Hidefield Gold Plc 
          Final Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2008 
Chairman's statement 
As I am sure our shareholders will agree, 2008 represented a year  of 
unprecedented challenges for investors  and companies everywhere  and 
in all sectors  of the  economy but unfortunately,  companies in  the 
junior resource sector in particular, were especially hard hit.  As a 
consequence, the  Group was  forced  to respond  to these  events  by 
making significant reductions and  changes to our previously  planned 
exploration programmes resulting in a significant slowing in the rate 
of progress  with  our Don  Nicolas  Gold Project  in  Argentina  and 
accelerated activity  to  divest or  joint  venture our  projects  in 
Brazil and Alaska. 
It is  encouraging that  at the  time of  writing to  you,  stability 
appears to have returned or at least is returning to capital markets, 
investors  are  beginning  to  show  renewed  interest  in   advanced 
exploration projects, especially gold projects and the gold price  is 
again approaching US$1,000 per ounce. 
The present macro economic world  outlook suggests that gold will  be 
an increasingly sought after commodity in the immediate years  ahead, 
with some pundits even  speculating that we may  well see a  US$2,000 
per ounce gold price in the  next few years as investors and  central 
banks increase their exposure to physical gold . This could come at a 
time when the sector would be  seeing very few new mine  developments 
that could contribute to an increase in the supply of available  gold 
to meet increased  demand.  Gold  exploration has  already fallen  to 
extremely low levels, almost certainly ensuring that it will be  some 
years to  come  before we  see  sustainable new  discoveries  in  the 
Against that background, I  am therefore pleased  to report that  the 
Company has nevertheless made quite significant progress in advancing 
the Don Nicolas gold project in East Santa Cruz Province in  southern 
Argentina and in  confirmation of this  progress, subsequent to  year 
end, we were able to report on the receipt of a new mineral resources 
statement confirming  the further  expansion  of the  gold  resources 
discovered on the project. 
Notwithstanding this progress, we have obviously had a very difficult 
and different year to the past several years.  Therefore the  audited 
results of our activities and transactions completed during the  year 
ended 31 December 2008  reflect a reassessment  of project values  in 
light of the difficult economic environment, a general reduction  and 
change in  the  emphasis  of our  exploration  expenditures  and  the 
results of  our  efforts  in  joint  venturing  and  selling  various 
projects in order to raise capital to support our ongoing but reduced 
level of activity.  The results  of these activities produced a  loss 
for the year of GBP2,715,011. 
South America 
Our exploration related  activities at the  Don Nicolas gold  project 
during the 2008 calendar  year included the  completion of our  Phase 
III drilling programme, the commencement of an extensive sampling and 
trenching  programme  across  the  large  licence  area  in  southern 
Patagonia that includes the Don Nicolas gold project, updating of the 
mineral resources report for the  Don Nicolas project and  completion 
of a modest expansion of the  Company's facilities at our ranches  in 
support of the exploration teams out  in the field and to  facilitate 
on-site logging  and reporting  on the  progress of  our  exploration 
Resource definition activities  during the  year on  the Don  Nicolas 
gold project focussed on the "La Paloma" and "Martinetas" sectors  of 
our extensive portfolio of licences and it was from these areas  that 
our Phase III  drilling activity provided  us with the  basis for  an 
update on  the  independently  assessed Resource  Statement  for  the 
project. This new report, which was  summarised in a news release  to 
the market  on 22  June  2009, confirmed  an expanded  total  mineral 
resource of 2,153,000 tonnes at an  average grade of 5.2 grammes  per 
tonne ("gpt") gold for 359,100 ounces of gold estimated using a  high 
grade cut of 90 gpt gold (6.69gpt gold and 463,343 ounces gold if  no 
high grade cut was applied). 
This mineral  resource  estimate was  prepared  by Runge  Limited  of 
Perth, Australia, an independent  consultant engaged for the  purpose 
of completing the  report, and  was prepared in  compliance with  the 
Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources by the Joint Ore 
Reserves Committee  ("JORC") and  National Instrument  43-101 of  the 
Standards  of  Disclosure  for  Mineral  Projects  by  the   Canadian 
Securities Administrators. 
