CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 
- Sales: up 10% to GBP21,357,000 
- Operating profit: up 86% to GBP938,000 
- Proposed total dividend: 0.525p up from 0.15p 
I am delighted to be able to report that Ensor has continued to make substantial 
progress this year with sales up 10% to GBP21,357,000 (2010: GBP19,443,000). More 
importantly, operating profits have increased by 86% to GBP938,000 (2010: GBP504,000) 
and earnings per share have gone up to 2.1p (2010: 1.3p). This organic growth 
is particularly pleasing as it is against a background of continued recessionary 
pressures and an uncertain construction industry, a market in which we are highly 
During the year, our cash flows have been good. Our profitability, debtor and 
stock management have allowed us to become debt free and create a net cash 
Since last year we have successfully changed our banking arrangements with an 
improvement in the terms we enjoy. We are financially well placed to take 
advantage of appropriate business or acquisition opportunities, when they 
arise, to strengthen the Group. 
In contrast with last year when the Ensor pension scheme deficit increased, 
there has been no further impact this year on the balance sheet, as the net 
value of the assets and liabilities of the scheme is generally unchanged. This 
has contributed to the reduction in our finance charges to GBP125,000 (2010: GBP248,000). 
All of our operating subsidiaries have performed well during the year. We 
continue however to be cautious with our outlook, due to the unknown effects of 
government spending cuts, the slow progress of the economy and exchange rate 
fluctuations. I am happy though, that Ensor is well positioned to make further 
progress in this new financial year. Sales order intakes and gross margins are 
currently satisfactory. Our emphasis of targeted marketing of well-engineered 
products and services, into clearly identified sectors, allows us to take a 
larger share, albeit, of a reduced market. Our China office continues to 
support our UK companies by representing their best interests and seeking new 
commercial opportunities. 
Work to maximise the value of our property assets continues. Our Brackley site 
is shortly expected to receive planning permission for residential development, 
at which point we intend to place the site on the market. During the year we 
disposed of our property in Sandbach which was surplus to our needs. 
The continued improvement in our trading results and the strength of our 
balance sheet has led us to propose a final dividend of 0.35p per share. This 
dividend together with the interim dividend of 0.175p already paid will result 
in a total dividend for the year of 0.525p per share. This compares with a 
total dividend of 0.15p for the year ended 31 March 2010 and demonstrates our 
determination to return to being a dividend growth stock. Subject to approval 
at our AGM, the final dividend will be payable on 12 August 2011, to 
shareholders on the register on 1 July 2011. 
May I once again thank our shareholders for their loyal support and everyone at 
Ensor for their efforts and hard work which have contributed to these excellent 
K A Harrison TD 
10 June 2011 
Ensor Holdings PLC 
Roger Harrison/Marcus Chadwick 
0161 945 5953 
Westhouse Securities Limited 
Tim Feather/Matthew Johnson 
0113 246 2610 
Although remaining below pre-recession levels, Group results continued to 
improve throughout 2010/11. Whilst both of the preceding two years were 
distorted by the decline to, and subsequent rise from, the low point of 
recession, the current year improvement has been relatively consistent. 
Turnover for the first-half showed an 8% increase against the prior year 
comparative, and 10% for the second-half. 
Gross profit levels have improved overall, from 22.9% to 23.6%, as a result of 
several small influences, rather than individually significant factors; market 
stabilisation, exchange rates, procurement policy, and judicious selling price 
increases being the foremost contributors. Nevertheless, transportation and 
packaging material costs in particular have kept margins under pressure. 
The improvements in sales and gross margin resulted in an increase in gross 
profit of GBP574,000, to GBP5,035,000 (2010 : GBP4,461,000), which has been only 
slightly eroded by higher administrative expenses - increased by 3.5%, from GBP 
3,957,000 to GBP4,097,000. However, a significant part of this apparent increase 
results from a re-classification of payroll costs to administrative expenses 
from cost of sales. 
The cost base of the Group remained substantially as it was in the previous 
year. Pay restraint continues to represent a high priority, however recognition 
has been given in those businesses which have better weathered the recession. 
Some additional cost was occasioned by the management of the liabilities of the 
defined-benefit pension fund - an objective which will be pursued further as 
our financial position allows. 
Building Products, the major segment of Group activities, translated a 9% 
increase in turnover into a GBP409,000 increase in operating profit as margins 
were strengthened and overheads curbed. Daily sales progressed from GBP68,000 to 
GBP74,200 and gross margins from 22.1% to 23.1%. 
