Miton Income Opportunities Trust PLC (the "Company" or "MIOT") 
30 August 2013 
Publication of circular in relation to recommended proposals for the 
reconstruction and voluntary winding up of the Company. 
Background to the Proposals 
Shareholders will be aware that the Board of Directors of Miton Income 
Opportunities Trust PLC (the "Company" or "MIOT") announced on 15 February 2013 
that it had agreed heads of terms with the board of directors of The Diverse 
Income Trust plc ("DIVI") (the "DIVI Board") in respect of a proposed merger 
between the Company and DIVI by way of a scheme of reconstruction of the 
Company under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (the "Scheme"), whereby 
the Company would be put into members' voluntary liquidation and Eligible 
Shareholders would be able to roll over their investment into DIVI. 
As announced at the time, the details of the Scheme would be put forward to 
Shareholders shortly after 90 per cent. of the Company's portfolio of 
investments had been re-aligned so as to be consistent with the amended 
investment objective and policy of the Company approved by Shareholders at the 
general meeting of the Company held on 5 April 2013. 
On 2 July 2013, the Company announced that the Company's portfolio had been 
re-aligned so as to be consistent with the amended investment objective and 
policy of the Company and that the Board and the DIVI Board had therefore 
agreed to proceed with the recommended Scheme on the terms set out in the 
announcement of 15 February 2013. 
The Board of Directors of the Company has today published a circular (the 
"Circular") containing details of the Scheme and notices of General Meetings. 
The Proposals 
Under the Proposals, the Company will be wound up on 30 September 2013 by means 
of a members' voluntary liquidation and its net assets transferred to DIVI, 
which will act as the successor vehicle to the Company. In this way, Eligible 
Shareholders will be given a tax-efficient rollover of their entitlements. 
Eligible Shareholders will receive DIVI Ordinary Shares and DIVI will acquire 
the net assets of the Company. 
DIVI is an investment trust which is managed by Miton Capital Partners Limited 
("MCP"). Shareholders will be aware that MCP was appointed investment manager 
of the Company's portfolio with effect from 1 March 2013. 
In order to consider and approve the Proposals, general meetings have been 
convened for 23 September 2013 (the "First GM") and 30 September 2013 (the 
"Second GM"). 
The Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meetings, on which all 
Shareholders may vote, are required in order to obtain certain Shareholder 
authorities in accordance with the Companies Act 2006, the Insolvency Act 1986 
and the Listing Rules, as follows: 
  i. at the First GM, amongst other things, to approve the terms of the Scheme 
     to amend the Articles of Association to give effect to the Scheme and to 
     authorise the Liquidators to enter into and give effect to the Transfer 
     Agreement with DIVI, to distribute DIVI Ordinary Shares to Eligible 
     Shareholders in accordance with the Scheme and to purchase the interests of 
     any dissentients to the Scheme and to cancel the listing of the Shares, 
     with effect from or as soon as possible after the Effective Date; and 
 ii. at the Second GM, amongst other things, to appoint the Liquidators and to 
     wind up the Company. 
The Proposals are conditional, amongst other things, on Shareholder approvals 
being given at the First GM convened for 23 September 2013 and the Second GM 
convened for 30 September 2013 (or, in each case, at any adjournment of such 
Meeting). Notices of the First GM, to be held on 23 September 2013 at 9.30 a.m. 
and the Second GM, to be held on 30 September 2013 at 9.30 a.m., both at 
1 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 7SH, are set out at the end of the Circular posted 
to Shareholders today. 
As announced on 15 February 2013, M&G Investment Management Limited, acting as 
the appointed investment manager and agent on behalf of The Prudential 
Assurance Company Limited, which currently holds 6,570,597 Shares (representing 
40.9 per cent. of the issued Share capital of the Company), has given the 
Company an irrevocable undertaking to vote (or procure to vote) in favour of 
the Proposals in respect of the Shares held by it. 
