RNS Number:4071T
Leyshon Resources Limited
31 October 2005

                           LEYSHON RESOURCES LIMITED

                        SEPTEMBER 2005 QUARTERLY REPORT

Leyshon Resources Limited ("Leyshon" or "the Company") (ASX : LRL) is pleased to
present its Quarterly Report for the period ending 30 September 2005.

During the quarter an expanded diamond drilling programme was completed at the
Zheng Guang gold project in Heilongjiang, northeast China and assay results are
expected within the next few weeks.

Leyshon's strategy is to target underexplored gold and other projects in
Heilongjiang and elsewhere in the region with a view to building an inventory of
resources through the application of the latest exploration techniques designed
to fully test the potential of each project.

Following last year's highly successful 4,500 metre diamond drilling programme
at Zheng Guang, a 10,000 metre follow up programme commenced in August designed
to delineate the project's immediate resource potential. The overall programme,
which is now complete, increased to around 12,100 metres.

Two additional rigs with shallow angle drilling and larger core capacity were
mobilised to test a large proportion of the higher grade mineralization
comprised in steeply east-dipping veins within the west dipping faults. These
angled holes, drilled both across and down the dip of the primary west dipping
faults, have confirmed the presence of zones, dense vein netweorks and
intersected new east-west striking mineralized veins not recognized in previous
work. Assay results on this drilling are expected within the next few weeks.

The drilling has confirmed the overall size of the Zheng Guang system and
highlighted areas for potential expansion, particularly to the north-west. The
results will be used as the basis for Feasibility Studies due to commence

The Company lodged the necessary documentation for its admission onto the London
Stock Exchange's AIM market and trading in the Company's securities commenced on
26 October.

Leyshon has its main operational office in Beijing and uses this base to review
opportunities for exploration and potential project development elsewhere in
China and neighbouring Mongolia.

For further information contact: Paul Atherley - Managing Director

Tel: +86 10 8528 9256
China Mob: +86 137 1824 3763
International: +61 417 475 038

                        SEPTEMBER 2005 QUARTERLY REPORT

Zheng Guang Gold Project

Diamond drilling of the Zheng Guang gold project commenced in early August. The
programme was designed to infill drill mineralized blocks defined in the 2004
drill programme, test for extensions at depth and along strike and to gain a
better understanding of the complex geometry of the mineralized system.

An initial programme of 10,000 metres of diamond drilling was planned and by the
end of the quarter 8,270 metres of drilling in 52 holes has been completed by 6
rigs from the Heilongjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources ("HLJBGMR").
Productivity from these rigs has been substantially better than planned with
good core recoveries and no safety issues recorded.

During the early part of the programme it was recognised that a large proportion
of high-grade zones were associated with north-south striking, steeply dipping
quartz-sulphide veins, generally confined by shallowly west dipping faults. As
the HLJBGMR rigs are limited to drilling near vertical holes, they cannot
adequately define either the geometry or the density of the steeply dipping
veins. This resulted in holes often drilling almost parallel to high-grade veins
which may skew the interpreted grade and thickness of the predicted mineralized
blocks. The HLJBGMR holes may have also drilled between the high-grade veins
thereby potentially underestimating the block grades and size.

To investigate this, two additional rigs with shallow-angle drilling capacity
were mobilized late in the quarter from a Beijing based group, Sinorex Resources
and Environmental Engineering to drill approximately 2,000 metres of oriented
diamond core into key areas.

The angled holes have been drilled down and across the dip of the primary west
dipping faults into zones where steeply dipping veins have been previously
recorded. Preliminary logging and core orientations have confirmed a high
density of generally thin veins in some areas (at times almost stockwork in
nature), confirmed the complexity and significant pinching and swelling of high
grade blocks, particularly to the west, at depth, and defined a new, previously
unrecognised set of high-grade, steeply dipping, east-west oriented veins that
appear associated with the previously announced high-grade breccia intersection
in ZGD0029 (24m @ 28.6 gpt Au).

This expanded programme totaling in excess of 12,100 metres has been completed
subsequent to quarter end. Whilst assay results are yet to be received from the
angled drilling, it is clear that the newly intersected east-west veins may form
an important new style of mineralization that has not yet been tested and may
repeat in other parts of the Zheng Guang mineralized system.

