RNS Number:4744B
03 August 2007

                                 MKM GROUP PLC
                          ("the Group" or "the Company")

              Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2007


*   Continued operational improvements at MKM Concepts, the Group's principal 
    operating subsidiary, enhancing service delivery to clients and improving 
    internal efficiencies
        - StARS: new comprehensive web-based database of partner offers
        - Green Suite: new ecologically sound product range

*   Proposed acquisition of Leisure World Pty Limited and its subsidiaries (the 
    "Leapfrog Group" or"Leapfrog"), the sales promotion business based in 
    Australia, represents a significant step in the Group's new growth phase
        - adds critical mass to existing sales promotion business, increasing
          sales by a factor of over two times
        - has strong synergies with MKM Concepts
        - significantly broadens capability and product range
        - opens up new geographic markets

*    Board remains focused on developing a broadly based marketing services 


*    Group returned to profitability
        - reflecting good progress at MKM Concepts

*    Turnover of #3.9m (2006: #4.6m)

*    Profit before tax of #456,000 (2006: loss of #362,000)
        - long term relationships with blue-chip clients driving profitability

*    Basic earnings per share of 1.3p (2006: loss per share of 1.2p)

*    Strong balance sheet with cash of #1.906m (2006: #1.696m)

*    Board views prospects for the enlarged group very positively

Commenting, Chairman Andrew Johnson, said,

"I am delighted to announce that the Company has made excellent progress, both
at MKM Concepts and in our strategic ambition to build a broadly based marketing
services group.

Over the period, we have invested both in our ability to fulfil client
campaigns, with the development of StARS our new web-based database programme,
and in new products, including Green Suite, our eco-friendly range.

The proposed acquisition of Leapfrog, announced this morning, is very exciting
and represents a major advance in our plans to develop the Group. Leapfrog adds
critical mass to our sales promotion activities, more than doubling the existing
business. The acquisition also opens the way for significant international
expansion. We believe that the logic of our growth strategy remains compelling
and view the outlook for the Group very positively."

Enquiries to:

MKM Group Plc (www.mkmgroupplc.com)
Andrew Johnson, Executive Chairman
Matthew Toynton, Finance Director                 0161 877 1112

WH Ireland
David Youngman                                    0161 832 2174

Katie Tzouliadis, Managing Director               020 7448 1000
Sophie Lane



The Group's results for the year to 31 March 2007 as a whole are pleasing and
slightly ahead of our expectations at the half year stage.

As shareholders are aware, our ambitions are to develop a more broadly based
marketing services business therefore the Board has been considering
opportunities to expand the Company through acquisitions in the marketing
services sector.

I am thus delighted to announce our proposal to acquire the Leapfrog Group.
Further details of this proposed acquisition will be published in a separate
announcement. Shareholder approval will be sought at an Extraordinary General
Meeting to be held on 29 August 2007. Leapfrog and MKM Concepts are very similar
businesses and the integration of the two businesses will substantially
strengthen our sales promotion and loyalty business and gives us a solid
platform upon which to build.


The Group generated a profit before tax of #456,000 (2006: loss before tax of
#362,000) This result was generated from turnover of #3.9m (2006: #4.6m) The
significant improvement in profitability compared with the prior year reflected
the strength of the foundation established over the past 18 months at MKM
Concepts, our sales promotion business. Specifically, MKM Concepts has developed
a number of long term relationships with blue-chip clients which are generating
profitable returns.

In addition, it should be noted that these results hide a strong performance by
MKM Concepts, the current single trading subsidiary. The Group is currently
carrying central overhead costs of approximately #340,000 associated with the
AIM quote and pursuing growth through acquisition. As the Group expands through
the acquisition of Leapfrog, these central costs will not increase.

The income statement for 2007 reflects a tax credit of #124,000 as a result of
the recognition of a deferred tax asset for the first time. This deferred tax
asset is a combination of the future impact of carried forward losses and share
options. The Group has recognised the deferred tax asset as it has now
established a track record of profitability.

The Directors' Report explains that these accounts have been prepared under
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the first time. This
change in accounting policies results in the Group reporting a reduction in
administrative expenses in both 2006 and 2007 as can be seen within note 2.

The current business is delivered with a relatively low level of capital
investment. The investment that is required drives our IT capability and our
fulfilment to clients.

Once again we ended the year with a strong balance sheet, with cash of
#1,906,000 (2006: #1,696,000).


