RNS Number:6381E
Merrill Lynch FTSE100 Stpd Gwth&Inc
27 September 2007

Merrill Lynch FTSE 100 Stepped Growth and Income Limited

Preliminary Profits Announcement

For the period from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007

This announcement is not the Company's statutory financial statements. All the
figures are based on the interim report and financial statements for the period
from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007.

Investment Manager's Report

Growth Shares

The Growth Shares are designed to offer investors a capital growth amount of
70.00 pence per growth share and to return a capital amount of 100.00 pence per
growth share, as long as the Underlying Index has not fallen by more than 40.0%
of the Initial Index Reference Level. If the Index has fallen more than 40.0%,
an amount of 5.0% is reduced from 70.0% for each of the remaining six monthly
periods (first six month period ended on 16th December, 2002, and so on until
16th June, 2009) to the Final Reference Date.

As of 30th June, 2007, the FTSE 100 Index closed at 6607.90, an increase of
6.22% from the level of the Index at the beginning of the period. The Net Asset
Value of the Growth Shares was #1.50 as of 30th June, 2007, resulting in an
increase of 2.04% for the six month period (relative to a Net Asset Value of
#1.47 at 31st December, 2006), and a cumulative increase of 56.25% since
inception (relative to the initial Net Asset Value of #0.96).

Income Shares

The Income Shares pay a fixed dividend of 4.00 pence per Income Share,
semi-annually in arrears as long as the Underlying Index has not fallen by more
than 40.0% of the Initial Index Reference Levels at any time up to the close of
trading on the Final Reference Date. If the Underlying Index has fallen by more
than 40.0% of the Initial Index Reference Level at any time up to the close of
trading on the Final Reference Date, then all the subsequent coupons (4.0 pence)
will cease after that date.

As of 30th June, 2007, the FTSE 100 Index closed at 6607.90, an increase of
6.22% from the level of the Index at the beginning of the period. The Net Asset
Value of the Income Shares was #1.03 as of 30th June, 2007, resulting in an
decrease of 1.90% for the six month period (relative to a Net Asset Value of
#1.05 at 31st December, 2006), and a cumulative increase of 7.29% since
inception (relative to the initial Net Asset Value of #0.96).

Investment Manager's Report (continued)

Market Review

The U.K. economy has continued to grow slightly above the long-term trend. The
increase in gross domestic product in the first quarter, the most recent data
available, was 3.0% annualized versus the previous quarter, with the annual
increase at just below 3.0%. The growth rate has remained remarkably stable over
the past year. Consumption has rebounded, exports have been firm and capital
spending has strengthened. Business confidence and retail sales growth remain
high and the housing market also continues to grow, albeit there is tentative
evidence of a slowdown.

The inflation background remains difficult. Higher energy prices and an increase
in core inflation, which excludes food and energy prices, were the primary
culprits behind the 12-month rise in the Consumer Price Index of over 3.0% in
March, well above the Bank of England's official 2.0% target. Inflation has
moderated since then, dropping to 2.5% in May, and it is expected that inflation
will be much closer to target in the second half of 2007. The primary risk is if
wage growth responds to the acceleration in inflation in the current pay cycle,
though there is little evidence that this is happening. Additionally, continued
strength in the pound sterling also will dampen price pressures. Nevertheless,
given the rise in inflation, interest rates are expected to rise further, and
the risk is that less tightening emerges in reality.

With respect to corporate earnings, profit growth is slowing, but remains
robust. Corporate earnings per share have risen by approximately 15% in the past
year, and earnings have been upgraded slightly in the past couple of months.
Still, the profit background is expected to become more demanding-with margins
already high, the scope for additional widening is limited. The market is
already braced for a significant slowing in earnings growth (down to only 6%),
so vulnerability to profits moderation has been diminished.

This material is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or
investment advice, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or
sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy. The opinions expressed
are as of June 2007 and may change as subsequent conditions vary. The
information and opinions contained in this material are derived from proprietary
and nonproprietary sources deemed by BlackRock to be reliable, are not
necessarily all-inclusive and are not guaranteed as to accuracy. Past
performance does not guarantee future results. There is no guarantee that any
forecasts made will come to pass. Any investments named within this material may
not necessarily be held in any accounts managed by BlackRock. Reliance upon
information in this material is at the sole discretion of the reader.

BlackRock Inc.

