RNS Number:7155S
GVM Metals Ltd
12 March 2007

12 March 2007
                               GVM METALS LIMITED

                Interims for the 6 months ended 31 December 2006

GVM Metals Limited ("GVM" or "the Company") is pleased to announce its
operational report together with the consolidated financial report for the
half-year ended 31 December 2006. A full copy of this report is available at the
Company's website, www.gvm.com.au.


  * Results of the Consolidated Entity for the half-year ended 31 December
    2006 after income tax was a profit of  AUD$912,368 (2005: loss of

  * Profit before interest and tax for the Group's main operating entity,
    Nimag (Pty) Ltd, was AUD$3,534,000.

  * Shares commenced trading on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange ("JSE") on 30
    November 2006.

  * Audit reviewed Group profit before interest and tax of AUD$2 million for
    the first six months of the year.

  * Cash at the end of the half year was AUD$10.7 million.

  * 12,200,000 GVM shares to raise GBP#2.44 million (AUD$ 6.1 million) were
    placed with Global Coal Management plc (previously Asia Energy plc).

  * GVM executed a binding Sale of Shares and Claims Agreement to acquire 100%
    of Baobab Mining and Exploration (Pty) Ltd which owns the remaining 50% of
    the Baobab J.V. coal project.  The remaining 50% is currently held by
    Motjoli Resources, which GVM has previously agreed to acquire.

  * Granting of Section 11 approval in terms of the South African Mineral and
    Petroleum Resources Development Bill satisfying the last remaining condition
    to acquire the Limpopo Coal project. As a result, in November 2006,
    20,812,500 GVM shares were issued to the Limpopo Coal vendors.

  * GVM exercised its call option to acquire the outstanding 26% of Nimag
    (Pty) Ltd by the allotment of 4,620,557 GVM shares and a cash payment of

                             Post period highlights

  * Heads of Agreement reached to acquire Kelso Mining Ltd for GBP 10.0
    million which allows GVM to acquire 70% of Coal of Africa Ltd (CoAL) which
    owns the Mooiplaats coal project.  This is subject to an EGM. A Competent
    Persons Report ('CPR') is currently being prepared and it is a condition of
    the acquisition of CoAL that the CoAL properties contain a JORC and SAMREC
    compliant resource in excess of 450 million tonnes of coal.

  * Further placement of 8,333,333 GVM shares to raise GBP 2.5 million (AU$
    6.25 million). This is also subject to an EGM.

                           Discussion of the Results

NiMag Group of Companies ("Nimag")
(GVM - 100%)

The Nimag Group's reviewed profit before interest and tax for the first six
months of the 2007 financial year is ZAR 19 million (AUD$ 3.5 million). The
Nickel Magnesium business continued to outperform its budget, whilst the smaller
FeSiMag and Fibres businesses reported a combined loss of AUD$ 265,000 for the
first six months of the financial year.  Management expect the FeSiMag and
Fibres businesses to return to profitability in the second half of the financial
year. Continued exchange rate levels and high nickel prices signify a positive
outlook for the second half of the financial year.

Holfontein Coal Project (49% now - 100% on completion of Motjoli acquisition)

The Holfontein in-fill drilling programme will be completed by the end of the
third quarter of the current financial year. Drilling results already analysed
have identified metallurgical and thermal coal deposits typical to the region.
Geo-hydrological studies commenced in late 2006 and will be completed prior to
the bankable feasibility study which is anticipated hopefully no later than the
end of March 2007.

Baobab Coal Project (100% on completion of acquisitions)

The acquisition of Petmin's 50% interest in the Baobab coal project will take
the form of GVM acquiring 100% of Baobab Mining & Exploration (Pty) Ltd, a
Petmin subsidiary company. The purchase consideration of GBP 2.5 million (AUD$ 6
million) cash is subject to GVM obtaining shareholder, ASX (if required) and
South African Reserve Bank approval, as well as approval in terms of Section 11
of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill of South Africa.

