RNS Number:6594A
Future Network PLC
19 March 2001

Group Profit and Loss Account

for the year ended 31 December 2000

                                                              Restated Restated
             Continuing           Total                Actual   Actual      Pro
             operations      continuing                  2000     1999    forma
                             operations Discontinued    Total    Total     1999
                                          operations                      Total 
          Note #'000     #'000    #' 000    #'000    #'000   #'000     #'000 
Turnover     4 229,005   7,022   236,027   17,962    253,989  172,919  197,470
Cost of sales (164,989) (5,494) (170,483) (26,356)  (196,839)(114,807)(135,331)
Gross profit/   64,016   1,528    65,544   (8,394)    57,150   58,112   62,139
Distribution   (13,865)   (256)  (14,121)  (1,302)   (15,423)  (8,266) (10,926)
Administrative (84,336) (1,882)  (86,218)  (4,974)   (91,192) (44,522) (55,785)

Operating       11,644     537    12,181  (14,670)    (2,489)  22,119   20,242
profit/ (loss)
and impairment
of intangible
Amortisation   (45,829) (1,147)  (46,976)       -    (46,976) (16,795) (24,814)
and impairment
of intangible

Operating      (34,185)  (610)   (34,795) (14,670)   (49,465)   5,324   (4,572)
(loss) /
Share of                                                (450)       -        -
operating loss
of associates
Operating                                            (49,915)   5,324   (4,572)
(loss) /
including loss
of associates
(Loss)/profit                                           (117)   1,962   10,895
on disposal of
fixed asset
Write down of                                         (4,552)        -        -
fixed asset                                         
Net interest                                          (4,709) (10,812)  (2,798)
payable and
(Loss)/ profit                                                           
on ordinary
activities    4                                      (59,293)  (3,526)   3,525
before tax      

Tax on (loss)/                                        (1,473)  (3,114)  (6,413)
profit on
activities    6
Loss on                                              (60,766)  (6,640)  (2,888)
after tax
Loss for the                                         (60,766)  (6,640)  (2,888)
financial year

Adjustments to loss on ordinary activities after tax
                                                              Restated Restated

                                                       Actual   Actual      Pro
                                                         2000     1999
                                                        #'000    #'000
Loss on ordinary activities after tax                 (60,766)  (6,640)  (2,888)
Add: amortisation and impairment of intangible         46,976   16,795   24,814
Adjusted  (loss) /profit on ordinary activities       (13,790)  10,155   21,926
after tax

Actual earnings per 1 p Ordinary Share
(in pence)                                              Restated       Restated
                                          Note   Actual   Actual Pro forma 1999

                                                   2000     1999
Basic loss per share                         7  (42.68)   (6.51)         (2.09)
Adjusted basic (loss)/earnings per share     7   (9.69)    9.96          15.88
Diluted loss per share                       7  (42.68)   (6.51)         (2.09)
Adjusted diluted (loss)/earnings per         7   (9.69)    9.03          14.51

Group Activity Analysis

for the year ended 31 December 2000

Turnover by business unit                                     Restated Restated

                                                       Actual   Actual      Pro
                                                         2000     1999
                                                        #'000    #'000
United Kingdom                                        109,112   99,819   99,819
United States                                          93,886   34,090   54,189
France                                                 20,028   20,938   20,938
Italy                                                  14,973   12,465   16,594
Germany                                                 6,965    4,208    4,208
Poland                                                  2,575        -        -
                                                      247,539  171,520  195,748
Internet                                                6,450    1,399    1,722
Total                                                 253,989  172,919  197,470

Results by business unit                                      Restated Restated

                                                       Actual   Actual      Pro
                                                         2000     1999
                                                        #'000    #'000
United Kingdom                                         12,792   19,441   19,441
United States                                           7,533    6,391    3,906
France                                                 (4,570)     823      823
Italy                                                     844    2,667    3,803
Germany                                                (5,688)  (2,123)  (2,123)
Poland                                                     11        -        -
                                                       10,922   27,199   25,850
Internet                                              (10,400)  (3,035)  (3,563)
Central operating costs                                (3,011)  (2,045)  (2,045)
Operating (loss) /profit excluding amortisation and
impairment of intangible assets                        (2,489)  22,119   20,242

