Edegem/Antwerp, Belgium - London, UK - 27 January 2011 - Hansen Transmissions 
International NV ("Hansen", "the Group" or "the Company") today announces its 
Interim Management Statement for the 3 months ended 31 December 2010. 
The  financial information reported in this release is presented in euro and has 
been  prepared in  accordance with  the recognition  and measurement criteria of 
IFRS  as adopted by the  European Union. The accounting  policies and methods of 
computation  followed for  the 3 months  ended 31 December  2010 are the same as 
those  followed in  the consolidated  annual accounts  as per 31 March 2010. The 
financial  information in this  release is unaudited;  the statutory auditor has 
conducted  a limited review for the period.  The interim report is in compliance 
with IAS 34. 
  * Pro forma1 revenue for the Group - Continued and Discontinued Operations2 - 
    is 108 million EUR compared to 137 million EUR for the same period last year 
  * Pro forma EBITDA3 for the Group - Continued and Discontinued Operations - is 
    10.4 million EUR, a margin of 9.7% 
  * Pro forma Net Financial Debt4 for the Group at 84 million EUR on 31 December 
    2010, reduced from 129 million EUR on 31 March 2010.  Consolidated Net 
    Senior Debt stood at 2.2x Consolidated EBITDA, well within the covenant 
    level of 3.25x for the period 
  * Hansen reiterates its earlier guidance, with revenue from Continued and 
    Discontinued Operations for the current financial year expected to decrease 
    in aggregate by approximately 10% from the level achieved for the financial 
    year 2010 
  * As from 31 December 2010, Hansen's industrial gearbox division is recorded 
    as discontinued operations. The results for the third quarter for wind 
    gearbox activities (the "Continuing Group") are: 
      * Revenue of 87 million EUR compared to 117 million EUR for the same 
        period last year 
      * EBITDA for the Continuing Group 8.4 million EUR - margin of 9.6% 
1 Pro forma includes wind gearbox business (the "Continuing Group") and 
industrial gearbox business (which is classified as "Discontinued" as from 31 
December 2010) 
2 Continued and Discontinued Operations includes wind gearbox business and 
industrial gearbox business 
3 EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortization 
4 Net Financial Debt = calculated as long- & short-term financial debts minus 
cash & cash equivalents 
Alex  De  Ryck,  CEO  of  Hansen  commented:  "Many  of the challenges that have 
affected  our sector over  the past quarters  are still present. Whilst economic 
conditions  are starting to slowly improve, government subsidies and third party 
financing  for the wind industry remain impacted by the economic environment and 
the regulatory support for the wind sector globally continues to be uncertain. 
In  particular, the European and  US wind markets are  still working through the 
impact  of  these  issues.  However,  the  Chinese  and  Indian wind markets are 
projected  to continue their  growth path, reinforced  by the economic growth in 
their  domestic markets and strong governmental  incentives and support in their 
respective  regions. Hansen remains  well placed in  these growth markets with a 
growing product portfolio. 
Through the proposed divestment of our industrial gearbox business, we emphasize 
the  focus  for  Hansen  as  a  pure  wind  energy business. This important step 
strengthens  the  Company's  position  for  the  next  growth cycle in renewable 
Note:  Pro forma  includes wind  gearbox business  (the "Continuing  Group") and 
industrial  gearbox  business  (industrial  gearboxes  business is classified as 
"Discontinued" as from 31 December 2010). 
