RNS Number:6205D
Jourdan PLC
11 September 2007

                                  Jourdan PLC
                          ("Jourdan" or the "Company")

     Preliminary Announcement of results for the 12 months to 30 June 2007

                              Chairman's Statement

Financial Results

A year of substantial progress. The major increase in profits and dividends, the
acquisition of two complementary businesses for cash, the successful disposal of
the investment in Howle Holdings plc and a considerable reduction in the Pension
Fund deficit. Although the difficult market conditions I predicted for the
second half continued to year end, full year sales increased by 18% to #27.5
million (2006: #23.2 million).  This includes a contribution of #3.9m from the
acquisitions of Clinipak and Prime Packaging during the year.  Operating profit
before amortisation of goodwill was #1,496,000 (2006: #1,187,000).  Changes
advised by the actuary in the assumptions for FRS17 contributed #129,000 of this

Profit before tax was #1,084,000 (2006: #826,000).  Earnings per share for the
year were 21.8p (2006: 16.7p).

The comparative figures for the year ended 30 June 2006 have been restated to
reflect the adoption of FRS 20.

I am pleased to announce that your Directors recommend a dividend of 8.0p per
share (2006: 5.0p) which it is proposed to pay on 9 November 2007 to members on
the register on 12 October 2007.

The highlight of the year was the acquisition of Clinipak (by Westfield Medical)
and Prime Packaging (by Nelsons).  These businesses will strengthen the Medical
Packaging and Printing businesses respectively.  Provisional acquisition costs
were #4,247,000 which was paid partly in cash (#3,604,000) and partly by
deferred consideration.  However, the companies had cash of #1,446,000 at the
time of the acquisition.  Clinipak has been absorbed seamlessly which is a
tribute to both management teams.  Nelsons is having some problems in absorbing
Prime Packaging primarily because of the transfer of manufacturing to Nelsons'
facilities, hiring of new employees and replacement of old skills.  Progress is
being made but is slower than planned.

Operating Companies

Suncrest, the manufacturer of fireplace suites, mantelpieces and electric fires,
continued to suffer from weakness in all markets.  Sales were lower than the
previous year and losses were incurred.  In order to improve manufacturing
efficiencies and reduce costs, the fire and Corby trouser press assembly lines
have been consolidated into the main facility at Peterlee thus releasing a
42,000 sq foot freehold factory which has been placed on the market. The
management is confident the newly designed Peterlee facility has sufficient
capacity to cope with the higher volumes planned for the current year.

Corby, the internationally renowned manufacturer of trouser presses, achieved
slightly lower profits on marginally increased sales as the weakness of the yen
and the US dollar had an adverse impact on profitability in its target markets.
Corby's vacated long leasehold factory at Andover is being used by the sales,
marketing and administration departments prior to its disposal and their move to
smaller premises.

Westfield Medical, a leading manufacturer and supplier of single-use
sterilisation packaging material to the medical and healthcare industry,
achieved better sales and profits for the year.  The acquisition of Clinipak in
September has benefited both businesses and strengthened export sales.

Nelsons Labels, which manufactures and sells a variety of fabric-based labels
for mattresses, carpets and upholstery, had another disappointing year.  The
acquisition of Prime Packaging in March and the subsequent consolidation of both
businesses into the Nelsons factory had a beneficial impact on sales but a
negative one on profits owing to closure costs and redundancies were effected.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The long term recovery at Jourdan continues, yet the Group faces a range of
risks and uncertainties across the different operating businesses, as well as at
a Group level.

Suncrest and Corby share a number of common features and face similar
challenges.  Production is now concentrated in one factory in Peterlee, and the
challenge of maintaining and improving production efficiencies continues.  In
common with the majority of UK manufacturing businesses, we are now dealing with
managing longer and more complex supply chains as we seek to source greater
proportions of our raw material requirements from lower cost economies.  Both
Suncrest and Corby are also in an environment where continued investment in
product development is essential if these businesses are to prosper and operate
with the risks and benefits of a small number of large customers.

