28 September 2006




                         Lambert Howarth Group p.l.c.                          


Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2006





�                    A weak retail environment has led to severe and largely
unexpected downturn in trading.


�                    Revenue from continuing operations was �26.5 million
compared with �46.2 million last year.


�                    Loss before taxation was �13.0 million, after including
significant stock provisions, and:


-         goodwill impairment of �5.9 million

-         losses on derivative instruments of �1.0 million


�                    Disposal of properties will realise �3.6 million.


�                    Turnaround actions to date:


-         significant cost savings implemented.

-         new management appointed and improvements enacted at Natural World

-         promising discussions with new brands and new retailers






Commenting on the results, Fred Vinton, Chairman said:


"Although significant work remains to be done, we see some signs of recovery in
our business with new orders being placed by existing customers and promising
discussions taking place with new brands and new retailers."







For further information:                                                       
Lambert Howarth Group                                                  020 7258
p.l.c.                                                                     9988
Pamela Harper, Chief Executive Officer                                         
John Gibson, Group Finance Director                                            


 Chairman's statement                    

The Group has experienced a severe and largely unexpected downturn in its
trading results for the half year ended 30 June 2006.


Reflecting in part a poor retail sales environment for clothing, accessories
and shoes, revenue on continuing operations was �26.5 million, �19.7 million
lower than for the comparable period last year. This was due to a continuing
decline in sales to Marks and Spencer and other clothing retailers as well as a
significant decline in our Homeware business in the UK.


The result for the half year was a loss before taxation of �13.0 million
compared with a profit of �5.2 million in 2005, which includes a total charge
for goodwill impairment and other expenses of �6.9 million versus a net income
of �1.0 million last year. The goodwill impairment relates to the UK Homeware
subsidiary following a decline in sales and profitability as a result of
difficult market conditions, changing trading strategies on the part of certain
multiple retailers and increasing competition from the supermarkets and other
new entrants to the sector.


The Board is not proposing the payment of an interim dividend in view of the
trading performance of the Group.




Sales to Marks and Spencer declined significantly due principally to its
decision to source direct for approximately half of its comfort range of shoes,
while margins have also suffered as result of price deflation and increased
settlement discounts, despite the success of our cost effective sourcing from
the Far East.  The company has also suffered volume losses in soft accessories,
bags and jewellery.


Turmoil within the UK homeware market in which we operate has continued to
impact negatively on sales volumes within Natural World, our UK Homeware
business, whilst the clearance of high stock levels has impacted on operating
margins.   The company has taken steps to provide against and to clear surplus
stock.  Our Homeware business in Spain, Natural Selection, continues to do well
growing its sales in Spain and France.


Our brand business, French Connection and Lulu Guinness, is making gradual
progress both in the UK and the key international markets.


Strategic Review and Restructuring


Clearly the performance of the business towards the latter part of last year
and the first half of 2006 was unacceptable.  As a result a new Chief Executive
Officer, Mrs Pamela Harper, was appointed on 2 June 2006 with a mandate to
conduct a thorough review of the company's strategy, to re-invigorate our
excellent long standing relationship with Marks and Spencer in the supply of
both shoes and accessories, to reduce the company's cost base, upgrade the
company's systems and business processes and stem the losses in the UK Homeware
business as a matter of urgency.


Although the process is not yet over, important progress has been made in the
following areas:





Strategic direction - The Group continues to have excellent skills and
experience in the design, sourcing and distribution of footwear and accessories
and we will continue to focus on these areas.  We need to reduce our current
dependence on the UK market and to establish better access to international
markets and customers. We believe we are well placed to develop a larger and
successful brands business and are well advanced in our negotiations to take on
new licences.  We are also actively in discussions with several major high
street retailers to supply them with footwear and accessories.


Operations - A major effort has been undertaken to reduce expenses throughout
the business.  Operating expenses have been reduced by �2.2 million or 18% from
the same period last year, while headcount has fallen by 28% to 283 at 30 June
2006, with further reductions implemented after the end of the period.  We are
also reviewing the company's skills base to ensure we are equipped to meet
future challenges. The new management appointed in Natural World has instigated
improvements already and a thorough review of all strategic options for the
business is taking place.


