Edegem,   Belgium   -  London,  UK  -  28 October  2010 -  Hansen  Transmissions 
International  NV ("Hansen",  "the Group"  or "the  Company") (LSE ticker 'HSN') 
today announces its results for the 3 months ended 30 September 2010 and for the 
6 months ended 30 September 2010. 
  * Revenue 239 million EUR compared to 286 million EUR for the same period in 
    the previous year 
  * EBITDA1 margin at 9.5% - up from 6.0% for the same period last year, 
    primarily driven by successful implementation of cost reduction measures 
  * The Company continues to manage its operating costs and capacity utilization 
    closely in line with the current trading environment 
  * During the period, the Company generated 55.2 million EUR operating cash 
  * Reduction in Net financial debt to 88.3 million EUR on 30 September 2010 and 
    Consolidated Net Senior Debt/Last Twelve Months Consolidated EBITDA1 of 
    2.11 x on 30 September 2010, comfortably within the revised covenant level 
    of 3.25 x (previous level of 3.00 x) 
   1 EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortization 
Alex De Ryck, CEO of Hansen commented: 
"Current  market conditions  in the  wind sector  are challenging.  With limited 
growth  in European markets and a near standstill  in the US, it is clear that a 
sustained   improvement   in  order  flows  is  taking  longer  than  previously 
anticipated,  leading to our previously announced reduction in expected revenues 
for the current financial year. 
While  demand for our products in Europe  and the US remains under pressure, the 
Chinese  and Indian  wind markets  are experiencing  significantly better growth 
rates.  Hansen is well positioned in these growing markets, although the current 
revenue  contribution from new  Chinese customers remains  small. In addition we 
continue  to focus on further client  diversification worldwide and the widening 
of our product offering. 
Our  balance sheet is strong, and we  continue to retain a significant amount of 
flexibility  to  manage  the  business  through the continued challenging market 
Following the proposed divestment of our Industrial Gearbox business to Sumitomo 
Heavy  Industries, we will  benefit from the  sale proceeds, a  reduction in our 
currently   underutilized  manufacturing  capacity  and  from  becoming  a  pure 
renewable energy business. 
Our  confidence  in  the  wind  industry's  medium  and longer term fundamentals 
remains  strong and we continue  to be well placed  to capture our share of this 
Since  early 2009, the  volatility and  challenges affecting  the near term wind 
market  have been reflected  in the financial  results of Hansen  and this trend 
As  previously indicated, Hansen believes  the operating environment will remain 
challenging  for some time, with limited short term visibility and volatility in 
the  order scheduling  by our  customer base,  in line  with the  end demand for 
Reflecting  this challenging trading  environment, and as  announced in Hansen's 
trading  update published  on 20 October  2010, Hansen expects  revenues for the 
current  financial year to decrease by approximately 10% from the level achieved 
for the financial year 2010. 
The  Company continues to  focus on ongoing  cost reduction measures, production 
optimization   and  capacity  utilization  measures  to  reduce  the  impact  on 
profitability of the reduced output levels. 
Hansen will host an analyst presentation on the First Half Results of the 
Financial Year 2011: 
 With:   Alex De Ryck, CEO 
         Jan Willem Ruinemans, CFO 
 On:     Thursday 28 October - 09:00 am UK Time 
 At:     Bank of America Merrill Lynch 
         Bank of America Merrill Lynch Financial Centre 
         2 King Edward Street 
         London EC1A 1HQ 
         Dial-in details: 
         Dial-in number: +44 20 8996 3920 
         Pass code: 169088 
A replay of this analyst presentation will be available on the Investor 
Relations section of Hansen's website as from Thursday evening 28 October 2010 
on http://ir.hansentransmissions.com/ir/results/results_announcements . 
The  financial information reported in this release is presented in EURO and has 
been  prepared in  accordance with  the recognition  and measurement criteria of 
IFRS  as adopted by the  European Union. The accounting  policies and methods of 
computation  followed for the  6 months ended 30 September  2010 are the same as 
those  followed in  the consolidated  annual accounts  as per 31 March 2010. The 
full  report containing the Condensed  Consolidated Interim Financial Statements 
for  the six month period ended 30 September 2010 including the Auditor's Report 
is  published on the website of Hansen under the Investor Relations section. The 
financial  information in this interim report  is in compliance with IAS 34. For 
the  full  set  of  Condensed  Consolidated Interim Financial Statements, please 
click here. 