                                                              Restated Restated

Turnover by category                                   Actual   Actual      Pro
                                                         2000     1999
                                                        #'000    #'000
Circulation                                            127,830  109,998  122,765
Advertising                                            111,034   54,987   66,032
Internet                                                 6,450    1,399    1,722
Other                                                    8,675    6,535    6,951
Total                                                  253,989  172,919  197,470

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

For the year ended 31 December 2000


                                                                Actual   Actual
                                                                  2000     1999
                                                                 #'000    #'000
Loss for  the financial year                                    (60,766) (6,640)
Exchange adjustments offset in reserves                             (70) (1,808)
Reversion of rights pertaining to investments from departing        211     376
Unrealised gain arising from the provision of advertising in
exchange for warrants to acquire unlisted investments                95       -
Total losses recognised relating to the year                    (60,530) (8,072)
Prior year adjustment (see note 3)                               (1,170)
Total gains and losses recognised since last annual report      (61,700)

Reconciliation of movements in group shareholders' funds

For the year ended 31 December 2000


                                                                  2000     1999
                                                                 Group    Group
                                                                Actual   Actual
                                                                 #'000   #' 000
Loss for the financial year                                    (60,766)  (6,640)
Proceeds from issue of shares                                       17      735
Premium on issue of shares (net of expenses)                     1,861  135,582
Refund of costs on issue of shares previously offset against       378        -
share premium
Merger reserve arising in the year                                   -  108,211
Exchange adjustments offset in reserves                            (70)  (1,808)
Deferred consideration not settled by the issue of shares      (18,000)       -
Other reserve movements  arising from acquisition of Imagine         -   39,810
Media, Inc.
Unrealised gain arising from the provision of advertising in
exchange for warrants to acquire unlisted investments               95        -
Adjustment for shares issued under share option schemes through
share option trust                                                (112)       -
Reversion of rights pertaining to investments from departing       211      376
Net movement in shareholders' (deficit) / funds                (76,386) 276,266
Opening shareholders' funds /(deficit)  restated               271,953   (4,313)
Shareholders' funds as at 31 December                          195,567  271,953

Balance Sheets

As at 31 December 2000
                                                              Restated Restated

                                                Group Company    Group  Company
                                                 2000    2000     1999     1999

                                         Note   #'000   #'000   #' 000   #' 000
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets                           8 253,775       -  292,563        -
Tangible assets                                 9,294      37    6,075        -
Investments                                 9
 - Investment in Group undertakings                 -  43,462        -   43,315
 - Investments in associates                    4,634       -        -        -
 - Other investments                            1,071       -    2,445        -
                                                5,705  43,462    2,445   43,315
                                              268,774  43,499  301,083   43,315

Current Assets
Stocks                                          8,778       -    5,872        -
Debtors                                        60,634 185,858   48,149  175,085
Investments                                10       -       -    1,040        -
Cash at bank and in hand                       10,780     328   18,940      766
                                               80,192 186,186   74,001  175,851
Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year                                     (102,298)(33,325) (61,667)  (8,679)
Net current (liabilities)/assets              (22,106)152,861   12,334  167,172

Total assets less current liabilities         246,668 196,360  313,417  210,487
Creditors: amounts falling due after
more than one year                            (49,896)(46,361) (39,910) (36,171)
Provisions for liabilities and charges         (1,205)      -   (1,554)     (32)
Net assets                                    195,567 149,999  271,953  174,284

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                         1,430   1,430    1,413    1,413
Share premium account                         137,821 137,821  135,582  135,582
Merger reserve                                109,015       -  109,015        -
Other reserves                                 21,949  21,810   40,186   39,810
Profit and loss account                       (74,648)(11,062) (14,243)  (2,521)
Total equity shareholders' funds              195,567 149,999  271,953  174,284

