RNS Number : 3926S

Ingenious Media Active Capital Ltd

23 September 2014

For immediate release

23 September 2014





Ingenious Media Active Capital Limited ("IMAC" or "the Company") today announces proposals for its voluntary winding-up in accordance with the Companies Law and the cancellation of Admission of its Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM (the "Proposals").

Full details of the Proposals are set out in the circular being posted to shareholders today (the "Circular"), which are subject to Shareholder approval, together with an explanation of why the Board of IMAC is recommending that shareholders vote in favour of the resolution, which will be proposed as a special resolution (the "Winding Up Resolution"), at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at 9.00 am on 22 October 2014 (the "Annual General Meeting" or "AGM") at Old Bank Chambers, La Grande Rue, St Martin's, Guernsey, GY4 6RT. In order to be passed, the Winding Up Resolution requires the approval of not less than 75 per cent. of the total voting rights of the Shareholders who, being entitled to do so, vote on the Winding Up Resolution and will be taken on a poll.

The notice convening the Annual General Meeting ("Notice") is included in the Circular. The Notice also includes the additional procedural resolutions which would ordinarily be proposed at the AGM (the "AGM Resolutions"). A quorum of two shareholders present in person or by proxy being entitled to vote is required for the AGM to be convened pursuant to the Articles of the Company. In the event that the Winding Up Resolution is approved, the AGM will adjourn indefinitely and the AGM Resolutions will not be put to the meeting.

The Circular contains the unanimous recommendation from the Directors that shareholders vote in favour of the Winding Up Resolution. The Board believes that approval of the Winding Up Resolution at the Annual General Meeting is in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole and unanimously recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the Winding Up Resolution at the Annual General Meeting as the Directors intend to in respect of the 42,182,395 IMAC Shares held by them, which represents approximately 29.46 per cent. of the issued and outstanding IMAC Shares as at the date of this announcement.

The anticipated dates and sequence of events relating to the implementation of the Proposals are set out below:

 Publication of the Circular including               23 September 2014 
  the Notice of AGM 
 Last time and date for receipt of Forms             by 9.00 am 20 October 
  of Proxy                                            2014 
 Closing of the Company's register and               5.30 pm 21 October 2014 
  Record Date for participation in the liquidation 
 Suspension of the Ordinary Shares from              7.30 am 22 October 2014 
  trading on AIM 
 Annual General Meeting                              9.00 am 22 October 2014 
 If approved at the Annual General Meeting: 
 Appointment of the Joint Liquidators                22 October 2014 
 Cancellation of the Ordinary Shares from            7.00 am 23 October 2014 
  trading on AIM 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 

(All references to time are to BST)

The Company also confirms that the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014 has been sent to Shareholders today.



   Patrick McKenna/Duncan Reid                                                     020 7319 4000 

Beaumont Cornish Limited

(Nominated Adviser and Broker)

Michael Cornish 020 7628 3396

Powerscourt Group

Carmen Murray 020 7324 0496

Copies of this announcement, the Circular and the 2014 Annual Report and Accounts are available from the Company's website, www.imaclimited.com

Set out below is the full text of the letter from the Chairman of the Company extracted without material amendment or adjustment from the Circular.



   1.            INTRODUCTION 

The Company today announced proposals for its voluntary winding-up in accordance with the Companies Law and the cancellation of Admission of its Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM (the "Proposals").

I am writing to provide you with details of the Proposals, which are subject to Shareholder approval and to explain why your Board is recommending that you vote in favour of the resolution, which will be proposed as a special resolution (the "Winding Up Resolution"), at the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at 9.00 am on 22 October 2014 (the "Annual General Meeting" or "AGM") at Old Bank Chambers, La Grande Rue, St Martin's, Guernsey, GY4 6RT. In order to be passed, the Winding Up Resolution requires the approval of not less than 75 per cent. of the total voting rights of the Shareholders who, being entitled to do so, vote on the Winding Up Resolution and will be taken on a poll.

