RNS Number:3788P
FBD Holdings PLC
05 March 2008

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                            PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                                 2007        2006        %
                                                    Euro000s       Euro000s

 * Gross written premiums                         407,953     407,256     +0.2%
 * Net earned premiums                            350,321     345,959     +1.3%
 * Operating profit*                              235,510     158,515    +48.6%
 * Adjusted operating profit **                   127,883     158,515    -19.3%

                                                     Cent        Cent

 * Adjusted operating earnings per share**         316.33      376.60    -16.0%
 * Ordinary dividend per share                      79.50       69.00    +15.2%
 * Special dividend per share (paid) - La Cala
     land sale                                          -      160.00      n/a
 * Distribution of Financial Reserves per 
     share (paid)                                  500.00           -      n/a
 * Net assets per 60c ordinary share             1,154.54    1,424.76    -19.0%

     *  Based on a longer term investment return

     ** Adjusted to exclude impact of change in reserving policy

Commenting on the results, Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive said:

 "We delivered another strong performance in the year under review. In our
  insurance business, we increased our market share in what continued to be a 
  very competitive environment. The plans which we have been pursuing to 
  strengthen and broaden our platform for growth are already achieving positive 
  outcomes. Our new Business Support Centre has extended our sales and service 
  capabilities and new e-commerce and business development initiatives are well 

5th March 2008

For Reference                                     Telephone

Philip Fitzsimons, Chief Executive                +353 1 4093200
Andrew Langford, Finance Director

Murray Consultants
Joe Murray                                        +353 1 4980300

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                            PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT
                  Results for the year ended 31st December 2007

FBD Holdings plc ("FBD" or "the Group") is pleased to announce solid operating
results for the year ended 31st December 2007.


Operating Profit

Group operating profit amounted to Euro235.5m, which includes a non-recurring
credit of Euro107.6m arising from a revision of the Group's claims reserving
policy. (See comments in "Underwriting" below).

Adjusted Operating Profit (Footnote A)

The adjusted operating profit amounted to Euro127.9m. The comparable figure for
2006 was Euro158.5m. The decline in this figure is mainly attributable to a
reduction in the return on the Group's capital fund, which forms part of the
Company's non-underwriting activities, as outlined hereunder.

Of the Euro127.9m (2006: Euro158.5m) adjusted operating profit, Euro112.7m (2006:
Euro124.6m) is attributable to underwriting activities and Euro15.2m (2006: Euro33.9m) 
to non-underwriting, as detailed below.

In relation to underwriting, as anticipated, profit declined compared to 2006
due to lower margins resulting from premium reductions. Notwithstanding falling
premium rates, gross written premiums were marginally ahead of 2006 due to
continued growth in customer numbers and represents an increase in market 
share, as total market premium in 2007 reduced by approximately 6% (source: 
Irish Insurance Federation Statistics).

In relation to non-underwriting, the decline in profit compared to 2006 is
mainly attributable to the reduction in the return on the capital fund. The
reduction results from utilising a major portion of the fund for the
distribution of Euro176m of reserves to shareholders in June 2007 and from the 
fall in the value of equities that remained in the fund at year end. All of the
Group's non-underwriting operating businesses delivered performances ahead of

Profit before Tax

Short term fluctuations in investment returns of Euro69.2m, negative (2006: Euro61.4m,
positive) offset the positive impact of operating profit on the profit before
tax figure. These fluctuations reflect the weakness in government bond markets
in the first half year and the major downturn in equity markets in the second
half year.

After finance costs of Euro4.1m (2006: Euro4.8m), the profit before tax amounted to
Euro162.2m (2006: Euro296.8m, which included the profit of Euro81.8m from the La Cala
Tranche I land sale).

Earnings per share (Footnote A)

Adjusted operating earnings per share, based on longer term investment returns,
amounted to 316.33c, enhanced by the share buybacks which the Group has
undertaken. The comparable 2006 figure is 376.60c.


