RNS Number:3282O
Indigo Vision Group PLC
7 December 2001

                                                             7th December 2001

                            INDIGOVISION GROUP PLC

                            Quarter 1 2002 Results


  * First quarter revenues up 23%;
  * Royalty revenues have commenced;
  * Gross profit margin up again to 59%;
  * Loss before tax #2m, up from #1.4m;
  * Net cash #30m at quarter end;
  * Further product licence concluded with Ultrak;
  * Partnerships concluded with

    -          Richardson Electronics (USA and EU)
    -          DNA Sensormatic (South Africa)
    -          Ramtech (USA)
    -          Elsag (Italy)
    -          ISS Camera Watch

  * Strong start to second quarter.


"The first quarter results were satisfactory, given the temporary slowdown in
capital spend commitment in quarter one which we signalled at the last year
end.  This is now abating, with a strong start to the second quarter, which we
expect to show accelerating growth.

The level of interest in licensing continues to grow and partners are winning
an increasing number of projects utilizing our world leading technology".

For further information please contact:

Oliver Vellacott, Chief Executive
Alan Bennie, Finance Director
Tel: 0131 475 7200

Olivia Cundy
Financial Dynamics
Tel: 020 7831 3113

                    Results for the three month period to
                               31 October 2001

Chairman's Statement

At the last year end, we indicated that we expected a weak first quarter as a
result of a slow down in capital spend commitments in the light of poorer
economic conditions and world events.  In the event, the first quarter
produced revenue growth of a relatively modest 23% followed by a strong start
to the second quarter, in which we now expect an accelerating rate of growth.
In the quarter, revenues, gross margins and platform shipments all improved,
and the important milestone of billing the first royalties from licences
previously signed was passed.  Good progress was also made in the development
of discussions with a record number of potential licencees, in product
launches and engineering development, and in particular on signing up partners
at distributor and integrator level.


Turnover in the quarter to 31 October 2001 was #0.3m, a 23% increase over the
same period last year. During the quarter strong demand was experienced from
the Security Surveillance and Monitoring sector for VideoBridge platform
product. Platform sales accounted for 57% of total revenue in the quarter and
a new record was set for the number of units shipped. The expansion in
Development and Sales & Marketing operations experienced through the previous
financial year has now slowed in line with a lower rate of employee additions.
Total operating costs in the quarter were #2.6m, 28% higher than the previous
year (Q1 2001: #2.0m) but comparable to Q4 2001: (#2.8m). The resultant
operating loss was #2.4m compared to #1.9m in Q1 2001. Interest earnings of #
0.3m reduced the operating loss before taxation to #2.1m (Q1 2001: #1.4m).

A further product development and licence agreement was concluded in October
2001 with Ultrak. Licence revenue from this agreement will not be recognised
until the completion by IndigoVision in January 2002 of the development work
to create the new product design. Licence related revenue in the quarter
included for the first time, royalties from product licences. Maintenance of
licensed software, development consultancy and software development toolkit
sales all contributed strongly in the quarter and accounted for 43% of total

Gross profit margin was 59% (Q1 2001: 54%) and continued the improving trend
resulting from higher margin product platform sales and the increasing
proportion of license related revenue.

Research and development expenditure increased to #0.7m (Q1 2001: #0.4m)
reflecting the doubling of headcount over the previous year. Engineering
recruitment has now slowed and the recruitment plan is targeted at a number of
key skills and positions.  Other operating overhead was #1.9m (Q1 2001: 1.6m)
and results from a flattening of spend in Sales and Marketing with recruitment
now restricted to specific geographic territories.

The cash balance at 31 October 2001 was #30.0 (2001: #36.8m) and represents a
#2.3m reduction over the quarter.

License agreements

The additional agreement signed with Ultrak in the quarter adds a further
VideoBridge-enabled product to the suite of seven already introduced by Ultrak
since July 2001. The speed of product introduction achieved by Ultrak and
IndigoVision's other licensed partners further demonstrates the significant
reduction in the lead-time to market that can be achieved using the
VideoBridge licence offering.  A significant strength of the licence offering
is its completeness in addressing all aspects of reduction in time to market
lead-time. In the quarter two licensed partners elected to benefit from the "
fast-track" manufacturing programme aspect of the offering which provides
access to a qualified manufacturing source, proven test processes,
consolidated component procurement pricing and finished product OEM branding.

