RNS Number : 9043O

Doric Nimrod Air One Limited

12 August 2014



The following amendments have been made to the "Annual Financial Report" announcement released on 30 July 2014 at 16:30 under RNS Number 7798N16.

Four paragraphs with regard to the Notes to the Financial Statements were omitted due to a formatting error.

Note 2(k) - Property, plant and equipment - Aircraft now includes the below wording:

"Depreciation is recognised so as to write off the cost of the Asset less the estimated residual value of GBP69.2 million over the estimated useful life of the Asset of 12 years, using the straight line method. The depreciation method reflects the pattern of benefit consumption. The residual value is reviewed annually and is the amount the entity would receive currently if the asset were already of the age and condition expected at the end of its useful life. Useful life is also reviewed annually and for the purposes of the financial statements represents the likely period of the Company's ownership of these Assets. Depreciation starts when the asset is available for use."

"Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the Asset for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted."

Note 2(l) Financial liabilities now includes the below wording:

"The Company derecognises financial liabilities when, and only when, the Company's obligations are discharged, cancelled or they expire."

Note 3 Critical Accounting Judgement, Operating lease commitments - Company as lessor now includes the below wording:

"The Company has determined that the operating lease on the Asset is for 12 years based on an initial term of 10 years followed by an extension term of 2 years. Should the lessee choose to exit their lease at the end of the initial term of 10 years, a penalty equal to the present value of the remaining 2 years lease rentals would be due."

All other details remain unchanged. The full corrected Annual Financial Report can be found below.

For further information about this announcement contact:

  JTC (Guernsey) Limited    Tel: +44 (0) 1481 702 400 

Doric Nimrod Air One Limited

Annual Financial Report

From 1 April 2013 to

31 March 2014

  Summary Information                      1 
  Company Overview                         2 
  Chairman's Statement                     4 
  Asset Manager's Report                   8 
  Directors                                15 
  Service Providers                        17 
  Management Report                        21 
  Directors' Report 
   Audit Committee Report                  23 
  Independent Auditor's Report             39 
  Statement of Comprehensive Income        43 
  Statement of Financial Position          44 
  Statement of Cash Flows                  45 
  Statement of Changes in Equity           46 
  Notes to the Financial Statements        47 
  Key Advisers and Contact Information     71 

Company Facts

  Listing                       Special Fund Market of the London Stock 
                                 Exchange and Channel Islands Securities 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Ticker                        DNA 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Share Price                   114.00p (as at 31 March 2014) 
                                 114.125p (as at 25 July 2014) 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Market Capitalisation         GBP 48.5 million (as at 31 March 2014) 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Aircraft Registration         A6-EDC 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Current/Future Anticipated    Current dividends are 2.25p per quarter 
   Dividend                      per share (9p per annum) and it is 
                                 anticipated this will continue until 
                                 the aircraft lease begins to terminate 
                                 in 2022. 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Dividend Payment Dates        April, July, October, January 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Currency                      Sterling 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Launch Date/Price             13 December 2010 / 100p 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Incorporation and Domicile    Guernsey 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Asset Manager                 Doric GmbH 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Corp & Shareholder Advisor    Nimrod Capital LLP 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Administrator                 JTC Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Auditor                       Deloitte LLP 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Market Makers                 Shore Capital Ltd/ 
                                 Winterflood Securities Ltd/ 
                                 Jefferies International Ltd/ 
                                 Numis Securities Ltd 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  SEDOL, ISIN                   B4MF389, GG00B4MF3899 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Year End                      31 March 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Stocks & Shares ISA           Eligible 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
  Website                       www.dnairone.com 
----------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 

Doric Nimrod Air One Limited (LSE:DNA) ("DNA" or the "Company") is a Guernsey company incorporated on 8 October 2010, and admitted to the Official List and to trading on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange ("CISX") and the Specialist Fund Market of the London Stock Exchange ("SFM") on 13 December 2010. On 20 December 2013 the Royal Court of Guernsey approved the scheme of arrangement ("the scheme") between CISX and The Channel Islands Securities Exchange ("CISE"). In accordance with the scheme, the business of CISX has been acquired by CISE. All securities that were listed on the Official List of CISX have been transferred and are now listed on the Official List of CISE.

The Company's total issued share capital currently consists of 42,450,000 Ordinary Preference Shares ("Shares") which were admitted to trading at an issue price of 100 pence per Share. As at 25 July 2014, the latest practicable date prior to publication of this report, the Shares are trading at 114.125 pence.

Investment Objectives and Policy

The Company's investment objective is to deliver an income return and a capital return for its shareholders (the "Shareholders") by acquiring leasing and then remarketing a single aircraft. The Company purchased one Airbus A380-861 Aircraft, manufacturers' serial number 016 (the "Asset") in December 2010, which it leased (the "Lease") to Emirates Airlines ("Emirates"), the national carrier owned by The Investment Corporation of Dubai based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Distribution Policy

The Company aims to provide its Shareholders with an attractive total return, comprising income from distributions through the period of the Company's ownership of the Asset and capital upon the sale of the Asset.

The Company receives income from the lease rentals paid by Emirates pursuant to the Lease. The Lease payments received by the Company from Emirates cover repayment of the debt and all interest, as well as income to pay dividends to shareholders. Emirates bears all costs (including maintenance, repair and insurance) relating to the aircraft, during the lifetime of the lease.

Future dividend payments are anticipated to continue to be declared and paid on a quarterly cycle and as per the Prospectus are targeted at 2.25 pence per Ordinary Preference Share per quarter subject to compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

There can be no guarantee that dividends will be paid to Shareholders and, if dividends are paid, as to the timing and amount of any such dividend. There can also be no guarantee that the Company will, at all times, satisfy the solvency test required to be satisfied pursuant to section 304 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008 ("Guernsey Law") enabling the directors to effect the payment of dividends.

Performance Overview

All payments by Emirates have to date been made in accordance with the terms of the lease.

In accordance with the Distribution Policy the Company declared four dividends of 2.25 pence per Ordinary Preference Share during the financial year to 31 March 2014 and two dividends of 2.25 pence per Ordinary Preference Share after the reporting period.

Return of Capital

If and when the Company is wound up (pursuant to a shareholder resolution, including the liquidation resolution) the Company intends to return to Shareholders the net capital proceeds upon the eventual sale of the Asset subject to compliance with the relevant laws (including any applicable requirements of the solvency test contained therein).

Liquidation Resolution

Although the Company does not have a fixed life, the articles of incorporation (the "Articles") require that the directors convene a general meeting of the Company six months before the end of the term of the Lease where an ordinary resolution will be proposed that the Company proceed to an orderly wind-up at the end of the term of the Lease and the directors will consider (and if necessary, propose to Shareholders) alternatives for the future of the Company, including re-leasing the Asset, or selling the Asset and reinvesting the capital received from the sale of the Asset in another aircraft.

I am very pleased to present shareholders with the Company's third annual financial report, covering the period from 1 April 2013 until 31 March 2014 ("the Period") .

I am glad to report that during the Period the Company has continued to perform well and declared quarterly dividends as expected.

The Company's investment objective is to obtain income returns and a capital return for its shareholders by acquiring, leasing and then selling a single aircraft. The Company purchased one Airbus A380-861, aircraft manufacturer's serial number 016 (the "Asset"), which it leased to Emirates Airlines, the national carrier owned by the Investment Corporation of Dubai, based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. A senior secured finance facility provided by Westpac, in the amount of $122m provided the monies along with the placing proceeds for the acquisition of the aircraft. On the purchase of the plane, the Company entered into a lease with Emirates for an initial term of 12 years, with fixed lease rentals for the duration. The debt portion of the funding will be fully amortised over the 12-year term of the lease, with the aim of leaving the aircraft unencumbered on the conclusion of the lease.

The Company's Asset Manager, Doric GmbH, continues to monitor the lease and to report regularly to the Board. Nimrod Capital LLP, the Company's Placing Agent as well as its Corporate and Shareholder Advisory Agent, continues to liaise between the Board and Shareholders, and to distribute quarterly fact sheets and interim management statements.

During the calendar year 2013 overall global air traffic passenger demand, measured in revenue passenger kilometres (RPKs), expanded by 5.2% compared to the year before. This number represents exactly the average historical growth rate over the last 30 years, and was mainly driven by solid economic growth in the emerging regions. Less mature air travel markets continued to expand significantly faster than the more mature ones. In general, increasing air travel was consistent with the pick-up in economic growth around the globe.

Emirates has also continued to perform well flying more passengers than ever before carrying 44.5 million people to 142 destinations in 80 countries on six continents during the last financial year 2013/14. Passenger load factors remain high and the airline has ordered more wide bodied planes (including a further 50 A380's) to cope with its forecast increasing demand.

At the end of April 2014 the A380 had 10 operators with 128 planes in service. There were undelivered orders of some 195 A380s at that point in time.

According to Airbus, until March 2014 the worldwide A380 fleet had accumulated 1.3 million flight hours in close to 155,000 commercial flights. The number of passengers who flew aboard an Airbus A380 was 55 million. Currently the A380 operates between 35 airports and every five minutes an A380 takes off or lands at these destinations.

The Board recognise Emirates are the sole lessee of the Asset, and in the event that Emirates default on the rental payments it is unlikely the Company will be able to meet its targeted dividends or, in the case of ongoing default, continue as a going concern. We do not believe this is a likelihood at this moment in time given the current and historical performance of Emirates and its current financial position.

In economic reality, the Company has also performed well. Four interim dividends were declared in the year and future dividends are targeted to be declared and paid on a quarterly basis. However, the financial statements do not, in the Board's view, properly convey this economic reality due to the accounting treatments for foreign exchange, rental income and finance costs.

International Financial Reporting Standards require that transactions denominated in US Dollars (including, most importantly, the cost of the aircraft) are translated into sterling at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction whilst monetary items (principally the outstanding borrowings) are translated at the rate prevailing on the reporting date. The result is that the figures sometimes show very large mismatches which are reported as unrealised foreign exchange differences.

On an on-going basis and assuming the lease and loan payments are made as anticipated, such exchange differences do not reflect the commercial substance of the situation in the sense that the key transactions denominated in US Dollars are in fact closely matched. Rental income received in US Dollars is used to pay loan repayments due which are likewise denominated in US Dollars. US Dollar lease rentals and loan repayments are furthermore fixed at the outset of the Company's life and are very similar in amount and timing.

In addition to this, rental income receivable is credited evenly to the Statement of Comprehensive Income over the planned life of the Company. Conversely, the methodology for accounting for interest cost means that the proportion of the loan repayments which is treated as interest, and is debited to the Statement of Comprehensive Income, varies over the course of the loan with a higher proportion of interest expense recognised in earlier periods - so that the differential between rental income and interest cost (as reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income) reduces over the course of 12 years. In reality however the amount of rental income is fixed so as to closely match the interest and principal components of each loan repayment instalment and allow for payments of operating costs and dividends.

An annual review is required of the residual value of the Asset as per IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment which defines residual value as "the estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life." The Company's estimation technique is to make reference to the current forecast market value, not the amount that would currently be achieved, and so this value is not a direct application of the IAS 16 definition of residual value. The Company has engaged three internationally recognised expert appraisers to provide the Company with third party consultancy valuation services. The Company has also received reports from Doric, who have confirmed it has no reason to question the methodology used within the appraisal reports to determine the residual value and that they do not believe the appraisals show a fundamental movement in the anticipated residual value of the plane since it was acquired. Thus Doric has advised they do not believe the estimate of residual value need be changed for the Period. Upon review of the professional advice they have received, the Board is of the opinion that, the current estimate of the residual value of the Asset is a reasonable approximation of the residual value within the IAS 16 definition of residual value given a comparable asset is not available.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our service providers for all their help and assistance and all shareholders for their continued support of the Company.

Charles Wilkinson


On the invitation of the directors of the Company, the following commentary has been provided by Doric GmbH as Asset Manager of the Company and is provided without any warranty as to its accuracy and without any liability incurred on the part of the Company, its directors and officers and service providers. The commentary is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice. Potential investors in the Company should seek their own independent financial advice and may not rely on this communication in evaluating the merits of an investment in the Company. The commentary is provided as a source of information for shareholders of the Company but is not attributable to the Company.

The Airbus A380 with the manufacturer's serial number (MSN) 016 is registered in the United Arab Emirates under the registration mark A6-EDC. For the period from original delivery of the aircraft to Emirates in November 2008 until the end of March 2014, a total of 2,819 flight cycles were registered. Total flight hours were 23,573. This equates to an average flight duration of approximately eight hours and 20 minutes.

In September 2013 the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) released an investigation report, involving an engine formerly owned by Doric Nimrod Air One Limited ("the Company"). The engine (serial number P550121) experienced an uncommanded in-flight shutdown during climb out of Sydney on 11 November 2012 while it was installed on another A380 of the Emirates fleet. A break-up and dislodgement of some high pressure turbine (HPT) nozzles were identified as the root cause. At that point in time, manufacturer Engine Alliance (EA) was already aware of the issue in general and an exchange programme with redesigned nozzles was underway. Nozzle exchange was planned for the next workshop visit of the Company's former engine. After the incident, EA has intensified its efforts to prevent future failures with several measures, including enhanced real time trend monitoring during flight and mandatory inspection intervals for HPT nozzles. According to the ATSB, "the associated risks to the safety of continued flight were relatively low". In May 2013 the Company took ownership of a new engine (P550349) that EA agreed to replace in exchange for

the damaged one.

The A380 (MSN 016) owned by the Company visited Auckland, London Heathrow, Hong Kong, Manchester, Moscow, Toronto and Sydney during the financial year ended on 31 March 2014.

1. Maintenance status

Emirates maintains its A380 aircraft fleet based on a maintenance programme according to which minor maintenance checks are performed every 1,500 flight hours, and more significant maintenance checks (C checks) every 24 months or 12,000 flight hours, whichever comes first. The second C check of the aircraft took place in the Emirates engineering facility at Dubai International Airport in November 2012. The next heavy maintenance check will be the 6-year check (which will include the third C check) scheduled for November 2014.

Emirates bears all costs (including maintenance, repair and insurance) relating to the aircraft during the lifetime of the lease.

Hairline Cracks

In late 2011, hairline cracks were detected in a small number of L-shaped metal brackets (known as wing rib feet) within the wing structure of some A380s. The aircraft remain fully airworthy and the hairline cracks pose no risk to flight safety as affirmed by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Airbus.