Insurance underwriting (FBD Insurance) is the Group's primary business activity.

Gross written premiums (i.e. before reinsurance) amounted to Euro407.9m, compared
to Euro407.3m in 2006. Reductions in average premiums which prevailed throughout
2007 were offset by the growth in customer numbers achieved in the period.

Net earned premiums amounted to Euro350.3m (2006: Euro346.0m).

The adjusted net claims incurred charge (Footnote A) amounted to Euro239.1m (2006:
Euro224.7m) comprised of net claims paid of Euro230.9m (2006: Euro193.6m) and an
increase in net outstanding reserves of Euro8.1m (2006: Euro31.0m increase). The
increased adjusted claims charge reflects the increase in exposures

The underwriting result benefited by Euro107.6m arising from the change in
reserving policy. The decision to reduce the outstanding claims reserves was
arrived at following a comprehensive review at year end. This review concluded
that sufficient evidence has now emerged that the positive impact of the reform
measures undertaken in recent years to improve the claims environment has been
maintained and consequently that the Company's reserving policy should be
altered to reflect this.

Net operating expenses amounted to Euro51.9m (2006: Euro44.7m). The increase is
attributable to our programme of investment in staffing, technology and
facilities in order to achieve our development objectives.

The foregoing premium/claim/expenses figures resulted in an underwriting profit
of Euro166.9m (2006: Euro76.6m). The 2007 adjusted net operating ratios (Footnote A) 
were: loss ratio 68.2% (2006: 65.0%); expense ratio 14.8% (2006: 12.9%); 
combined ratio 83.0% (2006: 77.9%).

After crediting longer term investment income of Euro53.4m (2006: Euro48.0m), the
operating profit of FBD's underwriting business amounted to Euro220.3m (2006:


The Group's non-underwriting activities include leisure interests (hotels/golf)
and leisure property development, financial services and the investment in
equities of non-allocated capital ("the capital fund"). The contribution to
operating profit from these activities amounted to Euro15.2m (2006: Euro33.9m).

Leisure and property interests, which include the La Cala and Sunset Beach
resorts in Spain and the Tower Hotel Group in Ireland, contributed Euro16.1m 
(2006: Euro10.1m) to operating profits. A higher level of property handovers at La 
Cala, combined with above budget results at Sunset Beach Resort and the Tower 
Hotel Group delivered the improved performance.

The Group's financial service businesses, which embrace general insurance
broking (FBD Brokers), life assurance/pension broking/investment advice (FBD
Life) and instalment finance contributed Euro5.9m (2006: Euro4.3m) to operating
profits. This increase was achieved through new business growth.

The capital fund recorded a negative return of Euro6.8m (2006: positive return of
Euro19.5m). The fund constitutes the remaining portion of non-allocated capital
that had been invested in equities. At 1st January 2007 this fund amounted to
Euro92m. As referred to earlier, the major portion of this fund was realised in
connection with the special Euro176m payout to shareholders. The downturn in the
value of the equities that remained in the fund, post the distribution, is
reflected in the Euro6.8m negative return figure.


Total assets at year end amounted to Euro1,387.1m (2006: Euro1,686.6m). Ordinary
shareholders' funds amounted to Euro383.6m (2006: Euro497.5m). Net Assets per share
amounted to 1,154.54c (2006: 1,424.76c). The balance sheet reductions reflect
the distribution of reserves (Euro176m) and share buybacks (Euro52.6m) during the
year, in addition to the negative short term fluctuations in investments


In view of the Group's strong results and the Board's commitment to increase 
the dividend/earnings payment ratio, a final ordinary dividend of 52.0c (2006:
45.0c) per share is being recommended by the Directors. This will bring the
total ordinary dividend for the year to 79.5c (2006: 69.0c) an increase of

