RNS Number : 4238B

Maruwa Co Ld

30 January 2020

  Notice: This document is an excerpt translation of the original Japanese 
   document and is only for reference purposes. In the event of any discrepancy 
   between this translated document and the original Japanese document, the 
   latter shall prevail. 
                        Summary of Consolidated Financial Results 
                        for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2019 
                                 (Based on Japanese GAAP) 
                                                                          January 30, 2020 
Company name:       MARUWA CO., LTD. 
Stock exchange      Tokyo, Nagoya 
Stock code:         5344      URL https://www.maruwa-g.com/ 
Representative:     President and Representative    Sei Kanbe 
Inquiries:          Director, General Manager       Tamaki Nozoki    TEL 0561-51-0839 
                     of Administrative Division 
Scheduled date to file Quarterly Securities         February 7, 2020 
Scheduled date to commence dividend                 - 
Preparation of supplementary material               No 
 on quarterly financial results: 
Holding of quarterly financial results              No 
  (Amounts less than one million yen are 
                           rounded down) 

1. Consolidated financial results for the nine months ended December 31, 2019 (from April 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019)

   (1) Consolidated operating results  Percentages indicate year-on-year changes 
                                Net sales     Operating profit    Ordinary profit    Profit attributable 
                                                                                         to owners of 
                              Millions    %    Millions       %    Millions      %     Millions         % 
                                of yen           of yen              of yen              of yen 
 Nine months ended December 
  31, 2019                      30,810  2.2       6,699   (3.7)       6,789  (7.2)        4,087    (15.5) 
 Nine months ended December 
  31, 2018                      30,149  7.7       6,959     5.0       7,315   10.9        4,838      10.1 
                              --------  ---  ----------  ------  ----------  -----  -----------  -------- 
                              Earnings per share  Diluted earnings 
                                                      per share 
                                             Yen               Yen 
 Nine months ended December 
  31, 2019                                331.36                 - 
 Nine months ended December 
  31, 2018                                391.50                 - 
                              ------------------  ---------------- 

(2) Consolidated financial position

                           Total assets  Net assets   Equity ratio 
                            Millions of  Millions of             % 
                                    yen          yen 
 As of December 31, 2019         66,529       58,186          87.5 
 As of March 31, 2019            64,627       54,954          85.0 
                           ------------  -----------  ------------ 

2. Cash dividends

                                                Annual dividends per share 
                         1st quarter-end  2nd quarter-end  3rd quarter-end  Fiscal year-end  Total 
                         ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----- 
                                     Yen              Yen              Yen              Yen    Yen 
 Year ended March 31, 
  2019                                 -            24.00                -            24.00  48.00 
 Year ending March 31, 
  2020                                 -            26.00                - 
                         ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----- 
 Year ending March 31, 
  2020 (Forecast)                                                                     26.00  52.00 
                         ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----- 

3. Forecast of consolidated financial results for the year ending March 31, 2020 (from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020)

  Percentages indicate year-on-year changes 
               Net sales      Operating profit    Ordinary profit    Profit attributable    Earnings 
                                                                         to owners of       per share 
            Millions      %    Millions       %   Millions       %     Millions         %         Yen 
              of yen             of yen             of yen               of yen 
Full year     38,000  (7.8)       7,800  (18.4)      7,800  (21.4)        5,300    (21.7)      429.39 
            --------  -----  ----------  ------  ---------  ------  -----------  --------  ---------- 

4. Notes

    (1) Changes in significant subsidiaries during the nine  No 
     months ended December 31, 2019 
     (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting in the 
     change in scope of consolidation): 
(2) Application of special accounting methods for preparing  No 
 quarterly consolidated financial statements: 

(3) Changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates, and restatement of prior period financial statements

Changes in accounting policies due to revisions to    No 
 accounting standards and other regulations: 
Changes in accounting policies due to other reasons:  No 
Changes in accounting estimates:                      No 
Restatement of prior period financial statements:     No 

(4) Number of issued shares (common shares)

Total number of issued shares at the end of the period (including treasury shares)

  As of December 31, 2019   12,372,000   shares   As of March 31, 2019  12,372,000   shares 
 -------------------------  ----------           ---------------------  ---------- 

Number of treasury shares at the end of the period

  As of December 31, 2019   40,113   shares   As of March 31, 2019  28,920   shares 
 -------------------------  ------           ---------------------  ------ 

Average number of shares during the period (cumulative from the beginning of the fiscal year)

  Nine months ended December                         Nine months ended December 
   31, 2019                    12,333,911   shares    31, 2018                   12,359,895   shares 
 ----------------------------  ----------           ---------------------------  ---------- 

