RNS Number:9410I
Mincorp Plc
30 November 2007

                                  MINCORP PLC


Mincorp plc (the "Company") (AIM: MOP), an independent mining company with
assets in the Philippines and Australia, announces its results for the year
ended 31st May 2007.

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

Dear Shareholders,

Board Changes

The company's board underwent significant changes throughout the year with the
resignation of Reginald Hare as executive chairman and chief executive officer.
Michael Coleman was appointed and subsequently resigned as non executive

Matthew Steptoe was appointed to the board as chief executive officer, Mohd.
Noordin bin Abdullah as Chairman while Jaafar Bin Ahmad, and Thanggaya Munusamy
were appointed as non executive directors.

These changes bring a broad range of experience and skills to the board which
will facilitate a more acquisitive strategy to grow the company's asset base and
shareholder value. The board is well positioned to become far more active within
the greater Asian region where China's economic growth is driving an
unprecedented level of demand for energy and metals.

Investments - ATPK Resources Tbk.

The company has invested #1,046,171 to purchase 5.5% of ATPK Resources
(hereafter ATPK) as a strategic investment due to the fact that ATPK is trading
at a significant discount to its Net Asset Value and consequently represents an
exciting opportunity for the company.

This initial tranche should be seen as a strategic investment rather than one of
a speculatory nature and it is not the company's intention to trade actively in
this security in an attempt to make any short term gains. Moreover the company
plans to pursue the course of continued accumulation in ATPK until such a point
where the considerable asset base and future earnings of ATPK can be represented
within the company's own balance sheet.

Furthermore the company is of the opinion that a regulatory arbitrage
opportunity exists since Asian coal assets are currently trading at far steeper
discounts than their non Asian peers. The company recognises the enormous value
in its AIM quotation and the unprecedented access to capital that can be offered
to non listed or under valued assets or companies, such as ATPK.

Exploration Projects

The company is confident of a positive ruling on the Mt Cadig case at the
Supreme Court and thereafter looks forward to completing the shallow pit program
in order to determine both the quantity and grade of mineralization. Once
completed the company will make a decision on how best to exploit this asset and
is considering alternatives such as off-take agreements or a joint venture with
a suitable partner. The board will give all viable options due consideration in
its efforts to maximize shareholder value.

The board considers the completion of the drilling program at New Waverly as the
highest priority given the bullish outlook on gold prices and is currently
considering strategies to circumvent the problems the company is facing in
securing the suitably qualified persons and equipment required to complete the

Future Funding

The company plans to complete a rights issue in the first quarter of 2008
raising approximately #915,000 predominantly for the discretionary (exploration)
expenditure required at New Waverly and in anticipation of a favourable ruling
on Mt Cadig which would allow us to complete the shallow pitting program and
assess the available options with this asset.

The lack of progress at Mt Cadig has been a major disappointment, and while any
strategy with this asset is contingent upon the outcome of the Supreme Court
appeal the board remains confident that this asset will be a significant
contributor to shareholder value.


The company recognizes the enormous opportunities currently emerging in
international commodities markets and is positioning itself to drive shareholder
value forward primarily by the exploitation of New Waverly and by seeking
undervalued acquisition targets in emerging markets.

The company is aiming to capitalize on a trend that is currently emerging
throughout international capital markets whereby resource assets in emerging
(particularly Asian) markets are trading at steep discounts to their US and
Australian peers, and as such are proving to be attractive acquisition targets.

The company is seeking to make strategic acquisitions within markets that are
more likely to tighten over the longer term. Moreover, particular attention is
being given to the commodities required by the rapid industrialization of China.
Once such a target has been isolated the board believes that significant value
will be added to the company through exploiting the regulatory arbitrage that is
currently valuing resource assets of similar qualities but on different
exchanges at substantially different earnings multiples.

As a final note, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Reginald
Hare for his service to the company and we wish him well in his future

On behalf of the board I would like to thank our shareholders for their
continued support.

Mohd. Noordin bin Abdullah
28 November 2007

for the year ended 31st May, 2007

I am pleased to present to shareholders a summary of the activities of Mincorp
Plc and associated and subsidiary companies for the financial year ended 31st
May 2007. This report also covers activities of the company subsequent to the
end of the financial year and up to 28 November 2007.

