RNS Number : 0821O

Frenkel Topping Group PLC

29 September 2023

29(th) September 2023

Frenkel Topping Group plc

("Frenkel Topping", or "the Group")

Interim Results

Frenkel Topping (AIM: FEN), a specialist financial and professional services firm operating within the personal injury and clinical negligence marketplace (PI and Clin Neg), is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023.

Financial Highlights

                              H1 2023*   H1 2022*    % change    FY2022 
                                (GBPm)     (GBPm)               Full year 
 Revenue                        16.0       11.1        44%        24.8 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Recurring revenue               5.9        5.4         9%        11.0 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Gross profit                    6.6        5.0        32%        11.1 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 EBITDA**                        3.5        2.7        30%        6.1 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Profit attributable 
  to shareholders                1.7        0.9        89%        1.7 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 EPS (basic)                  1.4 pence  0.8 pence     75%     1.5 pence 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Cash generated from 
  operating activities           1.5        0.6        150%       0.7 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Cash at period end              4.9        1.8        272%       5.0 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 AUM                            1,261      1,155        9%       1,187 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 
 Assets on a discretionary 
  mandate                        761        667        14%        715 
                             ----------  ---------  --------- 


**EBITDA before share based compensation, acquisition strategy, integration and reorganisation costs

Operational Highlights

   --      Results for first six months in line with management expectations 

-- AUM resilient despite challenging market conditions demonstrating the differentiated and conservative way the Group manages its clients' assets

   --      Client retention rate remains high at 99% 
   --      Acquisitions made in Q4 2022 bedded in and performing well 

-- Cardinal Management Ltd ("Cardinal"), a milestone acquisition during 2022, has added two new major trauma centres to its portfolio

-- Continued delivery of the "Working in Partnership" programme - aligning with top law firms, adding Serious Injury Law and Lime Solicitors to the growing number of firms who we have joint ventures with

-- A healthy pipeline of AUM for the second half of the year, a traditionally stronger half, to underpin management's expectations for the full year outturn

Delivery of strategy with a strong start to the second half

-- Continued execution of acquisition strategy, with a number of opportunities being evaluated and the businesses acquired to date showing positive contribution to the Group

-- Acquisition strategy has built one of the largest players in the pre-settlement professional services market for Personal Injury ("PI") and Clinical Negligence ("Clin Neg")

-- Entering second half of the year carrying momentum from H1 with services revenue performing particularly well from Somek and Associates, Bidwell Henderson Cost Consultants (BH) and Forth Associates.

For further information:

 Frenkel Topping Group plc                      www.frenkeltoppinggroup.co.uk 
 Richard Fraser, Chief Executive Officer        Tel: 0161 886 8000 
 Cavendish Capital Markets Limited (Nominated   Tel: 020 7220 0500 
  Advisor & Broker) 
 Carl Holmes/Abigail Kelly (Corporate 
  Tim Redfern / Charlotte Sutcliffe (ECM) 

CEO statement - Richard Fraser:

We are pleased with our performance in the first half of FY2023 and the momentum we are carrying into the second half of the year. Despite the backdrop of economic headwinds and market volatility, our team has shown remarkable resilience and focus, delivering a robust set of results for the first six months of the year.

We constantly strive to deliver the best outcomes for our clients. In response to rising interest rates and subsequent returns available on cash, our Investment Management business, Ascencia, has recently launched a cash solution to add to our existing portfolio of products focused on protecting our clients' assets, thus adding to our range of recurring income streams. The solution has been particularly well received by professional intermediaries and clients.

Further, Ascencia has continued to outperform in its core risk rated investment strategies, with returns being ahead of their respective Private Client ARC indices. Ascencia's IP Growth 4 returned 1.24% compared to ARC Sterling Balanced Asset PCI of 1.01% and Ascencia's IP Growth 3 returned 0.95% compared to ARC Sterling Cautious PCI of 0.09%.

Our client retention rate, a critical KPI of the Group, remains exceptionally high at 99%, a testament to the trust and confidence our clients place in us.

The successful integration of our acquisitions has not only diversified our income streams but also strengthened our position in the personal injury and clinical negligence sectors. We continue to pursue future acquisition opportunities within the space that will further add to our full market offering.

The Company's group businesses have enjoyed real momentum in the period with Cardinal adding two new sites to its Major Trauma Centre portfolio in recent months both John Radcliffe Hospital, run by Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Alder Hey Children's Hospital opting to join Cardinal after a competitive tender process.

