Framlington AIM VCT PLC 
Announcement of results for the year ended 30 September 2009 
Chairman's Statement 
During the year, your Company's net asset value has fallen by 7.1 per cent. 
However, this figure masks the payment of a 7 pence dividend in February 2009 
and also a significant turnaround since the end of the first half of the 
financial year. Adding back the dividend paid during the year, the net asset 
value has risen 6.9% over the financial year. The rise since 31 March 2009 has 
been almost 37%. 
The first half of the year was characterised by an extremely difficult and 
illiquid AIM market. During the first six months, the FTSE AIM All Share Index 
fell by 33.6%, whilst the Company's net asset value fell 32.1%. At this time, 
investor interest hid within companies that had longer term track records, 
where there was more belief in a recovery rather than looking at new young 
entrants to the market. This situation was fully recognised by corporate 
issuing houses and resulted in a lack of new listings. 
A number of secondary offerings subsequently started to appear due to the lack 
of available bank finance for smaller companies. Further to this there was a 
substantial squeeze in the highly leveraged stocks, pushing their prices 
substantially higher. The majority of this push was in the top end of the small 
cap market place, leaving the AIM market lagging behind throughout the year. 
The beginning of the second half of the year proved to be the low point for the 
market as investors began to increase their appetite for risk. This trend 
continued for the remainder of the period. However, many investors have been 
chasing highly cyclical and highly geared companies rather than those sound 
companies with strong management. The Company's portfolio has benefited during 
this period from corporate takeover activity as well as an improvement in the 
share prices of a number of our investments. Further comments on fund 
performance and market conditions are presented in the Manager's Report. 
I am pleased to report that the Board is recommending final dividends totalling 
5.00 pence per share. This takes total dividends paid to shareholders by the 
Company since launch to 25 pence per share. If approved by shareholders at the 
annual general meeting ("AGM"), the dividend will be paid on 2 March 2010 to 
shareholders on the register at 5 February 2010. Dividends paid by the Company 
are exempt from income tax. 
The AGM will be held at 12.30 pm on 25 February 2010 at the registered office, 
155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XJ. One of the items of special business to be 
put to the shareholders at the AGM is a special resolution to adopt new 
articles of association primarily to reflect the implementation of the 
Shareholder Rights Directive in the UK in August 2009 and the remaining 
provisions of the Companies Act 2006 in October 2009. Further details on this 
and the other items of special business are contained in the Report of the 
Directors and an explanation of the main changes between the proposed and the 
new articles of association is set out in the Explanatory Notes to the Notice 
of AGM contained in the Annual Report and Accounts. 
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Brian Watson, your investment 
manager, for his role since the launch of the Company. It was announced on 29 
October 2009 that Brian had expressed his desire to retire from AXA 
Framlington, and in so doing, as lead portfolio manager by 30 June 2010. The 
Board is keen to ensure that there is an orderly transition of Brian's 
investment management responsibilities for the Company. Although Brian has been 
the lead manager, the AXA Framlington philosophy has always been centred on a 
focused and now expanding team approach to its AIM listed securities. 
Brian Watson will remain the portfolio manager of your Company until his 
retirement next year. He will assist with the transition of management 
responsibilities working closely with his colleagues, including George Luckraft 
and Chris St. John who have been appointed as Head of Investment Trusts and 
Head of UK Smaller Companies at AXA Framlington respectively. The investment 
style adopted by the Company will remain the same, in essence, with the 
management team seeking to identify companies with significant growth 
Tim How 
10 December 2009 
Investment manager's report 
Volatility and liquidity were the two main issues in equity markets over the 
last twelve months within the UK domestic market and the AIM Market in 
The Chairman reported at the interim stage that after a very poor first quarter 
of the Company's year, a modicum of recovery was experienced within the second 
quarter. March 2009 proved to be the low point for the market as investors' 
appetite for risk became increasingly apparent. This appetite was not for 
small, young and emerging businesses but for companies with over-stretched 
balance sheets in the belief that the bankers would extend covenants and not 
withdraw their credit. Notwithstanding this, it is pleasing to report that the 
Company's net asset value has also rebounded from its March lows, although it 
was down over the year as a whole. 
During the twelve months the Company has benefited from corporate takeover 
activity. Last year I reported in detail on our holding in Claimar Care Group, 
which had been extremely disappointing. It is pleasing to report, therefore, 
that retaining the holding at the depressed levels was subsequently vindicated 
by a cash takeover at 39 pence per share. We also saw a healthy premium bid for 
Concateno from Inverness Medical Innovations Inc. which was effective in August 
and, shortly before our year end, a cash/share bid for Essentially Group by 
Chime Communications. In late November, Astra 5.0 Limited announced a cash 
offer for FDM Group, again at a premium. 