EASA released its latest Airworthiness Directive in May 2013, outlining which modification need to be made and the respective compliance terms. The wing rib feet modifications programme for Emirates' aircraft is essentially managed by Airbus. All modification activities will be covered by the applicable manufacturer's warranties. Emirates decided to embody all modifications in one step. The downtime required to incorporate the permanent fix has in some cases been reduced from originally planned eight weeks down to 51 days. The Company has been notified by Emirates that the implementation of the final fix for MSN 016 started on 4 February 2014 and was completed on 28 March 2014. The modification works were being conducted by Sabena Technics (in Bordeaux, France).

2. Market Overview

During 2013 passenger demand, measured in revenue passenger kilometres (RPKs), expanded by 5.2% compared to the year before. This number represents exactly the average historical growth rate over the last 30 years. Market development during 2013 was mainly driven by solid economic growth in the emerging regions. Less mature air travel markets continued to expand significantly faster than the more mature ones. The industry also experienced a firm start into the year 2014. RPKs in the first quarter of the current calendar year increased by 5.6% above the same period the year before, but stagnated in March compared to February. In general, accelerating air travel markets during the last months are consistent with a pick-up in economic growth across the globe.

A regional breakdown reveals that the Middle East airlines were once more the best-performing in terms of RPK growth with a plus of 11.4% during 2013. The Asia/Pacific region grew by 7.1%. The most modest growth was again observed in North America with 2.3%. This growth pattern is continuing in the current year. During the first quarter of 2014 traffic in the Middle East increased by 13.3% compared to the same period the year before. At the lower end North America has been replaced by Africa where RPKs contracted by 0.5%.

Between January and December 2013 airlines increased their capacities, measured in available seat kilometres (ASKs), by 4.8%. With some exceptions, the operators remained careful in their capacity planning. Overall the growth rate of RPKs exceeded the ASK increase. The average passenger load factor during the year 2013 was 79.5%. This is an increase of 0.4%-points compared to the year before. From a historic perspective passenger load factors remain stable on a high level. In 2014 worldwide passenger load factors could exceed 81% for the first time in the industry's history. According to the latest traffic forecast released by IATA in March 2014, RPKs are expected to grow by 5.8% in 2014 and 6.7% in 2015. Outlook for 2015 was slightly downgraded by 0.2%-points since the previous publication from December 2013.

IATA released its latest industry outlook in March 2014 according to which global industry profits are expected to reach USD 18.7 billion in 2014. This is slightly lower than IATA's December 2013 estimate of USD 19.7 billion. The main driver of this downward revision is an adjusted projection for oil price development, which has been increased by USD 3.50 per barrel for geo-political reasons such as the latest developments in the Ukraine. But according to IATA's General Director and CEO, Tony Tyler, the general outlook to the industry is positive. Expected GDP growth, which is closely linked to airlines profitability, is largely driven by developed economies after some key emerging economies like India and Brazil face economic challenges.

During 2013 Airbus delivered more aircraft to its customers than ever before. At the same time the European aircraft manufacturer received new orders for 1,503 aircraft. At year-end order backlog increased to 5,559 aircraft with a cumulative list price of more than USD 800 billion. This is a new record to the aviation industry.

Source: Airbus, IATA

3. Lessee - Emirates Key Financials

Emirates announced its 26(th) consecutive year of profit and company-wide growth for the financial year ended on 31 March 2014, despite competitive pressure and a global economic environment that is only slowly recovering.

Revenue reached a record high of USD 22.5 billion, up by 13% compared to the previous financial year, and continues to be well balanced with no region contributing more than 30%. East Asia and Australasia remained the highest revenue contributing regions with USD 6.5 billion, up 14.1% from 2012/2013. Gulf and Middle East (up 16.6% to USD 2.3 billion), Europe (up 16.3% to USD 6.4 billion) and Africa (up 15.1% to USD 2.1 billion) saw the most significant growth rates, reflecting new destinations as well as increased frequency and capacity to these regions.

The airline posted a net profit of USD 887 million, representing an increase of 43% over last year's results. With a share of nearly 40% fuel remains the largest operating cost category. Compared to last financial year, the average price of jet fuel was slightly lower relieving the carrier's bottom line. Due to the growing fleet Emirates' fuel bill increased by 10% to reach USD 8.4 billion. Total operating costs showed a smaller increase (+11.5%) than the revenues (+13%) in the financial year 2013/2014 resulting in a profit margin of 3.9%.

As of 31 March 2014 the balance sheet total amounted to USD 27.7 billion, an increase of 7.2% from the previous year. Total equity increased by 10.6% to USD 6.9 billion with an equity ratio of 25.1%. The equity ratio is defined as total equity/balance sheet total. The current ratio was 0.84; therefore the airline would be able to meet most of its current liabilities by liquidating all of its current assets. Significant items on the liabilities side of the balance sheet included finance leases in the amount of USD 8.6 billion and revenues received in advance from passenger and freight sales (USD 3.1 billion). As of 31 March 2014 the carrier's cash balance reached USD 4.5 billion.

Emirates continued with its growth plan and saw the largest increase in Available Tonne Kilometres (ATKs) in the airline's history during the financial year 2013/2014.

Between April 2013 and March 2014, as compared to the prior financial year, the airline's ASKs increased by 14.6%. Measured in RPKs passenger traffic grew by 14.2%, resulting in an average passenger load factor of 79.4%. This is slightly below the 79.7% reached in the period before. A record 44.5 million passengers flew with Emirates between April 2013 and March 2014 - an increase of 13.1% compared to the previous period.

The airline received 24 widebody aircraft, including 16 Airbus A380s, 6 Boeing 777-300ER and 2 Boeing 777F freighters during the financial year ended on 31 March 2014. At the Dubai Air Show in November 2013 Emirates signed contracts with Airbus and Boeing for a combined value of USD 99 billion (list prices) consisting of 150 Boeing 777X and another 50 Airbus A380. According to the operator, the first 25 of the additional A380 will come into service before the first quarter of 2018. Deliveries for 777Xs are scheduled to start in 2020. By that year Emirates expects to have more than 250 widebody aircraft in the air serving some 70 million passengers a year.

The airline is not only heavily investing in new aircraft, but it is also running the world's largest paint hangar owned by an airline. Twice the size of a football field, the facility operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Between January and December 2013 Emirates completed 21 "make-overs" comprising paint stripping and repaint of complete aircraft. According to the airline, the first A380 which entered into service in August 2008 will be due for a repaint in 2015.

As of 30 April 2014 Emirates has 213 widebody aircraft in operation, with firm orders for another 224 aircraft, including 93 A380s, 58 Boeing 777-300ER and 120 Airbus A350. The airline operates the world's largest fleets of Airbus A380s and Boeing 777-300ER. During the financial year 2013/2014 Emirates raised USD 3.3 billion in new funding mainly to secure its on-going fleet expansion. The carrier benefited from a variety of financing structures to meet its refinancing needs, including a second Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificate (EETC) issue by a lessor (Doric Nimrod Air Three Ltd.).

With its increased fleet and resources, Emirates launched nine new destinations during the last financial year. In May 2014 Emirates operated flights to 141 destinations in 80 countries on six continents. During the calendar year 2013 the airline's fleet travelled more than 751 million kilometres, circling the globe over 18,000 times and carrying over 43 million passengers. As of May 2014 the airline operates nearly 3,200 flights per week.

In the current financial year the airline envisage adding at least another five passenger routes including Abuja (Nigeria), Brussels, Chicago, Kano (Nigeria) and Oslo.

Source: Ascend, Emirates

4. Aircraft - A380

At the end of April 2014 Emirates had a fleet of 47 A380s which serve 26 destinations worldwide: Amsterdam, Auckland, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Brisbane, Hong Kong, Jeddah, Kuala Lumpur, London Gatwick, London Heathrow, Los Angeles, Manchester, Mauritius, Melbourne, Moscow, Munich, New York JFK, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, and Zurich. London Gatwick became an A380 destination only recently, even though it was Emirates' first destination when the airline commenced flights to the UK back in 1987. Furthermore Emirates announced an upgrade of service from Dubai to Kuwait with the introduction of the A380 starting in July 2014. Dallas is scheduled to complement the list of A380 destinations in October 2014. The carrier remains by far the largest A380 operator in terms of aircraft number. Emirates has an additional 93 aircraft of this type on firm order.

At the end of April 2014, the global A380 fleet consisted of 128 planes that were in service with ten operators: Emirates (47 A380 aircraft), Singapore Airlines (19), Qantas (12), Deutsche Lufthansa (11), Air France (9), Korean Airways (8), China Southern Airlines (5), Malaysia Airlines (6), Thai Airways (6) and British Airways (5). There are 195 outstanding orders for Airbus A380s at the end of April 2014 as yet undelivered. Qantas, Air France and Virgin Atlantic have announced various postponements from the original delivery dates of their part of these unfilled orders, which concerns 16 of these aircraft . Deutsche Lufthansa has cancelled options to buy three aircraft following a fleet planning revision in 2013.

According to the manufacturer, a number of new operators will receive their aircraft in the current calendar year. Qatar Airways will join the club of A380 operators first, followed by South-Korean based Asiana Airlines and Skymark Airlines of Japan. United Arab Emirates' flag carrier Etihad Airways is expected to receive the first A380 by the close of this year.

In January 2014 the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation lifted the ban for A380 operations at Indian airports. Four major international airports including New Delhi and Mumbai have already been equipped to handle the superjumbo. It is expected that major A380 operators like Emirates, Deutsche Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines will use their aircraft for flights to India in the future. Services will be subject to traffic entitlements within bilateral agreements.

In February 2014 Doric Lease Corp Management Limited, which had been formed in 2013, changed its name to Amedeo Management Limited. Amedeo aims to be a dedicated and actively managed widebody aircraft acquisition and leasing business , with a specialised focus on the A380. It confirmed an order for twenty A380s at the Singapore Air Show in February 2014 with the aim of leasing these planes on to commercial airlines.

According to Airbus, the worldwide A380 fleet has accumulated around 1.3 million flight hours in close to 155,000 commercial flights until March 2014. The number of passengers flying aboard an Airbus A380 to date is approximately 55 million.

Source: Airbus, Ascend, Bloomberg, Emirates

Charles Edmund Wilkinson - Chairman (Age 71)

Charles Wilkinson is a solicitor who retired from Lawrence Graham LLP in March 2005. While at Lawrence Graham he specialised in corporate finance and commercial law, latterly concentrating on investment trust and fund work.

Charles is currently Chairman of Doric Nimrod Air Three Limited and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Doric Nimrod Air Two Limited, and a Director of Premier Energy and Water Trust PLC (a listed investment trust), and of Landore Resources Ltd, a Guernsey based mining exploration company. He is resident in Guernsey.

Norbert Bannon (Age 65)

Norbert Bannon is chairman of a large UK DB pension fund, a major Irish DC pension scheme and is a Director of and advisor to a number of other financial companies . He is on the board of the UK subsidiary of a major Canadian bank and is Chairman of Doric Nimrod Air Two Limited and Chairman of the audit committee of Doric Nimrod Air Three Limited.

He has extensive experience in international finance having been CEO of banks in Singapore and New York. He was CEO of Ireland's largest venture capital company and was Finance Director and Head of Risk at AIB Capital Markets, which he left in 2002. He has worked as a consultant on risk issues internationally.

He earned a degree in Economics from Queens University Belfast, studied at Stanford Graduate School of Business and is a Chartered Accountant.

Geoffrey Alan Hall (Age 65)

Geoffrey Hall has extensive experience in asset management, having previously been Chief Investment Officer of Allianz Insurance plc, a major UK general insurance company and an investment manager at HSBC Asset Management, County Investment Management, and British Railways Pension Funds. Geoffrey is also currently a Director of Doric Nimrod Air Two Limited and Doric Nimrod Air Three Limited.

Geoffrey earned his masters degree in Geography at University of London. He is an associate of the UK Society of Investment Professionals (CFA Institute of the UK).

John Le Prevost (Age 62)

John Le Prevost is the Chief Executive Officer of Anson Group Limited and Chairman of Anson Registrars Limited (the Company's Registrar). He has spent 30 years working in offshore trusts and investment business during which time he was Managing Director of County NatWest Investment Management (Channel Islands) Limited, Royal Bank of Canada's mutual fund company in Guernsey and Republic National Bank of New York's international trust company. John is a Director of BlueCrest AllBlue Fund Limited, a FTSE 250 listed fund of hedge funds and of Guaranteed Investment Products I PCC Limited, Guernsey's largest protected cell company. He is a Director of a number of other companies associated with Anson Group's business as well as being a trustee of the Guernsey Sailing Trust. John is also currently a Director of Doric Nimrod Air Two Limited and Doric Nimrod Air Three Limited. He is resident in Guernsey.

Management and the Delegation of Functions

The directors, whose details are set out in pages 15 to 16 are responsible for reviewing the business affairs of the Company in accordance with the Articles and the Prospectus and have overall responsibility for the Company's activities including all business decisions, review of performance and authorisation of distributions. All of the directors are independent and non-executive. The Company has delegated management of the Asset to Doric GmbH ("Doric" or the "Asset Manager"), which is a Company incorporated in Germany and regulated by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, as outlined in more detail below under the heading Asset Manager. The directors delegate secretarial and administrative functions to JTC Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited ("JTC" or the "Secretary & Administrator") which is a company incorporated in Guernsey and licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for the provision of administration services.

Asset Manager

Doric has been appointed by the Company to provide asset management services to the Company. Pursuant to the Asset Management Agreement, Doric will: (i) monitor Emirates' and any subsequent lessees' performance of its obligations under the Leases and any subsequent leases respectively (which shall include the obligations relating to the maintenance of insurance cover); (ii) provide the Company with information regarding alternatives with respect to any potential sale or re-lease of the Assets; (iii) carry out mid-lease inspections of the Assets; (iv) provide the Company with asset monitoring reports describing the state and any material changes to the state of the Assets; and (v) liaise, as and when necessary, with lenders, on all matters relating to the loan, as required.

Doric has further undertaken that it will dedicate sufficient time and resources as the Company reasonably believes is required from time to time to fulfil any contractual arrangements it enters into with the Company.

Doric Partners LLP ("Doric LLP"), a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales and Amedeo Services (UK) Limited ("Amedeo") have been appointed by the Company, pursuant to the Amended Liaison Services Agreement to act as Liaison agents. Doric LLP has been appointed to (i) coordinate the provision of

services by Doric to the Company under the Asset Management Agreement; and (ii) facilitate communication between the Company and Doric.

Doric is the holding company of the Doric Group of companies and provides for the fund administration and asset management services of the Doric Group.

