First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. Reports Second Quarter Results


    TSX: FCP  

    LSE: FPL                                                                


    CALGARY, Aug. 10 /CNW/ - First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. is pleased to

report financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2005.


    Report to Shareholders


    First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. (FCP or the Company) is an independent oil

and gas company actively engaged in exploration and development activities in

Algeria. FCP holds 100% of the foreign company interest in Blocks 405b and

406a situated in the Berkine Basinin the Sahara Desert. The Company's common

shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FCP and on the AIM

market of the London Stock Exchange under the symbol FPL.

    Following the impressive string of drilling success realized during 2003

and 2004 and the corresponding reserves growth, the Company embarked on a

process to seek and evaluate strategic alternatives regarding the future

development of its proved, probable and possible reserves base. The review

commenced in October 2004 with the retention of financial advisers, Lehman

Brothers and Canaccord Capital (Europe) Limited, and continued through to June

2005. The process generated substantial interest in Ledjmet Block 405b,

ranging from an outright purchase to various joint venture development


    Participants in the process appeared to base their value assessments on

the proved and probable reserves estimates and were unwilling to pay for the

upside envisioned by FCP in the possible and potential reserves.

Notwithstanding, numerous participants expressed interest in joint venturing

with FCP to further explore, appraise and develop the reserves. However, the

lack of firm, acceptable commitments by the third parties regarding the scope

of development plans and timing prevented a satisfactory agreement from being


    In exploring Block 405b, the Company has been aggressive in spacing out

the exploration wells across the Block in order to assess the reserve

potential of the entire Block. Of the total estimated proved, probable and

possible reserves, approximately two thirds are possible reserves which will

require successful appraisal drilling and completions activities to be

reclassified to proved or probable.

    Another consideration in evaluating the strategic alternatives was the

potential "commodity price" upside. FCP remains very bullish with respect to

future oil and gas prices. As at December 31, 2004 when the Company's reserves

and future net revenues were last estimated, the price of oil was $42 per

barrel. It was not viewed prudent to forego the potential future "commodity

price" upside associated with retaining 100% of the reserves in order to

accomplish a quick sale or farm-in arrangement.

    In concluding the strategic review process, it was decided the long term

value of the Company's assets would be maximized by FCP continuing on a stand

alone basis to further explore, appraise and develop its Algerian holdings.

While such a strategy involves certain risks operationally and financially in

the short term, the Company believes these risks to be manageable.

    Accordingly, the third quarter marks the beginning of a new phase for the

Company. The historical focus has been to explore and see what the reserves

potential for the Algerian blocks could be. This question has largely been

answered by the exploration drilling and 3D seismic. Independent engineers

estimated the gross proved, probable and possible reserves at December 31,

2004 to be 13 trillion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent (Tcfe), of which

FCP's net estimated reserves were 2.1 Tcfe. Of these gross reserve totals,

approximately 12.1 Tcfe or 93% is attributed to Ledjmet Block 405b. Of the

12.1 Tcfe attributed to Block 405b, approximately 3.9 Tcfe is categorized as

proved and probable. The focus and strategy in developing these reserves

include two principal initiatives:


    -  increase the Company's proved and probable reserves through a

       programme of appraisal drilling and completions activities; and


    -  commercialize Block 405b with a staged development plan that targets

       the MLE field being on stream in 2008.


    As a first step to implementing this strategy, the Company increased its

working capital at June 30, 2005 to $130 million by way of an equity financing

that raised $105 million, net of expenses, with the issuance of 16,925,000

common shares at C$8.10 or pnds stlg 3.59 per share.

    This working capital will fund a programme over the next 12 to 18 months

that will satisfy the Company's remaining exploration well commitments (RTN-1

on Block 406a and ZER-1 on Block 405b) but will primarily focus on appraisal

drilling and completion activities that offset existing wells and are intended

to convert possible reserves to proved or probable reserves. The RTN-1 well

recently commenced drilling, a number of well locations are being prepared on

Block 405b and efforts are ongoing to line up additional equipment and

personnel to accelerate the programme.

