RNS Number:5328H
Future Network PLC
20 March 2000

Part 2

Actual Group Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 1999

                        Continuing Operations
                                     Acquisi-      1999       1998
                                       tions      Total      Total
                   Note     #' 000    #' 000     #' 000     #' 000
Turnover            2      121,644    52,316    173,960     80,290
Cost of sales              (77,784)  (37,023)  (114,807)   (54,948)
Gross profit                43,860    15,293     59,153     25,342
expenses                    (4,200)   (4,066)    (8,266)    (2,748)
expenses                   (28,785)  (16,387)   (45,172)   (15,955)
Operating profit   
amortisation of    
intangible assets*          17,751     4,759      22,510    11,381
Amortisation of    
intangible assets           (6,876)   (9,919)    (16,795)   (4,742)
profit/(loss)               10,875    (5,160)      5,715     6,639
Profit on disposal 
of fixed asset     
investments                                        1,962         -
Net interest       
payable and        
similar charges     3                            (10,812)  (10,360)
Loss on ordinary   
activities before  
taxation                                          (3,135)   (3,721)
Tax on loss on     
activities          4                             (3,530)   (1,000)
Loss on ordinary   
activities after   
taxation                                          (6,665)   (4,721)
Loss for the       
financial year                                    (6,665)   (4,721)

There is no difference between the loss on ordinary activities
before taxation and the  loss for the financial year stated above
and their historical cost equivalents.

*Included within the operating result is a charge of #934,000
(1998: #nil) in respect of employer taxes for options and share
related benefits provided to employees.

Adjustments to results after taxation
                                          1999               1998
                                         #'000              #'000
Loss on ordinary          
activities after taxation               (6,665)            (4,721)
Add: amortisation of      
intangible assets                       16,795              4,742
Add: employer taxes on    
options and share related                  934                  -
Less: profit on sale of   
fixed asset investments                 (1,962)                 -
Adjusted profit on        
ordinary activities after 
taxation                                 9,102                 21

Actual earnings per 1 p Ordinary Share
(in pence)
                           Note           1999                1998
Basic loss per share         5           (6.54)             (12.15)
Adjusted basic earnings   
per share                    5            8.93                0.05
Diluted loss per share       5           (6.54)             (12.15)
Adjusted diluted earnings 
per share                    5            8.09                0.05

Pro forma Group Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 1999

                        Continuing Operations
                                     Acquisi-     1999         1998
                                       tions     Total        Total
                     Note    #' 000   #' 000    #' 000       #' 000
Turnover                2   193,735    4,776   198,511      159,881
Cost of sales              (129,756)  (5,575) (135,331)    (114,747)
Gross profit/(loss)          63,979     (799)   63,180       45,134
expenses                    (10,443)    (483)  (10,926)      (8,392)
expenses                    (55,164)  (1,271)  (56,435)     (46,959)
Operating profit     
amortisation of      
intangible assets*           22,799   (2,166)   20,633       13,022
Amortisation of      
intangible assets           (24,427)    (387)  (24,814)     (23,239)
Operating loss               (1,628)  (2,553)   (4,181)     (10,217)
Profit on disposal   
of fixed asset       
investments                                     10,895            -
Net interest payable 
and similar charges     3                       (2,798)      (2,624)
Profit /(loss) on    
ordinary activities  
before taxation                                  3,916      (12,841)
Tax on profit/(loss) 
on ordinary          
activities              4                       (6,829)      (6,060)
Loss on ordinary     
activities after     
taxation                                        (2,913)     (18,901)
Loss for the         
financial year                                  (2,913)     (18,901)

There is no difference between the profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before taxation and the  loss for the year stated above
and their historical cost equivalents

*Included within the operating loss is a charge of #1,405,000
(1998: #nil) in respect of employer taxes for share options and
share related benefits provided to employees.

