RNS Number : 5426Q

Hydro International PLC

01 March 2016

1 March 2016

Embargoed until 07:00

Hydro International plc

("Hydro", the "Company" or the "Group")

Unaudited Final Results

Hydro International (AIM: HYD), a leading provider of environmentally sustainable and innovative products and services for the control and treatment of water, announces its unaudited final results for the year ended 31 December 2015.

2015 Highlights

   --     Revenue up 18% to GBP37.9m; adjusted profit before tax up 29% to GBP2.41m 
   --     40% increase in EPS to 9.52 pence 
   --     Full year proposed dividend of 3.8 pence per share, up 6% on 2014 

-- Order intake in the year increased 21% to GBP42.5m with good progress being made across the Americas, Europe and AMEA

   --     Open order book at year end increased by 34% to GBP18.4m, providing good visibility for 2016 
   --     Acquisitions of Settled Solids Management in January 2015 and M2 Renewables in December 2015 

Ian Griffiths, Chairman of Hydro International plc, commented:

"Today's strong set of results show that the steps taken over the past two years to strengthen our core business have positioned us well to better serve the markets within which we operate. As we continue to invest in our strategy for the expansion of our business, we expect to see an acceleration, underpinning our targets for profitable sustainable growth."

Michael Jennings, Chief Executive of Hydro International plc, further commented:

"Our strategy is working. In 2015, we delivered strong top and bottom line growth across the business. With a good improvement in our open order book across all regions, we expect this to continue for full year 2016."

2015 Financial Summary

                                         2015       2014   Change 
 Group revenue                       GBP37.9m   GBP32.2m     +18% 
 Adjusted profit before taxation 
  *                                  GBP2.41m   GBP1.87m     +29% 
 Adjusted operating profit margin 
  *                                      6.2%       5.9% 
 Profit before taxation              GBP2.24m   GBP1.73m     +29% 
 Adjusted earnings per share 
  **                                   10.29p      7.40p     +39% 
 Earnings per share                     9.52p      6.80p     +40% 
 Dividend per share (proposed)          3.80p      3.60p      +6% 
 Net cash ***                         GBP2.3m    GBP2.3m        - 
----------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ------- 
   *                      excluding amortisation of acquired intangible assets 

** excluding amortisation of acquired intangible assets and the associated tax effect

   ***                 cash and cash equivalents, less borrowings and obligations under finance lease 

For further information please contact:

 Hydro International plc   Arden Partners plc    Brunswick Group 
 Tel.+44 (0)1275 878371    Tel. +44 (0)20 7614   Tel. +44 (0)20 7404 
                            5900                  5959 
 Michael Jennings, CEO     Steve Douglas         Gill Ackers 
 Tony Hollox, CFO          Patrick Caulfield     Will Rowberry 
                                                 Patrick Rutherford 

About Hydro International

Hydro International plc (AIM: HYD) (Hydro) is a global supplier of environmentally sustainable products and innovative solutions for the control and treatment of stormwater, wastewater and combined sewer overflows. Hydro's products use a range of advanced technologies including award-winning advanced vortex technology. Headquartered in Clevedon, North Somerset, Hydro also operates in the UK from offices in Ely, Cambridgeshire, as well as across the US from bases in Portland, Maine and Hillsboro, Oregon. The Group has a growing presence outside its core North American and UK markets in territories including: Ireland, the Middle East, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, the European Union, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

Please visit the website for further information www.hydro-int.com

Chairman's Statement

In my first year as Chairman of Hydro International I am delighted with the rate of progress that we have made. The revamped Board and Executive team are now in place and the implementation of our strategy is well underway. The steps taken over the past two years to strengthen our core business have positioned us well to better serve the markets within which we operate. As we continue to invest, we expect to see growth accelerate, underpinning our targets for profitable sustainable growth.


Revenues grew 18% in the year to GBP37.9m, adjusted profit before tax increased 29% to GBP2.41m, and earnings per share rose 40% to 9.52 pence. Our net cash position remains solid at GBP2.3m, unchanged across the year having funded the acquisitions of Settled Solids Management and M2 Renewables from organic cash flow.


The Board is proposing a 6% increase in the dividend to 3.8p per share. This gives dividend cover of 2.51 times (2014: 1.88 times). Our policy is to grow dividends progressively in line with earnings, and the proposed increase in dividend represents the first increase since 2011. During this period we have successfully maintained the dividend while investing in our strategy for profitable sustainable growth.


The Board and I are committed to promoting the highest standards of corporate governance and ensuring effective communication with shareholders. This year's Annual Report has been revised and re-designed to provide a clear a picture of our business model and strategic plan.

We have recently conducted a detailed internal review and assessment of Board effectiveness. This will form the basis from which we will look to develop Board performance in the spirit of driving continuous improvement and best practice in everything we do.


Over the last year I have visited the Company's operations and people around the world. It is clear to me that our strategy is not only the right one but is also being successfully implemented in all of our regions. As we become a global company this kind of organisational alignment is critical. Our business plans are detailed and focused, ensuring that we have a clear route to achieving our strategic goals. These focus on broadening the scope of our supply into a wider services offering, enhancing our product coverage, penetrating new market segments and extending our geographical reach.

Execution of our plans for organic growth has required investment, and this will continue. However, as we progress with our strategy we expect to see the growth in the business yield a progressive increase in adjusted operating profit margins. Alongside our core strategy, we intend to accelerate our strategic development through M&A activity. The recent acquisitions of M2 Renewables, in December 2015, and Hydro-Logic, announced yesterday, underline these ambitions, and signal our intent to pursue more strategic infill acquisitions in the coming years.