Group Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2000


                                                                Actual   Actual
                                                                  2000     1999
                                                          Note   #'000    #'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities         11 (1,627)  15,181
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                 730      516
Interest paid                                                  (3,337)  (9,720)
Issue costs of bank loans                                            -  (1,602)
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and               (2,607) (10,806)
servicing of finance
Tax paid                                                       (2,236)  (3,040)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                              (5,303)  (2,682)
Purchase of fixed asset investments                            (2,792)  (1,185)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                      77       62
Sale of current asset investments                               1,507   11,328
Net cash (outflow) / inflow for capital expenditure and
financial investment                                           (6,511)   7,523
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                            (2,242)  (1,691)
Purchase of associates                                         (5,373)       -
Cash proceeds on disposal of associate                            409        -
Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings                       -     319
Payment of deferred consideration                              (18,000) (15,388)
Purchase of businesses                                          (4,580) (29,210)
Net cash outflow for acquisitions                              (29,786) (45,970)
Net cash outflow before use of liquid resources and
financing                                                      (42,767) (37,112)
Management of liquid resources
Decrease in short-term deposits                                      -   1,000
Proceeds from issue of ordinary share capital                      442 150,131
Refund of expenses/(expenses ) of share issue                      378 (11,492)
Proceeds from issue of loan notes                                    -   9,716
Repayment of loan notes                                              - (68,411)
Draw down of bank loans                                         41,008  65,611
Movement on discounted bills                                      (636)  1,247
Repayment of shareholder loan                                   (1,022)      -
Repayment of bank loans                                         (6,000)(98,736)
Net cash inflow from financing                                  34,170  48,066
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                     12  (8,597) 11,954

Notes to the preliminary announcement for the year ended 31 December 2000

1.       Basis of preparation

The preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2000 are unaudited and
do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985.

The profit and loss accounts, on an actual and pro forma basis, for the year
ended 31 December 1999 are based on the profit and loss accounts included in
the 1999 Annual Report as restated for the prior year adjustments as described
in note 3.  The 1999 pro forma profit and loss account is unaudited.

The pro forma comparative profit and loss account for the twelve months to 31
December 1999 is based on a full twelve months trading for all companies which
became part of the Group before and at flotation, and assume that the capital
and financing structure of the Group at flotation applied throughout the year.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 will be finalised
on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in this
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

2.       Accounting policies

The Group's accounting policies are consistent with those disclosed in the
Company's Annual Report for the period ended 31 December 1999 except for the
change arising from the adoption of UITF 25: "National Insurance contributions
on share option gains" as detailed in note 3.

3.       Prior year adjustment

French accounting irregularities

The Company discovered accounting irregularities in Future France SA, its
French subsidiary in October 2000.  The errors arose due to misstatements in
the recognition of newsstand sales. This resulted in turnover and operating
profit for the period ended 31 December 1999, and the year ended 31 December
1998 being overstated by #1,041,000 and #2,216,000 respectively, and trade
debtors at 31 December 1999 being overstated by #3,034,000 (1998: #2,014,000).
  As a result of the errors Future France SA overpaid corporation tax
totalling #1,286,000 of which #416,000 related to 1999.

Adoption of UITF 25 "National Insurance contributions on share options gains"

UITF 25 has been adopted with effect from 1 January 2000, and requires that
the provision for employer taxes on share options and share related benefits
should be recognised over the performance period of the options.  Prior to 1
January 2000 the group's accounting policy was to provide for the employer
taxes on share options on a full basis.  The effect in the 12 months to 31
December 2000 from changing this accounting policy was to increase the loss
for the year by #658,000 from #60,108,000 to #60,766,000 .

