RNS Number : 3345N

BigDish PLC

29 January 2021

BigDish Plc

( " BigDish " or the " Company")

Financial Report for the Half-Year to 30 September 2020

BigDish Plc (LON: DISH), a technology development company is pleased to announce the publication of its Financial Report for the Half-Year period to 30 September 2020 which is laid below this announcement.

The Company announced on 24 September 2020 securing an agreement for short term funding of GBP 540,000. The Company requested and received GBP 200,000 of this funding after the 30 September 2020. The majority of this amount has yet to be utilised. The Company is confident that this amount along with the balance of the short term funding will be more than adequate to stretch the funding runway beyond the end of the second quarter of 2020.

The Company will provide a further update to the market early next week with regards to its business.



 Zak Mir, Digital Communications 
  Officer, BigDish                      +44 (0) 7867 527659 
 Jonathan Morley-Kirk, Non-Executive    jmk@bigdish.com 

BigDish PLC

Financial Report

For the Half-Year Ended 30 September 2020



The Directors present the report together with the unaudited interim financial statements for the Group for the half-year ended 30 September 2020.

The Company

BigDish Plc, the parent Company, is registered (registered number 121041) and domiciled in Jersey. It was incorporated on 11 April 2016.

Principal Activity and Business Review

The Company's principal activity during the period ended 30 September 2020 was a holding company, holding subsidiaries trading under the " BigDish " brand in United Kingdom and a technology development centre in the Philippines.

Results and Dividends

The results of the Group for the half-year ended 30 September 2020 show a loss before taxation of GBP 426,142 (30 September 2019 showed a loss of GBP 1,050,255).

No dividends have been paid during the half-year ended 30 September 2020 or during the comparative period.

Operational Activities

The Company continued to develop its technology platform during the reporting period despite Covid-19 impacting the Company's progression.

On 12 October 2020, the Company announced a business diversification in that it was developing a venture builder model that would develop technology in return for equity stakes in up-and-coming technology companies.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The principal business risks that have been identified are as below.

COVID-19 Risks

The restaurant sector has experienced significant disruption from COVID-19. This has impacted the Company's business and the Company continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on an ongoing basis. The Company announced diversifying its strategy after the reporting period to mitigate against these risks.

Marketplace Risk

The Company is operating in a competitive market and faces competition from other companies who do or may in the future

offer a similar service on similar terms. Competitors may have much greater access to capital than the Company.

If the Company is unable to attract sufficient restaurants and potential customers at the rate expected, the Company may be

unable to successfully compete in the market which may have a material adverse impact on its future prospects.

Funding Risk

The Company has not reached breakeven due to the early stage of business development. This therefore requires that the

Company raises additional capital periodically. On 24 September 2020, the Company announced entering into a short term funding for GBP 540,000. As of the publication date only GBP 200,000 has been drawn down from this agreement, which has largely not been utilised.

Technology Risk

The success of the Company is dependent on the technical capabilities of its app and appeal to users. If technical issues arise or the technology is not as appealing as competitors' technology, this may have a significant impact on the Company's

ability to attract and retain restaurants and attract customers to use BigDish. The costs associated with remaining competitive may be disproportionate to the revenues generated by the Company which may result in an adverse impact on the Company's financial position.

Key Personnel Risk

The loss of/inability to attract key personnel could adversely affect the business of the Company. The Company is dependent

on the experience and abilities of its executive Directors and certain Senior Managers and technology staff. The Company will continue to look to attract suitably experienced personnel to mitigate any negative impact on the growth of the business.

Security Risk

Any unauthorised intrusion, malicious software infiltration, network disruption, denial of service or similar act by a malevolent party could disrupt the integrity, continuity, security and trust of the Enlarged Group's platform. These security risks could create costly litigation, significant financial liability, increased regulatory scrutiny, financial sanctions and a loss of confidence

in the Company's business.