Separately, AXA Investment Managers UK Limited, as agent acting on behalf of 
its underlying clients, who currently hold 2,302,805 Shares in aggregate 
(representing 14.3 per cent. of the issued Share capital of the Company), has 
given the Company a non-binding letter of intent to vote in favour of the 
Proposals in respect of the above-mentioned Shares. 
Benefits of the Proposals 
The Directors consider that the Proposals should have the following benefits 
for Shareholders as compared to their current position, or under a liquidation: 
 i. they enable Eligible Shareholders to maintain their investment exposure 
    through an investment trust with a similar investment objective and policy 
    to that of the Company; 
ii. they enable Eligible Shareholders to roll over their investment into an 
    investment trust with a strong performance track record in the UK small and 
    mid-cap market sector; 
iii. investment in DIVI will provide Eligible Shareholders with a holding in a 
    larger investment trust than the Company, with greater secondary market 
iv. holders of DIVI Ordinary Shares may be able to redeem DIVI Ordinary Shares 
    through the Annual Redemption Facility (further described below); 
 v. Shareholders will not suffer the dealing costs that would be incurred on 
    the full realisation of the Company's portfolio in the event of a simple 
vi. Shareholders who may be subject to UK capital gains tax or corporation tax 
    should be able to roll over their investment into DIVI and thereby continue 
    to receive investment returns without triggering an immediate liability to 
    UK capital gains tax or corporation tax; and 
vii. the use of a rollover vehicle will enable Shareholders to avoid dealing 
    and other costs associated with a purchase of DIVI Ordinary Shares in the 
    secondary market. 
Conditions to the Scheme 
The Scheme is conditional, among other things, upon: 
(i) the passing of all Resolutions to be proposed at the First GM and the 
Second GM (or at any adjournments thereof) and upon any conditions of such 
Resolutions being fulfilled; 
(ii) the passing of the DIVI Resolution; 
(iii) the admission of the DIVI Ordinary Shares to be issued to Eligible 
Shareholders pursuant to the Scheme to listing on the premium segment of the 
Official List and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange; 
(iv) Gervais Williams of MCP continuing to be the lead portfolio manager 
responsible for the investment management of the portfolio of investments of 
(v) the provisions relating to the Annual Redemption Facility not having been 
removed from the DIVI Articles; and 
(vi) the Directors resolving to proceed with the Scheme. 
In the event that condition (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) or (vi) fails to be 
satisfied, the Second GM will be adjourned indefinitely and the Scheme will 
The Diverse Income Trust PLC 
DIVI is a closed-ended investment company incorporated in England and Wales on 
30 March 2011 with an investment objective of providing its shareholders with 
an attractive level of dividends coupled with capital growth over the 
long-term. DIVI carries on business as an investment trust within the meaning 
of Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
As at the Latest Practicable Date (23 August 2013), DIVI had unaudited net 
assets of approximately GBP145 million (69.5 pence per DIVI Ordinary Share) and a 
market capitalisation of approximately GBP150 million. 
In the period from admission of the DIVI Ordinary Shares to the premium segment 
of the Official List on 28 April 2011 ("DIVI Admission") to the Latest 
Practicable Date, the price per DIVI Ordinary Share has increased by 44.0 per 
cent. with a net asset value total return of approximately 42.9 per cent, 
outperforming the FTSE All-Share Index and ranking the Company as the top 
performing company in the UK Income and Growth sector over that period on a net 
asset value total return basis. Over the same period, the DIVI Ordinary Shares 
have traded at an average premium to net asset value of 2.3 per cent. 
As at the Latest Practicable Date, the DIVI Ordinary Shares traded at a premium 
to the prevailing cum income net asset value of 3.4 per cent. as compared to an 
average premium for the UK Income and Growth sector of 1.6 per cent. 