You will find set out at the end of the document a notice convening the Annual General Meeting ("Notice"). The Notice also includes the additional procedural resolutions which would ordinarily be proposed at the AGM (the "AGM Resolutions"). A quorum of two shareholders present in person or by proxy being entitled to vote is required for the AGM to be convened pursuant to the Articles of the Company. In the event that the Winding Up Resolution is approved, the AGM will adjourn indefinitely and the AGM Resolutions will not be put to the meeting.

Your attention is drawn to section 10 below which contains the unanimous recommendation from the Directors that you vote in favour of the Winding Up Resolution. The Board believes that approval of the Winding Up Resolution at the Annual General Meeting is in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole and unanimously recommends that you vote in favour of the Winding Up Resolution at the Annual General Meeting as the Directors intend to in respect of the 42,182,395 IMAC Shares held by them, which represents approximately 29.46 per cent. of the issued and outstanding IMAC Shares as at the date of the document.


At the time of the Company's Admission in 2006, the economic environment presented opportunities to invest in a broad range of 'mid-stage', high growth companies within the media sector, in particular a new class of media companies, which the Company termed 'progressive media' companies. The Company's investment strategy on Admission anticipated that substantially all the funds raised on Admission would be invested or committed for investment within two years. However, due to market conditions, it was not feasible for the funds to be substantially invested while at the same time achieve a long-term return target of more than 15 per cent. per annum.

On the recommendation of the Investment Manager, the Company took the decision to make no new investments from the summer of 2008, anticipating the economic turbulence and with the aim of preserving investors' cash in the Company. On 12 May 2010 Shareholders approved certain changes to the Company's investment strategy including that the Company would not make any new investments, other than investments relating to its portfolio companies. Since then the Company has substantially disposed of its portfolio of investments and returned approximately GBP84.7 million to Shareholders.

Article 153 of the Articles requires the Directors to propose an ordinary resolution (requiring a simple majority of the total voting rights of Shareholders present (in person or proxy) and voting) at the AGM, being the annual general meeting of the Company falling in the eighth calendar year following Admission, asking Shareholders if the Company should continue as an investment company. As a result the Directors will, if the Winding Up Resolution fails, put this resolution to Shareholders as Resolution 4. The Directors and the Manager have consulted with the Company's major shareholders, who have expressed a preference for the Company to make no further investments and to return cash to the Shareholders. Accordingly, now that the portfolio has been substantially realised, the Board proposes to liquidate the Company and to return the remaining cash to Shareholders, and therefore is proposing the Winding Up Resolution. If the Winding Up Resolution is passed at the AGM, Resolution 4 will not be required.


If the Proposals are approved by Shareholders, the proposed Joint Liquidators of the Company will be appointed. The Joint Liquidators will then wind-up the Company by way of voluntary solvent liquidation in accordance with the Companies Law.

Shareholders should note that upon appointment of the Joint Liquidators, all powers of the Board will cease and the Joint Liquidators will be responsible for the affairs of the Company until it is formally wound up. There can be no certainty therefore as to the timing and amount of any distributions by the Joint Liquidators.

Following appointment, the Joint Liquidators will provide for the Company's liabilities including their own fees and expenses and establish a retention of an amount they consider appropriate to meet the Company's estimated costs and expenses whilst in liquidation (the "Retention"). The Investment Manager has advised the Board that the Retention is likely to be GBP103,393. For the avoidance of doubt, the Retention is a provision for, and not an addition to, the estimated costs and expenses set out in Section 4 below, which include the fees of the Joint Liquidators and those of the Company's advisers in connection with the winding-up, as well as other costs and expenses.

The Board, having consulted with the Investment Manager, has recommend to the proposed Joint Liquidators a first distribution, conditional on the approval by Shareholders of the Winding Up Resolution, of GBP6.7 million, equivalent to 4.6798 pence per Ordinary Share to Shareholders, leaving behind sufficient funds that the Board believes necessary to meet the Joint Liquidators' costs and expenses, settle expected future fees and operating costs and take the actions necessary to dispose of the Company's remaining investments (the "First Distribution").

While there can be no certainty that the Joint Liquidators will make the First Distribution, as the Joint Liquidators will be responsible for the affairs of the Company until it is formally wound up, the proposed Joint Liquidators have advised the Board that they currently intend to make the First Distribution during November 2014 to Shareholders on the register at 5.30pm on 21 October 2014 (the "Record Date").