Compliance Risk

The Company may process personal data (names, emails and telephone numbers), which may be considered sensitive, as part of its business. The Company may be subject to investigative or enforcement action by regulatory authorities in the Company's countries of operations if it acts or is perceived to be acting inconsistently with the terms of its privacy policy, customer expectations or the law. The Company will continue to monitor its policies to ensure on-going compliance with the

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations.

Brexit Risk

The main focus of the business is the United Kingdom and the Company does not expect to be affected adversely by Brexit. Any on-going risks will be mitigated through on-going review by Management and reporting of KPIs to the Board for periodic review and strategy amendment as required.

Events after the Reporting Period

Refer note 9 of the unaudited interim financial statements.

Company Directors

                                                  Appointment Date     Audit      Remuneration 
                                Position                              Committee     Committee 
---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  -----------  ------------- 
 Jonathan Morley-Kirk   Non-Executive Chairman     16 April 2016       Chair         Member 
 Simon Perrée*     Non-Executive Director     30 July 2018        Member        Chair 
 Aidan Bishop             Executive Director       16 April 2016         -             - 
---------------------  -----------------------  ------------------  -----------  ------------- 

*Resigned on 24 September 2020

The Directors note that the search for a replacement NED is on-going and that the process is being hindered by the third UK Covid-19 lockdown.

Share Capital

At 30 September 2020, the issued share capital of the Company stood at 373,620,823 - with 24,670,468 new shares having been issued during the period. The issuances are detailed in note 5 to the unaudited financial statements.

This Directors' Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 28 January 2021 and is signed on its behalf.

By Order of the Board

Jonathan Morley-Kirk


28 January 2021


For the half-year ended 30 September 2020

   30 Sep 2020            30 Sep 2019 
   (unaudited)              (unaudited) 
                                                                                                                   Note                          GBP                        GBP 

Income - 11,766

Cost of sales - (696)

Gross profit - 11,070

Administrative expenses (515,875) (735,077)

Impairment loss - (396,277)

Fair value gain 7 89,733 70,029

Loss before taxation (426,142) (1,050,255)

Income tax expense - -

Loss for the period 4 (426,142) (1,050,255)

Earnings per share:

Basic and diluted loss per share 6 (0.0012) (0.0033)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


For the half-year ended 30 September 2020

   30 Sep 2020            30 Sep 2019 
   (unaudited)              (unaudited) 
                                                                                                                                   Note          GBP                        GBP 

Loss for the period

                       (426,142)              (1,050,255) 

Exchange difference on translating foreign operations*

   (11,887)                 (45,195) 

Total comprehensive loss for the period

       (438,029)              (1,095,450) 

*To be reclassified to Profit and Loss if the foreign entity is sold.

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


For the half-year ended 30 September 2020

   30 Sep 2020         30 Sep 2019 
   (unaudited)           (unaudited) 
                                                                                                                   Note                          GBP                     GBP 

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment 6,739 13,053

                                                                                                                                                           6,739                      13,053 

Current assets

Trade and other receivables 5 237,346 37,387

Cash and cash equivalents

                      156,424                 1,296,042 
                                                                                                                                                             393,770                 1,333,429 

Current liabilities

Trade and other payables (258,180) (205,730)

Borrowings (13,403) (4,744)

                                                                                                                                                               ( 271,583)               (210,474) 

Non-current liabilities

Trade and other payables - (3,581)

Borrowings - (1 0, 128)

                                                                                                                                                                   -                           (13,709) 

Net assets/(liabilities) 128,926 1,122,299


Issued share capital 6 6,444,670 6,273,887

Retained earnings (7,242,334) (5,916,067)

Other Reserves 8 926,590 764,479

Total equity 128,926 1,122,299

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors.