Adjustments to pro forma results after taxation
                                              1999         1998
                                             #'000        #'000
Loss on ordinary          
activities after taxation                   (2,913)     (18,901)
Add: amortisation of      
intangible assets                           24,814       23,239
Add: employer taxes on    
options and share related 
benefits                                     1,405            -
Less: profit on sale of   
fixed asset investments                    (10,895)           -
Adjusted profit on        
ordinary activities after 
taxation                                    12,411        4,338

Pro forma earnings per 1 p Ordinary Share
(in pence)    
                          Note              1999           1998
Basic loss per share         5             (2.11)        (13.83)
Adjusted basic earnings   
per share                    5              8.99           3.17
Diluted loss per share       5             (2.11)        (13.83)
Adjusted diluted earnings 
per share                    5              8.22           2.88

Actual Group Activity Analysis
for the year ended 31 December 1999

Turnover by business unit

            6  months6 months      Total 6 months  6 months      Total
                  to       to  12 months       to        to  12 months
             30/6/99 31/12/99             30/6/98  31/12/98
               #'000    #'000      #'000    #'000     #'000     #'000
UK            46,048   53,771     99,819   15,078    48,686    63,764
France        10,660   11,319     21,979    5,031    11,441    16,472
Italy          3,803    8,662     12,465        -         -         -
Germany            -    4,208      4,208        -         -         -
US             1,119   32,971     34,090        -         -         -
              61,630  110,931    172,561   20,109    60,127    80,236
Internet         130    1,269      1,399       31        23        54

Total         61,760  112,200    173,960   20,140    60,150    80,290

Results by business unit

            6 months 6 months      Total 6 months  6 months      Total
                  to       to  12 months       to        to  12 months
             30/6/99 31/12/99             30/6/98  31/12/98
               #'000    #'000      #'000    #'000     #'000     #'000
UK             7,270   11,954     19,224    2,097     7,415      9,512
France           359    1,505      1,864      522     1,590      2,112
Italy            497    2,170      2,667        -         -          -
Germany          (90)  (2,033)    (2,123)       -         -          -
US               181    5,855      6,036        -         -          -
               8,217   19,451     27,668    2,619     9,005     11,624
Internet        (420)  (2,615)    (3,035)    (104)     (139)      (243)
costs         (1,067)  (1,056)    (2,123)       -         -          -
tion of     
assets         6,730   15,780     22,510     2,515     8,866     11,381
taxes on    
options and 
benefits*         -       934        934         -         -          -
profit        6,730    16,714     23,444     2,515     8,866     11,381

*The above table highlights the impact of additional employment
taxes provided for on the basis of the rise in market value of
shares to 31 December 1999 compared with the exercise price in
line with FRS12. The provision will fluctuate in the short term,
driven by market events rather than trading. The actual cost
incurred will depend on the share price at the time that options
are exercised, the number of options which vest on the basis of
performance criteria, and the number which lapse due to option
holders leaving our employment.

Pro forma Group up Activity Analysis
for the year ended 31 December 1999

Turnover by business unit

            6 months 6 months     Total 6 months  6 months     Total
                  to       to                 to        to
             30/6/99 31/12/99 12 months  30/6/98  31/12/98  12 months
               #'000    #'000     #'000    #'000     #'000     #'000
UK            46,048   53,771    99,819   39,722    48,664    88,386
France        10,660   11,319    21,979    9,783    11,463    21,246
Italy          7,827    8,767    16,594    6,377     8,329    14,706
Germany            -    4,208     4,208        -         -         -
US            21,212   32,977    54,189   13,495    21,394    34,889
              85,747  111,042   196,789   69,377    89,850   159,227

Internet         448    1,274     1,722      309       345       654

Total         86,195  112,316   198,511   69,686    90,195   159,881

Results by business unit

            6 months 6 months     Total 6 months  6 months     Total
                  to       to                 to        to
             30/6/99 31/12/99 12 months  30/6/98  31/12/98  12 months
               #'000    #'000     #'000    #'000     #'000     #'000
UK             7,270   11,954    19,224    5,411     7,398    12,809
France           359    1,505     1,864    1,423     1,606     3,029
Italy          1,547    2,256     3,803    1,366     1,179     2,545
Germany         (90)  (2,033)   (2,123)        -         -         -
US           (2,908)    6,459     3,551  (2,187)   (3,001)   (5,188)
               6,178   20,141    26,319    6,013     7,182    13,195

