RNS Number:6916Q
Hercules Property Services PLC
11 September 2000

                         TO 30 JUNE 2000

- Turnover for the year more than doubles to #31.5m               +102%
- Substantial rise in pre-tax profits to #5.9m*                    +53%
- EPS advances to 44.0p*                                           +36%
- Final dividend of 7p per share recommended                       +32%
- Total dividend for the year will be 8.75p per share              +35%
- Recurring income from insurance commissions and
  management fees accounted for 72% of total Group income
- Deacon Insurance - acquired in November 1999 - already
  generating increased level of profits
- Record auction sales of #106m from Harman Healy reflecting
  an increase of 31%
- Heritage and Deacon combined now secures insurance for
  #9.5bn of property

(*before goodwill amortisation of #688,000)

"The  current  year has started extremely well and will  reflect
the  impact  of  a  full  12  months  contribution  from  Deacon
Insurance  Services. We also look forward to a further  rise  in
the  level of the Group's recurring income that we believe  will
continue  to  be  generated irrespective of market  or  economic
conditions.  With this in mind I have great confidence in our 
prospects for the current year."
Larry Lipman, Chairman

Hercules Property Services Plc               Tel: 020 8203 9099
Larry Lipman, Chairman
Paul Davis, Finance Director

Bankside Consultants                         Tel: 020 7220 7477
Baron Phillips or Joanna Fifield


This has been a record year for Hercules Property Services. Even
with   only   seven   months  contribution  from   our   largest
acquisition,  Deacon  Insurance  Services,  operating   profits,
excluding goodwill amortisation, have advanced by over  50%  and
turnover  more than doubled. At the same time it is pleasing  to
report  that the underlying business has performed well and  the
Group recorded like-for-like organic growth exceeding 20%.

More  important  is the fact that the level of recurring  income
across the Hercules Group companies now accounts for 72% of  our
total  income. This income represents insurance commissions
and  management  fees.  We  believe that  this increased level 
of recurring income will do  much  to underpin the Group's 
profitability as well as providing a  solid foundation for 
continued growth.

The  major  impact  of  Deacon is, as I  mentioned  earlier,  to
enhance  the level of recurring income from 61% that we reported
a  year ago to 72% at the year end. It is worth emphasising that
we  only include income that is derived from sources that  recur
on  an  annual  basis  such as insurance premiums  and  property
management fees. We believe such income is important to Hercules 
as it will continue to  flow into the Group through every economic 
cycle as buildings have to be insured and managed irrespective of 
the business climate.

Against this background it is pleasing to be able to report  for
the 12 months to 30th June 2000 a 53% increase in profits before
tax and goodwill amortisation to #5.9m, against #3.8m last year,
and  turnover 102% higher at #31.5m. At the earnings  per  share
level  the  rise before goodwill amortisation was 36% to  44.0p,
compared  with  32.3p  a  year ago. As a  result  the  Board  is
recommending a final dividend of 7p per share, taking the  total
for  the  year to 8.75p, an increase of 35%. The final  dividend
will  be  payable  on  4th January 2001 to shareholders  on  the
register at 8th December 2000.

One  of  the key aspects of these results is that every  company
within  Hercules  increased  both  its  profitability  and   its
contribution  to  Group profits. Nowhere is this  more  apparent
than with our property consultancy and surveying business Dunlop
Heywood.  Taking full advantage of the strength of the  regional
property   market,  particularly  in  the  North  West,   Dunlop
Heywood's  pre tax profit contribution has now doubled  to  just
over  #1m  compared  to  approximately  #500,000  prior  to  its
acquisition by the Group.

However,  the  year's  highlight was our acquisition  of
Deacon  Insurance Services in November 1999.   Deacon  has  been
successfully integrated into the Group and in February we  moved
our   original   insurance   intermediary   business,   Heritage
Insurance,  into Deacon's Bournemouth offices. The full  effects
of this rationalisation will be felt in the current year as will
the impact of a full 12 months contribution from Deacon.

One  of  the  obvious effects of the Deacon acquisition  was  to
increase substantially  the value of properties  for  which  the
Group now secures insurance. Prior to the acquisition of Deacon,
Heritage  secured  insurance cover for approximately  #2.5bn  of
property. Today that figure for the Group is approaching  #9.5bn
and  rising in part aided by our ability to cross-sell  Deacon's
insurance  services,  at  very competitive  prices,  across  the
entire Group.

Our  auction business Harman Healy has witnessed one of its most
successful years ever with total sales reaching #106m from  over
600  lots,  reflecting  an  overall success  rate  of  87%.  The
increased  business,  31% up on last year,  was  driven  by  the
introduction of a number of major new clients.

