Lenta Ltd. (LNTA;LNTR) 
Lenta Ltd.: 4Q/FY 2019 sales and operating results 
24-Jan-2020 / 08:00 CET/CEST 
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     St-Petersburg, Russia; 24 January, 2020 - Lenta Ltd, (LSE, MOEX: LNTA / 
    "Lenta" or the "Company") one of the largest retail chains in Russia, is 
    pleased to announce its consolidated sales and operating results for the 
           fourth quarter and twelve months ending 31 December 2019. 
           4Q 2019 Operating Highlights: 
  · Total sales declined by 1.4% in 4Q 2019 to Rub 117.9bn (4Q 2018: Rub 
  119.6bn), including retail sales flat at Rub 115.1bn (4Q 2018: Rub 
  115.1bn) and decline of 37.7% in wholesale; 
  · Like-for-like ("LFL")[1] retail sales declined by 3.6%, excluding VAT, 
  vs. 4Q 2018. This is equivalent to LFL retail sales decline of 3.1% 
  including VAT, due to an increase in VAT from 1 January 2019; 
  · LFL retail traffic decline of 1.8% combined with LFL retail ticket 
  decline of 1.9%; 
  · Lenta opened four hypermarkets during the fourth quarter of 2019, while 
  one hypermarket was closed; 
  · Store count reached 380 stores as at 31 December 2019, comprising of 249 
  hypermarkets and 131 supermarkets; 
  · Total selling space increased to 1,489,497 sq.m as at 31 December 2019 
  (+1.5% vs. 31 December 2018); and 
  · Number of active loyalty cardholders[2] increased to 15.8m (+10.1% YoY) 
  with around 97% of transactions in the fourth quarter carried out using 
  the loyalty programme. 
           12M 2019 Operating Highlights: 
  · Total sales grew 1.0% in 12M 2019 to Rub 417.5bn (12M 2018: Rub 
  413.6bn), including retail sales growth of 4.0% to Rub 407.2bn (12M 2018: 
  Rub 391.6bn) and a decline of 53.2% in wholesale sale; 
  · LFL retail sales growth of 0.1% excluding VAT vs. 12M 2018. This is the 
  equivalent of LFL retail sales growth of 0.9% including VAT, due to the 
  increase in VAT from 1 January 2019; 
  · LFL traffic growth of 0.0% combined with a growth of 0.1% in LFL ticket; 
  · Eight new hypermarkets and three supermarkets were opened in 12M 2019, 
  while three hypermarkets and seven supermarkets were closed during the 
  same period. 
           Events in 4Q 2019 and after the reported period: 
  · The Company re-opened a hypermarket in St. Petersburg in a brand-new 
  concept after a fire in November 2018. The layout of the store was 
  designed to fulfil customers' different shopping missions - daily, weekly, 
  or occasional shopping. The store is equipped with various innovations, 
  including contrast and shelf-lighting and price-checkers, while it has 
  also introduced new service developments such as café and food services to 
  ensure a superior customer experience. 
  · Lenta's Board of Directors approved investments of around Rub 1.9bn into 
  29 supermarkets in Moscow with total selling space of 24,000 sq.m. 
  following signing of lease contracts with the ADG real-estate development 
  back in 2017. The Company expects the stores to be opened during 
  · Lenta has started the redomiciliation process following shareholder's 
  approval at the Extraordinary Meeting held on 22 October 2019. On 19 
  December 2019 the Company applied on to the Department of Registrar of 
  Companies and Official Receiver (DRCOR) for continuance of the Company's 
  incorporation into Cyprus. The Redomiciliation will become effective upon 
  the issue by the DRCOR of a certificate of temporary registration in 
  Cyprus to the Company. 
  · Lenta also announced its intention to change the depositary appointed in 
  connection with the Company's global depositary receipt programme from 
  Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A. to its affiliate Deutsche Bank Trust Company 
  Americas. Accordingly, neither the Redomiciliation nor the change of 
  depositary should affect the ordinary course of trading of the Company's 
           Lenta's Chief Executive Officer, Herman Tinga commented: 
      "We are not pleased with our performance in 2019 and especially in the 
   fourth quarter. It partly reflected ongoing changes in consumer behaviour 
  and competitive environment. In the context of intensified competition, we 
  saw an inflow of new customers, but at the same time our consumers visited 
         our stores less frequently and bought fewer items. Low-inflationary 
    environment combined with increased level of promotional activity in the 
     industry also put pressure on retail business. On top of that, we faced 
    internal challenges as our non-food sales declined, as our offer did not 
           meet consumers expectations. 