The Doric Group is a leading provider of products and services for investors in the fields of aviation, shipping, renewable energy and real estate. The Doric Group has an international presence, with offices in Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom, and a multinational team which offers access to extensive relationship networks and expert asset knowledge. One of the firm's core competencies is its asset management expertise, which is an integrated part of all Doric transactions and a cornerstone of the business.

The Doric Group is also a member of ISTAT, the International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading.

The aircraft portfolio currently managed by the Doric Group is valued at US$7 billion and consists of 36 aircraft under management. These aircraft include commercial jet airliners ranging from the Airbus A320 family, through the Boeing 777 and Airbus A330/A340 family, up to the Airbus A380.

The Doric Group has 22 Airbus A380 aircraft currently under management and is therefore considered well positioned to perform the technical asset management of this aircraft type.

Liaison Agent

Amedeo Services (UK) Limited has been appointed by the Company, pursuant to the Liaison Services Agreement, to, where requested by the Board, participate in Board meetings, assist in the review of all asset management matters and provide advice in all asset management related matters. Amedeo Services (UK) Limited is part of the Amedeo group of companies.

The Amedeo group is primarily involved in the operating lease and management of widebody aircraft. In February 2014 at the Singapore Air Show, Amedeo confirmed an order for twenty A380 aircraft. Amedeo is a member of ISTAT, the International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading.

Corporate and Shareholder Adviser

Nimrod Capital LLP (which is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority) has been appointed as the Corporate and Shareholder adviser by the Company.

Nimrod Capital LLP was founded in 2008 as an entirely independent organisation which specialises in generating and sourcing interesting investment funds, themes and solutions managed by experts in their fields for the professional investor marketplace. It has launched eight listed investment companies since its formation and it also provides investment, marketing, distribution and advisory services to investment companies and their Board and managers.

Nimrod, together with Doric and Emirates, was awarded the "Innovative Deal of the Year 2010" by the international aviation magazine Airfinance Journal in recognition of the innovative financing of an Airbus A380 leased to Emirates by the first stock market listed aircraft investment vehicle Doric Nimrod Air One Limited.

Secretary & Administrator

Formed in 1987, JTC Group is a multi-jurisdictional, independent provider of corporate, fund and private client services, with significant global experience and GBP23.8 billion (US$39.7bn) assets under administration.

With a highly qualified and multilingual workforce of nearly 300 employees, JTC Group operates from 18 jurisdictions around the world with offices in Argentina, Brazil, BVI, Guernsey, Jersey, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK and USA (a representative office), as well as alliance offices in the Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Labuan, Malaysia, Netherlands and Singapore.

JTC Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited ("JTC") is a Guernsey incorporated company and provides administration and secretarial services to the Company pursuant to an Administration and Secretarial Agreement. In such capacity, JTC is responsible for the general secretarial functions required by the law and ensures that the Company complies with its continuing obligations as well as advising on the corporate governance requirements and recommendations as applicable to a company listed on the CISE and admitted to trading on the SFM. JTC was formerly known as Anson Fund Managers Limited which was acquired by JTC Group in December 2013.

The Administrator is also responsible for the Company's general administrative functions such as the calculation of the net asset value of Shares, the maintenance of accounting and statutory records and any reporting required under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act of the United States of America.


The Board keeps under review the performance of the Asset Manager, Liaison Agent, Corporate and Shareholder Adviser and the Secretary & Administrator and the powers delegated to each service provider. In the opinion of the Board the continuing appointments of the service providers on the terms agreed is in the best interest of shareholders as a whole.

A description of important events which have occurred during the Period, their impact on the performance of the Company as shown in the financial statements and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company are given in the Chairman's Statement, Asset Managers Report and the notes to the financial statements contained on pages 47 to70 and are incorporated here by reference.

Going Concern

The Company's principal activities are set out within the Company Overview on page 2. The financial position of the Company is set out on pages 43 to 46. In addition, Note 17 to the financial statements includes the Company's objectives, policies and processes for managing its capital; its financial risk management objectives and its exposures to credit risk and liquidity risk. The Loan interest rate has been fixed and the fixed rental income under the Lease means that the rent should be sufficient to repay the Loan and provide surplus income to pay for the Company's expenses and permit payment of dividends.

After making reasonable enquiries, and as described above the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in its operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing these annual financial statements.

Responsibility Statement

The Board of directors jointly and severally confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

(a) The financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union, give a fair, balanced and understandable view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profits of the Company and performance of the Company; and

(b) This Management Report includes or incorporates by reference a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces; and

(c) The Annual Report taken as a whole is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy; and

(d) The Annual Report includes information required by the CISE and for ensuring the Company complies with the relevant provisions of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the UK Listing Authority.

   Charles Wilkinson                                        Norbert Bannon 
   Chairman                                                       Chairman of the Audit Committee 

The directors present their report and financial statements of the Company for the period from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 (the "Period").

Principal Activities

The principal activity of the Company is to acquire, lease and then sell a single aircraft. The directors do not envisage any change in these activities for the foreseeable future. A description of the activities of the Company in the period under review is given in the Asset Manager's Report on pages 8 to 14.


The Company is a Guernsey domiciled company the Ordinary Preference Shares of which are admitted to the Official List of the CISE and to trading on SFM. Its registered number is 52484. The Company operates in accordance with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended (the "Law").

Results and Dividends

The results of the Company for the Period are set out on pages 43 to 46.

The Company declared the following dividends during the period from 1 April 2013 to date as follows:

                            Quarter End            Announcement         Dividend per 
                                                    Date                 Share (pence) 
  Final interim for 
   financial period 
   ended 31 March 2013        31 March 2013          2 April 2013         2.25 
    First interim for 
    financial period 
    ended 31 March 2014       30 June 2013           2 July 2013          2.25 
    Second interim for 
    financial period          30 September 
    ended 31 March 2014       2013                   1 October 2013       2.25 
                              Quarter End            Announcement         Dividend per 
    Third interim for                                Date                 Share (pence) 
    financial period 
    ended 31 March 2014       31 December 2013 
                                                     7 January 2014       2.25 
    Final interim for 
    financial period 
    ended 31 March 2014     31 March 2014          1 April 2014         2.25 
    First interim for 
    financial period 
    ended 31 March 2015     30 June 2014             1 July 2014        2.25 

The Company aims to continue to pay quarterly dividends of 2.25 pence per Ordinary Preference share, in line with the distribution policy. There is no guarantee that any future dividends will be paid.


The directors in office are shown on pages 15 to 16, and all directors remain in office as at the date of signature of these financial statements. Mr John Le Prevost was appointed as non-executive Director of the company effective 13 January 2014. Further details of the Director's responsibilities are given on pages 26 to 32.

Anson Registrars Limited is the Company's Registrar, Transfer Agent and Paying Agent. John Le Prevost is a Director and controlling shareholder of Anson Group Limited, the holding company of Anson Registrars Limited.

Other than the above no Director has a contract of service with the Company, nor are any such contracts proposed.

The following interests in shares of the Company are held by directors and their connected persons:

                        Number of Ordinary Preference 
  Charles Wilkinson                100,000 
  Geoffrey Hall                    45,000 

Other than the above share holdings and Mr Le Prevost's interest in Anson Registrars Limited, none of the Directors nor any persons connected with them had a material interest in any of the Company's transactions, arrangements or agreements during the period and none of the Directors has or has had any interest in any transaction which is or was unusual in its nature or conditions or significant to the business of the Company, and which was effected by the Company during the reporting period.

At the date of this report, there are no outstanding loans or guarantees between the Company and any Director.

There were no material related party transactions which took place in the financial period, other than those disclosed in the Directors' Report and at Note 20 to the financial statements.

Substantial Shareholdings

The Company has been notified of the following substantial interests in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, in the Company's share capital.

There have been no material changes in the below list of substantial holdings since 24 July 2014, being the latest practicable date prior to publication of this report.

  Registered Holder                 % of Total Voting    Number of Ordinary 
                                          Rights               Shares 
  BNY (OCS) Nominees Limited             13.46%              5,714,000 
  HSBC Global Custody Nominee 
   (UK) Limited                          10.60%              4,500,000 
  State Street Nominees Limited          12.43%              5,274,838 
  Nortrust Nominees Limited              25.84%              10,967,500 

Corporate Governance

Statement of Compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code

As a Guernsey company with shares admitted to the SFM, the Company is not obliged to adopt the UK Corporate Governance Code. The Company has, however, voluntarily committed to comply with the UK Corporate Governance Code. A copy of the UK Corporate Governance Code is available for download from the Financial Reporting Council's web-site (www.frc.org.uk). Companies which report against the UK Corporate Governance Code are also deemed to meet the requirements of the GFSC Code.

Save for departing from the requirements to: (i) have a chief executive (since the Company does not have any executive directors); (ii) have a senior independent Director (since the Company considers that each Director who is not Chairman can effectively fulfil this function); (iii) have a remuneration committee (given the small size of the exclusively non-executive and independent Board); (iv) have a nomination committee (given the small size of the exclusively non-executive and independent Board); (v) appoint the directors for a term of six years (given the term of the Leases is twelve years) and (vi) have an internal audit function (as the Company has no executives or employees of its own), the Company is not presently aware of any departures from the UK Corporate Governance Code.

Board Responsibilities

The Board comprises four directors, who meet quarterly to consider the affairs of the Company in a prescribed and structured manner. Biographies of the directors appear on pages 15 to 16 demonstrating the wide range of skills and experience they bring to the Board. All the Directors are non-executive and independent. The Board regularly reviews the balance, knowledge and effectiveness of the Board, to identify if any additional experience or skills are needed and to ensure that the current directors have sufficient available time to undertake the tasks required and remain independent. When considering the composition of the Board the directors will be mindful of diversity and meritocracy.

To date no director of the Company has resigned. Directors are able and encouraged to provide statements to the Board of their concerns and ensure that any items of concern are recorded in the Board minutes.

All directors receive an annual fee and there are no share options or other performance related benefits available to them. All directors are paid a fee of GBP15,000 per annum and the Chairman is paid an additional fee of GBP5,000 per annum. The Chairman of the Audit Committee is paid an additional GBP3,000 per annum.

Board meetings are held at least four times per year to consider the business and affairs of the Company for the previous quarter, at which meetings the directors also consider and if thought suitable, approve the payment of a dividend in accordance with the Company's Distribution Policy. A further two regular meetings are held each year to consider and approve the Company's financial statements as well as to consider the business and affairs of the Company during the preceding financial period and going forward thereafter.

Between these meetings the Board keeps in contact by email and telephone as well as meeting to consider specific matters of a transactional nature. Additionally the directors hold strategy meetings with relevant advisors in attendance as appropriate.

The directors are kept fully informed by the Asset Manager and Secretary of all matters that are relevant to the business of the Company and should be brought to the attention of the directors and/or Shareholders. All directors have direct access to the Secretary and the Secretary is responsible for ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that there are good information flows both within the Board and between Committees and the Board. The directors also have access to the advice and services of the Asset Manager and Corporate and Shareholder Advisory Agent and may also, in the furtherance of their duties, take independent professional advice at the Company's expense.

During the Period the Board met six times per the regular schedule of meetings outlined above. The director's attendance is summarised below:-

  Director             Board Meetings during 
                         the Period and/or 
                         since appointment 
-------------------  ----------------------- 
  Charles Wilkinson    5 of 6 
-------------------  ----------------------- 
  Norbert Bannon       6 of 6 
-------------------  ----------------------- 
  Geoffrey Hall        6 of 6 
-------------------  ----------------------- 
  John Le Prevost      0 of 1 
-------------------  ----------------------- 

Audit Committee

The directors are all members of the Audit Committee, with Norbert Bannon acting as Chairman. The Audit Committee has regard to the Guidance on Audit Committees published by the Financial Reporting Council in September 2012. The Audit Committee examines the effectiveness of the Company's and service provider internal control systems as appropriate, the annual and half-yearly reports and financial statements, the auditor's remuneration and engagement, as well as the auditor's independence and any non-audit services provided by them.

The Audit Committee considers the nature, scope and results of the auditor's work and reviews annually prior to providing a recommendation to the Board on the re-appointment or removal of the auditor. When evaluating the external auditor the Audit Committee has regard to a variety of criteria including industry experience, independence, reasonableness of audit plan, ability to deliver constructive criticism, effectiveness of communication with Board and the Company's service providers, quality control procedures, management of audit process and added value beyond assurance in audit opinion.

Auditor independence is maintained through limiting non-audit services to specific audit-related work that falls within defined categories. For example certain agreed upon procedures in respect of the company's calculations should it undertake a C share conversion, the provision of advice on the application of IFRSor formal reports for any Stock Exchange purposes. All engagements with the auditor are subject to pre-approval from the Audit Committee and fully disclosed within the Annual Financial Report for the relevant period. A new lead audit partner is appointed every five years and the Audit Committee ensures the auditor has appropriate internal mechanisms in place to ensure its independence. The Audit Committee has recommended to the Board that the re-appointment of Deloitte LLP as the Company's external auditor be proposed to Shareholders at the 2014 Annual General Meeting. The Audit Committee will consider arranging for the external audit contract to be tendered in 2022 (being 10 years from the initial appointment) with the aim of ensuring a high quality and effective audit.

The Audit Committee meets at least twice annually, shortly before the Board meets to consider the Company's half-yearly and annual financial reports, and reports to the Board with its deliberations and recommendations and also has an annual planning meeting with the Auditor. The Audit Committee operates within clearly defined terms of reference based on the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administration recommended terms and provides a forum through which the Company's external auditor reports to the Board. The Audit Committee can request information from the Company's service providers with the majority of information being directly sourced from the Asset Manager, Secretary & Administrator and the external auditor. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee are available upon request.

Each year the Board examines the Audit Committee's performance and effectiveness, and ensures that its tasks and processes remain appropriate. Key areas covered included the clarity of the committee's role and responsibilities, the balance of skills among its members and the effectiveness of reporting its work to the Board. The Board is satisfied that all members of the Committee have relevant financial experience and knowledge and ensure that such knowledge remains up to date.

Overall the Board considered the Audit Committee had the right composition in terms of expertise and has effectively undertaken its activities and reported them to the Board during the year.

Internal Control and Financial Reporting

The Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Board confirms that there is an on-going process for identifying, evaluating and monitoring the significant risks faced by the Company.

The internal control systems are designed to meet the Company's particular needs and the risks to which it is exposed. Accordingly, the internal control systems are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and by their nature can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against misstatement and loss.