Somek and Associates (Somek), Bidwell Henderson Cost Consultants (BH) and Forth Associates (Forths) have especially contributed to the service revenue performance during the first six month of the year. This is primarily due to the successful execution of our people plan, specifically increasing the number of Experts in Somek, the success of the BH training academy and recruitment programme, and staff progression in Forths, all underpinned by the overall execution of our strategy to be the 'go to' provider of professional services within PI and Clin Neg.

Our marketplace continues to present significant opportunity for growth with cGBP1.2bn of personal injury awards related to motor accident claims alone paid out in H1 2023. In addition, we have noticed a tightening of court deadlines within the industry which presents opportunities across our full service offering which, in turn, we expect should drive faster settlement of damages moving forward.

As we look ahead, we are excited about the potential of AI to drive efficiencies and are committed to delivering value to our shareholders and clients alike. It's not just about numbers; it's about making a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have been through life-altering experiences. That's what keeps us motivated every single day.


The Group has entered the second half of the year carrying real momentum from H1, benefiting from the diversification of revenue and encouraging growth in transactional revenue. We expect financial markets to remain challenging, which will continue to moderately impact AUM growth and consequently the Company's recurring revenue. However, the Board maintains its confidence in the full year outturn which is tracking in line with management's expectation.

CFO statement - Elaine Cullen-Grant:

We are pleased to report such a strong set of results against the backdrop of a challenging economic climate and furthermore to have been able to grow our recurring revenue in the first half by 9% to GBP5.9m (H1 22 - GBP5.5m) .

The acquisitions made in recent years have further strengthened our position in these challenging times by broadening our income streams and helping to contribute to an overall 44% growth in revenue to GBP16.0m (H1 22: GBP11.1m).

By their nature the margin profile within our transactional businesses is a little lower than our financial businesses, however we are delighted that we continue to grow EBITDA across the Group.

Our acquisition strategy is focused on profitable and growing businesses. Evidence of the success of this strategy can be seen within our Costs businesses, Partners in Costs, A&M Bacon and BH, acquired during 2021, which have increased their EBITDA contribution from GBP0.6m in the first half of last year to GBP1.1m in the same period this year.

Following the increase in share capital with our fundraise in 2022, it is pleasing that we have been able to increase our basic earnings per share by 74% to 1.4 pence for H1 23 (H1 22: 0.8 pence), coming close to delivering the same earnings per share as we did in the full year 2022 (FY22: 1.5 pence) in just six months.

Whilst the transactional businesses do have a greater working capital requirement when compared with the financial businesses, we are pleased that even the with the 44% increase in revenue, cash generated from operating activities has improved by 150%. This is both a reflection on the Group's focus on cash conversion and evidence of the strength of the recoverability of our debtor book. This has helped contribute to our strong balance sheet and cash position of GBP4.9m (H1 22 1.8m)

Change of Name of Nominated Adviser and Broker

The Company also announces that its Nominated Adviser and Broker has changed its name to Cavendish Capital Markets Limited following completion of its own corporate merger.

 Frenkel Topping Group plc                                                       6 Months     6 Months       Year 
                                                                                    ended        ended    31-Dec- 
 Group income statement for the period:                                         30-Jun-23    30-Jun-22         22 
                                                                               Unaudited     Unaudited    Audited 
                                                                     Notes        GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 REVENUE                                                                           16,042       11,110     24,850 
 Direct staff costs                                                               (9,436)      (6,068)   (13,717) 
                                                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 Gross Profit                                                                       6,606        5,042     11,133 
 Administrative expenses                                              2           (3,996)      (3,544)    (8,230) 
 Underlying profit from operations                                                  3,200        2,422      5,492 
        *    share based compensation                                               (314)        (349)      (660) 
        *    acquisition strategy, integration and reorganisation 
             costs                                                                  (276)        (575)    (1,929) 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------------  -----------  --------- 
 PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                                                             2,610        1,498      2,903 
 Finance and other income/ (fair value 
  losses on investments)                                                                4          (9)        (7) 
 Finance costs                                                        3             (186)        (205)      (477) 
                                                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                                                  2,428        1,284      2,419 
 Income tax expense                                                                 (628)        (309)      (570) 
                                                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                                              1,800          975      1,849 
 Gains on property revaluation arising net 
  of tax                                                                                -            -        127 
                                                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                                          1,800          975      1,976 
                                                                             ============  ===========  ========= 
 Owners of parent undertakings                                                      1,680          881      1,652 
 Non-controlling interest                                                             120           94        197 
                                                                             ============  ===========  ========= 
 Owners of parent undertakings                                                      1,680          881      1,779 
 Non-controlling interest                                                             120           94        197 
                                                                             ============  ===========  ========= 
                                                                                       0.           0. 
 Earnings per share - basic (pence)                                                   1.4          0.8        1.5 
 Earnings per share - diluted (pence)                                                 1.3          0.8        1.4 
                                                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 

The results for the period are derived from continuing activities.