Limpopo Coal Project (74%)

During December, GVM secured Section 11 approval in terms of the Mineral and
Petroleum Resources Development Bill of South Africa, satisfying the last of the
conditions precedent of the Limpopo Coal transaction.  Shortly thereafter, GVM
issued the required share consideration and the acquisition was settled and
completed at the end of 2006.

Additional exploration of the Limpopo Coal area was commissioned during the
second quarter of the financial year, together with the collection of
geo-scientific data. The data collected will be used to generate a geological
model of the project and identify potential drilling targets.

Preliminary discussions with various infra-structure participants are underway
to ascertain capacity for possible coal exports. Furthermore, consultations with
surface right owners commenced in 2006 and will continue in 2007 in conjunction
with the Aeromag and geological surveys.

Commenting on the results today, Simon Farrell, Managing Director of GVM said,
'We are pleased with the Company's progress for the half year. The binding Sale
of Shares and Claims Agreement to acquire 100% of Boabab Mining and Exploration
Ltd furthers GVM's coal interests and combined with the JSE listing ensures GVM
continues to set itself in becoming a major South African coal producer'.

For more information contact:

Simon Farrell, Managing Director - GVM - +61 417 985 383 or +61 8 9322 6776

Jos Simson/Leesa Peters - Conduit PR - +44(0) 20 7429 6666/ +44 (0) 7899 870 450

Olly Cairns - Corporate Synergy Plc - +44(0) 20 7448 4400



                                                                       Consolidated          Consolidated
                                                               Note     31.12.2006            31.12.2005

                                                                            $                     $

Sale of goods                                                              26,018,773             15,137,300
Revenue from disposal of investments                                                -               (67,992)
Other                                                                         435,140                176,737
Total revenue                                                              26,453,913             15,246,045

Changes in inventory, raw materials and consumables used                 (19,908,344)           (11,571,313)
Consulting, accounting & professional expenses                              (181,156)              (217,469)
Employee expenses                                                         (1,779,542)            (1,438,889)
Depreciation and amortisation expenses                                       (80,257)              (126,441)
Diminution in investments                                                     (6,488)                (1,081)
Doubtful / Bad debt expense                                                 (375,000)                (1,159)
Exploration expense                                                         (179,355)                      -
Office rent and outgoings                                                   (334,504)               (75,326)
Borrowing costs                                                             (266,423)              (346,902)
Other expenses from ordinary activities                                   (1,515,691)            (1,377,445)
Share of net profit/(losses) of associate accounted for using
the equity method
                                                                                    -               (98,630)
Profit / (Loss) from continuing operations before income tax                1,827,153                (8,610)

Income tax expense                                                          (914,785)              (132,837)

Profit / (Loss) after income tax for the half year                            912,368              (141,447)

Profit attributable to minority equity interest                             (478,742)              (124,690)

Net profit / (loss) attributable to members of the parent                   433,626                (266,137)

Basic earnings per share for GVM Metals Limited                            0.73 cents           (0.96 cents)

Headline earnings per share                                                0.74 cents           (0.84 cents)

There are no dilutive potential ordinary shares therefore
diluted earnings or loss per share has not been calculated or


                                                                 Consolidated             Consolidated
                                                      Note   31 December 2006             30 June 2006

                                                                      $                         $


Cash assets                                                            10,704,803                   985,333
Receivables                                                             5,015,464                 6,374,684
Inventory                                                               4,447,916                 3,245,656
Other financial assets                                                  2,866,364                         -

Total Current Assets                                                   23,034,547                10,605,673


Assets held for sale                                                       94,596                    94,596
Intangibles                                                             6,130,397                 7,441,280
Mineral interests                                                      12,187,055                         -
Other financial assets                                                    696,091                   699,992
Property, plant and equipment                                           1,700,194                 1,803,312
Deferred tax                                                               34,949                    36,669

Total Non Current Assets                                               20,843,282                10,075,849

