* Dividend up 25%

  * Group gearing reduced to 2%

  * Confident start to current year

I am pleased with our full year results, which are as expected at the half

I reported at the half year that our results had been influenced by a slow
start to capital expenditure by the UK Water Utilities. This is a significant
market for one of our subsidiaries, Technocover. I anticipated that the
benefits of a strong order book at Technocover would come through progressively
in the second half, but principally in the results for next year. This has been
the case and a confident start to the new financial year is beginning to bear
this out.

Our other subsidiaries have made satisfactory progress during the year,
increasing sales and profitability across the group. We are cautiously
predicting a more active market this year and feel well placed to take
advantage of the additional opportunities this will bring. The construction
industry, in which our subsidiaries Ellard, Ensor Building Products, OSA and
Technocover operate, is showing encouraging signs of growth. The retail sector,
supplied by Woods Packaging, is also buoyant and we are encouraged by our

Our China office continues to support all our UK companies, facilitating access
to supplies and development of new products.

Our results demonstrate an improved second half which produced an operating
profit of £1.1 million (2013: £1.1 million) compared with our first half result
of £0.7million (2013: £1.2 million) .

During the year we disposed of two of our businesses, CMS Tools and SRC.

We reported eighteen months ago that the management team at CMS had proposed an
MBO for the company, however at the time, this could not be finalised. A
revised offer from the management team has now been accepted including a write
off of goodwill which is reflected in these results. We are happy with this
disposal, which fits in with our view of the future shape of the group.

Our disposal of SRC has allowed us to release the land that the business
occupied. As previously reported, we have exchanged contracts for the sale of
this site which is on track to complete within the next twelve months.

Around the group we have continued to work hard to control our working capital.
After having met all of our capital expenditure commitments, cash surpluses
have been generated throughout the group which have all but eliminated our
borrowings (2013: gearing 23%).

We are proposing to pay a net final dividend of 1.0p (2013: 0.8p) per share.
This is an increase of 25% on last year's final dividend. The dividend will be
paid in cash only, on 8 August 2014, to shareholders registered on 27 June
2014. The ex-dividend date will be 25 June 2014.

Once again I would like to thank all the men and women who work around the
group for their continued hard work and contribution which are appreciated.

K A Harrison TD


12 June 2014



Operating results and future developments

Strong performances around the group were tempered by a slow pick-up in orders
at Technocover, this year, which resulted in a small reduction in sales revenue
of 1.4%, to £30.6m, and a reduction in operating profit to £1.8m.

Technocover's results last year, whilst hampered by the need for changes which
were then implemented, were strengthened by a pre-acquisition order bank.
During the current financial year, our expectation was for a more consistent
run through the two years to the end of Ofwat's AMP5, asset management
programme, in March 2015. However, our customers have tended to focus on
fulfilling their capital spends by the end of next year, the final year of the
AMP. As a result, invoiced sales reduced by around £2m, however, margins were
improved by the process developments made since acquisition and overheads were
further reduced by re-organisation during the current year.

There is good visibility of orders for the coming year, which will be bolstered
by the delays experienced throughout the current year, but their timing will
remain critical to enable their fulfilment.

Elsewhere in Building & Security Products, Ellard, OSA Door Parts and Ensor
Building Products each performed well, with combined sales advancing by 10% and
operating profits increased by £180,000. Each of these businesses produced
year-on-year growth in every quarter, particularly in the second half of the

Our Packaging business, Wood's Packaging, had an excellent year, with sales
growth of 24% enhancing operating profit by £159,000.

Growth has been achieved at the expense of some margin, principally due to
product mix, with the result that overall group gross margin has moderated from
25.5% to 24.5%.

We ceased our rubber crumb manufacturing activity during the period, with the
sale of the business and assets of SRC, in January 2014, clearing the way for
the completion of the sale of the Stockport site in the first half of 2015.

Finance costs

Finance costs comprise borrowing costs and an actuarial calculation reflecting
the net cost of financing the deficit in the group's defined-benefit pension

The reduction in the bank interest cost, from £192,000 to £157,000, is
principally the result of cash generation. The element of that cost which
relates to Technocover's legacy enhanced collar arrangement persisted as our
claim for mis-selling remains unresolved.

