RNS Number:7081Q
Future Network PLC
11 September 2000

Part 2

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the six months ended 30 June 2000

                                             Restated             Restated
                          6 mths    6 mths    12 mths    6 mths    12 mths
                              to        to         to         to         to
                          30 Jun    30 Jun     31 Dec     30 Jun     31 Dec
                              00        99         99         99         99
                  Note    Actual    Actual     Actual   Pro forma  Pro forma
including share                                                    
of associate             110,954    61,760    173,960      86,195   198,511
Less: share of                                                     
associate                      -         -          -           -         -
Group Turnover    2      110,954    61,760    173,960      86,195   198,511
Cost of sales            (84,040)  (41,899)  (114,807)    (63,584) (135,331)
Gross profit              26,914    19,861     59,153      22,611    63,180
costs                     (6,702)   (2,243)    (8,266)     (4,905)  (10,926)
expenses                 (31,710)  (14,791)   (44,522)    (25,188)  (55,785)
Operating profit                                                   
amortisation of                                                    
assets                     1,821     6,730     23,160       4,329    21,283
Amortisation of                                                    
assets                   (13,319)   (3,903)   (16,795)    (11,811)  (24,814)
Group operating                                                    
(loss)/ profit           (11,498)    2,827      6,365      (7,482)   (3,531)
Share of                                                           
operating loss                                                     
of associate                (267)        -          -           -         -
associate                (11,765)    2,827      6,365      (7,482)   (3,531)
Profit on                                                          
disposal of                                                        
fixed asset                                                        
investments                    -         -      1,962           -    10,895
Net interest                                                       
payable and                                                        
similar charges           (1,718)   (9,188)   (10,812)     (1,663)   (2,798)

(Loss)/profit on                                                   
before tax         2     (13,483)   (6,361)    (2,485)     (9,145)    4,566
Tax on                                                             
(loss)/profit on                                                   
activities         4        (519)      742     (3,530)     (1,815)    6,829)
Loss for the                                                      
period                   (14,002)   (5,619)    (6,015)    (10,960)   (2,263)



Loss on ordinary                                                 
activities after                                                 
taxation                 (14,002)   (5,619)    (6,015)    (10,960)   (2,263)
of intangible                                                    
assets                    13,319     3,903     16,795      11,811    24,814
Less: profit on                                                  
sale of fixed                                                    
investments                    -         -     (1,962)          -   (10,895)
(loss)/profit on                                                 
activities after                                                 
tax                        (683)    (1,716)     8,818      851     11,656

Earnings per 1                               Restated             Restated
pence ordinary            6 mths     6 mths    12 mths    6 mths    12 mths
share                         to         to         to        to         to
                          30 Jun     30 Jun     31 Dec    30 Jun     31 Dec
                  Note        00         99         99        99         99
                          Actual     Actual     Actual  Pro forma  Pro forma
Basic loss per                                                   
ordinary share       3    (9.88)     (8.75)     (5.90)    (8.02)     (1.64)
Adjusted basic                                                   
(loss)/earnings      3    (0.48)     (2.67)      8.65      0.62       8.44
per share
Diluted loss per                                                 
ordinary share       3    (9.88)     (8.75)     (5.90)    (8.02)     (1.64)
Adjusted diluted                                                 
per share            3    (0.48)     (2.67)      7.83      0.57       7.71

Group Activity Analysis
for the six months ended 30 June 2000

(#'000)                  6 mths     6 mths    12 mths     6 mths    12 mths
                             to         to         to         to         to
                         30 Jun     30 Jun     31 Dec     30 Jun     31 Dec
                             00         99         99         99         99
                         Actual     Actual     Actual   Pro forma  Pro forma
Turnover by business unit
United Kingdom           49,390     46,048     99,819    46,048     99,819
France                   10,797     10,660     21,979    10,660     21,979
Italy                     6,541      3,803     12,465     7,827     16,594
Germany                   3,118          -      4,208         -      4,208
United States            38,712      1,119     34,090    21,212     54,189
                        108,558     61,630    172,561    85,747    196,789
Internet                 2,396         130      1,399       448      1,722
Total                   110,954     61,760    173,960    86,195    198,511

