RNS Number:3099E
Norman Hay PLC
24 September 2007

NORMAN HAY PLC ("the Group")

Interim Results for the six months to 30 June 2007

Chairman's Statement

I am particularly pleased to report that the results for the half-year to 30
June 2007 were very encouraging and demonstrated a substantial and continuing
improvement in the Group's overall performance.

Profit before tax increased by 38% to #1,279,000 (2006: #924,000) with basic
earnings per share increasing by 30% to 6.0 pence per share.

Whilst the overall level of sales is not necessarily a good guide to the Group's
performance, given the varying levels of margin within our product mix, it was
still encouraging to see sales for the first six months of this year up 7% at
#11.6 million.

This improved profit performance, building on the record levels set last year
and combined with a continuing strong cash position, allows your Directors to
pay an increased interim dividend of 1.8p per share (2006: 1.3p) and this will
be paid on 2 November 2007 to shareholders on the register on 5 October 2007.

The change in the balance of the Group's trading activities has resulted in
Norman Hay being reclassified on AIM and we are now listed in the Chemicals

Presentation of Accounts

Due to these interim accounts being prepared under International Financial
Reporting Standards, the format of the Profit and Loss Account has been changed
and indeed renamed as the Income Statement. There have also been changes to the
presentation of the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow, whilst the Statement of
Recognised Income and Expense takes the place of the Statement of Total
Recognised Gains and Losses. The comparative figures for the six months to 30
June 2006 and for the year to 31 December 2006 have also been re-stated in this
new format.

The impact of these changes has been marginal and further details, including the
Group's new accounting policies, are given in the notes to the accounts.

Operational Overview

There is strong demand for our specialised Surface Coatings activities and we
expect this to continue given the high levels of activity in the global oil and
gas exploration and extraction industries which we serve.

Ultraseal's automotive & engineering sealants business continues to perform well
and it was very gratifying to see our new Shanghai plant move into profit in the
first half of this year.

Norman Hay Engineering, our process plant manufacturing division, complements
our automotive sealants activities and is operating satisfactorily after last
year's rationalisation of facilities, albeit on fairly tight margins.

We are working to strengthen the global infrastructure of TAM International,
which we purchased at the end of 2006. This will ensure that the business is
well resourced for the significant growth that we foresee for its sealants
business in structural waterproofing for the construction industry.

As a result of our investing in an increasing level of overhead, there is, as
yet, little contribution from TAM International within these results.

Outlook and Current Trading

In May of this year we announced the conditional sale of our Coventry site. If
an acceptable planning permission is granted we will use some of the proceeds to
relocate within the Coventry area whilst leaving sufficient funds to help our
growth in surface coatings and sealant chemistry.

Trading continues to be strong, running at a similar level to the first half of
the year, as we prepare to expand our operations further into Malaysia and
Australia in the latter part of this year.

Peter L Hay
24 September 2007

Consolidated Income Statement for the half year ended 30 June 2007

                                                                   Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited
                                                                   6 months      6 months      12 months
                                                                     2007          2006          2006
                                                            Note     #000          #000          #000
Revenue                                                             11,634        10,887        20,250
Cost of sales                                                       (7,326)       (7,206)      (12,857)
Gross profit                                                         4,308         3,681         7,393
Distribution expenses                                                (237)         (258)         (370)
Administrative expenses                                             (2,802)       (2,564)       (5,088)
Other operating income                                                12             -            133
Operating profit                                                     1,281          859          2,068
Profit on sale of assets                                       2       -             -            417
Profit/(loss) on disposal of business                          3       -            91           (290)
Finance income                                                        78            39            193
Finance costs                                                        (80)          (65)          (214)
Profit before tax                                                    1,279          924          2,174
Tax                                                                  (385)         (238)         (573)
Profit on ordinary activities after tax                               894           686          1,601

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                                          872           667          1,575
Minority interest                                                     22            19            26
                                                                      894           686          1,601

Basic earnings per share                                       4     6.0p          4.6p          10.8p
Diluted earnings per share                                     4     5.9p          4.6p          10.7p

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense for the half year ended 30 June 2007

                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited     Unaudited
                                                                  6 months      6 months      12 months
                                                                    2007          2006          2006
                                                                    #000          #000          #000
Profit for the year                                                  894           686          1,601
Deferred tax on items taken directly to equity                        1             3             6
Exchange differences on translation of foreign                       11           (15)          (38)
Total recognised income and expense for the year                     906           674          1,569
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders                                                  884           655          1,543
Minority interests                                                   22            19            26
                                                                     906           674          1,569