The Board on an annual basis conducts a full review of the Company's risk management systems including consideration of a risk matrix which covers various areas of risk including corporate strategy, accuracy of published information, compliance with laws and regulations, relationships with service providers and business activities.

Asset Management services are provided by Doric GmbH. Administration and Secretarial duties for the Company are performed by JTC.

The directors of the Company clearly define the duties and responsibilities of their agents and advisors. The appointment of agents and advisers is conducted by the Board after consideration of the quality of the parties involved and the Board monitors their on-going performance and contractual arrangements. The Board also specifies which matters are reserved for a decision by the Board and which matters may be delegated to its agents and advisers.


The directors have undertaken to operate the business in an honest and ethical manner and accordingly take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. The key components of this approach are implemented as follows:

-- The Board is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships.

   --     The Company will implement and enforce effective procedures to counter bribery. 

-- The Company requires all its service providers and advisors to adopt equivalent or similar principles.

Dialogue with Shareholders

All holders of Ordinary Preference Shares in the Company have the right to receive notice of, and attend, the general meetings of the Company, during which members of the Board will be available to discuss issues affecting the Company.

The primary responsibility for Shareholder relations lies with the Company's Corporate and Shareholder Advisory Agent. In addition, the directors are always available to enter into dialogue with Shareholders and the Chairman is always willing to meet major shareholders as the Company believes such communication to be important. The Company's directors can be contacted at the Company's registered office or via the Secretary.

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The directors are responsible for preparing the Directors' Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

The Law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under the Law they have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the EU and applicable law.

The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or loss of the Company for that period.

In preparing these financial statements, the directors are required to:

-- Ensure the Annual report taken as a whole is fair, transparent and understandable and provides information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance;

   --     properly select and apply accounting policies; 

-- present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

-- provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRSs are insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial position and financial performance; and

   --     make an assessment of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. 

The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Law. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.

The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Disclosure of information to the auditor

The directors who held office at the date of approval of this Directors' Report confirm in accordance with the provisions of Section 249 of the Law that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's Auditor is unaware; and each director has taken all the steps that he ought to have taken as a director to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's Auditor is aware of that information.


Deloitte LLP have expressed their willingness to continue in office as Auditor and the Audit Committee has recommended their reappointment. A resolution proposing their reappointment will therefore be submitted at the Company's forthcoming general meeting.

   Charles Wilkinson                                        Norbert Bannon 
   Chairman of the Board                                Chairman of the Audit Committee 
   Signed on behalf of the Board on                                           2014 



Norbert Bannon - Chairman of the Audit Committee

Charles Wilkinson - Chairman of the Board

Geoffrey Hall - Director

John Le Prevost - Director


The provision of effective governance over (i) the appropriateness of the Company's financial reporting including the adequacy of related disclosures, (ii) the performance of the Company's external auditor, (iii) monitoring of the systems of internal controls operated by the Company and (iv) the Company's principal service providers and the management of the Company's regulatory compliance activities.


-- reviewing the Company's financial results announcements and financial statements and monitoring compliance with relevant statutory and listing requirements;

-- reporting to the Board on the appropriateness of the Company's accounting policies and practices including critical accounting policies and practices;

-- advising the Board on whether the annual report and accounts, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy;

   --      overseeing the relationship with the external auditor; 

-- monitoring the systems of internal controls operated by the Company and by the Company's principal service providers; and

   --      reviewing the effectiveness of the external audit process. 


We meet at least twice a year. We report to the Board as part of a separate agenda item, on our activities and on matters of particular relevance to the Board in the conduct of their work. During the Period we formally reported to the Board on two occasions.


We assisted the Board in carrying out its responsibilities in relation to financial reporting requirements, compliance and the assessment of internal controls. We also managed the Company's relationship with the external auditor.


Following the publication of the revised version of the UK Corporate Governance Code, which applies to Financial Years commencing on or after 1 October 2012, the Board requested that we advise them on whether we believe the annual report and accounts, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy.


Our primary role in relation to financial reporting is to review, with our service providers and the external auditor, the appropriateness of the half-year and annual financial statements, the significant financial reporting issues and accounting policies and disclosures in the financial statements. The Committee has considered the key audit risks identified as being significant to the 2014 accounts and the most appropriate treatment and disclosure of any new significant issues identified during the audit and half-year reviews as well as any recommendations or observations made by the external auditor. To aid our review we considered reports prepared by external service providers, including Doric and Nimrod, and reports from the external auditor on the outcome of their annual audit. The significant issues considered by the Committee in relation to the 2014 accounts and how these were addressed are detailed below:

  Significant issues for the           How the Committee addressed these 
   Period                               significant issues 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
  Residual value of aircraft 
                                         The Company has engaged three internationally 
   The non-current asset of              recognised expert appraisers to provide 
   the Company comprises a               the Company with third party consultancy 
   single Airbus A380 aircraft           valuation services. All appraisers 
   ("the Asset"). An annual              have used similar methodologies to 
   review is required of the             derive their opinions on the current 
   residual value of the Asset           market values and future values. 
   as per IAS 16 Property,               In the absence of used sales data 
   Plant and Equipment, which            for the Asset, appraisers are heavily 
   defines residual value as             reliant on databases containing historical 
   "the estimated amount that            data points of aircraft sales relating 
   an entity would currently             to large commercial aircraft. Interpretation 
   obtain from disposal of               of historical data is the basis for 
   the asset, after deducting            the current market value and provides, 
   the estimated costs of disposal,      together with the expected developments 
   if the asset were already             in the future, the foundation for 
   of an age and in the condition        their opinions on future values. 
   expected at the end of its            Furthermore, the appraisers' valuations 
   useful life." The Company's           take into account specific technical 
   estimation technique is               and economic developments as well 
   to make reference to the              as general future trends in the aviation 
   current forecast market               industry and the macro-economic outlook. 
   value, not an estimate of             Compared to the previous financial 
   the amount that would currently       period, the view expressed by the 
   be achieved, and so this              appraisers on the market for Airbus 
   is not a direct application           A380 aircraft and their value retention 
   of the IAS 16 definition.             during the future years has not materially 
   This approach has been taken          changed. 
   because a current market 
   value in today's prices               The Committee has also received reports 
   for a twelve year old A380            from Doric. Doric has confirmed it 
   does not exist at the reporting       has no reason to question the methodology 
   date.                                 used to determine the residual value 
                                         and that they do not believe the 
                                         appraisals show there has been a 
                                         fundamental movement in the anticipated 
                                         residual values of the planes since 
                                         they were acquired. Thus Doric has 
                                         advised that the estimate of residual 
                                         value does not need to be changed 
                                         for the Period. 
                                         Upon review of the advice they have 
                                         received from Doric and the appraisers, 
                                         the Committee is of the opinion that, 
                                         the current estimate of the residual 
                                         valuation of the Asset is a reasonable 
                                         approximation of the residual value 
                                         within the IAS 16 definition given 
                                         a comparable asset is not available. 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
  Recording foreign exchange           In assessing foreign exchange, the 
   gains/losses                         Committee has considered the issue 
                                        at great length and are of the opinion 
   International Financial              that, on an on-going basis and assuming 
   Reporting Standards require          the lease and loan payments are made 
   that transactions denominated        as anticipated, such exchange differences 
   in US Dollars (including,            do not reflect the commercial substance 
   most importantly, the cost           of the situation in the sense that 
   of the Asset) are translated         the key transactions denominated 
   into Sterling at the exchange        in US Dollars are in fact closely 
   rate ruling at the date              matched. Rental income received in 
   of the transaction whilst            US Dollars is used to pay loan repayments 
   monetary items (principally          due which are likewise denominated 
   the outstanding borrowings)          in US Dollars. US Dollar lease rentals 
   are translated at the rate           and loan repayments are furthermore 
   prevailing on the reporting          fixed at the outset of the Company's 
   date. The resultant figures          life and are very similar in amount 
   sometimes show very large            and timing. 
   mismatches which are reported 
   as unrealised foreign exchange       The Committee concluded that the 
   differences.                         matching of the lease rentals to 
                                        settle loan repayments therefore 
   During the Period the Company        mitigates risks by foreign exchange 
   has recorded significant             fluctuations. 
   foreign exchange rate gains 
   due to the appreciation              The Committee has carefully considered 
   of Sterling against US Dollars       the disclosure in Note 17 (b) to 
   and the consequent reduction         the financial statements to ensure 
   in the Sterling value of             that the reality of the Company's 
   the US Dollar denominated            foreign exchange risk exposure is 
   debt.                                properly explained. 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 
  Risk of default by Emirates          The Committee received quarterly 
   on lease rentals receivable          reports from Doric which comment 
                                        on the performance of Emirates. Doric 
   Emirates are the sole lessee         have advised that Emirates has continued 
   of the Asset. Should Emirates        to perform well, flying more passengers 
   default on the rental payments,      than ever before. Passenger load 
   it is unlikely the Company           factors remain high and the airline 
   will be able to meet its             has ordered more wide bodied planes 
   targeted dividends or, in            (including a further 50 A380's) to 
   the case of ongoing default,         cope with its forecast increasing 
   continue as a going concern.         demand. 
                                        The Committee concluded that it would 
                                        continue to receive quarterly reports 
                                        from Doric on the performance of 
                                        Emirates and would continue to monitor 
                                        Emirate's overall performance. 
                                        The Committee has carefully considered 
                                        the disclosure in Note 17 (c) to 
                                        the financial statements to ensure 
                                        that this concentration of credit 
                                        risk is properly reflected 
-----------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------- 


After making enquiries, the Committee has a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The Committee believe the Company is well placed to manage its business risks successfully as the interest on the Company's loan has been fixed and the fixed rental income under the operating lease means that the rents should be sufficient to repay the loan and provide surplus income to pay for the Company's expenses and permit payment of dividends. Accordingly, the Committee has adopted the going concern basis in preparing the financial information.


In November 2013 the Company's appointed Administrator, Anson Fund Managers Limited, was acquired by JTC Group Limited and the Administrator changed its name to JTC Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited. The Committee has made due enquiry of the purchaser about the implications of this acquisition on the systems and controls affecting the administration of the Company's affairs. We were informed that, for the foreseeable future, the same staff, systems and controls will be used in the continuing administration of the Company's affairs.


The Company has no employees and operates no systems of its own, relying instead on the employees and systems of its external service providers. The Board has therefore taken the decision that it would be of insufficient benefit for the Company to engage an internal auditor.


The effectiveness of the external audit process is dependent on appropriate audit risk identification at the start of the audit cycle. We receive from Deloitte a detailed audit plan, identifying their assessment of the key risks. For the Period the primary risks identified were in respect of valuation and ownership of the aircraft; the recording of lease rental income; and accounting for fixed rate debt using the effective interest rate method.

Using our collective skills we assess the effectiveness of the audit process in addressing the matters raised through the reporting we receive from Deloitte at the year-end. In particular we formally appraise Deloitte against the following criteria:

   --     Independence 
   --     Ethics and Conflicts 
   --     Knowledge and Experience 
   --     Challenge 
   --     Promptness 
   --     Cost 
   --     Overall quality of service 

In addition we also seek feedback from the Administrator on the effectiveness of the audit process.

For the Period, we were satisfied that there had been appropriate focus on the primary areas of audit risk and assessed the quality of the audit process to be good. The Committee discussed their findings with Deloitte and agreed how future external audits could be improved.

We hold meetings with the external auditor to provide additional opportunity for open dialogue and feedback from the Auditor. If felt necessary we meet with the external auditor without the Administrator being present. Matters typically discussed include the Auditor's assessment of business risks and management activity thereon, the transparency and openness of interactions with the Administrator, confirmation that there has been no restriction in scope placed on them by the Administrator on the independence of their audit and how they have exercised professional scepticism.


We consider the reappointment of the external auditor, including the rotation of the audit partner, each year and also assess their independence on an ongoing basis.

The EU and Competition Commission have issued draft proposals in respect of audit tendering and mandatory rotation of auditors that are yet to be finalised. The Committee will continue to monitor developments around these proposals and will formulate a policy in respect to audit tendering and rotation at the appropriate time.

The external auditor is required to rotate the audit partner responsible for the audit every five years. The current lead audit partner has been in place since October 2012.

Deloitte has been the Company's external auditor since October 2012. We have provided the Board with its recommendation to the shareholders on the reappointment of Deloitte as external auditor for the year ending 31 March 2015. Accordingly a resolution proposing the reappointment of Deloitte as our auditor will be put to the shareholders at the 2014 Annual General Meeting. However, we keep this matter under review.

There are no contractual obligations restricting our choice of external auditor. We continue to consider the audit tendering provisions outlined in the revised UK Corporate Governance Code, of which we are very supportive.


To further safeguard the objectivity and independence of the external auditor from becoming compromised, we have a formal policy governing the engagement of the external auditor to provide non-audit services. No changes have been made to this policy during the year. This policy specifies that Deloitte should only be engaged for non-audit services where there is considered to be a very low threat to auditor independence.

Deloitte is prohibited from providing all other services without our prior approval. In reaching such a determination we will take into consideration whether it is in the best interests of the Company that such services should be supplied by the Company's external auditor (rather than another service provider) and, if so whether any safeguards regarding auditor objectivity and independence in the conduct of the audit should be put in place, whether these would be effective and how such safeguards should be disclosed.


Our activities formed part of the review of Board effectiveness performed in 2013.

An internal evaluation of our effectiveness was carried out in November 2013.

Yours faithfully

Norbert Bannon

Chairman of Audit Committee

Opinion on financial statements of Doric Nimrod Air One Limited

In our opinion the financial statements:

-- give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 March 2014 and of its profit for the year then ended;

-- have been properly prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union; and

-- have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008.

The financial statements comprise the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Cash Flows, the Statement of Changes in Equity and the related notes 1 to 20. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.

Going concern

We have reviewed the directors' statement on page 21 that the company is a going concern. We confirm that:

-- we have concluded that the directors' use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate; and

-- we have not identified any material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt on the company's ability to continue as a going concern.

However, because not all future events or conditions can be predicted, this statement is not a guarantee as to the company's ability to continue as a going concern.