The final ordinary dividend will be paid on the 2nd May 2008 to shareholders on
the Company's Register at close of business on 25th March 2008. The final
ordinary dividend is subject to withholding tax ("DWT") except for shareholders
who are exempt from DWT and who have furnished a properly completed declaration
of exemption to the Company's Registrar, from whom further details may be


The after tax impact on earnings arising from the change in reserving policy
amounted to Euro94.2m. It is the Board's intention to distribute this amount to
shareholders by way of a special distribution as soon as practical after
shareholder approval has been obtained. It is also the intention of the Board 
to allow shareholders the option of choosing to receive this return in either 
of the ways specified in the Resolutions approved by shareholders in May 2007.
These Resolutions provided for the issue and subsequent purchase of 'A' 
ordinary shares by the Company, or for the receipt of a special dividend.


The Board is confident that the Group will continue to progress this year and
into the future.


Price reductions have been a continuous feature of the Irish Insurance market
for the past five years, arising from reforms in the claims environment and
competition. These have resulted in Irish combined ratios converging to 
European norms. In the knowledge of this inevitability, we have been pursuing 
plans focused on broadening and strengthening our platform for medium and long 
term growth, whilst maximising short term opportunities. These plans require 
ongoing investment in human and capital resources and leave us well positioned 
for the future. While such investment, by its nature, is not designed to 
deliver significant, immediate returns, positive outcomes are already evident.

In recent weeks we launched a new stand-alone car insurance brand aimed at the
budget market, a market which FBD's premium brand is not designed for. This new
product, "No Nonsense Car Insurance", is an internet-only offering. It is being
marketed in conjunction with Ryanair Money, targeting car owners who wish to
comply with basic legal insurance requirements only, with limited add-ons
available at additional per item costs, should the purchaser so wish.

Our Business Support Centre, which commenced operations in February 2007 and 
now has a complement of 150 staff, is providing additional sales capacity and
service support for personal lines business. Branch office staff now have
additional time available to pursue commercial insurance and related business

Significant new e-commerce developments and other initiatives to extend our
customer reach and engagement are well advanced and we are confident that they
will enhance our sales potential and our customer service levels.

Price reductions have continued in the market in the current year. The
sustainability of such pricing is questionable, given the cost/income ratios
that insurers are reporting. It is the widespread view of industry analysts,
however, that the downward trend is about to be reversed. In January of this
year, we implemented single-digit price increases on specific products where
ratios warranted rate changes. While this action has impacted policy growth, we
do not regard increasing our customer numbers at uneconomic premium levels as a
viable option. Gross premiums written are in line with the 2007 corresponding


The particular challenges which our leisure, property and financial services
businesses faced in 2007 have continued in 2008.

On the property/leisure front, oversupply of product in the marketplace is the
key challenge facing our businesses, both in Ireland and in Spain. Management
are focusing on new marketing/sales initiatives and operational cost
efficiencies in meeting targets.

As regards the La Cala Tranche II land sale agreement, we advised in our
pre-close trading statement in December 2007 that, in addition to awaiting the
outcome of the Andalucian Regional Planning process, which has been delayed by
issues not associated with La Cala, our planning advisors were undertaking an
additional parallel approach at local/municipal level aimed at finalising
planning on the land. We reiterate their advices that, whilst delivery of the
planning ultimately remains outside their control, they believe this will be
obtained within the sale agreement deadline of June 2009.

In financial services, management are targeting to build on the successes
achieved in 2007 in developing new market segments to overcome lower commercial
premium levels (FBD Brokers) and the difficult investment climate (FBD Life).


In June 2007, the Group returned Euro176m, i.e. Euro5 per share, of surplus capital to
shareholders. In addition, the Group undertook share buybacks amounting to
Euro52.6m. The 2007 payouts bring the total for capital repatriations to
shareholders since March 2005 to Euro496m. As previously stated, it is the Board's
intention to distribute the after tax earnings of Euro94.2m specifically
attributable to the claims reserves releases as soon as practical after AGM
approval has been obtained. This decision further illustrates the Board's
ongoing commitment to efficient capital management. It also reaffirms that the
utilisation of capital generated by the Group will be determined in the light of
the capital needs associated with the Group's development plans and consistent
with maximising returns to shareholders.