Once the Joint Liquidators have subsequently realised the Company's remaining assets, principally comprising the Brand Events Loan Notes and the interest in Whizz Kid Entertainment Limited (detailed further in section 5 below), satisfied the claims of creditors of the Company and paid the costs and expenses of the winding-up, it is expected that the Joint Liquidators would make a final distribution of any distributable net proceeds (including any remaining Retention) among the Shareholders according to their respective rights and interests in the Company (the "Final Distribution"). All distributions will be paid by way of cheques drawn upon a UK clearing bank posted to the registered addresses of each Shareholder as at the Record Date. Such payments will be at the sole risk of the Shareholder concerned.

The Board has considered the fact that the distribution of any amount of less than GBP5 per Shareholder would be likely to be exceeded by the administrative costs of making such distribution. Accordingly, the Board has recommended to the proposed Joint Liquidators that any amount of less than GBP5 that would otherwise be paid to a Shareholder on a First Distribution shall be retained until the next interim liquidation distribution date, if any, on which it would form part of any amount payable to the Shareholder that is in excess of GBP5. If, at the date of the Final Distribution, there remains any amount of less than GBP5 that would otherwise be paid to a Shareholder, the Board has proposed that such amount will be donated to charity.

Subject to the approval of the Winding Up Resolution by Shareholders:

1. The Board intends to apply to the Commission for an immediate suspension of the Company's authorisation as a collective investment scheme under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987 as amended, until such time as the Company is dissolved; and

2. Mike Luckwell, Neil Blackley, Patrick McKenna, William Simpson, Bryan Dix and David Jeffreys intend to resign as Directors at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.

In order to comply with the Companies Law and to facilitate an efficient transfer to the Joint Liquidators, Serena Tremlett will remain as a Director until the Company is dissolved, which is expected to occur three months following the conclusion of the liquidation.

The Management Agreement

The Management Agreement continues in effect until Shareholders pass the Resolution to wind up the Company. The Company and its Investment Manager have agreed that the Company will not require the services of the Investment Manager from the date of the Annual General Meeting if the Proposals Resolution is passed. The Company and the Investment Manager have also agreed that the outstanding amount payable to the Investment Manager under the existing terms of the Management Agreement and recharge of administrative costs, up to and including the date of the AGM, is GBP50,350, which will be paid to the Investment Manager prior to the AGM. The Investment Manager will provide ongoing assistance to the Joint Liquidators following their appointment in respect of the realisation of the Loan Notes. If the Winding Up Resolution is not passed by Shareholders, and the Company continues as an investment company, the existing Management Agreement will be extended on its current terms, subject to compliance with any relevant rules including any requirement of the AIM Rules at such time.

The Administration Agreement

Until the Company's authorisation as a collective investment scheme under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987 as amended is cancelled, Morgan Sharpe Administration Limited will act as the Designated Manager to the Company. A deed amending the Administration Agreement has, subject to the passing of the Proposals Resolution, been approved by the Board pursuant to which the Administrator will be paid (1) a reduced annual administration fee of GBP7,500 for the provision of its services until the Company is formally wound-up and (2) an annual fee of GBP7,500 for each of the administrator directors. Furthermore, the Company shall pay Morgan Sharpe Administration Limited a single transaction fee of GBP12,000 in respect of the Proposals.

The Offshore-Registrar Agreement

Until the Company's authorisation as a collective investment scheme under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987 as amended is cancelled, Capita IRG (CI) Limited ("Capita IRG") will continue to act as the offshore registrar of the Company. In addition, a receiving agent services agreement between the Company and Capita Registrars Limited ("CRL") (the "Receiving Agent Services Agreement") has, subject to the passing of the Proposals Resolution, been approved by the Board. Under the Receiving Agent Services Agreement, CRL will provide professional advisory services and receiving agency services to the Company until it is formally wound-up. The Board anticipates that the Company will incur aggregate fees of approximately GBP20,000 in relation to the services of Capita IRG and CRL.