27th September, 2007

Total Statement of Operations
For the period from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007

                                                                          Total                    Total
                                                                     01.01.2007                01.01.2006
                                                                  to 30.06.2007             to 30.06.2006
                                                                        # 000's                   # 000's

Income on medium term notes
                          - Interest
                            (Libor +
                             margin)                                        999                       860

Receipts under "Swap and Option" transaction
                           - Payment in
                                lieu of
                          distributions                                     970                       970
                                   - Money due
                                   and sponsor
                                          fees                               99                        99
Payments under "Swap and Option" transaction
                          - Interest
                            (Libor +
                             margin)                                       (999)                     (860)

and sponsor
fees                                                                        (99)                      (99)

Other bank
received                                                                     10                         1
                                                                    -------------             -------------

Net realised
gains on
activities                                                                  980                       971

Movement in provision on "Swap and
transactions                                                                (84)                       23
Movement in
losses on
investments                                                                   8                        10
                                                                    -------------             -------------

Movement in
net unrealised
gains on
investments                                                                 (76)                       33
                                                                    -------------             -------------

Net gains on
activities                                                                  904                     1,004
                                                                    -------------             -------------

Finance costs
to holders of
shares                                                                     (970)                     (970)
                                                                    -------------             -------------

for the period                                                              (66)                       34
                                                                    =============             =============

All activities consist of ongoing operations.

The Company has no other recognised gains or losses other than those shown above and accordingly no
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has been presented.

There is no difference between the result for the period as stated above and its historical cost
Total Statement of Operations (continued)
For the period from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007

                                    Growth                Growth               Income         Income
                                    Shares                Shares               Shares         Shares
                                       01.01.2007            01.01.2006      01.01.2007       01.01.2006
                                    to 30.06.2007         to 30.06.2006   to 30.06.2007    to 30.06.2006
                                           # 000's              # 000's         # 000's           # 000's

Income on medium term notes
                - Interest
                  (Libor +
                   margin)                      393                339             606               521

Receipts under "Swap and Option"
                    - Payment in
                         lieu of 
                   distributions                  -                  -             970                970
                     - Money due
                 for distributor
                and sponsor fees              39                    39              60                 60
Payments under "Swap and Option"
                - Interest
                  (Libor +
                   margin)                     (393)                 (339)          (606)            (521)

and sponsor
fees                                            (39)                  (39)           (60)             (60)

Other bank
received                                          4                     1              6                -
                                             --------              --------       --------        ---------

Net realised
gains on
activities                                        4                     1            976              970

Movement in provision on "Swap and
transactions                                    433                   392           (517)            (369)
Movement in
losses on
investments                                       3                     4              5                6
                                             --------              --------       --------        ---------

Movement in
net unrealised
gains on
investments                                     436                   396           (512)            (363)
                                             --------              --------       --------        ---------

Net gains on
activities                                      440                   397            464              607
                                             --------              --------       --------        ---------

Finance costs
to holders of
shares                                            -                     -           (970)            (970)
                                             --------              --------       --------        ---------

for the period                                  440                   397           (506)            (363)
                                             ========              ========       ========        =========

All activities consist of ongoing

The Company has no other recognised gains or losses other than those shown above and accordingly no
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has been presented.

There is no difference between the result for the period as stated above and its historical cost

Total Statement of Assets and Liabilities
As at 30th June, 2007

                                                                              Total                 Total
                                                                         30.06.2007            30.06.2006
                                                                            # 000's               # 000's

Debt securities                                                              35,955                35,938
Swap and
contract at
fair value                                                                   12,521                11,897
Debtors                                                                         164                   145
Cash                                                                            486                    11
                                                                             --------            ----------

Total assets                                                                 49,126                47,991
                                                                             ========            ==========


Ordinary share                                                                    -                     -
                                                                             --------            ----------


Creditors                                                                       629                   145
                                                                             --------            ----------
Total liabilities (Excluding net
to holders of
shares)                                                                         629                   145

Net assets attributable to
of preference
shares                                                                       48,497                47,846
                                                                             --------            ----------

Total equity
liabilities                                                                  49,126                47,991
                                                                             ========            ==========

Total Statement of Assets and Liabilities (continued)
As at 30th June, 2007

                                         Growth           Growth           Income           Income
                                         Shares           Shares           Shares           Shares
                                         30.06.2007       30.06.2006       30.06.2007       30.06.2006
                                         # 000's          # 000's          # 000's          # 000's

                    - Debt
                securities                    14,157           14,151           21,798           21,787
                    - Swap and
              option contract at
                     fair value                9,456            8,346            3,065            3,551
Debtors                                           34               27              130              118
Cash                                             194                7              292                4
                                             ---------         --------         --------         --------

Total assets                                  23,841           22,531           25,285           25,460
                                             =========         ========         ========         ========


Ordinary share capital                             -                -                -                -
                                             ---------         --------         --------         --------


Creditors                                        217               27              412              118
                                             ---------         --------         --------         --------
Total liabilities (Excluding net assets
to holders of
shares)                                          217               27              412              118

