RNS Number:3901Z
IndigoVision Group PLC
07 March 2006

7 March 2006

                    IndigoVision Group plc ("IndigoVision")

                 Results for the six months to 31 January 2006


Financial Highlights
*    Turnover up 132% to #2.98m
*    Product revenues up 95% to #2.48m
*    Gross margin improved from 56% to 68%
*    Maiden operating profit of #0.15m, an improvement of #1.38m on last year

Operating Highlights
*    Product revenue growth in all markets;
     - APAC up 446%
     - EMEA up 104%
     - Americas up 25%
*    Sales coverage broadened;
     - representative offices established in France and Malaysia
     - direct sales force expanded and strengthened
*    Product range greatly improved;
     - powerful real time video analytics introduced
     - IP video dome cameras launched
*    Major installations grow in number;
     - Turin Winter Olympics 2006
     - 21st airport project worldwide
     - plus numerous projects in our other key markets: ports, rail, road, air,
       banking, casinos, universities, industrial, mining, government, prisons, 
       police, military and schools

Oliver Vellacott, Chief Executive, said:

"The first six months of this year have produced rapid revenue growth,
substantial gross margin improvement and a maiden operating profit earlier than
expected.  More importantly the quality and range that we offer has been taken
to another level, and our products are now demonstrably becoming the technology
of choice.  The shift in our markets from analogue to IP is accelerating.  We
therefore expect growth to continue apace."

Notes to Editors

About IndigoVision

IndigoVision provides complete end-to-end enterprise-class video and alarm
management solutions. IndigoVision has developed and owns all its technology,
including a rich suite of hardware products and the associated complete system
management software.

IndigoVision's 'Control Center' software is a complete enterprise-class digital
video and alarm management system, including full administration, live
monitoring, and incident investigation tools. This software drives a suite of
hardware products which connect traditional analogue cameras, monitors and
alarms to the network, and which record and playback video over the network to
any location. IndigoVision also has a range of sophisticated analytic tools that
semi-automate the processes of detecting incidents in both live and recorded
video. The system locates possible incidents, freeing up human operator resource
to verify those incidents.

IndigoVision partners with local integrators and installers to deploy systems to
end users. These solutions deliver excellent video and audio, markedly reduce
storage costs, and enable super-fast access to recorded footage.

IndigoVision is headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Enquiries to:

IndigoVision plc          Oliver Vellacott  CEO     ++44 (0) 131 475 7200
                          Marcus Kneen      CFO

                 Results for the six months to 31 January 2006

Chairman's Statement

The last six months have seen continued strong growth in sales and gross margin
as a result of further growth in the sales team, and further market-leading
developments of the product range.  The market for IP Video continues to grow at
an increasing rate.


Turnover for the six months to 31 January 2006 increased by 132% to #2.98m (2005
3/4#1.29m).  Product revenue increased by 95% to #2.48m and licensing income
increased to #0.50m.  Product revenue accounted for five sixths of turnover.
The geographical split of revenues was Europe, Middle East and Africa: 53% (2005
3/461%), Americas: 18% (20053/433%), Asia: 12% (20053/45%) and licensing and
royalty: 17% (20053/41%).  Europe, Middle East and Africa achieved year on year
growth in product sales of 104%, Americas 25%, and Asia 446%.

Gross margin percentage increased to 68% (20053/456%).  Part of this improvement
was as a result of the increase in licensing income as a proportion of turnover,
and part to an increase in the gross margin achieved on products as production
volumes increased.  The higher sales and improved gross margin percentage
resulted in the overall gross margin increasing almost threefold to #2.02m.
Year on year operating costs were reduced by 4% to #1.87m (20053/4#1.95m).
Within overhead is a shift in resource in support of sales and future sales
growth, and an increase in overall headcount from 44 to 50.  As a result of this
improvement in sales and gross margin and the continuing close control of costs,
IndigoVision achieved its first operating profit for a six month period a little
earlier than we expected.  Operating profit was #0.15m, an improvement of #1.38m
over the operating loss sustained in the first half of last year.  After
interest income, profit before taxation was #0.18m.

For the first time, IndigoVision achieved positive operating cash flow over a
six month period.  Operating cash flow amounted to #0.20m for the six months to
31 January 2006, compared with an outflow of #1.84m in the corresponding period
last year.  The net cash position at 31 January 2006 was #1.39m (20053/4#1.89m).
Net cash at the last year end, 31 July 2005, was #1.13m.