On 16 September 2014, the Company announced that, as at the close of business on 31 August 2014, its unaudited estimated Net Asset Value was approximately GBP8.5 million, equivalent to 5.96 pence per Ordinary Share. Subsequent to the date of that Net Asset Value, a payment of GBP1.17m was made in respect of an arbitration regarding the sale in June 2013 of investee company, Digital Rights Group Limited (DRG).

The Investment Manager has estimated that the Terminal Net Asset Value of the Company will be approximately GBP1.63 million, equivalent to 1.14 pence per Ordinary Share, on the basis of the following assumptions:

   (i)           payment of GBP1.17 million relating to the sale of DRG; 

(ii) payment of the First Distribution to Shareholders by the Joint Liquidators of GBP6.7 million;

   (iii)         deduction of the Joint Liquidators' estimated fees of GBP20,000; 
   (iv)         a Retention of GBP103,393; 

(v) expenses properly incurred by the Joint Liquidators in connection with the liquidation;

(vi) full repayment of the Loan Notes owed by Brand Events to the Company, which are repayable on or before 2 October 2015; and

   (vii)        provision for all of the Company's other net liabilities of GBP243,966. 

The Terminal Net Asset Value, together with any other amounts received by the Company following the realisation of its remaining asset comprising its investment in Whizz Kid Entertainment Limited (as explained in Section 5 below), will be available for distribution to the Shareholders in accordance with the principles set out in Section 3 above. To the extent that the Investment Manager has over-provided for the Company's liabilities, or any part of the Retention is otherwise unutilised, the Company's remaining surplus assets will also be distributed to the Shareholders in accordance with the Articles and the Companies Law.


The Company currently retains the following investments, which the Board expects will be realised in due course by the Joint Liquidators:

Brand Events Holdings Limited Loan Notes

On 7 October 2013, the Company announced that it had sold its entire 69.5 per cent. interest in Brand Events Holdings Limited ("Brand Events") and assigned its holding of Brand Events loan notes, other than a retained holding of GBP1.5 million loan notes (the "Loan Notes"), to Christopher Hughes, a director of Brand Events (the "Purchaser"). The Purchaser has the option to acquire the Loan Notes for the nominal value of GBP1.5 million plus any accrued and unpaid interest. The Loan Notes will otherwise become repayable by Brand Events to the Company on 2 October 2015.

In addition, there are two further payments of deferred consideration due to the Company from the Purchaser in respect of the Big Feastival (an event held in August 2014) and the Electrolux Sponsorship, payment for both of which is expected later this year but is not expected to be material.

Whizz Kid Entertainment Limited

The Company has a 47.2 per cent. interest in Whizz Kid Entertainment Limited ("Whizz Kid"), an independent TV production company that creates and produces audio-visual content across a range of genres including music, events and entertainment. Whizz Kid seeks to exploit opportunities in digital content through its digital arm, Tough Cookie Ltd, and in advertiser-funded content through its investment in Precious Media Ltd. The Company's investment in Whizz Kid is currently valued in the Company's balance sheet at nil due to lower than expected profits in the year ended 31 March 2014. However, Whizz Kid has gained several new commissions since its year-end and the Joint Liquidators intend to seek buyers for the Company's interest in Whizz Kid.


If Shareholders vote to approve the liquidation of the Company, it would not be appropriate for the Company's Ordinary Shares to continue to be admitted to trading on AIM. Furthermore, under Companies Law a transfer of Ordinary Shares is void following the commencement of a winding up, other than a transfer made to or with the sanction of the Joint Liquidators. Accordingly, the Shareholders are also being asked to approve the Delisting by a majority of not less than 75 per cent. of the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting, as required by the AIM Rules. Subject to the passing of the Winding Up Resolution to be taken on a poll, the Company expects the Company's trading facility on AIM to be cancelled with effect from 7.00 am on 23 October 2014, being the date at least 20 business days from the date of notification of the suspension of the Ordinary shares from trading on AIM and thereafter the cancellation as required by the AIM Rules.