 Frenkel Topping Group plc 
 Group Statement of Financial Position 
  as at:                                   30-Jun-23   30-Jun-22   31-Dec-22 
                                           Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited 
                                             GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Goodwill and other intangibles               29,250      24,088      29,579 
 Plant, property and equipment                 2,717       2,457       2,834 
 Loans receivable                                168         166         162 
                                              32,135      26,711      32,575 
 Accrued income                                4,903       3,102       4,072 
 Trade receivables                            11,086       7,693      10,661 
 Other receivables                             1,146         858         749 
 Investments                                     101          99         100 
 Cash at bank and in hand                      4,866       1,761       4,986 
                                          ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                              22,102      13,513      20,568 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                 54,237      40,224      53,143 
                                          ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Share capital                                   637         566         637 
 Share premium                                22,705      13,140      22,705 
 Merger reserve                                6,245       6,245       6,245 
 Revaluation reserve                             479         352         479 
 Own share reserve                           (2,134)     (2,315)     (2,210) 
 Other reserve                                 (341)       (341)       (341) 
 Retained earnings                            14,149      12,965      12,296 
                                          ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Equity attributable to owners of 
  the parent company                          41,740      30,612      39,811 
 Non-controlling interests                       238         180         283 
                                          ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                 41,978      30,792      40,094 
                                          ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Current taxation                              1,075         871         760 
 Trade and other payables                      7,375       4,508       7,680 
                                          ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                               8,450       5,379       8,440 
 LONG TERM LIABILITIES                         3,809       4,053       4,609 
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                 54,237      40,224      53,143 
                                          ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Frenkel Topping Group plc                       6 Months     6 Months       Year 
 Group Cash Flow Statement                          ended        ended    31-Dec- 
  For the period:                               30-Jun-23    30-Jun-22         22 
                                                Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited 
                                                  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Profit before tax                                  2,428        1,284      2,419 
 Adjustments to reconcile profit 
  for the period to cash generated 
  from operating activities: 
 Finance income/loss                                  (4)            9          7 
 Finance costs                                        186          205        477 
 Share based compensation                             242          349        480 
 Depreciation                                         304          238        574 
 (Increase)/decrease in accrued income, 
  trade and other receivables                     (1,660)      (1,015)    (2,205) 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other 
  payables                                            405        (101)       (95) 
                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 Cash generated from operations                     1,901          969      1,657 
 Income Tax paid                                    (363)        (323)      (999) 
                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 Cash generated from operating activities           1,538          646        658 
 Investing Activities 
 Acquisition of plant, property 
  and equipment                                     (148)        (163)      (240) 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                      (1,100)      (8,084)   (13,478) 
 Cash acquired on acquisition of 
  subsidiaries                                          -        1,033      1,992 
 Loans advanced                                         -         (21)       (22) 
 Cash (used) / generated in investing 
  activities                                      (1,248)      (7,235)   (11,748) 
 Financing activities 
 Shares issued (net of costs)                           -            -      9,637 
 Exercise of share options                              1            -          1 
 Dividend paid                                      (165)        (110)    (1,771) 
 Repayment of borrowing                              (36)            -        (2) 
 Interest received                                      4            -          - 
 Interest element of lease payments                  (17)         (17)       (36) 
 Principal element of lease payments                (197)        (141)      (368) 
 Other interest paid and FX losses                      -            -        (3) 
 Cash used in financing                             (410)        (268)      7,458 
                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 (Decrease)/ increase in cash                       (120)      (6,857)    (3,632) 
 Opening cash                                       4,986        8,618      8,618 
                                             ------------  -----------  --------- 
 Closing cash                                       4,866        1,761      4,986 
                                             ============  ===========  ========= 
 Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents 
 Cash                                  4,866   1,761   4,986 
 Cash equivalents                        101      99     100 
                                      ------  ------  ------ 
 Closing cash and cash equivalents     4,967   1,860   5,086 
                                      ======  ======  ====== 

Cash equivalents are held in liquid investments.

Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

   1.    Revenue and Segmental Reporting 

All of the Group's revenue arises from activities within the UK.

Revenue arising from recurring and non-recurring sources is as follows:

                                6 Months     6 Months       Year 
                                   ended        ended    31-Dec- 
                               30-Jun-23    30-Jun-22         22 
                                 GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
              Recurring            5,899        5,424     11,045 
            Non-recurring         10,143        5,686     13,805 
                                 _______      _______    _______ 
            Total revenue         16,042       11,110     24,850 
                                 _______      _______    _______ 

Operating Segments

The Group's chief operating decision maker is deemed to be the CEO. The CEO has identified the following operating segments:

Financial Services

This segment includes our independent financial advisory, discretionary fund management and financial services businesses.

Costs Law

This segment includes each of our costs law services businesses.

Other Professional Services

This segment includes our major trauma signposting, forensic accountancy, care and case management and medico-legal reporting businesses.

Central Services

This is predominantly a cost centre for managing Group related activities or other costs not specifically related to a product.

   6 Months ended June 2023    Financial     Costs    Professional     Central 
                                services       Law        Services    Services     Total 
                                 GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Revenue                           6,305     4,162           5,550          25    16,042 
 Adjusted EBITDA                   1,924     1,056           1,437       (888)     3,529 
   6 Months ended June 2022    Financial     Costs    Professional     Central 
                                services       Law        Services    Services     Total 
                                 GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Revenue                           5,846     3,154           2,110           -    11,110 
 Adjusted EBITDA                   2,124       631             693       (788)     2,660 
   Year ended December 2022    Financial     Costs    Professional     Central 
                                services       Law        Services    Services     Total 
                                 GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Revenue                          11,792     7,057           6,001           -    24,850 
 Adjusted EBITDA                   4,302     1,721           1,763     (1,732)     6,054 
   2.    Administrative Expenses 

The following table analyses the nature of expenses:

                                                      6 Months     6 Months       Year 
                                                         ended        ended    31-Dec- 
                                                     30-Jun-23    30-Jun-22         22 
                                                       GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Depreciation                                              329          238        574 
 Share based compensation                                  314          349        660 
 Acquisition strategy, integration and 
  reorganisation costs                                     276          575       1929 
 Other administrative expenses                           3,077        2,382      5,067 
                                                  ------------  -----------  --------- 
 Total Other administrative expenses                     3,996        3,544      8,230 
   3.    Interest and similar items 
                                                          6 Months     6 Months       Year 
                                                             ended        ended    31-Dec- 
                                                         30-Jun-23    30-Jun-22         22 
                                                           GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Interest on lease liabilities                                  17           17         36 
 Loan and other interest charges                                 -            -          3 
 Unwinding discount - deferred consideration                   169          188        438 
                                                      ------------  -----------  --------- 
 Total finance costs                                           186          205        477 

About Frenkel Topping Group

The Frenkel Topping Group of companies specialises in providing financial advice and asset protection services to clients at times of financial vulnerability, with particular expertise in the field of personal injury (PI) and clinical negligence (CN).

For more than 30 years the Group has worked with legal professionals and injured clients themselves to provide pre-settlement, at-settlement and post-settlement services to help achieve the best long-term outcomes for clients after injury. It boasts a client retention rate of 99%.

Frenkel Topping Group is focused on consolidating the fragmented PI and CN space in order to provide the most comprehensive suite of services to clients and deliver a best-in-class service offering from immediately after injury or illness and for the rest of their lives.

The group's services include the Major Trauma Signposting Partnership service inside NHS Major Trauma Centres, expert witness, costs, tax and forensic accountancy, independent financial advice, investment management, and care and case management.

The Group's discretionary fund manager, Ascencia, manages financial portfolios for clients in unique circumstances, often who have received a financial settlement after litigation. In recent years Ascencia has diversified its portfolios to include a Sharia-law-compliant portfolio and a number of ESG portfolios in response to increased interest in socially responsible investing (SRI).

Frenkel Topping has earned a reputation for commercial astuteness underpinned by a strong moral obligation to its clients, employees and wider society, with a continued focus on its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact.

   For more information visit:       www.frenkeltoppinggroup.co.uk 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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