RNS Number:8484Y
Dobbies Garden Centres PLC
14 February 2001

Dobbies Garden Centres plc

                  DOBBIES GARDEN CENTRES plc

    Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 October 2000

*    Turnover at #23.6 million                -up 49%

*    Like for like sales                      -up 11%

*    Profit before tax #2.6 million           -up 34%

*    Earnings per share at 25.0p              -up 14%

*    Final dividend of 4.05p, making a total of
     6.05p - up 10%

*    5  new  centres  added during the year (now totaling  15),
     confirming number two position in the market.

"While the prospects for the garden leisure industry as a whole
continue  to  be very positive, we are even more excited  about
our  own  prospects within it. Our new format  stores  are  all
trading  successfully  and  this  Spring  we  will  open  major
redevelopments   at  Milngavie,  Glasgow  and   Bayston   Hill,

"The  current year has started well, with like for  like  sales
growth at the end of January of 14%."

                        James Barnes, Chief Executive


Dobbies Garden Centres plc
Alex Hammond Chambers, Chairman         Tel: 0131 222 9430
James Barnes, Chief Executive           Tel: 0131 663 1941

Bell Pottinger Financial
Jonathon Brill                          Tel: 020 7353 9203

Chairman's Statement

I  am  happy  to  report that, following the  most  significant
expansion  in  the company's history, Dobbies is now  the  UK's
second  largest  garden centre retailer.  Although,  by  quoted
stock  market standards, we must still be regarded as  a  small
company,  such  is  the  fragmentation  of  the  garden  centre
business  that, with 15 centres, we are number  two.   I  would
like to think, however, that in many other respects we are  the
leaders in our business, especially in the development of large
state-of-the-art  garden centres retailing  a  broad  range  of
house and garden goods.

This   expansion  was  made  possible  by  two  most  important
developments in the year. The first of these was a placing  and
open  offer,  which  raised #10 million,  nearly  doubling  our
shareholders'  investment in the Company.  The second  was  the
acquisition  of Findlay Clark Ltd and its four garden  centres,
an  event  which  confirmed  our  market  leading  position  in
Scotland.   A  further purchase, of the Clifton Garden  Centre,
near Preston, was another welcome addition to our portfolio.

As  a  consequence of this expansion, and of our  own  internal
growth,  we  achieved sales for the full year  of  #23  million
(+49%), profits before tax of #2.6 million (+ 34%) and earnings
per  share  (diluted  by the placing) of 25.0p  (+14%).   James
Barnes and Sharon Brown, who was appointed our Finance Director
during   the  year,  provide  further  details  of  the  year's
performance in their own reviews.

Dividend and AGM

The  Board of Directors is recommending to shareholders a final
dividend of 4.05p per share which, if approved, will be paid on
the  30th April 2001. This gives a total dividend for the  year
of 6.05p (5.5p in 1999).  The AGM will be held at the Company's
new  offices at Melville Garden Centre, just outside Edinburgh,
at  12  noon  on  Tuesday  10th April  2001.  I  urge  as  many
shareholders as possible to attend.  A notice convening the AGM
will be sent separately to shareholders.

Alternative Investment Market (AIM) Listing

In  last  year's  review, I stated that your Company  would  be
seeking a full listing on the London Stock Exchange this  year.
However,  recent  Government legislation,  restricting  capital
gains  tax  to  only 10% for shares listed on  the  Alternative
Investment Market (AIM) held for four full tax years  or  more,
makes AIM a more attractive market for Dobbies to be listed  on
at present.  Consequently, we will remain listed on AIM for the
foreseeable future.

Building our management team

To ensure we are able to continue growing the business, we have
invested  considerable  resources in  the  development  of  our
management  team throughout the year.  This has  included  both
the  training  and  empowerment of our current  staff  and  the
hiring  of  individuals  who  can  contribute  to  our  growth.
Although  we  are conscious of the need to control our  central
overhead, continued investment in, and development of, the team
is essential to support our long term growth objectives.

As  part  of the culture of the Company, we encourage employees
to  be  long  term  shareholders and  we  currently  offer  two
shareholder  incentive plans for executive  directors  and  for
senior management.

The  previous executive Directors' share plan has  now  expired
and  we are looking to introduce a new one, although it is  the
Directors'  intention  to keep some of the  options  aside  for
future executive  Directors. We would also like to introduce  a
Share  Save  Scheme  for all employees.   We  will  be  seeking
shareholder approval for these at the forthcoming AGM.

