Eclipse VCT plc
Unaudited interim results for the 6 months to 30 November 2006

Financial highlights                                              30
November 2006     30 November 2005    31 May 2006

*        Net
  assets                                                   �35,232,000
  �29,449,000             �30,165,000
*        Net asset value per share
  113.5p                           94.2p                        96.8p
*        Revenue return after
  tax                           �192,000
  �134,000                  �442,000
*        Revenue return per share*
  0.6p                               0.4p                          1.4p
*        Total return/(loss) per share*
  (1.1)p                        1.4p
*Based on a weighted average of 31,152,062 shares in issue during the
period (30 November 2005: 31,264,560 and May 2006: 31,240,517).

Eclipse VCT  plc ('Eclipse'  or 'Fund')  is a  Venture Capital  Trust
('VCT') and  the  investments  are  managed  by  Octopus  Investments
Limited ('Octopus' or 'Manager'). Eclipse was launched in April  2004
and raised over �30.7 million (�29.7 million net of expenses) through
an offer  for  subscription. It  invests  primarily in  unquoted  and
AIM-quoted companies  and aims  to deliver  absolute returns  on  its

Chairman's Statement

It gives me great pleasure to present the interim results for the six
months ended  30  November  2006.    The  first  six  months  of  the
accounting period  have  seen  a strong  performance  from  both  the
unquoted and AIM portfolios, resulting  in a substantial increase  in
the net asset value of the Fund.

Eclipse was one of the most successful VCTs launched in 2004 by funds
raised, raising  over �30  million  by December  2004.   Since  then,
Octopus has added a number of  experienced fund managers to its  team
of investment  professionals  and  has also  launched  three  further
Eclipse funds (Eclipse 2, 3 and 4), taking the total funds raised  by
the Eclipse  VCTs to  �106 million.  These successful  fund  launches
should benefit  shareholders  in  Eclipse VCT  as  they  will  enable
Octopus to invest up to �4 million per company (i.e. �1 million  from
each of the four VCTs) in a single tax year.  This will allow Octopus
to invest in more developed, lower-risk companies than typical VCTs.

Net Asset Value ('NAV')
The NAV per share at 30 November 2006 was 113.5p, an increase of  17%
since 31 May 2006. During the  period to 30 November 2006, eight  new
investments were made in  unquoted and AIM-quoted companies,  meaning
that at the end of the  period under review, Eclipse had a  portfolio
of 34 investments in qualifying companies, representing 67.1% of  the
Fund. In the period to 31 January 2006 the portfolio has seen further
uplift in the AIM holdings taking the NAV to 117.6p per share.

Unquoted investment portfolio
Four new  unquoted investments  were made  in the  six months  to  30
November 2006 at  a cost of  �3.5 million. The  overall value of  the
portfolio of 17 unquoted  investments was �19.5 million  representing
an increase of 33% compared with a cost of �14.6 million.

I am pleased to report  that six unquoted investments have  increased
in value based on the growth in underlying earnings of each  company.
  We are particularly pleased with the performance of Gyro, which has
grown strongly  since  our  first  investment  in  February  2004.  A
follow-on investment in  Gyro was  made in October  2006, to  support
growth and acquisitions.  Covion, Plastics Capital, Luther Pendragon,
TDX and James Harvard have also  been written up in value to  reflect
the strong performance of the underlying businesses.

Partial provisions have  been made against  three investments,  where
the underlying  performance is  below  expectations. Details  of  the
valuations  are  shown  in  further  detail  within  the   Investment
Manager's review.

AIM investment portfolio
I am pleased  to report  that the  AIM portfolio  has performed  well
during what  has  been  a volatile  period  for  AIM.   It  is  worth
emphasising however that much of  the market's volatility during  the
period has been  as a result  of poor performance  within sectors  in
which the  Fund does  not invest  including overseas  companies,  the
natural resources sectors and online gaming companies.

The overall value  of the portfolio  of 17 AIM  investments was  �6.7
million representing an increase of 38% compared with a cost of  �4.8

The Fund is coming to the  end of its initial investment period  when
dividends are largely derived from interest earned on the un-invested
cash held in money market securities. As the Fund makes  investments,
the level of cash declines, therefore reducing the interest available
for dividends.  At this point  in the Fund's life cycle, the  ability
to pay dividends is derived  from investment realisations.    Further
dividends will be paid as the investment manager realises profits  on
holdings where they believe they have reached maximum benefit.