It is also pleasing to note that a number of the holdings in the portfolio have 
seen significant increases in their shares prices over the year, for example 
Brooks Macdonald (+79%), System C Healthcare (+73%) and Vertu Motors (+83%). 
As previously stated, investors' appetite during the year was focused on 
recovery and not in taking on unproved assets, and so the primary market was 
very flat. The secondary market, i.e. rights issues and placings, however was 
much more active. Your managers strongly believe in a defensive culture in 
managing your assets in this area of higher risk and therefore generally 
refused to get involved in these issues. Many companies will have not been able 
to raise sufficient funds over the medium term to stave off bankruptcy and it 
must be remembered that more companies tend to go out of business on the upward 
cycle of a recovery than the downward one. 
Looking forward, we believe that as long as businesses can maintain efficiency 
and can fund their work in progress, they should see some growth in their 
earnings arising from a lower cost base and their share prices should also see 
future growth as a direct result. As we have said before, it will be growth in 
corporate earnings that will provide stimulus for the new and secondary 
business market. 
Brian Watson 
AXA Framlington 
10 December 2009 
Income Statement 
                          For the year ended 30       For the year ended 30 
                              September 2009             September 2008 
                         Revenue  Capital    Total   Revenue  Capital    Total 
                          Return   Return             Return   Return 
                           GBP000s    GBP000s    GBP000s     GBP000s    GBP000s    GBP000s 
Realised (losses)/gains        -    (640)    (640)         -    1,672    1,672 
Unrealised gains/              -    1,402    1,402         - (11,334) (11,334) 
Income                       267        -      267       323        -      323 
Investment management       (46)    (139)    (185)      (97)    (290)    (387) 
Refund of VAT                 11       35       46        58      172      230 
Other expenses             (155)        -    (155)     (177)        -    (177) 
Net return/(loss) on          77      658      735       107  (9,780)  (9,673) 
ordinary activities 
before taxation 
Taxation on ordinary           -        -        -       (1)        -      (1) 
Return/(loss) on              77      658      735       106  (9,780)  (9,674) 
ordinary activities 
after tax for the year 
Return/(loss) per          0.33p    2.79p    3.12p     0.43p (39.94)p (39.51)p 
ordinary share: Basic 
and diluted 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement 
account prepared in accordance with UK Accounting Standards. 
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations and the 
Company has no other gains and losses, hence no Statement of Total Recognised 
Gains and Losses is presented. No operations were acquired or discontinued in 
the year. 
The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared on a memorandum 
basis by applying the principles of the Statement of Recommended Practice 
("SORP"), published by the Association of Investment Companies in January 2009. 
Other than revaluation movements arising on investments held at fair value 
through the Income Statement, there were no differences between the return/loss 
as stated above and at historical cost. 
Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds 
                                      Distributable    Capital 
                       Share    Share       Special Redemption Retained 
                     Capital  Premium       Reserve    Reserve Earnings    Total 
                       GBP000s    GBP000s         GBP000s      GBP000s    GBP000s    GBP000s 
At 30 September        2,493      117        19,885         18    1,361   23,874 
Share buybacks         (117)        -         (573)        117        -    (573) 
Transfer from              -        -         (463)          -      463        - 
special reserve 
Dividends paid in          -        -             -          -  (1,745)  (1,745) 
respect of the year 
ended 30 September 
Loss on ordinary           -        -             -          -  (9,674)  (9,674) 
At 30 September        2,376      117        18,849        135  (9,595)   11,882 
Share Buybacks          (55)        -         (170)         55        -    (170) 
Transfer from              -        -         (856)          -      856        - 
special reserve 
Dividends paid in          -        -             -          -  (1,663)  (1,663) 
respect of the year 
ended 30 September 
Profit on ordinary         -        -             -          -      735      735 
At 30 September        2,321      117        17,823        190  (9,667)   10,784 
Balance sheet as at 30 September 
                                                   2009        2008 
                                                  GBP000s       GBP000s 
Non-current assets held at fair value through        9,941       10,178 
profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                408          284 
Cash at bank                                           508        1,496 
                                                       916        1,780 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year        (73)         (76) 
Net current assets                                     843        1,704 
Net assets                                          10,784       11,882 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                              2,321        2,376 
Capital redemption reserve                             190          135 
Share premium account                                  117          117 
Distributable special reserve                       17,823       18,849 
Retained earnings                                  (9,667)      (9,595) 
Equity shareholders' funds                          10,784       11,882 
Net asset value per share 
Basic and diluted                                   46.46p       50.02p 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                                 For the year    For the year 
                                                     ended 30        ended 30 
                                               September 2009  September 2008 
