RNS Number : 5546I


26 July 2012




-- Acoje Bankable Feasibility Study continues to make significant progress

- The Acoje BFS is currently on track to be finalised during the current quarter. Much of the test work is now complete and entering the economic evaluation and write-up stage.

   -    The estimated remaining cash cost to complete the BFS is $6.5m. 
   -    Resource upgrade at Acoje resulted in increase in contained nickel of 36% 

-- DSO Revenues

- Cash received from ore sales during the quarter was $1.4 million. Total ore shipped for the quarter was 242,913 wmt earning $927k in profit share. Mining has now been discontinued as the site is prepared for construction of the tank leach processing plant.

-- Strong Cash Position

- Cash on hand as of 30 June was $30.3 million, equivalent to 7.5 pence (11.6 cents) per share. Further cash inflows of $11.0 million, equivalent to 2.7 pence (4.2 cents) per share, are expected before end of December 2012.

   -    Potential to fund project construction with minimal shareholder dilution. 

-- Sale of Non-Core Assets

- Sale of Berong shareholding completed for $6.55 million. Sale undertaken of 60% interest in local partner Montemina Resources Corporation for $11.0 million.

Managing Director Rob Gregory commented "The Company is in a very strong position with a robust cash balance of over $30 million, contracted cash receivables of $11 million and a known cash cost to complete the Tank Leach BFS.

"I strongly believe that ENK has the world's most advanced technical team when it comes to leaching of tropical nickel laterites.

"Following the successful release of the BFS, the company intends to enter into a strategic partnership with an off-take partner to fund the project with minimal shareholder dilution."

Acoje Project

The Bankable Feasibility Study ('BFS') for the Acoje tank leaching project in the Philippines remained the principal area of focus for the Company during the past quarter. In addition a further drilling plan was completed with results expected soon.

Acoje Bankable Feasibility Study

The Acoje BFS being undertaken by Jacobs Engineering of Perth, is now entering its final stages. The detailed test work and design programs on the leaching and solid liquid separation by Outotec Oyj are now with Jacobs for final costing and write up, as is the comminution circuit by Orway Mining Consultants, continuous ion exchange design by PuriTech and infrastructure details by GHD.

The Company is planning to run a parallel costing exercise with Chinese engineering firms that will more likely and realistically estimate costs for construction in the Philippines. Based on its experience in dealing with Chinese construction firms at Caldag and more recently Acoje, the Company believes that there are significant savings to be found utilising Asian based contractors as opposed to Western contractors. This is especially so when most Australian firms are stretched with bulk commodity projects and skill shortages.

Off-take discussions are proceeding well and are expected to progress to a conclusion as key components of the BFS are completed. As part of the process the Company has now sent a number of detailed analysis reports on the Nickel Hydroxide Product ('NHP') compiled by the Natural History Museum ('NHM') in London to potential off-take partners. Several parties engaged in more advanced negotiations have also received test samples. The NHP is a significantly more advanced product than the Mixed Hydroxide Product ('MHP') that was proposed to be produced at Caldag and requires little to no refining for final application. The company believes NHP will be highly sought after by end users. The Company intends the off-take arrangements to form a significant part of its financing requirements for the project.

Public meetings on the amendments to the existing Environmental Clearance Certificate ('ECC') have been undertaken without any significant concerns emerging. The amendment document is in final stages and will be submitted to the Environment Management Bureau in due course. The Company is not anticipating any delays in this process.

Subject to the successful completion of the BFS the Company intends to proceed to financing of the construction of the nickel processing plant utilising a combination of bank debt and equity. It is proposed to utilise funding from a strategic off-take partner to minimise the equity funding required and reduce dilution for shareholders.

ENK Research Facility ('ERF')

The Acoje heap leach trial, which originally commenced on 16 April 2011, has now entered the next phase in the heap leach cycle, which is the rinsing of the heap with water to displace any in-situ pregnant leach solution. The heap rinsing is expected to take a few months before the heap outflow meets applicable standards. Once the heap has been rinsed the rehabilitation stage will commence.

As was observed with the column leach tests, the nickel extraction has increased after the heap was drained and with the commencement of rinsing. Current nickel extraction is 71.3%, cobalt extraction is 88.3% and iron extraction is 23.1%, in line with expectations. As reported previously, the second batch of 370 kilograms of NHP was produced in the ERF downstream plant, using Magnesia[1] as a precipitant. The washed product was studied by the NHM and confirmed to contain 53.24% nickel which is significantly higher grade and higher payability than MHP.