The following tables summarise the effect of restating the 1999 consolidated
accounts for the French accounting irregularity and the adoption of UITF 25:
1999 Profit and loss account
                                      Actual                        Pro forma
                  As       French                    As   French
               previ   accounting                 previ   account
               ously irregularity UITF25 Restated ously      ing UITF25 Restated
               repor                              reported irregu
               ted                                         larity
               #'000     #'000    #'000   #'000     #'000   #'000 #'000  #'000

Turnover        173,960  (1,041)   -   172,919   198,511   (1,041)   -  197,470
Administration  (45,172)      -  650   (44,522)  (56,435)      -   650  (55,785)
Operating         5,715  (1,041) 650     5,324   (4,181)   (1,041) 650   (4,572)
profit /(loss)
Tax              (3,530)    416    -    (3,114)  (6,829)      416    -   (6,413)
Loss after tax   (6,665)   (625) 650    (6,640)  (2,913)     (625)  650  (2,888)

  1999 Balance sheet                                                          
                As         Discounted bills   French                          
                previously reclassification   accounting     UITF25  Restated 
                reported   #'000              irregularity            #'000    
                #'000                         #'000           #'000            
  Trade           43,029              1,247        (3,034)       -     41,242 
  Corporate            -                  -         1,214        -      1,214 
  Creditors      (60,420)            (1,247)             -       -    (61,667) 
  due within                                                                  
  1 year                                                                      
  Provisions      (2,204)                 -              -      650    (1,554) 
  and charges                                                                 
  Net assets     273,123                  -        (1,820)      650   271,953 
  Profit and      (4,397)                 -        (1,398)       -     (5,795) 
  reserves as                                                                 
  at 1                                                                        
  Loss for        (6,665)                 -          (625)      650    (6,640) 
  the year                                                                    
  ended 31                                                                    
  1999 net        (2,011)                 -           203        -     (1,808) 
  Profit and     (13,073)                 -        (1,820)      650   (14,243) 
  account a                                                                   
  at 1                                                                        
  Total          273,123                  -        (1,820)      650   271,953 

The impact of adopting UITF 25 on the 1999 accounts of the Company is to
reduce provision for liabilities and charges as at 31 December 1999 by #

4.       Segmental reporting

The Group is involved in one class of business, the publication of magazines
and Internet web sites.

The geographical analyses of turnover, profit/(loss) before tax, and net
assets by origin, and turnover by destination were as follows:

a)       Turnover by origin

                                                              Restated Restated
               Continuing         Total                Actual   Actual      Pro
               operations    continuing                 Total    Total    forma
                             operations Discontinued Turnover Turnover    Total
                                          operations                   Turnover 
               2000  2000          2000         2000     2000     1999     1999

              #'000 #'000         #'000        #'000    #'000    #'000    #'000
United      103,763 4,447       108,210        3,469  111,679  100,822  100,944
United       88,612     -        88,612       10,531   99,143   35,076   55,498
France       17,413     -        17,413        2,615   20,028   20,938   20,938
Italy        14,981     -        14,981            -   14,981   12,465   16,594
Germany       5,660     -         5,660        1,347    7,007    4,226    4,226
Poland            - 2,575         2,575            -    2,575        -        -
segments     (1,424)    -        (1,424)            -  (1,424)    (608)    (730)

Total       229,005 7,022       236,027       17,962  253,989  172,919  197,470

b)      Profit/(loss) before tax by origin

                                                              Restated Restated

                                                       Actual   Actual      Pro
                              Total                                        forma
            Continuing       continuing                 Total    Total
            Operations       operations                                   Total
                                         Discontinued   Profit/  Profit/
                                           operations  (Loss)   (Loss)  Profit/
                  Acquisitions                           before   before
                                                          tax      tax   before
            2000  2000             2000          2000    2000     1999     1999