Our assessment of risks of material misstatement

The assessed risks of material misstatement described below are those that had the greatest effect on our audit strategy, the allocation of resources in the audit and directing the efforts of the engagement team:

  Risk                                     How the scope of our audit responded 
                                            to the risk 
---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
  Measurement of aircraft assets 
   The company's accounting policy           We have challenged management's 
   is to measure its aircraft asset          estimate of aircraft residual 
   at depreciated historic cost              value by inspecting relevant 
   less impairment. The asset is             supporting evidence including 
   being depreciated on a straight-line      forecast valuations obtained 
   basis over the term of the lease          by the company from expert aircraft 
   to an estimated residual value            valuers and the terms of the 
   at the end of that period. The            aircraft lease agreements. We 
   estimation of residual value              have considered the qualifications 
   is a key source of judgment in            and experience of the valuers 
   preparing the financial statements.       engaged by management. We have 
   The risk is that the selected             also considered the adequacy 
   residual value is not appropriate         of the disclosure related to 
   or is not properly applied in             this estimation uncertainty set 
   calculating depreciation.                 out on page 53. 
---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
  Revenue recognition 
   The company's lease of its aircraft          We have considered whether the 
   has been classified as operating             classification of the lease as 
   leases and as such rental income             an operating lease is appropriate 
   should be recognised on a straight-line      with reference to the lease terms 
   basis over the lease term, which             and the nature of the asset. 
   differs from the profile of actual 
   rental payments. In addition,                We have developed independent 
   the majority of lease rentals                expectations of lease income 
   are receivable in US Dollars                 balances for the year based on 
   and must be appropriately translated         total lease rentals receivable, 
   into the Sterling functional                 the lease term and foreign exchange 
   and presentation currency. The               rates during the year. 
   risk is that revenue is not properly         We have also recalculated deferred 
   recorded in accordance with these            rental recognised as a liability 
   requirements.                                in the Statement of Financial 
------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
  Accounting for fixed rate debt 
   The company has obtained fixed               We reviewed the debt amortisation 
   interest rate debt to part-finance           schedules prepared by management 
   the acquisition of its aircraft              to calculate the effective interest 
   asset.                                       rates on the loans and checked 
   The loan is amortised by regular             their consistency with the repayment 
   repayments over their term and               schedules and if any arrangement 
   is carried at amortised cost                 costs had been appropriately 
   with interest expense recognised             incorporated. 
   at the effective interest rate. 
   The risk exists that the effective           We obtained direct confirmation 
   interest rate has not been accurately        from the lead arranger of the 
   calculated or applied.                       loan facility of the principal 
                                                balance outstanding and recalculated 
                                                accrued interest using the effective 
                                                interest rate. 
                                                We developed an expectation of 
                                                the interest charges for the 
                                                period using the average outstanding 
                                                principal balance during the 
                                                period, the effective interest 
                                                rate and foreign exchange rates 
                                                during the year. 
------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 

Our audit procedures relating to these matters were designed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and not to express an opinion on individual accounts or disclosures. Our opinion on the financial statements is not modified with respect to any of the risks described above, and we do not express an opinion on these individual matters.

Our application of materiality

We define materiality as the magnitude of misstatement in the financial statements that makes it probable that the economic decisions of a reasonably knowledgeable person would be changed or influenced. We use materiality both in planning the scope of our audit work and in evaluating the results of our work.

We determined materiality for the company to be GBP0.9 million, which is approximately 2% of total shareholder's equity.

We agreed with the Audit Committee that we would report to the Committee all audit differences in excess of GBP18,000, as well as differences below that threshold that, in our view, warranted reporting on qualitative grounds. We also report to the Audit Committee on disclosure matters that we identified when assessing the overall presentation of the financial statements.

An overview of the scope of our audit

Our audit was scoped by obtaining an understanding of the company and its environment, including internal control, and assessing the risks of material misstatement. Audit work to respond to the risks of material misstatement was performed directly by the audit engagement team.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

  Adequacy of explanations received and accounting records 
     Under the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 we are required to 
      report to you if, in our opinion: 
       *    we have not received all the information and 
            explanations we require for our audit; or 
       *    proper accounting records have not been kept; or 
       *    the financial statements are not in agreement with 
            the accounting records. 
      We have nothing to report in respect of these matters. 
     Our duty to read other information in the Annual Report 
      Under International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland), 
      we are required to report to you if, in our opinion, information 
      in the annual report is: 
       *    materially inconsistent with the information in the 
            audited financial statements; or 
       *    apparently materially incorrect based on, or 
            materially inconsistent with, our knowledge of the 
            company acquired in the course of performing our 
            audit; or 
       *    otherwise misleading. 
      In particular, we are required to consider whether we have 
      identified any inconsistencies between our knowledge acquired 
      during the audit and the directors' statement that they consider 
      the annual report is fair, balanced and understandable and 
      whether the annual report appropriately discloses those matters 
      that we communicated to the audit committee which we consider 
      should have been disclosed. We confirm that we have not identified 
      any such inconsistencies or misleading statements. 
  Respective responsibilities of directors and auditor 
   As explained more fully in the Directors' Responsibilities 
   Statement, the directors are responsible for the preparation 
   of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they 
   give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit 
   and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance 
   with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing 
   (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with 
   the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors. 
   We also comply with International Standard on Quality Control 
   1 (UK and Ireland). Our audit methodology and tools aim to 
   ensure that our quality control procedures are effective, 
   understood and applied. Our quality controls and systems include 
   our dedicated professional standards review team and independent 
   partner reviews. 
   This report is made solely to the company's members, as a 
   body, in accordance with Section 262 of the Companies (Guernsey) 
   Law, 2008. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might 
   state to the company's members those matters we are required 
   to state to them in an auditor's report and/or those further 
   matters we have expressly agreed to report to them on in our 
   engagement letter and for no other purpose. To the fullest 
   extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility 
   to anyone other than the company and the company's members 
   as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the 
   opinions we have formed. 

Scope of the audit of the financial statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the annual report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements and to identify any information that is apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the knowledge acquired by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report