Mt Cadig Nickel Deposit, Philippines.

The Mt Cadig nickel deposit covers approximately 9,400 hectares and is located
250 km east of Manila on the Philippine island of Luzon and was first tested in
1970 by way of a shallow pitting program consisting of 103 shallow test pits
covering approximately 65% of the total concession. Conclusions subsequently
drawn from this exploration inferred reserves in the vicinity of 120 million

The current Exploration Permit Application has been made by Bonaventure Mining
Corporation (BMC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Mincorp Asia. However, title to
Mt Cadig is subject to an ongoing dispute with another Philippine corporation.
We remain confident of a favourable judgment on Mt Cadig and look forward to
making material progress with this asset in the coming year.

New Waverly Gold Mine, Western Australia

The New Waverly mine is within close proximity of Norseman which is
approximately 200 kilometres south of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia's
goldfields. Mincorp controls New Waverly through its wholly owned subsidiary,
Procnima Exploration Pty Ltd.

New Waverly is located on a similar structure to that which has produced over
1,800,000 ounces of gold. However, the under-wall of the structure, which is in
a similar location to other proven quartz reefs, is yet to be tested.

Procnima is currently in the process of completing the drilling program at New
Waverly however the work completed to date offers inconclusive results and as
such does not form part of this report. Mincorp PLC is currently assessing a
range of options to exploit New Waverly as soon as possible which may involve
selling a partial share of the same to a suitable partner with appropriate
experience and a complimentary skill set.

ATPK Resources TBK

The company made a strategic acquisition (5.5%) of ATPK Resources TBK (hereafter
ATPK) since it holds the view that ATPK is an undervalued company with
approximately 78 million tons of coal reserves in Indonesia. Market observers
are noticing a tightening of energy markets within the greater Asian region due
largely to the unprecedented level of demand from China.

As such many regional utilities are looking to secure supplies of the fuel to
protect their energy earnings which in many cases are entirely reliant on coal.
The company sees the attraction to ATPK as twofold, firstly from the earnings of
its five (5) coal mining subsidiaries, and secondly that a listed asset of this
size is a particularly attractive acquisition target for either a larger coal
producer or a coal reliant utility.

Project Development

While the company continues to review potential projects on an ad hoc basis, we
are actively seeking undervalued assets within Asia and our preference is that
our acquisition target be held by a listed company within the relevant

We see Asian resource assets trading at significant discounts to their non Asian
counterparts even after considering a discount for political risk. The company
is confident that such a target can be isolated in the near future and that this
strategy will deliver a positive result for shareholders.

Matthew Steptoe
Chief Executive Officer
28 November 2007


The Directors present their annual report on the affairs of the Company and
Group, together with the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2007.

Principal activities and business review

The developments during the year are given in the Chairman's statement and Chief
Executive Officer's report.

Results and dividends

The Group's results are described in the profit and loss account.  The audited
accounts for the year ended 31 May 2007 are set out below.

The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.

Directors and their interests

The Directors who served during the year, together with all their beneficial
interests in the shares of the Company at 31 May 2007 are as follows:

                                 31 May 2007                     31 May 2006
                           Ordinary     %        Share     Ordinary     %        Share
                          shares of            options    shares of            options
                        #0.001 each                     #0.001 each
                                              (Note 1)                        (Note 1)
Reginald Hare            10,000,000  2.73   15,000,000   10,000,000  7.70   15,000,000
(resigned 30 October
Jocelyn Arreza                    -     -            -            -     -            -

 Mohd. Noordin bin                -     -            -            -     -            -
Abdullah (appointed 31
January 2007)
Jaafar Bin Ahmad                  -     -            -            -     -            -
(appointed 31 January
Thanggaya Munusamy                -     -            -            -     -            -
(appointed 27 June
Michael Coleman                   -     -            -            -     -            -
(appointed 31 January
2007 and resigned 27
June 2007)
Matthew Steptoe                   -     -            -            -     -            -
(appointed 30 October

Note 1:  The options over Ordinary shares may be exercised at any time to 13
December 2009 at a price of #0.01 per share.

Apart from the interests disclosed above, no director held any other interest in
the share capital of the Company during the year.  No changes in the interests
disclosed above have taken place since the year end.