Acoje Resource Upgrade

In mid March 2012 ENK announced the completion of the infill drilling programme and an updated Indicated and Inferred JORC (2004) Resource estimate (at a 0.8% Ni cut-off) for Acoje of:

   Indicated:         40.9 million tonnes grading 1.08% Ni, 0.05% Co 
   Inferred:           29.0 million tonnes grading 0.96% Ni, 0.06% Co 

This represents a total of over 720,000 tonnes of contained nickel at the Acoje Project.

This represented an increase of 36% in contained nickel from the November 2008 Resource estimate. Nearly all of the Inferred material reported in the 2008 estimate has been converted to Indicated and a further 20 million tonnes have been delineated (seven million tonnes Indicated and 13 million tonnes Inferred).

Due to the additional Inferred material that was delineated, the Company determined that an additional drill programme at Acoje, designed to convert a proportion of the Inferred material to Indicated status, would benefit the BFS. This programme is now complete and all assays and drill data have been received by Snowden Mining Consultants ('Snowden') for a further JORC update during the current quarter.

The new resource upgrade, together with the Zambales resource, will result in a mine life in excess of 25 years.

Direct Shipping Ore

During the quarter there were three full shipments and four part shipments of nickel laterite direct shipping ore ('DSO') at an average nickel grade of 1.80% under the mining agreement with partner DMCI Mining Corporation, totalling 242,913 wet metric tonnes.

Total revenue recognised for these shipments was $927,000. This amount was lower than the prior quarter as there were no high-grade (+2.0% Ni) shipments. Receipt of cash from ore sales during the quarter was $1,406,779.

Mining at Acoje has now been discontinued as the site is prepared for construction of the tank leach processing plant.

Zambales Resource Upgrade

During June the Company announced that in consultation with its resource consultant, Snowden, that the historic Falconbridge test pit data collected in the 1970's, which was used to calculate the previous JORC Inferred resource estimate of 23.5 million tonnes grading 1.18% Ni and 0.05% Co, is of insufficient detail to be used in the calculation of a JORC Indicated resource estimate due to the lack of ancillary elements and detailed logging data that the newer drilling data has provided. As such the Company is now undertaking the drilling of additional holes, adjacent to the historic test pits, to collect this required data.

The drill programme, of 194 holes for 1,916 meters, commenced on 26 June 2012 and is now 42 % complete. Drilling is expected to be completed by the end of August and all data should be provided to Snowden by mid September to enable them to provide a JORC Indicated resource estimate for this tenement. The Zambales resource update is now expected to be available in early October 2012. The delay in the Zambales resource update should not impact the Acoje Feasibility Study as it is being planned to utilise limonite ore from the Zambales tenement only as an ore "top-up", and sufficient data exists to model this. The Zambales tenement is situated approximately 5 kilometres north of the Acoje tenement on the island of Luzon, Philippines

The JORC resource upgrade will add previously undrilled ore to the resource estimate including the previously untested saprolite horizon of the Zambales tenement.

Philippine Mining Policy

The Aquino administration issued its Executive Order for its new Mining Policy in the Philippines. The policy is largely a forward looking document focussing on increased environmental and social protection as well as equitable revenue sharing among stakeholders. The Policy states that no proposed changes will be retrospective. As the Acoje and Zambales tenements are existing contracts, they should not be affected by the new policy. ENK's tenements are also protected under Foreign Investment Protection Agreements between the UK and the Philippines providing further comfort that they will be unaffected by the policy.


Cash Position

As of 30 June 2012 total cash in hand was $30.3m, including $2.01m in local partner Montemina Resources Corp ('MRC'), which provides a strong working capital base for the Company and its proposed activities.

In addition to cash on hand of $30.3 million, expected cash receipts over the near term total $11.0m including: $2.0m in mid August and $2.0m in mid November from the sale of an interest in MRC; $0.812m receivables from DSO sales; $5.9m in late December from Toledo Mining Corporation in relation to the sale of Berong Nickel Corporation; and $0.3m from the sale of the Abogado Exploration Permit. Further details on these transactions are set out below.

Over the mid-term a further $5.0m is receivable from the sale of the interest in MRC, as well as final settlement of the sale of surplus exploration properties which is expected to result in cash of $0.55m and shares in listed entities valued at $3.0m. In addition, the recommencement of DSO at the Zambales property should result in further sales receipts.