Internet       (878)  (2,685)   (3,563)    (247)        74     (173)

Central operating
costs          (971)  (1,152)   (2,123)        -         -         -
Operating profit
amortisation of
assets         4,329   16,304    20,633    5,766     7,256    13,022
Add: Employer
taxes on
options and
other share
benefits*          -    1,405     1,405        -         -         -
profit         4,329   17,709    22,038    5,766     7,256    13,022

*The above table highlights the impact of additional employment
taxes provided for on the basis of the rise in market value of
shares to 31 December 1999 compared with the exercise price in
line with FRS12. The provision will fluctuate in the short term,
driven by market events rather than trading. The actual cost
incurred will depend on the share price at the time that options
are exercised, the number of options which vest on the basis of
performance criteria, and the number which lapse due to option
holders leaving our employment.

Actual Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
For the year ended 31 December 1999

                                                    1999        1998
                                                   #'000       #'000
Loss on ordinary activities after taxation        (6,665)     (4,721)
Exchange adjustments offset in reserves           (2,147)        324
Reversion of rights pertaining to
investments from departing employees                 376           -
Total recognised losses for the year              (8,436)     (4,397)

Actual Reconciliation of movements in group shareholders'
For the year ended 31 December 1999

                                              1999             1998
                                            #' 000             #'000
Loss attributable to shareholders           (6,665)          (4,721)
Proceeds from issue of shares                  735              678
Premium on issue of shares
(net of expenses)                          135,582                -
Merger reserve arising in the year         108,211              804
Exchange adjustments offset
in reserves                                 (2,147)             324
Write-back on disposal of goodwill
previously written off to reserves             136                -
Other reserve movements arising
from acquisition of Imagine                 39,810                -
Reversion of rights pertaining to
investments from departing employees           376                -
Net change in shareholders'
funds/(deficit)                            276,038           (2,915)
Opening shareholders' deficit as
previously reported by
Future Publishing Holdings Limited          (2,915)               -
Shareholders' funds/(deficit)
as at 31 December                          273,123           (2,915)

Actual Balance Sheets
As at 31 December 1999

                                              1999              1998
                                   Note     #' 000             #'000
Fixed Assets
Intangible Assets                          292,563           133,165
Tangible Assets                              6,075             4,193
Investments                                  2,445                 -
                                           301,083           137,358

Current Assets
Stocks                                       5,872             2,211
Debtors                              6      48,722            26,731
Investments                                  1,040                 -
Cash at bank and in hand                    18,940             7,131
                                            74,574            36,073
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year                  7     (60,420)          (45,799)
Net current assets/(liabilities)            14,154            (9,726)
Total assets less current
liabilities                                315,237           127,632
Creditors: amounts falling
due after
more than one year                   7     (39,910)         (130,191)
Provisions for liabilities
and charges                                 (2,204)             (356)
Net assets/(liabilities)                   273,123            (2,915)

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                      1,413               678
Share premium account                      135,582                 -
Merger reserve                             109,015               804
Other reserves                              40,186                 -
Profit and loss account                    (13,073)           (4,397)
Total equity shareholders'
funds/(deficit)                            273,123            (2,915)