 Having these challenges in mind, we focused our efforts on initiatives that 
      allowed us to provide distinctive shopping experience and increase the 
    attractiveness of Lenta's offering to different categories of consumers. 
   These initiatives included broad-scale communication to customers through 
on-line and off-line channels, tailored promo-campaigns and in-store events. 
 We saw positive impact on the performance of fresh food, which we define as 
  a key category for differentiation from our competitors, continue into the 
    fourth quarter. As we are in the process of shaping our new strategy, we 
     will keep working on our offer, assortment, marketing and communication 
           activities to improve our operating results in 2020. 
     While not everything went the way we wanted in the latest quarter, I am 
   happy with our results in supermarket format. We delivered a strong total 
        sales growth of 7.8% thanks to the efforts we made for improving our 
           offering and communication with the customer in the format. 
 We were also proud to announce the re-opening of one of our hypermarkets in 
 St. Petersburg in November, which represents a brand new vision of shopping 
   space. We completely changed the layout of the store so it could meet the 
  need of different shopping missions, made an accent on presentation of our 
   power categories, filled the store with innovative equipment and provided 
    customers with unique services. We believe these changes will help us to 
     demonstrate solid traffic and basket size and pave the way for in-store 
           improvements across the chain". 
           Lenta's Operating Performance 
     The Company's retail sales reached Rub 115.1 in the fourth quarter 2019 
     staying almost flat year-over-year. Total sales amounted to Rub 117.9bn 
       implying a decline of 1.4% when compared to the fourth quarter of the 
previous year. Sales to wholesale customers declined by 37.7% year-over-year 
          accounting for the difference between retail sales and total sales 
           performance in the reported period. 
   Amid challenging environment, the Company has been working on a series of 
 initiatives to ensure the distinctive attractiveness of Lenta's offering to 
customers. The Company has continued improving its assortment, including the 
    launch of various private-label ranges of product in the fourth quarter. 
   Lenta has carried out a number of distinctive initiatives in the areas of 
  customer marketing, our loyalty programme and customer communication. This 
           included a pilot of a new loyalty programme, various targeted 
          promo-campaigns that offered additional discounts and cashbacks to 
           customers, as well as extensive in-store communication. 
          The Company has also maintained its focus on its digital marketing 
activities, reaching new and existing customers with offers tailored to each 
   individual to increase both traffic and basket size. The number of active 
  loyalty cardholders increased to 15.8m as at 31 December 2019 (+10.1% YoY) 
   while the share of transactions made with a loyalty card was 97%. Lenta's 
 Mobile App, which launched in October 2018, has now attracted more than 4.8 
          million users. Lenta took further steps to enrich the Mobile App's 
    functionality, delivering a better customer experience through enhancing 
      personalized promo offerings. We expect these and other initiatives to 
        increase customer loyalty, increase sales and lower marketing costs. 
  Hypermarket retail sales reduced by 0.7% in the fourth quarter on the back 
     of a decline in LFL retail sales by 4.3% in this format combined with a 
    growth in selling space of 1.9% year-over-year. The supermarket format's 
     total retail sales rose by 7.8% in 4Q 2019 driven by a strong LFL sales 
 growth of 4.7% which was partly offset by a 3.0% decrease in selling space. 
      The supermarket share of Lenta's retail sales was 8.5% in the reported 
    quarter, as opposed to 8.3% in the third quarter of 2019 and 7.9% in the 
           fourth quarter of 2018. 