HANSEN CONSOLIDATED RESULTS - summary financial information 
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements for the 6 months period 
ended 30 September 2010 available on: 
                 For the 6 |% change|  For the 6 |  For the 3 |     %|  For the| 
                     months|        |      months|      months|change| 3 months| 
                     period|        |period ended|      period|      |   period| 
                      ended|        |30 September|       ended|      |    ended| 
               30 September|        |        2009|         30 |      |      30 | 
                       2010|        |            |   September|      |September| 
                           |        |            |        2010|      |     2009| 
=--------------------------+--------+------------+ -----------+------+---------+ 
                  Unaudited|        |   Unaudited|   Unaudited|      |Unaudited| 
=--------------------------+--------+------------+ -----------+------+---------+ 
                       KEUR|        |        KEUR|        KEUR|      |     KEUR| 
                           |        |            |            |      |         | 
                           |        |            |            |      |         | 
                           |        |            |            |      |         | 
Revenue             238,861|  -16.5%|     285,946|     131,819|-11.9%|  149,685| 
=--------------------------+--------+------------+ -----------+------+---------+ 
                           |        |            |            |      |         | 
                           |        |            |            |      |         | 
EBITDA1              22,794|  +33.3%|      17,095|      16,115|+61.8%|    9,959| 
                           |        |            |            |      |         | 
Margin                 9.5%|        |        6.0%|       12.2%|      |     6.7%| 
                           |        |            | -----------+------+---------+ 
Net                        |        |            | 
profit/(loss)              |        |            | 
for the period      (9,981)|        |     (8,902)| 
                           |        |            | 
                           |        |            | 
Total shares -             |        |            | 
weighted av.    670,104,208|        | 670,104,208| 
                           |        |            | 
EPS  -  Basic              |        |            | 
(in EUR)            (0.015)|        |     (0.013)| 
                           |        |            | 
                           |        |            | 
Net debt                   |        |            | 
(cash)               88,288| -51.0% |     180,331| 
Purchase                   |        |            | 
property,                  |        |            | 
plant &                    |        |            | 
equipment.            7,160|        |      46,481| 
Headcount             2,110|        |       2,376| 
(1) EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortization 
The  Group's results for the first half of the financial year 2011 were impacted 
by the volatility and challenges faced by the wind market. 
Although  revenue for  the second  quarter of  this financial  year increased by 
23.1% compared  to the previous quarter of this financial year, total revenue in 
the  first half  of the  financial year  2011 decreased by 16.5% compared to the 
same period last year due to a lower level of activity. 
The following table provides a breakdown of the revenue per gearbox type for the 
six months ended 30 September 2010 and the six months ended 30 September 2009: 
  in KEUR                                       |1H FY 2011|1H FY 2010|Change| 
|Revenue from the sale of Wind turbine gearboxes|   197,423|   245,123|-19.5%| 
|Revenue from the sale of Industrial gearboxes  |    41,438|    40,823| +1.5%| 
                                                |   238,861|   285,946|-16.5%| 
The  total investment in property, plant and equipment for the first half of the 
financial  year 2011 was 7.2 million EUR, which related primarily to maintenance 
investments.  The total investment for the  full financial year 2011 is expected 
to reach approximately 30 million EUR. 
In  order to align global manufacturing capacity with the reduced market demand, 
Hansen  has not invested in additional  manufacturing capacity in the first half 
of the financial year 2011. 
Jan Willem Ruinemans joined on 1 September 2010 as CFO of Hansen. 
Before  joining Hansen, Jan Willem  was CFO and an  Executive Board member of BE 
Semiconductor Industries, a leading Dutch manufacturer of assembly equipment for 
the  global semiconductor  and electronics  industry. Prior  to this position he 
worked  at  Philips  for  13 years  in  a  number of senior financial management 
On  1 September 2010, Hansen appointed Mr. Mohan Nagamangala Srinivasan as Chief 
Operating  Officer. He takes over from Cliff Dawson who has decided to retire on 
1 November 2010. Mohan, previously executive Director and member of the Board of 
Hansen  Drives Ltd, a  subsidiary of Hansen  Transmissions, has been  key to the 
successful development of the Coimbatore manufacturing facility in India. 