Substantial shareholdings

On 10 October 2007 the following were registered as being interested in 3% or
more of the Company's ordinary share capital:
                                                                      10 October 2007
                                                                     Ordinary   Percentage
                                                                    shares of    of issued
                                                                  #0.001 each        share

HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Ltd                              153,800,000        42.02
R. Bruce Rowan                                                     50,000,000        13.66
HSBC Client Holdings Nominee (UK) Ltd                              37,400,000        10.22
Pershing Keen Nominees Ltd                                         19,300,000         5.27
HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited (as nominee for Spread    14,451,000         3.95
Trustee Company Limited)
HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited                           12,000,000         3.28
Mr NG Tiow Swee                                                    11,470,000         3.13

Share capital

Information relating to shares issued during the year is given in Note 14 to the

Charitable and political donations

During the year there were no charitable or political contributions.

Payment of suppliers

The Company's policy is to settle terms of payment with suppliers when agreeing
terms of business, to ensure that suppliers are aware of the terms of payment
and to abide by them.  It is usual for suppliers to be paid within 14 days of
receipt of invoice. At 31 May 2007, the Group had no trade creditors.

Post balance sheet events

The post balance sheet events are set out in Note 22 to the accounts.

Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

The directors are currently considering the project for publishing first
accounts under IFRS. The transition to IFRS will be commencing for the year to
31 May 2008.

The directors have identified the main areas of the financial statements that
will be affected by the transition and steps are being taken to ensure all IFRS
information is captured in our financial reporting systems.


The Directors will place a resolution before the annual general meeting to
reappoint Chapman Davis LLP as auditors for the coming year.

Directors' remuneration

The remuneration of the Directors has been fixed by the Board as a whole.  This
has been achieved acknowledging the need to maximise the effectiveness of the
Company's limited resources during the year.

Details of directors' fees and of payments made for professional services
rendered are set out in Note 5 to the accounts, directors' emoluments.

Management incentives

Other than 5,000,000 of the share options previously issued to Reginald Hare
noted above, the Group has no bonus, share purchase, share option or other
management incentive scheme.

Corporate governance

It is the opinion of the Board that compliance with the recommendations of the
Combined Code on corporate governance at this stage in its development would be
unduly onerous bearing in mind the size of the business and limited cash
resources.  However, the Board has established such procedures as are
appropriate for the size of the business and will keep the matter under review.

Control procedures

The Board has approved financial budgets and cash forecasts; in addition, it has
implemented procedures to ensure compliance with accounting standards and
effective reporting.

By order of the Board

Jocelyn Arreza
Company secretary
28 November 2007


Directors' responsibilities for the financial statements

Company law in the United Kingdom requires the directors to prepare financial
statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state
of affairs of the company and the group and of the profit or loss of the group
for that period.  In preparing those financial statements, the directors are
required to:

*    select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

*    make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

*    state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject 
     to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial

*    prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it
     is inappropriate to presume that the group will continue in business;

*    so far as each director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of 
     which the Company's auditors are unaware, and the directors have taken all 
     the steps that they ought to have taken as directors' in order to make
     themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that 
     the Company's auditor are aware of that information.

The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, for
safeguarding the assets of the group and for taking reasonable steps for the
prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.  They are also
responsible for ensuring that the annual report includes information required by
the Alternative Investment Market.

The maintenance and integrity of the Company's website is the responsibility of
the directors:  the work carried out by the auditors does not involve
consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no
responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial
statements since they were initially presented on the website.

Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of
the financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.


We have audited the group and parent company financial statements of Mincorp plc
for the year ended 31 May 2007, which comprise the Group Profit and Loss
account, the Group statement of Recognised Gains and Losses, the Group and
Parent Balance Sheets, Group Cash Flow Statement and the related notes.  These
financial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out

Respective Responsibilities of Directors and Auditors

The Directors' responsibilities for preparing the Annual Report and the
financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom
Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) are
set out in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities.

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with
relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on
Auditing (UK and Ireland).

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true
and fair view and whether the financial statements have been properly prepared
in accordance with the Companies Act 1985.  We also report to you whether in our
opinion the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the
financial statements.

In addition we report to you if, in our opinion, the Company has not kept proper
accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations
we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding
Directors' remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed.