           #'000 #'000            #'000         #'000   #'000    #'000    #'000
Kingdom    4,484  (621)           3,863         (948)   2,915   13,625   13,625
United   (12,510)     -         (12,510)      (9,303) (21,813)  (2,640)  (4,738)
France   (16,301)     -         (16,301)      (2,340) (18,641)    (858)    (858)
Italy       (897)     -            (897)           -     (897)   1,070    1,895
Germany  (11,991)     -         (11,991)      (2,079) (14,070)  (2,704)  (2,704)
Poland         -  (106)            (106)           -     (106)       -        -
costs     (6,681)     -          (6,681)           -   (6,681) (12,019)  (3,695)
Total    (43,896) (727)         (44,623)     (14,670) (59,293)  (3,526)   3,525

c)       Net assets by origin

                                Continuing Operations                  Restated

                                         Acquisitions        Total        Total

                                                              2000         1999
                                      #'000     #'000        #'000        #'000
United Kingdom                      102,750     4,447      107,197      116,838
United States                       136,141         -      136,141      143,616
France                               12,831         -       12,831       30,108
Italy                                15,665         -       15,665       18,783
Germany                                 493         -          493        7,185
Poland                                    -     2,370        2,370            -
Interest bearing liabilities        (79,130)        -      (79,130)     (44,577)
Total                               188,750     6,817      195,567      271,953

Discontinued activities have no separately identifiable net assets.

d)      Turnover by destination
                                                   Restated            Restated

                                   Actual            Actual           Pro forma

                                     2000              1999                1999

                                    #'000             #'000               #'000
United Kingdom                    100,939            90,114              90,236
United States                      99,163            34,564              53,001
France                             17,621            19,288              19,288
Italy                              15,606            13,177              17,306
Germany                             7,184             4,381               4,381
Poland                              2,575                 -                   -
Rest of world                      12,325            12,003              13,988
Inter-segmental                    (1,424)             (608)               (730)
Total                             253,989           172,919             197,470

5.       Discontinued activities

                                         Actual                         Actual

                                           2000                           1999
                 Continuing Discontinued  Total Continuing Discontinued  Total

                      #'000        #'000  #'000      #'000        #'000  #'000
Turnover           236,027       17,962  253,989    166,021     6,898   172,919
Cost of sales     (170,483)     (26,356)(196,839)  (108,590)   (6,217) (114,807)
Gross profit        65,544       (8,394)  57,150     57,431       681    58,112
expenses           (14,121)      (1,302) (15,423)    (8,189)      (77)   (8,266)
expenses           (86,218)      (4,974) (91,192)   (43,003)   (1,519)  (44,522)
Operating profit   (34,795)     (14,670) (49,465)     6,239      (915)    5,324


The effect of the discontinued operations on the 1999 pro forma profit and
loss is as shown above for the actual 1999 profit and loss.

6.       Tax on loss on ordinary activities

                                                            Restated   Restated
                                                  Actual      Actual  Pro forma
                                                    2000        1999       1999
                                                   #'000      #' 000     #' 000
Current corporation tax at 30% (1999: 30.25%)      1,437       2,411      4,690
Current tax                                           (6)        271        915
Deferred tax                                          42         432        808
                                                   1,473       3,114      6,413

The Group made a loss before tax of #59,293,000 (1999 restated:#3,526,000) and
has a tax charge of #1,473,000 (1999 restated: charge #3,114,000) for the
year. Eliminating the impact of amortisation and impairment of goodwill which
has no impact on taxation, the loss before tax was #12,317,000 (1999 restated:
profit #13,269,000). The principal reason for the difference between the
actual effective rate and the UK standard rate of 30% in 2000 is the overseas
tax losses arising in the year which are not available for offset against
taxable profits in the UK.  The comparative figures have been restated for the
effects of the accounting irregularity in France as detailed in note 3.

7.       Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share are calculated using the weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share have
been calculated by taking into account the dilutive effect of shares that
would be issued on conversion into ordinary shares of options held under
employee share schemes.

