Ensor Holdings PLC 
                    ("Ensor", the "Group" or the "Company") 
            Interim results for the six months to 30 September 2013 
Chairman's Statement 
Although the results for the half-year are satisfactory, they are not what we 
had anticipated. Nevertheless, we are confident that better figures are in the 
pipeline and that confidence is reflected in another substantial increase in 
our interim dividend. 
We continue to be very satisfied with our acquisition of Technocover, a 
manufacturer of security products for the utilities sector. However, 
significant capital expenditure which is to be undertaken by the Water 
Utilities, has been slow to start this year, resulting in a modest increase in 
year-on-year Group sales to GBP16.3m (2012: GBP16.2m). Technocover has a strong 
order book and is now receiving instructions to commence this work, but the 
benefits are now expected to come through principally in the results for next 
As reported at our last year end, we envisaged further work to enable us to 
maximise our return from the company. We have now successfully taken 
significant cost out of the business and fully provided for the associated 
charges. This puts the Company in a healthy position to achieve its full 
potential. Further cash has been returned to the Group by Technocover and the 
forecasts for the future are strong. 
Our other subsidiaries have had a solid half-year, making progress across the 
board. Ensor Building Products has again made progress in the specialist 
roofing and drainage sectors taking greater market share. Woods, our packaging 
business has capitalised on the increased retail activity supplying specialised 
covers and strapping. OSA and Ellard, who provide components, doors, electric 
motors and controls to the door industry, have seen increased activity in their 
markets. Our roofing tools business, CMS, has had perhaps the toughest of half 
years with intense competition and pressure on margins. Despite this however, 
the company has made satisfactory progress. 
The reorganisation costs and slow start at Technocover have offset the progress 
made elsewhere, resulting in a reduction in operating profit to GBP853,000 (2012: 
Control of working capital is an area which we regard as vital to our business 
operations. After significant capital expenditure on machinery, equipment and 
commercial vehicles, the Group generated a cash surplus of GBP1,272,000. This is 
a tribute to the good credit control and cash collections at the subsidiaries 
and management of stock and work in progress. Gearing has been reduced to 7% 
(2012: 25%) 
During the period Ellard, our door motors and controls company, successfully 
moved into purpose-built premises, within the Manchester Airport City 
Enterprise Zone. We are confident that these new premises will help Ellard to 
grow further in an expanding market. 
Following exchange of contracts for the sale of our land in Stockport earlier 
this year, planning permission has now been granted for residential 
development. We are still confident that a completion of the sale of the site 
will be at the end of 2014. At Brackley, our planning application has been 
submitted and acknowledged by the South Northamptonshire local authority. As 
previously reported, technical issues due the proximity of the river Ouse and 
changes to government planning guidelines are making this a prolonged process. 
We are in no hurry to sell and we continue to satisfy any queries as they 
Much has been written about the recovery in the UK economy. At the beginning of 
the year, we felt there were a number of false starts and patchy trading 
trends. With caution, there are signs of improvement in the markets in which we 
operate, but we must remain careful to recognise any potential setbacks. 
We feel we are a progressive, if prudent, Group. Accordingly, for the future, 
we are constantly studying companies in allied and similar sectors to our own. 
We are watching for acquisition and business opportunities which could enhance 
Ensor and lead to improved shareholder value. 
We are proposing to pay a net interim dividend of 0.5p per share, which is a 
25% increase on last year's interim dividend (2012: 0.4p). The interim dividend 
will be payable in cash only and will be paid on 24 January 2014 to 
shareholders registered on 27 December 2013. The ex dividend date will be 
Monday 23 December 2013. 
The Ensor Group employs over 240 men and women, on ten sites, around the UK and 
in China. To everyone, whatever your responsibilities, thank you for your vital 
contribution to our results. 
Ken Harrison TD - Chairman. 