(#'000)                                     Restated             Restated
                         6 mths     6 mths    12 mths     6 mths    12 mths
                             to         to         to         to         to
                         30 Jun     30 Jun     31 Dec     30 Jun     31 Dec
                             00         99         99         99         99
                         Actual     Actual     Actual   Pro forma  Pro forma
Results by business unit
United Kingdom            4,751      7,270    19,441      7,270     19,441
France                     (113)       359     1,864        359      1,864
Italy                     1,180        497     2,667      1,547      3,803
Germany                  (3,027)      (90)    (2,123)       (90)    (2,123)
United States             3,744        181     6,391     (2,908)     3,906
                          6,535      8,217    28,240      6,178     26,891
Internet                 (3,569)     (420)    (3,035)      (878)    (3,563)
Central operating        (1,145)   (1,067)    (2,045)      (971)    (2,045)
Operating profit                                                 
amortisation of                                                  
intangible assets         1,821      6,730    23,160      4,329     21,283

Turnover by category     6 mths     6 mths   12 mths     6 mths    12 mths
                             to         to        to         to         to
                      30 Jun 00  30 Jun 99 31 Dec 99  30 Jun 99  31 Dec 99
                         Actual     Actual    Actual  Pro forma  Pro forma
Circulation              59,685     43,916   111,039     56,494    123,806
Advertising              45,248     14,898    54,987     25,974     66,032
Internet                  2,396        130     1,399        448      1,722
Other                     3,625      2,816     6,535      3,279      6,951
Total                   110,954     61,760    73,960     86,195    198,511

Other turnover arises primarily from licensing of the Group's titles and
income from exhibitions.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 June 2000

(#'000)                                         Restated         Restated
                             30 June 2000   30 June 1999      31 Dec 1999
Fixed assets                                               
Intangible assets                284,482        294,860         292,563
Tangible assets                    8,341          5,643           6,075
Investments in associates            295              -               -
Other investments                  3,836         11,480           2,445
                                   4,131         11,480           2,445
                                 296,954        311,983         301,083
Current Assets                                             

Stocks                             9,063          5,258           5,872
Debtors                           51,389         36,633          48,722
Investments                        1,107              -           1,040
Cash                               8,141         16,121          18,940
                                  69,700         58,012          74,574
Creditors - Amounts                                        
falling due within one                                     
year                             (67,998)       (41,343)        (60,420)
Net current assets                 1,702         16,669          14,154
Total assets less current                                  
liabilities                      298,656        328,652         315,237
Creditors - Amounts                                        
falling due after more                                     
than one year                    (36,220)       (54,902)        (39,910)
Provisions for liabilities                                 
and charges                       (1,810)        (1,088)         (1,554)
Net assets                       260,626        272,662         273,773
Capital and Reserves                                       

Called up share capital            1,422          1,367           1,413
Share premium account            135,922        134,766         135,582
Merger reserve                   109,015        109,015         109,015
Other reserves                    40,297         38,959          40,186
Profit and loss account          (26,030)       (11,445)        (12,423)
Total equity shareholders'       
Funds                            260,626        272,662         273,773

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the six months ended 30 June 2000

(#'000)                       6 months to   6 months to    12 months to
                              30 June 2000  30 June 1999   31 Dec 1999
Loss on ordinary activities                                
after taxation (as                                         
previously reported)              (14,002)         (5,619)       (6,665)
Prior period adjustment (as                                
explained in note 1)                    -               -           650
Loss on ordinary activities                                
after taxation as restated        (14,002)         (5,619)       (6,015)
Translation differences on                                 
foreign currency investments          479          (1,429)       (2,011)
Reversion of rights                                        
pertaining to investments                                  
from departing employees              110               -           376
Total recognised losses in                                 
the period                        (13,413)         (7,048)       (7,650)
Total gains and losses                                     
recognised since last annual                               
report                            (13,413)         (7,048)       (7,650)

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
for the six months ended 30 June 2000

