 2004   30th June 2004    31st December 2004
                              Unaudited        Unaudited             Unaudited
                                  #'000            #'000                 #'000
Equity previously
reported using UK
GAAP                             53,609           55,208                56,196

Inclusion of defined
benefit pension
scheme                           (3,655)          (3,817)               (3,932)

Elimination of
defined benefit
pension scheme                     (740)            (774)                 (808)

Change in policy on
treatment of goodwill                 -              172                   392

Reclassification of
goodwill as
intangible assets                   (85)            (132)                 (219)

Taxation effects on
the above                         1,319            1,377                 1,422

Timing differences in
respect of dividends              4,496            1,978                 4,496
Equity reported using
IFRS                             54,944           54,012                57,547


Metalrax Group PLC

Directors                               Bankers
John R. A. Crabtree, LL.B.*             Barclays Bank PLC
     Chairman                           15 Colmore Row
Richard E. Arbuthnot, B.Sc., M.Sc.      Birmingham B3 2BY
     Chief executive
Reginald Fort, F.C.A.*                  National Westminster Bank PLC
Jeffrey G. L. Edwards                   21 Digbeth
Garry H. Gresham, B.A. (Hons)           Birmingham B5 6BL
John K. Adcock, F.C.I.B.*
Darren J. Farrimond, B.Sc., A.C.A.      HSBC Bank plc
R. Hedley Brook-Carter                  130 New Street
                                        Birmingham B2 4JU

Secretary                               Auditors
Darren J. Farrimond, B.Sc., A.C.A.      Bentley Jennison
                                        Legge Street
                                        Birmingham B4 7EU

Registered Office                       Solicitors
Ardath Road                             Gateley Wareing LLP
Kings Norton                            One Eleven
Birmingham B38 9PN                      Edmund Street
                                        Birmingham B3 2HJ

Telephone: 0121 433 3444                Registrars
Facsimile: 0121 433 3325                Computershare Investor Services Plc
E-mail: info@metalraxgroup.co.uk        P.O. Box 82
www.metalraxgroup.co.uk                 The Pavilions
                                        Bridgwater Road
Registered in England 793639            Bristol BS99 7NH

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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