Although Packaging achieved strong sales growth, with daily sales up from GBP 
6,500 to GBP7,200, gross margins were eroded, from 36.7% to 31.1%, by 
significantly higher costs for polythene products, driven by escalating oil 
prices. These influences resulted in a modest increase in segment profit. 
Overall, the combined factors of sales growth, margin improvement and control 
of overheads, resulted in Group operating profit increasing from GBP504,000 to GBP 
Financial expenses 
Financial expenses comprise borrowing costs and an actuarial calculation 
reflecting the net cost of financing the deficit in the Group's defined-benefit 
pension scheme. The reduction in financial expenses, from GBP248,000 to GBP125,000, 
reflects a reduction in both elements. 
The cost of financing Group borrowings has reduced, year on year, primarily as 
a result of strong cash generation and reduced borrowings. 
The benefit of our move to Lloyds TSB Bank plc, was limited by the transfer not 
taking place until February 2011, and by our significantly improved cash 
The net pension-related cost reduced from GBP158,000 in 2009/10, to GBP60,000 this 
year, principally by reason of the improvement in the value of pension fund 
investments between March 2010 and March 2011. 
Earnings per share 
Earnings per share were 2.1p (2010: 1.3p) - up by 62%, although this increase 
does not reflect the extent of increase in underlying profits, due to the 
effect of the tax credit in 2010. 
Cash flow and financial position 
Cash of GBP1,167,000 (2010: GBP1,069,000) was generated over the course of the 
year, eliminating borrowings and leaving the Group in a positive net cash 
position at the year end. 
Cash generated from operations of GBP1,312,000 was augmented by GBP200,000 from the 
sale of a redundant property, and by a reduction in corporation tax payable due 
to the utilisation of prior year losses. 
Inventories were reduced, despite the increase in activity levels, and the 
ageing of receivables was maintained, notwithstanding evidence of some 
deterioration in the ability of some customers to pay. 
Payables have increased as a normal consequence of increasing activity levels, 
but additionally, the increase in corporation tax and VAT liabilities are more 
marked than usual due to the previously cited loss relief and the strength of 
the final quarter's trading. 
The Group's consolidated balance sheet at 31 March 2011 shows:- 
  * Borrowings reduced from GBP1.03m to GBPnil 
  * Gearing reduced from 14% to nil% 
  * Working capital (inventories, receivables and payables, excluding 
    corporation and deferred tax) reduced from GBP3.8m to GBP3.4m 
  * Total equity attributable to shareholders of GBP8.1m, which equates to 27.5 
    pence per share 
These changes underline our caution in relation to both debt and risk in 
current assets, particularly in these uncertain times. Nevertheless, with a 
strong balance sheet, and available borrowing facilities, the Group remains 
well-placed to pursue the opportunities which such times may present. 
Key performance indicators 
In addition to the universal performance indicators of sales, gross margins, 
operating profit, earnings per share, cash flow and gearing referred to above, 
or in the Chairman's Statement, indicators of a more activity-specific nature 
are used within the Group to assess the performance of subsidiary companies. 
These indicators are used in conjunction with the controls described in the 
Corporate Governance statement and relate to a wide variety of aspects of the 
businesses, for example, working capital measures, production yields, quality 
control, targets, market share information, product return rates, etc. Due to 
the differences in size and markets across the Group's businesses it is not 
practicable to provide a more detailed analysis of how these indicators are 
applied to each of the respective activities. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The directors believe that the most significant risk and uncertainty facing the 
Group remains that of the general economic outlook for the UK and for the 
construction sector in particular. 
The Group's businesses have adapted to the current economic climate, whilst 
retaining the capacity to increase market share. Their diversified nature and 
the lack of over-reliance on any one business, serves to moderate the range of 
The directors propose to pay a final dividend of 0.35p per share in respect of 
the financial year ended 31 March 2011 (2010: 0.15p). Dividends of GBP83,000 were 
paid on ordinary shares during the year ended 31 March 2011 (2010: nil). 
Share capital 
The Companies Act 2006 permits a company to purchase its own shares if the 
purchase has been authorised by the shareholders in general meeting. It is 
common practice for quoted companies to seek such authority and the directors 
consider it is prudent for them to do so. At the Annual General Meeting, 
shareholders will be asked to renew the Company's authority to purchase its own 
issued ordinary shares of 10p each at a price of not less than 10p per share 
and not more than 5% above the average of the middle-market quotations of the 
London Stock Exchange for the five days before the purchase. The authority is 
for the purchase of a maximum of 4,416,848 shares, being approximately 15% of 
the issued share capital, and will expire at the earlier of the conclusion of 
the next Annual General Meeting or 18 months from the date of the Resolution. 