    Simultaneous with the drilling and completions programmes, the Company

intends to aggressively pursue the commercialization of the MLE reserves on

Block 405b. To date, a number of steps have been taken in this initiative

including reservoir modeling and conceptual engineering and facilities design

studies. The Company is assembling a team of experienced personnel dedicated

to the commercialization and development operations.

    The first six months of 2005 have been dominated with uncertainty,

speculation and conjecture respecting the value of the Company's assets and

its future direction. These factors have fueled extreme volatility in the

Company's stock price which understandably has triggered anxiety amongst

shareholders. Based upon the quality of the FCP assets and a bullish view of

future oil and gas prices, the Company is convinced the "go forward" plan will

maximize the long term value for shareholders.


    Management's Discussion and Analysis


    Management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) should be read in conjunction

with the unaudited interim financial statements for the three and six month

periods ended June 30, 2005 and 2004 and the audited financial statements and

MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2004. In this discussion and analysis $

refers to the U.S. dollar and C$ refers to the Canadian dollar. Additional

information is available on FCP's website at or on SEDAR's website


    FCP operates in Algeria where it has the rights to explore and appraise

two large acreage blocks, Ledjmet Block 405b and Yacoub Block 406a. The

Company's rights and obligations are set out in hydrocarbon agreements with

Sonatrach, the national oil company of Algeria, which represents the interest

of the state.


    Hydrocarbon Agreements


    The hydrocarbon agreements require FCP to conduct certain drilling and

seismic activities over periods of time. The exploration phases of the

agreements extend for five years and are divided into two periods with each

period containing a minimum work commitment. In each agreement, the first

period was for three years, and the Company then had the option to enter a

second exploration period of two years. Each discovery is subject to an

appraisal work programme that may extend beyond the exploration phases of the

agreements. Following the appraisal phase of each discovery, the Company and

Sonatrach will obtain exploitation permits for any reserves determined to be

commercial and all lands not subject to an exploitation permit will be

returned to the government. For Block 406a the exploitation periods for each

commercial oil and natural gas discovery are 15 and 20 years respectively,

plus a five year extension option and are 25 and 30 years for Block 405b.


    Ledjmet Block 405b


    On Block 405b, FCP is party to a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with

Sonatrach. The PSC allocates hydrocarbon production between FCP and Sonatrach

in accordance with a sliding scale formula based on such factors as production

levels, product prices and project investment. Pursuant to the formula, the

Company's annual share of production may range from 27.72 percent to      

8.16 percent. All Algerian state royalties and income taxes are paid by

Sonatrach from its share of hydrocarbon production.

    The Company is in the first year of the second exploration period of the

PSC. The remaining work commitment is to drill one exploration well (ZER-1)

prior to December 2006, estimated to cost $9 million. If the Company fails to

satisfy this work obligation, the rights, other than for which an exploitation

permit has been granted or requested, will be returned and the Company will be

liable to pay Sonatrach a penalty of $6.25 million.


    Yacoub Block 406a


    On Block 406a, FCP is party to a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with

Sonatrach. The JVA allocates 49 percent of the hydrocarbon production or

equivalent volume thereof to the Company. FCP is responsible for paying

Algerian state royalties and income taxes on its share of production. A

portion of the total recoverable natural gas reserves above a certain

threshold will be considered strategic reserves and excluded by Algerian law

from the JVA.

    The Company is in the second exploration period of the JVA, which ends in

November 2005. The remaining work commitment is to drill the RTN-1 exploration

well, which was spud on July 31 and is estimated to cost $8 million. If the

Company fails to satisfy this work obligation, all rights to the Block will be

returned and the Company will be liable to pay Sonatrach a penalty of   

$12.75 million.


    Capital Expenditures


    Capital expenditures for the six months ended June 30, 2005 totaled  

$23.1 million compared to $38.5 million in the first six months of 2004. Of

the 2005 expenditures:


    -  $18.5 million related to completion and production testing the LES-2

       well, drilling the MLE-6 and ZCHW-1 wells and site preparation costs

       for future drilling locations;


    -  $1.1 million was spent completing the 2004 Block 406a 3D seismic

       programme and other geological interpretation activities;


    -  $0.2 million was spent on Block 405b development activities;


    -  $0.3 million was paid to Sonatrach for annual training bonuses; and


    -  $3.0 million related to administrative and support services for the

       Algerian operations.