We  were  very  pleased to have announced  the  appointment  of
Sharon  Brown as our Finance Director earlier in the year.   In
her  short  time  at  Dobbies, Sharon has  made  a  significant
contribution   to   our  progress  and,  on   behalf   of   all
shareholders,  I would like to thank her, James Barnes,  Johnny
Trotter  and  all the staff for their hard work and commitment,
without which we could not have achieved what we have.


The programme for this year focuses on the redevelopment of our
centres at Milngavie and Shrewsbury, further development of our
Christmas  sales (which have been doing very well) and  finally
continuing  development  of the merchandising  at  all  of  our
centres, in order to improve our sales per square foot.   As  a
consequence of increasing our square footage and improving  its
productivity, I am confident that, except for the occurrence of
unforeseen events, we will be able to report higher  sales  and
profits in a year's time.

Alex Hammond Chambers

Chief Executive's Review

This  year,  has  once  again,  seen  major  progress  in   the
development of your Company with, perhaps, the most significant
event  being  the acquisition of Findlay Clark  Ltd.   At  #5.8
million, this was our largest acquisition to date and has given
the  Company  access  to a number of important  new  locations,
particularly  north  Glasgow  and Aberdeen.  The  purchase  has
consolidated   our  position  as  Scotland's   leading   garden

A  further acquisition in the year was Clifton Garden Centre in
Preston, where we already have planning permission to develop a
new centre of 55,000 sq.ft.  These acquisitions bring our total
number  of  stores to 15, making us the second  largest  garden
centre  operator in the UK.  We believe our policy of acquiring
and developing large-scale destination centres is the right one
for  the  business  and at year end four  stores  matched  this
criteria.    This  year  two  more  stores,  at   Glasgow   and
Shrewsbury,  will come on stream; Preston will be completed  by
Spring  2002  and,  of  our  other  existing  sites,  two  have
potential for redevelopment to superstore status.

Expansion and Investment

While  geographical expansion remains a core  policy,  so  does
investment in existing stores, and this year we committed  #3.8
million   on   these  sites.   Major  projects   included   the
redevelopment  of  our  Birtley store, where  sq.  footage  was
increased  by  57%  to 30,000 sq.ft, and the addition  of  some
8,000  sq.ft at our Edinburgh store to incorporate  new  retail
sale space and a new restaurant (where covers nearly doubled to

The  importance  of  a  quality catering offer  should  not  be
underestimated and, to underline our commitment to this area of
our business, we have brought back under our own management two
of our major catering enterprises this year.  Within the Group,
our catering sales now equate to 9% of turnover.

We  also acquired the freehold of two of our centres this  year
on an earnings-enhancing basis, which means that we now own 90%
of our centres.

The  benefit of last year's capital spend will materialize over
the  coming  years. The historic levels of investment  and  the
quality  of our stores has yielded above average like for  like
growth (11% in 2000).

The  placing  and open offer in the Spring of last year  raised
#10  million net and will allow us to continue our growth  both
by acquisition and development.


We  have continued to develop our head office team in line with
our policy of growth. The integration of Findlay Clark has gone
well and we have been able to fill a number of key positions in
the  field of personnel, finance and IT with knowledgeable  and
experienced staff.  Staff levels now total 720 and I would like
to  add my thanks to those of our Chairman to all our staff for
the effort they have put in over the past year.  To accommodate
additional  staff,  and  the  need for  improved  communication
systems, we are currently building new company headquarters  on
our  Edinburgh site.  Ready for occupation in the  Spring,  the
new  building will also allow us to convert our existing office
space into additional garden centre retail use.

Buying and Merchandising

Merchandising is key to any retail business and I am pleased to
say  that  major improvements have been achieved in  this  area
over  the  year.  Our product range has improved  and  expanded
significantly, particularly in glass and chinaware and  in  our
Christmas  offer.   Plants  remain  the  core  product  of  our
business and we continue to develop our range.


While  the prospects for the garden leisure industry as a whole
continue  to  be very positive, we are even more excited  about
our  own  prospects within it.  Our new format stores  are  all
trading  successfully  and  this Spring   we  will  open  major
redevelopments   at  Milngavie,  Glasgow  and   Bayston   Hill,

The  current  year has started well, with like for  like  sales
growth at the end of January of 14%.