In addition, the shareholders will be asked to approve the purchase of shares 
which will be issued to M A Chadwick and A E Coyne, who are each directors of 
the Company, in the event that they exercise their options over up to 1,172,415 
ordinary shares. The purchase price payable by the Company would be calculated 
as the average middle-market price for the three days prior to the purchase, 
subject to a maximum purchase price of 25 pence per share. The total value of 
the purchase by the Company would be limited to a maximum of GBP152,414, being 
the maximum amount to be subscribed by Mr Chadwick and Mr Coyne for the 
exercise of the options. The rationale for the resolution is to prevent the 
offer for sale of those shares on the open market having a potentially 
prolonged, adverse impact on the Company's share price and to enhance the 
Company's earnings and net asset value per share. Taken together, the exercise 
of options and purchase of shares would be cash-neutral to the Company and the 
shares would be purchased from a market maker. 
At 31 March 2010 and 2011, the Company did not hold any of its shares in 
Consolidated Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                             2011         2010 
                                                            GBP'000        GBP'000 
Revenue                                                    21,357       19,443 
Cost of sales                                            (16,322)     (14,982) 
                                                           ______       ______ 
Gross profit                                                5,035        4,461 
Administrative expenses                                   (4,097)      (3,957) 
                                                           ______       ______ 
Operating profit                                              938          504 
Financial costs                                             (125)        (248) 
                                                           ______       ______ 
Profit before tax                                             813          256 
Income tax (expense)/credit                                 (203)          127 
                                                           ______       ______ 
Profit for the year attributable to equity                    610          383 
                                                           ______       ______ 
Earnings per share 
Basic and fully diluted                                      2.1p         1.3p 
                                                           ______       ______ 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                                        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Profit for the year                                       610         383 
Other comprehensive income: 
Actuarial loss                                           (80)       (433) 
Income tax relating to components of                    (108)         116 
other comprehensive income 
Revaluation of land and buildings                        (26)           - 
                                                       ______      ______ 
Total comprehensive income attributable                   396          66 
to equity shareholders 
                                                       ______      ______ 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
at 31 March 2011 
                                                      31 March    31 March 
                                                          2011        2010 
                                                         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant & equipment                              4,113       4,117 
Intangible assets                                        2,438       2,438 
Deferred tax asset                                         778         886 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Total non-current assets                                 7,329       7,441 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Current assets 
Assets held for sale                                       542         742 
Inventories                                              2,390       2,451 
Trade and other receivables                              4,596       4,185 
Cash and cash equivalents                                  137           - 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Total current assets                                     7,665       7,378 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Total assets                                            14,994      14,819 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Non-current liabilities 
Retirement benefit obligations                         (3,111)     (3,165) 
Obligations under finance leases                          (16)           - 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Total non-current liabilities                          (3,127)     (3,165) 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                                   -     (1,030) 
Trade and other payables                               (3,766)     (2,836) 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Total current liabilities                              (3,766)     (3,866) 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Total liabilities                                      (6,893)     (7,031) 
                                                        ______      ______ 
NET ASSETS                                               8,101       7,788 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Share capital                                            2,945       2,945 
Share premium                                              470         470 
Revaluation reserve                                        545         571 
Retained earnings                                        4,141       3,802 
                                                        ______      ______ 
Total equity attributable to equity                      8,101       7,788 
                                                        ______      ______ 
The financial statements were approved by the Board and were authorised for 
issue on 10 June 2011. They were signed on its behalf by: 
A R Harrison ) 
M A Chadwick ) 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
Attributable to equity share holders of the parent 
                          Issued      Share  Revaluation Retained     Total 
                         Capital    Premium      Reserve Earnings    Equity 
                           GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Balance as at 1 April        2,945        470        571    3,736    7,722 
Profit for the year              -          -          -      383      383 
Other comprehensive 
Actuarial loss                   -          -          -    (433)    (433) 
Related deferred tax             -          -          -      116      116 
                           _____      _____        _____    _____    _____ 
Balance as at 1 April        2,945        470        571    3,802    7,788 
Profit for the year              -          -          -      610      610 
Other comprehensive 
Actuarial loss                   -          -          -     (80)     (80) 
Related deferred tax             -          -          -    (108)    (108) 
Revaluation of land and          -          -       (26)       -      (26) 
Dividends paid (see              -          -          -     (83)     (83) 
                           _____      _____        _____    _____     _____ 
Balance at 31 March        2,945        470          545    4,141     8,101 
                           _____      _____        _____    _____     _____ 
                                                            2011       2010 
                                                           GBP'000      GBP'000 
Dividends per share 
Interim dividend paid                                     0.175p     0.000p 
Final dividend proposed                                   0.350p     0.150p 
                                                          ______     ______ 
                                                          0.525p     0.150p 
                                                          ______     ______ 
Share premium 
The share premium reserve represents the consideration that has been received 
in excess of the nominal value of shares on issue of new ordinary share 
capital, less permitted expenses. 