TABLE 1. Pro Forma - Continued and Discontinued Combined 
                For the 3 |% change| For the 3 | |For the 9 |      %|For the 9 | 
                    months|        |     months| |    months| change|    months| 
                     ended|        |      ended| |     ended|       |     ended| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
               31 December|        |31 December| |       31 |       |       31 | 
                      2010|        |       2009| |  December|       |  December| 
                          |        |           | |      2010|       |      2009| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                 Unaudited|        |  Unaudited| | Unaudited|       | Unaudited| 
                    (EUR000)|        |     (EUR000)| |    (EUR000)|       |    (EUR000)| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Revenue            107,917|   (21%)|    136,614| |   346,778|  (18%)|   422,560| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
EBITDA1             10,440|   (22%)|     13,448| |    33,234|     9%|    30,543| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Ebitda Margin         9.7%|        |       9.8%| |      9.6%|       |      7.2%| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Depreciation &            |        |           | |          |       |          | 
amortization        11,929|      3%|     11,585| |    36,299|    17%|    30,980| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
EBIT2              (1,489)|       -|      1,863| |   (3,065)|      -|     (437)| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Ebit Margin         (1.4%)|       -|       1.4%| |    (0.9%)|       |    (0.1%)| 
                                                  As at |    As at | 
 The Group,                            31 December 2010 | 31 March | 
 Continued and Discontinued Combined                    |     2010 | 
                                                        |          | 
                                              Unaudited |          | 
                                                 (EUR000) |   (EUR000) | 
                                                        |          | 
 Net working capital                            139,666 |  178,566 | 
 Net Financial Debt3                             84,496 |  128,798 | 
TABLE 2. Continuing Group - Wind gearbox business 
                For the 3 |% change| For the 3 | |For the 9 |      %|For the 9 | 
                    months|        |     months| |    months| change|    months| 
                     ended|        |      ended| |     ended|       |     ended| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
               31 December|        |31 December| |       31 |       |       31 | 
                      2010|        |       2009| |  December|       |  December| 
                          |        |           | |      2010|       |      2009| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                 Unaudited|        |  Unaudited| | Unaudited|       | Unaudited| 
                    (EUR000)|        |     (EUR000)| |    (EUR000)|       |    (EUR000)| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Revenue             87,040|   (26%)|    117,467| |   284,462|  (22%)|   362,591| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
EBITDA1              8,354|   (44%)|     14,835| |    27,515|  (13%)|    31,674| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Ebitda Margin         9.6%|        |      12.6%| |      9.7%|       |      8.7%| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Depreciation &            |        |           | |          |       |          | 
amortization        11,135|      6%|     10,473| |    33,633|    21%|    27,694| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
EBIT2              (2,781)|       -|      4,362| |   (6,118)|      -|     3,980| 
                          |        |           | |          |       |          | 
Ebit Margin         (3.2%)|        |       3.7%| |    (2.2%)|       |      1.1%| 
1 EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortization 
2 EBIT = EBITDA after depreciation & amortization 
3 Net Financial Debt = calculated as long- & short-term financial debts minus 
cash & cash equivalents 
During  the third quarter  of financial year  2011, the reported revenue for the 
Continuing  Group  -  wind  gearboxes  -  decreased by 26% compared to the third 
quarter  of the  previous financial  year. For  the nine  month period ended 31 
December  2010, revenue  of  wind  gearboxes  decreased  to  284 million  EUR, a 
decrease of 22% compared to the same period in the previous financial year. 
This  revenue decrease was mainly due  to a reallocation of scheduled deliveries 
in wind turbine gearboxes. With an ongoing dialogue with customers, Hansen works 
with  its  customers  to  manage  their  requirements  in  line with the current 
operating and credit environment. 
Hansen  has been flexible with volumes during  Q3 of the financial year 2011, in 
line  with customer  requirements. Based  on this  rescheduling and  the ongoing 
discussions  with customers, the Company expects  a stronger 4th quarter for the 
current financial year. 
As  a result of lower  volumes and the associated  under-absorption of the fixed 
costs base, the EBITDA margin declined to 9.6% of revenue in Q3 of the financial 
year 2011, compared to 12.6% for the same period the previous year. 
Upon  completion of the proposed disposal  of the industrial gearbox division to 
Sumitomo  Heavy Industries  the annual  wind gearbox  capacity of the Continuing 
Group  will be reduced by approximately 13 per cent - from currently 8,700 MW to 
7,600 MW,  thereby reducing the financial impact  of the current overcapacity in 
the business. 
Such capacity reduction would have reduced the cost base of the Continuing Group 
for  the  first  half  of  financial  year  2011 by approximately 4 million EUR, 
comprising  a reduction in  cost of sales  of approximately 3 million  EUR and a 
reduction  in  administrative  expenses  of  approximately  1 million  EUR.  The 
aggregate  4 million EUR cost reduction  includes approximately 1 million EUR of 
From  a  financial  perspective,  the  proposed  disposal  of industrial gearbox 
business  will strengthen the financial structure of the Continuing Group, which 
will  further improve its  financial flexibility. In  addition, the reduction of 
the  Continuing Group's overall  indebtedness will reduce  financing costs. Such 
debt reduction would have reduced the financing costs of the Company for the six 
month period of the first half of financial year 2011 by approximately 2 million 
On  31 December 2010, the Group - Continued  and Discontinued Operations - had a 
net  financial  debt  position  of  84 million  EUR, calculated as long-term and 
short-term financial debts minus cash and cash equivalents. 
The  Consolidated Net Senior Debt to Consolidated EBITDA ratio for the Group was 
2.2 times  at 31 December 2010, well within the covenant limit of 3.25 times for 
that period. 