Following our sales of surplus properties last year which released �4.6 million
in cash, we have entered into contracts to sell our properties in Stockport and
Burnley for a total of �3.6 million.  We are also looking closely at measures
to reduce the cost of occupying the Manchester Square property following the
staff reductions in head office.


The Group is in the process of documenting agreed new committed banking
facilities, which involves security being granted to its lenders.




Jo Newton, the executive director responsible for the Brands business, resigned
from the Board on 4 September 2006.


We thank Jo for her part in establishing the Brands business and wish her well
in her next venture.




Although the retail environment in our principal markets is still highly
competitive with a number of new entrants continuing to impact our activities,
we see some signs of recovery in our business with new orders being placed by
existing customers and promising discussions taking place with new brands and
new retailers as a result of our business development efforts.

Alfred M Vinton 


28 September 2006

Consolidated interim income statement

forthe six months ended 30 June 2006



                                               Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited
                                               Half year   Half year       Year
                                                 30 June     30 June         31
                                                    2006        2005           
                                         Notes     �'000       �'000           
Continuing operations                                                          
Revenue                                           26,538      46,208     88,193
Cost of sales before goodwill impairment        (22,170)    (29,592)   (61,821)
Goodwill impairment                              (5,932)     (1,490)    (6,115)
Gross (loss) / profit                            (1,564)      15,126     20,257
Selling and distribution expenses                (6,590)     (7,379)   (14,463)
Administration expenses                          (3,812)     (5,184)    (6,854)
Other (expenses) / income                  4       (976)       2,499      3,267
Operating (loss) / profit                       (12,942)       5,062      2,207
Interest payable                                   (160)        (59)      (151)
Interest receivable                                   61         183        327
(Loss) / profit before taxation                 (13,041)       5,186      2,383
Taxation                                   5       1,058     (1,651)    (2,208)
(Loss) / profit for the period from             (11,983)       3,535        175
continuing operations                                                          
Discontinued operations                                                        
(Loss) / profit for the period from        6        (25)     (1,547)        164
discontinued operations                                                        
(Loss) / Profit for the financial period        (12,008)       1,988        339
(Loss) / earnings per share                8                                   
Basic                                            (59.1)p        8.0p       1.4p
Diluted                                          (59.1)p        7.9p       1.4p
(Loss) / earnings per share from           8                                   
continuing operations                                                          
Basic                                            (59.0)p       14.2p       0.7p
Diluted                                          (59.0)p       14.0p       0.7p





Consolidated interim statement of recognised income and expense

forthe six months ended 30 June 2006


                                            Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited
                                            Half Year   Half Year          Year
                                              30 June     30 June   31 December
                                                 2006        2005          2005
                                                �'000       �'000         �'000
(Loss) / profit for the financial period     (12,008)       1,988           339
Net exchange adjustments offset in                 11       (151)          (93)
reserves net of tax                                                            
Pension scheme                                                                 
- actuarial gain / (loss) recognised in         1,136           -       (1,920)
pension scheme                                                                 
- deferred tax on actuarial gain / (loss)       (341)           -           576
Net gains / (losses) not recognised in            806       (151)       (1,437)
income statement                                                               
Total recognised (loss) / income for the     (11,202)       1,837       (1,098)
Adoption of IAS 32/39                               -     (1,043)       (1,043)