It was my pleasure to be elected as Chairman at the 2015 Annual General Meeting. In March, Huw Davies joined as a Non-Executive Director and Chairs the Audit Committee. Huw brings a wealth of Board and relevant industry experience with him.


We have outstanding employees and, on behalf of the Board, I would like to thank them all for their ongoing support and commitment to Hydro International and our shared strategic vision. Our success is built on a foundation of successful harnessing and deployment of their experience and expertise across the entire company, globally. In short, One Hydro.


In the near term our results will remain strongly biased to the second half of the year. Across the full year, we are confident that 2016 will be another successful chapter in our continuing growth story.

Ian Griffiths


29 February 2016

Chief Executive's Review

We have continued to implement our strategic plans to create a global business capable of delivering profitable sustainable growth. The investment to support these plans has been funded by our improving financial performance and is delivering results. Our strategy is working.


The previously reported challenges with order intake during the first half of the year eased substantially during the second half, helping us to deliver a full-year order intake of GBP42.5m up 21% on 2014. Whilst the hiatus in orders during 2015 is expected to hold back revenues for the first half of 2016, we are beginning to see the growth drive we have made in the last two years pay-off. This was illustrated by all three regions each increasing their yearly order intake by double-digit percentages in 2015. As a result, momentum is building, and our open order book at year end is up by 34% on 2014, standing at GBP18.4m.

Revenue for the full year increased by 18% on 2014 to GBP37.9m. Achieving our goal of long-term growth requires both increased scale and breadth and will result in a broader revenue base across our activities. The measure of our top line performance is not just share gains in existing markets but also growth via new products and services, market segments and geographies; all providing ever-increasing growth opportunities.

We continued to focus on our range of higher-margin proprietary products and services, which incorporate our valuable expertise and intellectual property assets. This led to improved average gross margins of 46.4% (2014: 45.3%). The revenue growth, combined with these margins, generated an increase in gross profit of 21% on 2014 to GBP17.6m. Adjusted profit before taxation increased by 29% to GBP2.41m even after funding for our programme of investments. Overall, performance has stepped-up in 2015 and we are positioned to accelerate our progress in the coming year.


(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

March 01, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

In focusing on performance, we enable ourselves to build a stronger business model through our continued investment programme, the costs of which are mostly reflected in administrative expenses, which increased by GBP2.6m in the year. The major areas of investment included the following significant elements during 2015:

-- Extending our Product range through new introductions, including Hydro-Brake(R) Agile and Hydro-Brake(R) Isolator, broadening our range of market-leading flow controls into a wider number of application areas. Similarly our grit removal range has been augmented by the Hydro MIV, while first orders have been secured in the year for Hydro DryScreen(TM), which addresses the customers' need to minimise the leaching of organic matter from captured stormwater pollutants.

-- Expanding Services across our business, particularly increased field resources focused on supporting wastewater treatment equipment spares and servicing, sand and grit removal (via the Settled Solids Management acquisition), maintenance of stormwater treatment devices, and wider water management services.

-- Targeting new market Segments such as industrial through additional sales resources dedicated to building new application opportunities for our existing technology.

-- Expanding access to new Geographies with additional sales resources in territory to successfully build our presence and serve new customers.

-- Enhancing our core enabling functions with new resources in key roles to develop our capability across marketing and supply chain management to IT, systems and finance.

All these investments strengthen our capability and capacity to successfully deliver our long-term growth plans. We see acquisitions as a means to accelerate the deployment of our strategy and have worked to build up a clear understanding of the part they could play in our wider development as a business. Over the course of 2015 we made two acquisitions. In January 2015 we acquired the operating assets and brand of Settled Solids Management, which expanded our services offering in the wastewater grit removal sector. We will be looking to replicate the services offered by Settled Solids Management from a starting base in Florida, U.S. across a broader geography during 2016. In December 2015 we acquired the intellectual property assets and brand of M2 Renewables. Importantly, this added the Hydro MicroScreen(TM) rotating belt screen to our portfolio, enabling us to address new process water and wastewater management applications in industrial and municipal markets, accelerating diversification beyond our core markets. Both of these acquisitions are expected to provide incremental growth during 2016.

We have also been pleased to announce our intention to acquire Hydro-Logic Limited and the business of Hydro-Logic Services LLP. These acquisitions, which should complete in early March, provide us with new water monitoring technology and a range of associated new water management services.

Our progress was very good in 2015. We remain committed to delivering improving financial performance whilst being fully focused to stay on track with our ambitious long-term growth plans.

Michael Jennings

Chief Executive

29 February 2016

Region Reviews


             2015        2014        Change 
 Revenue     GBP21.0m    GBP18.0m    +17% 
 Profit *    GBP4.30m    GBP4.04m    +6% 
----------  ----------  ----------  ------- 

* profit excluding amortisation of acquired intangible assets and central Group costs

The Americas region delivered another strong year of growth in 2015. Order intake grew by 12.5%, revenue grew by 17% and adjusted operating profit grew by 6%. The reported challenges in order intake during the first half of the year continued through the third quarter before easing substantially in the last quarter, when we finished strongly to secure 41% of the full-year order intake. While this provides us with another strong open order book of GBP10.9m (2014: GBP10.3m) to carry into 2016, the timing of orders, coupled with the traditionally low levels of construction activity in the first quarter, will impact the recognition of revenue, which is expected to be strongly biased to the second half of the year.