The estimated cost to completion of the Acoje BFS is $6.5m, which will leave the Company with significant cash resources to meet its ongoing working capital requirements and to commence preliminary works on the nickel processing plant. The Company's strong cash position will enable it to progress its key projects significantly without recourse to the equity markets.

Sale of Interest in Toledo Mining and Berong Nickel Corporation

In early May 2012 the Company announced the sale of its 5.01% interest in AIM-listed Toledo Mining Corporation ('TMC') for $698,000 in cash and the conditional sale of its 18.7% interest in Berong Nickel Corporation ('BNC') for $6,552,000 in cash to World Fund Pte Limited. Both assets were considered non-core by the Directors.

In early July the Company announced that, in accordance with the terms of the Berong Nickel Corporation Shareholders Agreement ('SA'), Toledo Mining Corporation plc ('Toledo') had exercised its pre-emptive rights in respect of the sale of ENK's 18.7% interest in BNC. The other shareholder of BNC, Atlas Consolidated Mining Corporation, did not exercise its pre-emptive rights in accordance with the SA.

In accordance with the terms of the SA, the Company received a non-refundable deposit from Toledo of $655,200, being 10% of the purchase price of ENK's BNC interest. The balance of the $6,552,000 purchase price, being $5,896,800, is due by no later than 30 December 2012.

Sale of Interest in Montemina Resources Corporation

In early June the Company announced that its local partner and 60% per cent owner of the Zambales Project, Montemina Resources Corporation ('MRC'), has entered into an agreement with Philippine company, Golden Harvest Global Corporation ('GHGC') wherein GHGC will acquire a 60% interest in MRC for total consideration of $11,000,000.

Payment terms for the sale are:

   --     $2 million upon signing, 
   --     $2 million by no later than 15 August 2012, 
   --     $2 million by no later than 15 November 2012, and 

-- $5 million linked to DSO revenues from the Zambales tenement (see below), but in any event, payable no later than the second anniversary of signing.

The proceeds will be used by MRC to repay loans from members of the ENK group which will result in all of the funds (less taxes and costs) being available for use by ENK.

GHGC has also entered into a Mining Agreement with Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation, owner of the Zambales tenement and a 40% per cent owned subsidiary of ENK. This agreement provides for the mining of nickel laterite ore for DSO on the basis that GHGC provides all mining equipment, capital, labour, trucking, marketing and port facilities in return for a 50% profit share of ore sales. DSO will commence once Zambales and GHGC obtain the required permits for this operation.

In addition to the above agreements, GHGC has entered into an Exploration Services Agreement ('ESA') with Zambales Diversified Metals Corporation ('ZDMC'), holder of the Acoje tenement and an 80 per cent owned subsidiary of ENK, for the exploration of chromite and other underground minerals on the Acoje tenement. The ESA is for a period of 2 years with annual options to extend thereafter, subject to minimum performance requirements and payment of advance royalties.

If a decision to develop the chromite or other underground minerals is made by GHGC then ZDMC has, at its option, the ability to require payment of $20,000,000 to enable GHGC to acquire 100% of the rights to these minerals, or, to elect to have a free carry for ZDMC for a 20% interest in this project. In the event the lump sum payment is chosen, mining royalties at a rate to be agreed, will also be payable to ZDMC.

Personnel/ Directors

During the quarter a further two senior appointments were made: Ray Gomm as Project Engineer and Dr Keith Halford as Manager, Occupational Health Safety & Environment Both are working on the Acoje project.

In April the Company announced the appointment to the Board of Guy Walker, a nominee of major shareholders Montoya Investments Ltd and D&A Income Ltd.

Web Site

The Company has now launched its new website which contains a number of recent and historical photos of the Company's activities. Please see www.enk.co.uk.

Yours faithfully,

Robert G M Gregory

Managing Director

For more information or to view a copy of this document, please visit www.enk.co.uk or contact:

   Robert Gregory, Managing Director, ENK                                        Tel: +63 917 513 4970 

Mark Hanlon, Finance Director, ENK Tel: +61 8 9226 1111

Chris Sim, Neil Elliot, Investec Tel: +44 20 7071 4300

   Tim Blythe or Robert Kellner, Blythe Weigh Communications        Tel: +44 20 7138 3204 

The information in this report that relates to Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Mr Robert Gregory, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Gregory is Managing Director of European Nickel PLC, and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Gregory consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

[1] Trace Mg in product is much preferred by end users to trace Na which occurs when using soda ash as the precipitant.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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