Actual Group Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 1999

                                                    1999        1998
                                      Notes        #'000       #'000
Net cash inflow from
operating activities                     8        16,428       9,735
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                                    516
Interest paid                                     (9,720)     (3,176)
Issue costs of bank loans                         (1,602)     (1,715)
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance             (10,806)     (4,891)
Taxation paid                                     (3,040)     (3,638)
Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                 (2,682)       (939)
Purchase of fixed asset investments               (1,185)          -
Sale of tangible fixed assets                         62          76
Sale of fixed asset investments                   11,328           -
Net cash inflow/(outflow) for capital
expenditure and financial investment               7,523        (863)
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings               (1,691)   (118,074)
Net cash acquired with
subsidiary undertakings                              319       6,181
Payment of deferred consideration                (15,388)          -
Purchase of businesses                           (29,210)          -
Net cash outflow for acquisitions                (45,970)   (111,893)
Net cash outflow before use
of liquid resources and financing                (35,865)   (111,550)
Management of liquid resources
Decrease/(increase) in
short-term deposits                      9         1,000      (1,000)
Proceeds from issue of ordinary
share capital                                    150,131       1,444
Expenses of share issue                          (11,492)          -
Proceeds from issue of loan notes        9         9,716      52,634
Repayment of loan notes                  9       (68,411)          -
Draw down of bank loans                  9        65,611      72,923
Repayment of bank loans                  9       (98,736)     (8,400)
Net cash inflow from financing                    46,819     118,601
Increase in cash in the period                    11,954       6,051

Notes to the preliminary announcement for the period ended 31
December 1999

1.   Basis of announcement of results

The preliminary results for the period ended 31 December 1999 are
unaudited and do not comprise statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1995. The actual
figures for the year ended 31 December 1998 are based on the
statutory accounts of Future Publishing Holdings Limited, (which
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and upon which
an unqualified audit report was given by PricewaterhouseCoopers,
the Company's auditors, in accordance with section 235 of the
Companies Act 1985 which report did not contain any statement made
under section 237(2) or (3) of that Act), as adjusted to reflect
the Group reorganisation in which the Company acquired the Future
Publishing Holdings Group.

The statutory accounts for the period 31 December 1999 will be
finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by
the Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be
delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's
Annual General Meeting.

Actual financial information

On 11 June 1999, as part of a group reorganisation, The Future
Network plc, which had been incorporated on 22 April 1999,
acquired Future Publishing Holdings Limited in exchange for the
issue of shares. Future Publishing Holdings Limited was
incorporated on 8 September 1997 and did not trade in the period
prior to 24 April 1998. It acquired Future Publishing Limited and
Edicorp Publications SA on 24 April 1998. On 22 March 1999, Future
Publishing Holdings Limited acquired the assets of the Il Mio
Castello Group through a subsidiary undertaking. On 25 June 1999
The Future Network plc acquired Imagine Media, Inc. ("Imagine") in
exchange for shares in the Company. On 1 July 1999 Future
Publishing Holdings Limited acquired, through a subsidiary
company, the shares of WEKA Consumer Medien GmbH ("WEKA") and the
assets relating to its Consumer Media business division. During
September and December 1999 further titles were acquired by Future
Publishing Limited. The actual consolidated financial statements
include the Future Publishing Holdings group activities for the
whole of 1998 and 1999 under merger accounting principles, and the
Imagine acquisition under acquisition accounting.

Actual financial information for the Group shows the trading up to
31 December 1999 of Future Publishing Holdings Limited's
subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and France for the period from
1 January 1999, the trading of the Il Mio Castello Group, which
business was acquired by Future Publishing Holdings Limited, for
the period since acquisition on 22 March 1999, for Imagine from 25
June 1999, and the WEKA titles from 1 July 1999.

Within this preliminary announcement, reference to 1998 means the
twelve month period from 1 January 1998 to 31 December 1998,
during which time the Group traded for the period 24 April 1998 to
31 December 1998, and reference to 1999 means the twelve month
period 1 January 1999 to 31 December 1999. The Future Network
plc's first period of trading is for the period ended 31 December
1999 and therefore there is no Company comparative financial

Pro forma financial information

In order to assist readers pro forma results are shown have been
shown for the twelve months ended 31 December 1999 and 31 December
1998. They are based on a full twelve months trading for all
companies which became part of the Group before and at flotation,
and assume that the capital and financing structure of the Group
at flotation applied throughout the period. Acquisitions since
Listing, comprising the WEKA titles and titles acquired in
September and December 1999 by Future Publishing Limited, are not
adjusted to a full year basis but are shown separately and are
treated as acquisitions.