Jonathan Morley-Kirk


28 January 2021


For the half-year ended 30 September 2020

                                                                                            Share         Retained 
           Other                      Total 
                                                     Capital        Earnings              Reserves   Equity 
                                                                                                                   GBP            GBP                   GBP                        GBP 

At 31 March 2019 3,239,914

(4,865,812)          879,703               ( 746 ,195) 

Loss for the period -

            (1,050,255 )                -                   ( 1,050,255) 
   Other comprehensive income for the period                                                - 
   -                   (45,195)                (45,195) 
   Total comprehensive income for the period                                                  - 
(1,050,255)          (45,195)             (1,095,450) 

Warrants reserves -

                             (70,029)                 (70,029) 

Issue of new ordinary shares (net) 3,033,973

   -                       -                      3,033,973 

Total transactions with owners 3,033,973

(1,050,255)      (115,224)              1,868,494 
   At 30 September 2019 (unaudited)                                                      6,273,887 
(5,916,067)         764,479           1,122,299 

Loss for the period

   -                   (405,202)                  -                   (405,202) 
   Other comprehensive income for the period                                                        - 
           -                       90,558                90,558 

Total comprehensive income for the period -

         (405,202)        90,558                   (314,644) 

Warrants reserves

  -                         -                      70,029               70,029 

Share options reserves

 -                         -                     103,144             103,144 

Shares to be issued

  -                         -                     246,937               246,937 

Issue of new ordinary shares (net) - adjustment (300,907)

       -                          -                    (300,907) 

Total transactions with owners

(300,907)             (405,202)             510,668              (195,441) 

Prior period adjustment

 -                  (494,923)                                           (494,923) 

At 31 March 2020

5,972,980          (6,816,192)         1,275,147            431,935 

Loss for the period

           -                     (426,142)                   -                (426,142) 

Other comprehensive income for the period -

                     -                   (11,887)             (11,887) 

Total comprehensive income for the period -

                  (426,142)            (11,887)         (438,029) 

Warrants reserves

       -                                  -               (89,733)         (89,733) 

Shares to be issued

       -                                  -              (246,937)       (246,937) 

Issue of new ordinary shares (net)

471,690                          -                    -                   471,690 

Total transactions with owners

471,690                     (426,142)      (348,557)       (303,009) 

At 30 September 2020

 6,444,670                (7,242,334)        926,590      128,926 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


For the half-year ended 30 September 2020

   30 Sep 2020           30 Sep 2019 
   (unaudited)             (unaudited) 
Note                            GBP                       GBP 

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from customers - 6,875

Cash paid to suppliers & employees

                 (278,822)             (670,921) 

Net cash from operating activities (278,822) (664,046)

Cash flows from financing activities

Loan repayments

                            (2,370)                (2,370) 

Cash received from loan receivable

                    50,000                 - 

Net proceeds from share capital issue

                   -                         1,952,988 

Net cash used in financing activities 47,630 1,950,618

Net increase (decrease) in cash (231,192) 1,286,572

Cash and cash equivalents at start of period

               387,616                 9,470 

Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period

            156,424                   1,296,042 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


For the half-year ended 30 September 2020


The consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards as endorsed by the European Union ("IFRS") and expected to be effective at the year-end of 31 March 2021. The accounting policies are unchanged from the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2020. The interim financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34) as adopted by the European Union, are unaudited. Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020, prepared in accordance with IFRS, have been filed. The Auditors' Report on these accounts was unqualified, but did include a material uncertainty in respect of going concern.

The consolidated interim financial statements are for the six months to 30 September 2020. The interim consolidated financial information does not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31March 2020, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS's as adopted by the European Union.


The balance of the loan from Lloyds Bank loan (GBP 13,403 at 30 September 2020) was repaid this on 16 October 2020.

The Group made a consolidated loss in the half-year ended 30 September 2020 of GBP 426,142. At 30 September 2020, the consolidated cash held was GBP 156,424 and the Group had consolidated liabilities of GBP 271,583, which includes GBP 55,982 due to related parties. The related parties liabilities are expected to be settled via equity under the Company's salary sacrifice scheme in February 2021.