We read other information contained in the Annual Report and consider whether it
is consistent with the audited financial statements.  The other information
comprises only the Directors' Report, Chairman's Statement and the Chief
Executive Officer's Report.  We consider the implications for our report if we
become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other

Basis of Audit Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing
(UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  An audit includes
examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements.  It also includes an assessment of the
significant estimates and judgements made by the Directors in the preparation of
the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate
to the group's and company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements
are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other
irregularity or error.  In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall
adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements and the
part of the directors' remuneration report to be audited.


In our opinion:

*    the group financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance
     with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, of the state of 
     the group's affairs as at 31 May 2007 and of its loss for the year then 

*    the parent company's financial statements give a true and fair view, in 
     accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice as 
     applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985, of the 
     state of the parent company's affairs as at 31 May 2007;

*    the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the 
     Companies Act 1985; and

*    the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the 
     financial statements.

Chapman Davis LLP
Registered Auditors
28 November 2007

Group profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 May 2007

                                                   Notes        Year ended            Year ended
                                                                31 May 2007          31 May 2006
                                                                          #                    #

Turnover                                             1                    -                    -
Cost of sales                                                             -                    -
Gross profit                                                              -                    -

Exploration costs                                                  (46,397)                    -
Administrative expenses                                           (164,722)             (95,860)
Operating loss                                       2            (211,119)             (95,860)

Interest receivable                                                     370               14,735
Share of associate's loss                                          (37,430)             (10,000)
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                       (248,179)             (91,125)
Taxation                                             3                    -                    -
Retained loss for the period attributable to                      (248,179)             (91,125)
Shareholders of the Company

Loss per share - basic                               7         (0.15) pence         (0.08) pence

All the operations are considered to be continuing.

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.

Group Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses
for the year ended 31 May 2007

                                                                  Year ended 31st    Year ended
                                                                         May 2007   31st May 2006
                                                                        #                #

Loss for the year                                                       (248,179)        (91,125)
Unrealised gain/(loss) on foreign exchange                                  2,027         (7,240)
Total recognised gains and losses related to the year                   (246,152)        (98,365)

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.

Group balance sheet
As at 31 May 2007

                                                  31 May 2007                31 May 2006

                                   Note                #                          #
Fixed assets

Intangible assets                    8                        127,234                   163,117

Tangible assets                      9                          1,947                         -

Investments                         11                      1,046,171                         -
                                                            1,175,352                   163,117
Current assets

Debtors                             12        432,138                     255,453

Cash at bank                                  552,337                     133,428
                                              984,475                     388,881
Creditors - amounts due within      13      (107,571)                    (92,975)
one year
Net current assets                                            876,904                   295,906
Total assets less current                                   2,052,256                   459,023

Share capital and reserves

Called-up share capital             14        366,001                     120,001

Share premium account               15      2,063,664                     470,279
Profit and loss account             15      (372,196)                   (124,017)

Other reserves                      15        (5,213)                     (7,240)
Equity shareholders' funds          16                      2,052,256                   459,023

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28
November 2007 and signed on its behalf by:

Mohd. Noordin bin Abdullah                           Jocelyn Arreza
Chairman                                             Director

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.

Company balance sheet
As at 31 May 2007
                                                      31 May 2007               31 May 2006
                                       Note                #                         #
Fixed assets

Intangible fixed assets                  8           46,397                    46,397

Tangible fixed assets                    9            1,947                         -

Investments in group companies          10                1                         1

Investments                             11        1,046,171                         -
                                                                1,048,119                  46,398
Current assets

Debtors                                 12          588,915                   385,199

Cash at bank                                        530,327                   128,131
                                                  1,119,242                   513,330
Creditors - amounts due within one      13        (106,432)                  (92,365)
Net current assets                                              1,012,810                 420,965
Total assets less current liabilities                           2,060,929                 467,363

Share capital and reserves

Called-up share capital                 14          366,001                   120,001

Share premium account                   15        2,063,664                   470,279
Profit and loss account                 15        (368,736)                 (122,917)

Equity shareholders' funds              16                      2,060,929                 467,363

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 28
November 2007 and signed on its behalf by:

Mohd. Noordin bin Abdullah                           Jocelyn Arreza
Chairman                                             Director

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these
financial statements.