Following the Delisting, the Ordinary Shares will not be traded on any recognised market or trading exchange and the CREST facility (through which the depository interests representing Ordinary Shares are currently settled) will be cancelled also from the close of business on 21 October 2014. As the Ordinary Shares will be cancelled from trading on AIM the day immediately following the AGM, the Ordinary Shares will no longer be tradable. Furthermore, the Company would no longer be required to comply with any of the additional specific corporate governance requirements for companies admitted to trading on AIM.

After 17 October 2014, dealings should be for cash settlement only and will be registered in the normal way if the transfer, accompanied by the documents of title, is received by the Registrars by close of business on 21 October 2014.

The Record Date, being the date for determining which of the Shareholders are entitled to receive liquidation distributions, is at 5.30 pm on 21 October 2014, being the business day immediately preceding the AGM. Transfers received after that time will be returned to the person lodging them and, if the Winding Up Resolution is passed, the original holder will receive any proceeds from distributions made by the Joint Liquidators.

If the Shareholders wish to buy or sell Ordinary Shares on AIM they must do so prior to the Delisting becoming effective. As noted above, in the event that the Shareholders approve the Delisting, it is anticipated that the last day of dealings in the Ordinary Shares on AIM will be 21 October 2014 and the effective date of the Delisting will be 23 October 2014.

Upon the appointment of the Joint Liquidators and the Delisting becoming effective, Beaumont Cornish Limited will cease to be nominated adviser and broker to the Company with immediate effect and the Company will no longer be required to comply with the rules and corporate governance requirements to which companies admitted to trading on AIM are subject, including the AIM Rules.

After the liquidation of the Company and the making of the Final Distribution (if any), existing certificates in respect of the Ordinary Shares will cease to be of value and any existing credit of the Ordinary Shares in any stock account in CREST will be redundant.

   7.            TAX 

The following comments are intended only as a general guide to certain aspects of current UK and Guernsey tax law and HMRC published practice, which are subject to change possibly with retrospective effect. They are of a general nature and do not constitute tax advice and apply only to Shareholders who are resident in the UK (except where indicated) or Guernsey and who hold their Shares beneficially as an investment. They do not address the position of certain classes of Shareholders such as dealers in securities, insurance companies or collective investment schemes.

United Kingdom Taxation

Subject to the comments in the following paragraph, any Shareholder who is UK resident may, depending on that Shareholder's personal circumstances, be subject to capital gains tax (or, in the case of a corporate Shareholder, corporation tax on chargeable gains) in respect of any gain arising on a disposal (including on any distribution made by the Joint Liquidators including the First Distribution and the Final Distribution) of their Shares. For such individuals, capital gains are taxed at a rate of 18 per cent (for basic rate taxpayers) or 28 per cent (for higher or additional rate taxpayers). Individuals may, depending on their personal circumstances, benefit from certain reliefs and allowances (including an annual exemption from capital gains which is GBP11,000 for the tax year 2014/2015). For corporate Shareholders within the charge to UK corporation tax, indexation allowance may apply to reduce any chargeable gain arising on the disposal of Shares but will not create or increase an allowable loss. Shareholders who are not resident or ordinarily resident in the UK for taxation purposes will not normally be liable to UK taxation on chargeable gains arising from the disposal of their Shares unless those Shares are held for the purposes of a trade, profession or vocation through a UK branch, agency or permanent establishment, although they may be subject to foreign taxation depending on their own particular circumstances. Individual Shareholders who are temporarily neither resident nor ordinarily resident in the UK for tax purposes may be liable to capital gains tax under tax anti avoidance legislation.

The treatment described above is based on any gain arising on a disposal of a Shareholder's Shares not being taxed as income under the "offshore fund" rules which apply for the purposes of UK tax legislation. Under current law, if the Company (or any class of Shares) were to be treated for UK taxation purposes as an "offshore fund", gains on disposals of Shares realised by a Shareholder would be taxable as income and not as capital gains.

Guernsey Taxation

The Company

The Company has been granted exemption from income tax in Guernsey under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 (as amended). A company with tax exempt status is not chargeable to tax in Guernsey other than in respect of Guernsey source income.