Ensor Holdings PLC 
Roger Harrison / Marcus Chadwick 
0161 945 5953 
Westhouse Securities Limited 
Richard Baty / Paul Gillam 
020 7601 6100 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
                             Note            Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited 
                                              6 months   6 months    12 months 
                                               30/9/13    30/9/12      31/3/13 
                                                 GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000 
Revenue                                         16,315      16,240      32,770 
Cost of sales                                 (12,248)    (12,063)    (24,234) 
                                           ----------- ----------- ----------- 
Gross profit                                     4,067       4,177       8,536 
Administrative expenses                        (3,214)     (2,962)     (6,109) 
                                           ----------- ----------- ----------- 
Operating profit                                  853        1,215       2,427 
Finance costs                                   (151)        (146)       (295) 
                                           ----------- ----------- ----------- 
Profit before tax                                 702        1,069       2,132 
Income tax expense                     2        (148)        (229)       (474) 
                                           ----------- ----------- ----------- 
Profit for the period attributable                554          840       1,658 
to equity shareholders of the parent 
                                                ======      ======      ====== 
Earnings per share                     3 
Basic and fully diluted                           1.8p        2.8p        5.5p 
                                                ======      ======      ====== 
Dividends per share 
Dividends paid                                  0.800p      0.525p      0.925p 
Dividends proposed                              0.500p      0.400p      0.800p 
                                                ======      ======      ====== 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
Profit for the period                            554          840        1,658 
Other comprehensive income: 
Actuarial loss and related deferred tax            -         (114)        (398) 
                                         -----------   -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive income attributable          554          726         1,260 
to equity shareholders of the parent 
                                              ======        ======       ====== 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
at 30 September 2013 
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited 
                                        30/9/13         30/9/12         31/3/13 
                                          GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant & equipment               6,833           6,837           6,901 
Intangible assets                         3,071           3,105           3,087 
Deferred tax asset                          612             654             632 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Total non-current assets                 10,516          10,596          10,620 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                               2,737           2,907           3,109 
Trade and other receivables               6,276           7,426           8,001 
Cash and cash equivalents                   526               -             298 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Total current assets                      9,539          10,333          11,408 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Total assets                             20,055          20,929          22,028 
                                         ======          ======          ====== 
Non-current liabilities 
Retirement benefit obligations          (2,639)         (2,723)         (2,749) 
Borrowings                                (672)           (905)           (810) 
Other creditors                           (986)           (886)           (974) 
Deferred tax                              (100)            (92)           (100) 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Total non-current liabilities           (4,397)         (4,606)         (4,633) 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                (475)         (1,205)         (1,514) 
Current income tax liabilities            (461)           (314)           (312) 
Trade and other payables                (5,715)         (6,279)         (6,631) 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Total current liabilities               (6,651)         (7,798)         (8,457) 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Total liabilities                      (11,048)        (12,404)        (13,090) 
                                         ======          ======          ====== 
NET ASSETS                                9,007           8,525           8,938 
                                         ======          ======          ====== 
Share capital                             3,082           3,062           3,062 
Share premium                               552             557             522 
Treasury shares                               -            (79)               - 
Revaluation reserve                         140             140             140 
Retained earnings                         5,233           4,845           5,214 
                                    -----------     -----------     ----------- 
Total equity attributable to equity       9,007           8,525           8,938 
shareholders of the parent company 
                                         ======          ======          ====== 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
Attributable to equity shareholders of the parent company 
                         Issued       Share    Treasury   Revaluation    Retained       Total 
                        Capital     Premium      Shares       Reserve    Earnings      Equity 
                          GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
Balance at 1 April        3,062         522           -           140       5,214       8,938 
Issue of shares              20          30           -             -           -          50 
Purchase of                   -           -           -             -       (295)       (295) 
treasury shares 
Total comprehensive           -           -           -             -         554         554 
Dividend paid                 -           -           -             -       (240)       (240) 
                    ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ----------- 