The Company has entered into a short-term funding agreement for GBP540,000. As of the publication date of this report, only GBP 200,000 has been drawn down and largely not been utilised. It is expected that this funding will extend the funding runway beyond the second quarter of 2021. Further, the Company obtained a Letter of Intent from an Investor to fund the progression of the BigDish business via a Special Purpose Vehicle subject to conditions precedent, which, if met, will be sufficient to fund the business over the longer term.

Whilst the company is confident that it can stretch the short-term funding beyond the second quarter of 2021, there remains material uncertainty and the company will require further funding at some point during the 12 months from the date of this report. The Financial Statements have been prepared on a Going Concern basis.


3.1 For the half-year ended 30 September 2020

 Income Statement 
 for the half-year           Jersey        Hong Kong   Indonesia   Philippines   UK           Total 
  ended                       GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP           GBP          GBP 
  30 Sep 2020 (unaudited) 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ------------ 
   Revenue                     -             -           -           -             -            - 
 Cost of sales               -             -           -           -             -            - 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ------------ 
   Gross Profit                -             -           -           -             -            - 
   expenses                    (251,612)     -           -           (114,442)     (60,088)     (426,142) 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ------------ 
   Loss for the Period         (251,612)     -           -           (114,442)     (60,088)     (426,142) 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ------------ 
 Statement of Financial Position 
 at 30 Sep 2020                Jersey      Hong Kong   Indonesia   Philippines   UK         Total 
  (unaudited)                   GBP         GBP         GBP         GBP           GBP        GBP 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
   Non-current assets            -           -           -           6,739         -          6,739 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                  207,840     285         -           21,421        7,800      237,346 
 Cash and cash equivalents     79,489      -           -           8,495         68,440     156,424 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
   Total assets                  287,329     285         -           36,655        76,240     400,509 
 Current liabilities           (95,157)    -           (5,506)     (138,201)     (32,719)   (271,583) 
 Non-current liabilities       -           -           -           -             -          - 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 
   Net assets/(liabilities)      192,172     285         (5,506)     (101,546)     43,521     128,926 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------- 

3.2 For the half-year ended 30 September 2019

 Income Statement 
 for the half-year           Jersey        Hong Kong   Indonesia   Philippines   UK            Total 
  ended                       GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP 
  30 Sep 2019 (unaudited) 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------  -------------- 
   Revenue                     -             -           -           -             11,766        11,766 
 Cost of sales               -             -           -           -             (696)         (696) 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------  -------------- 
   Gross Profit                -             -           -           -             11,070        11,070 
  expenses                   (532,914)     (935)       (4,840)     (83,396)      (112,992)     (735,077) 
 Impairment loss             -             -           -           (32,575)      (363,702)     (396,277) 
  Fair value gain             70,029        -           -           -             -             70,029 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------  -------------- 
   Loss for the Period         (462,885)     (935)       (4,840)     (115,971)     (465,624)     (1,050,255) 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Statement of Financial Position 
 at 30 Sep 2019                Jersey        Hong Kong   Indonesia   Philippines   UK         Total 
  (unaudited)                   GBP           GBP         GBP         GBP           GBP        GBP 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ------------ 
   Non-current assets            -             -           -           11,891        1,162      13,053 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                  -             -           -           12,767        24,620     37,387 
 Cash and cash equivalents     1,263,148     369         -           18,838        13,687     1,296,042 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ------------ 
   Total assets                  1,263,148     369         -           43,496        39,469     1,346,482 
 Current liabilities           (93,163)      -           (6,034)     (110,160)     (1,117)    (210,474) 
 Non-current liabilities       (10,128)      -           -           (3,581)       -          (13,709) 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ------------ 
   Net assets/(liabilities)      1,159,857     369         (6,034)     (70,245)      38,352     1,122,299 
----------------------------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ------------ 


                                                                                                                                                                   30 Sep 2020         30 Sep 2019 
                                                                                                                                                                   (unaudited)           (unaudited) 
                                                                                                                                                                   GBP                        GBP 

Loss for the period has been arrived at after charging:

Directors remuneration

                           80,000                   80,000 

Staff costs

                                   200,915                 252,961 


                  30 Sep 2020         30 Sep 2019 
   (unaudited)           (unaudited) 
   GBP                        GBP 

Trade and Other Receivables

            29,506                   37,387 

Loan Receivables

                    207,840                 - 

Balance at end of period

                 237,346                 37,387 

All receivables are current assets and due within 12 months - GBP 50,000 repayment of the loan receivables was received by the Company in the half-year to 30 September 2020.