                                                        GBP000s           GBP000s 
Operating activities 
Cash received from investments                            219             279 
Interest received                                          38              43 
Revenue investment management fee                        (46)           (103) 
Refund of VAT allocated to revenue                         69               - 
Cash paid to and on behalf of directors                  (44)            (44) 
Other cash payments                                     (113)           (136) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                 123              39 
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                                               -               - 
Taxation recovered                                          -               - 
Capital expenditure and financial investment 
Net sales of investments                                  655           3,269 
Capital investment management fee                       (140)           (311) 
Refund of VAT allocated to capital                        207               - 
Equity dividends 
Dividends paid                                        (1,663)         (1,745) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing              (818)           1,252 
Cost of shares re-purchased                             (170)           (573) 
Net cash outflow from financing                         (170)           (573) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash                             (988)             679 
1 The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 September 2009 or 2008. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2009 have been prepared 
on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this 
announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the 
company's annual general meeting. The financial information for the year ended 
30 September 2008 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which 
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on 
those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain any emphasis 
of matter or a statement under s498 Companies Act 2006. 
The financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
policies set out in the Company's financial statements for the year ended 30 
September 2008 which are also adopted in the financial statements for the year 
ended 30 September 2009. 
2 Income 
                                          Year ended         Year ended 
                                   30 September 2009  30 September 2008 
                                               GBP000s              GBP000s 
Income from investments 
UK Dividend income                               143                179 
Unfranked investment income                       91                100 
                                                 234                279 
Other income 
Interest earned                                   33                 44 
Total income                                     267                323 
Income from investments 
Listed UK - full listing                          85                 92 
Listed UK - AIM listing                          149                187 
                                                 234                279 
3 Investment management fee 
                                          Year ended         Year ended 
                                   30 September 2009  30 September 2008 
                                               GBP000s              GBP000s 
Investment management fee                        185                332 
Irrecoverable VAT thereon                          -                 55 
                                                 185                387 
Refund of VAT                                   (46)              (230) 
Total investment management fee                  139                157 
Amount charged to revenue (25%)                   35                 39 
Amount charged to capital (75%)                  104                118 
                                                 139                157 
The management fees paid have been allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital. 
The balance due to AXA IM UK at the year end was GBP20,000 (2008: GBP19,000 due to 
FIM). No performance fee is payable in the period. 
As reported in previous years, HM Revenue & Customs ("HMRC") confirmed that 
venture capital trusts will not be liable to VAT on their management fees with 
effect from 1 October 2008 and that it will meet claims for the repayment of 
VAT paid by VCTs over the past three years. The Manager submitted a claim to 
recover from HMRC the VAT charged to the Company on its management fees and 
paid to HMRC since the launch of the Company. The Manager has now received from 
HMRC and paid to the Company an amount of GBP276,000, plus interest on this 
amount which is included in Interest earned (see note 2). No further payments 
are expected. 
4 The board recommend the payment of a final revenue dividend of 0.30 pence and 
a final capital dividend of 4.70 pence per share, total dividend of 5.00 pence 
per share in respect of the year ended 30 September 2009. Subject to approval 
by shareholders at the annual general meeting on 25 February 2010, the dividend 
will be paid on 2 March 2010 to shareholders on the register on 5 February 
5 Return/(loss) per ordinary share 
                                             Year to            Year to 
                                   30 September 2009  30 September 2008 
Revenue return                               GBP77,000           GBP106,000 
Capital return/(loss)                       GBP658,000       GBP(9,780,000) 
Total return/(loss)                         GBP735,000       GBP(9,674,000) 
Weighted average number of                23,607,707         24,486,730 
ordinary shares in issue during 
the period 
Revenue return per ordinary share              0.33p              0.43p 
Capital return/(loss) per ordinary             2.79p           (39.94)p 
Total return/(loss) per ordinary               3.12p           (39.51)p 
6 Called up share capital 
During the twelve months ended 30 September 2009, the Company repurchased 
543,000 shares for a total consideration of GBP170,000. The number of ordinary 
shares in issue at 30 September 2009 was 23,212,028. 