Acquisitions made a modest contribution to the region during the year following the acquisition of the brand and operating assets of Settled Solids Management, Inc. in January 2015, and the acquisition, late in the year, of the intellectual property assets of M2 Renewables, Inc., including the M2R MicroScreen rotating belt screen filtration technology. Repositioned as the Hydro MicroScreen(TM), the technology expands our water treatment capability, broadening the options available to customers across our screening to separation to filtration platforms. It also accelerates the development of our business and supports our growth strategy by enabling us to access new industrial market segments and address new challenges in our established municipal markets, building on a number of important initial projects with major customers in the United States. Both acquisitions are expected to make a growing contribution over the coming financial periods.

We continue to pursue geographic expansion, and during the year additional sales management resources were deployed to extend the promotion of our stormwater treatment products into construction-related end markets in California and the Pacific Northwest territories. In early 2016 we also appointed sales management personnel into Canada.

On a broader level, growth in this market segment is dependent on the strength of distribution sales channels and the achievement of competitive product approval certification, and further progress was made during the year on both fronts. We appointed a number of new regional distribution partners to grow our existing strong network of partners across North America with both national and regional reach.

We secured important product certifications for our stormwater treatment products, including the enhanced First Defense(R) hydrodynamic separator, which has recently achieved a market-leading rating for stormwater treatment volumes with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. We expect this to build on the strong levels of sales that we have seen for this product following its introduction into the region in late 2014. We have also launched a project to secure the important Washington State Department of Ecology approval for the Up-Flo(R) Filter stormwater treatment system during 2016, which will enable us to access additional markets for stormwater filtration in a number of western US states.

In 2016 we will broaden the business by pursuing opportunities for our products in industrial end-market applications. We recruited dedicated sales resources to focus on industrial sectors, and this investment enabled us to secure a number of early success stories, including a major order for heavy metals removal from contaminated effluent at an electronics manufacturer, and two orders for grit removal in dairy farms. The recent addition of the Hydro MicroScreen(TM) to our portfolio further extends the range of products with clear industrial end-market application.

During the year we continued our investment in our service capability. In addition to the acquisition of Settled Solids Management Inc., which provides sand and grit removal services for wastewater treatment plants, we are now marketing an expanded range of support services, which includes maintenance services in support of our stormwater treatment products that will be delivered initially in the North East region of the US in conjunction with a regional maintenance partner. Services currently comprise a small but rapidly growing part of our Americas business, representing 4% of orders received during the year, but experiencing 93% order growth over the prior year.

The primary new product introduction during the year was the Hydro DryScreen(TM), a product that captures leaf litter and other debris from stormwater flows. We developed this product in response to our municipal customers' requirement to minimise the leaching of organic matter from captured stormwater pollutants. We received our first orders and carried out our first installations during the year.

The level of investment in the resources necessary to build our capability to generate growth during the year resulted in a reduction in adjusted operating profit margin from 22.5% to 20.5%.

Our enquiry and bid levels for larger wastewater treatment projects remains strong and we are optimistic that construction forecasts for the US economy suggest continued growth over the medium term. Beyond North America we also see opportunities to expand our presence in Mexico with a view to establishing a presence and capturing market share in Central and South America in the medium term. Against that backdrop, and with our expanding range of market-leading products supported by an increasing service capability, we see encouraging scope for growth in the Americas.


             2015        2014        Change 
 Revenue     GBP14.2m    GBP12.2m    +16% 
 Profit *    GBP0.99m    GBP1.01m    -2% 
----------  ----------  ----------  ------- 

The Europe region saw encouraging growth in both order intake and revenue, which grew by 21.9% and 16% respectively over the prior year. Adjusted operating profit levels were marginally down on the prior year due to our programme of investments aimed at building our ability to drive future growth. In the Europe region, these investments were primarily targeted at further developing our service capability and expanding our sales teams, including the recruitment of dedicated resources to target opportunities for our products and services in new industrial end markets beyond our strong core water utility and construction markets.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

March 01, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Expenditure by the UK water utility companies is influenced by five-year asset management programmes (AMPs) agreed between the companies and their economic regulator OFWAT, and our investment in services is intended both to smooth the effects of this cyclical budget process, and to help our water utility customers to make efficiency savings independent of the cycle. The fifth of these programmes, AMP5, concluded at the end of March 2015, giving rise to the start of AMP6. As reported in the Interim Report, the change from AMP5 to AMP6 created a hiatus in order intake for major wastewater treatment projects, with the timing of opportunities moving out. Order intake improved markedly in the second half of the year, providing us with a substantially stronger open order book of GBP6.4m (2014: GBP3.4m) when compared to the prior year.

In addition to providing the economic drivers for new major project expenditure, AMP6 heralded an expected focus by the UK water companies on service and maintenance as a means of enhancing asset life and reducing overall costs - a perceptual shift from the separate focus on operating and capital expenditure (OPEX and CAPEX) to viewing investment as total expenditure (TOTEX). During the year we expanded our wastewater service team to meet the increased demand for spares and services from the utility companies, which saw after-market revenues from this sector increase by 44% over the prior year.

UK construction market activity, which is the primary macro-level driver for sales of our surface water management products in this country, remained robust during the year, with core house building and infrastructure sectors both showing continued growth. The specific requirements that turn construction activity into opportunities come from a combination of legislation and best practise in urban drainage design. While the expected National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) failed to materialise in the early part of the year, the industry moved to fill the void through the publication, in November 2015, of CIRIA's revised SuDS Manual C753. We were selected to participate in the project steering group, and - importantly for us - proprietary treatment systems that were previously considered as pre-treatment only are now presented as viable treatment components in their own right. We expect this to further reinforce demand in future years.