At this point in time the Group is not planning to update the Scoping 
Study prepared to assess the economic viability of the development of 
a mine on the Sulfuro deposit  which continues to represent the  most 
advanced of the gold deposits on  our licence portfolio as our  Phase 
III drilling confirmed  that the  deposit remained  open for  further 
expansion and we do not anticipate recommencing drilling activity  on 
the Sulfuro deposit until we can be more confident of our ability  to 
attract new equity investment to fund that expenditure. 
Encouragingly, we are  seeing the impact  of recent economic  turmoil 
reflected  in  the  significant  deflation  of  cost  estimates   for 
development and operating expenditures.  This  began to occur in  the 
second  half  of  2008  and  that  trend  has  continued  into  2009, 
suggesting we may see  some reduction in the  cost estimates used  in 
our Scoping Study when next the Scoping Study is updated. 
While the conceptual design for the development of a mine on the  Don 
Nicolas project  was based  upon suboptimal  parameters, the  Scoping 
Study nevertheless confirmed that  it would be economically  feasible 
to develop a mine based on  the cost estimates available at the  time 
the report was  concluded.  We  might therefore  anticipate that  any 
update of the  Scoping Study  which was based  upon recently  updated 
cost assumptions, should  confirm improved economics  of such a  mine 
While the Phase III drilling programme was focused on the Sulfuro and 
Martinetas sectors of  the Don Nicolas  gold project our  exploration 
efforts  during  the  second  half  of  the  year,  was  focussed  on 
evaluating other high  priority exploration target  areas across  our 
extensive land  position  which  has now  expanded  to  approximately 
230,000 hectares  in  what  has  become  an  area  of  focus  for  an 
increasing  number  of  international  gold  exploration  and  mining 
With our focus  during 2008  and for  the foreseeable  future on  our 
activities in Argentina we have pursued discussions to either sell or 
joint venture our Cata Preta  and Sumidouro Dome projects in  Brazil. 
 Similarly we are pursuing discussions likely to lead to the sale  or 
joint venture of our Golden Zone  project in Alaska, where we hold  a 
60% interest. 
I am pleased to confirm that in mid 2008 we were able to dispose of 
our residual interest in a number of coal licences in British 
Columbia and early in 2009, concluded negotiations for the sale of 
our 60% interest in the South Estelle exploration project in Alaska, 
resulting in a profit of approximately GBP300,000 on these investments. 
Associate Companies 
Columbus Gold  Corporation (approximately  19% owned)  continued  its 
history of  success in  both expanding  and securing  valuable  joint 
ventures on its  portfolio of  well located  exploration projects  in 
Nevada, Arizona and Utah. 
Despite  difficult  market   conditions,  Columbus   Gold  was   also 
successful  in  completing  the   initial  public  offering  of   its 
subsidiary, Columbus Silver  Corporation on TSX  Venture Exchange  in 
Canada, raising Can$1.8 million in the process. Columbus Silver is as 
the name  implies a  silver focussed  exploration company  which  has 
subsequently continued to expand its portfolio of properties with the 
recent acquisition of the Mogollon project in New Mexico. 
Technical management  of  both  Columbus  Gold  and  Columbus  Silver 
continues to be  lead by Andy  Wallace and his  colleagues at  Cordex 
based in Reno, Nevada and both companies have benefited greatly  from 
the Cordex's  long experience  with gold  exploration in  continental 
During 2008, Alto Ventures  Limited, the Company's other  significant 
associate company investment  (approximately 14%  owned) focused  its 
activities on its Despinassy gold  project in the Abitibi  greenstone 
belt, near Val d'Or, Quebec and  the Mud Lake, Cote-Archie Lake,  and 
Coldstream projects  and  the  Beadmore-Geraldton  camp  in  Ontario, 
Canada. Alto  was also  successful in  securing joint  ventures on  a 
number of its projects reflecting the quality of projects acquired by 
Alto's experienced technical team lead by Mike Koziol. 
The Board  is very  pleased  with the  progress  made in  our  direct 
exploration activities and the business development of our  associate 
companies. This progress  has created  significant value  in our  own 
projects, particularly in Argentina, and  in the investments we  hold 
in associate companies. 