                   Quarterly                 Year to Date 
            As  As at   Net   Change   As  As at  Net    Change 
            at   31   change    (%)    at   31   change   (%) 
            31  Decem                  31  Decem 
           Dece  ber                  Dece  ber 
           mber                       mber 
                 4Q                         FY 
            4Q  2018                   FY  2018 
           2019                       2019 
Total      117, 119,5 (1 693)  (1.4%) 417, 413,5  3,938     1.0% 
sales       893    86                  500    62 
Retail     115, 115,1    (11)  (0.0%) 407, 391,5 15,693     4.0% 
sales       110    21                  257    64 
Hypermarke 105, 106,0   (720)  (0.7%) 372, 364,1  8,157     2.2% 
        ts  349    69                  285    28 
Supermarke 9,76 9,052     709    7.8% 34,9 27,43  7,536    27.5% 
        ts    1                         72     6 
Wholesales 2,78 4,465 (1,682) (37.7%) 10,2 21,86 (11,62  (53.2%) 
(Rub,         3                         43     8     5) 
Retail     1,06 1,094    (26)  (2.4%)  998 1,017   (19)   (1.8%) 
average       8 
Hypermarke 1,18 1,210    (23)  (1.9%) 1,10 1,107      -     0.0% 
        ts    7                          7 
Supermarke  512   516     (4)  (0.8%)  486   488    (2)   (0.4%) 
Retail     107. 105.2     2.6    2.5% 408. 385.1   22.9     6.0% 
customer      8                          1 
Hypermarke 88.8  87.7     1.1    1.2% 336. 328.9    7.2     2.2% 
        ts                               2 
Supermarke 19.1  17.5     1.5    8.7% 71.9  56.2   15.7    27.9% 
    Total retail customer traffic increased by 2.5% in the fourth quarter of 
       2019 compared with the same period in 2018, comprising 1.2% growth in 
      hypermarket traffic and an 8.7% increase in retail traffic for Lenta's 
           supermarket format. 
 During the reported period, one hypermarket and 11 supermarkets entered the 
  LFL panel. LFL retail sales declined by 3.6% (excluding VAT) in the fourth 
       quarter, representing a 1.8% decline in LFL retail traffic and a 1.9% 
  decline in LFL retail ticket. LFL retail non-food sales decreased by 15.2% 
 YoY (3Q 2019: -6.7% YoY). LFL retail food sales decreased by 1.8% (3Q 2019: 
           0.5% YoY). 
                Quarterly                   Year to Date 
       LFL sales   LFL       LFL      LFL       LFL       LFL 
        growth   average   traffic   sales    average   traffic 
                  ticket   growth    growth   ticket    growth 
                  growth                      growth 
        4Q 2019 
                           4Q 2019  FY 2019             FY 2019 
                 4Q 2019                      FY 2019 
Total     (3.6%)   (1.9%)    (1.8%)     0.1%      0.1%      0.0% 
, % 
Hyperm    (4.3%)   (1.2%)    (3.1%)   (0.7%)      0.9%    (1.6%) 
Superm      4.7%   (0.6%)      5.3%    11.8%      1.6%     10.0% 
   Lenta has been winning new customers in both new and LFL hypermarkets and 
     supermarkets with the ongoing growth in the number of unique customers. 
   LFL sales decreased by 4.3% in the hypermarket format, mainly impacted by 
declining traffic. Customer traffic growth in the LFL stores turned negative 
    at 3.1% mainly due to a reduction in visit frequency which was not fully 
           compensated by an increase in the number of new customers. 
      LFL average retail ticket growth in the format declined by 1.2% due to 
  on-shelf deflation combined with the declining average number of items per 
 basket that outweighed ongoing the trading-up effect in the fourth quarter. 
  Lenta's hypermarkets continued to perform in a deflationary environment in 
           the reported period due to more intensive promo-activity. 
   The supermarket format demonstrated strong growth with an increase in LFL 
 sales of 4.7% in the fourth quarter. Higher traffic was the main driver for 
     LFL retail sales growth thanks to a significant increase in new, unique 
 customers to the format. Lenta continued working on tactical changes to the 
   offering, such as extending the product assortment and changing marketing 
           activities to enhance the attractiveness of stores to customers. 