Consolidated balance sheet at 30 June 2007

                                  Unaudited at 30 June    Unaudited at 30 June   Unaudited at 31 December
                                          2007                    2006                     2006
                                    #000        #000        #000        #000         #000         #000
Non-current Assets
Goodwill                            1,540                     -                     1,535
Intangible assets                    500                     760                     500
Property, plant and equipment       2,422                   4,990                   4,094
Investments                          26                      26                       26
Other receivables                    178                     218                     198
Total non-current assets                        4,666                   5,994                    6,353
Current Assets
Inventories                         1,578                   1,003                   1,181
Trade and other receivables         5,813                   5,642                   5,718
Cash and cash equivalents           2,145                   1,895                   1,464
Assets held for sale                2,111                     -                      271
Total current assets                           11,647                   8,540                    8,634
Total Assets                                   16,313                  14,534                    14,987
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities                734                     243                     822
Trade and other payables            3,847                   4,027                   3,352
Provisions                           183                     180                     190
Current tax liabilities              577                     388                     405
Total current liabilities                       5,341                   4,694                    4,769
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities                947                    1,257                   1,026
Deferred tax liabilities             147                     165                     146
Total non-current liabilities                   1,094                   1,422                    1,172
Total liabilities                               6,435                   6,116                    5,941
Net assets                                      9,878                   8,418                    9,046
Share capital                                   1,473                   1,452                    1,452
Share premium account                           1,228                   1,170                    1,170
Capital redemption reserve                       94                      94                        94
Other reserves                                   759                     766                      766
Reserve for own shares                          (146)                     -                        -
Share scheme reserve                              9                       -                        9
Foreign exchange reserve                        (28)                    (19)                      (39)
Retained earnings                               6,269                   4,895                    5,396
Equity attributable to equity
holders of the
parent company                                  9,658                   8,358                    8,848
Minority Interest                                220                     60                       198
Total equity                                    9,878                   8,418                    9,046

Norman Hay plc Interim Report & Accounts 2007

Consolidated cash flow statement for the half year ended 30 June 2007

                                    Unaudited 6 months      Unaudited 6 months       Unaudited 12 months
                                           2007                    2006                     2006
                                     #000        #000        #000        #000         #000         #000
Cash flows from operating
Operating profit                     1,281                    859                    2,068
Impairment of intangibles              -                       -                       8
Depreciation                          189                     466                     476
Loss/(profit) on sale of assets       26                      82                      (78)
Share option charge                    -                       -                       9
(Increase)/decrease in               (397)                    54                      195
(Increase)/decrease in               (75)                    (167)                    543
Increase/(decrease) in payables       496                     39                     (739)
(Decrease)/increase in provisions     (7)                     11                       21
Finance income                        78                      39                      193
Finance costs                        (80)                    (65)                    (214)
Tax paid                             (212)                   (54)                    (333)

Net cash generated from operating                1,299                   1,264                    2,149

Cash flows from investing
Acquisition of subsidiaries net        -                       -                    (1,757)
of cash acquired
Purchase of property plant and       (383)                   (142)                   (269)
Expenditure on intangibles           (15)                      -                       -
Proceeds from sale of business         -                       -                       17
Net borrowing disposed of with
subsidiary undertaking                 -                       -                      134
Proceeds from disposal of              1                      85                      836
property plant and equipment
Net cash used in investing                       (397)                   (57)                    (1,039)

Cash flows from financing
Dividends paid to shareholders         -                       -                     (407)
Dividends paid to minority             -                       -                      (38)
Net proceeds from issue of            80                       -                       -
ordinary share capital
Purchase of long term incentive      (146)                     -                       -
plan shares
Finance lease inception               23                       -                       -
Finance lease repayment              (20)                    (43)                     (62)
Increase in/(repayment of)           (240)                    20                      150
New loans raised                      74                       -                       -
Net cash used in financing                       (229)                   (23)                     (357)
Net increase in cash and cash                     673                    1,184                     753
Cash and cash equivalents at the                 1,464                    711                      711
beginning of the year
Effects of foreign exchange rate                   8                       -                        -
Cash and cash equivalents at the                 2,145                   1,895                    1,464
end of the period