    Capital expenditures for the three months ended June 30, 2005 totaled

$10.6 million compared to $24.4 million in 2004. Of the second quarter 2005

expenditures, $8.8 million related to drilling, completion and testing

activities, $0.1 million was spent on MLE commercialization activities,  

$0.2 million was spent on seismic and $1.5 million related to administrative

and support services for the Algerian operations.


    Liquidity and Capital Resources


    FCP continues to rely on equity to fund its operations and capital

programmes. In June 2005, FCP raised $104.6 million, net of issue costs, from

the sale of 16,925,000 common shares through an equity financing (10,577,100

shares at C$8.10 and 6,347,900 shares at pnds stlg 3.59). During the six

months ended June 30, 2005 the Company received $0.7 million for the issuance

of 698,785 common shares from the exercise of stock options and warrants

(three months ended June 30, 2005 - $0.3 million in proceeds from the issuance

of 194,408 common shares). The fully-diluted number of shares outstanding at

the following dates were:



    FULLY-DILUTED SHARES OUTSTANDING    August 8,    June 30,    December 31,

                                          2005         2005         2004


    Common shares                     201,530,428  200,710,460   183,086,675

    Employee stock options              7,009,532    7,406,167     7,629,501

    Common share purchase warrants              -            -        68,785

    Non-employee stock options                  -      450,000       900,000


    Fully-diluted shares outstanding  208,539,960  208,566,627   191,684,961




    The Company had working capital of $130.5 million at June 30, 2005

compared to $52.1 million at December 31, 2004. Changes in the Company's

working capital are primarily a function of the timing and magnitude of its

equity financings and capital expenditures. The net increase in working

capital during the six months ended June 30, 2005 was attributed to    

$104.6 million in net proceeds from the June public offering, $23.1 million

used to fund capital expenditures, $0.7 million in proceeds from the exercise

of options and warrants, $1.3 million used to fund operations and a foreign

currency loss of $2.5 million.

    During the three months ended June 30, 2005, the $92.5 million net

increase in the Company's working capital was attributed to $104.6 million in

net proceeds from the June public offering, $10.6 million used to fund capital

expenditures, $0.3 million in proceeds from the exercise of options and

warrants, $0.9 million to fund operations and a foreign currency loss of  

$0.9 million.

    The Company has sufficient working capital at June 30, 2005 to fund its

capital programme and work commitments. Beyond the current planned

expenditures and obligations, it is expected the Company will require

additional capital to fund future operations and capital spending.

    In addition, the development of the Company's reserves through to

commercial production will require significant funding that is expected to be

in the form of debt, equity, joint ventures or some combination thereof.


    Operating Results and Selected Quarterly Information


                                   2005                          2004

    (000's of U.S. dollars)    Q2        Q1        Q4        Q3       Q2


    Interest Income         $    428  $    659  $    386  $    251  $    238



      General and

       administrative          1,414     1,139     1,165       904     1,048

      Stock-based compensation   503       746     1,442       975     1,375

      Foreign exchange loss

       (gain)                    932     1,527      (820)   (2,151)    1,137

      Write-off Yemen investment   -         -         -         -         -

      Other expenses (recovery)   46       (33)     (102)      109        92


                               2,895     3,379     1,685      (163)    3,652


    Income (loss)             (2,467)   (2,720)   (1,299)      414    (3,414)

    Loss per share             (0.01)    (0.01)    (0.01)     0.00     (0.02)


    Share capital            482,991   377,857   377,288   172,895   172,376


    Working capital

     (deficiency)            130,467    38,016    52,115    19,858    48,664

    Capital assets           333,157   322,572   310,053   137,911   107,267

    Other liabilities           (398)     (370)     (339)     (239)     (174)


    Shareholders' equity    $463,226  $360,218  $361,829  $157,530  $155,757





    Operating Results and Selected Quarterly Information


                              2004         2003

    (000's of U.S. dollars)   Q1       Q4        Q3


    Interest Income         $    415  $    315  $     81



      General and

       administrative            910       962       660

      Stock-based compensation 1,389     3,579       233

      Foreign exchange loss

       (gain)                    292      (283)     (192)