(#'000)                       6 months to   6 months to    12 months to
                              30 June 2000  30 June 1999   31 Dec 1999
Loss attributable to                                       
shareholders (as previously                                
stated)                            (14,002)       (5,619)        (6,665)
Prior period adjustment                                    
(note 1 )                                              -            650
Loss attributable to                                       
shareholders as restated           (14,002)       (5,619)        (6,015)
Proceeds from issue of                                     
ordinary shares                          9           689            735
Premium on issue of ordinary                               
shares (net of expenses)               340       134,766        135,582
Adjustment to other reserves                               
to reflect the market price                                
of options issued in period            (83)            -              -
Merger reserve arising in                                  
the period                               -       108,211        108,211
Exchange adjustments offset                                
in reserves                            479        (1,429)        (2,011)
Other reserve movements                                    
arising from the acquisition                               
of Imagine                               -        38,959         39,810
Reversion of rights                                        
pertaining to investments                                  
from departing employees               110             -            376
Net change in shareholders'                                
funds/(deficit)                    (13,147)      275,577        276,688
Opening shareholders'                                      
funds/(deficit) as restated        273,773        (2,915)        (2,915)
Shareholders' funds at end         260,626       272,662        273,773
of period

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2000

(#'000)                                            Restated 
                                6 months to     6 months to 12 months to
                               30 June 2000    30 June 1999  31 Dec 1999
Net cash inflow from                 3,627          10,362       16,428
operating activities
Returns on investment and                                   
servicing of finance                         
Interest received                      328               -          516
Interest paid                       (1,791)         (6,791)      (9,720)
Issue costs of new bank loan             -          (1,575)      (1,602)
Net cash outflow from                                       
returns on investment and                                   
servicing of finance                (1,463)         (8,366)     (10,806)
Taxation paid                       (1,003)         (1,326)      (3,040)
Capital expenditure and                                     
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed                                  
assets                              (3,227)           (924)      (2,682)
Purchase of fixed asset                                     
investments                           (963)              -       (1,185)
Sale of tangible fixed                                      
assets                                  12               8           62
Sale of fixed asset                                         
investments                              -               -       11,328
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                   
for capital expenditure and                                 
financial investment                (4,178)           (916)       7,523
Purchase of subsidiary                                      
undertakings                          (211)         (1,695)      (1,691)
Net cash acquired with                                      
subsidiary undertakings                  -             305          319
Payment to acquire                                          
investment in associate               (547)              -            -
Payment of deferred                                         
consideration                            -         (14,735)     (15,388)
Purchase of business                (4,756)        (16,457)     (29,210)
Net cash outflow for                                        
acquisitions                        (5,514)        (32,582)     (45,970)
Net cash outflow before use                                 
of liquid resources and                                     
financing                           (8,531)        (32,828)     (35,865)
Management of liquid                                        
Decrease in short-term                                      
deposits                                 -           1,000        1,000
Proceeds from issue of                                      
ordinary share capital                 267         149,091      150,131
Expenses of share issue                  -         (11,313)     (11,492)
Proceeds from issue of loan                                 
notes                                    -           9,716        9,716
Repayment of loan notes                  -         (68,411)     (68,411)
Drawdown of bank loans                   -          61,334       65,611
Repayment of loans                  (2,863)        (96,736)     (98,736)
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow          (2,596)         43,681       46,819
from financing
(Decrease)/increase in cash                                 
in the period                      (11,127)         11,853       11,954

Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2000

A.  Reconciliation of Movement in Net Debt

(#'000)                                            Restated     Restated
                                6 months to     6 months to 12 months to
                               30 June 2000    30 June 1999  31 Dec 1999
Net debt at start of period        (25,637)       (125,175)    (125,175)
(Decrease)/increase in cash        (11,127)         11,853       11,954
Borrowings net of short term                                
deposits acquired with                                      
subsidiaries                             -          (6,256)      (6,256)
Movement in borrowings               2,863          90,370       91,932
Movement in liquid resources             -          (1,000)      (1,000)
Interest accrued in 1998 and                                
subsequently waived during                                  
the year                                 -             690          690
Unamortised debt issue costs             -          (1,017)      (1,094)
Exchange movements                      81           4,631        3,312
Net debt at end of period          (33,820)        (25,904)     (25,637)