TOTAL ASSETS                                                           43,877,829                20,681,522


Payables                                                                6,113,855                 5,940,126
Interest bearing liabilities                                            1,106,565                 2,451,628
Provisions                                                                101,285                   125,790
Current tax liability                                                   1,037,375                   459,586

Total Current Liabilities                                               8,359,080                 8,977,130

Payables                                                                1,375,608                 1,340,777
Interest bearing liabilities                                            1,598,880                 2,702,261

TOTAL NON CURRENT LIABILITIES                                           2,974,488                 4,043,038

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                      11,333,568                13,020,168

NET ASSETS                                                             32,544,261                 7,661,354


Contributed equity                                      2              59,568,553                35,396,353
Reserves                                                                  137,488                   426,521
Accumulated losses                                                   (30,233,030)              (30,666,656)

TOTAL PARENT EQUITY INTEREST                                           29,473,011                 5,156,218

Minority Equity Interests                                               3,071,250                 2,505,136

TOTAL EQUITY                                                           32,544,261                 7,661,354


                                            $         $          $         $          $            $           $
                                         Ordinary  Capital    Foreign    Share     Retained    Minority      Total
                                          Share     Profit   Currency   Options    profits/     Equity
                                         Capital   Reserves Translation Reserve    (losses)    Interests


Balance at 1.7.2005                     34,500,935  136,445   1,108,117        - (30,079,645)   3,306,117   8,971,969
Shares issued during the period             50,000                                                             50,000
Loss attributable to members of                                                     (266,137)               (266,137)
parent entity
Profit attributable to minority
                                                                                                  124,690     124,690
Reserves attributable to minority
                                                                                                 (79,943)    (79,943)
Foreign currency translation                                  (213,996)                                     (213,996)
adjustments attributable to members
of parent entity
Balance at 31.12.2005                   34,550,935  136,445     894,121        - (30,345,782)   3,350,864   8,586,583

Balance at 1.7.2006                     35,396,353  136,445   (261,124)  551,200 (30,666,656)   2,505,136   7,661,354
Shares issued during the period         24,460,590                                                         24,460,590
Profit/ (Loss) attributable to                                                        433,626                 433,626
members of parent entity
Profit attributable to minority

                                                                                                  478,742     478,742
Reserves attributable to minority
                                                                                                 (31,133)    (31,133)
Reversal of minority interests
following 100% acquisition of a
controlled entity

                                                                                              (2,952,745) (2,952,745)
Minority interest in a controlled
                                                                                                3,071,250   3,071,250
Share based payment                                                      165,600                              165,600
Share issue costs                        (288,390)                                                          (288,390)
Foreign currency translation                                  (454,633)                                     (454,633)
adjustments attributable to members
of parent entity
Balance at 31.12.2006                   59,568,553  136,445   (715,757)  716,800 (30,233,030)   3,071,250  32,544,261


                                                                         Consolidated         Consolidated
                                                                          31.12.2006           31.12.2005

                                                                              $                    $

Cash Flows used in Operating Activities

Cash receipts in the course of operations                                    22,297,704           15,574,251
Interest received                                                               157,124               14,287
Cash payments in the course of operations                                  (20,100,088)         (15,966,308)
Interest paid                                                                 (266,423)            (346,902)
Tax paid                                                                      (296,993)            (125,739)

Net cash generated by/(used in) operating activities                          1,791,324            (850,411)

Cash Flows used in Investing Activities

Deposits paid on investments                                                (2,866,364)                    -
Proceeds from sale of equity investments                                              -              169,137
Payments for investments                                                      (449,555)             (24,121)
Payments for property, plant and equipment                                     (59,951)             (99,668)

Net cash provided by investing activities                                   (3,375,870)               45,348

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Proceeds from issues of shares and options to outside equity                 13,582,719
Repayment of borrowings                                                     (1,341,231)            (533,487)

Net cash provided by financing activities                                    12,241,488            (483,487)

NET INCREASE IN CASH HELD                                                    10,656,942          (1,288,550)

Cash at the beginning of the half-year                                           49,764            1,027,493

Exchange rate adjustment                                                        (1,903)            (297,069)

Cash at the end of the half-year                                             10,704,803            (558,126)

        The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


(a)               Basis of preparation of Half Year Report

The half-year consolidated financial statements are a general purpose financial
report prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act
2001, Accounting Standard AASB 134: Interim Financial Reporting, and other
authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

It is recommended that this financial report be read in conjunction with the
annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2006 and any public
announcements made by GVM Metals Limited and its controlled entities during the
half-year in accordance with continuous disclosure requirements arising under
the Corporations Act 2001.