      Write-off Yemen investment   -     1,035         -

      Other expenses (recovery)   90       253        34


                               2,681     5,546       735


    Income (loss)             (2,266)   (5,231)     (654)

    Loss per share             (0.01)    (0.03)    (0.01)


    Share capital            171,897   165,181    62,463


    Working capital

     (deficiency)             74,659    83,111    (1,150)

    Capital assets            82,886    68,708    52,106

    Other liabilities           (151)     (124)      (92)


    Shareholders' equity    $157,394  $151,695  $ 50,864




    The Company's interest income for the three and six month periods ended

June 30, 2005, was higher compared with the 2004 comparable periods as a

result of higher average cash and term-deposit balances during 2005 and higher

interest rates.

    General and administrative expenses were $2.6 million for the six months

ended June 30, 2005 compared with $2.0 million in the comparable 2004 period.

For the three months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004, the general and

administrative expenses were $1.4 and $1.0 million, respectively. The

increased expense during 2005 was mainly attributed to the corporate strategic

review process.

    Stock-based compensation expense was $1.2 million for the six months

ended June 30, 2005 compared with $2.8 million in the comparable 2004 period.

For the three months ended June 30, 2005 and 2004, the stock-based

compensation expense was $0.5 and $1.4 million, respectively. The decrease in

expense was primarily attributed to the complete amortization of certain prior

stock option grants and fewer options granted in 2004 and 2005 compared to

prior years.

    The Company recorded a foreign exchange loss of $2.5 million for the six

months ended June 30, 2005, of which $0.9 million was incurred during the

second quarter. The loss primarily resulted from the strengthening U.S. dollar

against the Canadian dollar and British pound deposits held. The $1.4 million

loss in the six months ended June 30, 2004 resulted from the strengthening

U.S. dollar against the Canadian dollar deposits held.


    Business Risks and Uncertainties


    The MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2004 includes an overview of

certain of the business risks and uncertainties facing the Company. Those

risks remain in effect as at June 30, 2005.




    The Company's business plan over the next 12 to 18 months will focus on:


      - increasing the Company's proved and probable reserves through a

        programme of appraisal drilling and completions activities;


      - completing its exploration drilling commitments; and


      - commercializing Block 405b with a staged development plan that

        targets the MLE field being on stream in 2008.


    Advisory Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


    Certain information with respect to the Company contained in this report

contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are

based on assumptions and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some

of which are beyond FCP's control, including the impact of general economic

conditions, industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, currency

exchange rate fluctuations, reserve estimates, environmental risks,

competition from other explorers, stock market volatility and the ability to

access sufficient capital. FCP's actual results, performance or achievement

could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-

looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events

anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur.




    Consolidated Balance Sheets


    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)



                                                 June 30         December 31

                                                    2005                2004


                                              (Unaudited)           (Audited)




    Current assets:

      Cash and short-term deposits (note 2)   $  141,598           $  81,874

      Accounts receivable                            235                 357

      Deposits and prepaid expenses                  296                 758


                                                 142,129              82,989


    Property, plant and equipment                333,157             310,053




                                              $  475,286           $ 393,042




    Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


    Current liabilities:

      Accounts payable and accrued

       liabilities (note 3)                   $   11,662           $  30,874


    Asset retirement obligations                     398                 339


    Shareholders' equity:

      Capital stock (note 4)                     482,991             377,288

      Contributed surplus (note 4)                10,322               9,441

      Cumulative translation adjustment            6,502               6,502

      Deficit                                    (36,589)            (31,402)


                                                 463,226             361,829


    Operations and commitments (note 1)



                                              $  475,286           $ 393,042




    See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.





    Consolidated Statements of Operations and Deficit


    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)



                                          Three months            Six months

                                         ended June 30         ended June 30

                                       2005       2004       2005       2004




      Interest                    $     428  $     238  $   1,087  $     653




      General and administrative      1,414      1,048      2,553      1,958


        compensation (note 4)           503      1,375      1,249      2,764

      Foreign exchange loss             932      1,137      2,459      1,429

      Capital taxes (recovery)           25         73        (29)       143

      Depreciation and accretion         21         19         42         39


                                      2,895      3,652      6,274      6,333



    Loss for the period              (2,467)    (3,414)    (5,187)    (5,680)


    Deficit, beginning of period    (34,122)   (27,103)   (31,402)   (24,837)



    Deficit, end of period        $ (36,589) $ (30,517) $ (36,589) $ (30,517)




    Loss per share (note 4)       $   (0.01) $   (0.02) $   (0.03) $   (0.03)




    See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.