Share Price and Buy-Back Facility
Eclipse has a share buy-back  facility, proposing to buy-back  shares
at no more  than a 10%  discount to the  prevailing NAV. This  should
assist the marketability of  the shares and  help prevent the  shares
from trading at a wide discount  to NAV. The Fund's mid market  share
price currently stands at 90p.

In the period under review, Eclipse repurchased 121,900 shares at  an
average price of 88p per share. Shareholders should note that if they
sell their shares within  three years of  the original purchase  they
forfeit any income  tax relief  obtained. If  you need  to sell  your
shares, please contact Octopus on 020 7710 2800.

VCT Qualifying Status
Eclipse must be 70% invested in qualifying companies by 31 May  2007,
and maintain this level on a day by day basis thereafter, in order to
comply with VCT  regulations. The Directors  continue to monitor  the
Fund's progress  towards  meeting  and  maintaining  HM  Revenue  and
Customs   conditions   for   VCT    approval   and   have    retained
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  one  of  the  UK's  leading  firms   of
accountants, to advise in this area.

At 30  November 2006,  Eclipse was  approximately 67.1%  invested  in
qualifying holdings.  Three further investments have been made  since
the year end. In light of the current deal flow we are confident that
Eclipse will meet the relevant VCT regulations by its deadline of  31
May 2007 and be able to maintain them thereafter.

Eclipse is now approaching the  end of the initial investment  period
and has  built  a broad  portfolio  of investments  in  unquoted  and
AIM-quoted  investments.    Our  intention   is  to  build  on   this
progress in the coming  period by focusing  on generating value  from
the existing  portfolio of  investments,  while also  making  further
investments from  the  flow  of  attractive  opportunities  that  the
Manager is seeing.

The early signs from the portfolio are very encouraging and I  expect
to be  able to  update you  on further  good progress  in the  coming

Viscount Cobham
9 February 2007

Investment Manager's Review
We are delighted to report substantial progress across the  portfolio
over the last six  months. Since 31  May 2006 the  net assets of  the
fund have increased by  17% to �35.2 million.  This represents a  net
asset value of 113.5p per share, an uplift of 16.7p. The total return
of the Fund after adding back cumulative dividends of 2.7p equates to
116.2p per share, compared to an initial investment cost of 60p after
the 40% tax relief. In  the period to 31 January   2007 the fund  has
continues to see  an uplift in  its AIM portfolio  taking the NAV  to
117.6p per share.

During the six months to 30 November 2006 the Fund invested a further
�5.7  million   in  eight   new  companies   and  several   follow-on
investments. This takes the total  invested by Eclipse VCT to  almost
�19.5 million, with  unrealised gains on  investment of �6.6  million
taking the value of the portfolio to over �26 million, an increase of
more than 33% on  cost.  A further  three investments have been  made
since the year end.

Qualifying Status
VCTs have  three  years  to  invest 70%  of  the  money  raised  into
qualifying companies.  We are pleased to report that, at 30  November
2006, two and a half years through the three year period, Eclipse was
67.1%  invested  in  qualifying  companies.    With  the   additional
investments made  since the  end  of the  period, the  proportion  of
qualifying investments has increased to 68.8%.

Review of Investments
At 30 November 2006, the  Eclipse portfolio comprised investments  in
17 AIM-quoted and 17 unquoted companies.   The remainder of the  Fund
was invested in money market securities.

Once we  have made  an  investment, we  take  an active  approach  in
monitoring its  performance.  This  includes  regular  meetings  with
management teams  and,  in the  case  of most  unquoted  investments,
attending board meetings of the  portfolio companies. We are keen  to
invest in additional rounds of funding in portfolio companies,  where
we are familiar with the qualities  of the management team and  where
the performance has been closely monitored.

Portfolio Activity
During the  period,  the Fund  made  eight new  investments.    These
investments are discussed below:

Worthington Nicholls Group plc
Worthington Nicholls  is one  of the  UK's largest  air  conditioning
contractors providing  services  to  the hotel,  retail  and  leisure
sectors. The three  divisions that the  company operates through  are
the project  management, design  and  installation of  machines,  the
maintenance of machines, and ventilation hygiene. The company  listed
on AIM in June 2006 after raising �7.5 million.