Group cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 May 2007
                                                   Notes         Year ended            Year ended
                                                                31 May 2007           31 May 2006

                                                                          #                     #

Net cash outflow from operating activities           17           (363,589)             (229,038)
Returns on investment and servicing of finance       18                 370                14,735
Capital expenditure and investment                   18         (1,057,257)             (116,721)
Cash outflow before financing                                   (1,420,476)             (331,024)
Financing                                            18           1,839,385                     -
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year              19             418,909             (331,024)

The accompanying notes and accounting policies form an integral part of these
financial statements.

Statement of accounting policies
for the year ended 31 May 2007

The principal accounting policies are summarised below.  They have all been
applied consistently throughout the year and the previous year.

Basis of accounting

The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in
accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards.

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated accounts combine the accounts of the Company and its sole
subsidiary, Procnima Exploration Pty Ltd, using the purchase method of
accounting. Associate companies are accounted for using the equity method of

Basis of preparing financial statements

The accounts have been prepared on the going concern basis.  The appropriateness
of the going concern basis is dependent on the success of the directors' ongoing
investigation, evaluation and generation of revenue from mineral projects.

The company meets its day to day operating expenses from its existing liquid
resources in the absence of an ongoing income stream.

Intangible assets and goodwill

Intangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
Depreciation of intangible fixed assets is provided where it is necessary to
reflect a reduction from book value to estimated residual value over the
estimated useful life of the asset to the Group.  The carrying value of Fixed
Assets & Goodwill is considered to be Fair Value.

Negative goodwill arises when the consideration paid for exploration assets is
less than the fair value of those intangible assets; it is subject to an annual
impairment review.


The Group had no turnover during the year.

Project development costs

Project development costs include expenditure on prospects at an exploratory
stage.  These costs include the cost of acquisition, exploration, determination
of recoverable reserves, economic feasibility studies and all technical and
administrative overheads directly associated with those projects.  These costs
are carried forward in the balance sheet as intangible fixed assets.

Recoupment of capitalised exploration and development costs is dependent upon
successful development and commercial exploitation of each area of interest and
are amortised over the expected commercial life of each area once production

The Company adopts the 'area of interest' method of accounting whereby all
exploration and development costs relating to an area of interest are
capitalised and carried forward until abandoned.  In the event that an area of
interest is abandoned, or if the Directors consider the expenditure to be of no
value, accumulated exploration costs are written off in the financial year in
which the decision is made.  All expenditure incurred prior to approval of an
application is expensed with the exception of refundable rent which is raised as
a debtor.


Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less any provision for impairment.
Trade investments are stated at the lower of cost or mid-market valuation;
profits and losses, including profits arising from warrants held are accounted
for as realised.

Tangible assets - Plant and equipment

Plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any
accumulated impairment losses.

Depreciation is provided on all tangible assets to write off the cost less
estimated residual value of each asset over its expected useful economic life on
a straight line basis at the following annual rates:

Computer equipment - 33%

All assets are subject to annual impairment reviews.


Corporation tax payable is provided on taxable profits at the current rate.

Deferred tax

Deferred tax is provided on a full provision basis on all timing differences
which have arisen but not reversed at the balance sheet date.


No charge to profit is made in respect of the options over the Company's shares
held by Directors and others.

Foreign currencies

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling at the date
of the transaction.  Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet
date.  All differences are taken to the income statement.

On consolidation of a foreign operation, assets and liabilities are translated
at the balance sheet rates, income and expenses are translated at rates ruling
at the transaction date.  Exchange differences on consolidation are taken to the
foreign exchange reserve account.

Going concern
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

Notes to financial statements
for the year ended 31 May 2007

1       Turnover and Segmental analysis

        The group had no turnover during the year.
        Loss before taxation                                                           2007         2006

                                                                                          #            #
        By geographical area

        UK                                                                          161,992       80,025

        Australia                                                                    48,757        1,100

        Philippines                                                                  37,430       10,000

2      Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                               2007         2006
                                                                                    #            #
                                                                                Group        Group
       Loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after
                                                                                  973            -
                                                                               10,000       10,000
       Auditors' remuneration - audit
                                                                                    -            -
       Auditors' remuneration - non audit services
                                                                               42,500       24,500
       Directors' emoluments

3       Taxation

        Current year taxation

        UK corporation tax at 30% on results for the year                                 -            -

                                                                                    _______      _______

        Factors affecting the tax charge for the period

        Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                               (248,179)     (91,125)

                                                                                    _______      _______

        Loss on ordinary activities at the UK standard rate of 30%                 (74,454)     (27,338)

        Effects of tax benefit of losses carried forward                             74,454       27,338

                                                                                    _______      _______

        Current period taxation                                                           -            -

                                                                                    _______      _______

4       Staff costs

        The Group had no employees during the year; the executive and non-executive directors
        provide professional services as required on a part time basis.