For further details on DIVI please refer to the Circular and the DIVI 
Mechanics of the Scheme 
If the Scheme is to be implemented, MCP, together with the Administrator, will 
upon the Calculation Date, calculate the total assets of the Company as being 
the aggregate value thereof as valued in accordance with the provisions 
detailed in the Circular (the "Total Assets"). The calculation will be reviewed 
by Ernst & Young LLP, the independent accountants appointed by the Company. On 
the Calculation Date, MCP, in consultation with the Liquidators, will procure 
that the Company finalises the division of the Total Assets and appropriate 
them to two separate and distinct funds: 
(i) The Liquidation Fund - There will be appropriated to the Liquidation Fund 
such cash of the Company of a value which is estimated by the Liquidators to be 
sufficient to meet the current and future, actual and contingent liabilities of 
the Company (further details are provided in the Circular); and 
(ii) The Rollover Fund - There will then be appropriated to the Rollover Fund 
such assets, cash and other rights of the Company from the remaining assets of 
the Company after the appropriation referred to in (i) above to the Liquidation 
Fund. The amount appropriated to the Rollover Fund will amount to the aggregate 
"Total FAV" of all the Shares. 
On or before the Effective Date, the Liquidators will deliver to DIVI and MCP 
(in its capacity as the manager of DIVI) particulars of the assets proposed to 
be comprised in the Rollover Fund together with a schedule certified by the 
Registrar of the names and addresses of each of, and the number of Shares held 
by, the Eligible Shareholders as shown on the Register who will participate in 
the Scheme. 
On the Winding-up Date, or as soon as practicable thereafter, the Liquidators 
will enter into, and will procure that the Company enters into, the Transfer 
Agreement (subject to such modifications as may be agreed by the parties 
thereto) with DIVI whereby the Liquidators will procure the transfer of the 
assets in the Rollover Fund to DIVI (or its nominee) in exchange for the 
allotment of DIVI Ordinary Shares to the Liquidators as nominees for the 
Eligible Shareholders. 
The Liquidation Fund will be applied by the Liquidators in discharging all 
current and future actual and contingent liabilities of the Company and if 
there will be any balance remaining after discharging such liabilities, the 
Liquidators will in due course pay the same to Shareholders on the Register on 
the Winding-up Date pro-rata to their respective holdings of Shares, provided 
that if any such amount payable to any Shareholder is less than GBP5.00, it will 
not be paid to such Shareholders but will be aggregated and paid by the 
Liquidators to DIVI. The Liquidators will also be entitled to make interim 
payments to Shareholders in proportion to their holdings of Shares. For these 
purposes, any Shares held by Dissenting Shareholders will be ignored. 
Issue of DIVI Ordinary Shares 
The number of DIVI Ordinary Shares to be issued to the Liquidators pursuant to 
the Scheme (as nominees for the Eligible Shareholders) will be calculated by 
reference to the DIVI FAV per Share and the MIOT FAV per Share. 
Each Eligible Shareholder will be entitled to such number of DIVI Ordinary 
Shares as have (at the DIVI FAV per Share) an aggregate value equal to the 
Total FAV of such Eligible Shareholder's holding of Shares (i.e. the MIOT FAV 
per Share multiplied by the number of Shares held by such Eligible Shareholder) 
as at the Calculation Date, provided that the number of DIVI Ordinary Shares to 
be issued to Shareholders will be rounded down to the nearest whole number and 
fractional entitlements will not be issued. 
The DIVI FAV per Share will be calculated at a 2.5 per cent. premium to the net 
asset value of a DIVI Ordinary Share at the Calculation Date (calculated on a 
cum-income, debt at fair value, pre-costs of the Scheme basis and adjusted to 
take into account any dividends declared, but not paid, prior to the Effective 
Date by DIVI to holders of DIVI Ordinary Shares). The MIOT FAV per Share will 
be calculated at the net asset value of a Share (with any debt at fair value) 
as at the Calculation Date and adjusted by deducting the value of the cash and 
other assets of the Company comprising the Liquidation Fund. 
The DIVI FAV per Share and the MIOT FAV per Share will be calculated as at 
5.00 p.m. on the Calculation Date using each company's respective accounting 
policies, which are substantially the same. Investments which are listed, 
quoted or traded on a recognised stock exchange will be valued by reference to 
the bid price on the principal stock exchange on which the relevant investment 
is listed, quoted or dealt. 