First Sports Group Limited
In June 2006 Eclipse invested alongside Eclipse VCT 2 in a �2 million
fundraising for First Sports Group ('FSG').  FSG provides and manages
retail solutions  within sports  and leisure  clubs.   The  company's
clients include Esporta, Holmes Place and David Lloyd.

CSL Dualcom Limited
Eclipse invested  �857,000  alongside  the  other  Eclipse  funds  to
finance the �6 million management buy out  of CSL Dualcom.  CSL is  a
leading supplier of dual path alarm signalling devices.

Adrenalin Design Limited
Adrenalin Design  was  formed to  acquire  the fast  growing  fashion
brand, Golddigga, which is  aimed at girls aged  between 15 and 25.
The company, which is based in Derby, was founded in 1997.  The brand
is sold through 650 outlets across  the UK and Europe. We  introduced
new management as  part of  the transaction to  support the  existing
team. The  strategy is  to  focus on  growing domestic  and  overseas
sales through increased investment in marketing and sales support.

Audio Visual Machines Limited
Audio Visual Machines  is a leading  audio visual systems  integrator
and service  provider.   It  works  with  some of  the  UK's  leading
businesses including BP, PwC and  Lloyds TSB and delivers  everything
from a simple  projector installation through  to a fully  integrated
video conferencing suite  to its  clients.  Funding  was provided  to
finance the management buy out of the business.

Brulines (Holdings) Plc
Brulines is a  provider of draught  beer dispense monitoring,  volume
and revenue protection systems  for over 16,000 pubs  in the UK.  The
company listed on AIM in October 2006 having raised �7 million.

Concateno plc
Concateno was created as a vehicle to identify and acquire  companies
in the  support  services  and utility  sectors.  Concateno  recently
announced the  acquisition of  Medscreen, a  company specialising  in
drug and alcohol testing in key  market sectors such as the  maritime
sector and Her Majesty's Prisons.

Hasgrove plc
Hasgrove is  an integrated  communications group  with operations  in
four European countries,  delivering solutions  in public  relations,
public affairs, advertising, design and online marketing.

Portfolio Valuation

At 30 November 2006, the Fund's portfolio comprised investments in 34
companies with a total cost of �19.5 million and a carrying value  of
�26.1 million.   The Fund also  held �8.6 million  in cash and  money
market securities awaiting investment in qualifying holdings.

                                    Investment appreciation/ Carrying
                                       at Cost  depreciation    Value
Unquoted investments                     �,000         �,000    �,000
Gyro International Limited               1,748         1,725    3,473
Covion Limited                             844         1,237    2,081
James Harvard International
Limited                                  1,000         1,061    2,061
Luther Pendragon Limited                 1,000           595    1,595
Plastics Capital Limited                 1,000           440    1,440
Perfect Pizza Limited                    1,125             -    1,125
The Kendal Group Limited                 1,024             -    1,024
Reading Room Limited                     1,000             -    1,000
Adrenalin Design Limited                   910             -      910
Dualcom Holdings Limited                   858             -      858
Other unquoted investments               4,137         (248)    3,889
                                        14,646         4,810   19,456
AIM-quoted investments
Tanfield Group plc                         505           677    1,182
Worthington Nicholls Group plc             468           510      978
Cello Group plc                            751           150      901
Zetar plc                                  242           356      598
InterQuest Group plc                       342           167      509
Hasgrove plc                               400            33      433
Augean plc                                 500         (103)      397
Healthcare Locums plc                      300            22      322
Autoclenz Holdings plc                     338          (24)      314
fountains plc                              240          (44)      196
Other AIM-quoted investments               731            94      825
                                         4,817         1,837    6,655
                                        19,463         6,648   26,111

Ten Largest Holdings

Gyro International Limited

Gyro, which was founded in 1991, provides an integrated suite of
marketing services including brand strategy, direct marketing, web
marketing and event management. The company focuses primarily on
technology and financial services companies, and clients include
Sony, Sun Microsystems, Orange and Deutsche Bank.  Eclipse led a �3m
funding round in February 2005 in which it invested �1m.  A further
�6 million funding round was led in which Eclipse invested �748,000
and other Octopus funds also invested.  Part of the latest round may
be used to finance acquisitions.