        Directors' emoluments:                                                Group       Group
5                                                                     31st May 2007    31st May
                                                                                  #           #
        Executive Director Remuneration

        Reginald Hare                                                        20,000      20,000

        Jocelyn Arreza                                                       14,500       4,500

        Mohd. Noordin bin Abdullah                                            3,000           -

        Non-Executive Director Remuneration

        Michael Coleman                                                       1,000           -

        Jaafar Bin Ahmed                                                      4,000           -

                                                                            _______     _______

        No pension benefits are provided for any director.

        Included in Jocelyn Arreza's remuneration for the year is
        #2,500 in respect of company secretarial services.

        Directors' share options

        Aggregate emoluments disclosed above do not include any
        amounts for the value of options to acquire ordinary shares
        in the company granted to or held by the directors.

        During the year no options were granted to Directors.

6        Profit attributable to parent undertaking

         As permitted by section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, the profit and loss account of the
         parent Company has not been separately presented in these accounts.  The parent Company loss
         for the year was #245,819 (2006: loss #90,025).

7      Loss per share - Group                                                2007            2006
                                                                                #               #

       The basic loss per share is derived by dividing the loss for
       the year attributable to ordinary shareholders by the
       weighted average number of shares in issue.

       Loss for the year                                                (248,179)        (91,125)

       Weighted average number of Ordinary shares of #0.001 in        167,869,493     120,001,000
       Loss per share - basic                                        (0.15) pence    (0.08) pence
       The 126,200,010 outstanding options are non-dilutive as the
       exercise price of 1p per share is greater than the average
       share price for the year.

8       Intangible fixed assets                                                           Project
        Group                                                                         expenditure

        At 1 June 2006                                                                    163,117

        Additions during the year                                                           8,166

        Written-off during the year                                                      (46,397)

        Currency gain                                                                       2,348

        At 31 May 2007                                                                    127,234


        At 31 May 2006                                                                          -

        At 31 May 2007                                                                          -

        Net book amount at 31 May 2007                                                    127,234

        Net book amount at 31 May 2006                                                    163,117



        At 1 June 2006                                                                            46,397

        Written-off during the year                                                             (46,397)

        At 31 May 2007                                                                                 -


        At 31 May 2006                                                                                 -

        At 31 May 2007                                                                                 -

        Net book amount at 31 May 2007                                                                 -

        Net book amount at 31 May 2006                                                            46,397

As at 31 May 2007, the Directors have carried out an impairment review and
confirmed that no further revaluation adjustments are required.

9       Tangible fixed assets                                                                    Plant &
        Group and Company


        At 1 June 2006                                                                                 -

        Additions during the year                                                                  2,920

        At 31 May 2007                                                                             2,920


        At 1 June 2006                                                                                 -

        Charge for the year                                                                          973

        At 31 May 2007                                                                               973

        Net book amount at 31 May 2007                                                             1,947

        Net book amount at 31 May 2006                                                                 -

10      Fixed asset investments - Company                                                       #


        At 1 June 2006                                                                     10,001
        Additions during the year                                                               -

        At 31 May 2007                                                                     10,001

        Amounts written off

        At 1 June 2006                                                                     10,000

        Provided for during the year                                                            -


        At 31 May 2007                                                                     10,000

        Net book value at 31st May 2007                                                        #1
        Net book value at 31st May 2006                                                        #1

The Company holds 20% or more of the share capital of the following company:

Company                         Country of registration           Shares held Class
                                or incorporation                                                  %

Procnima Exploration Pty Ltd    Australia                         Ordinary                      100
Mincorp Asia, Inc               Philippines                       Ordinary                       40


  * The Company has the option to acquire the remaining 60% of Mincorp Asia,
    Inc, exercisable at any time up to February 2010, at its original par value
  * The Company has provided against the investment in Mincorp Asia Inc, as a
    result of Mincorp Asia Inc's loss for the year to 31 May 2007 of #93,580, of
    which Mincorp Plc's share being #37,430.