The number of DIVI Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Scheme, the 
DIVI FAV per Share and the MIOT FAV per Share will be announced through the 
Regulatory Information Service as soon as practicable following the Calculation 
The DIVI Ordinary Shares to be issued to Eligible Shareholders pursuant to the 
Proposals will rank pari passu with the existing DIVI Ordinary Shares already 
in issue, except that Eligible Shareholders are not entitled to any dividend in 
respect of DIVI Ordinary Shares declared by DIVI prior to the Effective Date 
(even if such dividend is to be paid on a date that is after the Effective 
Date, when Eligible Shareholders will have received DIVI Ordinary Shares 
pursuant to the Scheme), as referred to below. 
For illustrative purposes only, had the Calculation Date been 23 August 2013 
(being the latest practicable date prior to the publication of this 
announcement), the MIOT FAV per Share and DIVI FAV per Share would have been 
505.92 pence and 71.37 pence, respectively. The Proposals would have resulted 
in the issue of 113,944,990 DIVI Ordinary Shares to Eligible Shareholders, 
representing approximately 35.3 per cent. of the issued ordinary share capital 
of the enlarged DIVI. 
Shareholders should note that the illustrative entitlements above do not take 
into account the payment by the Company of the special dividend of 10.06 pence 
per Share which will be paid to Shareholders prior to implementation of the 
Scheme nor DIVI's first interim dividend for the period ending 31 August 2013 
which is expected to be declared on or around 17 September 2013. 
Special Dividend 
The Directors have declared a special dividend of 10.06 pence per Share (the 
"Dividend") and Shareholders who are on the Register as at 6.00 p.m. on 
13 September 2013 will be entitled to receive such dividend, subject to the 
passing of the Resolutions at the First GM. The Dividend represents the 
entirety of the Company's revenue reserves as at 31 July 2013. The Dividend 
will be paid prior to the implementation of the Scheme and by no later than 
25 September 2013. The ex-dividend date will be 11 September 2013. 
It is not anticipated that there will be further dividends paid in relation to 
the current financial period or for the period up to the liquidation of the 
DIVI Annual Redemption Facility 
Whilst Shareholders will not be offered an immediate cash exit under the 
Scheme, the DIVI Articles confer upon the holders of DIVI Ordinary Shares the 
right to request the redemption of all or any of their DIVI Ordinary Shares on 
any Redemption Point (the "Annual Redemption Facility"). The next Redemption 
Point is expected to occur on 30 May 2014. Therefore, Eligible Shareholders 
receiving DIVI Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Scheme will have the right to 
request the redemption of all or any of their DIVI Ordinary Shares at the next 
Redemption Point in May 2014. 
The DIVI Board will have absolute discretion to operate the Annual Redemption 
Facility on any given Redemption Point and to accept or decline in whole or 
part any request for redemption. Whilst it is not expected that the DIVI Board 
would generally exercise this discretion, holders of DIVI Ordinary Shares 
should place no reliance on the DIVI Board exercising its discretion to permit 
a request for redemption in any particular case. The DIVI Board's determination 
as to whether to permit or decline a request for redemption (in whole or in 
part), together with their reasoning for their decision, will be documented. In 
the event that the DIVI Board declines a request for redemption for a 
particular Redemption Point, the DIVI Board will be permitted to propose an 
additional Redemption Point at its absolute discretion. 
The DIVI Ordinary Shares may only be redeemed or purchased by DIVI out of 
distributable reserves or the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares made for that 
purpose. In order to maintain its status as an investment trust, in accordance 
with regulation 19 of the Investment Trust (Approved Company) (Tax) Regulations 
2011, DIVI must retain not more than 15 per cent. of the income it receives in 
an accounting period and accordingly to the extent such income is required to 
be distributed by way of dividend it will not be available to fund redemptions 
or repurchases of the DIVI Ordinary Shares. 