The half-year report does not include full disclosures of the type normally
included in an annual financial report.

The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous
financial year and corresponding interim reporting period.

(b)               Principles of consolidation

Controlled entities

The financial statements of controlled entities results are included from the
date control commences until the date control ceases.

Outside interests in the equity and results of the entities that are controlled
by the Company are shown as a separate item in the consolidated financial


Associates are those entities, other than partnerships, over which the
consolidated entity exercises significant influence and which are not intended
for sale in the near future.

In the consolidated financial statements, investments in associates are
accounted for using equity accounting principles.  Investments in associates are
carried at the lower of the equity accounted amount and recoverable amount.  The
consolidated entity's equity accounted share of the associates' net profit or
loss is recognised in the consolidated statement of financial performance from
the date the significant influence commences until the date the significant
influence ceases.  Other movements in reserves are recognised directly in the
consolidated reserves.

Transactions eliminated on consolidation

The balances and effects of transactions, between controlled entities included
in the consolidated financial statements have been eliminated.

(c)               Dividends

No dividend has been paid or is proposed in respect of the half-year ended 31
December 2006 (2005: None).


                                                                                  31 Dec 2006


Issued and Paid-Up Capital

93,559,328 (2006: 31,310,887) fully paid ordinary shares                               59,568,553

Movements in contributed equity

Opening balance at beginning of the half-year                                          35,396,353
- 24,615,384 ordinary shares issued on 12 Jul 2006 (AIM)                                7,795,600
- 4,620,557 ordinary shares issued on 24 Nov 2006                                       1,848,231
- 20,812,500 ordinary shares issued on 30 Nov 2006                                      8,741,250
- 12,200,000 ordinary shares issued on 21 Dec 2006 (allotted Jan 07)                    6,075,509
Less: share issue costs                                                                 (288,390)

Total equity at the end of the half-year                                               59,568,553


The following options to subscribe for ordinary fully paid shares are
outstanding at balance date:

Number Issued          Number Quoted    Exercise Price             Expiry Date

           9,000,000                 -            $0.50         30 September 2011

75,000 quoted options expired during the six months under review.


Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a
segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.
Unallocated items mainly comprise interest or dividend-earning assets and
revenue, interest bearing loans, borrowings and expenses, and corporate assets
and expenses.

Business segments

The consolidated entity comprises the following main business segments:

Manufacturing                                 Mineral processing by Nimag in
South Africa

Investing                                           Equity investments in South
Africa, Australia, Canada and United Kingdom

31 December 2006
Primary reporting industry                               Manufacturing          Investing       Consolidated
                                                                     $                  $                  $
Total segment revenue                                       26,111,206            240,115         26,351,321
Unallocated revenue                                                  -                  -            102,592
Total revenue                                                                                     26,453,913

Segment results                                              3,375,320        (1,596,804)          1,778,514
Unallocated items                                                    -                  -             48,639
Net profit before income tax                                                                       1,827,153

Depreciation and amortisiation                                  76,130              4,127             80,257
Provision for diminution of investment                               -              6,488              6,488

31 December 2006
Primary reporting industry                               Manufacturing          Investing       Consolidated
                                                                     $                  $                  $
Segment assets                                              18,099,537         25,371,828         43,471,365
Unallocated corporate assets                                         -                  -            311,868
Equity accounted investment held for sale                       94,596                  -             94,596
Consolidated total assets                                                                         43,877,829