Guernsey resident Shareholders may be subject to tax on distributions received during the period of the liquidation, but only to the extent that the distribution is considered for tax purposes to be made out of reserves of accumulated income. If the Company has no reserves of accumulated income for tax purposes any distribution received during the liquidation period would be a return of capital which should not be taxable for Guernsey resident shareholders.

The Company does not intend to make any distributions prior to the liquidation. Distributions made by the Company to non-Guernsey resident Shareholders, whether made during the life of the Company or by distribution on liquidation, will not be subject to Guernsey tax. There is no capital gains tax in Guernsey and so Shareholders should not be taxable on any gain realised on disposal of their Shares, nor would they obtain tax relief for any loss realised on disposal of their Shares.

Withholding tax

No withholding tax is due in Guernsey on repayments of capital, dividends or other income distributions made by the Company to non-resident Shareholders, or to resident Shareholders provided that the Company has tax exempt status at the time that the distribution is declared.


The Proposals are the subject of a single resolution, to be approved by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, notice of which, to be held at Old Bank Chambers, La Grande Rue, St Martin's, Guernsey, GY4 6RT on 22 October 2014 is set out at the end of the document. The adoption and implementation of the Proposals is conditional upon Shareholder approval of the Winding Up Resolution at the AGM. The Winding Up Resolution is proposed as a special resolution requiring the approval of not less than 75 per cent. of the total voting rights of the Shareholders who, being entitled to do so, vote on the Winding Up Resolution taken on a poll.

At the AGM, Shareholders will be asked to consider and, if thought fit, pass Resolutions 1 and 2 (which will be proposed as Special Resolutions) and Resolution 3 -12 (which will be proposed as Ordinary Resolutions):

Resolution 1 (which will be proposed as a Special Resolution):

Approve the Proposals as set out in this Circular, including:

(a) the Directors of the Company be and hereby are authorised to pay to the Investment Manager the outstanding fee and recharge of administrative costs of GBP50,350 payable under the Management Agreement;

(b) the admission of the Company's Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM be cancelled in accordance with Rule 41 (Cancellation) of the AIM Rules for Companies (the "Delisting");

(c) the Directors of the Company be and hereby are authorised to take any and all steps which are necessary or desirable in order to effect the Delisting;

(d) the Company be wound up voluntarily pursuant to section 391(1)(b) of the Companies Law, and that Alan John Roberts and James Robert Toynton of Grant Thornton, PO Box 313, Lefebvre House, Lefebvre Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3TF be and hereby are appointed as joint liquidators (the "Joint Liquidators") immediately following the close of the AGM for the purposes of such winding-up, including realising and distributing the Company's assets, and any power conferred on them by law, by the Articles or by this Resolution may be exercised by them jointly or by either of them alone, such appointment becoming effective upon the passing of this Resolution 1;

(e) the remuneration of the Joint Liquidators be determined by reference to the time properly given by them and their staff in attending to matters prior to and during the winding-up of the Company, and they be and hereby are authorised to draw such remuneration as they may determine and to pay any expenses properly incurred by them;

   (f)           the Joint Liquidators be authorised: 

(i) to divide among the Shareholders in specie or otherwise the whole or any part of the assets of the Company in accordance with the Articles and may, for that purpose, value any assets and determine how the division shall be carried out as between the Shareholders;

(ii) without limitation to (i) above, if, during the winding-up, the whole or part of the Company's business or property is proposed to be transferred to another company (the "Transferee") to receive in compensation or part compensation for the transfer or sale, shares, policies or other like interests in the Transferee for distribution among the Shareholders or may enter into any other arrangement whereby the Shareholder may, in lieu of receiving cash, shares, policies or other like interests, or in addition thereto, participate in the profits of or receive any other benefits from the Transferee; and

(iii) to donate any distribution, or part distribution, that has been declared of an amount of less than GBP5 that would otherwise be payable to a Shareholder to charity and, after 6 years or (if earlier) on completion of the liquidation to donate any distribution, or part distribution, that has been declared but remains unclaimed to charity;

(g) the Company's books and records be held by Morgan Sharpe Administration Limited, in its capacity as the Company's secretary, to the order of the Joint Liquidators for a period of six years from the date of conclusion of the liquidation;

(h) the Company should not continue to operate as an investment company for the purposes of article 153 of the Articles; and

(i) that Serena Tremlett, who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering herself for reappointment, be re-appointed as a director of the Company.