Footnote A
Adjusted operating profit, adjusted operating earnings per share, adjusted net
claims incurred charge and adjusted net operating ratios are arrived at by
adjusting for the impact of the change in the Group's reserving policy.

Footnote B
Management will present these results to analysts at 9.30 a.m today. A copy of
the presentation will be posted on the Group's website, www.fbd.ie at that time.

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                             GROUP INCOME STATEMENT
                        For year ended 31st December 2007
                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's

Turnover                                                   567,381     693,926
                                                           =======     =======

Net premiums earned                                        350,321     345,959
Non underwriting operating income                           15,175      33,919
Investment income - longer term rate of return              53,369      48,054
                                                           -------     -------

                                                           418,865     427,932
Changes in insurance liabilities net of
  reinsurance                                    Note 2     99,480     (31,064)
Claims paid, net of recoveries from reinsurers            (230,907)   (193,648)
Other operating expenses                                   (51,928)    (44,705)
                                                            ------      ------

Operating profit                                 Note 1    235,510     158,515

Profit on the sale of land at La Cala                            -      81,774
Investment income - short term fluctuation                 (69,253)     61,350
Finance costs                                               (4,089)     (4,859)
                                                            ------      ------

Profit before tax                                          162,168     296,780

Income tax expense                                         (22,093)    (49,948)
                                                           -------     -------

Profit for the year                                        140,075     246,832
                                                           =======     =======

Attributable to:

Equity holders of the parent                               139,874     246,641
Minority interest                                              201         191
                                                           -------     -------

                                                           140,075     246,832
                                                           =======     =======

                                                              Cent        Cent

Basic earnings per 60c ordinary share                       405.71      678.82
                                                            ======      ======

Diluted earnings per 60c ordinary share                     402.77      671.30
                                                            ======      ======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                          GROUP BALANCE SHEET - ASSETS
                            As at 31st December 2007

                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's

Property and equipment
Land and buildings                                         225,158     213,564
Fixtures and fittings                                       18,186      16,815
                                                           -------     -------
                                                           243,344     230,379
                                                           -------     -------
Intangible assets
Deferred acquisition costs                                  15,271      13,517
                                                           -------     -------

Investment property                                         83,019      81,181
Investments held for trading                               183,970     558,850
Investments held to maturity                               479,902     171,799
Available for sale investments                               9,542       3,727
Deposits with banks                                         73,034     327,973
                                                           -------    --------
                                                           829,467   1,143,530
                                                           -------   ---------

Inventories                                                 65,745      66,433
                                                           -------     -------

Loans and receivables                                      147,137     122,762
                                                           -------     -------

Reinsurers' share of technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                             21,994      21,953
Claims outstanding                                          28,489      50,600
                                                           -------     -------
                                                            50,483      72,553
                                                           -------     -------

Cash and cash equivalents                                   35,618      37,423
                                                         ---------   ---------

Total assets                                             1,387,065   1,686,597
                                                         =========   =========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                            As at 31st December 2007

                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's

Ordinary share capital                    Note 4            21,277      21,277
Capital reserves                                            12,956      12,605
Revaluation reserves                                        29,986      27,540
Translation reserves                                           389         162
Retained earnings                                          318,981     435,935
                                                           -------     -------

Shareholders' funds - equity interests                     383,589     497,519

Preference share capital                                     2,923       2,923
                                                           -------     -------

Total shareholders' funds                                  386,512     500,442
Minority interest                                            5,689       6,476
                                                           -------     -------

Total equity                                               392,201     506,918
                                                           -------     -------


Technical provisions
Provision for unearned premiums                            199,074     197,507
Claims outstanding                                         612,852     734,439
                                                           -------     -------
                                                           811,926     931,946
                                                           -------     -------