On 22 September 2010, Hansen appointed Leszek Biskup-Koestner as Vice President, 
Six  Sigma. Leszek is a quality management specialist with over sixteen years of 
Six  Sigma experience  gained at  a number  of best-in-class companies including 
Siemens   and   GE   Capital  Fleet  services  and,  more  recently,  Bombardier 
Transportation and Wabco Vehicle Control Systems. 
The  Company continued temporary unemployment schemes  for blue and white collar 
employees in Belgium to align its workforce to the current economic situation. 
The total headcount of the Group at 30 September 2010 is 2,110, down from 2,193 
on 31 March 2010 (-3.8%). 
Market update 
As  a consequence of the financial crisis,  the wind sector outside of China has 
been  consistently weak for the past two years. The lack of available financing, 
the  lower electricity  demand in  Europe and  the US,  the uncertainty about US 
regulation  and  the  low  gas  prices  all  had  an  impact on the wind sector, 
resulting  in  a  lack  of  order  flows  for  wind  turbines and continued poor 
visibility  in the short term.  The Chinese and Indian  market on the other hand 
experienced  volume growth, driven by favourable government policies, increasing 
power demand and available financing. 
Hansen's position 
Hansen  is one of the world leaders  in multi-MW Wind turbine gearboxes. Despite 
the challenging market conditions of the past 24 months, Hansen has successfully 
maintained  its  strong  position  with  its  clients.  Additionally  Hansen has 
increased its client diversification program and will continue to do so. 
Collaboration with Romax 
To  further  strengthen  its  position  as  one  of  the  leading  designers and 
manufacturers  of high quality gear units, Hansen will work together with Romax, 
the drive train and gearbox solutions specialists, to deliver to certain Chinese 
and  South Korean wind turbine manufacturers a complete and technically advanced 
service for the design, development and supply of state-of-the-art gearboxes for 
multi-MW  wind turbines. This partnership is a clear commitment to strengthening 
Hansen's  resources, increasing and enhancing  our offering, and targeting best- 
in-class time-to-market in the Asian region. 
The   revenue   of  Hansen's  industrial  gearbox  division,  Hansen  Industrial 
Transmissions,  increased  by  1.5% compared  to  first  half  of  the  previous 
financial year, showing signs of an improved operational environment. 
Bid from Sumitomo HI for Hansen Industrial Transmissions 
On  15 October  2010, Hansen  announced  that  it  had received an offer for its 
industrial  gearbox  division  (Hansen  Industrial  Transmissions  ("HIT")) from 
Sumitomo  Heavy  Industries  ("Sumitomo  HI")  (the "Proposed Transaction"). The 
management  team and Board of Hansen  have evaluated the Proposed Transaction in 
detail and believe it presents an attractive opportunity for both its industrial 
and wind gearbox businesses. 
As  a result of the Proposed Transaction, Hansen Transmissions will focus itself 
as  a  pure  renewable  energy  business.  The  Group's management and Board are 
convinced that this is the right strategic path that will lead to a stronger and 
more focused position in a sector with substantial long-term opportunities. 
Hansen  Transmissions has started the  information and consultation process with 
respect  to the contemplated  divestment. The Proposed  Transaction requires the 
Hansen  plant  in  Edegem,  Belgium,  to  be restructured before completion (the 
"Restructuring"). The Restructuring may lead to a headcount reduction in Belgium 
of  up to 125 employees out  of a total HIT  headcount of 730 in seven countries 
worldwide (514 in Belgium). It is envisaged that the management team of HIT will 
transfer with HIT on completion of the Proposed Transaction. 
The  Proposed Transaction values HIT  at 75 million EUR on  a cash and debt free 
basis,  before costs that will be incurred  and borne by Hansen Transmissions in 
connection  with the  Restructuring of  HIT prior  to completion of the Proposed 
Transaction.  The final consideration will be payable in cash at completion. The 
Proposed Transaction will be subject to the approval of Hansen's shareholders. 