Our primary sales channel to access construction-related end markets is via a network of partner merchant distributors. Over recent years we have broadened our partners to include the full breadth of the merchant sector, including national, regional and local companies. We maintained this activity during the year, and supplemented it with a direct approach to 'key account' agreements with contractor customers. The combination of positive economic conditions and the continued development of our product ranges and channels to market, helped deliver a 21% increase over the prior year in revenue derived from surface water management products.

New product activity during the year centred on the further broadening of our market-leading Hydro-Brake(R) flow control product range. The new Hydro-Brake(R) Agile extends our existing range by adding a float-activated flow control device that maintains a constant discharge rate without the need for external energy sources. This enables us to address sites where there are considerable constraints on the available space for on-site attenuation and stringent discharge consents. The Hydro-Brake(R) Isolator pollution containment valve, which sits alongside our water pollution management service, offers a watertight seal and complete lockdown, enabling businesses to prevent financial and reputational damage by containing spills, polluted flood and fire-fighting water.

Another key product focus during the year was the introduction into the UK of our Advanced Grit Management(TM) range of products, which have been highly successful in the Americas. A pilot Headcell(R) grit removal system was installed at a trial site operated by Anglian Water, enabling them to undertake full trials of the technology. The trials were successful and we expect that this will provide a platform for further progress during 2016. In addition to the Anglian Water trial we have undertaken wastewater grit sampling in conjunction with four other UK water companies to demonstrate how wastewater grit creates operational challenges, increases costs and reduces wastewater treatment plant asset lifetimes. Our Advanced Grit Management(TM) products address these issues.

Looking to 2016, UK new construction markets are expected to grow further and the AMP6 cycle moves into its second year, which has traditionally been a busier period for water utility procurement. Additionally, we expect to progress with plans to explore opportunities for our products in new geographies within Europe, and have recently appointed initial sales resources into the French market to start that process. We will further develop our service and maintenance operations, both with the UK water utility companies under AMP6, and to realise new opportunities associated with our surface water management products.

Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA)

             2015        2014        Change 
 Revenue     GBP2.6m     GBP2.0m     +30% 
 Profit *    GBP0.92m    GBP0.26m    +254% 
----------  ----------  ----------  ------- 

The AMEA region successfully overcame the headwinds following political difficulties that effectively closed the Russian market in 2014 to generate a solid year of growth in 2015. Order intake grew by 109.6% and revenue grew by 30.0%. Adjusted operating profit more than trebled, reflecting both volume growth and a shift in product mix towards sales of our higher-margin proprietary products. The progress made in the year is also reflected in our open order book, which grew to GBP1.0m (2014: GBPNil) by the year-end.

In the AMEA region we are applying our growth strategy by progressively building representation for our proprietary products in a wide range of high-potential geographies beyond our Americas and Europe regions, using distribution partners supported by business development resources located in three primary territories: the Middle East, China and the wider Asia Pacific region. Additional emerging geographies, including Russia, India and South Africa, are also serviced, currently from a UK base. In 2014 we completed our initial placement of resources into each primary territory, and each business development manager is responsible for developing and maintaining the network of distribution partners in their area. During 2015 we generated sufficient momentum in the Middle East to support the recruitment of an additional sales support engineer, located in Dubai. We also expanded the pre-order engineering team in the UK.

Following the full initial resourcing of the AMEA strategy during 2014, we were pleased to secure orders, and realise revenue, in each of the primary AMEA territories during the year. The nature of this diverse region means that we access a wide range of differing economies, and we expect the growth in business generated from different markets and economies to provide future resilience and improved sustainability in results.

The largest trading territory during the year was the Middle East, which accounted for 76% of revenue. Having invested the time and money to build a strong technical awareness of our solutions, 2015 delivered a payback in the form of major project wins. Our world-leading flow control solutions for large-scale drop-shafts have proved very successful in Qatar to support the significant and challenging programmes of infrastructure investment underway, and we've also seen success in Dubai with projects focused on the control and treatment of stormwater run-off, integral to numerous construction developments.

In China, we have continued to focus on building our presence in conjunction with our distribution partners across the country. We have supported this more directly with a small-scale Grit King(R) grit removal system demonstration unit that has been piloted in numerous wastewater treatment plants, successfully illustrating the improved energy efficiency savings and extended asset lifetimes that our core grit removal offer delivers.

Proving the technological advantages and operational benefits of our products is critical to our long-term success in new geographies. We achieved this decisively with our first Storm King(R) vortex separator project win, which we hope will establish a new industry standard for China in dealing with the challenges faced by combined sewer overflows. Looking ahead, this aligns perfectly with China's stated new policy intentions around their Sponge Cities programme.

Building our territorial coverage to serve such a large and diverse region as AMEA is challenging, but in becoming a truly global player we will overcome and learn from these challenges. The size of the total addressable market justifies our presence, and our capabilities enable us to address the macro-level drivers in the individual countries precisely as well as they do in our established markets in the UK and the US. We are committed to our objective to make AMEA a truly material part of the Group. 2015 has shown that we are making very good progress, and this will continue in 2016.