Revaluation reserve 
The revaluation reserve has arisen as a result of net increases in the carrying 
value of the Group's land and buildings. 
Retained earnings 
The retained earnings reserve represents profits and losses retained in the 
current and previous periods. 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                               2011        2010 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
Net cash generated from operations                            1,312         941 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                        37          41 
Proceeds from disposal of assets held for                       200         308 
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                  (295)       (221) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Net cash generated from investing activities                   (58)         128 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Equity dividends paid                                          (83)           - 
Amounts repaid in respect of finance leases                     (4)           - 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Net cash absorbed by financing activities                      (87)           - 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Net increase in cash and equivalents                          1,167       1,069 
Opening cash and cash equivalents                           (1,030)     (2,099) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Closing cash and cash equivalents                               137     (1,030) 
                                                            _______     _______ 
Accounting Policies 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
 1. Basis of preparation 
The consolidated financial statements of Ensor Holdings PLC have been prepared 
in accordance the Companies Act 2006 and International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union in accordance with the rules 
of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on the 
Alternative Investment Market. The Group financial statements have been 
prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation 
of land and buildings, and derivative financial instruments at fair value 
through profit or loss. The principal accounting policies adopted by the Group 
are set out below. 
 2. Basis of consolidation 
Where the Company has the power, either directly or indirectly, to govern the 
financial and operating policies of another entity so as to obtain benefits 
from its activities, the entity is classified as a subsidiary. The consolidated 
financial statements present the results of the Company and its subsidiaries 
("the Group") as if they formed one single entity. Intercompany transactions 
and balances between Group companies are therefore eliminated in full. 
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the results of business 
combinations using the purchase method. In the consolidated balance sheet, the 
subsidiary's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are 
initially recognised at their fair values at the acquisition date. The results 
of acquired operations are included in the consolidated income statement from 
the date on which control is obtained. 
 3. Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share on continuing operations is based upon 
the profit after taxation of GBP610,000 (2010: GBP383,000) divided by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, 29,445,659 (2010: 
29,445,659). The fully diluted earnings per share calculation is based upon the 
weighted average number of shares of 29,665,193 (2010: 29,445,659). The 
dilution in 2011 is due to subsisting share options. There was no dilution in 
2010 because the market value of the shares was lower than the option price. 
The earnings per share on a basic and fully diluted basis was 2.1p (2010: 
 4. Segmental analysis 
For management purposes, the Group's business activities are organised into 
business units based on their products and services and have three primary 
operating segments as follows: 
  * Building Products - manufacture, marketing, supply and distribution of 
    building materials, tools, components and access control equipment to the 
    construction industry; 
  * Packaging - marketing and distribution of packaging materials; 
  * Other -manufacture of rubber crumb and waste recycling. 
These segments are the basis on which information is reported to the Group 
Board. The segment result is the measure used for the purposes of resource 
allocation and assessment and represents the operating profit of each segment 
before exceptional operating costs, amortisation and impairment charges, other 
gains and losses, net finance costs and taxation. 
Details of the types of products and services from which each segment derives 
its revenues are given above. 
The accounting policies applied in preparing the management information for 
each of the reportable segments are the same as the Group's accounting 
Inter-segment sales are charged on an arm's length basis. 