The drive for new business also helped Harman Healy's commercial
property   management  activities  where  the  fee  income   was
substantially  over budget due to new clients  and  higher  rent
review  activity  reflecting a more buoyant commercial  property

Our  surveying  practice, Simmonds & Partners,  also  enjoyed  a
strong  year  with profits before tax rising some 22%  to  circa
#200,000. Simmonds now undertakes all the professional surveying
work  for  our  residential property management business,  David
Glass  Associates,  reflecting our philosophy  of  cross-selling
across the Group.

David   Glass   Associates  further  expanded   its   management
activities   during   the  year,  partly   through   two   small
acquisitions,  the  Docklands-based Serv-Estate  Ltd  and  Arden
House Estates & Management Ltd which operates almost exclusively
within   Central  London.  These  acquisitions,  together   with
increased instructions from both corporate and private  clients,
has led to a rise in the number of units now under management to
approximately 23,500.

I  would like to take this opportunity of thanking all the staff
within the Hercules Group, without whom these results would  not
have  been  possible, and our team of professional advisers  who
have assisted us over the past year.

The current year has started extremely well and will reflect the
impact  of  a full 12 months contribution from Deacon  Insurance
Services. We also look forward to a further rise in the level of
the Group's recurring income that we believe will continue to be
generated  irrespective of market or economic  conditions.  With
this  in  mind I have great confidence in our prospects for the 
current year.

Larry Lipman
11th September 2000


DEACON INSURANCE SERVICES (including Heritage Insurance Services)

Our  insurance activities received a substantial boost with  the
acquisition of Deacon Insurance Services last  November.
As a result of this acquisition the value of both commercial and
residential   investments  for  which  the  Group  now   secures
insurance cover has grown almost fourfold from around #2.5bn  at
the time of the Deacon acquisition to approximately #9.5bn today.

This  has  meant  a  rapid rise in total  insurance  commissions
earned  by the Group from #6.3m in the year to end June 1999  to
#19.1m  for  the  period under review.  At  the  same  time  
Deacon contributed operating  profits  of #4.4m  compared to 
#2.1m last year and is having a major  impact on underpinning the 
level of Hercules' secure recurring income.

The acquisition of Deacon was the Group's largest to date but it
is  pleasing to report that this substantial insurance  business
is  already  fully integrated into Hercules,  so  much  so  that
original Heritage Insurance Services business now operates  from
Deacon's premises in Bournemouth.

In  addition to the impact of Deacon's ongoing business to Group
activities our greatly enlarged insurance services enables us to
negotiate better rates for our clients and makes the products we
offer even more competitive in an extremely crowded marketplace.
The  effect of this has been an even greater ability to grow the
existing  Deacon  business  both  organically,  through   direct
marketing,  and  by  cross  selling  opportunities  within   the
Hercules Group.

Today  our insurance services are able to offer clients of other
Hercules  companies  a  better range of  products  at  extremely
competitive rates. As a result all Group businesses can  provide
clients with one of the best insurance services available on the
market and further enhance the quality and quantity of recurring
Group income.

At  the same time Deacon has been developing new products of its
own  allowing  it  to market its services to a new  and  growing
range  of  clients.  These  products  include  the  creation  of
Deacon's  web-site  enabling on-line  insurance  quotations  and
provision  of  instant  cover for domestic clients.  We  have 
also developed two  new  products:  an insurance product aimed at 
owners of let property which provides cover  for  all  classes of 
residential  tenants;  and  24  hour emergency assistance service 
which, for an annual premium, gives help for building repairs, 
especially plumbing problems.

It is worth pointing out that Group results only include a seven
months  contribution from Deacon. The full  benefit  of
both   the   new   products   and  the   greater   cross-selling
opportunities will be felt during the current year. Therefore we
anticipate significant growth from our insurance services in the
12 months to the end of June 2001.


Our  commercial  property  auction and management  division  has
built  on its solid performance last year to produce both record
turnover and operating profits during the year.

The  auction business topped the #100m level of sales at  almost
#106m  with  699  lots  being offered and 609  actually  sold  -
reflecting  an 87% success rate. This enhanced level  of  sales,
around  30% higher than the previous year, reflected a  stronger
property  market and Harman Healy's success in attracting  major
new  clients,  including one private family trust for  whom  the
firm offered 162 lots during the year.

While  there  was  a steady increase in volume at  each  auction
throughout the period the total was boosted by the April auction
which, at over #25m, was one of our highest sales for more  than
10  years.  As  a  result auction fee income rose  substantially
during  the  year  and  was  around  #250,000  over  budget,  an
encouraging and satisfactory result.