The  final proceeds received by Hansen  Transmissions in respect of the Proposed 
Transaction will primarily be used to pay down debt. 
Besides  an important focus on client diversification, Hansen is working hard to 
broaden  and  enhance  its  product  portfolio  for the wind turbine market. The 
development  of eight new products, both  for Hansen's existing and new clients, 
is progressing as on schedule. 
Hansen  has three  dedicated wind  turbine gearbox  plants in Belgium, India and 
China.  The capacity  of these  fully integrated  plants for  gearboxes for wind 
turbines,  combined with capacity in  the Edegem plant in  Belgium, results in a 
global  manufacturing capacity for wind turbine  gearboxes of 8,700 MW as of 30 
September 2010. 
Following  any sale of  the Industrial Gearbox  business to Sumitomo HIT, Hansen 
Transmissions  plans to  discontinue its  wind gearbox  activities in the Edegem 
plant  in Belgium, and concentrate the  production, assembly and testing of wind 
turbine  gearboxes in its existing dedicated  wind gearbox facilities. This will 
reduce  Hansen Transmissions' global wind turbine gearbox manufacturing capacity 
of  8,700 MW by 1,100 MW. This reduction in  capacity will help reduce the level 
of over capacity in Hansen Transmissions' remaining facilities and is reflective 
of the continued volatility and uncertainty in the global wind energy market. 
Following  the rescheduling of orders as  announced by the Company on 20 October 
2010, the  global utilization rate  for the dedicated  wind gearbox factories is 
expected  to  reach  approximately  45% to  50% for the financial year 2011. The 
potential sale to Sumitomo HI results in an improvement of utilization rate to a 
level of approximately 50% to 55% based on the current year's expected volume. 
Based  on current market conditions, Hansen continues to optimise the phasing of 
its manufacturing capacity expansion plan up to financial year 2013. 
In  order to align global manufacturing capacity with the reduced market demand, 
Hansen does not anticipate investing in additional manufacturing capacity in the 
financial year 2011. 
Hansen  will continue to  monitor closely the  annual phasing of additional gear 
manufacturing  capacity in India and China, in order to align capacity to market 
conditions and demand from customers. Hansen is currently reviewing its capacity 
expansion  plans and after the completion of the proposed sale of the Industrial 
Gearbox  business to  Sumitomo HI,  Hansen expects  to update  the market on the 
likely phasing of capacity expansion for the following years. 
The  Company's sales  in wind  turbine gearboxes  decreased from 2,499 MW in the 
first  half of financial  year 2010 to 2,042 MW  in the first  half of financial 
year 2011. 
The  Company has recently  completed a full  review of order  schedules with its 
customers.  Following this review, which resulted in significant rescheduling of 
orders  for the last quarter of the  current financial year, Hansen announced on 
20 October 2010 revised revenue guidance for the current financial year. 
The  majority of the revenue shortfall has occurred within our European customer 
base.  The  Company  continues  to  closely  work  with  its  customers to align 
deliveries to their volume requirements. 
The following table provides a condensed breakdown of Hansen's cost of sales: 
                         For the six|% of revenue|      For the six|% of revenue 
                              months|            |           months| 
                               ended|            |            ended| 
                        30 September|            |     30 September| 
                                2010|            |             2009| 
                           Unaudited|            |        Unaudited| 
                              (EUR000)|            |           (EUR000)| 
                                    |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
Sales of goods               238,861|            |          285,946| 
Cost of sales                       |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
 Materials                   128,265|       53.7%|          161,377|       56.4% 
                                    |            |                 | 
 Direct labour                12,159|        5.1%|           14,419|        5.0% 
                                    |            |                 | 
 Variable works               18,313|        7.7%|           20,985|        7.3% 
overheads                           |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
 Changes in                      466|        0.2%|            7,030|        2.5% 
overheads in                        |            |                 | 
inventory                           |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
 Fixed works                  36,953|       15.5%|           36,230|       12.7% 
overheads                           |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
                                    |            |                 | 
Gross Profit                  42,705|       17.9%|           45,905|       16.1% 
The  Gross Profit margin for  the first half of  financial year 2011 improved to 
17.9%, up from 16.1% the previous year. 