Financial Review

Revenue and operating profit

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

March 01, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

During the year the Group achieved growth in order intake, revenue and gross profit, all of which increased by a double-digit percentage over the prior year. Adjusted operating profit increased to GBP2.33m, a 23% increase over the prior year. The rate of growth of adjusted operating profit margin, which increased to 6.2% from 5.9% in the prior year, was constrained during the year by the Group's programme of planned strategic investments. These investments included additional investment in expanding the Group's service lines of business, greater sales resources to target expanded geographies and wider end-market segments, including industrial markets, and the recruitment of specialist personnel in key roles to enhance the Group's capability, including in the areas of marketing, supply chain management, IT and systems and finance. Due to our asset-light business model these investments are reflected in a 20% increase in administrative expenses.

Operating profits for business segments are disclosed in the Operating Review, and in note 3, excluding the amortisation of acquired intangible assets and the recovery of central Group costs through royalty and other management charges. This is the measure used by the Group for management purposes and presents a consistent measure of segment performance.


The impact of currency is both in the form of translation and transaction differences. Given our significant operational presence in the Americas, the currency with the greatest translational impact on our results is the US Dollar, which strengthened by 7.3% to an average rate of USD 1.5256 during 2015. We also incur a level of central Group costs in the US, where we maintain a hydraulic laboratory and team of product development engineers. The expense of this team creates an exposure to transactional exchange differences. The net of these translational and transactional exposures was a gain of GBP321,000 to adjusted profit before tax in the year.

We also trade in currencies outside the base currency of our operating divisions, most notably in the Europe region where our supply chain includes a level of purchases in both Euros and Swedish Kronor. For specific projects which include a significant requirement for either currency, we enter into forward purchasing arrangements to help underwrite the profitability on those contracts. We do not enter into generalised or speculative purchasing or selling of currency. Losses totalling GBP28,000 (2014: GBP90,000 gain) arose during the year on assets and liabilities denominated in currency.

Acquisitions and amortisation of acquired intangible assets

The Group made two asset-based acquisitions in the year, the details of which are disclosed in note 7. The total spend on acquisitions in the year was GBP969,000, with a further estimated GBP1,231,000 in deferred contingent consideration in relation to the acquisition of intellectual property and technology assets of M2 Renewables, Inc. This deferred contingent consideration is calculated as 10% of the sales value incorporating the acquired intellectual property over the five-year period ending 23 December 2020, and is capped at a maximum of $10.0m.

No amortisation of acquired intangible assets from M2 Renewables was charged during the year. The rise in the amortisation charge related to acquired intangible assets to GBP0.17m (2014: GBP0.14m) was due to the strength of the US Dollar and the acquisition of the brand and operating assets of Settled Solids Management in the early part of the year. The majority of the charge for amortisation of acquired intangible assets during the year relates to developed technology and trademarks recognised in connection with the acquisition of Eutek Systems, Inc. (Eutek) in 2008. These intangible assets are being amortised over a period of 15 years, subject to any impairment.

Net finance income

Net finance income for the year was GBP0.08m (2014: GBP0.03m cost). This figure includes interest on bank loans taken in 2008 to assist with acquisition funding, interest income received on short-term deposits, and the gain (or cost) associated with derivative financial instruments. An analysis of the net finance income is presented in note 4.


The Group's effective tax rate reduced from 43.2% to 38.8%. The difference between the effective rate of tax and the blended UK statutory rate of 20.25% (2014: 21.49%) largely reflects the impact of profits generated from operations based in the US, where combined federal and state tax rates are higher than those experienced in the UK. As reported in 2014, the high effective tax rate reflects the combination of significant taxable profits in the US, at a relatively high tax rate, and a marginal loss in the UK, which have given rise to an exceptional effective rate in excess of our highest rate of tax payable. An analysis of the tax charge for the year is shown in note 5.

In the short term the effective tax rate is expected to remain relatively high, reflecting the continuing bias in profits to the US. Future profitable growth of the Group's UK-based divisions, which includes our International AMEA operations, is expected to normalise the effective tax rate over the medium term, but, due to the territorial profile of the Group's activities, we would expect the overall effective tax rate to remain above the UK statutory rate. Our approach to tax continues to be to operate on the basis of full disclosure and co-operation with all tax authorities and, where possible, to mitigate the burden of tax within the local legislation.

Earnings per share

Increased operating profitability and a reduced effective tax rate have resulted in a 39% increase in our adjusted earnings per share to 10.29 pence per share (2014: 7.40 pence per share). Earnings per share, which includes the impact of amortisation of acquired intangibles, increased by 40% to 9.52 pence per share (2014: 6.80 pence per share).

The calculations of earnings per share, including diluted figures reflecting the impact of potential ordinary shares from unvested share option schemes, are presented in note 6.


The Board is proposing a 6% increase in the dividend to 3.8p per share. This gives dividend cover of 2.51 times (2014: 1.88 times). Our dividend policy is to grow dividends progressively in line with earnings. The proposed increase in dividend represents the first increase since 2011, prior to the reported decline in the Group's profitability in 2012. Over the intervening period, the Group has successfully maintained the dividend during the implementation of a strategy for sustainable growth and a return to increased profitability.

Cash flow and working capital

Net cash balances (cash and cash equivalents, less borrowing) finished the year at GBP2.3m, unchanged on the position at the start of the year. The largest categories of cash expenditure were, GBP0.97m on acquisitions, GBP0.95m of tax paid and GBP0.52m of dividends paid. A further GBP0.30m was spent on tangible asset purchases and GBP0.7m on intangible asset acquisitions, of which GBP0.4m related to capitalised software assets, including the continuation of the implementation of new Group-wide business systems. This investment was funded by cash generated from operations backed up by a short-term extension in the Group's overdraft facility from GBP0.5m to GBP1.5m.