Segment liabilities                                          9,860,653          1,302,418         11,163,071
Unallocated liabilities                                              -            170,498            170,498
Consolidated total liabilities                                                                    11,333,568


The company acquired control of the following entities during the period:

                                                          Consolidated entity's
                                                              interest at:
Name                        Country of      Date of        31.12.06   30.6.06
                            Incorporation   Acquisition
                                                              %          %
(i) Nimag (Pty) Ltd          South Africa     22/11/06       100%       74%
(ii) Limpopo Coal (Pty) Ltd  South Africa     30/11/06       74%         -

        Details of the acquisitions are as follows:

i.            During the half year ended 31 December 2006, the Company exercised
its call option to acquire the remaining 26% interest in the issued capital of
Nimag (Proprietary) Limited. The Nimag acquisition was satisfied by the issue of
4,620,557 ordinary shares at a deemed issue price of $0.40 per share and a cash
payment of $75,000.  The share issue was approved by shareholders at the
Company's annual general meeting on the 22nd of November 2006. The total value
of the consideration amounted to $1,923,223.
Purchase consideration:
Cash consideration                                                          75,000
Issue of shares                                                          1,848,223
Total consideration                                                      1,923,223

Fair value of the remaining interests in the net assets of               2,952,745
Nimag acquired
Discount on acquisition adjusted against (Nimag) Goodwill                1,029,522
on consolidation

ii.            During the half year, the Company acquired 74% of the controlled
entity, Limpopo Coal (Pty) Ltd.  The acquisition was settled with the issue of
20,812,500 ordinary shares at a deemed price of $0.42 in December 2006.

Purchase consideration:
Issue of shares                                                          8,741,250
Total consideration                                                      8,741,250

Fair value of assets held at acquisition date                           11,812,500
Minority equity interests in acquisition                               (3,071,250)


The consolidated entity did not lose control over any entities during the half
year period or the half year ended 31 December 2006.

6.                    CONTINGENT LIABILITIES

The consolidated entity has potential contingent liabilities if the conditions
precedent to purchase the remaining 51% in the Holfontein Coal Project and 50%
of the Baobab Coal Project, are fulfilled. The purchase of the remaining portion
of the Holfontein project will require the issue of 14,868,283 GVM shares, while
the completion of the Baobab acquisition will entail the issue of 20,000,000 GVM


*       On 7 February 2007, the Company announced that an agreement had been
reached to acquire Kelso Mining Limited ('Kelso') for GBP 10 million whose
principle asset is the right to acquire 70% of Coal of Africa Limited ('CoAL').
The terms of the Kelso and CoAL agreement contain a number of preconditions
including Joint Ore Reserves Committee ("JORC") and South African Mineral
Resource Committee ("SAMREC") compliant resource statuses, as well as regulatory
and shareholder approval.  Should GVM opt to exercise its option to purchase 70%
of CoAL, a further consideration of GBP 30 million will be payable.

*       On 20 February 2007, the Company announced that it had agreed to make a
further placement of 8,333,333 GVM shares to raise GBP 2.5 million (AU$ 6.25
million).  The Company will shortly lodge a Notice of Meeting seeking
shareholder approval for the this placement.

There are no other matters or events which have arisen since the end of the
financial period which have significantly affected or may significantly affect
the operations of the consolidated entity, the results of those operations or
the state of affairs of the consolidated entity in subsequent financial years.


In the opinion of the directors of GVM Metals Limited ("the Company"):

(a)                 the financial statements and notes set out in the
announcement, are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including:

(i)                  giving a true and fair view of the financial position of
the consolidated entity as at 31 December 2006 and of its performance, as
represented by the results of its operations and cash flows for the half-year
ended on that date; and

(ii)                complying with Australian Accounting Standard AASB 134 "
Interim Financial Reporting" and the Corporations Regulations 2001; and

(b)           there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Company will be
able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

Dated at Perth, Western Australia, this 9th day of March 2007.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Directors:


S. J. Farrell


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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