On  15 October 2010, the Company announced that it had received an offer for its 
industrial  gearbox  division  from  Sumitomo  Heavy Industries, Ltd. ("Sumitomo 
HI").  On  20 December  2010, following  successful  completion  of  an employee 
information  and consultation procedure, the  Company entered into a conditional 
sale  and purchase agreement  to dispose of  the entire issued  share capital of 
Hansen Industrial Transmissions NV to Sumitomo HI. 
Further  to the announcement of 20 December  2010, the Company expects to post a 
circular to its shareholders later today containing a notice convening a general 
meeting of the Company (the "Circular"). 
The  general meeting is to be held  at Hotel Ter Elst, Ter Elststraat 310, 2650 
Edegem, Belgium at 11 am CET on 23 February 2011 (the "General Meeting"). 
The  Company announces that the Board  of Directors has appointed Bjerres Bureau 
Aps,  represented by its  permanent representative Mr.  Torben Bjerre-Madsen, as 
Vice  Chairman of the Board, in  accordance with article 17 of Hansen's Articles 
of  Association. The Vice Chairman can preside over the meetings of the Board of 
Directors in the absence of the Chairman and supports the Chairman on a range of 
tasks.  Mrs.  Jann  Brown  continues  to  hold the role of senior non-executive, 
independent Director of the Board. 
Torben  Bjerre-Madsen joined the Group  in 2005 as an independent, non-executive 
member of the Board of Directors and chairs the Audit Committee of Hansen. Prior 
to  joining the Group, he  held positions as the  Chief Executive Officer of Neg 
Micon  A/S, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, and Chief 
Financial Officer of Crisplant Industries A/S. Alongside his current position at 
the  Company, he acts as  a non-executive Director of  a number of international 
companies,  among them VKR Holding A/S and Viking Life Saving Equipment A/S, and 
is  also  Chairman  of  a  number  of  companies  in the renewable energy sector 
including Avanti Wind Systems A/S, SolarCap A/S and MAKE Consulting A/S. 
As  previously indicated, Hansen believes  the operating environment will remain 
challenging  with limited short term visibility  and continued volatility in the 
order scheduling by our customer base, in line with the end demand for turbines. 
Reflecting  this  challenging  trading  environment,  the Company reconfirms its 
previous  guidance  for  revenue  from  Continued and Discontinued Operations to 
decrease by approximately 10% for the current financial year. 
Following  the classification of the industrial gearbox business as Discontinued 
Operations as from 31 December 2010, the Company has now also allocated guidance 
for   revenues  for  the  financial  year  2011 for  both  business  activities: 
approximately  -15% revenue decrease  for the Continuing  Group (wind gearboxes) 
and   approximately   +10% growth   for   Discontinued   Operations  (industrial 
The  Company continues to  focus on ongoing  cost reduction measures, production 
optimization  and capacity utilization measures to  reduce the overall impact on 
profitability of the reduced output levels. 
Hansen will host an Analyst and Investor meeting on the Q3 Interim Management 
Statement for financial year 2011 
 With:   Alex De Ryck, CEO 
         Jan Willem Ruinemans, CFO 
 On:     Thursday 27 January 2011 - 09:00 am UK Time 
 At:     KBC 
         Meeting Rooms 16 & 17 
         111 Old Broad Street 
         EC2N 1BR 
         Dial in details: 
         Dial-in number: +44 (0)20 3140 0668 
         Pass code: 354664# 
A replay of this analyst presentation will be available on the Investor 
Relations sections of Hansen's website as from Thursday evening of 27 January 
2011 on http://ir.hansentransmissions.com/ir/results/results_announcements. 