After the major restructuring undertaken over the course of the last financial
year, the focus at MKM Concepts has been two-fold; to continue to improve the
Company operationally and to win new business. The team has made good progress
in both areas.

Operationally, MKM Concepts is now in a much stronger position. Its quality
control and operational delivery have been significantly enhanced. This brings
benefits to us, in terms of internal efficiencies, and for our clients as we
enhance our service delivery. In September I referred to the fact that we had
initiated a programme to achieve ISO 9001 and I am pleased to say that we
received accreditation in April 2007. The travel operations were successfully
merged into one subsidiary and adopted one common operating system.

A major investment over the year has been in the development of StARS, MKM
Concepts new web-based database programme. The StARS programme will allow MKM
Concepts to hold comprehensive details on all their partner offers on one
database and readily support the activity of multiple clients. Consumers will
benefit from the improved presentation of the offers and our clients will have
access to enhanced management information. The programme represents a major step
forward in the fulfilment of campaigns for clients. The programme was launched
in the final quarter of the financial year and I am pleased to report that
initial reaction from clients has been very positive.

At the beginning of the third quarter of the financial year, a significant
loyalty client contract was cancelled as a result of a change in the client's
marketing strategy. However, I am pleased to report that MKM Concepts has won
two major new partnership agreements in the last few months. These are long term
contracts where MKM Concepts will be putting in place sales promotion programmes
designed to help, attract, develop and retain customers. The StARS technology
will underpin the delivery of these programmes. I am also pleased to report that
MKM Concepts has renewed its partnership agreements with HSBC Bank plc and First
Direct. MKM Concepts supports the running of HSBC's "Premier" and "Plus"
accounts and the "firstdirectory" account for First Direct.

Over the year, the business continued to be active with shorter term, tactical
sales programmes for clients. These are contracted on a campaign-by-campaign

MKM Concepts continually seeks to add new sales products to its product offer. A
significant recent development has been the development of the 'Green Suite'
range of ecologically sound sales promotion offers. The 'Green Suite' range is
being used as part of HSBC's campaign to promote its range of Green current


Following the proposed acquisition of Leapfrog, we expect Brian Smillie and
Richard Tenser (co-founders of Leapfrog and respectively Executive Chairman and
Chief Executive) to join the Board as International Managing Director and
International Development Director respectively. As co-founders and Executive
Directors of Leapfrog, they bring considerable commercial skills and experience
and add further depth to the senior management team.


I outlined in my statement last year a strategy to build a more broadly based
marketing services group. We remain focused on acquiring a second leg for the
Group in a related field within the sector and are particularly interested in
businesses with a strong data focus. We have looked at a number of businesses
which meet these criteria and continue to search for an appropriate business.

We also stated our commitment to developing the MKM Concepts sales promotion
business. We have today entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the
entire share capital of the Leapfrog Group. Leapfrog is a very similar business
to MKM Concepts based in Australia and New Zealand with plans to develop in the
Asia-Pacific region. The merger of the MKM Concepts and Leapfrog businesses will
give the Group a first rate and robust loyalty and sales promotion business with
substantial potential for growth. The two businesses will be integrated and
pursue a coherent strategy. The business will place considerable emphasis on
achieving strong organic growth, building client relationships with global
brands, introducing innovative products and entering new geographic markets in
Europe and Asia Pacific. The Leapfrog management team have demonstrated the
ability to achieve significant growth and expand into new countries.

Whilst our immediate focus will be on ensuring we maximise the benefit of the
acquisition of the Leapfrog business, we will also continue our search for a
data orientated second leg.


The Company continues to make progress and we remain committed to our objective
of creating a significantly larger, more broadly based marketing business. We
believe the proposed acquisition represents a significant advance and view
prospects for the enlarged group very positively.

Andrew Johnson
Executive Chairman
2 August 2007

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                         2007          2006
                                                        #'000         #'000

Revenue                                                 3,888         4,575

Cost of sales                                          (1,411)       (3,279)

GROSS PROFIT                                            2,477         1,296

Administrative expenses                                (2,073)       (1,689)

PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS                             404          (393)

Finance expense                                            (1)          (17)
Finance income                                             53            48

PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION                             456          (362)

Income tax credit                                         124             4

PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR                                580          (358)

Attributable to the equity holders of the parent          580          (358)

Basic earnings/(loss) per share (pence)                   1.3          (1.2)

Diluted earnings/(loss) per share (pence)                 1.1          (1.2)

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                            Share     Share    Option  Retained
                                          capital   premium   Reserve  earnings    Total
                                            #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000    #'000