Assays have been received for 637 samples, or less than one quarter of that
expected from the programme. A summary of results received to date are provided
in Table 1. High grade intersections have been recorded, but it is too early in
the programme to define the significance of these.
Table 1. Selected drilling results from Zheng Guang

Hole       Co-ordinate    Co-ordinate     From       To  Interval    Gold Grade
Number       (northing)      (easting)      (m)      (m)       (m)      (gpt Au)
--------      --------        --------   -----    -----  --------      --------
ZGD032           9,900         49,200     46.0     49.0      3.0           2.6
ZDG034           9,840         49,300    147.0    149.0      2.0           3.8
                                         164.0    166.0      2.0           9.1
ZGD035           9,860         49,200     62.0     70.0      8.0           1.6
ZGD036           9,855         49,250     54.0     58.0      4.0           2.9
                                          62.0     64.0      2.0           6.9
                                         135.0    141.0      6.0           1.7
ZGD037           9,900         49,150    107.0    110.0      3.0           4.1
ZGD038           9,800         49,300    107.0    118.0     11.0           3.7
                                         121.0    127.0      6.0           1.8
                                         158.0    167.0      9.0           3.7
ZGD039           9,840         49,200     56.0     68.0     12.0           9.1
ZGD040           9,815         49,250    121.0    126.0      5.0           2.9
                                         160.0    165.0      5.0           6.4
ZGD045           9,695         49,250    253.0    257.0      4.0           4.0
                                         413.0    415.0      2.0           4.3
ZGD047           9,840         49,100    147.0    149.0      2.0          10.1

Note - These are preliminary results.

Cutting and assaying the large amount of mineralized core now currently being
logged is continuing. Commencement of 3D geological modeling, completion of
metallurgical domaining and sampling in preparation for metallurgical test work
is currently underway.

Feasibility Studies will commence once the final assays and the metallurgical
testwork results are received.

Background to the Zheng Guang Gold Project

Leyshon became one of the first foreign mining companies to establish a formal
presence in the mineral rich province of Heilongjiang when it established the
Sino foreign Joint Venture Company Black Dragon Mining Company Limited (Black
Dragon) with the HLJBGMR. Leyshon is earning 70% of Black Dragon and has the
right to increase its equity to 90%.

Duobaoshan Copper Project

The Company has a joint venture agreement with the HLJBGMR for the development
of Duobaoshan. The Company is aware that during this period of strong copper
prices and demand for copper concentrates in China, two Chinese companies have
also made a development proposal for the project.

It is the Company's view that the work it has undertaken on the project over the
past two years and its relationship with the HLJBGMR (the same partner it has
for the Zheng Guang gold project) puts the Company in a strong position for it
to be considered to participate in the development of the project, preferably as
a member of a consortium made up of the Chinese companies, the HLJBGMR and
Leyshon. The Company has commissioned Ausenco to undertake a scoping study on
the project to enable it to determine whether to proceed with a development

New Business Opportunities

The Company continues to evaluate a number of acquisition and development
opportunities both within China and its neighbouring countries taking advantage
of its operating base in Beijing and knowledge gained operating in the country
over the past two years.


The Company lodged the necessary documentation for its admission onto the London
Stock Exchange's AIM market and trading in the Company's securities commenced on
26 October.

Leyshon has the majority of its institutional shareholders based in London and
expects that its future capital requirements will be met from this market. This
provides a further competitive advantage for attracting and completing new
business opportunities in China, which are often seeking access to European
capital markets.

Future changes to the Board are expected which will reflect the orientation of
the Company to London and China. In line with this, Non Executive Director Mr
Gary Pearce resigned during the quarter and his contribution to the Company's
recent achievements is noted and appreciated.

The Company has appointed Seymour Pierce as its nominated advisor and broker, a
leading provider of corporate broking and corporate finance to listed companies.

Geological Information

The information in this report relating to Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Greg Jones, a
full time employee of the Company, who is a member of the Australasian Institute
of Mining and Metallurgy.

Mr Jones has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which
he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004
Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Jones consents to the inclusion in the report of
the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it

Appendix 5B
                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report

Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001.

Name of entity: Leyshon Resources Limited

ABN Quarter ended ("current quarter")
75 010 482 274 30 September 2005

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Cash flows related to operating activities           Current      Year to date
                                                     quarter         (3.months)
                                                      $A'000            $A'000
 1.1   Receipts from product sales and related             -                 -
 1.2   Payments for (a) exploration and               (1,411)           (1,411)
       (b) development                                     -                 -
       (c) production                                      -                 -
       (d) administration                               (387)             (387)
 1.3   Dividends received
 1.4   Interest and other items of a similar             112               112
       nature received
 1.5   Interest and other costs of finance paid            -                 -
 1.6   Income taxes paid                                   -                 -
 1.7   Other - Business development                      (69)              (69)
       Net Operating Cash Flows                       (1,755)           (1,755)
       Cash flows related to investing
 1.8   Payment for purchases of:                           -                 -
       (a) prospects                                       -                 -
       (b) equity investments                             (3)               (3)
       (c) other fixed assets
 1.9   Proceeds from sale of:                              -                 -
       (a) prospects                                       -                 -
       (b) equity investments                              -                 -
       (c) other fixed assets
1.10   Loans to other entities                             -                 -
1.11   Loans repaid by other entities                      -                 -
1.12   Other                                               2                 2
       - Security bonds
       Net investing cash flows                           (1)               (1)
1.13   Total operating and investing cash flows       (1,756)           (1,756)
       (carried forward)