For further information, please contact: 
| Hansen Transmissions International NV                  | 
|                                                        | 
| Investor Relations                                     | 
| Hans Ooms                            | +32 3 450 58 62 | 
| De Villermontstraat 9                |                 | 
| 2550 Kontich - Belgium               |                 | 
| hans.ooms.ir@hansentransmissions.com |                 | 
| http://ir.hansentransmissions.com/   |                 | 
| Investors & Analysts                        | 
|                                             | 
| Maitland                                    | 
| Sarah Hamilton           | +44 20 7395 0464 | 
| shamilton@maitland.co.uk | +44 7836 295 291 | 
|                          |                  | 
| Dan Yea                  | +44 20 7395 0422 | 
| dyea@maitland.co.uk      | +44 7595 270 691 | 
Financial Calendar - Hansen 
 12 months period ending 31 March 2011 
|26 July 2010                          |Interim StatementQ3 2011 Results       | 
|28 October 2010                       |Press Release 1H 2011 Results          | 
|27 January 2011                       |- Interim statement         Q3 2011    | 
|                                      |Results                                | 
|                                      |- Publication of Class I Circular      | 
|23 February 2011                      |Special Shareholders' Meeting          | 
|19 May 2011 (*)                       |Press Release Annual results FY 2011   | 
|31 May 2011 (*)                       |Annual Financial Report FY 2011        | 
|30 June 2011                          |ASM                         FY 2011    | 
 (*) dates subject to final 
About Hansen Transmissions 
Hansen  Transmissions  International  NV  is  an established global wind turbine 
gearbox  and  industrial  gearbox  designer,  manufacturer  and supplier, with a 
leading  position  (by  MW  supplied)  in  the  wind turbine gearbox market. The 
Company  supplies gearboxes  to the  world's major  manufacturers of gear-driven 
wind  turbines and provides durable  gear drives for a  wide range of industrial 
applications  throughout  the  world.  Both  Hansen's wind energy and industrial 
activities   have  established  dedicated  international  service  networks.  In 
addition  to its principal state-of-the-art  manufacturing facilities located in 
Flanders, Belgium - i.e. a wind turbine and industrial gearbox plant and a fully 
integrated, dedicated wind turbine gearbox manufacturing facility - Hansen has a 
production plant for wind turbine gearboxes in Coimbatore, India and an assembly 
and  testing plant for the Chinese market, located in Tianjin, China. Hansen has 
currently wind turbine gearbox manufacturing capabilities of 8,700 MW per annum. 
Strong  in-house R&D  operations maintain  Hansen's technological leadership and 
the Company employs approximately 2,000 people worldwide. 
About Hansen Industrial Transmissions 
Hansen  Industrial  Transmissions  is  a  global  industrial  gearbox  designer, 
manufacturer  and supplier. The company supplies  for a wide range of industrial 
applications throughout the world and has an established dedicated international 
service  network.  Hansen  Industrial  Transmissions  operates  a  manufacturing 
facility  and services centre  located in Flanders,  Belgium as well as assembly 
centres  in  Australia,  Brazil,  China,  South  Africa,  the UK and the US. HIT 
employs 730 people worldwide as at the end of 2010. 
Merrill  Lynch International ("Bank of America  Merrill Lynch") has been engaged 
to  provide  financial  advice  to  the  Board  of  Directors in relation to the 
proposed   disposal  of  the  industrial  gearbox  division  to  Sumitomo  Heavy 
Industries.  Bank of America Merrill Lynch  is acting exclusively for Hansen and 
no  one  else  and  will  not  be  responsible  to  anyone other than Hansen for 
providing  the protections afforded to clients  of Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
or for providing advice in relation to the proposed transaction. 
Forward Looking Statements 
This press release may include statements that are "forward-looking statements". 
In  some cases, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of 
forward-looking   terminology,  including  the  terms  "believes",  "estimates", 
"forecasts",   "plans",   "prepares",   "projects",   "anticipates",  "expects", 
"intends",  "may",  "will",  "should"  or  other  similar words. Forward-looking 
statements  may include, without limitation,  those regarding Hansen's financial 
position,  business  strategy,  plans  and  objectives  of management for future 
operations  (including  development  plans  and  objectives relating to Hansen's 
products)  and  the  wind  turbine  and  gearbox  markets.  Such forward-looking 
statements  involve  known  and  unknown  risks, uncertainties and other factors 
which  may cause the  actual results, performance  or achievements of Hansen, or 
industry   results,   to  be  materially  different  from  any  future  results, 
performance  or  achievements  expressed  or  implied  by  such  forward-looking 
statements.  Such forward looking  statements are based  on numerous assumptions 
regarding Hansen's present and future business strategies and the environment in 
which  Hansen will operate in the future. These forward looking statements speak 
only  as  of  the  date  of  this  press release. Hansen expressly disclaims any 
obligation  or undertaking to  release publicly any  updates or revisions to any 
forward-looking  statement contained  herein to  reflect any  change in Hansen's 
expectations  with  regard  thereto  or  any  change  in  events,  conditions or 
circumstances on which any such statement is based. 
Neither  the  content  of  the  Company's  website  nor the content of any other 
website  accessible  from  hyperlinks  on  the Company's website is incorporated 
into, or forms part of, this announcement. 
Press Release (PDF): 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Hansen Transmissions International NV via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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