11      Fixed asset investments                      Group                  Company
                                                   2007        2006         2007        2006

                                                      #           #            #           #
        Publicly traded investments           1,046,171           -    1,046,171           -

        Total                                 1,046,171           -    1,046,171           -

        The market value of publicly traded investments at 31 May 2007 based on the closing
        mid-market price was #2,711,086 (2006: #Nil). The market value of the investments
        based on the closing mid market price at 11 October 2007 was #1,446,842.

12      Debtors                                      Group                   Company
                                                   2007        2006         2007         2006
                                                      #           #            #            #
        Prepayments                               1,775       3,060        1,666            -
        Other debtors                            13,961       3,991       13,961        3,991
        Amounts owed by subsidiary                    -           -      156,886      132,807
        Amounts owed by Associates              416,402     248,402      416,402      248,402
        Total                                   432,138     255,453      588,915      385,199

13      Creditors                                    Group                   Company
                                                   2007        2006         2007         2006
                                                      #           #            #            #

        Amounts falling due within one year:

        Trade creditors                               -         610            -            -

        Accruals                                 28,542      50,766       27,403       50,766

        Accrued share of associates losses       79,029      41,599       79,029       41,599
        Total                                   107,571      92,975      106,432       92,365

14      Share capital - Company

        The authorised share capital of the Company and the called up and fully paid amounts
        were as follows:


                                                                             Number    Nominal #
        As at 31 May 2007 and at 31 May 2006, Ordinary shares of      1,000,000,000    1,000,000
        #0.001 each

                                                                            _______      _______

        Called up, allotted, issued and fully paid
                                                                             Number    Nominal #
        As at 1 June 2006                                               120,001,000      120,001
        Issued 21 August 2006 at a price of 1p per share                 10,000,000       10,000

        Issued 31 March 2007 at a price of 0.74p per share              236,000,000      236,000

                                                                            _______      _______

        As at 31 May 2007                                               366,001,000      366,001

                                                                            _______      _______

         Share Options
         The Company has established a share option scheme:

         126,200,010 options have been granted to subscribe for ordinary shares, exercisable at any
         time, as follows:
         Date granted                       Number of        Exercise price              Expiry date
         13/12/04                          60,000,000              1p                       13/12/09
         28/1/05                           66,200,010              1p                        28/1/10

15      Reserves

        The movements on reserves during the year were as follows:
                                                      Share premium    Profit and       Foreign
                                                            account  loss account      exchange

        Group                                                     #             #             #
        As at 31 May 2006                                   470,279     (124,017)       (7,240)
        Issue of shares                                   1,600,400             -             -
        Share issue expenses                                (7,015)             -             -
        Loss for the year                                         -     (248,179)             -

        Foreign exchange reserves                                 -             -         2,027

        As at 31 May 2007                                 2,063,664     (372,196)       (5,213)

        Company                                                     Share premium    Profit and
                                                                          account  loss account

        As at 31 May 2006                                                 470,279     (122,917)
        Issue of shares                                                 1,600,400             -
        Share issue expenses                                              (7,015)             -
        Loss for the year                                                       -     (245,819)

        As at 31 May 2007                                               2,063,664     (368,736)

16       Movement on equity shareholders' funds                                  2007            2006

                                                                                    #               #


         Loss for the year                                                  (248,179)        (91,125)

         Proceeds of share issues                                           1,846,400               -

         Share issue expenses                                                 (7,015)               -

         Foreign exchange reserve                                               2,027         (7,240)
         Movement during the year                                           1,593,233        (98,365)

         Opening equity shareholders' funds                                   459,023         557,388

         Closing equity shareholders' funds                                 2,052,256         459,023


         (Loss) for the year                                                (245,819)        (90,025)

         Proceeds of share issues                                           1,846,400               -

         Share issue expenses                                                 (7,015)               -

         Movement during the year                                           1,593,566        (90,025)

         Opening equity shareholders' funds                                   467,363         557,388

         Closing equity shareholders' funds                                 2,060,929         467,363