The first six months have seen a great deal of activity to provide the building
blocks for continuing growth.  There are now over 1,000 installations of
IndigoVision technology worldwide, and through its sales network IndigoVision
serves over 100 system integrators and installer partners across the world.
IndigoVision solutions for security and monitoring applications are now
operating successfully in a broad spectrum of infrastructure and commercial
activities, including ports, rail, road, air, banking, casinos, university
campuses, industrial, mining, government, prisons, police, the military and
schools.  During the period the 21st airport project worldwide was won.  The
backbone of the entire security system for both the recent 2006 Winter Olympics
in Turin and the 2004 Olympics in Athens were IndigoVision.

This breadth of penetration is a good start to developing the potential of the
business.  During the half year new representative offices were established in
France and Malaysia.  The direct sales force was further expanded and
strengthened.  Further development of the selling network will continue but at a
pace consistent with a self imposed requirement to fund growth from internally
generated funds.

Excellent progress was made during the half year on the continuing programme of
developing the range and quality of products and applications.  Product
developments include the introduction of powerful real-time video analytics and
the launch of IP video dome cameras, both of which have received a very positive
response from installers and end users.  Investment in product development will
continue to maintain IndigoVision's strong competitive position.

The market for IndigoVision is clearly growing.  The rate of increase in sales,
the increasing number of enquiries, and the substantial growth in the pipeline
of potential future business all point to significant acceleration in the rate
at which this technology is being adopted at the expense of older, clumsier, and
less efficient solutions.  This augurs well for the continuing development of
the business.

Current trading and outlook

The first half of the year has seen excellent progress for IndigoVision.  Aside
from the improved results, much has been achieved in strengthening the product
range and sales force and in creating a much greater pipeline of potential
future business.  Achieving better than breakeven and a positive operating cash
flow is an important milestone, but further improvements are still required.
Once the business is achieving consistent and growing profits and cash
generation, a more aggressive rate of expenditure on future growth will be
possible.  We expect to make further progress towards this objective over the
next eighteen months.

Trading since the half year end is well ahead of the corresponding period last
year, and we are expecting good growth in the second half as a whole as the
increased sales resource takes effect.  Looking forward, as larger contracts are
won, it is likely that there will be some gross margin reduction.  The focus on
careful control of costs will continue, but we expect overheads for the year as
a whole to be higher than last year, as the impact of continuing to expand the
sales network takes effect.

The Board remains confident that the long-term future for IndigoVision is
attractive.  The business has positioned its technology intelligently and
practically, and its market is likely to continue to grow quickly as an
increasing number of users realise the operational and financial benefits of
moving from analogue to IP video.  This confidence is underpinned by the quality
of end user, the growing installed base, and the strong competitive position
that IndigoVision has now established.

06 March 2006

Consolidated profit and loss account
For the 6 months to 31 January 2006
                                              Note       6 months to       6 months to      Year to 31 July
                                                          31 January        31 January                 2005
                                                                2006              2005
                                                           Unaudited         Unaudited              Audited
                                                                #000              #000                 #000

Turnover                                                       2,978             1,285                3,605

Cost of sales                                                  (958)             (569)              (1,549)

Gross profit                                                   2,020               716                2,056

Research and development expenditure                           (617)             (777)              (1,447)
Other administrative expenses                                (1,249)           (1,168)              (2,613)

Operating profit / (loss)                                        154           (1,229)              (2,004)

Interest receivable and similar income                            25                68                  102

Interest payable and similar charges                               -               (1)                  (1)

Profit / (loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation                                                  179           (1,162)              (1,903)
Tax on profit / (loss) on ordinary
activities                                                        87                87                   87

Retained profit / (loss) for the period                          266           (1,075)              (1,816)

Profit / (loss) per ordinary share             3
Basic profit / (loss) per share                                3.84p          (15.53p)             (26.23p)
Diluted profit per share                                       3.41p                 -                    -

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
For the 6 months to 31 January 2006
                                                        6 months to       6 months to       Year to 31 July
                                                         31 January        31 January                  2005
                                                               2006              2005
                                                          Unaudited         Unaudited               Audited
                                                               #000              #000                  #000

Profit / (loss) for the period                                  266           (1,075)               (1,816)
Loss on foreign currency translation                           (28)               (5)                     -

Total recognised gains and (losses)
relating to the period                                          238           (1,080)               (1,816)

Consolidated balance sheet
at 31 January 2006
                                   As at 31 January         As at 31 January         As at 31 July
                                         2006                     2005                     2005
                                       Unaudited                Unaudited                Audited
                            Note     #000      #000          #000       #000          #000       #000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                 155                      173                       159

Current assets
Stocks                                532                     518                      353
Debtors                             1,251                   1,008                    1,430
Cash at bank and in hand            1,388                   1,894                    1,132
                                    3,171                   3,420                    2,915

Creditors: amounts
falling due within one
year                                (864)                   (633)                    (850)