Resolution 2 (which will be proposed as a Special Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, that the name of the Company shall change to IMAC Limited.

Resolution 3 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

To receive and adopt the Company's annual report and accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2014, the Directors' report, and the report of the independent auditors on those accounts.

Resolution 4 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, the Directors of the Company be and hereby are authorised to take any and all steps which are necessary or desirable in order to continue operating the Company as an investment company.

Resolution 5 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint as a Director Mike Luckwell who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering himself for reappointment.

Resolution 6 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint as a Director Patrick McKenna who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering himself for reappointment.

Resolution 7 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint as a Director Neil Blackley who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering himself for reappointment.

Resolution 8 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint as a Director William Simpson who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering himself for reappointment.

Resolution 9 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint as a Director David Jeffreys who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering himself for reappointment.

Resolution 10 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint as a Director George Bryan Dix who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering himself for reappointment.

Resolution 11 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint as a Director Serena Tremlett who is retiring in accordance with article 80 of the Articles and, being eligible, is offering herself for reappointment.

Resolution 12 (which will be proposed as an Ordinary Resolution)

Subject to Resolution 1 not being passed, to reappoint Deloitte LLP as auditors of the Company from the conclusion of the meeting until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company at which accounts are laid and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration.

   9.            ACTION TO BE TAKEN 

You will find enclosed with the document a Form of Proxy for use at the AGM. Whether or not you propose to attend the AGM in person, you are requested to complete, sign and return the Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and return it to Capita Asset Services at PXS, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, BR3 4TU, or by fax to +44 (0) 1481 233319, as soon as possible but, in any event, so as to arrive no later than 9.00am on 20 October 2014. The completion and return of a Form of Proxy will not preclude you from attending the AGM and voting in person if you wish to do so.

   10.          RECOMMENDATION 

The Board considers that the adoption of the Proposals is in the best interests of the Shareholders as a whole and unanimously recommends that the Shareholders vote in favour of the Winding Up Resolution, as they intend to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings being 42,182,395 IMAC Shares (representing 29.46 per cent. of the current IMAC Shares (excluding treasury shares)).

Yours faithfully,

Mike Luckwell



Certain statements in this Announcement are, or may be deemed to be, forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are identi ed by their use of terms and phrases such as "believe", "could", "should" "envisage", "estimate", "intend", "may", "plan", "will" or the negative of those, variations or comparable expressions, including references to assumptions. These forward looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors' current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company's future performance, capital receipts and expenditures. Such forward looking statements re ect the Directors' current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions, regulatory changes and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward looking statements contained in this Announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward looking statements.