Quarterly consolidated financial statements

Consolidated balance sheets

                                                                         (Thousands of yen) 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
                                                        As of March 31,    As of December 
                                                              2019            31, 2019 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
      Current assets 
           Cash and deposits                                 22,627,403          26,144,617 
           Notes and accounts receivable - trade             10,266,096           9,360,223 
           Electronically recorded monetary 
            claims - operating                                1,476,219           1,408,325 
           Merchandise and finished goods                     3,161,672           2,521,012 
           Work in process                                    2,337,293           2,288,582 
           Raw materials and supplies                         4,277,629           3,080,234 
           Other                                              1,430,685           1,201,467 
           Allowance for doubtful accounts                      (1,920)             (6,442) 
           Total current assets                              45,575,080          45,998,020 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Non-current assets 
           Property, plant and equipment 
               Buildings and structures                      12,583,053          12,660,478 
                   Accumulated depreciation                 (6,512,559)         (6,473,603) 
                   Buildings and structures, net              6,070,494           6,186,874 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
               Machinery, equipment and vehicles             20,957,313          21,214,074 
                   Accumulated depreciation                (16,322,648)        (16,531,842) 
                   Machinery, equipment and vehicles, 
                    net                                       4,634,664           4,682,232 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
               Land                                           4,003,430           4,044,290 
               Construction in progress                         813,830           2,397,425 
               Other                                          4,615,622           3,898,887 
                   Accumulated depreciation                 (3,790,482)         (3,235,157) 
                   Other, net                                   825,140             663,729 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
               Total property, plant and equipment           16,347,560          17,974,553 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
           Intangible assets 
               Goodwill                                         249,423             209,337 
               Other                                            283,871             272,315 
               Total intangible assets                          533,294             481,653 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
           Investments and other assets                       2,171,586           2,074,960 
           Total non-current assets                          19,052,442          20,531,167 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Total assets                                           64,627,522          66,529,187 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
                                                                         (Thousands of yen) 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
                                                        As of March 31,    As of December 
                                                              2019            31, 2019 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
      Current liabilities 
           Notes and accounts payable - trade                 2,827,288           2,105,607 
           Electronically recorded obligations 
            - operating                                       1,704,169           1,358,134 
           Income taxes payable                               1,590,551             775,435 
           Provision for bonuses                                627,985             329,627 
           Provision for bonuses for directors 
            (and other officers)                                 63,000              31,500 
           Other                                              2,047,119           3,162,815 
           Total current liabilities                          8,860,114           7,763,121 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Non-current liabilities 
           Deferred tax liabilities                             452,364             198,758 
           Other                                                360,543             380,821 
           Total non-current liabilities                        812,907             579,579 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Total liabilities                                       9,673,021           8,342,701 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
  Net assets 
      Shareholders' equity 
           Share capital                                      8,646,720           8,646,720 
           Capital surplus                                   11,994,350          11,992,492 
           Retained earnings                                 35,249,658          38,719,859 
           Treasury shares                                    (188,864)           (239,092) 
           Total shareholders' equity                        55,701,864          59,119,980 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Accumulated other comprehensive income 
           Valuation difference on available-for-sale 
            securities                                          117,622             156,149 
           Foreign currency translation adjustment            (864,986)         (1,089,642) 
           Total accumulated other comprehensive 
            income                                            (747,363)           (933,493) 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Total net assets                                       54,954,500          58,186,486 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
  Total liabilities and net assets                           64,627,522          66,529,187 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 

Consolidated statements of income (cumulative) and consolidated statements of comprehensive income (cumulative)

Consolidated statements of income (cumulative)

                                                                        (Thousands of yen) 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                                                    Nine months ended   Nine months ended 
                                                     December 31, 2018   December 31, 2019 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
  Net sales                                                 30,149,733          30,810,745 
  Cost of sales                                             16,948,543          17,956,384 
  Gross profit                                              13,201,190          12,854,360 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Selling, general and administrative 
   expenses                                                  6,242,188           6,155,145 
  Operating profit                                           6,959,002           6,699,214 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Non-operating income 
      Interest income                                           21,212              40,940 
      Rental income                                             57,211              71,853 
      Foreign exchange gains                                   250,261                   - 
      Other                                                     83,028              29,944 
      Total non-operating income                               411,714             142,738 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Non-operating expenses 
      Foreign exchange losses                                        -               2,099 
      Rent expenses on real estate for 
       investments                                              45,143              36,714 
      Other                                                      9,743              13,937 
      Total non-operating expenses                              54,887              52,751 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Ordinary profit                                            7,315,829           6,789,201 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Extraordinary income 
      Gain on sales of non-current assets                        4,043               1,423 
      Gain on sales of investment securities                     3,469                   - 
      Settlement received                                            -             100,000 
      Total extraordinary income                                 7,512             101,423 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Extraordinary losses 
      Loss on sales and retirement of non-current 
       assets                                                    5,354              74,408 
      Loss on valuation of investment securities                     -              27,510 
      Loss on liquidation of business                                -             775,716 
      Retirement benefit expenses                               51,447                   - 
      Total extraordinary losses                                56,801             877,634 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Profit before income taxes                                 7,266,540           6,012,990 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Income taxes - current                                     2,223,395           2,103,322 
  Income taxes - deferred                                      204,222           (177,395) 
  Total income taxes                                         2,427,618           1,925,926 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Profit                                                     4,838,922           4,087,063 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 
  Profit attributable to owners of 
   parent                                                    4,838,922           4,087,063 
                                                    ------------------  ------------------ 

Consolidated statements of comprehensive income (cumulative)

                                                                       (Thousands of yen) 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                                                   Nine months ended   Nine months ended 
                                                    December 31, 2018   December 31, 2019 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
  Profit                                                    4,838,922           4,087,063 
  Other comprehensive income 
      Valuation difference on available-for-sale 
       securities                                            (50,450)              38,526 
      Foreign currency translation adjustment               (293,962)           (224,656) 
      Total other comprehensive income                      (344,413)           (186,129) 
                                                   ------------------  ------------------ 
  Comprehensive income                                      4,494,508           3,900,933 
                                                   ------------------  ------------------ 
  Comprehensive income attributable 
      Comprehensive income attributable 
       to owners of parent                                  4,494,508           3,900,933 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 30, 2020 04:00 ET (09:00 GMT)

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