The DIVI Board has the absolute discretion to elect to calculate the Redemption 
Price applying on any Redemption Point on either of the following bases: 
(i) Redemption Price calculated by reference to dealing value per DIVI Ordinary 
The Redemption Price will be equal to the dealing value per DIVI Ordinary Share 
calculated as at the close of business on the Business Day immediately 
preceding the relevant Redemption Point; the "dealing value" is to be 
calculated in accordance with the valuation methods set out in detail in the 
DIVI Prospectus; or 
(ii) Redemption Price calculated by reference to a separate Redemption Pool: 
The DIVI Board may elect to calculate the Redemption Price by reference to the 
amount generated upon the realisation of a Redemption Pool created for the 
purpose of funding the redemption. 
DIVI may, prior to a Redemption Point, in its sole discretion, invite investors 
to purchase DIVI Ordinary Shares which are the subject of requests for 
redemption. The price at which such transfers will be made will not be less 
than the Redemption Price which the holder of DIVI Ordinary Shares requesting a 
redemption would have received if the Redemption Price had been determined by 
reference to the dealing value per DIVI Ordinary Share applicable on the 
relevant Redemption Point. In circumstances where there are investors willing 
to acquire the DIVI Ordinary Shares as referred to in this paragraph, such DIVI 
Ordinary Shares will not be redeemed by DIVI but instead will be transferred to 
the incoming investors with effect from the relevant Redemption Point. 
At the most recent Redemption Point of 31 May 2013, 0.02 per cent. of the DIVI 
Ordinary Shares then in issue were submitted for redemption. Investors were 
found for such DIVI Ordinary Shares and, accordingly, such shares were not 
redeemed by DIVI. 
Appointment of the Chairman to the DIVI Board 
It is proposed that, subject to the Scheme being approved, Tom Bartlam will be 
appointed as a non-executive director of DIVI with effect from the Effective 
As a director of DIVI, Tom Bartlam will be subject to the DIVI Articles and the 
terms of his letter of appointment. He will be entitled to an annual director's 
fee of GBP25,000, which is the usual annual fee payable to non-executive 
directors of DIVI (other than the chairman), and will be entitled to costs and 
expenses reasonably incurred by him in connection with the performance of his 
duties as a director of DIVI. Tom Bartlam will not be eligible for any bonuses, 
share options or long-term incentive schemes or other performance-related or 
pension benefits. He be subject to re-election at the annual general meeting of 
DIVI to held in October 2014, and will be subject to annual re-election 
thereafter. Compensation will not be made upon any early termination of my 
Conditionality of the Proposals 
Implementation of the Proposals is conditional, among other things, upon the 
Resolutions being passed at the General Meetings and on the DIVI Resolution 
being passed by the shareholders of DIVI. In the event that any of the 
Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meetings are not passed, or the DIVI 
Resolution is not passed, or any other condition of the Proposals is not met, 
the Proposals will not be implemented and the Company will be required to meet 
its own costs. The Board may then have to consider alternative proposals for 
the future of the Company, the implementation of which will result in 
additional costs being incurred. 
General Meetings 
The implementation of the Proposals will require two General Meetings of the 
Company which have been convened for 23 September 2013 (the "First GM") and 30 
September 2013 (the "Second GM"). The notices convening the General Meetings 
are set out at the end of the Circular. The General Meetings will be held at 
1 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 7SH. 
All Shareholders are entitled to attend and vote at the First GM and the Second 
The Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meetings will, if passed, approve 
the Scheme and put the Company into liquidation, as further described below. 