The revised accounting standard for Employee Benefits, IAS19, increased the
pension deficit funding cost by £48,000 from that which it would otherwise have
been. The prior year charge has been re-presented for consistency.

Income tax

The income tax charge has reduced to effective tax rate of 15.9%, from last
year's 24.2%, as a result of the utilisation of prior year losses and
overprovisions, as well as a reduction in the headline rate of corporation tax
to 23%.

Discontinued activity

Following the aborted sale of our subsidiary company, CMS Tools Limited, in
2012, agreement was again reached for the sale of the company to its
management. The sale was completed on 14 February 2014. The company's results
for the period, together with the loss on disposal, are shown on the Income
Statement as a discontinued operation. Further details of the transaction are
shown in note 2.

Cash flow and financial position

A net increase in cash and cash equivalents of £1,536,000 left the group in a
positive cash position at the year end, with net borrowings reduced by £
1,803,000. The resultant net borrowings of £223,000 equate to gearing of just
2% (2013: 23%).

Operating activities generated cash of £2,784,000, supported by a reduction in
working capital.

The disposal of CMS Tools contributed £613,000 to the overall cash flow and,
over the course of the year, Technocover returned £1.1m of the group's initial
investment of £1.5m.

A significant investment of £721,000 was made in tangible fixed assets,
predominantly in relation to the development of production capability and IT

£295,000 was expended on the purchase of treasury shares at prices of between
47p and 51p per share.

The Stockport property, formerly occupied by SRC, has been re-classified as an
asset held for sale at a carrying value of £496,000.

The group's net assets have increased to £9.6m (2013: £8.9m).


The directors propose to pay a final dividend of 1.0p per share in respect of
the financial year ended 31 March 2014 (2013: 0.8p). Dividends of £389,000 were
paid on ordinary shares during the year ended 31 March 2014 (2013: £280,000).

Dividends paid and proposed (note 9)

In respect of the year ended 31 March:                      2014       2013

Interim dividend paid                                      0.50p      0.40p

Final dividend proposed                                    1.00p      0.80p

                                                          ______     ______

                                                           1.50p      1.20p

                                                          ______     ______

Consolidated Income Statement

for the year ended 31 March 2014


                                                          2014     Re-presented


                                                         £'000            £'000

Continuing operations

Revenue                                                 30,558           31,001

Cost of sales                                         (23,081)         (23,090)

                                                        ______           ______

Gross profit                                             7,477            7,911

Administrative expenses                                (5,650)          (5,634)

                                                        ______           ______

Operating profit                                         1,827            2,277

Finance costs                                            (301)            (373)

                                                        ______           ______

Profit before tax                                        1,526            1,904

Income tax expense                                       (242)            (440)

                                                        ______           ______

Profit for the year on continuing operations             1,284            1,464

Discontinued operation                                   (182)              134

                                                        ______           ______

Profit for the year attributable to equity               1,102            1,598
shareholders of the parent company

                                                        ______           ______

Earnings per share - basic and diluted

Continuing operations                                     4.3p             4.8p

Discontinued operation                                  (0.6p)             0.4p

                                                        ______           ______

                                                          3.7p             5.2p

                                                        ______           ______

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                     2014   Re-presented


                                                      £'000        £'000

Profit for the year                                   1,102        1,598

                                                     ______       ______

Actuarial gain/(loss)                                   305        (358)

Income tax relating to components of other            (115)           20
comprehensive income

                                                     ______       ______

Total of other comprehensive income for the             190        (338)

                                                     ______       ______

                                                     ______       ______

Total comprehensive income attributable to            1,292        1,260
equity shareholders of the parent company

                                                     ______       ______

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

at 31 March 2014


                                                          2014        2013

                                                         £'000       £'000


Non-current assets

Property, plant & equipment                              6,413       6,901

Intangible assets                                        2,704       3,087

Deferred tax asset                                         475         632

                                                        ______      ______

Total non-current assets                                 9,592      10,620

                                                        ______      ______

Current assets

Assets held for sale                                       496           -

Inventories                                              2,646       3,109

Trade and other receivables                              6,515       8,001

Cash and cash equivalents                                  585         298

                                                        ______      ______

Total current assets                                    10,242      11,408

                                                        ______      ______

Total assets                                            19,834      22,028

                                                        ______      ______


Non-current liabilities

Retirement benefit obligations                         (2,264)     (2,749)