Bank and other loans                                        60,406     112,350
                                                           -------     -------

Creditors                                                   74,483      90,841
                                                           -------     -------

Current tax                                                 14,070       7,728
                                                           -------     -------

Deferred tax                                                27,738      33,227
                                                           -------     -------

Retirement benefit obligation                                6,241       3,587
                                                           -------     -------

Total liabilities                                          994,864   1,179,679
                                                          --------   ---------

Total equity and liabilities                             1,387,065   1,686,597
                                                         =========   =========

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                            GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT
                        For year ended 31st December 2007

                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's
Operating activities

Profit before tax for the year                             162,168     296,780

Adjustments for:

Losses (gains) on investments held for trading and
  held to maturity                                          77,744     (30,128)
Depreciation of property and equipment                       4,547       3,525
Share-based payment expense                                      -         512
Decrease (increase) in fair value of investment
  property                                                   5,416      (4,200)
(Decrease) increase in technical provisions                (97,953)     37,077
Profit on sale of land at La Cala                                -     (81,774)
                                                           -------     -------
Operating cash flows before movement in working
  capital                                                  151,922     221,792

Decrease (increase) in receivables                          13,975     (26,261)
(Decrease) increase in payables                            (23,659)     29,326
                                                           -------     -------
Cash generated from operations                             142,238     224,857

Income taxes paid                                          (20,975)    (44,348)
                                                           -------     -------
Net cash from operating activities                         121,263     180,509
                                                           -------     -------

Investing activities
Investments held for trading                               294,057     (51,495)
Investments held to maturity                              (305,024)   (157,976)
Investments available for sale                              (5,815)     13,456
(Purchase) sale of land, buildings and inventory            (5,452)     69,469
Purchase of fixtures & fittings                             (5,919)     (7,038)
Purchase of investment property                             (7,253)    (28,125)
Loans and advances                                         (39,743)     43,504
Deposits invested with financial institutions              254,939     115,069
                                                           -------     -------
Net cash generated from (used in) investing activities     179,790      (3,136)
                                                           -------     -------

Financing activities
Ordinary and preference dividends paid                     (25,430)    (22,693)
Special dividend on ordinary shares                           (439)          -
Special dividend on 'A' ordinary shares                    (79,684)          -
Buyback of 'A' ordinary shares                             (95,873)          -
Special dividends - La Cala land sale                            -     (54,979)
Buyback of ordinary shares                                 (52,606)   (129,213)
Proceeds of re-issue of ordinary shares                      1,881       5,432
(Decrease) increase in bank loans                          (50,934)     19,879
                                                           -------     -------
Net cash used in financing activities                     (303,085)   (181,574)
                                                           -------     -------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                   (2,032)     (4,201)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year      37,423      41,897
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                        227        (273)
                                                            ------      ------
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year            35,618      37,423
                                                            ======      ======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                        For year ended 31st December 2007

                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's

Income recognised directly in equity

Gain on available for sale investments                           -         806
Revaluation of owner occupied property                       2,743       8,476
Actuarial loss                                              (4,677)     (3,869)
Taxation on income/expense recognised directly in equity      (400)     (2,400)
                                                           -------     -------
Net (expense) income recognised directly in equity          (2,334)      3,013
                                                           -------     -------


Transfers to income statement on sale of available for
  sale investments                                               -     (30,913)
Transfer to income statement on sale of land and buildings    (434)          -
Taxation on transfers to income statement                       87       3,865
                                                           -------     -------
                                                              (347)    (27,048)
                                                           -------     -------

Profit after taxation                                      140,075     246,832
                                                           -------     -------

Total recognised income and expense                        137,394     222,797
                                                           =======     =======

Attributable to:

Equity holders of the parent                               137,193     222,744
Minority interest                                              201          53
                                                           -------     -------

                                                           137,394     222,797
                                                           =======     =======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                        For year ended 31st December 2007