Gyro has offices in London, Geneva, Stockholm, Amsterdam, New York
and San Francisco and has recently opened in Dublin and Hamburg. Gyro
was ranked the number one B2B agency in the UK in 2006.

The company has performed well since our investment with
sales increasing from �11m in 2004 to over �25 million in the last
financial year and, based on strong trading results, the carrying
value has been increased.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                10 February 2005
Equity held                                               10.6%
Cost                                                 �1,748,000
Valuation                                            �3,473,000
Valuation basis                               Earnings multiple
Dividends/interest received during the period               Nil
Last audited accounts                              October 2005
Net assets                                           �3,831,000
Loss before taxation                                  �(66,000)

Covion Limited

Covion provides a full range of support services, including cleaning,
security and maintenance work for clients such as LogicaCMG, Sara Lee
and Domestic & General.

The company now has annualised sales of more than �32 million and in
the year to December 2006 has grown both turnover and profit by 60%
year on year.   This growth underpins the increase in the valuation
as Covion will be sold on a current contracted run rate.

Covion continues to be one of the 100 fastest growing companies in
the UK (Source: Sunday Times Fast Track 100 December 2006).

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                     27 May 2005
Equity held                                               10.1%
Cost                                                   �844,000
Valuation                                            �2,081,000
Valuation basis                               Earnings multiple
Dividends/interest received during the period           �62,500
Last audited accounts                             December 2005
Net assets                                           �1,412,000
Profit before taxation                                 �787,000

James Harvard International Limited

James Harvard is one of the leading recruitment agencies in the
growing, but fragmented, European clinical trials market. The funds
raised were used to acquire EXCO, thereby extending the range of
functional areas covered by James Harvard as well as providing access
to a broader range of clients.  Since completion of our investment,
JHI has made a further modest acquisition, ASA Medical, from
Hotgroup.  Performance has been significantly ahead of our
expectations, with proforma profits more than doubling over the last
year. As a result we have increased our valuation to reflect this.

Further information can be found at the company's website,

Investment date                                30 November 2005
Equity held                                               10.9%
Cost                                                 �1,000,000
Valuation                                            �2,061,000
Valuation basis                               Earnings multiple
Dividends/interest received during the period           �18,000
Last audited accounts                             December 2005
Net assets                                           �1,214,240
Profit/(loss) before taxation                     Not available

Luther Pendragon Limited

Luther provides a fully integrated corporate public relations service
specialising in 'issues management', which involves developing
communications strategies to combat any potential risks to a client's
reputation or to influence public perception to achieve a strategic
goal. The company was established in 1992 and has grown to 45
partners and staff.  The company has a range of public sector and
blue chip private sector clients from a range of industries.

Luther traded ahead of budget during 2006, which enabled the Company
to repay more bank debt than forecast. As a result we have increased
the valuation of the Fund's investment to �1,595,000.

Further information can be found at the company's website,

Investment date                                30 November 2005
Equity held                                               19.2%
Cost                                                 �1,000,000
Valuation                                            �1,595,000
Valuation basis                               Earnings multiple
Dividends/interest received during the period               Nil
Last audited accounts                             December 2005
Net assets                                           �1,921,000
Profit before taxation                                 �702,000

Plastics Capital Limited

Plastics Capital was set up to build a group of niche plastics
manufacturing companies, each with a strong market position and good
cash generation characteristics.  The group currently comprises three
separate businesses with factories located in Knaresborough,
Leicester, Dartford and Poole with an aggregate turnover in excess of
�15 million.

The first company acquired was Bell Plastics, which manufactures
plastic mandrels for use in the manufacturing process for high
pressure hoses.  Our funding was used to acquire Trimplex, a company
that manufactures creasing matrices for cardboard box manufacturing,
and BNL, which manufactures plastic bearing components. The company
has performed in line with budget, increasing earnings by 17% since
we invested. We have therefore uplifted the valuation.

