RNS Number : 9489D

Maruwa Co Ld

30 October 2015

  Notice: This document is an excerpt translation of the original Japanese 
   document and is only for reference purposes. In the event of any discrepancy 
   between this translated document and the original Japanese document, the 
   latter shall prevail. 
                          Summary of Consolidated Financial Results 
                          for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015 
                                   (Based on Japanese GAAP) 
                                                                              October 29, 2015 
Company name:       MARUWA CO., LTD. 
Stock exchange      Tokyo, Nagoya 
Stock code:         5344      URL http://www.maruwa-g.com/ 
Representative:     President and Representative    Sei Kanbe 
Inquiries:          Director, General Manager       Tetsuya Nagamitsu    TEL 0561-51-0839 
                     of Administrative Division 
Scheduled date to file Quarterly Securities         November 13, 2015 
Scheduled date to commence dividend                 December 7, 2015 
Preparation of supplementary material               No 
 on quarterly financial results: 
Holding of quarterly financial results              No 
  (Amounts are rounded off to the nearest 
                             million yen) 

1. Consolidated financial results for the six months ended September 30, 2015 (from April 1, 2015 to September 30, 2015)

   (1) Consolidated operating results  Percentages indicate year-on-year changes 
                                 Net sales      Operating income    Ordinary income    Profit attributable 
                                                                                           to owners of 
----------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------------  --------------------- 
                              Millions      %    Millions       %    Millions      %     Millions         % 
                                of yen             of yen              of yen              of yen 
 Six months ended September 
  30, 2015                      14,564  (7.9)       1,472    15.8       1,447  (4.0)          852      12.7 
 Six months ended September 
  30, 2014                      15,821    3.1       1,271   (3.3)       1,508    8.1          756    (30.1) 
----------------------------  --------  -----  ----------  ------  ----------  -----  -----------  -------- 
                              Earnings per share  Diluted earnings 
                                                      per share 
----------------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 
                                             Yen               Yen 
 Six months ended September 
  30, 2015                                 68.99             68.99 
 Six months ended September 
  30, 2014                                 61.20             61.20 
----------------------------  ------------------  ---------------- 

(2) Consolidated financial position

                            Total assets  Net assets   Equity ratio 
--------------------------  ------------  -----------  ------------ 
                             Millions of  Millions of             % 
                                     yen          yen 
 As of September 30, 2015         46,603       40,269          86.4 
 As of March 31, 2015             49,445       41,000          82.9 
--------------------------  ------------  -----------  ------------ 

2. Cash dividends

                                                Annual dividends per share 
-----------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                         1st quarter-end  2nd quarter-end  3rd quarter-end  Fiscal year-end  Total 
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----- 
                                     Yen              Yen              Yen              Yen    Yen 
 Year ended March 31, 
  2015                                 -            18.00                -            18.00  36.00 
 Year ending March 31, 
  2016                                 -            19.00 
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----- 
 Year ending March 31, 
  2016 (Forecast)                                                        -            19.00  38.00 
-----------------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----- 

3. Forecast of consolidated financial results for the year ending March 31, 2016 (from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016)

  Percentages indicate year-on-year changes 
              Net sales     Operating income    Ordinary income    Profit attributable    Earnings 
                                                                       to owners of       per share 
----------  -------------  ------------------  -----------------  ---------------------  ---------- 
            Millions    %     Millions      %    Millions      %      Millions        %         Yen 
              of yen            of yen             of yen               of yen 
Full year     34,000  3.6        3,400   41.4       3,500   23.2         2,500    182.8      202.43 
----------  --------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -----  ------------  -------  ---------- 

4. Notes

    (1) Changes in significant subsidiaries during the six  Yes 
     months ended September 30, 2015 
     (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting in the 
     change in scope of consolidation): 
(2) Application of special accounting methods for preparing  No 
 quarterly consolidated financial statements: 

(3) Changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates, and restatement of prior period financial statements

Changes in accounting policies due to revisions to    Yes 
 accounting standards and other regulations: 
Changes in accounting policies due to other reasons:  No 
Changes in accounting estimates:                      No 
Restatement of prior period financial statements:     No 

(4) Number of issued shares (common shares)

Total number of issued shares at the end of the period (including treasury shares)

  As of September 30, 
   2015                 12,372,000   shares   As of March 31, 2015  12,372,000   shares 
 ---------------------  ----------  -------  ---------------------  ----------  ------- 

Number of treasury shares at the end of the period

  As of September 30, 
   2015                 21,983   shares   As of March 31, 2015  21,983   shares 
 ---------------------  ------  -------  ---------------------  ------  ------- 

Average number of shares during the period (cumulative from the beginning of the fiscal year)

  Six months ended September                         Six months ended September 
   30, 2015                    12,350,017   shares    30, 2014                   12,350,070   shares 
 ----------------------------  ----------  -------  ---------------------------  ----------  ------- 