     Lenta's supermarkets also operated in a deflationary environment in the 
       fourth quarter as Lenta intensified promotional activity. Shelf price 
     deflation combined with the lower average number of articles per basket 
      resulted in a decline of 0.6% in the LFL retail ticket in the reported 
         The 3.6% fall in LFL retail sales in 4Q 2019 was therefore due to a 
  combination of factors: an increase in the number of customers and ongoing 
 trading-up effects were outweighed by on-shelf deflation, a lower frequency 
           of visits and a reduced number of articles per basket. 
           4Q 2019 monthly operational results 
                                      October November December 
Total sales growth                     (2.2%)     1.9%   (2.6%) 
Retail sales growth                    (0.0%)     3.6%   (2.2%) 
                         Hypermarkets  (1.0%)     3.2%   (2.8%) 
                         Supermarkets   11.0%     7.9%     5.6% 
Wholesale growth                      (45.6%)  (39.5%)  (16.5%) 
Total retail customer traffic growth     0.5%     3.1%     3.1% 
                         Hypermarkets  (1.1%)     2.5%     2.0% 
                         Supermarkets    8.7%     6.0%     8.5% 
Total retail average ticket growth     (0.6%)     0.4%   (5.2%) 
                         Hypermarkets    0.1%     0.6%   (4.8%) 
                         Supermarkets    1.7%     0.9%   (3.5%) 
           Lenta Store Developments 
   Lenta opened four hypermarkets in the fourth quarter, including one owned 
compact hypermarket in Arkhangelsk with selling space of 5,237 sq.m. and two 
   leased compact hypermarkets in Samara and Ufa with selling space of 4,389 
 sq.m. and 3,219 sq.m. respectively, and it re-opened a standard hypermarket 
in St. Petersburg with a selling space of 7,998 sq.m. The Company closed one 
           leased hypermarket in Moscow. 
During the reported period Lenta also opened two supermarkets, including one 
         leased store in Moscow with 611 sq.m in selling space and one owned 
           supermarket in Siberia with 700 sq.m in selling space. 
As a result, in the reported period Lenta's total selling space increased by 
   17,850 sq.m when compared to the previous quarter. As at 31 December 2019 
  the total number of stores amounted to 380, including 249 hypermarkets and 
 131 supermarkets with total selling space of 1,489,497 sq.m, an increase of 
    1.5% year-over-year. Lenta retained its presence in 88 cities across the 
                Quarterly                  Year to Date 
       As at As at   Net   Change, As at  As at   Net   Change, 
        31     31   change   YoY     31    31   change    YoY 
       Decem Decemb                Decemb Decem 
        ber    er                    er    ber 
        4Q     4Q                    FY    FY 
       2019   2018                  2019  2018 
Total    380    379      1    0.3%    380   379       1     0.3% 
Hyperm   249    244      5    2.0%    249   244       5     2.0% 
Superm   131    135    (4)  (3.0%)    131   135     (4)   (3.0%) 
Number     5     25   (20) (80.0%)      1    51    (50)  (98.0%) 
of net 
Hyperm     3     11    (8) (72.7%)      5    13     (8)  (61.5%) 
Superm     2     14   (12) (85.7%)    (4)    38    (42)   (1.1x) 
Total  1,489 1,467, 22,015    1.5% 1,489, 1,467  22,015     1.5% 
sellin  ,497    482                   497  ,482 
Hyperm 1,378 1,353, 25,384    1.9% 1,378, 1,353  25,384     1.9% 
arkets  ,849    465                   849  ,465 
Superm 110,6 114,01 (3,369  (3.0%) 110,64 114,0 (3,369)   (3.0%) 
arkets    48      7      )              8    17 
Total  17,85 56,775 (38,92 (68.6%) 22,015 84,73 (62,722  (74.0%) 
net        0            5)                    7       ) 
Hyperm 16,45 45,297 (28,83 (63.7%) 25,384 55,24 (29,864  (54.1%) 
arkets     9            8)                    8       ) 
Superm 1,391 11,478 (10,08 (87.9%) -3,369 29,48 (32,858   (1.1x) 
arkets                  7)                    9       ) 
 In the announcement of its 1H 2019 financial results, the Company stated it 
 has been considering closing seven hypermarkets which have low potential to 
 reach expected returns. During the reported period, one store was closed in 
        Moscow. The Company decided not to close three hypermarkets as Lenta 
 successfully completed rent negotiations that should have a positive impact 
      on their profitability. The remaining three hypermarkets may be closed 
 subject to rent negotiation. There are no plans to close other hypermarkets 
  or supermarkets except for those mentioned in the respective announcement. 