Investment date                                30 November 2005
Equity held                                               11.8%
Cost                                                 �1,000,000
Valuation                                            �1,440,000
Valuation basis                               Earnings multiple
Dividends/interest received during the period               Nil
Last audited accounts                                March 2006
Net assets                                           �2,027,000
Loss before taxation                                  �(20,000)

Tanfield Group plc

Tanfield has a range  of subsidiaries that  are focused on  providing
zero  emission  vehicles  and  industrial  products.  Smith  Electric
Vehicles is one of the largest manufacturers of electric vehicles  in
the world with more than 500 customers operating both in the  private
and public sectors. Norquip is  one of the world's leading  providers
of ground support equipment in  the form of airport service  vehicles
and passenger  transfer units.  Aerial Access  is a  manufacturer  of
electrically powered aerial lifts and access platforms. Complementary
to Aerial  Access is  its Upright  subsidiary, which  specialises  in
scissor lifts and is globally renowned.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                  26 May 2005
Equity held                                            0.55%
Cost                                                �505,000
Valuation                                         �1,182,000
Valuation basis                               AIM investment
Dividends/interest received during the period            Nil
Last audited accounts                          December 2005
Net assets                                       �11,800,000
Profit before taxation                            �2,000,000

Perfect Pizza Limited

Perfect Pizza is the third largest pizza delivery business in the  UK
with 114 franchised stores throughout the country. The home  delivery
pizza market is expected to continue to be a growth area as a  result
of the long-term trend away from home cooking.

Further information can be found at the company's website,

Investment date                                        8 March 2006
Equity held                                                   15.4%
Cost                                                     �1,125,000
Valuation                                                �1,125,000
Valuation basis                               Cost (New Investment)
Dividends/interest received during the period               �45,500

First audited financial information will be available for the  period
to 28 February 2007.

The Kendal Group Limited

The Kendal Group is the holding company for the Zoggs and PureLime

Zoggs is  a leading  swim equipment  and swimwear  brand, founded  in
Australia and well known for its swim goggles and flotation aids.  It
has recently introduced swimwear to the range. Further information is
available at

PureLime is a ladies fitness  and active wear brand, originally  from
Denmark. Further information is available at

The company generates a high proportion of its sales through  fitness
centres  and  swimming  pool  locations  and  is  starting  to   gain
distribution through retail outlets such as Tesco and Early  Learning
Centre.  The Zoggs brand has a significant presence in Australia  and
plans to grow through licensing in other countries.

Further information can be found at the company's website,

Investment date                                    18 November 2005
Equity held                                                   10.2%
Cost                                                     �1,024,000
Valuation                                                �1,024,000
Valuation basis                               Cost (New Investment)
Dividends/interest received during the period                   Nil
Last audited accounts                                 December 2005
Net assets                                               �1,375,000
Loss before taxation                                     �(727,000)

Reading Room Limited

Reading  Room  designs,  develops  and  maintains  websites  for  its
clients. The company is known for its integrated approach to  digital
communications, media  and  marketing and  has  a broad  client  base
including GlaxoSmithKline, Ernst and  Young, and the
In 2006 Reading  Room won a  prestigious award for  the best  charity
website for  Cancer Research  UK to  add to  a long  list of  similar

Reading Room has  offices in  London, Manchester and  Sydney and  has
increased its staffing level from 53 to 109 since our investment.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                               7 April 2005
Equity held                                          26.7%
Cost                                            �1,000,000
Valuation                                       �1,000,000
Valuation basis                                       Cost
Dividends/interest received during the period      �16,500
Last audited accounts                           March 2006
Net assets                                      �1,170,000
Profit before taxation                             �37,000

Worthington Nicholls plc

Worthington Nicholls  is one  of the  UK's largest  air  conditioning
contractors providing  services  to  the hotel,  retail  and  leisure
sectors. The three  divisions that the  company operates through  are
the project  management, design  and  installation of  machines,  the
maintenance of machines, and ventilation hygiene. The company  listed
on AIM in June 2006 after raising �7.5 million.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                 12 June 2006
Equity held                                            0.47%
Cost                                                �468,000
Valuation                                           �978,000
Valuation basis                               AIM Investment
Dividends/interest received during the period            Nil

First audited financial information will be available for the  period
to 30 September 2006.