The 1998 comparatives are based on the pro forma figures, included
in the Listing Particulars dated 18 June 1999, restated to reflect
the actual annual charges (incorporating fair value provisions)
for amortisation of goodwill. The pro forma results have been
prepared using consistent accounting policies to the actual
results. More detailed information can be found in the Company's
Listing Particulars dated 18 June 1999.

2.    Turnover by category

                                 Pro        Pro      Actual    Actual
                               Forma      forma
                                1999       1998        1999    1998
                              #' 000     #' 000       #'000    #'000
Circulation                  123,806   108,883      111,039  57,810
Advertising                   66,032    44,826       54,987  19,167
Internet                       1,722       654        1,399      54
Other                          6,951     5,518        6,535   3,259
Total                        198,511   159,881      173,960  80,290

Other turnover derives primarily from licensing of the Group's
titles and income from exhibitions.

3.    Net interest payable and similar charges

                                 Pro        Pro      Actual    Actual
                               Forma      forma
                                1999       1998        1999    1998
                              #' 000     #' 000       #'000    #'000
Interest payable on bank
loans and overdrafts           2,017     1,878        3,620   5,243
Amortisation of issue costs
of bank loan                      94         -        2,696     188
Interest payable on
other loans                    1,060         -        4,462   4,502
Amortisation of discount
arising on fair valuing of
deferred consideration           150     1,254          550     760
Total interest payable and
similar charges                3,321     3,132       11,328  10,693
Interest receivable             (523)     (508)        (516)   (333)
Net interest payable and
similar items                  2,798     2,624       10,812  10,360

Actual interest charges represent financing costs comprising bank
loans and loan notes arising from the financing of the acquisition
of operations in the UK and France from Pearson plc in 1998 for
the period 24 April 1998 to 25 June 1999.  The loan financing
balances at 31 December 1998 had amounted to #132,306,000.  On 25
June 1999, coterminous with the Company's Listing, this debt was
repaid from the proceeds of the issue of share capital, and the
balance of funds required was replaced by new corporate debt
amounting to #40.0million.

Pro forma interest charges have been calculated on the basis that
the new corporate debt raised at the time of the Listing, existed
from 1 January 1999 in the case of the 1999 pro forma figures, and
from 1 January 1998 for 1998.

The pro forma interest charge for 1998 has been restated from the
interim report to reflect the reclassification of certain deferred
consideration from liabilities to other reserves as this item can
be settled in cash or the issue of shares. This has resulted in a
reduction of #1,017,000 in the 1998 pro forma interest charge as a
result of the elimination of the discount that had arisen on fair
valuing the deferred consideration.

4.    Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities

                                 Pro        Pro      Actual    Actual
                               Forma      forma
                                1999       1998        1999    1998
                              #' 000     #' 000       #'000    #'000
Corporation tax at 30.25%
(1998: 31%)                    4,690     3,364        2,411       -
Current tax                    1,331     2,934          687   1,000
Deferred tax                     808      (238)         432       -
                               6,829     6,060        3,530   1,000

The Group made a loss before taxation of #3,135,000
(1998:#3,721,000) and a taxation charge of #3,530,000 (1998:
charge #1,000,000) for the year. Eliminating goodwill arising on
consolidation which has no impact on taxation, the profit before
taxation was #11,225,000 (1998: #1,021,000) providing an effective
tax rate of 31.4% (1998:98%). The principal components of the
difference between the actual effective rate and the standard rate
of 30.25% in 1999 are the result of higher overseas rates of tax ,
overseas tax losses not being available for relief, and timing
differences, being primarily offset by the utilisation of tax
losses carried forward from prior years.

The high effective rate of tax in 1998 is primarily due to the
timing differences arising between the significant accrual of
interest and its deductibility for tax purposes, a higher
proportion of profits being earned in France, where the tax rates
were higher than in the UK, and the deductibility of costs in
respect of share options.

The pro forma tax charges for 1998 and 1999 are discussed in the
Finance Director's Report.

5.     Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share are calculated using the weighted average
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period. Diluted
earnings per share have been calculated by taking into account the
dilutive effect of shares that would be issued on conversion into
ordinary shares of warrants and options held under employee share
schemes and in respect of the deferred consideration arising on
the Imagine acquisition.