Balance at 30             3,082         552           -           140       5,233       9,007 
September 2013 
                         ======      ======      ======       =======      ======      ====== 
Balance at 1 April        3,062         557        (79)           140       4,278       7,958 
Total comprehensive           -           -           -             -         726         726 
Dividend paid                 -           -           -             -       (159)       (159) 
                    ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ----------- 
Balance at 30             3,062         557        (79)           140       4,845       8,525 
September 2012 
                         ======      ======      ======       =======      ======      ====== 
Balance at 1 April        3,062         557        (79)           140       4,278       7,958 
Reclassification              -        (35)          79             -        (44)           - 
Total comprehensive           -           -           -             -       1,260       1,260 
Dividend paid                 -           -           -             -       (280)       (280) 
                    ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ----------- 
Balance at 31 March       3,062         522           -           140       5,214       8,938 
                         ======      ======      ======       =======      ======      ====== 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the six months ended 30 September 2013 
                                         Unaudited       Unaudited   Audited 
                                          6 months        6 months 12 months 
                                           30/9/13         30/9/12   31/3/13 
                                             GBP'000           GBP'000     GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating 
Profit for the period                          554             840     1,658 
attributable to equity 
Depreciation charge                            282             256       535 
Finance costs                                  151             146       295 
Income tax expense                             182             229       474 
Loss/(profit) on disposal of                     3            (16)      (14) 
property, plant & equipment 
Profit on disposal of asset held                 -               -      (12) 
for sale 
Amortisation of intangible asset                16              16        34 
Charge in respect of enhanced                    -              26        81 
transfer exercise 
                                           _______         _______   _______ 
Operating cash flow before                   1,188           1,497     3,051 
changes in working capital 
Decrease in inventories                        372             314       112 
Decrease/(increase) in                       1,725           (536)   (1,112) 
(Decrease)/increase in payables            (1,054)            (56)       443 
                                           _______         _______   _______ 
Cash generated from operations               2,231           1,219     2,494 
Interest paid                                (114)            (90)     (191) 
Income taxes received/( paid)                    -              10     (170) 
                                           _______         _______   _______ 
Net cash generated from                      2,117           1,139     2,133 
operations before pension 
Pension fund enhanced transfer                   -           (561)     (778) 
value exercise 
                                           _______         _______   _______ 
Net cash generated from                      2,117             578     1,355 
                                           _______         _______    _______ 
Cash flows from investing 
Proceeds from disposal of                       42              10         53 
property, plant & equipment 
Proceeds from disposal of assets                 -             150        150 
held for sale 
Acquisition of property, plant &             (260)           (263)      (569) 
                                           _______         _______     _______ 
Net cash used in investing                   (218)           (103)       (366) 
                                           _______         _______     _______ 
Cash flows from financing 
Equity dividends paid                        (240)           (159)       (280) 
Issue of shares                                 50               -           - 
Purchase of treasury shares                  (295)               -           - 
Amounts repaid in respect of                   (9)            (27)        (22) 
finance leases 
Loan repayments                              (133)           (419)       (583) 
                                           _______         _______     _______ 
Net cash used in financing                   (627)           (605)       (885) 
                                           _______         _______     _______ 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash              1,272           (130)         104 
and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at                 (951)         (1,055)     (1,055) 
beginning of period 
                                           _______         _______     _______ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end              321          (1,185)       (951) 
of period 
                                           ======           ======      ====== 
Notes to the Interim Report 
 1. Basis of preparation 
The unaudited results for the six months have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and do not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The interim report has not been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim 
Financial Reporting" in that it does not contain full disclosure of accounting 
policies and does not detail compliance with other standards. These disclosures 
are dealt with in the Group's annual report. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013, prepared under IFRS, 
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an unqualified 
audit report. 
2. Income tax expense 
The income tax expense is calculated using the estimated tax rate for the year 
ended 31 March 2014. 
3. Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share for the period is based on the profit for 
the period divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue, 
being 29,976,848 (6 months to 30 September 2012 and year ended 31 March 2013 - 
30,295,976). The fully diluted earnings per share in the comparative periods is 
based upon the weighted average of 30,370,576 for the 6 months to 30 September 
2012 and 30,378,246 for the year ended 31 March 2013. The dilution was due to 
subsisting share options. 

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