The Group's revenues and results by reportable segment for the year ended 31 
March 2011 are as follows: 
                   Building  Packaging       Other Unallocated   Total 
                      GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
Revenue              18,487      2,046         824           -  21,357 
                     ______      _____       _____       _____   _____ 
Depreciation            195         14          28          27     264 
                     ______      _____       _____       _____   _____ 
Operating               670        241          27           -     938 
                     ______      _____       _____      ______ 
Financial costs                                                  (125) 
Income tax expense                                               (203) 
Profit for the year                                                610 
Capital                 204         60          55           -     319 
                     ______      _____       _____       _____   _____ 
Assets               10,671      1,261         827       2,235  14,994 
Liabilities         (2,925)      (361)        (84)     (3,523) (6,893) 
                     ______      _____       _____       _____   _____ 
Net assets            7,746        900         743     (1,288)   8,101 
                     ______      _____       _____      ______  ______ 
The Group's revenues and results by reportable segment for the year ended 31 
March 2010 are as follows: 
                   Building Packaging   Other     Other Unallocated   Total 
                   Products                        (see 
                      GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
Revenue              16,932     1,619     892       105           -  19,548 
                     ______     _____   _____     _____       _____   _____ 
Depreciation            217        11      39         5          25     297 
                     ______     _____   _____     _____       _____   _____ 
Operating profit        262       220      22         -           -     504 
                     ______     _____   _____     _____      ______ 
Financial costs                                                       (248) 
Income tax credit                                                       127 
Profit for the year                                                     383 
Capital                 176         -       5         1          39     221 
                     ______     _____   _____     _____       _____   _____ 
Assets                9,554     1,062     775         -       3,428  14,819 
Liabilities         (2,263)     (325)   (115)         -     (4,328) (7,031) 
                     ______     _____   _____     _____       _____   _____ 
Net assets            7,291       737     660         -       (900)   7,788 
                     ______     _____   _____     _____      ______   _____ 
The "other" column for 2010 includes revenue, depreciation and capital 
expenditure for a discontinued operation, Powerplus (UK) Limited, whose 
business and assets were sold on 5 May 2009. All other operations were 
Income and expenditure arising directly from a reporting segment are identified 
to that segment. Income and expenditure arising from central operations which 
relate to the Group as a whole or cannot reasonably be allocated between 
segments are apportioned on the basis of the individual segments' earnings. 
Head office costs are apportioned to the segments on the basis of earnings. 
The Group operates almost exclusively in one geographical segment, being the 
United Kingdom. Turnover to customers located outside the United Kingdom 
accounted for less than 10% of total Group turnover and has therefore not been 
separately disclosed . 
Revenue from a single customer did not exceed more than 10% of turnover during 
the reporting period. 
 5. Cash flow generated from operations 
                                                            2011        2010 
                                                           GBP'000       GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit for the year attributable to equity                   610         383 
Depreciation charge                                          264         297 
Financial costs                                              125         248 
Income tax expense/(credit)                                  203       (127) 
Profit on disposal of property, plant &                      (4)         (3) 
                                                         _______     _______ 
Operating cash flow before changes in                      1,198         798 
working capital 
Decrease in inventories                                       61         318 
(Increase)/decrease in receivables                         (435)         413 
Increase/(decrease) in payables                              665       (263) 
                                                         _______     _______ 
Cash generated from continuing operations                  1,489       1,266 
Interest paid                                              (171)        (84) 
Income taxes paid                                            (6)       (241) 
                                                         _______     _______ 
Net cash generated from operations                         1,312         941 
                                                         _______     _______ 
 6. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 
                                                   2011    2010 
                                                   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Increase in cash in the year                       1,167   1,069 
                                                  ______  ______ 
Movement in net debt arising from cash flow        1,167   1,069 
Net debt at 1 April 2010                         (1,030) (2,099) 
                                                  ______  ______ 
Net cash/(debt) at 31 March 2011                     137 (1,030) 
                                                  ______  ______ 
At 31 March 2011 the Group had undrawn committed borrowing facilities of GBP 
3,000,000 (2010: GBP1,970,000) in respect of these balances. 
 7. Other information 
The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement of results 
does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 
March 2011 or 31 March 2010 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory 
accounts for 2010 have been delivered to the Registrar and those for 2011 will 
be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Independent 
Auditors have reported on these accounts. Their reports were unqualified and 
did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Company's 
registered office, Ellard House, Dallimore Road, Manchester M23 9NX at 10.00 
a.m. on Friday 15 July 2011. 
The Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders on 20 June 2011 and be 
available from the Company's website at www.ensor.co.uk on that date. 
Additional copies of the Annual Report and of this statement will be available 
at the Company's registered office. 

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