                                                         Restated  Restated
                                                           Actual Pro forma

                                                   2000      1999      1999
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
during the period:
- basic                                      142,372,731 101,965,968 138,105,284
- dilutive effect of share options             7,553,962  10,514,893  12,972,364
- diluted                                    149,929,693 112,480,861 151,077,648
Basic loss per share (in pence)                   (42.68)      (6.51)     (2.09)
Adjusted basic  (loss)/earnings per share (in      (9.69)       9.96      15.88
Diluted loss per share (in pence)*                (42.68)      (6.51)    (2.09)
Adjusted diluted (loss)/earnings per share (in     (9.69)       9.03     14.51

The adjustments to profit have the following effects on EPS:

Basic loss per share (in pence)                   (42.68)    (6.51)      (2.09)
Amortisation and impairment of intangible 
assets                                             32.99     16.47       17.97
Adjusted basic (loss)  earnings per share 
(in pence)                                         (9.69)     9.96       15.88

Diluted loss per share (in pence)                 (42.68)    (6.51)      (2.09)
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets   32.99     15.54       16.60
Adjusted diluted (loss)/earnings per share 
(in pence)                                         (9.69)      9.03       14.51

*The share options do not have a dilutive effect where there is a loss.

8.       Intangible fixed assets


Group                                                                     #'000
At 1 January 2000                                                       314,050
Exchange adjustments                                                        682
Goodwill arising on acquisition of subsidiary                             2,228
Goodwill arising on acquisition of businesses                             4,952

At 31 December 2000                                                     321,912

At 1 January 2000                                                      (21,487)
Exchange differences                                                      (423)
Charge for the year                                                    (26,744)
Impairment write down                                                  (19,483)
At 31 December 2000                                                    (68,137)

Net book amount at 31 December 2000                                     253,775
Net book amount at 31 December 1999                                     292,563

The goodwill arising on acquisitions is being amortised on a straight line
basis over their estimated useful economic lives, being in the range one to
twenty years. These periods are the periods over which the Directors estimate
that the values of the underlying businesses acquired are expected to exceed
the values of the underlying assets.

The Director's have performed impairment reviews on the carrying value of
goodwill arising from acquisitions, which took place in 1999 and relating to
Future France SA.  In performing these calculations the Directors applied a
pre tax discount rate of 14% to forecast pre-tax operating profits with the
growth rates used not exceeding 2.25% after five years.  The results of the
reviews are explained below:

(i)                  In respect of the acquisition by Future Verlag GmbH of
the shares of Weka Consumer Median "WCM" and the assets relating to the
Consumer Media business division of WCM's parent company, WEKA Firmengruppe
GmbH and Co. KG the Directors have made a provision against the entire
remaining balance of goodwill at 31 December 2000.

(ii)                In respect of the acquisition by Future Publishing Limited
of the trade and assets of certain titles from Zone Limited  the Directors
have made a provision to reduce the net book value to the extent that the
goodwill has been impaired.

(iii)              In respect of the acquisition by Future Publishing Limited
of the trade and assets of Future Music in the Netherlands from Media Minded
CV the Directors have made a provision against the entire remaining balance of
goodwill at 31 December 2000.

(iv)               In respect of the acquisition by Future Publishing Holdings
Limited of Future France SA (formerly known as Edicorp Publications SA), the
Directors have made a provision to reduce the net book value to the extent
that the goodwill has been impaired.

9. Investments

  Group                                                         2000      1999
                                                               #'000     #'000
  Interests in Associates at cost                                             
  At 1 January                          - net assets               -         -
                                        - goodwill                 -         -
  Additions                             - net assets           1,301         -
                                        - goodwill             5,476         -
  Disposals                             - net assets          (1,383)        -
  At 31 December                        - net liabilities        (82)        -
                                        - goodwill             5,476         -
                                                               5,394         -
  Amortisation of goodwill                                                    
  At 1 January                                                     -         -
  Exchange difference                                            (11)        -
  Charge for year                                               (749)        -
  At 31 December                                                (760)        -
  Net book amount at 31 December                                              
  - Net liabilities                                              (82)        -
  - Goodwill                                                   4,716         -
                                                               4,634         -
  Other Investments at cost                                                   
  At 1 January                                                 2,445         -
  Exchange differences                                           175      (183)
  At acquisition                                                   -    11,383
  Additions in year                                            3,003     1,651
  Disposals                                                        -    (9,366)
  Transfer to current assets                                       -    (1,040)
  Write down of investments                                   (4,552)        -
  At 31 December                                               1,071     2,445
  Total fixed asset investments                                5,705     2,445
  Shares in Group undertakings at cost                          2000      1999
                                                               #'000     #'000
  At 1 January                                                43,315         -
  Additions in year                                              147    43,315
  At 31 December                                              43,462    43,315

The market value of the Group's investment in Snowball.com, Inc. is #174,000.
Given the uncertain future for internet businesses we have fully provided
against this investment.