Net assets attributable to holders
of preference
shares                                        23,624           22,504           24,873           25,342
                                             ---------         --------         --------         --------

Total equity
liabilities                                   23,841           22,531           25,285           25,460
                                             =========         ========         ========         ========

Total Statement of Changes in Net Assets Attributable to Holders of Preference Shares
For the period from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007

                                                                              Total            Total
                                                                        01.01.2007 to    01.01.2006 to
                                                                         30.06.2007       30.06.2006
                                                                             # 000's          # 000's

From Operations

Net realised gains on investment activities
applicable to
holders of
preference shares                                                               980              971

Movement in net unrealised gains on investments
applicable to
holders of
preference shares                                                               (76)              33

Distributions payable to holders
of preference
shares                                                                         (970)            (970)
                                                                           ----------       ----------

se resulting from
operations                                                                      (66)              34
                                                                           ----------       ----------

Total (decrease)/increase in net assets attributable to
holders of
preference shares
for the period                                                                  (66)              34

Net assets attributable to holders of
preference shares
at beginning of
the period                                                                   48,563           47,812
                                                                           ----------        ---------

Total net assets attributable to holders
of preference
shares                                                                       48,497           47,846
                                                                           ==========        =========

Total Statement of Changes in Net Assets Attributable to Holders of Preference Shares (continued)
For the period from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007

                                                      Growth           Growth           Income           Income
                                                      Shares           Shares           Shares           Shares
                                                    01.01.2007 to    01.01.2006 to    01.01.2007 to    01.01.2006 to
                                                       30.06.2007       30.06.2006       30.06.2007       30.06.2006
                                                      # 000's          # 000's          # 000's          # 000's

From Operations

Net realised gains on investment activities
applicable to
holders of
shares                                                          4                1              976              970

Movement in net unrealised gains on investments
applicable to
holders of
shares                                                        436              396             (512)            (363)

Distributions payable to holders
of preference
shares                                                          -                -             (970)            (970)
                                                           --------         --------         --------         --------

resulting from
operations                                                    440              397             (506)            (363)
                                                           --------         --------         --------         --------

Total increase/(decrease) in net assets attributable
to holders of
shares for the
period                                                        440              397             (506)            (363)

Net assets attributable to holders of
shares at
beginning of
the period                                                 23,184           22,107           25,379           25,705
                                                           --------         --------         --------         --------

Total net assets attributable to holders
of preference
shares                                                     23,624           22,504           24,873           25,342
                                                           ========         ========         ========         ========

Total Statement of Cash Flows
For the period from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007

                                                        Total             Total
                                                01.01.2007 to      01.01.2006 to
                                                   30.06.2007        30.06.2006
                                                     # 000's            # 000's
Operating Activities

Investment income                                         998               855
Income from counterparty for Distributor
and Sponsor fees                                          199               198
Net Swap Option
(payments)/receipts                                       (28)              115
Distributor and Sponsor fees                             (199)             (198)
Other interest income                                      10                 1
                                                 --------------     -------------

Net cash inflow from
Operating Activities                                      980               971
                                                 --------------     -------------

Distributions paid to holders
of preference shares                                     (970)             (970)
                                                 --------------     -------------

Increase in cash                                           10                 1

Cash at start of period                                   476                10
                                                 --------------     -------------

Cash at end of period                                     486                11
                                                 ==============     =============

Total Statement of Cash Flows (continued)
For the period from 1st January, 2007 to 30th June, 2007

                                             Growth           Growth           Income           Income
                                             Shares           Shares           Shares           Shares
                                             01.01.2007 to    01.01.2006 to    01.01.2007 to    01.01.2006 to
                                              30.06.2007       30.06.2006       30.06.2007       30.06.2006
                                                  # 000's          # 000's          # 000's          # 000's

Operating Activities

income                                               393              337              605              518
Income from counterparty for Distributor
and Sponsor
fees                                                  78               78              121              120
Net Swap
eipts                                               (393)            (595)             365              710
and Sponsor
fees                                                 (78)             (78)            (121)            (120)
Other interest
income                                                 4                1                6                -
                                                 ---------        ---------        ---------        ---------

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
Activities                                             4             (257)             976            1,228
                                                 ---------        ---------        ---------        ---------

Distributions paid to holders
of preference
shares                                                 -                -             (970)            (970)
                                                 ---------        ---------        ---------        ---------

ease) in cash                                          4             (257)               6              258

t) at start of
period                                               190              264              286             (254)
                                                 ---------        ---------        ---------        ---------

Cash at end of
period                                               194                7              292                4
                                                 =========        =========        =========        =========

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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