John Clacy FCA

for and on behalf of Deloitte LLP

Chartered Accountants and Recognised Auditor

St Peter Port, Guernsey

30 July 2014

                                                     Year ended                     Year ended 
                            Notes                   31 Mar 2014                    31 Mar 2013 
                                                            GBP                            GBP 
  A rent income                 4                     8,414,370                      6,766,120 
  B rent income                 4                     4,508,388                      3,558,847 
  Bank interest 
   received                                               2,938                          4,307 
                                   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                     12,925,696                     10,329,274 
  Operating expenses            5                     (574,543)                      (538,705) 
  Depreciation of 
   Asset                        9                   (3,814,408)                    (3,831,398) 
                                   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                    (4,388,951)                    (4,370,103) 
  Net profit for the period 
   before finance costs 
   and foreign exchange 
   losses                                             8,536,745                      5,959,171 
                                   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
  Finance costs                10                   (3,685,507)                    (3,957,600) 
  Unrealised foreign exchange 
   profit / (loss)                                    5,355,280                    (3,381,260) 
                                   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
  Profit / (loss) for 
   the period                                        10,206,518                    (1,379,689) 
                                   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
  Other Comprehensive 
   Income                                                     -                              - 
                                   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
  Total Comprehensive 
   Income / (loss) for 
   the period                                        10,206,518                    (1,379,689) 
                                   ============================  ============================= 
                                                          Pence                          Pence 
  Earnings per Share 
  for the period 
  - Basic and Diluted           8                         24.04                         (3.25) 
                                   ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
  In arriving at the results for the financial period, all 
   amounts above relate to continuing operations. 
  The notes on pages 47 to 70 form an integral part of these 
   financial statements 
                                                               31 Mar 2014                31 Mar 2013 
                                      Notes                            GBP                        GBP 
  Aircraft                                9                    102,097,492                106,538,525 
                                                   -----------------------   ------------------------ 
  Cash and cash equivalents                                      4,243,823                  4,580,076 
  Receivables                            12                          8,065                      5,441 
                                                   -----------------------   ------------------------ 
                                                                 4,251,888                  4,585,517 
  TOTAL ASSETS                                                 106,349,380                111,124,042 
                                                   =======================   ======================== 
  Borrowings                             14                      6,287,637                  6,528,741 
  Deferred income                                                5,988,058                  4,969,675 
  Payables - due within 
   one year                              13                        118,253                    116,783 
                                                   -----------------------   ------------------------ 
                                                                12,393,948                 11,615,199 
  Borrowings                             14                     48,523,639                 60,463,068 
                                                                48,523,639                 60,463,068 
  TOTAL LIABILITIES                                             60,917,587                 72,078,267 
                                                   =======================   ======================== 
  TOTAL NET ASSETS                                              45,431,793                 39,045,775 
                                                   -----------------------   ------------------------ 
  Share Premium                          15                     39,016,728                 39,016,728 
  Retained Earning                                               6,415,065                     29,047 
                                                   -----------------------   ------------------------ 
                                                                45,431,793                 39,045,775 
                                                   -----------------------   ------------------------ 
                                                                     Pence                      Pence 
  Net asset value per Ordinary 
   Share based on 42,450,000 shares 
   in issue                                                         107.02                      91.98 
  The Financial Statements were approved by the Board of directors 
   and authorised for issue on 2014 and are signed on its behalf by: 
  The notes on pages 47 to 70 form an integral part of these financial 
                                                   Year ended                 Year ended 
                                                  31 Mar 2014                31 Mar 2013 
                                                          GBP                        GBP 
  Profit / (loss) for the 
   period                                          10,206,518                (1,379,689) 
  Movement in deferred income                         864,056                  3,682,684 
  Interest received                                   (2,938)                    (4,307) 
  Depreciation of Asset                             3,814,408                  3,831,398 
  Loan interest                                     3,370,324                  3,949,696 
  Increase in payables                                  1,470                     63,549 
  (Increase) / decrease 
   in receivables                                     (2,624)                      2,191 
  Amortisation of debt arrangement 
   costs                                              315,183                      7,904 
  Foreign exchange (profit) 
   / loss                                         (5,355,280)                  3,381,260 
   ACTIVITIES                                      13,211,117                 13,534,686 
                                      -----------------------  ------------------------- 
  Interest received                                     2,938                      4,307 
   IN) INVESTING ACTIVITIES                             2,938                      4,307 
                                      -----------------------  ------------------------- 
  Dividends paid                                  (3,820,500)                (3,820,500) 
  Repayments of capital on 
   borrowings                                     (6,232,057)                (5,799,472) 
  Repayments of interest 
   on borrowings                                  (3,416,070)                (3,945,022) 
   ACTIVITIES                                    (13,468,627)               (13,564,994) 
                                      -----------------------  ------------------------- 
   AT BEGINNING OF YEAR                             4,580,076                  4,484,057 
  Decrease in cash and cash 
   equivalents                                      (254,573)                   (26,001) 
  Exchange rate adjustments                          (81,680)                    122,020 
   AT END OF YEAR                                   4,243,823                  4,580,076 
                                      -----------------------  ------------------------- 
  The notes on pages 47 to 70 form an integral part of these financial 
                                  Notes                    Share            Revenue            Total 
                                                         Capital            Reserve 
                                                             GBP                GBP              GBP 
  Balance as at 1 April 2013                          39,016,728             29,047       39,045,775 
  Total Comprehensive Income 
   for the period                                              -         10,206,518       10,206,518 
  Dividends paid                    7                          -        (3,820,500)      (3,820,500) 
                                         -----------------------  -----------------  --------------- 
  Balance as at 31 March 2014                         39,016,728          6,415,065       45,431,793 
                                         -----------------------  -----------------  --------------- 
                                  Notes                    Share            Revenue            Total 
                                                         Capital            Reserve 
                                                             GBP                GBP              GBP 
  Balance as at 1 April 2012                          39,016,728          5,229,236       44,245,964 
  Total Comprehensive Loss 
   for the period                                              -        (1,379,689)      (1,379,689) 
  Dividends paid                    7                          -        (3,820,500)      (3,820,500) 
                                         -----------------------  -----------------  --------------- 
  Balance as at 31 March 2013                         39,016,728             29,047       39,045,775 
                                         -----------------------  -----------------  --------------- 
  The notes on pages 47 to 70 form an integral part of these 
   financial statements 
         Doric Nimrod Air One Limited ( the "Company") was incorporated 
          in Guernsey on 8 October 2010 with registered number 52484. 
          Its share capital consists of one class of Ordinary Preference 
          Shares and one class of Subordinated Administrative Shares. 
          The Company's Ordinary Preference Shares have been admitted 
          to trading on the Specialist Fund Market ("SFM") of the London 
          Stock Exchange and are listed on the Channel Islands Securities 
          Exchange ("CISE"). 
         The Company's investment objective is to obtain income returns 
          and a capital return for its Shareholders by acquiring, leasing 
          and then selling a single aircraft. 
         The significant accounting policies adopted by the Company 
          are as follows: 
  (a)    Basis of Preparation 
         The financial statements have been prepared in conformity 
          with IFRS, as adopted by the European Union, which comprise 
          standards and interpretations approved by the International 
          Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and International Financial 
          Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") and applicable 
          Guernsey law. The financial statements have been prepared 
          on a historical cost basis. 
         Changes in accounting policies and disclosure 
         The following Standards or Interpretations have been adopted 
          in the current year. Their adoption has not had any impact 
          on the amounts reported in these financial statements and 
          is not expected to have any impact on future financial periods: 
         IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures - amendments relating 
          to the offsetting of assets and liabilities effective for 
          annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. 
         IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement effective for annual periods 
          beginning on or after 1 January 2013. 
   2     ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
  (a)    Basis of Preparation (continued) 
         IAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements - amendments 
          resulting from Annual Improvements effective for annual periods 
          beginning on or after 1 January 2013. 
          IAS 16 Property Plant & Equipment - amendments resulting 
          from Annual Improvements effective for annual periods beginning 
          on or after 1 January 2013 
          IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation - annual improvements 
          effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
         The following Standards or Interpretations, which are expected 
          to affect the Company, have been issued but not yet adopted 
          by the Company. Other Standards or Interpretations issued 
          by the IASB and IFRIC are not expected to affect the Company. 
         IFRS 7 Financial Instruments - Disclosures - amendments requiring 
          disclosures about the initial application of IFRS9 effective 
          for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2015 (or 
          otherwise when IFRS 9 is first applied). 
         IFRS 9 Financial Instruments - accounting for financial liabilities 
          and derecognition. 
         IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 11 Joint 
          Arrangements and IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interest in Other 
          Entities - effective for annual periods beginning on or after 
          1 January 2014 
         IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment - amendments resulting 
          from Annual Improvements effective for annual periods beginning 
          on or after 1 July 2014. 
         IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures - amendments resulting from 
          Annual Improvements effective for annual periods beginning 
          on or after 1 July 2014. 
         IAS 36 Impairment of Assets - amendments arising from Recoverable 
          Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial Assets effective for 
          annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014. 
      2       ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
  (a)         Basis of Preparation (continued) 
               The directors have considered the above and are of the opinion 
                that the above Standards and Interpretations are not expected 
                to have an impact on the Company's financial statements except 
                for the presentation of additional disclosures and changes 
                to the presentation of components of the financial statements. 
                These items will be applied in the first financial period 
                for which they are required 
  (b)         Taxation 
              The Company has been assessed for tax at the Guernsey standard 
               rate of 0%. 
  (c)         Share capital 
              Ordinary Preference Shares (the "Shares") are classified 
               as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the 
               issue of Shares are recognised as a deduction from equity. 
  (d)         Expenses 
              All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. 
  (e)         Interest Income 
              Interest income is accounted for on an accruals basis. 
  (f)         Foreign currency translation 
              The currency of the primary economic environment in which 
               the Company operates (the functional currency) is Sterling 
               (GBP) which is also the presentation currency. 
              Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated 
               into GBP at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the 
              Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies 
               at the reporting date are translated into the functional 
               currency at the foreign exchange rate ruling at that date. 
               Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognised 
               in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
  2           ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
   (g)         Cash and Cash equivalents 
               Cash at bank and short term deposits which are held to maturity 
                are carried at cost. Cash and cash equivalents are defined 
                as call deposits, short term deposits with a term of no more 
                than three months from the start of the deposit and highly 
                liquid investments readily convertible to known amounts of 
                cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value. 
     (h)      Segmental Reporting 
              The directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged 
               in a single segment of business, being acquiring, leasing 
               and selling of one Airbus A380-861 aircraft (the "Asset"). 
     (i)      Going Concern 
              After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation 
               that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational 
               existence for the foreseeable future. The directors believe 
               the Company is well placed to manage its business risks successfully 
               despite the current economic climate as the interest on the 
               Company's loan has been fixed and the fixed rental income 
               under the operating lease means that the rents should be 
               sufficient to repay the loan and provide surplus income to 
               pay for the Company's expenses and permit payment of dividends. 
               Accordingly, the directors have adopted the going concern 
               basis in preparing the financial information. the Board is 
               not aware of any material uncertainty that may cast significant 
               doubt upon the Company's ability to continue as a going concern 
    (j)       Leasing and rental income 
              The lease relating to the Asset has been classified as an 
               operating lease as the terms of the lease do not transfer 
               substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the 
               lessee. The Asset is shown as a non-current asset in the 
               Statement of Financial Position. Further details of the lease 
               are given in Note 11. 
               Rental income and advance lease payments from the operating 
               lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the term 
               of the lease. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating 
               and arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying 
               amount of the leased asset and recognised on a straight-line 
               basis over the lease term. 
     2        ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
    (k)       Property, plant and equipment - Aircraft 
              In line with IAS 16 Property Plant and Equipment, the Asset 
               is initially recorded at the fair value of the consideration 
               paid. The cost of the asset is made up of the purchase price 
               of the Asset plus any costs directly attributable to bringing 
               it into working condition for its intended use. Costs incurred 
               by the lessee in maintaining, repairing or enhancing the 
               aircraft are not recognised as they do not form part of the 
               costs to the Company. Accumulated depreciation and any recognised 
               impairment loss are deducted from cost to calculate the carrying 
               amount of the Asset. 
               Depreciation is recognised so as to write off the cost of 
               the Asset less the estimated residual value of GBP69.2 million 
               over the estimated useful life of the Asset of 12 years, 
               using the straight line method. The depreciation method reflects 
               the pattern of benefit consumption. The residual value is 
               reviewed annually and is the amount the entity would receive 
               currently if the asset were already of the age and condition 
               expected at the end of its useful life. Useful life is also 
               reviewed annually and for the purposes of the financial statements 
               represents the likely period of the Company's ownership of 
               these Assets. Depreciation starts when the asset is available 
               for use. 
              At each balance sheet date, the Company reviews the carrying 
               amounts of its Asset to determine whether there is any indication 
               that the Asset has suffered any impairment loss. If any such 
               indication exists, the recoverable amount of the Asset is 
               estimated to determine the extent of the impairment loss 
               (if any). 
               Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs 
               to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the 
               estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present 
               value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current 
               market assessments of the time value of money and the risks 
               specific to the Asset for which the estimates of future cash 
               flows have not been adjusted. 
              If the recoverable amount of the Asset is estimated to be 
               less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the 
               Asset is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment 
               loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss. 
               Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying 
               amount of the Asset is increased to the revised estimate 
               of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying 
               amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have 
               been determined had no impairment loss been recognised for 
               the Asset in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss 
               is recognised immediately in profit or loss 
      2       ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) 
     (l)       Financial liabilities 
              Financial liabilities, including borrowings, are initially 
               measured at fair value, net of transaction costs. Financial 
               liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using 
               the effective interest method, with interest expense recognised 
               on an effective yield basis. 
              The effective interest method is a method of calculating 
               the amortised cost of the financial liability and of allocating 
               interest expense over the relevant period. The effective 
               interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated 
               future cash payments through the expected life of the financial 
               liability, or, where appropriate, a shorter period, to the 
               net carrying amount on initial recognition. 
               The Company derecognises financial liabilities when, and 
               only when, the Company's obligations are discharged, cancelled 
               or they expire. 
    (m)       Net asset value 
              In circumstances where the directors, as advised by the Asset 
               Manager, are of the opinion that the net asset value ("NAV") 
               or NAV per Share, as calculated under prevailing accounting 
               standards, is not appropriate or could give rise to a misleading 
               calculation, the directors, in consultation with the Administrator 
               and the Asset Manager may determine, at their discretion, 
               an alternative method for calculating the value of the Company 
               and shares in the capital of the Company, which they consider 
               more accurately reflects the value of the Company. 
              In the application of the Company's accounting policies, 
               which are described in note 2, the directors are required 
               to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about the carrying 
               amounts of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent 
               from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions 
               are based on historical experience and other factors that 
               are considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ 
               from these estimates. 
               The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on 
               an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised 
               in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision 
               affects only that period, or in the period of the revision 
               and future periods if the revision affects both current and 
               future periods. 
               The following are the critical judgements and estimates that 
               the Directors have made in the process of applying the Company's 
               accounting policies and that have the most significant effect 
               on the amounts recognised in the financial statements. 
            Residual value and useful life of the Asset 
           As described in note 2 (k), the Company depreciates the Asset 
            on a straight line basis over the estimated useful life of 
            the Asset and taking into consideration the estimated residual 
            value. IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment requires residual 
            value to be determined as an estimate of the amount that would 
            be obtained from disposal today if the Asset were of the age 
            and condition expected at the end of its useful life. However, 
            there are currently no aircraft of a similar type of sufficient 
            age for the Directors to make a direct market comparison in 
            making this estimation. After consulting with the Asset Manager, 
            the Directors have concluded that a forecast market value 
            for the aircraft at the end of its useful life (including 
            inflationary effects) best approximates residual value. In 
            estimating residual value, the directors have made reference 
            to forecast market values for the aircraft obtained from 3 
            expert aircraft valuers. The estimation of residual value 
            remains subject to inherent uncertainty. If the estimate of 
            residual value had been decreased by 20% with effect from 
            the beginning of this year, the net profit for the year and 
            closing shareholders' equity would have been decreased by 
            approximately GBP1.1 million. An increase in residual value 
            by 20% would have been an equal but opposite effect. This 
            reflects the range of estimates of residual value that the 
            Directors believe would be reasonable at this time. The useful 
            life of the Asset is estimated based on the expected period 
            for which the Company will own and lease the aircraft. 
            Operating lease commitments- Company as lessor 
           The Company has entered into a lease on the Asset. The Company 
            has determined, based on an evaluation of the terms and conditions 
            of the arrangements, that it retains all the significant risks 
            and rewards of ownership of this asset and accounts for the 
            contract as an operating lease. 
            The Company has determined that the operating lease on the 
            Asset is for 12 years based on an initial term of 10 years 
            followed by an extension term of 2 years. Should the lessee 
            choose to exit their lease at the end of the initial term 
            of 10 years, a penalty equal to the present value of the remaining 
            2 years lease rentals would be due. 
        As described in note 2 (k), impairment exists when the carrying 
         value of an asset or cash generating unit exceeds its recoverable 
         amount, which is the higher of its fair value less costs 
         to sell and its value in use. The directors monitor the assets 
         for any indications of impairment as required by IAS 16 Property, 
         Plant and Equipment and IAS 36 Intangible Assets. 
                                                   Year ended                     Year ended 
                                                  31 Mar 2014                    31 Mar 2013 
                                                          GBP                            GBP 
   A rent income                                    9,465,182                      9,686,019 
   Revenue received but 
    not yet earned                                (1,050,812)                    (2,919,899) 
                                 ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                    8,414,370                      6,766,120 
   B rent income                                    4,321,632                      4,321,632 
        Revenue earned but not 
         yet received                                 186,756                              - 
   Revenue received but 
    not yet earned                                          -                      (762,785) 
                                 ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                    4,508,388                      3,558,847 
   Total rental income                             12,922,758                     10,324,967 
                                 ----------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   The total rental income for the prior period is net of an 
    adjustment of GBP2,802,862 in relation to income accounted 
    for in the period ended 31 March 2012 attributable to the 
    prior year. 
   Rental income is derived from the leasing of the Asset. Rent 
    is split into A rent, which is received in US Dollars ("USD") 
    and B rent, which is received in GBP. Rental income received 
    in USD is translated into the functional currency (GBP) at 
    the date of the transaction. 
   A and B rental income receivable will decrease / increase 
    respectively, 10 years from the start of each lease. An adjustment 
    has been made to spread the actual total income receivable 
    evenly over the term of the lease. 
                                                                  Year ended                     Year ended 
                                                                 31 Mar 2014                    31 Mar 2013 
                                                                         GBP                            GBP 
   Management fee                                                    105,139                        102,263 
   Asset management fee                                              278,459                        257,063 
   Administration fees                                                61,380                         61,143 
   Accountancy fees                                                   10,533                         10,273 
   Registrars fee                                                      9,053                          8,837 
   Audit fee                                                          22,400                         15,000 
   Directors' remuneration                                            56,250                         53,000 
   Directors' and Officers' insurance                                  8,099                          7,981 
   Legal & professional expenses                                       4,420                          4,053 
   Annual fees                                                         5,921                            500 
   Sundry costs                                                        7,069                          9,929 
   Other operating expenses                                            5,820                          8,663 
                                                  --------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                                     574,543                        538,705 
                                                  --------------------------  ----------------------------- 
   Under their terms of appointment, each director is paid a fee of GBP15,000 per annum by the 
    Company, except for the Chairman, who receives GBP20,000 per annum. The Chairman of the audit 
    committee also receives an extra GBP3,000 per annum. 
                                                                            Year ended 
                                                                           31 Mar 2014 
                                                                       GBP                               Pence per 
   First interim payment                                           955,125                                    2.25 
   Second interim payment                                          955,125                                    2.25 
   Third interim payment                                           955,125                                    2.25 
   Fourth interim payment                                          955,125                                    2.25 
                                             -----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                                                 3,820,500                                    9.00 
                                             -----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                                                            Year ended 
                                                                           31 Mar 2013 
                                                                       GBP                               Pence per 
   First interim payment                                           955,125                                    2.25 
   Second interim payment                                          955,125                                    2.25 