At 31 December 2015, our other primary borrowing facilities comprised:

-- $0.8m US Dollar term advance (secured on the Group's freehold properties) expiring in May 2018 on which interest is charged at 1.8% over US LIBOR; and

-- GBP3.0m facility for the provision of bonds, guarantees and/or indemnities. This facility is renewed on an annual basis with the next review to be undertaken by the Group's bank during May 2016.

The term advance is subject to the following financial covenants:

   --     a maximum ratio of net debt to EBITDA of 2.0 times; 
   --     a minimum interest cover of 3.0 times; and 

-- the amount borrowed shall not exceed 80% of the value of the properties against which the advance is secured.

As in previous periods the principal impact on cash generation has been the timing of receipts and payments on the larger contracts typically seen in the Group's Wastewater divisions. In general terms, such contracts typically have commercial terms that can materially affect the measure of working capital at a given point in time and require a higher level of working capital than the typically shorter turnaround Stormwater sales.

Capital payments on a loan taken out to finance the 2008 acquisition of Eutek consumed GBP0.2m (2014: GBP0.2m) of cash reserves during the year.

The Directors have assessed the future funding requirements of the Group and compared them with the level of available borrowing facilities and are satisfied that the Group has adequate resources for the foreseeable future.

Financial risk management

The Group operates a central treasury function that controls cash management and borrowings and our financial risks. The main financial risks we face are liquidity, foreign currency, interest rates and credit risk. We only use derivatives to manage our foreign currency risks arising from underlying operational business. Transactions of a speculative nature are prohibited.

Further details of our financial risk management policies are disclosed in the 2014 Annual Report on pages 74 to 77.

Tony Hollox

Chief Financial Officer

29 February 2016

Group Income Statement unaudited

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

March 01, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Year ended 31 December 2015

                                                 Year ended     Year ended 
                                           31 December 2015    31 December 
 Continuing operations                               GBP000         GBP000 
---------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Revenue                                             37,860         32,163 
 Cost of sales                                     (20,294)       (17,589) 
 Gross profit                                        17,566         14,574 
 Administrative expenses                           (15,401)       (12,821) 
---------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit before amortisation 
  of acquired intangibles                             2,331          1,894 
 Amortisation of acquired intangibles                 (166)          (141) 
---------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit                                     2,165          1,753 
 Finance income/(costs)                                  77           (28) 
 Profit before tax                                    2,242          1,725 
                  Tax                                 (869)          (746) 
 Profit for the period from continuing 
  operations                                          1,373            979 
   Basic earnings per ordinary                        9.52p          6.80p 
   share                                              9.08p          6.59p 
   Diluted earnings per ordinary 
---------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income unaudited

Year ended 31 December 2015

                                               Year ended     Year ended 
                                         31 December 2015    31 December 
                                                   GBP000           2014 
   Profit for the period                            1,373            979 
 Exchange differences on translation 
  of foreign operations                               448            397 
-------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                                        1,821          1,376 
-------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 

Consolidated Balance Sheet unaudited

31 December 2015

                                  31 December   31 December   31 December 
                                         2015          2014          2013 
                                       GBP000        GBP000        GBP000 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets - Goodwill           5,250         4,911         4,673 
 Intangible assets - Other              4,621         2,278         1,962 
 Property, plant and equipment          1,850         1,714         1,529 
 Deferred tax assets                      146           260           122 
 Trade receivables                        405           602         1,379 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                       12,272         9,765         9,665 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                            1,686           779           808 
 Trade and other receivables           12,726        13,602        10,322 
 Current tax asset                         57           132           389 
 Cash and cash equivalents              2,876         2,991         4,249 
 Derivative financial 
  assets                                   48             -             - 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                       17,393        17,504        15,768 
 TOTAL ASSETS                          29,665        27,269        25,433 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables              10,968         9,773         8,977 
 Current tax payable                       19           102             - 
 Borrowings                               212           201           189 
 Obligations under finance 
  lease                                    24             -             - 
 Derivative financial 
  liabilities                               -            24             - 
                                       11,223        10,100         9,166 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax liability                 1,576         1,672         1,530 
 Borrowings                               319           503           662 
 Obligations under finance 
  lease                                    68             -             - 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                        1,963         2,175         2,192 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                     13,186        12,275        11,358 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 NET ASSETS                            16,479        14,994        14,075 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Called up share capital                  721           721           720 
 Share premium account                  1,073         1,073         1,035 
 Foreign currency translation 
  reserve                                 850           402             5 
 Retained earnings                     13,835        12,798        12,315 
 TOTAL EQUITY                          16,479        14,994        14,075 
-------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity unaudited

Year ended 31 December 2014

                                  Issued                                  currency          Retained 
                                 capital       Share premium               reserve          earnings       Total 
                                  GBP000              GBP000                GBP000            GBP000      GBP000 
 1 January 2013                      718               1,014                   205            11,975      13,912 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Currency translation 
  difference                           -                   -                 (200)                 -       (200) 
 Profit for the period                 -                   -                     -               762         762 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Comprehensive income                  -                   -                 (200)               762         562 
 Equity shares issued                  2                  21                     -                 -          23 
 Share-based payments                  -                   -                     -                95          95 
 Dividends paid                        -                   -                     -             (517)       (517) 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 31 December 2013                    720               1,035                     5            12,315      14,075 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Currency translation 
  difference                           -                   -                   397                 -         397 
 Profit for the period                 -                   -                     -               979         979 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Comprehensive income                  -                   -                   397               979       1,376 
 Equity shares issued                  1                  38                     -                 -          39 
 Share-based payments                  -                   -                     -                22          22 
 Dividends paid                        -                   -                     -             (518)       (518) 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 31 December 2014                    721               1,073                   402            12,798      14,994 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Currency translation 
  difference                           -                   -                   448                 -         448 
 Profit for the period                 -                   -                     -             1,373       1,373 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Comprehensive income                  -                   -                   448             1,373       1,821 
 Share-based payments                  -                   -                     -               183         183 
 Dividends paid                        -                   -                     -             (519)       (519) 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 31 December 2015                    721               1,073                   850            13,835      16,479 
-----------------------  ---------------  ------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement unaudited