With  16.5% lower sales compared to the first  half of the prior financial year, 
Hansen  was able to keep  Direct Labour and Variable  Works Overheads broadly at 
flat  percentages of revenue,  with a total  of 12.8% in the  first half for the 
current  financial year, compared to 12.3% the  prior year. This cost control is 
driven  largely by the implementation of  temporary unemployment measures in the 
Belgium facilities and the lower cost base in India and China. 
The materials costs decreased as a percentage of revenue to 53.7% from 56.4% the 
previous year, primarily driven by supply chain optimization efforts. 
The  Gross  Profit  Margin  was  however  negatively impacted by 2.8 pct. points 
compared  to prior  year due  to a  higher percentage  of Fixed Works Overheads, 
driven by increased depreciation from investment in the previous year. Following 
the  decrease of revenue in the first half of the financial year 2011, the fixed 
costs absorption rate of fixed overheads deteriorated. Depreciation for the full 
financial year 2011 is expected to reach approximately 50 million EUR. 
Sales,  distribution & administration costs have decreased from 40.8 million EUR 
in  the first half last year to  39.3 million EUR (-4% or 1.5 million EUR lower) 
driven by general cost savings implemented last year, notwithstanding additional 
1.0 million  EUR depreciation  costs included  in the  first half administration 
costs primarily for the factories in India and China. 
In  the first  half of  financial year  2011, Hansen invested 7.2 million EUR in 
Research  & Development, representing  3.0% of revenue. These  costs are charged 
directly to the income statement. The Group's intention is to maintain the level 
of  Research & Development investment in the coming years at approximately 3.0% 
of revenue. 
Innovation  within the Group  is not limited  to Research &  Development, but is 
equally  important  in  the  manufacturing  processes  and  methodologies of the 
Company.  These expenses  are contained  in fixed  works overheads  and variable 
works overheads. 
The  Company  continues  to  explore  and  exploit  opportunities to maintain an 
appropriate cost base, in line with its activity level. 
Hansen has adjusted its direct costs and its supply chain in line with the lower 
activity  level. Additionally the Company remains  flexible in its direct labour 
planning  thanks to the  continued implementation of  temporary unemployment for 
blue  and white  collar employees  in Belgium.  Finally the Company continues to 
focus on savings in its general costs. 
During  the first half of financial year 2011, EBITDA margins and cash flow have 
improved as a result of the successful implementation of the above measures. 
On  30 September  2010, the  Company  had  a  net financial debt position of 88 
million  EUR, calculated as cash and cash-equivalents minus long-term and short- 
term financial debts. 
In  the first 6 months of this financial  year, inventory was further reduced by 
12.5%, from  162 million EUR at 31 March 2010 to 142 million EUR at 30 September 
2010, as  a result of lower volumes  and Hansen's successful inventory reduction 
Trade  receivables  have  further  decreased  to 107 million EUR at 30 September 
2010 from  122 million EUR  at 31 March  2010. This decrease  is a result of the 
Company  working  closely  with  its  customers  to  reduce  the levels of trade 
In order to maintain its financial flexibility, the Company has successfully re- 
negotiated   its   banking  covenants.  The  Consolidated  Net  Senior  Debt  to 
Consolidated  EBITDA  ratio  was  2.11 times  at  30 September 2010, comfortably 
within the revised covenant limit of 3.25 times, previously 3.00 times. 
The revised banking covenants ratios are: 
|Measurement period    |Date                |Previous Covenant |      New      | 
|                      |                    |      Ratios      |Covenant Ratios| 
|Q2 Financial Year 2011|30 September 2010   |      3.00x       |     3.25x     | 
|Q3 Financial Year 2011|31 December 2010    |      3.00x       |     3.25x     | 
|Q4 Financial Year 2011|31 March 2011       |      3.00x       |     3.00x     | 
|Q1 Financial Year 2012|30 June 2011        |      3.00x       |     3.00x     | 
|From Q2 Financial Year|From    30 September|      2.50x       |     3.00x     | 
|2012 and       periods|2011                |                  |               | 
|thereafter            |                    |                  |               | 
Covenant: Ratio: 
Consolidated  Net Senior Debt (99.8 million  EUR at 30 September 2010 - includes 
11.5 million  EUR  of  bank  guarantees  and  IFRS  interest  adjustments at 30 
September  2010) divided by Last Twelve Months Consolidated EBITDA. The Ratio of 
Consolidated  Net  Senior  Debt  to  Consolidated  EBITDA  is tested end of each 
quarter based on Last Twelve Months EBITDA 
Operating Profit + depreciation and amortization charges 
The  Company  may  exceed  the  ratio  of  Consolidated  Net  Financial  Debt to 
Consolidated  EBITDA for  not more  than two  measurement periods  prior to (and 
including)  31 March 2012 (such periods  may be consecutive),  provided that the 
ratio  of Consolidated Net Financial Debt to Consolidated EBITDA does not at any 
time exceed 4.00. 