Recent Transactions

Since the end  of the period  under review, we  have completed 3  new

Hexagon Human Capital Limited
Hexagon is a recruitment firm established in 2004 with a strategy for
growth by acquisition. To date the company has bought three executive
search businesses and created a joint venture with a fourth.

In December 2006 we provided the company with �2.5 million of
funding, alongside �10 million from Barclays Bank, to finance the
acquisition of a fifth business, BIE, which is the UK's leading
interim management business. The enlarged group now has a
complementary balance between executive search and interim
management, which should give it greater stability in the event of a
market downturn.

Vertu Motors plc
Vertu Motors is an acquisition vehicle that has been set up with  the
intention of  acquiring  and  growing retail  motor  businesses.  The
company floated on AIM in December 2006, raising �25 million.

NPI Media Group Limited
NPI Media  Group  is  the  UK market  leader  in  the  publishing  of
distinctive 'local interest' history books.  In January 2007, Eclipse
provided �1,518,402 as  part of  a �5.5 million  investment from  the
Eclipse funds.  Funding was  provided to facilitate the  acquisitions
of NPI's  two  largest  competitors, Sutton  Publishing  Limited  and
Jarrold Publishing,  to  make  it  the  dominant  player  within  its
publishing niche.

Summary of  investments  made  by  other  funds  managed  by  Octopus
Investments Limited
It is a requirement that Octopus discloses if some of its other funds
are also  invested in  any of  the Eclipse  VCT portfolio  companies.
Details of these are shown below.

                           % equity held by    % equity held by other
                                Eclipse VCT  funds managed by Octopus
Audio Visual Machines                 11.90                     33.10
Augean plc                             0.42                      1.62
Autoclenz Holdings plc                 2.60                     10.25
BBI Holdings plc                       0.26                      3.35
Blanc Brasseries Holdings              1.24                      2.06
Brulines Holding plc                   0.50                      2.10
Capital Pubs Company 2 plc              2.5                      5.70
Cello Group plc                        2.18                      4.40
Cohort plc                             0.28                      1.58
Concateno plc                          0.27                      2.33
Covion Limited                         9.60                      4.90
Dualcom Holdings Limited              11.50                     28.50
First Sports Group Limited            20.00                     20.00
fountains plc                          1.29                      2.62
Golddigga Limited                     11.00                     31.90
Gyro International Limited            10.60                      7.60
Hasgrove plc                           1.79                      7.17
Healthcare Locums plc                  0.58                      0.68
InterQuest plc                         2.17                      2.26
Invocas plc                            0.19                      1.07
James Harvard                         10.00                     15.00
Lilestone Holdings Limited            18.10                     10.70
Luther Pendragon Limited              17.50                     17.50
Ovum plc                               0.49                      2.77
Perfect Pizza Limited                 15.40                     19.60
Plastics Capital Limited              11.50                      9.20
Red-M Group Limited                    3.60                      5.74
The Kendal Group Limited              10.22                      5.74
The Tanfield Group plc                 0.55                      4.39
Tissue Science                         0.27                      0.27
Laboratories plc
Worthington Nicholls plc               0.47                      5.22
Zetar plc                              1.12                      1.18

Personal Service
At Octopus, we pride  ourselves not only on  our team's track  record
but also on our  personalised customer service.   We believe in  open
communication and  our  regular  updates are  designed  to  keep  you
involved and informed.

If you have any questions about this  review, or if it would help  to
speak to one of the fund managers, please do not hesitate to  contact
us on 020 7710 2800.

Simon Rogerson
Chief Executive

Income Statement
                 Six months ended       Six months ended
                        30-Nov-06              30-Nov-05   Year to 31 May 2006

            Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total
              �'000   �'000 �'000   �'000   �'000  �'000   �'000   �'000 �'000

gains on       1       -      1      -       -      -       -       -      -

gains on       -     5,593  5,593    -     (279)  (279)     -      424    424

Income        538      -     538    463      -     463    1,028     -    1,028

management   (89)    (266)  (355)  (87)    (263)  (350)   (174)   (524)  (698)
Other        (213)     -    (213)  (184)     -    (184)   (308)     -    (308)

Return on
ordinary      237    5,327  5,564   192    (542)  (350)    546    (100)   446
before tax

Tax          (45)     45      -    (58)     58      -     (104)    99     (5)

Return on
ordinary      192    5,372  5,564   134    (484)  (350)    442     (1)    441
after tax
Basic and
diluted      0.6p    17.3p  17.9p  0.4p   (1.5)p  (1.1)p  1.4p    0.0p   1.4p
return per

*           The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account
  of the Company.
*           All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from
  continuing operations.
*           The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
  interim financial information.
*           The Company has only one class of business and derives its income
  from investments made in shares and  securities and from bank and money
  market securities.