Nelsons is a niche producer in its chosen markets.  Its principal risks and
uncertainties relate to the ongoing realignment of production facilities amongst
the major customer manufacturing groups (with consequent changes in demand
levels), together with varying levels of retail demand for the end products of
which Nelsons Labels forms a part.

At Westfield, the fulfillment of customer expectations whilst maintaining
margins and production efficiencies presents a number of challenges, albeit ones
that we are meeting.  In the medium term, the funding allocated by Government to
the various NHS Trusts, which form a key element of Westfield's customer base,
is integral to continued success.

At Group level, the principal uncertainty relates to the Group's defined benefit
pension fund and in particular to the impact of any future changes in actuarial
assumptions.  As noted elsewhere in this statement, the Board is continuing to
review the Fund and developments in the pension area.

Key performance indicators

In managing the various operating companies, Group management regards turnover
(both order intake and goods despatched), contribution and cash collected as the
key benchmarks of performance.

International Financial Reporting Standards

The Board is continuing to assess the likely impact of IFRS on its reported
results, in readiness for implementation next year.

Group Pensions

The Fund currently has 17 active members, reduced from 25 last year.  During the
year the Company issued 160,000 ordinary shares to the Pension Fund for a value
of #420,000 as well as putting in contributions of #375,000 in cash. This total
of #795,000 is equivalent to c. 3.5% of Jourdan sales!  The deficit in the
pension fund has reduced to #1,061.000 compared with #2,236,000 at 30 June 2006.
Your Board will continue to review the Fund in the light of current legislation
under the Pensions Act 2004.


Our 312 employees have worked exceptionally hard to achieve these results in
difficult market conditions. Their skill and motivation is essential to
Jourdan's success, and we thank them all.


The financial position of the Group continues to be strong.  Year end debt, in
the form of a secured bank overdraft, increased by only #549,000 over the year
to #3,401,000, despite the acquisition for a net #2,158,000 cash of two
companies. The current year has started extremely well with sales and profits
ahead of both Budget and last year after the first two months. However, the
current turbulence in the financial markets can only have an adverse impact on
our customers, particularly those in the housebuilding and retail industries.
Suncrest is particularly vulnerable as it is dependent on a small number of very
large customers but to date is trading strongly. Nelsons continues to be
affected by the integration of Prime Packaging.  The enlarged Westfield Medical
goes from strength to strength.

Your Directors' confidence in the future is reflected in the increased dividend
payment which, on normal criteria, is covered roughly three times by earnings.

J D Abell
11 September 2007

David Abell                                                Tel: 01476 403 459

Jourdan Plc                     
Russell Cook/Carl Holmes                                   Tel: 020 7149 6000
Charles Stanley Securities (Nominated Adviser and Broker)

Group Profit Statement

                                                  Year ended                          Year ended
                                                 30 June 2007                       30 June 2006
                                      operations     Acquisitions
                                           #000s            #000s        #000s             #000s

Turnover                                  23,592            3,880       27,472            23,187

Cost of sales                           (16,054)          (2,530)     (18,584)          (15,493)

Gross profit                               7,538            1,350        8,888             7,694

Net operating expenses                   (6,414)            (978)      (7,392)           (6,507)

Amortisation of goodwill                   (301)             (47)        (348)             (301)

                                         (6,715)          (1,025)      (7,740)           (6,808)

Operating profit                             823              325        1,148               886

Provisions against investments                                               -               240

Profit on sale of investment                                               197                 -

Profit on ordinary activities                                            1,345             1,126
before interest

Net interest                                                             (261)             (300)

Profit on ordinary activities                                            1,084               826
before tax

Tax on profit on ordinary                                                (377)             (286)

Profit on ordinary activities                                              707               540
after tax

Earnings per share
- basic                                                                  21.8p             16.7p
- diluted                                                                21.8p             16.7p

Group Balance Sheet

                                                                         As at         As at
                                                                  30 June 2007  30 June 2006
                                                                         #000s         #000s
Fixed assets

Intangible assets                                                        5,692         4,190
Tangible assets                                                          2,137         3,767
Investments                                                                  -           416
                                                                         7,829         8,373

Current assets
Property held for resale                                                 1,781           279
Stocks                                                                   3,522         2,920
Debtors                                                                  5,146         4,080
Cash at bank                                                                 -             -