Our  fast  expanding  commercial property management  department
also  performed  strongly during the year with  fee  income  60%
above  budget  reflecting  an  increase  in  the  level  of  new
instructions, as a result of a drive to generate additional fees
from  our  existing property management clients,  and  a  higher
revenue  from  rent  reviews  as a  result  of  stronger  market

Since  the  year end we have continued to market Harman  Healy's
services  vigorously and further growth is anticipated  in
our  property  management activities  as  well  as  the  auction
business which is seeing strong demand for the product  that  we
are offering.

Overall  the current year looks extremely promising as we step up
our  marketing drive to both attract new business and  reinforce
our relationship with existing clients.


This  is the first year our commercial property consultancy  has
made  a  full  12  months contribution to the  Group  since  its
acquisition  in  September 1998. It is pleasing to  report  that
Dunlop  Heywood,  which was established around  170  years  ago,
produced  a profits contribution more than doubled to circa  #1m
from  the  level it generated in the period prior to the acquisition.

Operating  from five offices - Manchester, Leeds, Bradford,  and
two  in London - the firm has taken full advantage of the growth
in regional property activity. In particular in its home base of
Manchester, Dunlop Heywood has been appointed as consultants and
letting  agents  to  a  number of high profile  and  prestigious
developments  such as the Printworks, the city's largest  retail
and  leisure destination centre which is due to open later  this

The  firm  has  also  been  retained on other  major  Manchester
developments including a key #75m mixed use scheme  adjacent  to
the   new   Commonwealth  Games  stadium  and  the  North   West
Development  Agency's 14 hectare North Manchester Business  Park
at   Monsal.  Market  conditions,  especially  in  the   greater
Manchester area, highlight the need for the creation of Grade  A
office  space  in  the  city centre and the  demand  for  better
quality business space to the south of the city. We believe this
will  generate opportunities for both our development and agency 
departments over the next few years.

Investment  and fund management activities have also enjoyed  an
excellent  year  both  nationally as  well  as  regionally.  Our
national  investment team was particularly active and  completed
over #100m of sales and acquisitions for clients during the year
while our fund management division embarked on a #30m mixed  use
development  programme  on  behalf  of  the  Greater  Manchester
Property Venture Fund.

Our  highly  professional valuation  and  rating  division was  
also  able  to  take  full advantage   of  the  buoyant  market  
conditions.   The   firm's speciality in the area of football 
stadia was a great  boost  to the  level  of professional work 
during the year underpinned  by greater bank lending to the 
property sector generally.

Over the current and subsequent years we see ample opportunities
to  grow Dunlop Heywood across all our business disciplines both
at  a  regional and a national level. While we are clearly  very
strong  in  our regional base the firm has been establishing  an
increasing   national  reputation  particularly  in   commercial
property investment advice where we are able to compete with the
larger  London-based firms. Against this background we view  the
future with confidence.


The  growth that we highlighted last year in our ground rent and
residential property management division has, we are pleased  to
report, continued over the 12 months to end of June 2000.  There
has  been a considerable rise in the number of residential units
now  managed by David Glass Associates and at the year end  this
stood  at approximately 23,500 reflecting the division's success
at attracting new corporate and private clients.

While  David Glass has been traditionally strong in  the  South-
East  it  has  consolidated its geographical spread through  the
acquisition of two niche residential management companies: Serv-
Estate  Ltd,  which  operates  almost  exclusively  in  London's
Docklands,  and  Arden  House  Estates  &  Management   Ltd,   a
specialist  Central  London  property  management  company.  The
impact of both these additions to David Glass will be felt in 
full in the current year during which we expect continued growth.


Our  surveying  and  professional  services  practice  has  also
continued to grow as the firm's level of activity reflected  the
increasingly  buoyant  residential property  market.  There  was
increased  demand  for  the full range of  Simmonds  &  Partners
services  and it was able to take full advantage of  the  cross-
selling opportunities to generate business to other parts of the
Hercules  Group,  especially to the insurance division.  At  the
same  time the firm has become more efficient and cost effective
as  its accounting activities has now been fully integrated into
another Group company's accounts department.

Over the year there has been an increased level in the amount of
buildings  insurance  valuation, mortgage  valuation  and  other
forms  of  professional  surveying activity  as  demand  in  the
residential  market has expanded. As part of the Hercules  Group
Simmonds & Partners is able to offer a one-stop shop service  to
both   its   corporate   and   private  clients,   incorporating
professional  services,  property management  and  other  allied

The  firm  has  established a strong reputation for  its  highly
professional service for resident management companies who  have
now  acquired  the freeholds of their buildings and  during  the
last  12  months it has increased the number of  blocks  it  now
manages for residents. With the changes in legislation this is a
growing and important part of the firm's business.