Product developments

VideoBridge Web Server has been released and, for the first time, enables any
existing analogue CCTV camera or camera system to be connected to the Internet
and accessed via any web browser. Using the Web Server product, CCTV systems
that were previously "closed" can now be viewed, subject to in-built security
and authentication provisions, anywhere in the world using a conventional web

Engineering developments

The predicted exponential growth in live networked video devices will be
enabled through low cost, highly integrated camera product platforms. These
platforms will be powered by next generation System on a Chip (SoC) for ultra
low cost product applications or Digital Signal Processors (DSP) chips where
application flexibility may be maximised through software. During the quarter
IndigoVision's  MainstreamTM MPEG4 simple profile codec completed verification
and is now released as a licensable technology for incorporation by chip
manufacturers into system on a chip (SOC) designs. DSP solutions remain on our
technology roadmap but have not yet been completed to a licensable offering.

Mainstream is implemented in silicon hardware and is a world leading
technology. The technology is now being offered to chip manufacturers to
license to enable them to provide the chips to power live networked video
devices. We would expect to conclude opportunities to licence Mainstream for
other multimedia chip applications under separate partnering arrangements.

Partner programme

The IndigoVision partner programme launched in October has already begun to
yield benefits. New partners have joined at distributor and integrator levels
and will accelerate the growth in the take up of VideoBridge. Significant
partners signed at distributor level included Richardson Electronics (USA and
EU) and DNA Sensormatic (South Africa). At integrator level Ramtech (USA), ISS
Camera Watch (USA), Elsag (Italy) also joined the partner programme.

In the quarter, partners from the integrator group won significant projects to
use VideoBridge products including the implementation of a live networked
video system over the length of the Panama Canal and a project to provide
distance-learning opportunities to school children over the entire state of
Mississippi. The Mississippi state project is particularly significant in that
it provides further demonstration of multi media applications of VideoBridge
beyond the Security, Surveillance and Monitoring sector. Mississippi is one of
the poorest states in the US and suffers from a chronic teacher shortage,
particularly in specialist areas. The distance-learning project will provide
pupils with video and audio access using VideoBridge products. Pupils from any
school in the state will be able to participate in classes hosted at any other
school in the state.


The development of Indigo's business is going well, particularly when viewed
against economic conditions and turbulence in technology markets, and we are
already seeing the benefits of improving our focus internally on targeting
specific market segments and concentrating management effort on improving
execution.  The rate of activity is higher than at any time in the company's

Although first quarter revenues were a relatively modest 23% up, the strong
start we have had to the second quarter augurs well for a markedly
accelerating rate of growth in revenues and a good first half overall.  We
continue to view the outlook for the year with confidence.

Hamish Grossart
7th December 2001

Consolidated profit and loss account
For the 3 months to 31 October 2001

                               Note  3 months to 31  3 months to 31  Year to 31
                                            October         October        July
                                               2001            2000        2001
                                          unaudited       unaudited     Audited
                                               #000            #000        #000

Turnover                                        345             280       1,809
Cost of sales                                   143             130       (779)
Gross profit                                    202             150       1,030

Research and development                      (730)           (439)     (2,007)
Other operating overhead                    (1,879)         (1,594)     (6,804)
Other operating income                     -               -             -
Operating loss                              (2,407)         (1,883)     (7,781)

Bank interest receivable                        356             506       1,922
Interest payable and similar                    (3)             (4)        (14)
Loss on ordinary activities                 (2,054)         (1,381)     (5,873)
before taxation
Tax on loss on ordinary                    -               -             -
Retained loss for the period                (2,054)         (1,381)     (5,873)

Loss per ordinary share         4

Basic loss per share                        (2.99p)         (2.02p)     (8.57p)
Diluted loss per share                      (2.72p)         (1.83p)     (7.82p)

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses (unaudited)
For the 3 months ended 31 October 2001

                                      3 months to 31  3 months to 31 Year to 31
                                             October         October       July
                                                2001            2000       2001
                                           unaudited       unaudited Audited
                                                #000            #000       #000

Loss for the period                          (2,054)         (1,381)    (5,873)

Loss on foreign currency translation               -               -       (17)
Total recognised gains and losses            (2,054)         (1,381)    (5,890)
relating to the period

Consolidated balance sheet (unaudited)
at 31 October  2001

                              As at 31 October As at 31        As at 31 July
                                    2001            2000             2001

                                 unaudited        unaudited        Audited

                         Note  #000     #000    #000    #000    #000     #000

Fixed assets

Tangible assets                            255             111              228
Investments                                  -              30                -
                                           255             141              228
Current assets

Stocks                            649              259             366
Debtors                         1,038              757           1,191
Cash at bank and in hand       30,025           36,842          32,359
                               31,712           37,858          33,916
Creditors: amounts
falling due within one
year                          (1,436)          (1,338)         (1,739)
Net current assets                      30,276          36,520           32,177