6.1 Share Capital

                                                                                                                   30 Sep 2020                           30 Sep 2019 
                                                                                                                   (unaudited)                             (unaudited / re-stated) 
                                                                                                                   Number            GBP                Number              GBP 

Opening balance 348,950,355 5,977,980 285,847,519 3,239,914

   Audit adjustment - 31 March 2020                                                        - 
  -                         -                       (300,907) 

Ordinary shares - new shares issued during the period 24,670,468 471,690

 63,102,836      3,033,973 

Closing balance 373,620,823 6,444,670 348,950,355 5,977,980

The shares have no par value. At 30 September 2020, included in the total share issuance of 373,620,823, 24,670,468 shares were issued as final payment of the Table Pouncer acquisition and to Directors as settlement of outstanding salaries as at 30 June 2020 under the Salary Sacrifice Scheme. The Group holds 11,000,000 shares in treasury.

6.2 Earnings Per Share

                                                   30 Sep 2020     30 Sep 
                                                                    2019 (unaudited) 
                                                    (unaudited)     GBP 
 ---------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------ 
   Basic and diluted earnings per share               (0.0012)       (0.0033) 
 Loss used to calculate basic and diluted 
  earnings per share                                (426,142)      (1,050,255) 
 Weighted average number of shares used 
  in calculating basic and diluted earnings 
  per share                                         360,622,075    314,039,187 
---------------------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 

Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding and shares to be issued during the period.

In 2020 and 2019, the potential ordinary shares were anti-dilutive as the Group was in a loss making position and therefore the conversion of potential ordinary shares would serve to decrease the loss per share from continuing operations. Where potential ordinary shares are anti-dilutive a diluted earnings per share is not calculated and is deemed to be equal to the basic earnings per share.

The warrants noted in note 7 could potentially dilute EPS in the future.


Warrants are denominated in Sterling and are issued for services provided to the Group or as part of the acquisition of a subsidiary.

Warrants at 30 September 2020:

                    No. issued                                          No. outstanding 
                     and exercisable     No. exercised     No. lapsed    and exercisable     Expiry date 
   Exercise price    at 01 Apr           in period         in period     at 30 Sep 
                     2020                                                2020 
-----------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 4.50p              2,654,585          -                 -              2,654,585          02 August 2021 
 9.00p              11,111,111         -                 (11,111,111)   -                  02 August 2020 
 4.50p              444,444            -                 (444,444)      -                  02 August 2020 
                                                                                           02 February 
 4.156p             6,851,116          -                 -              6,851,116           2021 
-----------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Closing balance    21,061,256         -                 (11,555,555)   9,505,701 
-----------------  -----------------  ----------------  -------------  -----------------  --------------- 

The charge for the period to 30September 2020 is GBP nil (30 September 2019: GBP 19,074).


                               30 Sep 2020    30 Sep 2019 
                                (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                GBP            GBP 
----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Translation reserve           66,811         (11,860) 
 Share options reserve         859,779        756,635 
  Warrants reserve              -              19,704 
----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
   Balance at end of period      926,590        764,479 
----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 


The Company announced on 12 October 2020 the development a Venture Builder model - a technology platform to develop technology in return for equity in exciting up and coming technology companies. To facilitate this, the Company announced that the technology development platform would be moved to India, which has a lower cost base than the Philippines.

The Company also announced on 16 November 2020 that as a result of the Venture Builder model, it expected to extend its funding runway. Changes in management also took place and the Company will identify a new CEO with suitable experience.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 29, 2021 02:23 ET (07:23 GMT)

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