Associated Undertakings

During the year Imagine Media, Inc. made the following investments in
associated undertakings;

(i)      #1,383,000 was invested to acquire 49% of the share capital of
SeeMeBuyMe, a company registered in Delaware, USA. The company ceased to
trade on 26 September 2001, and the Group's share of the losses was #450,000.
The loss on disposal of the investment was #515,000, which increased the tax
losses of Imagine Media, Inc.

(ii) #5,313,000 was invested to acquire 49% of the share capital of TED
Conferences LLC a company registered in California, USA. The goodwill arising
on this acquisition was #5,476,000 and the Group's share of net liabilities
and profits at 31 December 2000 was #82,000 and #nil respectively. The
consideration for the acquisition was made up of #3,990,000 in cash and
#1,323,000 in new shares issued. In addition, Imagine Media, Inc. has a
commitment to purchase the remaining 51%.

The Group has a number of investments in internet related businesses, in
light of the lower valuations given to internet based businesses generally,
the Group has found it necessary to write down its fixed asset investments by
10. Current asset investments

                        Listed investments             
                        At 1 January 2000         1,040
                        Exchange differences         69
                        Disposals                (1,109)
                        At 31 December 2000           -

At 31 December 1999 the investment in America Online, Inc. was transferred
from fixed asset investments to current asset investments due to its
impending sale. During the year the Group disposed of its shareholding in
America Online, Inc. realising a profit of #398,000. There was no tax payable
as a result of this disposal since tax losses have been utilised to offset
the taxable gain arising. 

11.  Cash flow from operating activities

The reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
activities is as follows:

                                                             Group   Restated
  Continuing operations                                       2000       1999
                                                             #'000      #'000
  Operating (loss)/profit                                  (49,465)     5,324
  Depreciation charge                                        2,669      1,777
  Goodwill amortisation and impairment                      46,976     16,795
  (Increase) /decrease in stocks                            (2,629)       343
  (Increase) in debtors                                    (10,880)   (11,778)
  Increase in creditors                                     11,702      2,720
  Net cash (outflow) /inflow from operating activities      (1,627)    15,181

Included in the net cash outflow from operating activities above is an amount
of #662,000 in respect of acquisitions during 2000.
12. Analysis of net debt

                 Restated          Cash      Exchange   Other non        At 31
                     At 1       inflow/     movements        cash     December
                  January     (outflow)         #'000     changes         2000
                     2000         #'000                     #'000        #'000
  Cash at          18,940       (8,597)           437           -       10,780
  bank and                                                                    
  in hand                                                                     
  Debt due        (37,824)     (10,154)           (63)       (156)     (48,197)
  after one                                                                   
  Debt due         (8,000)     (23,535)            (9)          -      (31,544)
  one year                                                                    
                  (26,884)     (42,286)           365        (156)     (68,961)

Other non cash changes are the amortisation of bank finance costs.
13. Reconciliation of movement in net debt

                                                              2000    Restated
                                                             #'000        1999
  Net debt at 1 January                                    (26,884)   (125,175)
  (Decrease)/increase in cash                               (8,597)     11,954
  Borrowings net of short term deposits acquired with            -      (6,256)
  Movement in borrowings                                   (33,845)     90,685
  Movement in liquid resources                                   -      (1,000)
  Interest capitalised in 1998 and subsequently waived           -         690
  during 1999                                                                 
  Unamortised debt issue costs                                   -      (1,094)
  Exchange movements                                           365       3,312
  Net debt at 31 December                                  (68,961)    (26,884)

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