Borrowings                                               (533)       (810)

Other creditors                                          (986)       (974)

Deferred tax                                              (73)       (100)

                                                        ______      ______

Total non-current liabilities                          (3,856)     (4,633)

                                                        ______      ______

Current liabilities

Borrowings                                               (275)     (1,514)

Current income tax liabilities                           (378)       (312)

Trade and other payables                               (5,729)     (6,631)

                                                        ______      ______

Total current liabilities                              (6,382)     (8,457)

                                                        ______      ______

Total liabilities                                     (10,238)    (13,090)

                                                        ______      ______

NET ASSETS                                               9,596       8,938

                                                        ______      ______


Share capital                                            3,082       3,062

Share premium                                              552         522

Revaluation reserve                                        140         140

Retained earnings                                        5,822       5,214

                                                        ______      ______

Total equity attributable to equity                      9,596       8,938
shareholders of the parent company

                                                        ______      ______

The financial statements were approved by the board and were authorised for
issue on 12 June 2014. They were signed on its behalf by:

A R Harrison )

M A Chadwick )

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 March 2014


Attributable to equity shareholders of the parent company

                       Issued     Share Treasury Revaluation  Retained    Total
                      Capital   Premium   Shares     Reserve  Earnings   Equity

                        £'000     £'000      £'000     £'000     £'000    £'000

Balance as at 1           3,062      557      (79)       140     4,278    7,958
April 2012

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Profit for the year           -        -         -         -     1,598    1,598

Other comprehensive

Actuarial loss                -        -         -         -     (358)    (358)

Related deferred              -        -         -         -        20       20

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Total comprehensive           -        -         -         -     1,260    1,260
income for the year

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Reclassification              -     (35)        79         -      (44)        -

Dividends paid                -        -         -         -     (280)    (280)

                        _____     _____      _____     _____     _____    _____

Total transactions            -     (35)        79         -     (324)    (280)
recognised directly
in equity

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Balance as at 31          3,062      522         -       140     5,214    8,938
March 2013

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Balance as at 1           3,062      522         -       140     5,214    8,938
April 2013

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Profit for the year           -        -         -         -     1,102    1,102

Other comprehensive

Actuarial gain                -        -         -         -       305      305

Related deferred              -        -         -         -     (115)    (115)

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Total comprehensive           -        -         -         -     1,292    1,292
income for the year

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Issue of shares              20       30         -         -         -       50

Purchase of                   -        -         -         -     (295)    (295)
treasury shares

Dividends paid                -        -         -         -     (389)    (389)

                        _____     _____      _____     _____     _____    _____

Total transactions           20       30         -         -     (684)    (634)
recognised directly
in equity

                          _____    _____     _____     _____     _____    _____

Balance at 31 March     3,082       552          -       140     5,822    9,596

                        _____     _____      _____     _____     _____    _____

Share premium

The share premium account represents the consideration that has been received
in excess of the nominal value of shares on issue of new ordinary share
capital, less permitted expenses.

Treasury shares

The deduction from retained earnings in respect of treasury shares resulted
from the company's acquisition of its own shares, at cost.

Revaluation reserve

The revaluation reserve represents the unrealised surplus arising on the
revaluation of certain of the group's freehold properties.

Retained earnings

The retained earnings reserve represents profits and losses retained in the
current and previous periods.

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 31 March 2014


                                                               2014        2013

                                                              £'000       £'000

Net cash generated from operations before                     2,468       2,133
pension exercise

Pension fund enhanced transfer value exercise                     -       (778)

                                                            _______     _______

Net cash generated from operations                            2,468       1,355

                                                            _______     _______

Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                        97          53

Proceeds from sale of subsidiary                                613           -

Proceeds from disposal of assets held for                         -         150

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                  (721)       (569)

                                                            _______     _______

Net cash used in investing activities                          (11)       (366)

                                                            _______     _______

Cash flows from financing activities

Equity dividends paid                                         (389)       (280)

Issue of shares                                                  50           -

Purchase of treasury shares                                   (295)           -

Amounts repaid in respect of finance leases                    (20)        (22)

Loan repayments                                               (267)       (583)

                                                            _______     _______

Net cash used in financing activities                         (921)       (885)

                                                            _______     _______

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                     1,536         104

Opening cash and cash equivalents                             (951)     (1,055)

                                                            _______     _______

Closing cash and cash equivalents                               585       (951)

                                                            _______     _______


Accounting Policies and Notes to the Final Results

for the year ended 31 March 2014

 1. Basis of preparation

The consolidated financial statements of Ensor Holdings PLC have been prepared
in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union in accordance with the rules
of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on the
Alternative Investment Market. The group financial statements have been
prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation
of land and buildings, and derivative financial instruments at fair value
through profit or loss. The principal accounting policies adopted by the group
are set out below.