Notes to the financial statements

1  Accounting policies

Accounting convention

The Group previously reported its financial statements under UK Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP). From 1st January 2007 the Group is required
to prepare its financial statements in accordance with EU endorsed International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting Standards (IAS)
and Interpretations (IFRIC). The comparative data for the six months to 30 June
2006, and the year ended 31 December 2006, have been restated and
reconciliations are included in Note 5 to explain the changes. The financial
statements are unaudited. The comparatives for the full year ended 31 December
2006 were based on the latest published audited accounts, but are subject to
unaudited restatement to IFRS as endorsed for use in the European Union. They
are not the Company's full statutory accounts for that year. A copy of the
statutory accounts for that year, which were prepared in accordance with UK
GAAP, has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on
those accounts was unqualified, did not include references to any matters to
which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their
report and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) - (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires the use of estimates and the assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the
financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during
the reporting period. Although these are based on management's best knowledge of
the amount, event or actions, actual results may ultimately differ from those

First time adoption of IFRS

The Group's transition date to IFRS was 1 January 2006, which is the beginning
of the comparative period for the year ended 31 December 2007. The Group has
applied IFRS 1 for the first time adoption of IFRS, and has elected to use the
following exemptions:

*    IFRS 3 has not been applied retrospectively to business combinations that 
occurred before 1 January 2006

*    Cumulative translation differences for foreign operations have been
deemed to be nil at 1 January 2006. Consequently any gain or loss arising on a
subsequent disposal will exclude translation differences that arose before 1
January 2006.

2  Profit on sale of assets                                    Unaudited       Unaudited       Unaudited
                                                               6 months        6 months        12 months
                                                                 2007            2006            2006
                                                                 #000            #000            #000
Plasticraft Ltd property                                           -               -              417

3  Profit/(loss) on disposal of business
Profit on sale of impregnation business and assets                 -              91              100
Loss on sale of BK Engineering Ltd                                 -               -             (390)
                                                                   -              91             (290)

4  Earnings per share
Profit after tax attributable to the equity shareholders          872             667            1,575

                                                                Number          Number          Number
Basic earnings per ordinary share                                000's           000's           000's
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue             14,567          14,524          14,524
Earnings per share                                               6.0p            4.6p            10.8p

Fully diluted earnings per share
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue plus        14,776          14,524          14,733
all share options
Earnings per share                                               5.9p            4.6p            10.7p

5  Explanation of transition to IFRS

Set out below are certain reconciliations to show the effect on the reported
figures of the Group moving from UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK
GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The reconciliations
of equity as at 1 January 2006 (the date of transition to IFRS) and as at 31
December 2006 (date of our last UK GAAP financial statements) and the
reconciliation of profit for 2006, as required by IFRS 1, are shown below. In
addition, a reconciliation of the effect of IFRS on the profit for the six
months to June 2006 and on the equity as at 30th June 2006 is shown in order to
allow a comparison of the effects for each period.

The individual standards giving rise to significant changes are shown below.

IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale

In accordance with IFRS 5 various property belonging to Group companies at 31
December 2006 has been reclassified as 'Assets held for sale', and following the
recent announcement to the Stock Exchange concerning the Group's Coventry site,
that property has been similarly reclassified as held for sale.

IAS 7 Cash flow statements

The cash flow statement has been reformulated under IAS 7 and incorporates the
relevant adjustments made to the Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

IAS 12 Income taxes

Under UK GAAP deferred tax was provided on timing differences between the
accounting and taxable profit. Under IFRS, deferred tax is provided on temporary
differences between the book carrying value and tax base of assets and
liabilities. As a result, the Group's IFRS balance sheet includes an additional
deferred tax liability in respect of fair value property revaluations on
acquisitions and property rollover gains. In addition, deferred tax has been
recognised on the adjustments between UK GAAP and IFRS, where necessary, with
the majority of the net deferred tax asset relating to the adjustments for share

IAS 37 Provisions

In accordance with IAS 37 provisions for product warranty which were included
with accruals under UK GAAP are now shown separately under IFRS.

IFRS 3 Business combinations

In accordance with IFRS 3 the value of the 'TAM' brand acquired with the TAM
Group of companies in December 2006 has been separately identified and in the
opinion of the Directors had a value of #500,000 as at 31 December 2006.