  Lenta will provide details on its opening guidance and capital expenditure 
     projections for 2020 following the publication of the FY 2019 financial 
           results scheduled to be announced on 25 February 2020. 
           About Lenta 
          Lenta is the largest hypermarket chain in Russia and the country's 
         fourth-largest retail chain. The Company was founded in 1993 in St. 
  Petersburg. Lenta operates 249 hypermarkets in 88 cities across Russia and 
      131 supermarkets in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Siberia, Urals and 
   Central regions, with a total of approximately 1,489,497 sq.m. of selling 
           space. The average Lenta hypermarket store has selling space of 
   approximately 5,500 sq.m. The average Lenta supermarket store has selling 
       space of approximately 840 sq.m. The Company operates 12 distribution 
  The Company's price-led hypermarket formats are differentiated in terms of 
       their promotion and pricing strategies as well as their local product 
       assortment. The Company employed approximately 48,391 people as of 31 
           December 2019[3]. 
         The Company's management team combines a mix of local knowledge and 
    international expertise coupled with extensive operational experience in 
 Russia. Lenta's largest shareholders include Severgroup, which is committed 
           to maintaining high standards of corporate governance. 
 Lenta is listed on the London Stock Exchange and on the Moscow Exchange and 
           trades under the ticker: 'LNTA' 
· A brief video summary on Lenta's business and its Big Data initiative 
can be seen here [1]. 
· For further information please visit www.lentainvestor.com [2], or 
· Lenta                                           Russian Media: 
· Mariya Filippova 
                                                     NW Advisors 
                     PR&GR Director 
                                                Victoria Afonina 
· Tel: +7 812 380-61-31 ext.: 
                                            ?el:+7 495 795 06 23 
· E-mail: 
                                    E-mail: lenta@nwadvisors.com 
           Forward-looking statements: 
     This announcement includes statements that are, or may be deemed to be, 
       "forward-looking statements". These forward-looking statements can be 
identified by the fact that they do not only relate to historical or current 
    events. Forward-looking statements often use words such as "anticipate", 
       "target", "expect", "estimate", "intend", "expected", "plan", "goal", 
           "believe", and other words of similar meaning. 
    By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty 
   because they relate to future events and circumstances, a number of which 
   are beyond Lenta's control. As a result, actual future results may differ 
          materially from the plans, goals and expectations set out in these 
           forward-looking statements. 
  Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Lenta speak only as 
     at the date of this announcement. As required by any applicable laws or 
 regulations, Lenta undertakes no obligation publicly to release the results 
of any revisions to any forward-looking statements in this document that may 
         occur due to any change in its expectations or to reflect events or 
           circumstances after the date of this document. 
    [1] Lenta's stores are included in the LFL store base starting 12 months 
    after the end of the month in which they are opened. The Company has not 
    made any changes to the methodology of LFL calculation; both total sales 
  growth and LFL sales growth are reported excluding VAT as the best measure 
           to evaluate YoY performance 
 [2] Cardholders who made at least 2 purchases at Lenta during the 12 months 
           to 31 December 2019 are considered active. 
[3] FTE (full-time equivalent). Average FTE for FY 2019 was 51,908 employees 
ISIN:           US52634T2006, US52634T1016 
Category Code:  FR 
TIDM:           LNTA;LNTR 
LEI Code:       213800OMCE8QATH73N15 
OAM Categories: 2.2. Inside information 
Sequence No.:   42442 
EQS News ID:    960307 
End of Announcement EQS News Service 
1: https://link.cockpit.eqs.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=redirect&url=c61cfc5a7efef6da6692e51b2e16a515&application_id=960307&site_id=vwd&application_name=news 
2: https://link.cockpit.eqs.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=redirect&url=7b02fd0089c43ad819982a795a635ba5&application_id=960307&site_id=vwd&application_name=news 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 24, 2020 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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