Consolidated interim balance sheet

at30 June 2006



                                               Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited
                                                 30 June     30 June         31
                                                    2006        2005           
                                         Notes     �'000       �'000           
Non-current assets                                                             
Goodwill                                   9       8,892      19,449     14,824
Property, plant and equipment                      5,082       7,159      5,574
Investments accounted for using equity                 -           -          -
Deferred income tax assets                         2,547       2,549      2,515
                                                  16,521      29,157     22,913
Current assets                                                                 
Inventories                                       13,247      20,658     14,877
Trade and other receivables                        7,648       9,283      9,071
Financial assets                                                               
Derivative financial instruments                       -         727        740
Current tax assets                                 1,340           8        562
Cash and cash equivalents                            585       6,839      2,808
                                                  22,820      37,515     28,058
Assets classified as held for sale and    10       1,880         550      1,433
included in disposal groups                                                    
                                                  24,700      38,065     29,491
Current liabilities                                                            
Financial liabilities                                                          
Borrowings                                         4,559         142        244
Derivative financial liabilities                     545           -          -
Trade and other payables                           6,720       9,672      7,682
Current tax liabilities                                -         777          -
                                                  11,824      10,591      7,926
Net current assets                                12,876      27,474     21,565
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Retirement benefit obligations                     7,203       7,916      9,691
                                                   7,203       7,916      9,691
Net assets                                        22,194      48,715     34,787
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                           
Capital and reserves                                                           
Share capital                                      2,039       2,496      2,029
Share premium account                              1,307         953      1,175
Merger and other reserves                         23,441      23,021     23,430
Retained (losses) / earnings                     (4,593)      22,245      8,153
Total shareholders' equity                        22,194      48,715     34,787







Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity


                                                         Other reserves               
               Share   Share Retained    Capital   Group Translation    Share    Total
             capital premium earnings redemption  merger     reserve    based reserves
                                         reserve reserve             payments         
               �'000   �'000    �'000      �'000   �'000       �'000    �'000    �'000
At 1 January                                                                          
2005 as                                                                               
previously     2,474     665   21,029         93  22,638         257      127   47,283
Effect of                                                                             
gains and                                                                             
losses             -       -    1,604          -       -           -        -    1,604
instead of                                                                            
adopting the                                                                          
deferred tax       -       -    (472)          -       -           -        -    (472)
At 1 January   2,474     665   22,161         93  22,638         257      127   48,415
Exchange           -       -        -          -       -       (151)        -    (151)
net of tax                                                                            
Net profit         -       -    1,988          -       -           -        -    1,988
recognised         -       -        -          -       -           -        -        -
in the                                                                                
deferred tax       -       -        -          -       -           -        -        -
on actuarial                                                                          
proceeds          22     288        -          -       -           -        -      310
from shares                                                                           
value of           -       -     (33)          -       -           -       57       24
Dividends          -       -  (1,871)          -       -           -        -  (1,871)
At 30 June     2,496     953   22,245         93  22,638         106      184   48,715
At 1 July      2,496     953   22,245         93  22,638         106      184   48,715
Exchange           -       -        -          -       -          58        -       58
net of tax                                                                            
Liquidation        -       -        -          -       -           4        -        4
Net loss           -       -  (1,649)          -       -           -        -  (1,649)
actuarial          -       -  (1,920)          -       -           -        -  (1,920)
in the                                                                                
deferred tax       -       -      576          -       -           -        -      576
on actuarial                                                                          
proceeds          19     222        -          -       -           -        -      241
from shares                                                                           
value of           -       -     (27)          -       -           -    (139)    (166)
value of       (486)       - (10,000)        486       -           -        - (10,000)
costs              -       -    (191)          -       -           -        -    (191)
Dividends          -       -    (881)          -       -           -        -    (881)
At 31                                                                                 
December       2,029   1,175    8,153        579  22,638         168       45   34,787
At 1 January   2,029   1,175    8,153        579  22,638         168       45   34,787
Exchange           -       -        -          -       -          11        -       11
net of tax                                                                            
Net loss           -       - (12,008)          -       -           -        - (12,008)
recognised         -       -    1,136          -       -           -        -    1,136
in the                                                                                
deferred tax       -       -    (341)          -       -           -        -    (341)
on actuarial                                                                          
proceeds          10     132        -          -       -           -        -      142
from shares                                                                           
value of           -       -      (4)         --       -           -        -      (4)
Dividends          -       -  (1,529)         --       -           -        -  (1,529)
At 30 June     2,039   1,307  (4,593)        579  22,638         179       45   22,194