Since  early 2009, the  volatility and  challenges affecting  the near term wind 
market  have been reflected  in the financial  results of Hansen  and this trend 
As  previously indicated, Hansen believes  the operating environment will remain 
challenging  for some time, with limited short term visibility and volatility in 
the  order scheduling  by our  customer base,  in line  with the  end demand for 
Reflecting  this challenging trading  environment, and as  announced in Hansen's 
trading  update published  on 20 October  2010, Hansen expects  revenues for the 
current  financial year to decrease by approximately 10% from the level achieved 
for the financial year 2010. 
The  Company continues to  focus on ongoing  cost reduction measures, production 
optimisation   and  capacity  utilization  measures  to  reduce  the  impact  on 
profitability of the reduced output levels. 
Selected financial information extracted from the condensed consolidated interim 
financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards 
The full version of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements is 
available on the Company's website:click here 
Interim Consolidated Income                                                    | 
Statement                                                                      | 
                                                             For the six months| 
                              For the six months ended                    ended| 
                                          30 September             30 September| 
                                                 20010                     2009| 
                                             Unaudited                Unaudited| 
                                                (EUR000)                   (EUR000)| 
Sale of goods                                  238,861                  285,946| 
Revenue                                        238,861                  285,946| 
Cost of sales                                (196,156)                (240,041)| 
Gross profit                                    42,705                   45,905| 
Other operating income                           2,287                      621| 
Sales and distribution costs                  (18,497)                 (23,017)| 
Administrative expenses                       (20,831)                 (17,819)| 
Research and development                       (7,240)                  (7,990)| 
Operating profit / (loss)                      (1,576)                  (2,300)| 
Finance revenue                                  1,104                    1,018| 
Finance costs                                  (8,856)                  (8,277)| 
Profit / (loss) before tax                     (9,328)                  (9,559)| 
Income tax expense                               (653)                      657| 
Profit / (loss) for the                                                        | 
period from continuing                                                         | 
operations(1)                                  (9,981)                  (8,902)| 
PROFIT / (LOSS) FOR THE                                                        | 
PERIOD                                         (9,981)                  (8,902)| 
(1) Since there is no                                                          | 
discontinued operation,                                                        | 
profit for the period is                                                       | 
equal to profit for the                                                        | 
period from continuing                                                         | 
operations.                                                                    | 
Earnings per share - adjusted                                                  | 
for share split                                                                | 
Basic, for profit for the                                                      | 
period attributable to                                                         | 
ordinary equity holders of                                                     | 
the parent                                     (0.015)                  (0.013)| 
Diluted, for profit for the                                                    | 
period attributable to                                                         | 
ordinary equity holders of                                                     | 
the parent                                     (0.015)                  (0.013)| 
Total shares (in thousands) -                                                  | 
weighted average                               670,104                  670,104| 
Diluted Shares (in thousands)                                                  | 
- weighted average                             670,104                  670,104| 
Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet                         As at|      As at| 
                                                                |           | 
                                                    30 September|   31 March| 
                                                                |           | 
                                                            2010|       2010| 
                                                          (EUR000)|     (EUR000)| 
                                                                |           | 
                                                       Unaudited|    Audited| 
                                                                |           | 
ASSETS                                                          |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Non-current assets                                              |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Property, plant and equipment (net)                      569,772|    586,898| 
                                                                |           | 
Goodwill and Intangible assets (net)                      10,971|     11,409| 
                                                                |           | 
Deferred tax assets                                        1,321|      1,400| 
                                                         582,064|    599,707| 
                                                                |           | 
Current assets                                                  |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Inventories (net)                                        141,747|    161,996| 
                                                                |           | 
Trade receivables (net)                                  107,134|    121,839| 
                                                                |           | 
Other receivables                                         18,575|     17,186| 
                                                                |           | 
Cash and short-term deposits                             131,572|    149,124| 