Also in accordance with IFRS 3 Goodwill is no longer amortised but is subject to
annual impairment tests. This resulted in a reduction of #50,000 in the amount
charged to profit for amortisation in the year to 31 December 2006 and a
reduction of #25,000 in that charge for the six months to 30 June 2006.

Reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2006                                                                     
                                                            Accounting    Tax                 
                                                            effect of     effect of                   
                                                  UK        transition    transition
                                    Transition    GAAP      to IFRS       to IFRS          IFRS
                                    notes         #000      #000          #000             #000

Non-current assets
Goodwill                                          887                                      887
Intangible assets                                 -                                        -
Property, plant and equipment                     5,272                                    5,272
Investments                                       26                                       26
Other receivables                                 -                                        -
Total non-current assets                          6,185     -             -                6,185

Current assets
Inventories                                       1,057                                    1,057
Trade and other receivables                       5,693                                    5,693
Cash and cash equivalents                         711                                      711
Assets held for sale                              -                                        -
Total current assets                              7,461     -             -                7,461

Total assets                                      13,646    -             -                13,646

Current liabilities
Financial liabilities                             282                                      282
Trade and other payables            1             4,012     (169)                          3,843
Provisions                          1             -         169                            169
Current tax liabilities                           239                                      239
Total current liabilities                         4,533     -             -                4,533

Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities                             1,200                                    1,200
Deferred tax liabilities            6& 7          34                      135              169
Total non-current liabilities                     1,234     -             135              1,369

Total liabilities                                 5,767     -             135              5,902

Total assets less total liabilities               7,879     -             (135)            7,744

Share capital                                     1,452                                    1,452
Share premium account                             1,170                                    1,170
Revaluation reserve                 4             545       (545)                          -
Capital redemption reserve                        94                                       94
Other reserves                                    766                                      766
Foreign exchange reserve                          -                                        -
Retained earnings                   4             3,811     545           (135)            4,221

Equity attributable to the equity                 7,838     -             (135)            7,703
holders of the parent company
Minority interests                                41                                       41

Total equity                                      7,879     -             (135)            7,744

Reconciliation of equity as at 30 June 2006
                                                         Accounting    Tax
                                                         effect of     effect of
                                              UK         transition    transition
                                 Transition   GAAP       to IFRS       to IFRS          IFRS
                                 notes        #000       #000          #000             #000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                         3            735        25                             760
Intangible assets                             -                                         -
Property, plant and equipment                 4,990                                     4,990
Investments                                   26                                        26
Other receivables                8            -          218                            218
                                              5,751      243           -                5,994
Current assets
Inventories                                   1,003                                     1,003
Trade and other receivables      8            5,860      (218)                          5,642
Cash and cash equivalents                     1,895                                     1,895
Assets held for sale                          -                                         -
                                              8,758      (218)         -                8,540
Total assets                                  14,509     25            -                14,534
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities                         243                                       243
Trade and other payables         1            4,207      (180)                          4,027
Provisions                       1            -          180                            180
Current tax liabilities                       388                                       388
                                              4,838      -             -                4,838
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities                         1,113                                     1,113
Deferred tax liabilities         6& 7         34                       131              165
                                              1,147      -             131              1,278
Total liabilities                             5,985      -             131              6,116
Total assets less total                       8,524      25            (131)            8,418
Share capital                                 1,452                                     1,452
Share premium account                         1,170                                     1,170
Revaluation reserve              4            541        (541)                          -
Capital redemption reserve                    94                                        94
Other reserves                                766                                       766
Foreign exchange reserve         9            -          (19)                           (19)
Retained earnings                3, 4& 9      4,441      585           (131)            4,895
Equity attributable to the                    8,464      25            (131)            8,358
equity holders of the parent
Minority interests                            60                                        60
Total equity                                  8,524      25            (131)            8,418