17       Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flows                2007            2006

                                                                                    #               #
         Operating loss                                                     (211,119)        (95.860)

         Depreciation                                                             973               -

         Exploration costs written-off                                         46,397               -

         Currency (loss)                                                        (321)         (7,240)

         Increase in debtors                                                (176,685)       (179,804)

         (Decrease)/increase in creditors                                    (22,834)          53,866
         Net cash outflow from operating activities                         (363,589)       (229,038)

18      Analysis of cash flows                                                      2007           2006
                                                                                       #              #
        Return on investment and servicing of finance

        Interest received                                                            370         14,735

        Net cash inflow                                                              370         14,735


        Company: Issue of ordinary share capital for cash                      1,846,400              -

        Share issue expenses                                                     (7,015)              -

        Net cash inflow                                                        1,839,385              -

        Capital expenditure and investment

        Acquisition of subsidiary                                                      -            (1)

        Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                        (2,920)              -

        Purchase of intangible fixed assets                                      (8,166)      (116,720)

        Purchase of current asset investment                                 (1,046,171)              -

        Net cash outflow                                                     (1,057,257)      (116,721)

19     Analysis and reconciliation of net funds          1 June 2006     Cash flow     31 May 2007
                                                                   #             #               #

       Cash in hand and at bank                              133,428       418,909         552,337

20     Commitments

       As at 31st May 2007, the Company had no material commitments.

21     Related party transactions

       During the year the Company advanced #168,000 to its 40% owned associated undertaking,
       Mincorp Asia, Inc.  This advance is interest free and #416,402 remained outstanding at the
       Balance Sheet date (2006: #248,402).

22     Post balance sheet events

       The following material events occurred after the balance sheet date;

         * On 27 June 2007, Michael Coleman resigned as a director of the company, and Mr
           Thanggaya Munusamy was appointed as a director of the company.
         * On 25 September 2007, the company entered into a Loan Facility for US$110,000 with
           Rexy Finance Ltd.  The company drew down on the facility in November 2007, and the terms
           are such that the principal is repayable after 6 Months from date of drawdown. The loan
           attracts interest of SIBOR + 2% per annum.
         * On 30 October 2007, Reginald Hare resigned as a director of the company, and Matthew
           Steptoe was appointed as a director of the company.
         * On 9 November 2006, the company announced that Mincorp Asia Inc, and its subsidiary
           Bonaventure Mining Corporation had entered into litigation relating to its Exploration
           Permit covering the Mt. Cadig nickel deposit in the Philippines. The dispute relates to
           the title to the area and action is still ongoing. The company is aiming to have this
           issue resolved by the end of 2007.

23       Financial instruments - Group

         The Group uses financial instruments comprising cash, liquid resources and debtors/creditors
         that arise from its operations.

         The Group's exposure to currency and liquidity risk is not considered significant.  The
         Group's cash balances are held in Pound Sterling and in Australian dollars, the latter being
         the currency in which the significant operating expenses are incurred.

         To date the Group has relied upon equity funding to finance operations.  The Directors are
         confident that adequate cash resources exist to finance operations to commercial
         exploitation but controls over expenditure are carefully managed.

         The net fair value of financial assets and liabilities approximates the carrying values
         disclosed in the financial statements.  The currency and interest rate profile of the
         financial assets is as follows:
         Cash and short term deposits
                                                                             31 May 2007

         Sterling                                                                530,327

         Australian dollars                                                       22,010
         At 31 May 2007                                                          552,337
         The financial assets comprise interest earning bank deposits.

24     Ultimate Controlling Party

       There is considered to be no ultimate controlling party.

Annual General Meeting

The Company is pleased to announce that the next Annual General Meeting will be
held at 10am on Friday 21st December 2007, at the offices of Wedlake Bell, 52
Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4LR, UK.  The AGM notice and proxy form has been
posted to shareholders.

Availability of Accounts

Copies of these accounts are being posted to shareholders today, and further
copies will be available at the Company's registered office, which is due to
change on 1st December 2007, and will be 1 Park Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14
4HJ, UK.


Mincorp plc                     Matthew Steptoe                +659 247 1999
                                (chief executiveofficer)

Nabarro Wells & Co. Limited     Hugh Oram                      +44 207 710 7400

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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