Simmonds  is  now  able  to offer an insurance-backed  emergency 
service  to  a  large  number  of residential  blocks  managed 
across the Group,  reflecting  once more  the integrated nature 
of Hercules and the ability of  each company  to  cross-sell 
services and retain the  fees  generated within the overall business.

Further  growth across the full range of Simmonds'  services  is
anticipated  during the current year and we view  prospects

Year ended 30 June 2000

                           Note      2000                        
                                      ing        2000
                                 operatio    (acquisi       
                                      ns)      tions)       2000      1999
                                    #'000       #'000      #'000     #'000
                                Unaudited   Unaudited  Unaudited   Audited
Turnover                      2    23,473       8,039     31,512    15,561
Cost of sales                     (13,294)     (5,545)   (18,839)   (7,122)
Gross profit                       10,179       2,494     12,673     8,439
Administrative expenses            (5,822)       (753)    (6,575)   (4,466)
Operating profit                    4,357       1,741      6,098     3,973
Interest receivable and                                      
similar income                                               262       156
Interest payable and                                
similar charges                                           (1,159)     (475)
Profit on ordinary                                  
activities before taxation                                 5,201     3,654
Tax on profit on ordinary                            
activities                                                (1,775)   (1,125)
Profit on ordinary                                  
activities after taxation                                  3,426     2,529
Equity dividends              3                             (853)     (576)
Retained profit for the                             
financial year                                             2,573     1,953
Basic earnings per share      4                            36.6p     30.0p
Adjustment for goodwill                              
amortisation                                                7.4p      2.3p
Adjusted earnings per share                                44.0p     32.3p
Diluted earnings per share    4                            35.3p     29.7p
Adjusted diluted earnings                                  42.4p     32.1p
per share

There have been no recognised gains or losses attributable to
shareholders other than the profit for the current year and
preceding financial year and, accordingly no statement of total
recognised gains and losses is shown.

30 June 2000

                             Note                  2000      1999
                                                  #'000     #'000
                                              Unaudited   Audited
FIXED ASSETS                                               
Intangible fixed assets                          20,861     5,105
Tangible fixed assets                               875       828
                                                 21,736     5,933
CURRENT ASSETS                                             
Stock and work in progress                        4,028     2,462
Debtors                                           9,705     4,398
Cash at bank and in hand                          6,414     2,916
                                                 20,147     9,776
CREDITORS: amounts falling                                 
due within one year                             (15,089)   (4,600) 
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                5,058     5,176
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT                                  
LIABILITIES                                      26,794    11,109
CREDITORS: amounts falling                                 
due after more than one year                    (14,271)   (3,964)         
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES                                 
AND CHARGES                                      (1,204)     (600)
NET ASSETS                                       11,319     6,545
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                       
Called up equity share                             
capital                                             488       445
Share premium account                            18,684    16,489
Profit and loss account                          (6,514)   (9,050)
Merger reserve                                   (1,339)   (1,339)
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS      5                11,319     6,545

Year ended 30 June 2000

                                                   2000      1999
                             Note                 #'000     #'000
                                              Unaudited   Audited
Cash inflow from operating      7                 
activities                                        4,924     3,173
Returns on investments and                                 
servicing of finance                               (897)     (319)
Taxation paid                                    (1,126)     (938)
Capital expenditure and                                    
financial investment                               (142)     (124)
Acquisitions and disposals                       (9,097)   (5,837)
Equity dividends paid                              (576)     (272)
Cash outflow before                              
financing                                        (6,914)   (4,317)
Financing                                        10,499     5,405
Increase in cash in the                    
year                                              3,585     1,088

Year ended 30 June 2000


   The  above results for the year ended 30 June 2000 are an abridged  version
   of  the  Group's statutory financial statements which have not  been  filed
   with the Registrar of Companies and which have not yet been reported on  by
   the  auditors.  The  balance  sheet and profit  and  loss  account  do  not
   constitute  statutory financial statements within the  meaning  of  Section
   240  of  the Companies Act 1985 (as amended).  These statements  have  been
   prepared  on the basis of the accounting policies as stated in the previous
   year's financial statements.

   The  results for the year ended 30 June 1999 have been extracted  from  the
   financial statements of the Group on which an unqualified report  from  the
   auditors  has  been issued and which have been filed with the Registrar  of

   Copies  of  this  announcement are available from the Company's  registered
   office  at  340  Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8BJ.  The Annual  Report  and
   Accounts will be sent to shareholders shortly.