Reconciliation of movements in
shareholders' funds
                   30 November 2006          30 November 2005        31 May2006
                              �'000                     �'000             �'000
shareholders'                                          29,911           29,911
funds as at 1        30,165
June 2006
Total gains
and (losses)                                                                441
recognised in         5,564                   (350)
purchased for         (107)                   (11)                  (87)
recognised in         (390)                   (453)                       (453)
funds at  30         35,232                  29,449                     30,165
November 2006

Balance Sheet
                             as at 30 as at 30 November  as at 31 May
                        November 2006              2005          2006

                         �'000  �'000    �'000    �'000  �'000  �'000

Fixed asset investments        26,111            11,670        14,948
Current assets
Investments              8,224          16,010          13,657
Debtors                    583             515             448
Cash at bank               392           1,328           1,157
                         9,199          17,853          15,262
Creditors: amounts
falling due within one
year                      (78)            (74)            (45)
Net current assets       9,121                   17,779        15,217
Net assets                     35,232            29,449        30,165

Called up equity share
capital                         3,105             3,126         3,117
Special distributable
reserve                        26,409            26,603        26,516
Capital redemption
reserve                            25                 4            13
Capital reserve
realised                        (991)             (505)         (725)
Capital reserve
unrealised                      6,380                84           787
Revenue reserve                   304               137           457
Total equity shareholders'
funds                          35,232            29,449        30,165

Net asset value per
share                          113.5p             94.2p         96.8p

Cash flow statement

                   Six months ended  Six months ended  Year to 31 May
                   30 November 2006  30 November 2005            2006

                      �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000   �'000

Net cash (outflow)
from operating
activities                    (229)             (436)           (436)

investment :
Purchase of
investments         (5,730)          (5,228)          (7,631)
Sale of
investments             258                -                -

Net cash outflow
from financial
investment                  (5,472)           (5,228)         (7,631)

Management of
liquid resources :
Decrease in cash
funds                         5,433             7,289           9,642

Taxation                          -                 -            (45)

Equity dividends
paid                          (390)             (453)           (453)

Financing :
Repurchase of own
shares                (107)             (11)             (87)
Total financing               (107)              (11)            (87)

Increase in cash
resources                     (765)             1,161             990

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
                                    30 November   30 November  31 May
                                           2006          2005    2006
                                          �'000         �'000   �'000
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities                                5,564         (350)     446
Increase in debtors                       (135)         (366)   (300)
Increase in creditors                        33             1      14
(Increase)/decrease in capital
value of investments                    (5,593)           279   (424)
Unrealised loss on current asset
investments                                (98)             -   (172)
Net cash inflow from operating
activities                                (229)         (436)   (436)

Notes to the interim statements

1.     Principal accounting policies
The unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 November
2006 and the period ended 30 November 2005 do not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The comparative figures for the period ended 31 May 2006 have been
extracted from the audited financial statements for that year, which
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The independent
auditors' report on those financial statements under Section 235 of
the Companies Act 1985 was unqualified.
2.     The calculation of the revenue and capital return per share is
based on the return on ordinary activities after tax for the period
and on 31,152,062 ordinary shares, being the weighted average number
of shares in issue during the period from 1 June 2006 to 30 November
2006. (November 2005: 31,264,560 and May 2006: 21,240,517).
3.     The calculation of net asset value per share is based on the
net assets at 30 November 2006 and on 31,047,165 (November 2005:
31,256,780 and May 2006: 31,169,065) being the number of shares in
issue at the same date.  It should be noted that the value of shares
awaiting issue are excluded from this calculation.
4.     Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders.
Copies are available from the registered office of the Company at 8
Angel Court, London, ECR2 7HP.


Copyright � Hugin ASA 2007. All rights reserved.

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