Consolidated cash flow statement

for the six months ended 30 June 2006

                                              Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited
                                              Half year   Half year        Year
                                                30 June     30 June          31
                                                   2006        2005            
                                                  �'000       �'000            
Cash flows from operating activities                                           
Cash flows from operations                      (4,559)     (2,046)       3,640
Interest received                                    61         183         327
Interest paid                                     (160)        (59)       (151)
Tax paid                                           (86)     (1,512)     (3,089)
Net cash flows from operating activities        (4,744)     (3,434)         727
Cash flows from investing activities                                           
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and             1       2,067       4,576
Purchase of property, plant and equipment         (156)       (116)       (184)
Repayment of grants                                   -       (229)       (229)
Net cash flows (used in) / from investing         (155)       1,722       4,163
Cash flows from financing activities                                           
Net proceeds from issue of ordinary share           142         310         551
Purchase of ordinary share capital including          -           -    (10,191)
Dividends paid to shareholders                  (1,529)     (1,871)     (2,752)
Net cash flows used in financing activities     (1,387)     (1,561)    (12,392)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents       (6,286)     (3,273)     (7,502)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of         2,564       9,878       9,878
Effect of exchange rates                          (252)          92         188
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period      (3,974)       6,697       2,564
Cash                                                585       6,839       2,808
Overdraft                                       (4,559)       (142)       (244)
Net cash                                        (3,974)       6,697       2,564


Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operations


Continuing operations                                                          
Net (loss) / profit                                (11,983)     3,535       175
Tax                                                 (1,058)     1,651     2,208
Depreciation                                            201       198       409
Profit on disposal of property, plant and               (1)   (1,425)   (1,442)
Impairment of goodwill                                5,932     1,490     6,115
Share compensation expense / (credit)                     -        57      (82)
Non cash movement on fair value hedges                1,285   (2,217)   (2,230)
Interest income                                        (61)     (183)     (327)
Interest expense                                        160        59       151
Effect of exchange rates                                252         -     (188)
Changes in working capital (excluding effects of acquisitions                  
and disposal of subsidiaries):                                                 
Decrease / (increase) in inventories                  1,630     (571)     4,786
Decrease in Trade and other receivables               1,423     1,975     2,098
Decrease in Trade and other payables                  (952)   (4,837)   (6,173)
Decrease in Pension obligations                     (1,387)     (778)     (997)
Cash flows from continuing operations               (4,559)   (1,046)     4,503
Discontinued operations                                                        
Net loss                                               (25)   (1,547)       164
Tax                                                    (10)     (230)        14
Depreciation                                              -        39        49
Loss / (profit) on disposal of property, plant and        -        11   (1,859)
Impairment of assets                                      -       121        31
Deferred income - grants                                  -        48        48
Changes in working capital                                                     
Decrease in Inventories                                   -     1,124     1,612
(Increase) / decrease in Trade and other                  -      (23)       170
Increase / (decrease) in Trade and other payables         -        69     (639)
Increase / (decrease) in Pension obligations             35     (612)     (453)
Cash flows from discontinued operations                   -   (1,000)     (863)
Cash flows from operating activities                (4,559)   (2,046)     3,640


Notes to the consolidated interim financial statements


1. General information


Lambert Howarth Group p.l.c. (the Company) and its subsidiaries (together
'Lambert Howarth' or 'the Group') is a design, resourcing and distribution
business supplying footwear, accessories and homeware of own label and branded
lines to retail customers.


The Company is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in the
United Kingdom. The address of its registered office is 26 Manchester Square,
London W1U 3PZ.


The Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange.


These consolidated interim financial statements have been approved for issue by
the Board of Directors on 27 September 2006.


These financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of the Companies Act 1985 and are unaudited. The interim report for the
six months to 30 June 2005 was published on 6 September 2005 and the accounts
for the year ended 31 December 2005 were published on 25 April 2006.


2. Basis of preparation


These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards and IFRIC interpretations endorsed by the
European Union (EU) and with those parts of the Companies Act, 1985 applicable
to companies reporting under IFRS. The financial statements have been prepared
under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of
derivative financial instruments at fair value through the income statement and
in accordance with applicable International Accounting Standards.


These financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the 2005 annual report and accounts.


Change in accounting policies

There was a change in the Group accounting policy in respect of employee
benefits following the issue of June 2005 interim report. The Group adopted the
corridor method for accounting for actuarial gains and losses in its June 2005
interim report. In the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2005, it
adopted the alternative method of immediate recognition of the movement in the
actuarial gains and losses. The retained earnings at 1 January 2005 in the 2006
interim report have therefore been restated to account for the immediate
recognition of the cumulative actuarial gains and losses and deferred tax on
actuarial gains and losses.


