Ensor Holdings PLC 
                    ("Ensor", the "Group" or the "Company") 
            Interim results for the six months to 30 September 2014 
Chairman's Statement 
  * Sales up 11% 
  * Operating profit up 98% 
  * Dividend up 20% 
This time last year I anticipated that a great deal of hard work would begin to 
generate rewards this year. I am delighted that our results for this half year 
reflect the confidence shown twelve months ago. All companies in the Ensor 
group have performed very well and, with growing order books, I am optimistic 
for the immediate future. The only shadows on the horizon could be interest 
rate rises affecting market confidence, weakening foreign exchange rates and, 
with an election approaching, political uncertainty next year. Despite these 
concerns, I believe the Ensor group is well placed to maintain steady progress. 
I have mentioned that all our subsidiaries have had a strong first six months. 
Technocover, our manufacturer of high security products, as predicted, has 
commenced the programmes of work for the UK water utilities. They are also 
seeing increased enquiry levels which we feel will carry the company into the 
next five year Asset Management Programme period of the water industry. 
Progress into new markets, particularly Rail, is being made as investment in 
equipment, product development and LPCB testing programmes are completed. 
Ellard designs and provides specialist electric motors and controls for 
industrial doors and gates, supplying these products to manufacturers in the UK 
and Europe. Since moving into new purpose built premises twelve months ago, the 
company has increased market share and has recently finalised an exclusive 
agreement with one of its European suppliers which we believe will secure 
Ellard's position in the market. Working in the same markets as Ellard, OSA 
Door Parts manufactures insulated industrial doors and garage doors. Providing 
close technical support to their door industry customers allows OSA to 
introduce new and researched products which can be brought to market quickly. 
This year OSA is expected to expand into larger premises as these new product 
developments come on line. Both companies are benefiting from an increasingly 
active construction market. 
Ensor Building Products distributes roofing materials, including natural slates 
and flat roof membranes, drainage systems and other specialist building 
materials. Recent work to replace low margin, high volume products with higher 
margin, lower volume alternatives has had a positive impact on the company 
result. This trend is forecast to continue. 
Wood's Packaging has made significant progress this year following an excellent 
trend of results in recent years. Supplying general packaging materials, 
specialist protection for furniture transportation and removal, the company has 
benefitted from a buoyant retail market. Close co-operation with suppliers in 
China allows Woods to develop new and competitive products. 
Our subsidiaries are assisted by our China office. Located in Xiamen, a free 
port city on the east coast of China, our team of three professionals handles 
technical issues, monitors quality and organises logistics. 
Our gearing remains a modest 2% (March 2014: 2%) despite a general increase in 
working capital due to higher trading activity. 
Since the end of the first half of the year we have acquired, for GBP1,000,000, 
the remaining 10% of the shares of Technocover not already owned by Ensor. This 
was in accordance with the original 2012 purchase agreement for Technocover. 
We continue to look for ways to enhance shareholder value. With this in mind, 
we are watching for opportunities which could achieve this but not at any cost 
or unacceptable risk to the group. 
Recently, we have been able to increase dividends each year. We are proposing 
to pay a net interim dividend of 0.6p (2013: 0.5p) per share. This is an 
increase of 20% on last year. The interim dividend will be payable in cash only 
and will be paid on 23 January 2015 to shareholders registered on 30 December 
2014. The ex-dividend date will be 20 January 2015. 
Each year I have pleasure thanking the men and women who work around the Ensor 
Group. This time is no exception. My appreciation and admiration go to everyone 
for your contribution and hard work. 
K A Harrison TD 
9 December 2014 
Ensor Holdings PLC 
Roger Harrison / Marcus Chadwick 
0161 945 5953 
Westhouse Securities Limited 
Robert Finlay 
020 7601 6100 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the six months ended 30 September 2014 
                            Note           Unaudited     Unaudited    Audited 
                                            6 months      6 months  12 months 
                                             30/9/14       30/9/13    31/3/14 
                                               GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000 
Revenue                                       17,011        15,287     30,558 
Cost of sales                               (12,664)      (11,571)   (23,081) 
                                             -------       -------    ------- 
Gross profit                                   4,347         3,716      7,477 
Administrative expenses                      (2,884)       (2,977)    (5,650) 
                                             -------       -------    ------- 
Operating profit                               1,463           739      1,827 
Finance costs                                  (118)         (151)      (301) 
                                             -------       -------    ------- 
Profit before tax                              1,345           588      1,526 
Income tax expense                     2       (290)         (121)      (242) 
                                             -------       -------    ------- 
Profit for the year on continuing              1,055           467      1,284 
Discontinued operation                             -            87      (182) 
                                             -------       -------    ------- 
Profit for the period attributable             1,055           554      1,102 
to equity shareholders of the 
parent company 
                                             =======       =======    ======= 
Earnings per share                     3 
Continuing operations                           3.5p          1.5p       4.3p 
Discontinued operations                         0.0p          0.3p     (0.6p) 
                                             -------       -------    ------- 
                                                3.5p          1.8p       3.7p 
                                             =======       =======    ======= 
Dividends per share 
Dividends paid                                  1.0p          0.8p     0.525p 
Dividends proposed                              0.6p          0.5p     0.400p 
                                             =======       =======    ======= 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the six months ended 30 September 2014 
Profit for the period                          1,055        554         1,102 
Other comprehensive income: 
Actuarial loss and related deferred tax          (35)          -          190 
                                              -------     -------     ------- 
Total comprehensive income attributable         1,020         554       1,292 
to equity shareholders of the parent 
                                              =======     =======     ======= 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
at 30 September 2014 
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited 
                                        30/9/14         30/9/13         31/3/14 
                                          GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant & equipment               5,840           6,833           6,413 
Intangible assets                         2,688           3,071           2,704 
Deferred tax asset                          440             612             475 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Total non-current assets                  8,968          10,516           9,592 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Current assets 
Assets held for sale                        496               -             496 
Inventories                               2,940           2,737           2,646 
Trade and other receivables               7,928           6,276           6,515 
Cash and cash equivalents                   447             526             585 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Total current assets                     11,811           9,539          10,242 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Total assets                             20,779          20,055          19,834 