                                    Revaluation                          Attributable  Preference
2006               Share    Capital   And Other  Translation   Retained   to Ordinary       Share   Minority
                 Capital   Reserves    Reserves      Reserve   Earnings  Shareholders     Capital   Interest     Total
                  Euro000's     Euro000's      Euro000's       Euro000's     Euro000's        Euro000's      Euro000's     Euro000's   
Balance at 1
 January 2006     23,557      9,813      47,706          435    394,616       476,127       2,923      6,423   485,473
Profit after
 taxation              -          -           -            -    246,641       246,641           -        191   246,832
 adjustment            -          -           -         (273)         -          (273)          -          -      (273)
Dividends paid on
 ordinary and 
 preference shares     -          -           -            -    (77,672)      (77,672)          -          -   (77,672)
Buyback of
 shares                -          -           -            -   (129,213)     (129,213)          -          -  (129,213)
 of ordinary
 shares           (2,280)     2,280           -            -          -             -           -          -         -
Reissue of
 shares                -          -           -            -      5,432         5,432           -          -     5,432
Recognition of
 share based
 payments              -        512           -            -          -           512           -          -       512
Transfer to
 statement on
 sale of
 investments           -          -     (27,048)           -          -       (27,048)          -          -   (27,048)
Gain on
 investments           -          -         706            -          -           706           -          -       706
Actuarial loss
 on pension
 fund valuation        -          -           -            -     (3,869)       (3,869)          -          -    (3,869)
Revaluation of
 owner occupied
 property              -          -       6,176            -          -         6,176           -       (138)    6,038
                  ------    -------      ------       ------    -------       -------       -----     ------   -------
Balance at 31st
 December 2006    21,277     12,605      27,540          162    435,935       497,519       2,923      6,476   506,918


Profit after
 taxation              -          -           -            -    139,874       139,874           -        201   140,075
 adjustment            -          -           -          227          -           227           -          -       227
 on ordinary and 
 preference shares     -          -           -            -    (25,430)      (25,430)          -          -   (25,430)
 on ordinary 
 shares                -          -           -            -       (439)         (439)          -          -      (439)
 on 'A'
 shares                -          -           -            -    (79,684)      (79,684)          -          -   (79,684)
Buyback of
 shares                -          -           -            -    (52,606)      (52,606)          -          -   (52,606)
Buyback of
 shares                -          -           -            -    (95,873)      (95,873)          -          -   (95,873)
 of 'A'
 shares             (351)       351           -            -          -             -           -          -         -
Reissue of
 shares                -          -           -            -      1,881         1,881           -          -     1,881
Issue of 'A'
 shares              351          -           -            -          -           351           -          -       351
 on pension fund 
 valuation             -          -           -            -     (4,677)       (4,677)          -          -    (4,677)
 owner occupied
 property              -          -       2,446            -          -         2,446           -       (988)    1,458
                  ------     ------      ------          ---    -------       -------       -----      -----   -------
Balance at 31st
 December 2007    21,277     12,956      29,986          389    318,981       383,589       2,923      5,689   392,201
                  ======     ======      ======          ===    =======       =======       =====      =====   =======

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                        For year ended 31st December 2007

Note 1 - Operating profit by activity
                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's

Underwriting                                               220,335     124,598

Non-underwriting                                            15,175      33,917
                                                           -------     -------
                                                           235,510     158,515
                                                           =======     =======

Non underwriting profit is analysed as follows:
                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's

Leisure and leisure property development                    16,101      10,092

Financial Services/Other                                     5,882       4,279

Capital fund                                                (6,808)     19,548
                                                            ------      ------
                                                            15,175      33,919
                                                            ======      ======

Note 2 - Underwriting result
                                                              2007        2006
                                                            Euro000's      Euro000's

Gross written premiums                                     407,953     407,256
                                                           =======     =======

Net earned premiums                                        350,321     345,959
Adjusted net claims incurred**                            (239,054)   (224,712)
Net operating expenses                                     (51,928)    (44,705)
                                                           -------     -------
                                                            59,339      76,542

Change of reserving policy                                 107,627           -
                                                           -------     -------
                                                           166,966      76,542
                                                           =======     =======

** Excludes impact of change in reserving policy.

The Irish insurance industry has undergone a period of structural reform in
recent years. Measures including the introduction of penalty points, the Civil
Liability and Courts Acts, Random Breath testing and the establishment of the
Personal Injuries Assessment Board have resulted in reduced incidence and
average costs of claims.