7 Net asset value per share 
The net asset value per share and the net assets attributable to the ordinary 
shares at the period end calculated in accordance with the Articles of 
Association were as follows: 
                                               As at              As at 
                                   30 September 2009  30 September 2008 
                                               GBP000s              GBP000s 
Net assets attributable to               GBP10,784,000        GBP11,882,000 
ordinary shareholders 
Ordinary shares in issue                  23,212,028         23,755,028 
Net asset value per share                     46.46p             50.02p 
8 Related Parties Transactions 
Under a management agreement dated 16 September 2004, AXA Framlington 
Investment Management Limited ("FIM") was appointed as manager to manage and 
advise the Company including the provision of accounting, secretarial, office 
and administrative services. With effect from 1 June 2009, the contract was 
novated to AXA Investment Managers UK Limited ("AXA IM UK"), another company 
within the AXA Investment Managers Group. The terms of the contract were not 
changed. The term "Manager" refers to FIM or AXA IM UK as appropriate. 
The Manager is paid an investment management fee at the rate of 2.0% of the Net 
Asset Value of the company accrued and calculated weekly but paid monthly. The 
Manager is also paid a fee of 0.25% of the Net Asset Value in respect of 
secretarial and administration fees. 
A performance fee is payable in respect of any financial year of the Company in 
respect of which aggregate dividends to Shareholders exceed five pence per 
Share and is equal to 20 per cent of the excess so that for every 1p per Share 
distributed over and above the hurdle of 5p per Share, 0.2p per Share shall be 
paid by way of Performance Fee. However, (i) no Performance fee will be payable 
in respect of the first three financial years of the Company, (ii) if and in so 
far as dividends in respect of any previous years have been less than 5p per 
Share, any shortfall must first be made up before calculating the excess in 
respect of which a Performance fee is payable and (iii) no Performance fee will 
be payable if, after adding back all the dividends previously made in respect 
of each Share, the net asset value per Share would thereby be less than the 
initial net asset value per Share of 95p. 
The investment manager agreement is terminable on one year's notice. 
As at 10 December 2009, the directors had the following interests in the 
Company's shares: 
T How                                        42,004 
C Kay                                        20,600 
C Marsh                                      31,503 
There have not been any other related party transactions during the year. 
9 Principal risks and uncertainties 
The directors believe that the principal risk faced by the Company is the loss 
of approval as a venture capital trust arising from a breach of the 
requirements of Section 274 of the Income Taxes Act 2008. This would mean that 
shareholders might have to repay the income tax relief they obtained on their 
investment in the Company and that the Company would lose its exemption from 
tax on any capital gains. The Manager reports to the board at each meeting on 
the Company's compliance with Section 274 and the board is advised on VCT 
issues by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. 
Other significant risks include the risk of a serious or prolonged fall in the 
stock market which would affect the Company's performance and value; consistent 
underperformance by the Manager; and the Company's shares failing to achieve a 
rating which reflects performance. The board seeks to mitigate these risks by 
monitoring the Manager's performance at each board meeting and discussing 
appropriate action where considered necessary. The board considers that the 
most appropriate key performance indicators for the Company are its compliance 
with the requirements of Section 274. 
10 The 2009 annual report and accounts will be sent to all shareholders on the 
share register. Copies of the annual report and accounts, the interim report 
and accounts to 31 March 2009 and the interim management statements are 
available from the Company's registered office, 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 
3XJ and on the Manager's website at www.axaframlington.com 
Statement under the Disclosure & Transparency Rules 4.1.12 
The Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") of the UK Listing Authority 
require the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the 
preparation and publication of the Report and Accounts. 
The directors are responsible for preparing the directors' report, the 
directors' remuneration report and the financial statements in accordance with 
applicable law and regulations. They are also responsible for ensuring that the 
annual report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the 
Financial Services Authority. 
Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year. Under that law the directors have elected to prepare the 
financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). 
Under company law, the directors must not approve the financial statements 
unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of 
affairs of the company and of the profit or loss of the company for that 
period. In preparing these financial statements the directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  * make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject 
    to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial 
  * prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
    inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business. 
The Directors confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that 
the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with UK 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, including the Statement of Recommended 
Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture 
Capital Trusts" issued in January 2009, give a true and fair view of the 
assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
the directors' report and other information cross-referenced from the business 
review section of the directors' report include a fair review of the 
development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, 
together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it 

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