                                        =======         =======         ======= 
Non-current liabilities 
Retirement benefit obligations          (2,098)         (2,639)         (2,264) 
Borrowings                                (394)           (672)           (533) 
Other creditors                         (1,029)           (986)           (986) 
Deferred tax                               (73)           (100)            (73) 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Total non-current liabilities           (3,594)         (4,397)         (3,856) 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                (277)           (475)           (275) 
Current income tax liabilities            (668)           (461)           (378) 
Trade and other payables                (5,924)         (5,715)         (5,729) 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Total current liabilities               (6,869)         (6,651)         (6,382) 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Total liabilities                      (10,463)        (11,048)        (10,238) 
                                        =======         =======         ======= 
NET ASSETS                               10,316           9,007           9,596 
                                        =======         =======         ======= 
Share capital                             3,082           3,082           3,082 
Share premium                               552             552             552 
Revaluation reserve                         140             140             140 
Retained earnings                         6,542           5,233           5,822 
                                        -------         -------         ------- 
Total equity attributable to equity      10,316           9,007           9,596 
shareholders of the parent company 
                                        =======         =======         ======= 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the six months ended 30 September 2014 
Attributable to equity shareholders of the parent company 
                          Issued     Share Revaluation   Retained    Total 
                         Capital   Premium     Reserve   Earnings   Equity 
                           GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Balance at 1 April         3,082       552         140      5,822    9,596 
Total comprehensive            -         -           -      1,020    1,020 
Dividend paid                                               (300)    (300) 
                         -------   -------     -------    -------  ------- 
Balance at 30              3,082       552         140      6,542   10,316 
September 2014 
                         =======   =======    ========    =======  ======= 
Balance at 1 April         3,062       522         140      5,214    8,938 
Issue of shares               20        30           -          -       50 
Purchase of treasury           -         -           -      (295)    (295) 
Total comprehensive            -         -           -        554      554 
Dividend paid                  -         -           -      (240)    (240) 
                         -------   -------     -------    -------  ------- 
Balance at 30              3,082       552         140      5,233    9,007 
September 2013 
                         =======   =======    ========    =======  ======= 
Balance at 1 April         3,062       522         140      5,214    8,938 
Issue of shares               20        30           -          -       50 
Purchase of treasury           -         -           -      (295)    (295) 
Total comprehensive            -         -           -      1,292    1,292 
Dividend paid                  -         -           -      (389)    (389) 
                         -------   -------     -------    -------  ------- 
Balance at 31 March        3,082       552         140      5,822    9,596 
                         =======   =======    ========    =======  ======= 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the six months ended 30 September 2014 
                                         Unaudited       Unaudited   Audited 
                                          6 months        6 months 12 months 
                                           30/9/14         30/9/13   31/3/14 
                                             GBP'000           GBP'000     GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating 
Profit for the period                        1,055             554     1,102 
attributable to equity 
Depreciation charge                            288             282       567 
Finance costs                                  118             151       301 
Income tax expense                             290             182       242 
(Profit)/loss on disposal of                  (46)               3       (3) 
property, plant & equipment 
Amortisation of intangible asset                17              16        33 
Loss on disposal of subsidiary                   -               -       263 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Operating cash flow before                   1,722           1,188     2,505 
changes in working capital 
(Increase)/decrease in                       (295)             372       241 
(Increase)/decrease in                     (1,413)           1,725     1,163 
Increase/(decrease) in payables                 74         (1,054)   (1,125) 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Cash generated from operations                  88           2,231     2,784 
Interest paid                                (110)           (114)     (158) 
Income taxes paid                                -               -     (158) 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Net cash generated from/(used in)             (22)           2,117     2,468 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Cash flows from investing 
Proceeds from disposal of                      648              42        97 
property, plant & equipment 
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary                 -               -       613 
Acquisition of property, plant &             (317)           (260)     (721) 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Net cash generated from/(used in)              331           (218)      (11) 
investing activities 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Cash flows from financing 
Equity dividends paid                        (300)           (240)      (389) 
Issue of shares                                  -              50         50 
Purchase of treasury shares                      -           (295)      (295) 
Amounts repaid in respect of                   (9)             (9)       (20) 
finance leases 
Loan repayments                              (138)           (133)      (267) 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Net cash used in financing                   (447)           (627)      (921) 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash              (138)           1,272     1,536 
and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at                   585           (951)      (951) 
beginning of period 
                                           -------         -------   ------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end               447             321       585 
of period 
                                           =======          =======  ======= 
Notes to the Interim Report 
 1. Basis of preparation 
The unaudited results for the six months have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and do not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The interim report has not been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim 
Financial Reporting" in that it does not contain full disclosure of accounting 
policies and does not detail compliance with other standards. These disclosures 
are dealt with in the group's annual report. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2014, prepared under IFRS, 
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an unqualified 
audit report. 
2. Income tax expense 
The income tax expense is calculated using the estimated tax rate for the year 
ended 31 March 2015. 
3. Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share for the period is based on the profit for 
the period divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue, 
being 30,818,074 (6 months to 30 September 2013 - 29,976,848 and year ended 31 
March 2014 - 30,295,976). There were no financial instruments in existence in 
any of these periods that would serve to dilute the shareholdings. 

Ensor (LSE:ESR)
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Ensor (LSE:ESR)
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