Balance as at 1 April 2006                    218     2,205        31      (687)   1,767

Changes in equity for year ended 31
March 2007
        Net income recognised          
        directly in equity                      -         -        30         -       30
        Deferred tax asset relating      
        to share options                        -         -        51         -       51
        Net profit for the period               -         -         -       580      580
Total recognised income and expense for
the period                                      -         -        81       580      661

Balance as at 31 March 2007                   218     2,205       112      (107)   2,428

Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 March 2006

                                            Share     Share    Option Retained
                                          capital   premium   Reserve  earnings    Total
                                            #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000    #'000

Balance as at 1 April 2005                     66       949        15      (329)     701

Changes in equity for year ended 31
March 2006
        Net income recognised             
        directly in equity                      -         -        16         -       16        
        Net loss for the period                 -         -         -      (358)    (358)
Total recognised income and expense for
the period                                      -         -        16      (358)    (342)

Issue of equity shares                        152     1,256         -         -    1,408

Balance as at 31 March 2006                   218     2,205        31      (687)   1,767

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 March 2007
                                                      31 March       31 March
                                                          2007           2006
                                                         #'000          #'000
Property, plant & equipment                                277            285
Intangibles                                                703            823
Deferred tax assets                                        178              -
                                                         1,158          1,108

Inventories                                                 10              1
Trade and other receivables                                796            259
Cash and cash equivalents                                1,906          1,696
                                                         2,712          1,956

Trade and other payables                                (1,437)        (1,276)
Provisions                                                  (5)           (21)
                                                        (1,442)        (1,297)

NET ASSETS                                               2,428          1,767

Share Capital                                              218            218
Share Premium                                            2,205          2,205
Share Option Reserve                                       112             31
Retained earnings                                         (107)          (687)

TOTAL EQUITY                                             2,428          1,767

MKM Group Plc

Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                       2007   2007    2006   2006
                                                      #'000  #'000   #'000  #'000
             Profit/(loss) before taxation              456           (362)
             Adjustments for
                         Interest receivable            (53)           (48)
                         Depreciation                    80            129
                         Loss on sale of non-current      -            178
                         Interest expense                 1             17
                         Share option charge             30             16       
                                                            ------         ------
                                                               514            (70)

             Increase in inventories                     (9)             -
             (Increase)/decrease in trade receivables  (537)           643
             (Decrease)/increase in trade payables      278         (1,636)
             Decrease in provisions                     (16)             -       
                                                            ------         ------
Cash generated from operations                                (284)          (993)
             Interest paid                               (1)           (17)
             Taxation credit received                     -            270        
                                                            ------         ------
                                                                (1)           253
                                                            ------         ------
Net cash generated from/(used in) operations                   229           (810)
                                                            ------         ------

             Purchase of non-current assets             (72)          (114)
             Proceeds from sale of non-current assets     -             14
             Interest receivable                         53             48
Net cash from investing activities                             (19)           (52)
                                                            ------         ------

             Issue of ordinary share capital              -          1,408
             Interest on capital                          -             (1)
Net cash generated from financing activities                     -          1,407
                                                            ------         ------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                      210            545
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period     1,696          1,151
                                                            ------         ------
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period           1,906          1,696
                                                            ======         ======

MKM Group Plc

Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007

1 Preliminary announcement

The financial information set out in this document does not constitute the
company's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007, but is derived
from those audited accounts to that date which received an unqualified auditors'
report and did not contain statements under the Companies Act 1985, s237(2) or
(3) and will be filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2006 is derived from the
Group's financial statements to that date but have undergone a change in
accounting policies to International Financial Reporting Standards (see note 2).
The financial statements to 31 March 2006 received an unqualified auditors'
report and did not contain statements under the Companies Act 1985, s237(2) or
(3) and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The preliminary announcement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31
March 2007.

2 First time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Reconciliations and explanatory notes on how the transition to IFRS has affected
profit and net assets previously reported under UK Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles are given below:

Income statement reconciliation for the year ended 31 March 2006

                                                            Share       Employee
                                                           option          bonus
                                           Amortisation    charge         scheme
                                               reversal                  accrual
                                UK GAAP                                                IFRS
                                   2006                                                2006
                                  #'000           #'000     #'000          #'000      #'000
                  Sub note                            1         2              3
REVENUE                           4,575               -         -              -      4,575

Cost of sales                    (3,279)              -         -              -     (3,729)

GROSS PROFIT                      1,296               -         -              -      1,296

Other income                          -               -         -              -          -