                                                                |           | 
Deferred charges                                          15,105|     16,230| 
                                                         414,133|    466,375| 
TOTAL ASSETS                                             996,197|  1,066,082| 
                                                                |           | 
                                                                |           | 
                                                                |           | 
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                          |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent             |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Issued capital                                            17,966|     17,966| 
                                                                |           | 
Share premium                                            419,563|    419,563| 
                                                                |           | 
Reserves                                                 152,715|    161,438| 
TOTAL EQUITY                                             590,244|    598,967| 
                                                                |           | 
                                                                |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Non-current liabilities                                         |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                    170,473|    234,171| 
                                                                |           | 
Derivative financial instruments                           3,849|      4,965| 
                                                                |           | 
Provisions                                                 2,241|      2,536| 
                                                                |           | 
Employee benefit liability                                 4,573|      3,800| 
                                                                |           | 
Deferred income (grant)                                    4,349|      4,475| 
                                                                |           | 
Deferred tax liability                                    34,597|     34,732| 
                                                         220,082|    284,679| 
                                                                |           | 
Current liabilities                                             |           | 
                                                                |           | 
Trade and other payables                                  86,099|     94,469| 
                                                                |           | 
Advanced payments                                          2,960|      1,675| 
                                                                |           | 
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                     49,387|     43,751| 
                                                                |           | 
Derivative financial instruments                           1,124|        918| 
                                                                |           | 
Taxes payable                                                376|        158| 
                                                                |           | 
Wages and salaries payable                                18,859|     17,606| 
                                                                |           | 
Provisions                                                 5,016|      5,015| 
                                                                |           | 
Other current liabilities                                 12,517|     10,126| 
                                                                |           | 
Accrued charges                                            8,900|      7,494| 
                                                                |           | 
Deferred income (grant)                                      633|      1,224| 
                                                         185,871|    182,436| 
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                        405,953|    467,115| 
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                             996,197|  1,066,082| 
Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash                                         | 
Flows                                   For the period ended For the year ended| 
                                                30 September       30 September| 
                                                        2010               2009| 
                                                   Unaudited          Unaudited| 
                                                      (EUR000)             (EUR000)| 
Operating activities                                                           | 
Profit before tax from continuing                                              | 
operations                                           (9,328)            (9,559)| 
Adjustments to reconcile profit before                                         | 
tax to net cash flows                                                          | 
Non cash                                                                       | 
Depreciation and impairment of                                                 | 
property, plant and equipment                         23,369             18,755| 
Amortization and impairment of                                                 | 
intangible assets                                      1,001                640| 
(Gain)/Loss on disposal of property,                                           | 
plant and equipment                                       11                114| 
Finance revenue                                        (506)            (1,018)| 
Finance costs                                          8,856              6,273| 
Movements in provisions, pensions and                                          | 
government grants                                    (1,011)                202| 
Employee benefit expense                                 628                461| 
Working capital adjustments                                                    | 
(Increase)/decrease in trade                                                   | 
receivables                                           14,705            (6,264)| 
(Increase)/decrease in other                                                   | 
receivables                                          (1,389)              1,579| 
(Increase)/decrease in deferred charges                1,125            (2,956)| 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                    20,249             30,791| 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other                                         | 