   Third interim payment                                           955,125                                    2.25 
   Fourth interim payment                                          955,125                                    2.25 
                                             -----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                                                 3,820,500                                    9.00 
                                             -----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
   Earnings Per Share ('EPS') is based on the net profit for the period attributable to Shareholders 
    of GBP10,206,518 (31 March 2013: loss of GBP1,379,689) and on 42,450,000 (31 March 2013: 42,450,000) 
    Shares being the weighted average number of Shares in issue during the period. There are no 
    dilutive instruments and therefore basic and diluted earnings per Share are identical. 
        COST                                                                                          GBP 
   As at 1 Apr 2013                                                                           115,159,172 
   Reclassification to borrowing transaction costs                                              (626,625) 
   As at 31 Mar 2014                                                                          114,532,547 
   As at 1 Apr 2013                                                                             8,620,647 
   Charge for the year                                                                          3,814,408 
   As at 31 Mar 2014                                                                           12,435,055 
   As at 31 Mar 2014                                                                          102,097,492 
   As at 31 Mar 2013                                                                          106,538,525 
   The Company cannot sell the Asset during the term of the Lease without terminating the Lease 
    or Special Termination Events (as defined by the lease) occurring. If at the end of the Lease 
    the Company makes the choice to sell the Asset rather than leasing it out again, Emirates 
    will be given first refusal to purchase the Asset at an independently appraised market value. 
   Under IAS 17 Leases the direct costs attributed in negotiating and arranging the Lease have 
    been added to the carrying amount of the Asset and will be recognised as an expense over the 
    lease term. 
    During the period GBP626,625 has been reclassified to borrowing transaction costs. Previously 
    this was incorrectly classified as aircraft costs. 
    10       FINANCE COSTS 
                                                                                            31 Mar 2014                  31 Mar 2013 
                                                                                                GBP                              GBP 
   Amortisation of debt arrangement costs                                                   315,183                            7,904 
   Loan interest                                                                          3,370,324                        3,949,696 
                                                                            -----------------------       -------------------------- 
                                                                                          3,685,507                        3,957,600 
                                                                            -----------------------       -------------------------- 
  11         OPERATING 
             The amounts of minimum future lease receipts at the reporting date 
              under non cancellable operating leases are detailed below: 
             31 Mar 2014                      Next 12               2 to 5                 After 5 years                       Total 
                                                  GBP                  GBP                           GBP                         GBP 
             Aircraft- A rental 
              payments                      9,162,207           36,648,864                    19,987,671                  65,798,742 
             Aircraft- B rental 
              payments                      4,321,632           17,286,528                    17,403,840                  39,012,000 
                                   ------------------   ------------------          --------------------       --------------------- 
                                           13,483,839           53,935,392                    37,391,511                 104,810,742 
                                   ------------------   ------------------          --------------------       --------------------- 
             31 Mar 2013                      Next 12               2 to 5                 After 5 years                       Total 
                                                  GBP                  GBP                           GBP                         GBP 
             Aircraft- A rental 
              payments                     10,048,056           40,192,454                    31,112,304                  81,352,815 
             Aircraft- B rental 
              payments                      4,321,632           17,286,528                    20,360,298                  41,968,458 
                                   ------------------   ------------------          --------------------       --------------------- 
                                           14,369,688           57,478,982                    51,472,602                 123,321,273 
                                   ------------------   ------------------          --------------------       --------------------- 
             The Operating lease is for an Airbus A380-861 aircraft. The term 
              of the lease is for 12 years ending November 2022. The initial lease 
              is for 10 years ending November 2020, with an extension period of 
              2 years ending November 2022, in which rental payments reduce. The 
              present value of the remaining rentals in the extension period must 
              be paid even if the option is not taken. 
             At the end of the lease term the lessee has the right to exercise 
              an option to purchase the Asset if the Company chooses to sell the 
              Asset. If a purchase option event occurs the Company and the lessee 
              will be required to arrange for a current market value appraisal 
              of the Asset to be carried out by three independent appraisers. 
              The purchase price will be equal to the average valuation of those 
              three appraisals. 
    12       RECEIVABLES 
                                                   31 Mar 2014                  31 Mar 2013 
                                                           GBP                          GBP 
   Prepayments                                           8,054                        5,419 
   Sundry debtors                                           11                           22 
                                                         8,065                        5,441 
                                     -------------------------  --------------------------- 
           The above carrying value of receivables is equivalent to 
            the fair value. 
   13      PAYABLES (amounts falling due within one year) 
                                                   31 Mar 2014                  31 Mar 2013 
                                                           GBP                          GBP 
   Accrued administration 
    fees                                                 6,050                        6,129 
   Accrued audit fee                                    15,200                       16,400 
   Accrued management fees                              93,540                       91,482 
   Other accrued expenses                                3,463                        2,772 
                                                       118,253                      116,783 
                                     -------------------------  --------------------------- 
   The above carrying value of payables is equivalent to the 
    fair value. 
  14     BORROWINGS 
                                                  TOTAL                     TOTAL 
                                            31 Mar 2014               31 Mar 2013 
                                                    GBP                       GBP 
   Bank loan                                 55,174,320                67,043,411 
   Transaction costs                          (363,044)                  (51,602) 
                                             54,811,276                66,991,809 
                                 ----------------------  ------------------------ 
   Amount due for 
   settlement within 
   12 months                                  6,287,637                 6,528,741 
                                 ======================  ======================== 
   Amount due for 
    settlement after 
    12 months                                48,523,639                60,463,068 
                                 ======================  ======================== 
   The loan was arranged with Westpac Banking Corporation ("Westpac") 
    for USD 122,000,000, runs for 12 years until December 2022, 
    and has an effective interest rate of 5.4950% which is the 
    same as the contractual fixed interest rate. The loan is 
    secured on the Asset. No breaches or defaults occurred in 
    the period. Transaction costs of arranging the loan have 
    been deducted from the carrying amount of the loan and will 
    be amortised over its life. 
   In the directors' opinion, the above carrying value of the 
    bank loan is approximate to its fair value. 
   The Share Capital of the Company is represented by an unlimited 
    number of shares of no par value being issued or reclassified 
    by the Company as Ordinary Preference Shares or Subordinated 
    Administrative Shares. 
  15     SHARE CAPITAL (continued) 
                                                         Shares                        Shares 
   Shares issued at incorporation                             -                             1 
   Shares issued 11 October 
    2010                                                      -                     4,000,000 
   Shares issued 1 December 
    2010                                                      -                     1,000,000 
   Shares redeemed 1 December 
    2010                                                      -                   (2,175,001) 
         Shares issued 6 December 
          2010                                                2                             - 
   Shares issued in Placing                                   -                    39,625,000 
                                          ---------------------  ---------------------------- 
   Issued share capital 
    as at 31 March 2014                                       2                    42,450,000 
                                          ---------------------  ---------------------------- 
         Ordinary Preference Shares 
   1,825,000 Shares issued prior to 
    Placing- Fair value                                                                91,260 
   1,000,000 Shares issued prior to 
    Placing- Fair value                                                               250,010 
   39,625,000 Shares issued in Placing                                             39,625,000 
   Share issue costs                                                                (949,544) 
   Issued share capital as at 31 March 
    2014                                                                           39,016,726 
         Subordinated Administrative Shares 
   Shares issued 6 December 2010                                                            2 
   Total share premium as at 31 March 
    2014                                                                           39,016,728 
  15     SHARE CAPITAL (continued) 
         Members holding Ordinary Preference Shares are entitled to receive, 
         and participate in, any dividends out of income; other distributions 
         of the Company available for such purposes and resolved to be 
         distributed in respect of any accounting period; or other income 
         or right to participate therein. On a winding up, members are 
         entitled to the surplus assets remaining after payment of all 
         the creditors of the Company. Members have the right to receive 
         notice of and to attend, speak and vote at general meetings 
         of the Company. 
         The holders of Subordinated Administrative Shares are not entitled 
          to receive, and participate in, any dividends out of income; 
          other distributions of the Company available for such purposes 
          and resolved to be distributed in respect of any accounting 
          period; or other income or right to participate therein. On 
          a winding up, holders are entitled to a return of capital paid 
          up on them after the Ordinary Preference Shares have received 
          a return of their capital paid up but ahead of the return of 
          all additional capital to the holders of Ordinary Preference 
          Shares. Holders of Subordinated Administrative Shares shall 
          not have the right to receive notice of and shall have no right 
          to attend, speak and vote at general meetings of the Company, 
          except for the Liquidation Proposal Meeting (general meeting 
          convened six months before the end term of the Lease where the 
          Liquidation Resolution will be proposed) or if there are no 
          Ordinary Preference Shares in existence. 
         A fair value adjustment arose on the issue of 1,825,000 and 
          1,000,000 Ordinary Preference shares for which the consideration 
          was GBP10 and GBP10 respectively. The fair value adjustment 
          of GBP341,250 has been adjusted through reserves in the period 
          to 30 September 2011. 
         The Ordinary Preference Shares are not puttable instruments 
          as the holder does not have the right to put the Shares back 
          to the Company for cash or another financial instrument. 
         The Company's main financial instruments comprise: 
  (a)    Cash and cash equivalents that arise directly from the Company's 
          operations; and 
  (b)    Loan secured on non current asset. 
         The Company's objective is to obtain income returns and a capital 
          return for its Shareholders by acquiring, leasing and then selling 
          a single aircraft. 
         The following table details the categories of financial assets 
          and liabilities held by the Company at the reporting date: 
                                                                  31 Mar 
                                                                    2014                  31 Mar 2013 
                                                                     GBP                          GBP 
          Financial assets 
   Cash and cash equivalents                                   4,243,823                    4,580,076 
   Receivables                                                        11                           22 
                                               -------------------------  --------------------------- 
   Loans and receivables at amortised 
    cost                                                       4,243,834                    4,580,098 
                                               -------------------------  --------------------------- 
          Financial liabilities 
   Accrued expenses                                              118,253                      116,783 
   Loans payable                                              54,811,276                   66,991,809 
                                               -------------------------  --------------------------- 
   Financial liabilities measured 
    at amortised cost                                         54,929,529                   67,108,592 
                                               -------------------------  --------------------------- 
   The main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments 
    are capital management risk, foreign currency risk, credit 
    risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. The Board regularly 
    review and agrees policies for managing each of these risks 
    and these are summarised below: 
  (a)     Capital management 
   The Company manages its capital to ensure that the Company 
    will be able to continue as a going concern while maximising 
    the return to Shareholders through the optimisation of the 
    debt and equity balance. The Company is not subject to any 
    externally imposed capital requirements. 
   The capital structure of the Company consists of debt, which 
    includes the borrowings disclosed in note 14, cash and cash 
    equivalents and equity attributable to equity holders, comprising 
    issued capital and retained earnings. 
   The Company's Board of directors reviews the capital structure 
    on a bi-annual basis. 
   Equity includes all capital and reserves of the Company 
    that are managed as capital. 
  (b)     Foreign currency risk 
          The Company's accounting policy under IFRS requires the 
           use of a GBP historic cost of the Asset and the value 
           of the USD loan as translated at the spot exchange rate 
           on every balance sheet date. In addition, USD operating 
           lease receivables are not immediately recognised in the 
           balance sheet and are accrued over the period of the 
           lease. The directors consider that this introduces artificial 
           variance due to the movement over time of foreign exchange 
           rates. In actuality, the USD operating lease receivables 
           should offset the USD payables on amortising loans. The 
           foreign exchange exposure in relation to the loan is 
           thus largely naturally hedged. 
          Lease rentals (as detailed in Notes 4 and 11) are received 
           in USD and GBP. Those lease rentals received in USD are 
           used to pay the loan repayments due, also in USD. Both 
           USD lease rentals and loan repayments are fixed and are 
           for similar sums and similar timings. The matching of 
           lease rentals to settle loan repayments therefore mitigates 
           risks caused by foreign exchange fluctuations. 
          The carrying amounts of the Company's foreign currency 
           denominated monetary assets and liabilities at the reporting 
           date are as follows: 
                                               31 Mar 2014           31 Mar 2013 
                                                       GBP                   GBP 
   Bank loan (USD) 
    - liabilities                             (55,174,320)          (67,043,411) 
   Cash and cash equivalents 
   (USD) - assets                                2,111,224             2,375,888 
                                       ===================  ==================== 
   The following table details the Company's sensitivity 
    to a 15 per cent appreciation of GBP against USD. 15 
    per cent represents the directors' assessment of the 
    reasonably possible change in foreign exchange rates. 
    The sensitivity analysis includes only outstanding foreign 
    currency denominated monetary items and adjusts their 
    translation at the period end for a 15 per cent change 
    in foreign currency rates. A positive number below indicates 
    an increase: 
              in profit and equity where GBP strengthens 15 per cent 
              against USD. For a 15 per cent weakening of GBP against 
              USD, there would be a comparable but opposite impact on 
              the profit and equity 
              Foreign currency risk (continued) 
                                                       USD impact 
   Profit or loss                                       6,921,273 
   Assets                                               (275,377) 
   Liabilities                                          7,196,650 
            On the eventual sale of the Asset, the Company may be 
             subject to foreign currency risk if the sale was made 
             in a currency other than GBP. Transactions in similar 
             assets are typically priced in USD. 
   (c)      Credit Risk 
            Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty will 
             default on its contractual obligations resulting in financial 
             loss to the Company. 
            The credit risk on cash transactions are mitigated by 
             transacting with counterparties that are regulated entities 
             subject to prudential supervision, or with high credit 
             ratings assigned by international credit rating agencies. 
            The Company's financial assets exposed to credit risk 
             are as follows: 
                                                      31 Mar 2014                  31 Mar 2013 
                                                              GBP                          GBP 
   Receivables                                                 11                           22 
   Cash and cash equivalents                            4,243,823                    4,580,076 
                                                        4,243,834                    4,580,098 
                                        -------------------------  --------------------------- 
  (c)    Credit Risk (continued) 
         Surplus cash is held in accounts with Barclays and Westpac 
          Banking Corporation, which have credit ratings given by Moody's 
          of A3 and Aa2 respectively. 
         There is a contractual credit risk arising from the possibility 
          that the lessee may default on the lease payments. This risk 
          is mitigated, as under the terms of the lease agreements between 
          the lessee and the Company, any non payment of the lease rentals 
          constitutes a Special Termination Event, under which the lease 
          terminates and the Company may either choose to sell the Asset 
          or lease it to another party. 
         At the inception of the lease, the Company selected a lessee 
          with a strong balance sheet and financial outlook. The financial 
          strength of Emirates is regularly reviewed by the Board and 
          the Asset Manager. 
  (d)    Liquidity Risk 
         Liquidity risk is the risk that Company will encounter difficulty 
          in realising assets or otherwise raising funds to meet financial 
          commitments. The Company's main financial commitments are its 
          ongoing operating expenses and loan repayments to Westpac. 
         Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk management rests 
         with the Board of directors, which established an appropriate 
         liquidity management framework at the incorporation of the 
         Company, through the timings of lease rentals and loan repayments. 
         The Company manages liquidity risk by maintaining adequate 
         reserves, banking facilities and borrowing facilities, by monitoring 
         forecast and actual cash flows, and by matching profiles of 
         financial assets and liabilities. 
         The table below details the residual contractual maturities 
          of financial liabilities. The amounts below are contractual 
          undiscounted cash flows, including both principal and interest 
          payments, and will not agree directly to the amounts recognised 
          in the statement of financial position. 
  (d)     Liquidity Risk (continued) 
          The table below details the residual contractual maturities 
           of financial liabilities: 
   31 March 
    2014                              1-3                       3-12                    1-2 years                         2-5 years                      over 5 
                                   months                     months                                                                                      years 
                                      GBP                        GBP                          GBP                               GBP                         GBP 
          - due within 
          one year                118,253                          -                            -                                 -                           - 
   Loans payable                2,304,332                  6,912,995                    9,217,326                        27,651,979                  23,860,671 
                        -----------------   ------------------------   --------------------------   -------------------------------   ------------------------- 
                                2,422,585                  6,912,995                    9,217,326                        27,651,979                  23,860,671 
                        -----------------   ------------------------   --------------------------   -------------------------------   ------------------------- 
   31 March 
    2013                              1-3                       3-12                    1-2 years                         2-5 years                      over 5 
                                   months                     months                                                                                      years 
                                      GBP                        GBP                          GBP                               GBP                         GBP 
          - due within 
          one year                116,783                          -                            -                                 -                           - 
   Loans payable                2,527,136                  7,582,724                   10,108,543                        30,325,629                  33,749,149 
                        -----------------   ------------------------   --------------------------   -------------------------------   ------------------------- 
                                2,643,919                  7,582,724                   10,108,543                        30,325,629                  33,749,149 
                        -----------------   ------------------------   --------------------------   -------------------------------   ------------------------- 
  (e)     Interest rate risk 
   Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes 
    in interest rates will affect future cash flows. It is the 
    risk that fluctuations in market interest rates will result 
    in a reduction in deposit interest earned on bank deposits 
    held by the Company. 
   The Company mitigates interest rate risk by fixing the interest 
    rate on the loan and the lease rentals. 
   The following table details the Company's exposure to interest 
    rate risks, by interest rate refinancing period: 
  (e)     Interest rate risk (continued) 
          31 March 
          2014                        Less than             Fixed interest             Non-interest                      Total 
                                        1 month                                             Bearing 
                                            GBP                        GBP                      GBP                        GBP 
   Receivables                                -                          -                    8,065                      8,065 
   Cash and cash 
    equivalents                       4,243,823                          -                        -                  4,243,823 
   Total financial 
    assets                            4,243,823                          -                    8,065                  4,251,888 
                        -----------------------  -------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
   Accrued expenses                           -                          -                  118,253                    118,253 
   Loans payable                              -                 54,811,276                        -                 54,811,276 
   Total financial 
    liabilities                               -                 54,811,276                  118,253                 54,929,529 
                        -----------------------  -------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
   Total interest 
    gap                               4,243,823                 54,811,276 
                        -----------------------  ------------------------- 
          31 March 
          2013                        Less than             Fixed interest             Non-interest                      Total 
                                        1 month                                             Bearing 
                                            GBP                        GBP                      GBP                        GBP 
          income                              -                          -                        -                          - 
   Cash and cash 
    equivalents                       4,580,076                          -                        -                  4,580,076 
   Total financial 
    assets                            4,580,076                          -                    5,441                  4,585,517 
                        -----------------------  -------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
   Accrued expenses                           -                          -                  116,783                    116,783 
   Loans payable                              -                 66,991,809                        -                 66,991,809 
   Total financial 
    liabilities                               -                 66,991,809                  116,783                 67,108,592 
                        -----------------------  -------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------- 
   Total interest 
    gap                               4,580,076                 66,991,809 
                        -----------------------  ------------------------- 
  (e)    Interest rate risk (continued) 
         If interest rates had been 50 basis points higher throughout 
          the period and all other variables were held constant, the 
          Company's profit for the period and net assets attributable 
          to shareholders as at 31 March 2014 would have been GBP21,219 
          greater (31 March 2013: GBP22,900) due to an increase in 
          the amount of interest receivable on the bank balances. 
         If interest rates had been 50 basis points lower throughout 
          the period and all other variables were held constant, the 
          Company's profit for the period and net assets attributable 
          to shareholders as at 31 March 2014 would have been GBP21,219 
          lower (31 March 2013:GBP22,900) due to a decrease in the 
          amount of interest receivable on the bank balances. 
         In the opinion of the director's, the Company has no ultimate 
          controlling party. 
         On 1 April 2014 a further dividend of 2.25 pence per Ordinary 
          Preference Share was declared and this was paid on 25 April 
         On 1 July 2014 a further dividend of 2.25 pence 
          per Ordinary Preference Share was declared and 
          this was paid on 24 July 2014. 
         Nimrod Capital LLP ("Nimrod") is the Company's Placing Agent 
          and Corporate and Shareholder Adviser. In consideration for 
          Nimrod acting as placing agent in the Share placing, the 
          Company agreed to pay Nimrod, on admission to trading of 
          the Shares, a placing commission equal to 0.43 per cent of 
          the initial gross proceeds of the placing. The Company pays 
          to Nimrod for its services as Corporate and Shareholder Adviser 
          a fee of GBP100,000 per annum (adjusted annually for inflation 
          from 2012 onwards at 2.25 per cent. per annum) payable quarterly 
          in arrears. 
         During the year, the Company incurred GBP105,574 (31 March 
          2013: GBP104,443) of expenses with Nimrod, of which GBP26,726 
          (31 March 2013: GBP26,138) was outstanding to this related 
          party at 31 March 2014. 
        Until 12 March 2012 Doric Asset Finance Limited ("DAFL") 
        was the Company's Asset Manager. DAFL received a fee on admission 
        to trading of the Shares equal to 1.14 per sent of the initial 
        gross proceeds of the placing and issue of the Company's 
        bank loan. From 12 March 2012, Doric GmbH ("Doric") has been 
        the Company's Asset Manager. The Company pays Doric a management 
        and advisory fee of GBP250,000 per annum (adjusted annually 
        for inflation from 2012 onwards, at 2.25 per cent. per annum), 
        payable quarterly in arrears. Doric will also receive a fee 
        for its sales and remarketing services upon disposition of 
        the Asset and subsequent winding up of the Company ("the 
        Disposition Fee"). This will be payable by the Company out 
        of the proceeds of sale and will follow and incentivised 
        structure. Doric will not be entitled to the Disposition 
        Fee (but for the avoidance of doubt will be entitled to reimbursement 
        for properly incurred costs and expenses) if Shareholders 
        do not recover 100 pence per share net of all costs, fees 
        and expenses upon the winding up of the Company. If Shareholders 
        receive between 100 pence per share and 150 pence per share 
        (inclusive) (in each case net of all cost, fees and expense) 
        upon the winding up of the Company, Doric should receive 
        a Disposition Fee of 2 per cent. of the realised value of 
        the Asset. If Shareholders receive more than 150 pence per 
        share (net of all costs, fees and expenses) Doric should 
        receive 3 per cent. of the Realised Value of the Asset. 
        During the year, the Company incurred GBP262,846 (31 March 
         2013: GBP257,063) of expenses with Doric, of which GBP66,814 
         (31 March 2013: GBP65,344) was outstanding to this related 
         party at 31 March 2014. 
         JTC Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited ("JTCFMGL") (formerly 
         Anson Fund Managers Limited) is the company's administrator 
         and secretary. Anson Registrars (UK) Limited is the UK Transfer 
         Agent. Until 29 November 2013, John Le Prevost was a Director 
         of Anson Fund Managers Limited and Anson Administration (UK) 
         Limited. He is a Director of Anson Registrars Limited, the 
         company registrar, transfer agent and paying agent. During 
         the year GBP79,949.58 (31 March 2013: GBP80,072.40) of costs 
         were incurred with these related parties, of which GBP6,572.18 
         (31 March 2013: GBP6,644.50) was outstanding as at 31 March 