While the recognition  of this  value appears  to be  ignored by  the 
general   investment   community   as   reflected   in   our   market 
capitalisation, it is  nevertheless well recognised  by our peers  in 
the industry, resulting in frequent approaches for joint venturing on 
our projects. 
In mid 2008, our  long serving founder  and Technical Director,  John 
Prochnau retired from the Board to  concentrate on his first love  of 
prospecting for new gold projects. John's assistance in building  the 
company has been much appreciated and  he leaves us with a  portfolio 
of projects  that bear  testament  to his  skills  as a  world  class 
exploration geologist. John's  shoes have  been very  ably filled  by 
Danilo Silva who  is based in  Buenos Aires and  we are fortunate  to 
have Danilo leading out talented team of geology professionals. 
Finally, Sean McGrath, the Group's CFO, was appointed to the Board of 
Directors.  Sean's public company experience and professionalism  are 
a welcome addition. 
On behalf  of the  Board I  wish  to thank  my colleagues  for  their 
continuing efforts and our shareholders  for their support and  while 
the outlook for  the junior  resources sector  remains difficult,  we 
continue to  look forward  with optimism  to progressing  all of  our 
activities during 2009. 
Kenneth P Judge 
26 June 2009 
Consolidated Income Statement 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
Administrative expenses                         (919,253) (1,249,745) 
Provision for diminution in value of 
mineral rights                                (1,122,888) (1,304,851) 
Total administrative expenses                 (2,042,141) (2,554,596) 
Other operating income                            171,069           - 
Loss from operations                          (1,871,072) (2,554,596) 
Finance income                                     42,290      58,177 
Finance expense                                 (107,217)           - 
Gain on disposal and deemed disposal of 
associates                                         66,613     507,640 
Impairment of associate investments             (706,690)           - 
Share of operating loss in associates           (274,476)   (267,415) 
Loss for the year before taxation             (2,850,552) (2,256,194) 
Tax credit                                        135,541           - 
Loss for the year attributable to equity 
holders of the parent                         (2,715,011) (2,256,194) 
Loss per ordinary share 
- Basic & Diluted                           1     (0.98p)     (0.84p) 
Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
Available-for-sale investments: 
    Valuation (losses)/gains recognised 
directly in equity                               (12,405)       1,934 
Exchange gains/(losses) on retranslation of 
foreign operations                              1,052,376   (234,192) 
Net income/(expense) recognised directly in 
equity                                          1,039,971   (232,258) 
Loss for the year                             (2,715,011) (2,256,194) 
Total recognised income and expense for the 
year                                          (1,675,040) (2,488,452) 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
As at 31 December 2008 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
Non-current assets 
Intangible Assets - Mineral rights              7,147,337   6,015,571 
Property, plant and equipment                     338,486     302,687 
Investments in associates                         767,680   1,835,666 
Financial asset - available-for-sale 
investment                                          1,601      14,006 
                                                8,255,104   8,167,930 
Current assets 
Other receivables                                 871,755     979,368 
Cash and cash equivalents                         162,145   1,170,822 
                                                1,033,900   2,150,190 
Assets classified as held for sale                 18,936           - 
Total current assets                            1,052,836   2,150,190 
TOTAL ASSETS                                    9,307,940  10,318,120 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                          176,079     385,570 
Loans                                             588,050           - 
Convertible loans                                 229,529           - 
Corporate tax payable                              69,525     287,951 
                                                1,063,183     673,521 
Share capital                                   2,780,996   2,752,527 
Share premium                                  12,417,546  12,351,711 
Other reserves                                  3,757,386   3,576,492 
Foreign currency translation reserve               65,209   (987,167) 
Available-for-sale reserve                        (3,849)       8,556 
Retained deficit                             (10,772,531) (8,057,520) 
                                                8,244,757   9,644,599 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
Cash flow from operating activities 
Loss for the year                             (2,715,011) (2,256,194) 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation                                        6,179       3,584 
Taxation                                        (135,541)           - 
Interest expense                                  107,217           - 
Interest receivable                              (42,290)    (31,865) 
Share of operating loss in associates             274,476     267,415 