 2. Prior period adjustment and representation of the financial statements

The group has adopted IAS 19 - Employee Benefits (Revised 2011) in the year,
the impact of which has been to increase the finance costs in the income
statement by £48,000, from £64,000 to £112,000, with a corresponding increase
in the gain recognised in other comprehensive income (2013: £72,000). The new
accounting policy has been adopted retrospectively and the comparative amounts
have been re-presented.

The prior year income statement has also been re-presented to reflect the
discontinued operation in the current year.

 3. Basis of consolidation

Where the company has the power, either directly or indirectly, to govern the
financial and operating policies of another entity so as to obtain benefits
from its activities, the entity is classified as a subsidiary. The consolidated
financial statements present the results of the company and its subsidiaries as
if they formed one single entity. Intercompany transactions and balances
between group companies are therefore eliminated in full.

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the results of business
combinations using the acquisition method. In the consolidated balance sheet,
the subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
are initially recognised at their fair values at the acquisition date. The
results of acquired operations are included in the consolidated income
statement from the date on which control is obtained.

 3. Segmental analysis

For management purposes, the group's business activities are organised into
business units based on their products and services and have three primary
operating segments as follows:

  * Building and Security Products - manufacture, marketing, supply and
    distribution of building materials, security access products and access
    control equipment;

  * Packaging - marketing and distribution of packaging materials;

  * Other - manufacture of rubber crumb and waste recycling.

These segments are the basis on which information is reported to the group
board. The segment result is the measure used for the purposes of resource
allocation and assessment and represents the operating profit of each segment
before exceptional operating costs, amortisation and impairment charges, other
gains and losses, net finance costs and taxation.

Details of the types of products and services from which each segment derives
its revenues are given above.

The accounting policies applied in preparing the management information for
each of the reportable segments are the same as the group's accounting

The group's revenues and results by reportable segment for the year ended 31
March 2014 are shown in the following table.

                Building Packaging  Other      Total Discont-inued Unalloca-ted    Total
                       &                  continuing

                   £'000     £'000  £'000      £'000         £'000        £'000    £'000

External          27,215     2,758    585     30,558         1,431            -   31,989

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Depreciation         490        23     28        541            26            -      567

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Operating          1,385       437      5      1,827           106            -    1,933

                    ____      ____    ___

Finance costs                                      -             -        (301)    (301)

Income tax                                         -          (25)        (242)    (267)

Loss on                                            -         (263)            -    (263)

                                               _____         _____         ____     ____

Profit for the                                 1,827         (182)        (543)    1,102

                                               _____         _____         ____     ____

Total assets      13,764     1,394    301     15,459             -        4,375   19,834

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Total            (5,952)     (728)   (15)    (6,695)             -      (3,543) (10,238)

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Capital              592        33     66        691            30            -      721

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

The group's revenues and results by reportable segment for the year ended 31
March 2013 are shown in the following table.

                Building Packaging  Other      Total Discont-inued Unalloca-ted    Total
                       &                  continuing

                   £'000     £'000  £'000      £'000         £'000        £'000    £'000

External          28,066     2,216    719     31,001         1,769            -   32,770

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Depreciation         454        23     32        509            26            -      535

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Operating          1,964       278     35      2,277           150            -    2,427

                    ____      ____    ___

Finance costs                                  (373)             -            -    (373)

Income tax                                     (440)          (16)            -    (456)

                                               _____         _____         ____     ____

Profit for the                                 1,464           134            -    1,598

                                               _____         _____         ____     ____

Total assets      15,853       950    742     17,545         1,404        3,079   22,028

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Total            (6,481)     (178)   (56)    (6,715)         (200)      (6,175) (13,090)

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Capital              582        16      -        598            23           18      639

                    ____      ____    ___      _____         _____         ____     ____

Head office costs are apportioned to the segments on the basis of earnings.