                            Pro          Pro       Actual      Actual
                          forma        forma
                           1999         1998         1999      1998
Weighted average number
of shares outstanding
during the period:
- basic             138,105,284  136,663,881  101,965,968  38,871,050
-    dilutive effect
of shares options    12,972,364   14,151,076   10,514,893   2,081,761
- diluted           151,077,648  150,814,957  112,480,861  40,952,811
Basic loss per
share (in pence)          (2.11)      (13.83)       (6.54)     (12.15)
Adjusted basic
earnings per share
(in pence)                 8.99         3.17         8.93        0.05

Diluted loss per
share (in pence)*         (2.11)      (13.83)       (6.54)     (12.15)
Adjusted diluted
earnings per share
(in pence)                 8.22         2.88         8.09        0.05

*The share options do not have a dilutive effect where there is a

The adjustments to profit noted on the face of the profit and loss
have the following effect on EPS:

Basic loss per
share (in pence)          (2.11)      (13.83)       (6.54)     (12.15)
Amortisation of
intangible assets         17.97        17.00        16.47       12.20
Employer taxes on
options and share
related benefits           1.02           -          0.92           -
Profit on sale of
fixed asset investments   (7.89)          -         (1.92)          -
Adjusted basic earnings
per share (in pence)       8.99         3.17         8.93        0.05

Diluted loss per share
(in pence)                (2.11)      (13.83)       (6.54)     (12.15)
Adjustment for dilutive
effect of share options
(see * above)              0.19         1.30         0.61        0.62
Amortisation of
intangible assets         16.42        15.41        14.93       11.58
Employer taxes on options
and share related
benefits                   0.93            -         0.83           -
Profit on sale of
fixed asset investments   (7.21)           -        (1.74)          -
Adjusted diluted
earnings per share
(in pence)                 8.22         2.88         8.09        0.05

6.    Debtors

                                              1999              1998
                                            #' 000             #'000
Amounts falling due within one year:
Trade debtors                               43,029            24,356
Other debtors                                1,646             1,219
Prepayments and accrued income               3,829             1,156
                                            48,504            26,731
Amounts falling due after one year:
Other debtors                                  218                 -
                                            48,722            26,731

7.    Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

                                              1999              1998
                                            #' 000             #'000
Bank and other borrowings                    5,846             2,115
Shareholder loan                               907                 -
Trade creditors                             23,084            13,650
Corporation tax                              2,259             1,953
Other creditors including
taxation and social security                 4,816             2,606
Accruals and deferred income                23,503            11,051
Deferred consideration                           5            14,424
                                            60,420            45,799

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year

                                              1999              1998
                                            #' 000             #'000
Bank and other borrowings                   36,171            71,496
Shareholder loan                             1,653                 -
Other loans                                      -            58,695
Deferred consideration for acquisitions      2,086                 -
                                            39,910           130,191

8.    Net cash flow from operating activities

The reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
operating activities is as follows:

                                          1999            1998
Continuing operations                    #'000           #'000
Operating profit                         5,715           6,639
Depreciation charge                      1,777             871
Goodwill amortisation                   16,795           4,742
Decrease/(increase) in stocks              343            (435)
(Increase) in debtors                  (11,573)         (9,710)
Increase in creditors                    3,371           7,628
Net cash inflow from operating                      
activities                              16,428           9,735

9.    Analysis of net debt

             At 1      Cash  Acquisit-   Other    Exchange   At 31
              Jan    inflow/     ions      non   movements     Dec
             1999  (outflow)  (exclud-    cash                1999
                                  ing  changes
            #'000      #'000    #'000    #'000       #'000   #'000
Cash at
bank and
in hand     6,131     11,954        -        -         855   18,940
Debt due
after one
year      (71,496)    33,398   (1,709)    (404)      2,387  (37,824)
Loan notes
due after
more than
one year  (58,695)    58,695        -        -           -        -
Debt due
within one
year       (2,115)      (161)  (4,547)       -          70   (6,753)

resources   1,000     (1,000)       -        -           -        -
         (125,175)   102,886   (6,256)    (404)      3,312  (25,637)

At flotation on 25 June 1999 the Group's existing loan notes and
principal borrowings were repaid, and new borrowings facilities
entered into. All bank borrowings outstanding at 31 December 1999
were under these new facilities.