   The  analysis  of  turnover, profit on ordinary activities before  taxation
   and  net  assets  attributable  to the different  classes  of  the  Group's
   business  all  of  which  were carried out in  the  United  Kingdom,  after
   consolidation adjustments were as follows:
                                                  2000       1999
                                                 #'000      #'000
                                             Unaudited    Audited
Management services                              3,754      3,197
Insurance                                       19,077      6,332
Auctions                                         1,675      1,507
Surveying                                        6,007      4,114
Other                                              999        411
                                                31,512     15,561
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation              
Management services                              1,092        924
Insurance                                        4,352      2,119
Auctions                                           554        489
Surveying                                          934        874
Other                                           (1,731)      (752)
                                                 5,201      3,654
Net assets                                                 
Management services                              2,514      1,751
Insurance                                        4,293      1,364
Auctions                                         1,301        913
Surveying                                        1,438        784
Other                                            1,773      1,733
                                                11,319      6,545

                                                  2000       1999
                                                 #'000      #'000
                                             Unaudited    Audited
Interim equity dividend paid of 1.75p per share   
(1999 - 1.2p)                                      169        104
Final equity dividend proposed of 7p per share   
(1999 - 5.3p)                                      684        472
                                                   853        576

   The  calculation of basic earnings per share is based on profits after  tax
   of  #3,426,000  (1999:  #2,529,000) and on a  weighted  average  number  of
   ordinary shares of 9,346,945 (1999: 8,437,223) in issue during the year.
   The  calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on  basic  earnings
   as  defined  above  and  on  9,695,802 ordinary  shares  (1999:  8,508,794)
   calculated as follows:
                                                    2000         1999
                                                  Shares       Shares
                                               Unaudited      Audited
Basic weighted average number of shares        9,346,945    8,437,223
Weighted average number of dilutive shares 
under option                                     853,626      212,356
Number of shares that would have been 
issued at fair value                            (504,769)    (140,785)
Diluted weighted average number of shares      9,695,802    8,508,794
Diluted earnings per share                         35.3p        29.7p
   The   directors  consider  that  earnings  per  share  excluding   goodwill
   amortisation  better reflects the commercial operating  of  the  Group  and
   have therefore disclosed an additional earnings per share figure for this.

                                    Group     Group     Company     Company
                                     2000      1999        2000        1999
                                    #'000     #'000       #'000       #'000
                                Unaudited   Audited   Unaudited     Audited
Profit for the financial year       3,426     2,529         832         607
Dividends                            (853)     (576)       (853)       (576)
                                    2,573     1,953         (21)         31

Issue of shares                     2,238     6,524       2,238       6,524
Acquisition expenses written off        -      (173)          -        (173)
Goodwill written (off)/back           (37)      335          64           -
Net addition to shareholders' funds 4,774     8,639       2,281       6,382
Opening shareholders'               
funds/(deficit)                     6,545    (2,094)     17,078      10,696
Closing shareholders' funds        11,319     6,545      19,359      17,078

                                                      2000        1999
                                                     #'000       #'000
                                                 Unaudited     Audited
Increase in cash in the year                         3,585       1,088
Cash (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/decrease in          
debt and lease financing                           (10,457)        946
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows        (6,872)      2,034
Loans acquired with subsidiary                      (2,600)          -
                                                    (9,472)      2,034
Net debt at 1 July                                  (1,952)     (3,986)
Net debt at 30 June                                (11,424)     (1,952)

                                                      2000        1999
                                                     #'000       #'000
                                                 Unaudited     Audited
Operating profit                                     6,098       3,973
Depreciation                                           223         157
Decrease in provision                                  (86)          -
Amortisation of goodwill                               688         199
Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets                    -          31
Increase in stocks and work in progress             (1,566)       (343)
Increase in debtors                                 (4,546)       (369)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                     4,113        (475)
Net cash inflow from operating activities            4,924      3,173

                                       At              Acquisi         At
                                   1 July      Cash       tion    30 June
                                     1999      Flow         of       2000
                                    #'000     #'000    subsidi      #'000
                                  Audited Unaudited        ary  Unaudited
Cash at bank and in hand            2,916     3,498          -      6,414
Overdraft                             (87)       87          -          -
                                    2,829     3,585          -      6,414
Debt due after one year            (3,964)  (10,307)         -    (14,271)
Debt due within one year             (817)     (150)   ( 2,600)    (3,567)
Total                              (1,952)   (6,872)    (2,600)   (11,424)

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