Net current assets                            2,307                    2,787                     2,065

Total assets less
current liabilities                           2,462                    2,960                     2,224

Provisions for
liabilities and charges                        (75)                     (75)                      (75)

Net assets                                    2,387                    2,885                     2,149

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                          69                       69                        69
Share premium account      4                 23,972                   23,972                    23,972
Other reserve              4                  8,563                    8,563                     8,563
Profit and loss account    4               (30,217)                 (29,719)                  (30,455)

Shareholders' funds -
equity                                        2,387                    2,885                     2,149

Consolidated cash flow statement
For the 6 months to 31 January 2006

                                        6 months to 31          6 months to 31           Year to 31
                                         January 2006            January 2005             July 2005
                                           Unaudited               Unaudited              Audited
                               Note       #000       #000         #000      #000         #000       #000
Cash flow statement

Cash inflow / (outflow) from
operating activities            5                     196                (1,837)                 (2,692)

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                           25                      68                    102
Interest paid                                -                     (1)                    (1)

                                                       25                     67                     101
Taxation                                               87                      -                      87

Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed
assets                                               (24)                   (17)                    (41)

Cash inflow / (outflow)
before management of liquid
resources and financing                               284                (1,787)                 (2,545)

Repayment of loans                           -                    (19)                   (27)
Issue of share capital                       -                       1                      -
                                                        -                   (18)                    (27)

Increase / (decrease) in cash
in the period                                         284                (1,805)                 (2,572)

Reconciliation of net cash
flow to movement in net funds   6

Increase / (decrease) in cash
in the period                                         284                (1,805)                 (2,572)

Cash inflow/(outflow) from
increase/(decrease) in debt
and lease financing                                     -                     19                      28
Translation adjustment                               (28)                    (5)                       -

Movement in net funds in the
period                                                256                (1,791)                 (2,544)

Net funds at the start of the
period                                              1,132                  3,676                   3,676

Net funds at the end of the
period                                              1,388                  1,885                   1,132

Notes to the accounts:
1.   The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of 
     accounting policies consistent with those applied in the accounts for the 
     year ended 31 July 2005.  The information is unaudited and does not 
     comprise the statutory accounts of the group.  The statutory accounts of 
     IndigoVision Group plc for the year ended 31 July 2005 have been filed with 
     the registrar of companies.  KPMG Audit Plc have reported on the statutory 
     accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain any statement 
     under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.
2.   This report was approved by the board of directors on 6 March 2006.
3.   Profit / (loss) per ordinary share

Profit / (loss) per share is calculated as follows:
                                                     Six months to      Six months to             Year to
                                                   31 January 2006         31 January             31 July     
                                                                                 2005                2005
                                                              #000               #000                #000

Profit / (loss) for the period                                 266            (1,075)             (1,816)

                                                            Number             Number              Number
Weighted average number of shares

Basic weighted average shares in issue                   6,923,976          6,921,976           6,923,976

Potential ordinary shares on exercise of share
options                                                    872,100            631,500             559,100

Total number of shares                                   7,796,076          7,553,476           7,523,076

Basic profit / (loss) per share                              3.84p           (15.53p)            (26.23p)

Diluted profit per share                                     3.41p                  -                   -

4.   Share premium and reserves
                                                      Share Premium      Other reserve       Profit & Loss
                                                            Account                                Account
                                                               #000               #000                #000

At beginning of period                                       23,972              8,563            (30,455)
Retained profit for period                                        -                  -                 266
Currency exchange movements                                       -                  -                (28)

At end of period                                             23,972              8,563            (30,217)

5.   Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flows

                                                     Six months to      Six months to             Year to
                                                   31 January 2006         31 January             31 July     
                                                                                 2005                2005
                                                              #000               #000                #000

Operating profit / (loss)                                      154            (1,229)             (2,004)
Depreciation                                                    28                 38                  72
Foreign exchange adjustment on fixed assets                      -                  -                   5
Increase in stocks                                           (179)              (267)               (102)
Decrease/(Increase) in debtors                                 179                203               (306)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                                14              (582)               (357)

Net cash inflow / (outflow) from operating
activities                                                     196            (1,837)             (2,692)

6.   Analysis of net funds

                                     At 1 August         Cash flow         Other non        At 31 January
                                            2005                        cash changes                 2006
                                            #000              #000              #000                 #000
Cash in hand and at bank                   1,132               256                 -                1,388

Total                                      1,132               256                 -                1,388

7.   Copies of this statement will be sent to all shareholders and will be 
     available for at least one month from the registered office, Charles Darwin 
     House, The Edinburgh Technopole, Edinburgh, EH26 0PJ, UK.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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