10.   Reconciliation of movement in net debt

                                              1999        1998
                                             #'000       #'000
Net debt at 1 January                    (125,175)            -
Increase in cash                           11,954         6,051
Borrowings net of short term deposits                 
acquired with subsidiaries                 (6,256)       (8,400)
Movement in borrowings                     91,932      (117,157)
Movement in liquid resources               (1,000)        1,000
Loan notes issued other than for cash           -        (1,570)
Interest capitalised in 1998 and                      
subsequently waived during the year           690        (5,181)
Unamortised debt issue costs               (1,094)        1,527
Exchange movements                          3,312        (1,445)
Net debt at 31 December                   (25,637)     (125,175)

11.    Cash flow effect of acquisitions

Net cash inflow from operating activities               2,518
Net cash outflow from returns on investment and      
servicing of finance                                     (724)
Taxation paid                                             (55)
Net cash inflow from financial investment               8,267
Net cash acquired from acquisitions                       319
Net cash inflow from acquisitions                      10,325

12.  Acquisitions and disposals

Merger of Future Publishing Holdings Limited with the Company

As part of a group reorganisation on 11 June 1999, the
shareholders of Future Publishing Holdings Limited exchanged their
shares for a like number of shares in the Company. The transaction
has been accounted for using merger accounting.

Acquisition of the business of the Il Mio Castello Group

On 22 March 1999, the Group acquired the publishing business of
the Il Mio Castello Group for a total cash consideration of
#21,323,000 (including associated costs of #1,394,000, and
deferred consideration amounting to #3,349,000). The purchase is
being accounted for as an acquisition.

Acquisition of Imagine

On 25 June 1999 the Company acquired, by way of merger under US
law, the issued share capital of Imagine, a company solely owned
by Chris Anderson, the Company's Executive Chairman,. The purchase
is being accounted for using acquisition accounting. The aggregate
purchase consideration for Imagine was satisfied in full by the
issue of, or subscription for, 33,863,147 ordinary shares,
representing 30.2% of the ordinary share capital of the Company
(on a fully diluted basis) immediately prior to flotation.

The Company was granted an option, exercisable at any time on or
before 30 June 2000, to require Chris Anderson to purchase from
Imagine the business and assets of the title Business 2.0. In the
event that the Company does not exercise its option it is required
to pay Chris Anderson further consideration of #18,000,000 within
30 days after 1 July 2000. The Company may choose to satisfy this
consideration in cash or by the issue of ordinary shares.
Consequently the deferred consideration is included in other
reserves within shareholders' funds. At present the Company does
not intend to exercise its option to sell Business 2.0.

Other acquisitions

Other business combinations accounted for as acquisitions during
the year comprised:

i) In July 1999 the purchase by Future Verlag GmbH, a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company of the shares of WEKA Consumer Medien
GmbH ('WCM') and the assets relating to the Consumer Media
business division of WCM's parent company, WEKA Firmengruppe GmbH
& Co. KG;

ii) In September 1999 the purchase by Future Publishing Limited of
the trade and assets of certain titles from Zone Limited;

iii) In December 1999 the acquisition in the US of a closed title
and its related subscription list by Imagine; and

iv)  the purchase of the trade and assets of Future Music,
Holland, from Media Minded CV on 8 December 1999.

The aggregate provisional fair values of the net assets acquired,
and the consideration thereof is shown in the table below:

Fair value of net assets acquired                    (1,721)
Goodwill                                            181,131
Total consideration                                 179,410

13.  Post balance sheet events

On 6 January 2000 a subsidiary of the Group purchased certain
trade and assets, including the magazines and websites from Dennis
Publications Limited.

14.  Accounting policies

The Group's accounting policies are consistent with those
disclosed in the Company's Listing Particulars dated 18 June 1999.



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