The reform measures were introduced in the period 2002 to 2006 and as the
success and sustainability of the measures were uncertain, the Group deemed it
prudent to continue to provide for outstanding claims on the basis of its
historical reserving policy (i.e: on the basis of claims costs that obtained
prior to the introduction of the reform measures). This reserving policy has
been kept under regular review.

During the review at 31st December 2007, the Group concluded that, sufficient
evidence has now emerged through claims settlement that the positive impact
arising from the measures on the claims environment has been maintained and has
decided to revise its reserving policy to reflect this. The decision has
resulted in a non-recurring credit to claims costs in the Income Statement of
Euro107,627,000 and an increase in shareholders' funds of Euro94,174,000.

                                FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                        For year ended 31st December 2007

Note 3 - Dividends

DIVIDENDS                                                     2007        2006
Paid in period:                                              Euro000s       Euro000s

Dividend of 4.8c (2006: 4.8c) per share on 8% 
  non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each                 169         169

Dividend of 8.4c (2006: 8.4c) per share on 14%
  non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each                 113           -

2006 Final dividend of 45.0c (2005: 37.5c) per 
  share on ordinary shares of 60c each                      15,753      14,277

2007 Interim dividend of 27.5c (2006: 24.0c) 
  per share on ordinary shares of 60c each                   9,395       8,247

Special dividend of nil (2006: 160.0c) per share 
  on ordinary shares of 60c each                                 -      54,979

Special dividend of 1.25c (2006: nil) on 
  ordinary shares of 60c each                                  439           -

Special dividend of 499.0c (2006: nil) on 'A' ordinary
  shares of 1c each                                         79,684           -
                                                           -------     -------
                                                           105,553      77,672
                                                           =======     =======
Dividend of nil (2006: 8.4c) per share on 14% 
  non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each                   -         113

Dividend of 4.8c (2006: 4.8c) per share on 8% 
  non-cumulative preference shares of 60c each                 169         169

Final dividend of 52.0c (2006: 45.0c) per share 
  on ordinary shares of 60c each                            17,277      15,714
                                                           -------     -------
                                                            17,446      15,996
                                                           =======     =======

Note 4 - Ordinary share capital
                                                              2007        2006
                                              Number        Euro000's      Euro000's

Share Capital:
(i) Ordinary shares of Euro0.60 each

At beginning and end of the year          51,326,000        30,796      30,796
                                          ==========        ======      ======

Issued and fully paid:
At beginning of the year                  35,461,206        21,277      23,557

Cancellation of shares                             -             -      (2,280)
                                          ----------        ------      ------
At end of year                            35,461,206        21,277      21,277
                                          ==========        ======      ======
ii) 'A' Ordinary shares of Euro0.01 each

At beginning of the year                           -             -           -
                                         -----------        ------      ------
Authorised during the year               120,000,000         1,200           -
                                         -----------        ------      ------
At the end of the year                   120,000,000         1,200           -
                                         ===========        ======      ======
Issued and fully paid:
At the beginning of the year                       -             -           -
                                         -----------        ------      ------
Issued during the year                    35,111,399           351           -

Cancellation of shares                   (35,111,399)         (351)          -
                                         -----------        ------      ------
At the end of the year                             -             -           -
                                         ===========        ======      ======

The Company has two classes of ordinary shares which carry no right to fixed
income.  In the event of the Company being wound up, ordinary shareholders rank
behind preference shareholders.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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