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Year ended 31 December 2015

                                            Year ended     Year ended 
                                           31 December    31 December 
                                                  2015           2014 
                                                GBP000         GBP000 
---------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash inflow generated from operations           3,380            897 
 Interest paid                                     (3)           (16) 
 Corporation tax paid                            (945)          (435) 
 Net cash from operating activities              2,432            446 
---------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchases of property, plant and 
  equipment                                      (280)          (441) 
 Expenditure on patents and trademarks           (121)          (113) 
 Expenditure on software assets                  (398)          (392) 
 Capitalised product development 
  expenditure                                    (197)          (132) 
 Acquisitions (see note 7)                       (969)              - 
 Interest received                                   8             12 
 Net cash used in investing activities         (1,957)        (1,066) 
---------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from the issue of shares 
  to shareholders                                    -             39 
 New finance lease raised                           98              - 
 Repayment of finance lease                       (12)              - 
 Repayment of borrowings                         (205)          (190) 
 Dividends paid to shareholders                  (519)          (518) 
 Net cash expended from financing 
  activities                                     (638)          (669) 
---------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                    (163)        (1,289) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  beginning of the period                        2,991          4,249 
 Exchange gains on cash and cash 
  equivalents                                       48             31 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                              2,876          2,991 
---------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Reconciliation of profit to net cash flow from operating activities unaudited

Year ended 31 December 2015

                                            Year ended     Year ended 
                                           31 December    31 December 
                                                  2015           2014 
                                                GBP000         GBP000 
---------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit for the period                           1,373            979 
 Net finance (income)/costs                       (77)             28 
 Corporation tax expense                           869            746 
 Share-based payment expense                       183             22 
 Depreciation                                      314            238 
 Amortisation of intangibles                       352            396 
 (Increase)/decrease in inventories              (907)             29 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and 
  other receivables                              1,212        (2,384) 
 Increase in trade and other payables               47            812 
 Loss on sale of fixed assets                       14             31 
 Cash inflow generated from operations           3,380            897 
---------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Notes to the preliminary announcement unaudited

Year ended 31 December 2015

   1.   Basis of preparation and status of information 

The preliminary announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 29 February 2016. Whilst the financial information included in the preliminary announcement has been computed in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU, this announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2014 or 2013, and does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRSs.

The financial information for the years ended 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013 is derived from the statutory accounts for those years which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditor reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and did not contain any statements under s498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 or equivalent preceding legislation.

The audit of the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2015 is not yet complete. These accounts will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in the preliminary announcement.

Full audited accounts of Hydro International plc for the 12 months ended 31 December 2015 will be dispatched to shareholders, and made available on the Group's website at www.hydro-int.com, on 24 March 2016 ahead of the AGM date of 19 May 2016. The AGM will be held at the registered office of Hydro International plc at Shearwater House, Clevedon Hall Estate, Victoria Road, Clevedon, BS21 7RD. Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will also be available from the registered office from 24 March 2016. The audited accounts will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the AGM.

   2.   Post balance sheet event 

Subsequent to the year-end the Directors have recommended a dividend of 3.8 pence per share to be paid, totalling GBP548,000. The dividend is subject to approval by the shareholders and will be paid on 6 June 2016 to shareholders on the register on 13 May 2016.

The Group recently announced the intention to acquire 100% of the shares of Hydro-Logic Limited and the business of Hydro-Logic Services LLP. Conditional contracts were signed on 26(th) February 2016, with completion expected on 8(th) March subject to satisfactory conclusion of outstanding legal process.

   3.   Segmental analysis of results 

IFRS 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed by the Board of Directors to allocate resources to the segments and to assess their performance. Information reported to the Group's Board of Directors for the purpose of resource allocations and assessment of segment performance is more specifically focused on the destination of products sold by the operating divisions and the combination of business activity as detailed above, and the destination of the product.

The Group's reportable segments under IFRS 8 are therefore as follows:

Americas: Wastewater and Stormwater

Europe: Wastewater and Stormwater

Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA)

Information regarding the Group's operating segments is reported below.

   3.   Segmental analysis of results (continued) 
                           Year ended         Year ended 
                          31 December        31 December 
                                 2015               2014 
 Segment revenue               GBP000             GBP000 
-----------------   -----------------  ----------------- 
 Wastewater                    13,421             12,217 
 Stormwater                     7,618              5,746 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                               21,039             17,963 
 -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Wastewater                     6,453              5,776 
 Stormwater                     7,729              6,410 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                               14,182             12,186 
 -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 AMEA                           2,639              2,014 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Consolidated                  37,860             32,163 
------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 

There are no inter-segment sales. Within Americas Stormwater a total of GBP4.0m (2014: 3.2m), representing 11% (2014: 10%) of consolidated revenues for the year, was derived from contracts either directly or indirectly with a single customer.