At the First GM Resolutions will be proposed which, if passed, will: 
 i. amend the Articles of Association in order to implement the Scheme, make 
    provision for the issue of the relevant numbers of DIVI Ordinary Shares to 
    Eligible Shareholders on a winding-up of the Company, require the Second GM 
    to be convened and introduce weighted voting rights for the winding-up 
    Resolution at the Second GM. The introduction of weighted voting rights for 
    the winding-up Resolution at the Second GM will ensure that the Scheme, as 
    approved by Shareholders at the First GM, will take effect; 
ii. authorise the implementation of the Scheme by the Liquidators, including 
    the entry into the Transfer Agreement by the Liquidators, the allotment of 
    the relevant number of DIVI Ordinary Shares by DIVI to the Liquidators who 
    will renounce such relevant number of DIVI Ordinary Shares in favour of 
    Eligible Shareholders and authorise the Liquidators to purchase the 
    interests of Dissenting Shareholders; and 
iii. to cancel the listing of the Company's Shares, with effect from or as soon 
    as possible after the Effective Date, or such other date as the Liquidators 
    will determine. 
If the Scheme is not approved by Shareholders at the First GM the Proposals 
will be abandoned. In this event, the Board will consider alternative proposals 
for the future of the Company, the implementation of which will result in 
additional costs being incurred. 
At the Second GM, a special Resolution will be proposed which, if passed, will 
place the Company into liquidation, appoint the proposed Liquidators and agree 
the basis of their remuneration, instruct the Company Secretary to hold the 
books to the Liquidators' order, and provide the Liquidators with appropriate 
powers to carry into effect the amendments to the Articles of Association made 
at the First GM. The Resolutions to be proposed at the Second GM are conditional 
upon the Directors resolving to proceed with the Scheme. 
The special Resolutions will require the approval of 75 per cent. or more of 
the votes cast at the Meeting, whether in person or by proxy. 
The Directors intend to vote in favour, where possible, of all of the Resolutions 
to be proposed at the General Meetings in respect of their beneficial holdings 
amounting, in aggregate, to 38,000 Shares representing less than 0.24 per cent. 
of the Shares in issue in the Company. 
Copies of the Circular have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism 
and will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/nsm 
Expected Timetable 
Ex dividend date for the Dividend                                  11 September 
Record date for the Dividend                          6.00 p.m. on 13 September 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of          9.30 a.m. on 19 September 
Proxy from Shareholders for First GM 
First GM                                         9.30 a.m. on 23 September 2013 
Dividend paid to Shareholders                         on or around 25 September 
Calculation Date                                      5.00 p.m. on 25 September 
Latest time for receipt of Forms of Proxy from        9.30 a.m. on 26 September 
Shareholders for Second GM 
Record Date, Register closed and Shares               6.00 p.m. on 27 September 
disabled in CREST 
Suspension of listing of Shares                       7.30 a.m. on 30 September 
Second GM                                        9.30 a.m. on 30 September 2013 
Winding-up Date and Transfer Agreement executed                    30 September 
Effective Date and Transfer Agreement                              30 September 
CREST accounts credited with new DIVI Ordinary                        1 October 
Certificates dispatched in respect of new DIVI     on or as soon as practicable 
Ordinary Shares                                                 after 1 October 
Cancellation of listing of Shares                                     1 October 
The times and dates set out in the expected timetable of events above and 
mentioned throughout this announcementmay be adjusted by the Company, in which 
event details of the new times and dates will be notified, as requested, to the 
UK Listing Authority, the London Stock Exchange and, where appropriate, 
All references in this announcement are to London times. 
Unless otherwise stated in the announcement, capitalised terms are as defined 
in the Circular. 
This announcement does not contain all the information which is contained in 
the Circular and Shareholders should read the Circular and the prospectus 
published by DIVI today in their entirety. 
Miton Income Opportunities Trust PLC 
Tom Bartlam 
07788 911 184 
Cenkos Securities plc 
Sapna Shah 
020 7397 1922 
Cenkos Securities plc, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom 
by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acting for the Company andfor no-one 
else in connection with the contents of this announcement, and will not be 
responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections 
afforded to clients of Cenkos Securities plcnor for providing advice in 
connection with the contents of this announcement or any other matter referred 
to herein. Cenkos Securities plcis not responsible for the contents of this 
announcement. This does not exclude or limit any responsibilities which Cenkos 
Securities plcmay have under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or the 
regulatory regime established thereunder. 

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