payables                                             (8,370)           (44,556)| 
Increase/(decrease) in advanced                                                | 
payments, taxes, wages and salaries                                            | 
payable, other current liabilities and                                         | 
accrued charges                                        6,553                409| 
Income tax paid                                        (694)              (872)| 
Net cash flows from operating                                                  | 
activities                                            55,199            (6,001)| 
Investing activities                                                           | 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant                                          | 
and equipment                                              -                  6| 
Purchase of property, plant and                                                | 
equipment                                            (7,160)           (46,481)| 
Purchase of intangible assets                          (576)              (646)| 
Interest received                                        591                551| 
Receipt of government grants                              23              2,009| 
Net cash flows used in investing                                               | 
activities                                          (7,122)            (44,561)| 
Financing activities                                                           | 
Interest paid                                        (7,363)            (5,217)| 
Repayment of borrowings                             (64,503)           (25,000)| 
Proceeds from borrowings                               6,013             76,068| 
Net cash flows from financing                                                  | 
activities                                          (65,853)             45,851| 
Net increase in cash and cash                                                  | 
equivalents                                         (17,776)            (4,711)| 
Net foreign exchange difference                        224                 (53)| 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April                 149,124            126,396| 
Cash and cash equivalents at 30                                                | 
September                                            131,572            121,632| 
 12 months period ending 31 March 2011 
|28 October 2010                        |Press Release 1H 2011 Results       | 
|27 January 2011 (*)                    |Interim statement Q3 2011 Results   | 
|19 May 2011 (*)                        |Press Release Annual results FY 2011| 
|31 May 2011 (*)                        |Annual Financial Report FY 2011     | 
|30 June 2011                           |ASM FY 2011                         | 
 (*) dates subject to final confirmation 
For more information 
|Hansen Transmissions International NV                                       | 
|                                                                            | 
|Investor & Press Relations                                                  | 
|Hans Ooms                                                   |+32 3 450 58 62| 
|De Villermonstraat 9                                        |               | 
|2550 Kontich - Belgium                                      |               | 
|hans.ooms.ir@hansentransmissions.com                        |               | 
|http://www.hansentransmissions.com/en/investorrelations.html|               | 
| Investors & Analysts                        | 
| Maitland                                    | 
| Sarah Hamilton           | +44 20 7395 0464 | 
| shamilton@maitland.co.uk | +44 7836 295 291 | 
|                          |                  | 
| Dan Yea                  | +44 20 7395 0422 | 
| dyea@maitland.co.uk      | +44 7595 270 691 | 
About Hansen Transmissions 
Hansen  Transmissions  International  NV  is  an established global wind turbine 
gearbox  and  industrial  gearbox  designer,  manufacturer  and supplier, with a 
leading  position  (by  MW  supplied)  in  the  wind turbine gearbox market. The 
Company  supplies gearboxes  to the  world's major  manufacturers of gear-driven 
wind  turbines and provides durable  gear drives for a  wide range of industrial 
applications  throughout  the  world.  Both  Hansen's wind energy and industrial 
activities   have  established  dedicated  international  service  networks.  In 
addition  to its principal state-of-the-art  manufacturing facilities located in 
Flanders, Belgium - i.e. a wind turbine and industrial gearbox plant and a fully 
integrated, dedicated wind turbine gearbox manufacturing facility - Hansen has a 
production plant for wind turbine gearboxes in Coimbatore, India and an assembly 
and  testing plant for the  Chinese market, located in  Tianjin, China. As such, 
Hansen  plans to  increase its  wind turbine  gearbox manufacturing capabilities 
from  8,500 MW per  annum in  the financial  year 2010 to 14,300 MW in financial 
year  2013. Strong  in-house  R&D  operations  maintain  Hansen's  technological 
leadership and the Company employs approximately 2,100 people worldwide. 
Forward Looking Statements 
This press release may include statements that are "forward-looking statements". 
In some cases, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of 
forward-looking terminology, including the terms "believes", "estimates", 
"forecasts", "plans", "prepares", "projects", "anticipates", "expects", 
"intends", "may", "will", "should" or other similar words. Forward-looking 
statements may include, without limitation, those regarding Hansen's financial 
position, business strategy, plans and objectives of management for future 
operations (including development plans and objectives relating to Hansen's 
products) and the wind turbine and gearbox markets. Such forward-looking 
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors 
which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Hansen, or 
industry results, to be materially different from any future results, 
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking 
statements. Such forward looking statements are based on numerous assumptions 
regarding Hansen's present and future business strategies and the environment in 
which Hansen will operate in the future. These forward looking statements speak 
only as of the date of this press release. Hansen expressly disclaims any 
obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any 
forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in Hansen's 
expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or 
circumstances on which any such statement is based. 
Press Release (PDF): 
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements: 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Hansen Transmissions International NV via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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