Administrative expenses          (1,712)             44       (16)            (5)    (1,689)

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS               (416)             44       (16)            (5)      (393)

Finance expense                     (17)              -         -              -        (17)
Finance income                       48                                                  48

LOSS BEFORE TAXATION               (385)             44       (16)            (5)      (362)

INCOME TAX CREDIT                     4               -         -              -          4

PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD       (381)             44       (16)            (5)      (358)

Balance sheet reconciliation as at 1 April 2005
                                                   UK GAAP       Charge             IFRS
                                                 1st April                     1st April
                                                      2005                          2005
                                                     #'000                         #'000
                                  Sub note                            2
Property, plant & equipment                            493            -              493
Intangibles                                            823            -              823
                                                     1,316            -            1,316

Inventories                                              1            -                1
Trade and other receivables                          1,172            -            1,172
Cash and cash equivalents                            1,151            -            1,151
                                                     2,324            -            2,324

Trade & other payables                              (2,047)           -           (2,047)
Provisions                                            (892)           -             (892)
                                                    (2,939)           -           (2,939)
NET ASSETS                                             701            -              701

Share capital                                           66            -               66
Share premium                                          949            -              949
Share option reserve                                     -           15               15
Retained earnings                                     (314)         (15)            (329)
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                             701            -              701

Balance sheet reconciliation as at 31 March 2006

                               Share      bonus                     Income
                              Option     scheme                  statement
                              Charge    accrual   Amortisation   movements
                    UK GAAP                                                       IFRS
                   31 March                                                   31 March
                       2006                                                       2006
                     #'000     #'000      #'000          #'000       #'000       #'000

Property, plant &    
equipment               285        -          -              -           -         285
Intangibles             779        -          -             44           -         823
                      1,064        -          -             44           -       1,108

Inventories               1        -          -              -           -           1
Trade and other 
receivables             259        -          -              -           -         259
Cash and cash 
equivalents           1,696        -          -              -           -       1,696
                      1,956        -          -              -           -       1,956

Trade & other      
payables             (1,276)       -          -              -           -      (1,276)
Provisions              (16)       -         (5)             -           -         (21)
                     (1,292)       -         (5)             -           -      (1,297)

NET ASSETS/        
(LIABILITIES)         1,728        -         (5)            44           -       1,767

Share capital           218        -          -              -           -         218
Share premium         2,205        -          -              -           -       2,205
Share option         
reserve                   -       31          -              -           -          31
Retained earnings      (695)     (15)         -              -          23        (687)
FUNDS                 1,728       16          -              -          23       1,767


Explanations of the adjustments made to the UK GAAP income statement and balance
sheets are as follows:

Sub-note explanation

1 Amortisation reversal

Under IFRS 3, Business combinations, goodwill acquired on acquisition is no
longer amortised over a specified useful life but is subject to an annual
impairment review.

The IFRS 1, First-time adoption exemption not to restate goodwill has been
exercised, the carrying amount of goodwill at the date of transition, 1 April
2005 is stated as #823,000.

Goodwill is subject to an annual impairment review.

2 Share option charge

IFRS 2, Share based payments attributes a fair value to employee share option
awards. This fair value was included for the first time in the Group's interim
results to September 2006 but was not previously included in the published full
year results to March 2006.

3 Employee benefit accrual

IAS 19, Employee benefits recognises the costs to the company of
providing short-term employee benefits within the period they have been earned.

Cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 2006

The only changes to the cash flow statement are presentational. The key ones

* Presenting a statement showing movements in cash and cash equivalents,
rather than just cash. Cash under UK GAAP comprised only amounts accessible in
24 hours without penalty less overdrafts repayable on demand.

* Classifying tax cash flows as relating to operating activities.

3 Events after the balance sheet date

On 2 August 2007, the Group entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the
entire issued share capital of Leisure World Pty Limited for a combination of
cash and shares. Leisure World Pty Limited is the Australian based parent
company of the Leapfrog Group, a sales promotion company with a similar product
and client profile to MKM Group Plc.

Completion of the acquisition is subject to the approval of shareholders at an
Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 29 August 2007. Following completion
of the transaction, it is expected that Brian Smillie and Richard Tenser will
join the Group Board of Directors.

4 Notes supporting cash flow statement

                                                      2007         2006
                                                     #'000        #'000

Cash available on demand                             1,906        1,696
                                                     1,906        1,696
Net cash increase in cash and cash equivalents         210          545

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year       1,696        1,151
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year             1,906        1,696

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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