                                                                        10,449         7,279

Creditors:  amounts falling due within one year                        (9,387)       (7,532)

Net current assets/(liabilities)                                         1,062         (253)

Total assets less current liabilities                                    8,891         8,120

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year                  (224)             -

Provisions for liabilities                                               (150)         (206)

Net assets excluding pension liability                                   8,517         7,914

Pension liability                                                      (1,061)       (2,236)

Net assets including pension liability                                   7,456         5,678

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                  3,400         3,240
Share premium                                                              260             -
Other reserves                                                           3,145         3,145
Profit and loss account                                                    651         (707)

Equity shareholders' funds                                               7,456         5,678

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                                                        Year ended        Year ended
                                                                      30 June 2007      30 June 2006
                                                                             #000s             #000s

Profit for the year                                                            707               540

Actuarial gain in respect of the defined benefit scheme                        747             1,052

Total recognised gains relating to the year                                  1,454             1,592

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

Profit for the year                                                            707               540

New share capital issued                                                       420                 -

Actuarial gain in respect of the defined benefit scheme                        747             1,052

Dividends                                                                    (162)                 -

Credit relating to issue of share options                                       66                46

Increase in shareholders' funds                                              1,778             1,638

Opening shareholders' funds                                                  5,678             4,040

Closing shareholders'  funds                                                 7,456             5,678

Group Cash Flow Statement

                                                     Year ended                    Year ended
                                                    30 June 2007                  30 June 2006
                                                    #000s           #000s          #000s          #000s

Net cash inflow from operating activities                           1,941                         1,455

Returns on investment and servicing of

Interest paid                                                       (274)                         (229)

Taxation paid                                                       (321)                         (157)

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible assets                         (219)                           (97)
Sale of tangible assets                                31                             16
Sale of investments                                   613             425              -           (81)

                                                                    1,771                           988
Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings                            (2,158)                             -
(excluding cash acquired of #1,446,000)

Equity dividends paid                                               (162)                             -

Net cash inflow before financing                                    (549)                           988


Bank Loan                                                               -                         (367)

(Increase)/reduction in net overdraft                               (549)                           621

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities

                                                              Year ended                     Year ended
                                                            30 June 2007                   30 June 2006
                                                                   #000s                          #000s
Operating profit                                                   1,148                            886
Depreciation on tangible fixed assets                                529                            523
Other non cash movements (including                                  214                            272
goodwill amortisation)
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                                        121                          (157)
Increase in debtors                                                (207)                           (70)
Increase in creditors                                                136                              1

Net cash inflow from continuing activities                         1,941                          1,455

Contribution of acquisitions to Group Cashflow from operating activities

In the period following acquisition, Clinipak Limited contributed #380,000 to 
group net cash inflow from continuing activities and no material impact on any 
other categories of cashflow.

As a result of a post acquisition reorganisation, it is not possible to identify 
separately the contribution to cashflow from continuing activities attributable 
to Prime Packaging Limited.


1     This statement has been prepared using accounting policies and
presentation consistent with those applied in the preparation of the statutory
accounts of the Group. These figures have been prepared in accordance with
applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards, up to and including FRS 28, and
under the historical cost convention. The principal accounting policies remain
unchanged from the previous period, except for the adoption of FRS20 "Share
Based Payments". The prior year figures have been restated to reflect the
adoption of this standard by a charge of #46,000 through the profit and loss
account. There is no impact on net assets or cash flows as a result of this

2     Basic earnings per share has been calculated on the weighted average
number of shares in issue during the year of 3,240,886 and diluted earnings per
share using 3,240,886. The calculations in respect of 2006 have been restated to
take account of FRS20.

3     For the purpose of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 this announcement
constitutes non-statutory accounts. No statutory accounts dealing with the year
ended 30 June 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies nor been
reported on by the auditor. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2006
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and reported on by the
auditor, receiving an unqualified opinion.

4     Copies of the Annual Report will be sent to shareholders shortly and
copies will also be available from the registered office, Elm House, Elmer
Street North, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 6RE.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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