1.13   Total operating and investing cash flows (brought       (1,756)  (1,756)
       Cash flows related to financing activities
1.14   Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc.                -        -
1.15   Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares                       -        -
1.16   Proceeds from borrowings                                     -        -
1.17   Repayment of borrowings                                      -        -
1.18   Dividends paid                                               -        -
1.19   Other - capital raising costs                                -        -
       Net financing cash flows                                     -        -
       Net increase (decrease) in cash held                    (1,756)  (1,756)
1.20   Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date                9,489    9,489
1.21   Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20
1.22   Cash at end of quarter                                   7,733    7,733

Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors

Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related
1.23   Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in             102
       item 1.2
1.24   Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item             -
1.25   Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
       Payments include executive remuneration, director's fees, company
       secretarial services and provision of a fully serviced office.

Non-cash financing and investing activities

2.1   Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material
      effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash
      Not Applicable.

2.2   Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their
      share in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest
      Not Applicable.

Financing facilities available

Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.

                                           Amount available        Amount used
                                                     $A'000             $A'000
3.1   Loan facilities                                     -                  -
3.2   Credit standby arrangements                         -                  -

Estimated cash outflows for next quarter
4.1   Exploration and evaluation                                           750
4.2   Development                                                            -
                                                        Total              750
Reconciliation of cash

Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter (as shown   Current   Previous
in the consolidated statement of cash flows) to the related  quarter   quarter
items in the accounts is as follows.
                                                              $A'000    $A'000
 5.1   Cash on hand and at bank                                1,209     1,571
 5.2   Deposits at call                                        6,524     7,918
 5.3   Bank overdraft                                              -         -
 5.4   Other (provide details)                                     -         -
       Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22)               7,733     9,489

Changes in interests in mining tenements

                                Tenement    Nature of   Interest at  Interest at
                                reference    interest  beginning of       end of
                                                            quarter      quarter
                                            (note (2))

6.1   Interests in mining       None               -             -           -
      tenements relinquished,
      reduced or lapsed
6.2   Interests in mining       None               -             -           -
      tenements acquired or

Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter

Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights
together with prices and dates.

                              Total        Number    Issue price   Amount paid
                              number       quoted    per security  up per
                                                     (see note 3)  security (see
                                                     (cents)       note 3)
 7.1   Preference              1,000             -   Not           Not
       +securities                                   Applicable    Applicable

 7.2   Changes during quarter
       (a) Increases
       through issues
       (b) Decreases
       through returns
       of capital,

 7.3   +Ordinary         131,466,558   131,466,558   Not           Not
       securities                                    Applicable    Applicable

 7.4   Changes during
       (a) Increases
       through issues
       (b) Decreases
       through returns
       of capital,

 7.5   +Convertible debt

 7.6   Changes during
       (a) Increases
       through issues
       (b) Decreases
       through securities
       matured, converted

 7.7   Options            10,000,000             -   Exercise      Expiry date
       (description and                              price
                           8,500,000             -   $0.20 each    30 June
                           2,700,000             -   $0.30 each    30 June 2007
                                                                   31 Dec 2007
                                                     $0.35 each
7.8    Issued during

7.9    Exercised during

7.10   Expired during

7.11   Debentures
       (totals only)

7.12   Unsecured notes
       (totals only)

Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which comply with
accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards
acceptable to ASX (see note 4).

2 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.

Date: 31 October 2005
(Company secretary)
Print name: MARK PEARCE


1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the
entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect on
its cash position. An entity wanting to disclose additional information is
encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report.

2 The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in respect of
interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during the reporting
period. If the entity is involved in a joint venture agreement and there are
conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in a mining
tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and conditions
precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.

3 Issued and quoted securities The issue price and amount paid up is not
required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.

4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive
Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report.

5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of International
Accounting Standards for foreign entities. If the standards used do not address
a topic, the Australian standard on that topic (if any) must be complied with.

                                 == == == == ==

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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