 Admission                           admission of the IMAC Shares to trading 
                                      on AIM on 11 April 2006; 
 Administration Agreement            the administration agreement dated 
                                      20 April 2009 between the Company and 
                                      Morgan Sharpe Administration Limited; 
 AIM                                 the AIM market operated by the London 
                                      Stock Exchange; 
 AIM Rules                           the AIM Rules for Companies and guidance 
                                      notes as published by the London Stock 
                                      Exchange from time to time; 
 Annual General Meeting or           the annual general meeting of the Company, 
  the AGM                             convened for 22 October 2014 or any 
                                      adjournment thereof, notice of which 
                                      is set out at the end of the document; 
 AGM Resolutions                     resolutions 2 and 4 to 12 set out in 
                                      the notice of AGM; 
 Articles                            the articles of incorporation of the 
                                      Company adopted on 29 July 2008 and 
                                      as amended from time to time; 
 Beaumont Cornish or the Nominated   Beaumont Cornish Limited; 
 Brand Events                        Brand Events Holdings Limited; 
 Capita Asset Services               a trading name of Capita Registrars 
 Circular or document                the circular sent to the Shareholders 
                                      in connection with the Proposals dated 
                                      23 September 2014; 
 Companies Law                       Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (as 
 Commission                          the Guernsey Financial Services Commission; 
 Delisting                           the cancellation of the Admission of 
                                      the Company's Ordinary Shares to trading 
                                      on AIM in accordance with Rule 41 (Cancellation) 
                                      of the AIM Rules for Companies; 
 Directors or Board                  the directors of IMAC, namely Mike 
                                      Luckwell, Patrick McKenna, Neil Blackley, 
                                      William Simpson, David Jeffreys, Serena 
                                      Tremlett and George Bryan Dix; 
 Final Distribution                  the final distribution by the Joint 
                                      Liquidators of any distributable net 
                                      proceeds (including any remaining Retention) 
                                      among the Shareholders according to 
                                      their respective rights and interests 
                                      in the Company at the Record Date; 
 First Distribution                  the first distribution by the Joint 
                                      Liquidators, conditional on the approval 
                                      by Shareholders of the Winding Up Resolution, 
                                      among the Shareholders according to 
                                      their respective rights and interests 
                                      in the Company at the Record Date; 
 FCA                                 the Financial Conduct Authority; 
 Form of Proxy                       the form of proxy for use in relation 
                                      to the Annual General Meeting enclosed 
                                      with this document; 
 FSMA                                the UK Financial Services and Markets 
                                      Act 2000 and all rules and regulations 
                                      made thereunder; 
 HMRC                                UK HM Revenue & Customs; 
 IMAC or the Company                 Ingenious Media Active Capital Limited, 
                                      a Guernsey incorporated closed-ended 
                                      investment company with registered 
                                      number 44358; 
 IMAC Shares or Ordinary Shares      the issued ordinary shares of no par 
                                      value in the share capital of IMAC; 
 Ingenious Asset Management          the asset management division of the 
  Division                            Ingenious Group; 
 Ingenious Group                     Ingenious Media and its parent company 
                                      and subsidiaries from time to time; 
 Ingenious Investments               Ingenious Media Investments Limited; 
 Ingenious Media                     Ingenious Media Limited; 
 Ingenious Ventures                  the private equity division of the 
                                      Investment Manager; 
 Investment Manager or the           Ingenious Asset Management Limited; 
 Investment Management Agreement     the investment management agreement 
                                      dated 4 April 2006 between the Company, 
                                      the Investment Manager and Ingenious 
                                      Media as amended or novated from time 
                                      to time; 
 Joint Liquidators                   Alan John Roberts and James Robert 
                                      Toynton of Grant Thornton, PO Box 313, 
                                      Lefebvre House, Lefebvre Street, St 
                                      Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3TF; 
 Loan Notes                          the Company's holding of loan notes 
                                      of Brand Events having a nominal value 
                                      of GBP1.5 million, together with the 
                                      rights to interest thereon; 
 London Stock Exchange               London Stock Exchange plc; 
 Management Agreement                the management agreement dated 4 April 
                                      2006 between the Company, the manager 
                                      and Ingenious Media (as amended on 
                                      21 October 2010) pursuant to which 
                                      the manager undertook to manage the 
                                      investments and reinvestments of the 
 Net Asset Value                     as announced on 16 September 2014; 
 Off-Shore Registrar Agreement       the off-shore registrar agreement dated 
                                      4 April 2006 between the Company and 
                                      IRG (CI) Limited; 
 Proposals                           as defined at section 1 of the Circular; 
 Record Date                         5.30pm on 21 October 2014, being the 
                                      time and date by reference to which 
                                      participations in distributions by 
                                      the Joint Liquidators will be determined; 
 Registrar or Capita                 the registrar of the Company, Capita 
                                      Asset Services; 
 Rules                               the Authorised Closed-Ended Investment 
                                      Schemes Rules 2008; 
 Shareholder, Shareholders           the holders of IMAC Shares; 
  or IMAC Shareholders 
 Terminal Net Asset Value            the Investment Manager's estimate of 
                                      the terminal net asset value of the 
                                      Company as calculated in accordance 
                                      with Section 4 of the Circular; 
 UK                                  the United Kingdom of Great Britain 
                                      and Northern Ireland; and 
 Winding Up Resolution               resolution 1 set out in the notice 
                                      of AGM in connection with the Proposals. 


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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