B.  Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow from Operating

(#'000)                                            Restated     Restated
                                6 months to     6 months to 12 months to
                               30 June 2000    30 June 1999  31 Dec 1999
Operating (loss)/profit            (11,765)          2,827        6,365
Depreciation charge                  1,204             751        1,777
Goodwill amortisation               13,319           3,903       16,795
(Increase)/decrease in              (2,959)            (83)         343
(Increase)/decrease in              (1,288)           2,737     (11,573)
Increase in creditors                5,116              227       2,721
Net cash inflow from                 3,627           10,362      16,428
operating activities

Notes to the Interim Statement

1.  Basis of the preparation of accounts

The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Group's 1999 statutory accounts except
for a change in accounting policy arising from the adoption of UITF 25
'National Insurance contributions on share option gains'.   UITF 25 has
been adopted with effect from 1 January 2000, and requires that the
provision for National Insurance on share options should be spread over
the performance period of the options.  Prior to 1 January 2000 the
group's accounting policy was to provide for the NI on share options in
full.  The effect in the 6 months to 30 June 2000 was to increase the loss
before tax by #347,000 from #13,136,000 to #13,483,000.

The comparative information on an actual and pro forma basis is based on
the statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1999 as
restated for the adoption of UITF 25. These accounts, upon which the
auditors have issued an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies.

The pro forma comparative information for the six months to 30 June 1999
and twelve months 31 December 1999 is based on full six and twelve months
trading respectively for all companies which became part of the Group
before and at flotation, and assume that the capital and financing
structure of the Group at flotation applied throughout the respective

The comparative information for 30 June 1999 has been restated for the
reclassification of:  deferred consideration from creditors due in less
than one year to other reserves since the consideration could have been
settled in either cash or shares at the Group's option; and, cash flow
movements relating to the bank and other loan financing that existed prior
to the flotation of the company.

The figures for the 6 months 30 June 1999 and 2000 are unaudited.  The
preceding financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as
defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

All the turnover and operating profits are generated from continuing

2.  Segmental Reporting
The group is involved in one class of business, the publication of
magazines and internet websites.

The geographical analyses of turnover, profit/(loss) before tax and net
assets by origin, and turnover by destination were as follows:

(a)  Turnover by origin
                         6 mths     6 mths    12 mths    6 mths    12 mths
                             to         to         to        to         to
                      30 Jun 00  30 Jun 99  31 Dec 00 30 Jun 99  31 Dec 99
                         Actual     Actual     Actual Pro forma  Pro forma
United Kingdom          50,302     46,423    100,822    46,423    100,944
France                  10,797     10,660     21,979    10,660     21,979
Italy                    6,541      3,803     12,465     7,827     16,594
Germany                  3,121          -      4,226         -      4,226
United States*          40,595      1,119     35,076    21,530     55,498
Turnover between          (402)      (245)      (608)     (245)      (730)
Total                  110,954     61,760    173,960    86,195    198,511

* The share options have a dilutive effect where earnings are positive.

(b)  Profit/(loss) before tax by origin
(#'000)                                      Restated             Restated
                         6 mths     6 mths    12 mths    6 mths    12 mths
                             to         to         to        to         to
                      30 Jun 00  30 Jun 99  31 Dec 00 30 Jun 99  31 Dec 99
                         Actual     Actual     Actual Pro forma  Pro forma
United Kingdom             519      4,740     13,625     4,740     13,625
France                    (936)      (465)       183      (465)       183
Italy                      437       (367)     1,071       688      1,895
Germany                 (3,831)       (90)    (2,704)      (90)    (2,704)
United States           (7,590)      (125)    (2,640)  (11,777)    (4,738)
Central Costs           (2,082)   (10,054)   (12,020)   (2,241)    (3,695)
Total                  (13,483)    (6,361)    (2,485)   (9,145)     4,566

(c)  Net assets by origin
(#'000)                                                            Restated
                             6 mths to          6 mths to        12 mths to
                             30 Jun 00       30 June 1999         31 Dec 00
                                Actual             Actual         Pro forma
United Kingdom                105,871           134,770           116,839
France                         32,061            35,966            31,928
Italy                          19,336               805            18,783
Germany                         7,378              (302)            7,185
United States                 137,941           143,447           143,616
Interest bearing              (41,961)          (42,024)          (44,578)
Total                         260,626           272,662           273,773