3. Critical accounting estimates and judgements

Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical
experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.


Critical accounting estimates and assumptions

The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting
accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual
results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing
a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within
the next financial year are discussed below.


Estimated impairment of goodwill

The Group tests annually whether goodwill has suffered any impairment or more
frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate a potential
impairment, in accordance with its accounting policy. The recoverable amounts
of cash-generating units have been determined based on value-in-use
calculations. These calculations require the use of estimates (see Note 9).


If the actual gross margin had been higher or the pre-tax discount rate lower
than management's estimates, the Group would not be able to reverse any
impairment losses that arose on goodwill.



Notes to the consolidated interim financial statements (continued)



4. Other expenses / (income)



                                                          Half  Half     Year
                                                          year  year         
                                                            30    30 December
                                                          June  June         
                                                          2006  2005         
                                                         �'000 �'000         
Profit on sale of surplus land (see below)                   - 1,437    1,437
(Expense) / income arising from the cash flow hedging of                     
foreign currency purchases during the period                                 
                                                         (431)   335    1,090
Recognition of financial (liabilities) / assets:                             
derivative financial instruments                                             
                                                         (545)   727      740
                                                         (976) 2,499    3,267


On 10 January 2005, the Group sold its vacant land in Northamptonshire for the
sum of �2,000,000 the carrying value of which at 31 December 2004 was �542,000,
incidental costs of disposal amounted to �21,000.




5. Taxation


                                                      Half      Half        Year
                                                      year      year            
                                                   30 June   30 June    December
                                                      2006      2005        2005
Analysis of (credit) / charge in period                                         
                                                     �'000     �'000       �'000
Current tax - continuing operations                                             
- Current year                                       (141)       797       1,027
- Adjustments in respect of prior year               (630)      (31)         125
- Double tax relief                                      -         -        (12)
Total UK current taxation                            (771)       766       1,140
Overseas current tax - continuing operations                                    
- Current year                                           -         -        (73)
- Adjustments in respect of prior year                  79      (17)        (11)
Total overseas current taxation                         79      (17)        (84)
Total current taxation (credit) / charged to         (692)       749       1,056
income statement                                                                
UK deferred tax - continuing operations                                         
Originating and reversal of timing differences       (366)       902       1,234
Adjustments in respect of prior year                     -         -        (82)
Total UK deferred taxation charged to income         (366)       902       1,152
                                                   (1,058)     1,651       2,208


                                                      Half      Half        Year
                                                      year      year            
                                                   30 June   30 June    December
                                                      2006      2005        2005
Tax on items charged / (credit) to equity                                       
                                                     �'000     �'000       �'000
Deferred tax charge / (credit) on actuarial gains      341         -       (576)
/ (losses)                                                                      
Deferred tax charge on share options                     4         -          60
Total current tax (credit) / charge                  (692)       749       1,056
Total deferred tax (credit) / charge                  (21)       902         636


Taxation for the half year to 30 June 2006 has been provided at the average
rate estimated to be applicable for the full year.



Notes to the consolidated interim financial statements (continued)



6. Discontinued operations


Closure of manufacturing operations

The directors decided in 2005 to close its manufacturing operations on the Isle
of Man, carried on by Ronaldsway Shoe Co. Limited. The company continued to
trade throughout the year and ceased trading in December 2005.


Closure of Portuguese warehouse operations

The directors have taken the decision to change the sourcing of product from
Europe to China and the Group's subsidiary Lambert Howarth Portugal Productos
Em Pele, Ceramicas, Vidro E Texteis Lda has been liquidated.


Closure of retail operations

The directors closed the retail operations of Orient Sourcing Services Limited
in 2005.


                                            Half year   Half year           Year
                                              30 June     30 June    31 December
Cash flows from discontinued operations          2006        2005           2005
                                                �'000       �'000          �'000
Net cash flows from operating activities            -     (1,000)          (790)
Net cash flows from investing activities            -       (159)          2,345
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents           -     (1,159)          1,555




7. Dividends


No interim dividend (2005: 3.5p per share) which will absorb �nil (2005: �
868,000) has been declared.