    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)



                                          Three months            Six months

                                         ended June 30         ended June 30

                                       2005       2004       2005       2004



    Operating activities:

      Loss for the period         $  (2,467) $  (3,414) $  (5,187) $  (5,680)

      Items not involving cash:

        Stock-based compensation        503      1,375      1,249      2,764

        Unrealized foreign

         exchange loss                  931      1,100      2,794      1,340

        Depreciation and accretion       21         19         42         39


                                     (1,012)      (920)    (1,102)    (1,537)


      Change in non-cash

       working capital                1,615         94     (1,206)      (193)


                                        603       (826)    (2,308)    (1,730)



    Financing activities:

      Proceeds from issuance

       of shares                    110,502          -    110,502          -

      Proceeds from exercise

       of options and warrants          320        416        698      6,992

      Issue costs                    (5,849)       (14)    (5,864)       (14)


                                    104,973        402    105,336      6,978



    Investing activities:

      Capital expenditures          (10,578)   (24,377)   (23,087)   (38,548)

      Change in non-cash

       working capital               (4,479)       877    (17,423)       936


                                    (15,057)   (23,500)   (40,510)   (37,612)



    Increase (decrease) in cash

     and short-term deposits         90,519    (23,924)    62,518    (32,364)


    Effect of exchange rate

     fluctuations on cash and

     short-term deposits               (931)    (1,100)    (2,794)    (1,340)


    Cash and short-term deposits,

     beginning of period             52,010     86,505     81,874     95,185



    Cash and short-term deposits,

     end of period                $ 141,598  $  61,481  $ 141,598  $  61,481




    See accompanying notes to interim consolidated financial statements.





    Notes to Interim Consolidated Financial Statements


    Six Months ended June 30, 2005 (unaudited)

    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated)





        The interim consolidated financial statements of First Calgary

        Petroleums Ltd. ("the Company") have been prepared by management in

        accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada

        following the same accounting policies as the consolidated financial

        statements for the year ended December 31, 2004. The disclosures

        included below are incremental to those included with the annual

        consolidated financial statements. The interim consolidated financial

        statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated

        financial statements and the notes thereto for the year ended

        December 31, 2004.


    1.  Operations and commitments:


        The Company's operations are in Algeria where it has the rights to

        explore, appraise and develop two blocks, Yacoub Block 406a

        ("Block 406a") and Ledjmet Block 405b ("Block 405b"). The Company's

        rights and obligations in each block are set out in agreements with

        Sonatrach, the national oil company of Algeria. These agreements are

        structured such that the Company has committed to conduct certain

        minimum exploration activities over a period of time and in return
        earns an interest in commercial discoveries. Each discovery is

        subject to an appraisal work programme that may extend beyond the

        exploration phase of the agreements. Following the appraisal phase

        of each discovery, the Company and Sonatrach will obtain exploitation

        permits for any reserves determined to be commercial and all lands

        not subject to an exploitation permit will be returned to the

        government. For Block 406a the exploitation periods for each

        commercial oil and natural gas discovery are 15 and 20 years

        respectively, plus a five year extension option and are 25 and

        30 years for Block 405b.


        (a) Block 406a:

            In 2000 the Company entered into a joint venture agreement with

            Sonatrach to explore Block 406a in the Berkine Basin. The Company

            is in the second exploration period which expires in

            November 2005. The remaining work obligation is to drill the

            RTN-1 exploration well, which was spud on July 31 and is

            estimated to cost $8 million. If the Company fails to satisfy

            the work obligation, all rights to the Block will be forfeited

            and the Company will be liable to pay Sonatrach a penalty of

            $12.75 million. In addition to the work commitments, the Company

            is obligated to pay an annual training bonus in the amount of

            $150 for the duration of the contract, including exploitation



        (b) Block 405b:

            In 2001 the Company entered into a production sharing

            contract with Sonatrach to explore and appraise Block 405b in the

            Berkine Basin. The Company is in the second exploration period

            which expires in December 2006. The remaining work obligation is

            to drill one exploration well, estimated to cost $9 million.