                                   Year ended     Year ended 
                                  31 December    31 December 
                                         2015           2014 
 Segment profit *                      GBP000         GBP000 
-----------------------------   -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                             3,407          3,348 
 Stormwater                               896            687 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                        4,303          4,035 
 -----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                             (135)            245 
 Stormwater                             1,122            767 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                          987          1,012 
 -----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 AMEA                                     920            256 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Group                                (3,879)        (3,409) 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Consolidated                           2,331          1,894 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Amortisation of intangibles 
  Americas Wastewater                   (166)          (141) 

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------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit                       2,165          1,753 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net finance cost                          77           (28) 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit before tax                      2,242          1,725 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Taxation                               (869)          (746) 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit after tax                       1,373            979 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

* Segment profit represents the operating profit earned by each segment excluding amortisation of acquired intangibles, central administration costs including Directors' salaries, investment revenue and finance costs, and income tax expense. This is the measure reported to the Group's Board of Directors for the purpose of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the Group's accounting policies.

   3.   Segmental analysis of results (continued) 
                                  Year ended     Year ended     Year ended 
                                 31 December    31 December    31 December 
                                        2015           2014           2013 
 Segment gross assets                 GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                           14,587         13,359         11,840 
 Stormwater                            2,165          1,943          1,427 
                                      16,752         15,302         13,267 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                            5,480          5,716          6,717 
 Stormwater                            2,881          3,138          2,988 
                                       8,361          8,854          9,705 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Group                                 4,552          3,113          2,461 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Consolidated                         29,665         27,269         25,433 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Segment capital expenditure 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                              193             50             26 
 Stormwater                               46            130             88 
                                         239            180            114 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                               15             84             22 
 Stormwater                                9             69              - 
                                          24            153             22 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Group                                   733            745            358 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Consolidated                            996          1,078            494 
-----------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Segment depreciation 
  and amortisation 
-----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                              100             55 
 Stormwater                               61             37 
                                         161             92 
-----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Wastewater                               32             27 
 Stormwater                               19              8 
                                          51             35 
-----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Group                                   288            366 
-----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Amortisation of acquired 
  Americas Wastewater                    166            141 
-----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Consolidated                            666            634 
-----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

For the purposes of monitoring segment performance and allocating resources between segments, the Board of Directors monitors the tangible, intangible and financial assets attributable to each segment. All assets are allocated to reportable segments with the exception of other financial assets (except for trade and other receivables) and tax assets.

   4.   Net finance cost 
                                       2015     2014 
                                     GBP000   GBP000 
----------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Bank deposit interest receivable         6       11 
 Other interest receivable                1        1 
 Derivative financial instruments        73        - 
 Finance revenue                         80       12 
----------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 On bank loans and overdrafts           (3)     (16) 
 Derivative financial instruments         -     (24) 
 Finance costs                          (3)     (40) 
----------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Net finance cost                        77     (28) 
----------------------------------  -------  ------- 
   5.   Tax 
                                                      2015           2014 
   Analysis of tax charge on ordinary activities    GBP000         GBP000 
  UK corporation tax based on profit for 
   the period at 20.25%                                  -           (66) 
   (2014: 21.49%) 
   Foreign tax charge for current period               974            904 
   Adjustment in respect of prior years               (35)           (26) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------- 
                                                       939            812 
 Deferred tax: 
  Origination and reversal of timing differences      (78)           (80) 
  Adjustment in respect of prior years                   8             14 
  Effect of changes in tax rate                          -              - 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------- 
 Tax on profits on ordinary activities                 869            746 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------- 

Factors affecting tax charge for the year

The blended standard rate of tax for the year, based on the Group's standard rate of corporation tax, is 20.25% (2014: 21.49%). The actual tax charge for the current and previous year is more than the blended standard rate for the reasons set out in the following reconciliation.

                                                  2015      2014 
                                                GBP000    GBP000 
--------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Profit on ordinary activities before 
  taxation                                       2,242     1,725 
  Tax on profit on ordinary activities 
   at standard rate                                454       371 
   Effects of: 
   Expenses not deductible for taxation 
    purposes                                        91      (12) 
   Research and development tax credits           (55)      (58) 
   Adjustments in respect of overseas taxes        385       453 
   Adjustments in respect of prior years          (27)      (12) 
   Adjustments in respect of losses                  -      (23) 
   Other adjustments                                21        27 
 Total tax                                         869       746 
--------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Factors that may affect the future tax charge

A deferred tax asset has not been recognised in respect of timing differences relating to certain trading and capital losses within the Group. The total gross amount of tax losses in respect of which no asset has been recognised is GBP1,295,000 (2014: GBP685,000); the related tax would be recovered if sufficient taxable profits arise in future periods in the appropriate companies in an appropriate time frame. The change in value for the year reflects the increased losses in Hydro International plc.

   6.   Earnings per ordinary share 

The calculation of earnings per share for each year is based on the profit after taxation for the year, divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue in the relevant year. The number of shares used in the calculation is as follows:

                                                  2015            2014 
--------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
    Weighted average number of shares       14,429,089      14,400,267 
--------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

The diluted earnings per share for each year is calculated after the inclusion of share options, as per below:

                                             2015         2014 
 Weighted average number of shares     14,429,089   14,400,267 
  Options over shares                     694,573      461,708 
 Diluted weighted average of shares    15,123,662   14,861,975 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Excluded from this calculation were share options in respect of the SAYE scheme, because they were anti-dilutive for the current period.

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