Reconciliation of equity as at 31 December 2006
                                                         Accounting     Tax
                                                         effect of      effect of
                                              UK         transition     transition
                                  Transition  GAAP       to IFRS        to IFRS      IFRS
                                  notes       #000       #000           #000         #000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                          2 & 3       1,985      (450)                       1,535
Intangible assets                 2                      500                         500
Property, plant and equipment     5           4,365      (271)                       4,094
Investments                                   26                                     26
Other receivables                 8           -          198                         198
                                              6,376      (23)           -            6,353
Current assets
Inventories                                   1,181                                  1,181
Trade and other receivables       8           5,916      (198)                       5,718
Cash and cash equivalents                     1,464                                  1,464
Assets held for sale              5           -          271                         271
                                              8,561      73             -            8,634
Total assets                                  14,937     50             -            14,987
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities                         822                                    822
Trade and other payables          1           3,542      (190)                       3,352
Provisions                        1           -          190                         190
Current tax liabilities                       405                                    405
                                              4,769      -              -            4,769
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities                         1,026                                  1,026
Deferred tax liabilities          6& 7        19                        127          146
                                              1,045      -              127          1,172
Total liabilities                             5,814      -              127          5,941
Total assets less total                       9,123      50             (127)        9,046
Share capital                                 1,452                                  1,452
Share premium account                         1,170                                  1,170
Revaluation reserve               4           538        (538)                       -
Capital redemption reserve                    94                                     94
Other reserves                                766                                    766
Share scheme reserve                          9                                      9
Foreign exchange reserve          9           -          (39)                        (39)
Retained earnings                 3, 4& 9     4,896      627            (127)        5,396
Equity attributable to the equity             8,925      50             (127)        8,848
holders of the parent company
Minority interests                            198                                    198
Total equity                                  9,123      50             (127)        9,046

Reconciliation of the income statement to 30 June 2006

                                                         Accounting    Tax
                                                         effect of     effect of
                                               UK        transition    transition
                                  Transition   GAAP      to IFRS       to IFRS       IFRS
                                  notes        #000      #000          #000          #000
Revenue                                        10,887                                10,887
Cost of sales                                  (7,206)                               (7,206)
Gross profit                                   3,681     -             -             3,681
Distribution expenses                          (258)                                 (258)
Administrative expenses           3            (2,589)   25                          (2,564)
Operating profit                               834       25            -             859
Net profit on disposal of                      91                                    91
business and assets
Finance income                                 39                                    39
Finance costs                                  (65)                                  (65)
Profit before tax                              899       25            -             924
Tax                               7            (239)                   1             (238)
Profit on ordinary activities                  660       25            1             686
after tax
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                   641       25            1             667
Minority interest                              19                                    19
                                               660       25            1             686
Basic earnings per share                       4.4p      0.2p          -             4.6p
Diluted earnings per share                     4.4p      0.2p          -             4.6p

Reconciliation of income statement to 31 December 2006
                                                                Accounting    Tax
                                                                effect of     effect of
                                               UK               transition    transition
                                 Transition    GAAP             to IFRS       to IFRS      IFRS
                                 notes         #000             #000          #000         #000
Revenue                                        20,250                                      20,250
Cost of sales                                  (12,857)                                    (12,857)

Gross profit                                   7,393            -             -            7,393
Distribution expenses                          (370)                                       (370)
Administrative expenses          3             (5,138)          50                         (5,088)
Other operating income                         133                                         133

Operating profit                               2,018            50            -            2,068
Profit on sale of assets                       417                                         417
Loss on disposal of business                   (290)                                       (290)
Finance income                                 193                                         193
Finance costs                                  (214)                                       (214)

Profit before tax                              2,124            50            -            2,174
Tax                              7             (575)                          2            (573)

Profit on ordinary activities                  1,549            50            2            1,601
after tax

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                   1,523            50            2            1,575
Minority interest                              26                                          26
                                               1,549            50            2            1,601
Basic earnings per share                       10.5p            0.3p          -            10.8p
Diluted earnings per share                     10.3p            0.4p          -            10.7p

Transition notes

1   Provisions were included with 'Trade and other payables' under UK GAAP

2   Goodwill at 31 December 2006 included a sum of #500,000 relating to the
    value of trademarks, which is shown separately under IFRS.

3   Amortisation of goodwill of #50,000 per annum is not required under IFRS as
    this asset is subject to annual impairment reviews.

4   Under IFRS the revaluation reserve is now transferred to retained earnings.

5   Various property is considered to be 'Assets held for sale' under IFRS.

6   The revaluation of property gives rise to a liability for deferred tax of
    #161,000 which is recognised under IFRS.

7   The expense relating to share based payments is not tax deductible at the
    time of grant and this gives rise to deferred tax adjustments.

8   The long term element of the debt due in relation to the sale of certain
    business and assets to Spaceseal Ltd is now shown as 'Other receivables' 
    in 'Non-current assets'.

9   Foreign exchange differences arising on translation of overseas subsidiaries
    are now shown separately.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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