            Should the Company fail to satisfy the work obligation of the

            second exploration period, the rights, other than for areas for

            which an exploitation permit has been granted or requested, could

            be forfeited and the Company will be liable to pay Sonatrach a

            penalty of $6.25 million. In addition to the work commitments,

            the Company is obligated to pay an annual training bonus in the

            amount of $150 for the duration of the contract, including

            exploitation periods.


            The contract provides the Company with the right to appraise and

            develop the MLE reserves discovered with the MLE-1 well. As

            compensation for the right to access the MLE discovery, the

            Company is committed to pay Sonatrach a reserve-based access fee

            of $0.25 per barrel of oil equivalent calculated on the total

            estimated recoverable MLE reserves. The access fee will be

            determined at the time the MLE reserves are declared commercial

            by Sonatrach and will be payable as a deduction from Sonatrach's

            share of the MLE development expenditures.


        While the Company currently has sufficient resources to meet its

        required work commitments, these resources may be directed to other,

        optional capital programmes depending on the success of expenditures

        and other opportunities which become available to the Company. In

        addition, the development of the Company's reserves through to

        commercial production will require significant funding in the form of

        debt, equity, joint ventures or some combination thereof.


    2.  Cash and short-term deposits:


        The Company considers deposits in banks, certificates of deposit and

        short-term investments with original maturities of three months or

        less as cash and short-term deposits. The components of cash and

        short-term deposits are as follows:



                                               June 30           December 31

                                                  2005                  2004


        Cash on deposit:

          U.S. dollars                       $  13,133             $   1,833

          British pounds                         8,459                 1,574

          Canadian dollars                       2,416                   482

          Algerian dinars                          100                   577


        Bank term deposits:

          Canadian dollars                      67,992                22,079

          British pounds                        47,737                54,823

          U.S. dollars                           1,761                   506


                                             $ 141,598             $  81,874




        As at June 30, 2005, $1.8 million was restricted until January 2006

        for an inventory purchase.



    3.  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities:



                                               June 30           December 31

                                                  2005                  2004


        Trade payables:

          U.S. dollars                       $   6,451             $  13,004

          Algerian dinars                        2,542                 3,746

          Canadian dollars                         664                 2,151

          British pounds                           305                   423


        Capital accrual:

          U.S. dollars                           1,700                11,550


                                             $  11,662             $  30,874




    4.  Capital stock:


        (a) Issued share capital:


                                                        Number of

                                                           Shares     Amount


        Common shares:

          Balance, December 31, 2004                  183,086,675  $ 377,288

            Issued on public offering (i)              16,925,000    110,502

            Issued on exercise of share

             purchase warrants (ii)                        68,785        177

            Issued on exercise of employee

             stock options                                180,000        262

            Issued on exercise of non-employee

             stock options (iii)                          450,000        259

            Transfer from contributed surplus on

             exercise of stock options and warrants             -        367

            Share issue costs                                   -     (5,864)


          Balance, June 30, 2005                      200,710,460  $ 482,991




        (i)   In June 2005 the Company issued 16,925,000 common shares for

              gross proceeds of $110.5 million (10,577,100 common shares at

              C$8.10 per share and 6,347,900 common shares at pnds stlg 3.59

              per share). The issue costs were $5.9 million.


        (ii)  During the six months ended June 30, 2005, 68,785 common shares

              were issued pursuant to the exercise of the following common

              share purchase warrants: 36,021 at C$5.00 per share and 32,764

              at C$1.11 per share.


        (iii) In 2002 the Company granted consultants options to acquire

              900,000 common shares at a price of C$0.70 per share of which

              450,000 were exercised during the six months ended

              June 30, 2005 and the remainder subsequent thereto.