Quarterly consolidated financial statements

Consolidated balance sheets

                                                                         (Thousands of yen) 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
                                                        As of March 31,   As of September 
                                                              2015            30, 2015 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
      Current assets 
           Cash and deposits                                 14,224,593          14,222,887 
           Notes and accounts receivable - trade              8,491,300           7,318,917 
           Electronically recorded monetary 
            claims - operating                                  439,199             434,571 
           Merchandise and finished goods                     2,170,099           2,372,151 
           Work in process                                    1,864,301           1,698,904 
           Raw materials and supplies                         3,097,696           3,009,551 
           Deferred tax assets                                  319,540             316,618 
           Other                                                811,100             673,612 
           Allowance for doubtful accounts                     (11,420)            (11,480) 
           Total current assets                              31,406,408          30,035,731 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Non-current assets 
           Property, plant and equipment 
               Buildings and structures                       9,941,584           9,822,671 
                   Accumulated depreciation                 (5,306,942)         (5,297,182) 
                   Buildings and structures, net              4,634,642           4,525,489 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
               Machinery, equipment and vehicles             18,005,004          17,112,347 
                   Accumulated depreciation                (13,486,127)        (12,968,571) 
                   Machinery, equipment and vehicles, 
                    net                                       4,518,878           4,143,776 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
               Land                                           3,518,446           3,520,222 

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October 30, 2015 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

               Construction in progress                       1,786,282           1,221,329 
               Other                                          3,514,181           3,321,464 
                   Accumulated depreciation                 (2,980,477)         (2,822,393) 
                   Other, net                                   533,704             499,071 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
               Total property, plant and equipment           14,991,951          13,909,887 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
           Intangible assets 
               Goodwill                                         426,091             280,998 
               Other                                            450,485             418,023 
               Total intangible assets                          876,575             699,021 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
           Investments and other assets                       2,170,275           1,958,153 
           Total non-current assets                          18,038,802          16,567,061 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Total assets                                           49,445,209          46,602,792 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
                                                                         (Thousands of yen) 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
                                                        As of March 31,   As of September 
                                                              2015            30, 2015 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
      Current liabilities 
           Notes and accounts payable - trade                 3,989,435           2,636,068 
           Current portion of long-term loans 
            payable                                             992,576             224,884 
           Income taxes payable                                 393,528             593,377 
           Provision for bonuses                                458,819             440,697 
           Provision for directors' bonuses                       4,750               4,750 
           Notes payable - facilities                           184,241             240,894 
           Other                                              1,690,996           1,655,129 
           Total current liabilities                          7,714,345           5,795,799 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Non-current liabilities 
           Long-term loans payable                              253,393             184,451 
           Provision for environmental measures                  26,256              26,256 
           Other                                                451,317             327,514 
           Total non-current liabilities                        730,966             538,222 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Total liabilities                                       8,445,311           6,334,021 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
  Net assets 
      Shareholders' equity 
           Capital stock                                      8,646,720           8,646,720 
           Capital surplus                                   11,946,793          11,946,793 
           Retained earnings                                 19,824,325          20,454,091 
           Treasury shares                                     (46,922)            (46,922) 
           Total shareholders' equity                        40,370,916          41,000,681 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Accumulated other comprehensive income 
           Valuation difference on available-for-sale 
            securities                                          130,601              72,999 
           Foreign currency translation adjustment              495,314           (806,684) 
           Total accumulated other comprehensive 
            income                                              625,915           (733,685) 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
      Subscription rights to shares                               1,775               1,775 
      Non-controlling interests                                   1,293                   - 
      Total net assets                                       40,999,898          40,268,771 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 
  Total liabilities and net assets                           49,445,209          46,602,792 
                                                        ---------------  ------------------ 

Consolidated statements of income (cumulative) and consolidated statements of comprehensive income (cumulative)

Consolidated statements of income (cumulative)

                                                                          (Thousands of yen) 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
                                                     Six months ended     Six months ended 
                                                     September 30, 2014   September 30, 2015 
--------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ------------------- 
  Net sales                                                  15,821,000           14,564,403 
  Cost of sales                                              10,728,722            9,468,304 
  Gross profit                                                5,092,278            5,096,099 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Selling, general and administrative 
   expenses                                                   3,821,576            3,624,062 
  Operating income                                            1,270,702            1,472,037 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Non-operating income 
      Interest income                                            20,907               16,999 
      Rent income                                                50,911               46,564 
      Foreign exchange gains                                    172,439                    - 
      Other                                                      28,162               28,816 
      Total non-operating income                                272,419               92,378 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Non-operating expenses 
      Interest expenses                                           7,479                3,498 
      Foreign exchange losses                                         -               87,517 
      Rent expenses on real estate for 
       investments                                               18,647               19,279 
      Other                                                       8,942                6,966 
      Total non-operating expenses                               35,068              117,260 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Ordinary income                                             1,508,053            1,447,156 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Extraordinary income 
      Gain on sales of non-current assets                         1,406                3,617 
      Gain on sales of investment securities                     21,498                    - 
      Subsidy income                                            755,000                    - 
      Total extraordinary income                                777,905                3,617 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Extraordinary losses 
      Loss on sales and retirement of non-current 
       assets                                                     5,119                  924 
      Loss on reduction of non-current 
       assets                                                   738,327                    - 
      Impairment loss                                           192,134                    - 
      Loss on sales of investment securities                          -                6,816 
      Other                                                      36,589                    - 
      Total extraordinary losses                                972,170                7,740 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Income before income taxes and minority 
   interests                                                  1,313,788            1,443,033 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Income taxes - current                                        559,741              566,589 
  Income taxes - deferred                                       (1,898)               24,378 
  Total income taxes                                            557,843              590,967 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Profit                                                        755,944              852,066 
                                                    -------------------  ------------------- 
  Profit attributable to non-controlling 

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