The group operates almost exclusively in one geographical segment, being the
United Kingdom. Turnover to customers located outside the United Kingdom
accounted for less than 10% of total group turnover and has therefore not been
separately disclosed.

Revenue from a single customer did not exceed more than 10% of turnover during
the current or prior reporting periods.

 4. Discontinued operation

CMS Tools Limited was sold on 14 February 2014 and the operation has been
classified as discontinued. The prior year income statement has been
re-presented to reflect the discontinued operation.

The results of the discontinued operation were as follows:

                                                            2014       2013

                                                           £'000      £'000

Revenue                                                    1,431      1,769

Expenses                                                 (1,325)    (1,619)

                                                          ______     ______

Operating profit                                             106        150

Income tax expense                                          (25)       (16)

                                                          ______     ______

Profit after tax                                              81        134

Loss on disposal                                           (263)          -

                                                          ______     ______

(Loss)/profit after tax for the                            (182)        134

                                                          ______     ______

Cash flows from discontinued operations

Operating                                                     25        268

Investing                                                   (18)        (4)

Proceeds of disposal                                         613          -

                                                          ______     ______

Total cashflow                                               620        264

                                                          ______     ______

The net assets of the subsidiary at the date of disposal and at 31 March 2013
were as follows:

                                                    14 February   31 March
                                                           2014       2013

                                                          £'000      £'000

Property, plant and equipment                                47         52

Inventories                                                 222        223

Trade and other receivables                                 323        429

Cash at bank                                                142        124

Trade and other payables                                  (208)      (325)

Attributable goodwill                                       350        350

                                                         ______     ______

                                                            876        853


Loss on disposal                                          (263)


Total consideration, satisfied in cash                      613

On 2 January 2014, the business and assets of SRC Limited were sold as a going
concern. The business has not been classified as a discontinued operation
because it is not considered to have been a separate major line of business.

 5. Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share for the period is based on the profit for
the period divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue,
being 29,963,373 (2013: 30,295,976). The diluted earnings per share is based
upon the weighted average of 29,963,373 shares (2013: 30,378,246). The dilution
in the prior period was due to subsisting share options and had no impact on
the amounts disclosed.

The weighted average number of shares for the basic and diluted earnings per
share calculation can be reconciled as follows:

                                                           2014       2013

                                                            No.        No.

Weighted average number of shares in issue           29,963,373 30,295,976

Weighted average number of dilutive shares arising            -     82,270
from subsisting share options

                                                     __________ __________

Weighted average number of shares for diluted        29,963,373 30,378,246

                                                        _ _____    _ _____

 6. Cash flow generated from operations

                                2014    2013

                               £'000   £'000

Cash flows from operating

Profit for the year            1,102   1,580
attributable to equity

Depreciation charge              567     535

Finance costs                    301     373

Income tax expense               242     474

Profit on disposal of            (3)    (14)
property, plant &

Profit on disposal of              -    (12)
asset held for sale

Amortisation of intangible        33      34

Charge in respect of               -      81
enhanced transfer exercise

Loss on disposal of              263       -

                             _______ _______

Operating cash flow before     2,505   3,051
changes in working capital

(Increase(/decrease in           241     112

(Increase)/decrease in         1,163 (1,112)

Increase/(decrease) in       (1,125)     443

                             _______ _______

Cash generated from/(used      2,784   2,494
in) operations

Interest paid                  (158)   (191)

Income taxes paid              (158)   (170)

                             _______ _______

Net cash generated from/       2,468   2,133
(used in) operations

                             _______ _______

 7. Other information

The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement of results
does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31
March 2014 or 31 March 2013 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory
accounts for 2013 have been delivered to the Registrar and those for 2014 will
be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Independent
Auditors have reported on these accounts. Their reports were unqualified and
did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Company's
registered office, Ellard House, Floats Road, Manchester M23 9WB at 10.00 a.m.
on Monday 21 July 2014.

The Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders and be available from the
Company's website at www.ensor.co.uk shortly. Additional copies of the Annual
Report and of this statement will be available at the Company's registered


Ensor Holdings PLC

Roger Harrison/Marcus Chadwick

0161 945 5953

Westhouse Securities Limited

Richard Baty/Hugo Rubenstein

020 7601 6100


Copyright e 12 PR Newswire

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