(d)  Turnover by destination
(#'000)               6 mths      6 mths    12 mths      6 mths     12 mths
                          to          to         to          to          to
                   30 Jun 00   30 Jun 99  31 Dec 00   30 Jun 99   31 Dec 99
                      Actual      Actual     Actual   Pro forma   Pro forma
United Kingdom       46,512      41,466     90,114      41,466      90,236
France                9,843       9,855     20,329       9,855      20,329
Italy                 6,617       4,133     13,177       8,263      17,306
Germany               3,179         104      4,381         104       4,381
United States        39,069       1,890     34,564      20,326      53,001
Rest of the world     5,956       4,557     12,003       6,426      13,988
Turnover between       (222)       (245)      (608)       (245)       (730)
Total               110,954      61,760    173,960      86,195     198,511

The results of the United States for the 6 months to 30 June 2000 include
losses of #271,000 and net assets of #261,000 related to an associate.

3.  Earnings per ordinary share

Basic earnings per ordinary share are calculated using the weighted
average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.  Diluted
earnings per ordinary share have been calculated by taking into account
the dilutive effect of shares that would be issued on conversion into
ordinary shares of warrants and options held under employee share schemes
and in respect of the deferred consideration arising on the Imagine
acquisition. The calculations are in accordance with Financial Reporting
Standard No. 14 'Earnings per Share'.

Earnings per ordinary share

                                         Restated                 Restated
                 6 mths       6 mths      12 mths       6 mths     12 mths
                     to           to           to           to          to
              30 Jun 00    30 Jun 99    31 Dec 00    30 Jun 99   31 Dec 99
                 Actual       Actual       Actual    Pro forma   Pro forma
(#'000)        (14,002)      (5,619)      (6,015)     (10,960)     (2,263)
(#'000)           (683)      (1,716)       8,818          851      11,656
number of
during the
- Basic     141,769,535  64,230,265   101,965,968  136,663,881 138,105,284
- Dilutive                                                     
effect of                                                      
options*      9,179,700   9,184,823    10,514,893   11,986,741  12,972,364
- Diluted   141,769,535  64,230,265   112,480,861  148,650,622 151,077,648
Basic loss                                                     
(pence)          (9.88)       (8.75)       (5.90)       (8.02)      (1.64)
ings per                                                       
(pence)          (0.48)       (2.67)        8.65         0.62        8.44
loss per                                                       
(pence)          (9.88)       (8.75)       (5.90)       (8.02)      (1.64)
ings per                                                       
(pence)          (0.48)       (2.67)        7.83         0.57        7.71
* The share options have a dilutive effect where earnings are positive.

The adjustments to profit on page 8 have the following effects on earnings
per ordinary share:

                                             Restated             Restated
                         6 mths     6 mths    12 mths     6 mths    12 mths
                             to         to         to         to         to
                      30 Jun 00  30 Jun 99  31 Dec 99 30 Jun 99  31 Dec 99
                         Actual     Actual     Actual       Pro        Pro
                                                          forma      forma
Basic loss per                                                   
ordinary share                                                   
(pence)                  (9.88)     (8.75)     (5.90)    (8.02)     (1.64)
Amortisation of                                                  
intangible assets         9.40       6.08      16.47      8.64      17.97
Profit on sale of                                                
fixed asset                                                      
investments                  -          -      (1.92)        -      (7.89)
Adjusted basic loss                                              
per  ordinary share                                              
(pence)                  (0.48)     (2.67)      8.65      0.62       8.44
Diluted loss per                                                 
ordinary share                                                   
(pence)                  (9.88)     (8.75)     (5.90)    (8.02)     (1.64)
Adjustment for                                                   
dilutive effect of                                               
share options                                                    
(see* above)                 -          -       0.54      0.73       0.14
Amortisation of                                                  
intangible assets         9.40        6.08     14.93      7.86      16.42
Profit on sale of                                                
fixed asset                                                      
investments                 -           -      (1.74)        -      (7.21)
Adjusted diluted                                                 
(loss)/earnings per                                              
ordinary share                                                   
(pence)                  (0.48)     (2.67)      7.83      0.57       7.71

4.  Tax

The tax charge for the six months ended 30 June 2000 is based on the
estimated effective rate of tax for the full year assessed on a country by
country basis.

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