Total assets less                       30,531          36,661           32,405
current liabilities
Creditors: amounts
falling due after more
than one year                             (90)           (148)            (102)
Deferred income                           (89)            (19)                -

Provisions for                            (63)            (39)             (59)
liabilities and charges
Net assets                              30,289          36,455           32,244

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                  6,849           6,849            6,849
Share premium account     5             28,849          28,849           28,849
Other reserve                            8,563           8,563            8,563
Profit and loss account   5           (13,972)         (7,806)         (12,017)

Shareholders' funds -                   30,289          36,455           32,244

Consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited)
For the 3 months to 31 October 2001

                                    6 months to   6 months to    Year to
                                     31 October     31 October      31 July

                                        2001           2000           2001

                                     unaudited      unaudited       Audited

Cash flow statement           Note  #000   #000    #000   #000    #000   #000

Cash outflow from operating    6          (3,095)        (1,540)        (7,204)
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                   1,044            506          1,922
Interest paid                         (7)            (5)           (14)

                                            1,037            501          1,908
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed           (90)           (21)          (201)
Realisation of investments              -              -             30
                                             (90)           (21)          (171)
Cash outflow before
management of liquid
resources and financing                   (2,148)        (1,060)        (5,467)

Issue of ordinary share            35,456         35,456         35,456
Repayment of loans                   (38)           (19)           (77)
Repayment of capital element          (3)            (2)            (3)
of finance leases
                                           35,415         35,435         35,376
Increase/(decrease) in cash                33,267         34,375         29,909
in the period
Reconciliation of net cash
flow to movement in net funds  7
Increase/(decrease) in cash               (2,334)         34,375         29,909
in the period
Cash (outflow)/inflow from
(decrease)/increase in debt
and lease financing                            20             21             80
Translation adjustment                                                     (17)
Movement in net funds in the              (2,314)         34,396         29,972
Net funds at the start of the              32,209          2,237          2,237
Net funds at the end of the                29,895         36,633         32,209


1.            This report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the annual report for the year ended 31 July 2001.

2.            This report was approved by the board of directors on 6 December

3.            The comparative figures for the period ended 31 October 2001 are
not the company's statutory accounts for that period. The comparative figures
for the financial year ended 31 July 2001 are extracted from the full accounts
for that year. Those accounts received an unqualified audit report and have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

4.            Loss per share

Loss per share is calculated as follows:

                                         Three months   Three months    Year to
                                                   to             to
                                           31 October     31 October    31 July
                                                 2001           2000       2001
                                                 #000           #000       #000

Loss for the period                           (2,054)        (1,381)    (5,873)

                                               Number         Number     Number
Weighted average number of shares in
              For basic loss per share     68,493,520     68,493,520 68,493,520
                   Shares under option      6,829,600      6,870,100  6,558,504
            For diluted loss per share     75,323,120     75,363,620 75,052,024

Basic loss per share                          (2.99p)        (2.02p)    (8.57p)

Diluted loss per share                        (2.72p)        (1.83p)    (7.82p)

5.              Share premium and reserves

                                       Share Premium      Other   Profit & Loss
                                             Account    reserve         Account
                                                #000       #000            #000

At beginning of period                        28,849      8,563        (12,017)

Retained loss for period                           -          -         (2,054)
Premium on shares issued during                    -          -               -
period less expenses
Share options charge per UITF 17                   -          -              99
Currency exchange movements                        -          -               -
At end of period                              28,849      8,563        (13,972)

6.            Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flows

                                             Three months  Three months Year to
                                                       to            to
                                               31 October    31 October 31 July
                                                     2001          2000    2001
                                                     #000          #000    #000

Operating loss                                    (2,407)       (1,883) (7,781)
Depreciation                                           29            16      79
(Increase) in stocks                                (283)         (123)   (230)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                        153         (294)   (728)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors and                (206)           627   1,036
Share option charges                                   99            99     396
Amortisation of capital grant                           -             -     (1)
Movement in provisions                                  4            18      25
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating
activities                                         (2,611)       (1,540) (7,204)

7.              Analysis of net debt

                                                    Other non cash
                       At 1 August Cash flow                              At 31
                              2001                                         2001
                              #000      #000                  #000         #000

Cash in hand and at         32,359   (2,334)                             30,025
Debt due after one           (102)                              12         (90)
Debt due within one           (48)        20                  (12)         (40)
Finance leases                   -
Total                       32,209   (2,314)                     -       29,895

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