8. Earnings per share


The earnings per share has been calculated by dividing the loss for the period
by the average number of shares in issue during the period of 20,319,000 shares
(June 2005: 24,834,000 shares, December 2005: 24,526,000).


The Company has share options which are potentially ordinary shares. However,
the impact on the net loss of these potential ordinary shares is anti-dilutive.



Notes to the consolidated interim financial statements (continued)




9. Goodwill



Six months ended 30 June 2006                     
Opening net amount at 1 January 2006        14,824
Impairment (see below)                     (5,932)
Net book amount                              8,892
At 30 June 2006                                   
Cost                                        32,792
Accumulated amortisation and impairment   (23,900)
Net book amount                              8,892


The carrying amount of goodwill has been reduced to its recoverable amount
through the recognition of impairment losses against goodwill.  These losses
have been included in cost of goods in the income statement.


The goodwill impairment arose from the difficult trading conditions which have
faced the UK Homeware Accessories marketplace.


The recoverable amount for the cash-generating unit has been measured based on
a value in use calculation. A pre-tax discount rate of 14% was used in the
value in use calculation.


The carrying amounts of goodwill by segment are as follows:


         Footwear HomewareAccessories  June    Footwear    Homeware   June    Footwear    Homeware December
              and                      2006         and Accessories   2005         and Accessories     2005
      Accessories                           Accessories                    Accessories                     
                                      Group                          Group                            Group
            �'000               �'000             �'000                          �'000                     
                                      �'000                   �'000  �'000                   �'000    �'000
UK          8,663                   - 8,663       8,663      10,557 19,220       8,663       5,932   14,595
Spain           -                 229   229           -         229    229           -         229      229
            8,663                 229 8,892       8,663      10,786 19,449       8,663       6,161   14,824




The key assumptions in the value in use calculations were:

�         Budgeted revenue growth - to cap turnover at 75% levels.

Management believe the assumed improvements are reasonably achievable through
re-establishing market share lost.


�         The relative risk adjustment (or 'beta') applied discount rates to
reflect the risk inherent in Homeware companies. In determining the risk
adjusted discount rate, management have applied an adjustment for risk of such
companies relative to all other sectors on average determined using an average
of the beta's of comparable Homeware companies listed in the UK. The beta used
is 0.7 (which implies a risk adjusted pre-tax discount rate of 14%).


As noted earlier, there has been an impairment charged in the accounts in
respect of the Homeware Accessories division. As a result, the group is
required to disclose the key assumptions where it is believed that there may be
the possibility of a change that could cause a further impairment. The carrying
value of goodwill for UK Homeware Accessories has been fully written down at 30
June 2006 and no further impairment review will be required.







10. Assets classified as held for sale and included in disposal groups


On 21 August 2006, the Group sold its freehold property in Stockport for the
sum of �2,500,000, the carrying value of which at 30 June 2006 was �1,433,000.


On 13 February 2004, the Group entered into a contract to sell its properties
at Burnley for the sum of �1,100,000, the carrying value as at 30 June 2006 was
�447,000. The contractual completion date is expected to be 31 January 2007.




11. Reconciliation of amounts highlighted in these financial statements


(a)     (Loss) / profit before taxation and goodwill impairment


                                                  Half      Half        Year
                                                  year      year            
                                               30 June   30 June    December
                                                  2006      2005        2005
                                                 �'000     �'000       �'000
(Loss) / profit before taxation               (13,041)     5,186       2,383
Goodwill impairment                              5,932     1,490       6,115
(Loss) / profit before taxation and goodwill   (7,109)     6,676       8,498




(b)     Total charge for goodwill impairment and other expenses / (income)


                                                              Half      Half
                                                              year      year
                                                           30 June   30 June
                                                              2006      2005
                                                             �'000     �'000
Goodwill impairment                                          5,932     1,490
Other expenses / (income)                                      976   (2,499)
Total charge for goodwill impairment and other               6,908   (1,009)
expenses / (income)                                                         






12. This report has been sent to all shareholders.  Further copies will be
available to shareholders and members of the public from the Company's
registered office at 26 Manchester Square, London W1U 3PZ. Telephone number 020
7258 9988.




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