Gain on deemed disposal of associates            (38,823)   (195,535) 
Gain on disposal of associate                    (27,790)   (312,105) 
Gain on disposal of mineral property 
interest                                        (171,069)           - 
Gain on revaluation of financial assets - 
fair value through profit or loss                       -    (26,312) 
Provision for impairment                        1,829,578   1,304,851 
Share based payment costs                          76,056      85,728 
Directors remuneration paid by issue of 
shares                                             19,305       7,140 
Foreign exchange differences                     (17,476)     (3,844) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities 
before changes in working capital 
                                                (835,189) (1,157,137) 
(Decrease) Increase in payables                 (327,215)         402 
Decrease in receivables                           347,091     122,655 
Income taxes paid                                 126,361           - 
Net cash outflow from operating activities      (941,674) (1,034,080) 
Investing activities 
Payments for property, plant and 
equipment                                         (6,017)    (86,274) 
Proceeds from the disposal of financial 
assets                                                  -     208,823 
Proceeds from the disposal of mineral 
rights                                            171,069           - 
Interest received                                  42,290      31,865 
Proceeds from the disposal of associate 
investments                                        60,421     665,364 
Exploration costs capitalised                 (1,376,761)   (915,116) 
Acquisition of associate investment                     -   (112,742) 
Net cash flow used in investing activities    (1,108,998)   (208,080) 
Financing activities 
Interest Paid                                      65,007           - 
Issue of ordinary shares, net of issue 
costs                                                   -   2,044,537 
Loans                                             896,855           - 
Net cash flow from financing activities           961,862   2,044,537 
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash 
equivalents in the year                       (1,088,810)     802,377 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
of the year                                     1,170,822     344,164 
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on 
cash and cash equivalents                          80,133      24,281 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
year                                              162,145   1,170,822 
The financial information included within this announcement does  not 
constitute the company's  statutory accounts for  the years ended  31 
December 2008  or 31  December 2007,  but it  is derived  from  those 
accounts. Statutory  accounts  for  2008 will  be  delivered  to  the 
Registrar  of  Companies  following  the  company's  annual   general 
meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts: their  reports 
were unqualified and did not contain statements under section  237(2) 
or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The financial information included within this announcement has  been 
prepared  using  the  recognition   and  measurement  principles   of 
International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting 
Standards and Interpretations adopted for  use in the European  Union 
(collectively EU IFRSs).  The principle accounting  policies used  in 
preparing the financial information are unchanged from those included 
in the audited financial statements. 
No dividend is proposed. 
1. Loss per ordinary share 
The basic  loss  per share  of  0.98 pence  (2007  - 0.84  pence)  is 
calculated, on  the loss  on ordinary  activities after  taxation  of 
GBP2,715,011  (2007   -  GBP2,256,194)   and  on   276,526,567  (2007   - 
269,851,015) ordinary shares,  being the weighted  average number  of 
ordinary shares in issue during the year ended 31 December 2008.  Due 
to the losses incurred during the  year a diluted loss per share  has 
not been calculated as this would serve to reduce the basic loss  per 
There are options  and warrants outstanding  at the end  of the  year 
that could potentially dilute basic earnings per share in the future. 
2. Post balance sheet events 
Subsequent to the end of the year, 
a)      The Group issued 59,000,000 ordinary common shares at 1p  per 
share in settlement of GBP590,000 of outstanding loans and  convertible 
loans.  Further,  as approved  at the  Group's Extraordinary  General 
Meeting held on 20 May 2009, the Group has agreed to allot and  issue 
an additional 73,135,900 ordinary  common shares at  1p per share  in 
settlement of the remaining GBP731,359 of loans and convertible loans. 
b)      The South  Estelle property  in Alaska was  sold to  Millrock 
Resources  Corp.  for  US$100,000  and  1,000,000  common  shares  of 
Millrock Resources Corp. 
3. Other information 
Copies of  the annual  report  and accounts  will  be posted  to  all 
shareholders by 30 June 2009 and will be available from the Company's 
website at  www.hidefieldgold.com shortly.   Further copies  will  be 
available from  the  Company's  registered  offices  at  One  America 
Square, Crosswall, London, United Kingdom EC3N 2SG, from the date  of 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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