        (b) Employee stock options:


            Pursuant to the Stock Option Plan, the Company has 11,996,230

            common shares reserved for issuance. Stock options granted under

            the plan have a term of five years and vesting terms are

            determined at the discretion of the Board, ranging between two

            and three years. The exercise price of each option is equal to

            the market price of the shares on the date preceding the date of

            the grant. The following table summarizes the changes in stock

            options outstanding at June 30, 2005:



                                             Number of      Weighted Average

                                               Options        Exercise Price


        Outstanding, December 31, 2004       7,629,501         C$       3.47

          Exercised                           (180,000)                 1.80

          Cancelled                            (43,334)                12.02


          Outstanding, June 30, 2005         7,406,167         C$       3.46




            The following table summarizes information about the options

            outstanding and exercisable at June 30, 2005:


                                  Options  Outstanding   Options Exercisable



                                    Average   Weighted              Weighted

                                  Remaining    Average               Average

        Range of                Contractual   Exercise              Exercise

        Exercise price  Options        Life      Price    Options      Price


        C$0.50-0.95   2,089,500   1.2 years   C$  0.63  2,089,500   C$  0.63

        C$1.25-1.90     930,334   1.9 years       1.26    930,334       1.26

        C$2.36-2.95     950,334   2.6 years       2.61    925,334       2.60

        C$4.72-4.72   2,502,333   3.3 years       4.72  1,659,000       4.72

        C$7.45-7.81     518,000   3.6 years       7.67    343,000       7.67

        C$10.95-15.77   415,666   3.8 years      11.64    265,666      11.45


                      7,406,167   2.5 years   C$  3.46  6,212,834   C$  2.96




        (c) Common share purchase warrants:



                                             Number of      Weighted Average

                                              Warrants        Exercise Price


        Outstanding, December 31, 2004          68,785              C$  3.15

        Exercised                              (68,785)                 3.15


        Outstanding, June 30, 2005                   -                     -




        (d) Stock-based compensation expense:


            For the six months ended June 30, 2005, the Company recorded

            $1.2 million (2004 - $2.8 million) of stock-based compensation

            expense with a corresponding increase in contributed surplus

            (three months ended June 30, 2005 - $0.5 million;

            2004 - $1.4 million). There were no options granted during the

            first six months of 2005. The fair value of the options granted

            in the six months ended June 30, 2004 was estimated to be C$5.11

            per option and was determined using the Black-Scholes option

            pricing model with the following assumptions: expected volatility

            of 82 percent, risk-free interest rate of 3.8 percent and

            expected lives of 3 years.


        (e) Contributed surplus:


            The changes in the contributed surplus balance are as follows:





        Balance, December 31, 2004                                 $   9,441

          Amortization of expense for options
           previously granted                                          1,248

          Options and warrants exercised,

           transfer to share capital                                    (367)


          Balance, June 30, 2005                                   $  10,322




        (f) Per share amounts:


            The loss per share is based on the weighted average shares

            outstanding for the period. The weighted average shares

            outstanding for the three and six month periods ended June 30,

            2005 were 183,804,617 and 183,670,798 respectively, (2004 -

            165,380,528 and 164,571,937). The effect upon conversion of

            outstanding options is anti-dilutive.


    5. Segmented information:


        The Company's activities are conducted in two geographic segments:

        Canada and Algeria. All activities relate to exploration and

        development of petroleum and natural gas in Algeria.


        Three months ended June 30              Canada    Algeria      Total




            Capital expenditures             $       -  $  10,578  $  10,578




            Capital expenditures             $       4  $  24,373  $  24,377






        Six months ended June 30               Canada     Algeria      Total




            Capital expenditures             $      17  $  23,070  $  23,087

            Assets                             142,472    332,814    475,286




            Capital expenditures             $       6  $  38,542  $  38,548

            Assets                              60,340    108,889    169,229





    For further information: Kenneth C. Rutherford, Vice President, Finance

& Chief Financial Officer, First Calgary Petroleums Ltd., Suite 900, 520 - 5

Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3R7, tel: (403) 264-6697, email: info(at),  

fax: (403) 264-3955, web site:; European contacts: James

Henderson, Pelham Public Relations, Tel: +44 (0) 207 743 6673; Carina Corbett,

4C - Burvale Limited, Tel: +44 (0) 207 907 4761

    (FCP. FPL)







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