Key Information



Listing Date

Fiscal Year End

Base Currency



Country of Incorporation

Management and Administration

Registered Office

Doric Nimrod Air One Limited

PO Box 156

Frances House

Sir William Place

St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 4EU

Asset Manager

Doric GmbH

BerlinerStrasse 114

Offenbach am Main

63065 Germany

Placing and Corporate and Shareholder Advisory Agent

Nimrod Capital LLP

3 St Helen's Place

London, England


Solicitors to the Company (as to English Law)

Herbert Smith LLP

Exchange House

Primrose Street

London, England


Specialist Fund Market of the LSE/CISE


13 December 2010

31 March




Guernsey - Registration number 52484

Company Secretary and Administrator

JTC (Guernsey) Limited

PO Box 156

Frances House

Sir William Place

St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 4EU

Liaison Agent

Amedeo Services (UK) Limited

5 Royal Exchange Buildings

London, England


Lease and Debt Arranger

Doric Asset Finance GmbH & Co KB

Berlinerstrasse 114,

63065 Offenbach am Main,


Advocates to the Company (as to Guernsey Law)

Mourant Ozannes

1 Le Marchant Street

St Peter Port




Anson Registrars Limited

PO Box 426, Anson House

Havilland Street

St Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 3WX


Deloitte LLP

Regency Court

Glategny Esplanade

St Peter Port



THIS DOCUMENT IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of the proposals referred to in this document or as to the action you should take, you are advised to consult your stockbroker, solicitor, accountant, or other professional adviser. If you have sold or otherwise transferred all your shares in Doric Nimrod Air One Limited, please pass this document together with the accompanying documents to the purchaser or transferee, or to the person who arranged the sale or transfer for transmission to the person who now holds shares in Doric Nimrod Air One Limited.


(Incorporated and registered in Guernsey with company number 52484)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the GENERAL MEETING of the voting Members of Doric Nimrod Air One Limited (the "Company") will be held at Frances House Sir William Place St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4EU on 1 October 2014 at 10.30 a.m., to consider and, if thought fit, pass the below resolutions.

Ordinary Resolutions:

   1.   To receive the Annual Financial Report for the period ended 31 March 2014. 

2. To appoint Deloitte LLP as Auditor to the Company, to hold office from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next general meeting to be held in 2015 under section 199 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008, as amended, and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration.

   BY ORDER OF THE BOARD                                                           Registered Office: 
   JTC Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited                                            PO Box 156 

Secretary Frances House

Sir William Place

25 July 2014 St Peter Port




1. A shareholder will only be entitled to attend and vote at this General Meeting if they are registered as holders of Shares as at the close of business on 29 September 2014 or, if the General Meeting is adjourned, as at 48 hours before the time of any adjourned General Meeting. This record time is being set for voting because the procedures for updating the registers of members for each class of shares held in uncertificated form require a record time to be set for the purpose of determining entitlements to attend and vote at shareholder meetings.

2. A member entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting is entitled to appoint one or more proxies to vote instead of them. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. Completion and return of the form of proxy will not preclude members from attending or voting at the General Meeting if they so wish.

3. More than one proxy may be appointed provided each proxy is appointed to exercise the rights attached to different shares.

4. In accordance with the provisions of E.2.1 of the UK Code of Corporate Governance it should be noted that a vote withheld is not a vote in law and will not be counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes for and against each resolution.

5. A Form of Proxy is enclosed for use at the General Meeting. The Form of Proxy should be completed in accordance with the instructions set out therein and sent, together with the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a notarially certified copy of such power or authority, so as to reach the Company's agent, for this purpose being, Anson Registrars Limited, PO Box 426 Anson House, Havilland Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3WX not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the General Meeting.

6. If the General Meeting falls to be adjourned because it is not quorate, it will be adjourned to the same time and place five business days later or to such other day and/or time and/or place as the directors of the Company may determine, whereupon those shareholders then present in person, by their representative or by proxy, shall form the quorum. In the event of any such adjournment the Company will announce the adjournment via a regulatory information service but no notification will be sent directly to shareholders.

7. Where there are joint registered holders of any shares such persons shall not have the right of voting individually in respect of such shares but shall elect one of their number to represent them and to vote whether in person or by proxy in their name. In default of such election the person whose name stands first on the register of shareholders shall alone be entitled to vote.

8. On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy and a shareholder entitled to more than one vote need not use all his votes or cast all the votes he uses in the same way.

9. Any corporation which is a shareholder may by resolution of its board of directors or other governing body authorise such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at the General Meeting. Any person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise on behalf of the corporation which he represents the same powers (other than to appoint a proxy) as that corporation could exercise if it were an individual shareholder.

10. As at 25 July 2014 (the latest practicable date prior to the printing of this notice) the Company's issued share capital with voting rights consisted of 424,500,000 Ordinary Preference Shares of no par value, all carrying one vote each per share.

11. Copies of the following documents are available for inspection at the registered office of the Company during usual business hours on any weekday (weekends and public holidays excluded) and will be available for inspection at the place of the General Meeting for 15 minutes before and during the General Meeting itself:

(a) a copy of the Company's Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 March 2014;

(b) copies of the non-executive directors' appointment letters; and

(c) the Articles of Incorporation.


At the General Meeting there are two ordinary resolutions which shareholders will be asked to consider and, if thought fit, approve. An explanation of each of these Resolutions is given below. All resolutions are proposed as ordinary resolutions. An ordinary resolution requires more than 50 per cent. of votes cast at the General Meeting relating to that resolution to be cast in favour of it for the resolution to be passed.


Resolution 1: Annual Report and Accounts

For each financial year the directors are required to present the directors' report, the audited accounts and the auditors' reports to shareholders at a general meeting. Shareholders are asked to receive the annual report and accounts of the Company for the financial year ended 31 March 2014. The Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008 requires that the accounts and reports are laid before the General Meeting.

Resolution 2 Appointment of Auditor

Following the previous general meeting of the Company the appointment of the Auditor was to continue until the conclusion of the next general meeting to be held in 2014, under section 199 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law 2008. Deloitte LLP have indicated that they are willing to continue to be the Company's Auditor for the next year. You are asked to approve their re-appointment and to authorise the directors of the Company to determine their remuneration.


(Incorporated and registered in Guernsey with company number 52484)


Please read the Notice of General Meeting and the notes below before completing this form.

For use by holders of voting shares at the general meeting of Doric Nimrod Air One Limited (the "Company") convened for 10.30 a.m. on 1 October 2014, and at any adjournment thereof.

I/WE............................................................................................(Block Letters)

OF ..........................................................................................................(Block Letters)

being [a] member[s] of the Company, hereby appoint the Chairman of the Meeting *or....................................as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf, as directed below on the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting of the Company to be held on 1 October 2014 at 10:30 a.m., and at any adjournment thereof.

*Note: If it is desired to appoint as proxy any person other than the Chairman of the Meeting, his/her name and address should be inserted in the relevant place and reference to the Chairman of the meeting deleted and the alternation initialled.

I/WE direct the proxy to vote on the Resolutions as follows:

               Ordinary Resolutions:                 FOR    AGAINST    WITHHELD 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  ---------- 
 1. To receive the Annual Financial Report 
  for the period ended 31 March 2014. 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  ---------- 
 2. To appoint Deloitte LLP as Auditor 
  to the Company, to hold office from the 
  conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion 
  of the next general meeting to be held 
  in 2015 under section 199 of The Companies 
  (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended, and 
  to authorise the directors to determine 
  their remuneration. 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  ---------- 

Please indicate with an X in the appropriate space how you wish your vote to be cast. On receipt of the form duly executed and in the absence of a specific direction, your proxy will vote or abstain as he or she thinks fit on the resolutions.

Signed: ........................................



1. If it is desired to appoint as proxy any person other than the Chairman of the General Meeting, his/her name and address should be inserted in the relevant place and reference to the Chairman of the meeting deleted and the alteration initialled.

2. If the shareholder is a corporation, this form must be executed under its common seal or under the hand of its duly authorised officer or attorney.

3. Where there are joint registered holders of any shares such persons shall not have the right of voting individually in respect of such shares but shall elect one of their number to represent them and to vote whether in person or by proxy in their name. In default of such election the person whose name stands first on the register of shareholders shall alone be entitled to vote.

   4.       Any alterations to this form of proxy should be initialled by the person who signs it. 

5. The Form of Proxy should be completed in accordance with the instructions set out therein and sent, together with the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a notarially certified copy of such power or authority, so as to reach the Company's agent, for this purpose being, Anson Registrars Limited, PO Box 426 Anson House, Havilland Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3WX not later than 10.00 a.m. on 29 September 2014.

6. Completing and returning a form of proxy will not prevent a member from attending in person at the meeting and voting should he or she so wish.

7. Should you wish to vote in respect of a specific number of shares please indicate with that number in place of an X in the appropriate space.

8. A shareholder entitled to exercise more than one vote need not cast all his or her votes in the same way.

9. In accordance with the provisions of E.2.1 of the UK Code of Corporate Governance it should be noted that a vote withheld is not a vote in law and will not be counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes for and against each resolution.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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