James Barnes
Chief Executive

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                                Year ended 31 October   
                                      2000        1999
                                      #000        #000
Continuing operations               19,114      15,832
Acquisitions                         4,477           -
                                ----------  ----------
                                    23,591      15,832
Cost of sales                      (12,667)     (8,583)
                                ----------  ----------
Gross profit                        10,924       7,249
Administrative and selling                            
 expenses                           (8,279)     (5,623)
Other operating income                 542         517
                                ----------  ----------
Operating profit                     3,187       2,143
Interest payable and similar                          
 charges                              (575)       (197)
                                ----------  ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                         
 before taxation                     2,612       1,946
Tax on profit on ordinary                             
 activities                           (651)       (490)
                                ----------  ----------
Profit on ordinary activities                         
 after taxation for the                               
 financial year                      1,961       1,456
Dividends                             (549)       (364)
                                ----------  ----------
Retained profit                      1,412       1,092
                                ----------  ----------

There are no recognised gains or losses for the financial year
other than as stated above.

Earnings per share                          
Basic                               25.00p      22.00p
Diluted basis                       24.28p      21.49p

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                     Year ended 31 October   
                                          2000         1999
                                          #000         #000
Fixed assets                                               
Intangible assets                          640            -
Tangible assets                         32,318       17,788
                                    ----------   ----------
                                        32,958       17,788
Current assets                                             
Stocks                                   4,916        3,141
Debtors                                    483          418
Cash at bank and in hand                   230          209
                                    ----------   ----------
                                         5,629        3,768
Creditors: amounts falling due                             
 within one year                        (8,907)      (8,199)
                                    ----------   ----------
Net current liabilities                 (3,278)      (4,431)
                                    ----------   ----------
Total assets less liabilities           29,680       13,357
Creditors: amounts falling due                             
 after more than one year               (5,117)        (197)
Provisions for liabilities and                             
 charges                                  (102)        (140)
                                    ----------   ----------
                                        24,461       13,020
                                    ----------   ----------
Equity capital and reserves                                
Called up share capital                    907          662
Share premium account                   18,709        8,925
Profit and loss account                  4,845        3,433
                                    ----------   ----------
Equity shareholders' funds              24,461       13,020
                                    ----------   ----------

These financial statements were approved by the Board of
Directors on 13 February 2001.

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                    Year ended 31 October
                             2000      2000     1999     1999
                             #000      #000     #000     #000
Net cash inflow from                                         
 operating activities                 3,030             2,562
Returns on investments                                       
 and servicing of                                            
 finance                               (531)             (211)
Taxation                               (668)             (440)
Capital expenditure and                                      
 financial investment      (4,024)            (3,645)
Acquisitions and                                             
 disposals                 (8,319)            (3,003)
                         --------            -------         
Net cash outflow from                                        
 investing activities               (12,343)           (6,648)
Dividends paid                        (426)             (342)
                         --------  --------  -------  -------
Net cash outflow before                                      
 financing                          (10,938)           (5,079)
Financing                            12,029               (93)
                                   --------           -------
Increase/(decrease) in                                       
 cash in the year                     1,091            (5,172)
                                   --------           -------

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt/funds

Increase/(decrease) in                                         
 cash in the year                       1,091           (5,172)
Cash (inflow)/outflow from                                     
 debt and hire purchase                (4,887)               93
Hire purchase and finance                                      
 leases acquired with                                          
 subsidiary                               (45)                -
                                      -------           -------
Movement in net debt in                                        
 the year                              (3,841)           (5,079)
Opening net (debt)/funds               (5,015)               64
                                      -------           -------
Closing net debt                       (8,856)           (5,015)
                                      -------           -------


1.   The  calculation  of earnings per share is  based  on  the
     profit  after tax of #1,961,000 (1999 :#1,456,000) and  on
     7,844,924  ordinary  shares  being  the  weighted  average
     number of ordinary shares during the year ended 31 October
     2000 (1999: 6,618,882).

2.   The   financial  information  set  out  above   does   not
     constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of
     the Companies Act 1985.  The audited accounts for the year
     ended  31  October 1999 have been filed with the Registrar
     of  Companies.   The auditors reported on these  accounts;
     their  report  was  unqualified  and  did  not  contain  a
     statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) Companies Act 1985.
     The  statutory accounts for the year 31 October 2000  will
     be  finalised  on  the basis of the financial  information
     presented   by   the   Directors   in   this   Preliminary
     Announcement  and  will be delivered to the  Registrar  of
     Companies following the Company's AGM.

3.   The  directors  propose  a final  dividend  of  4.05p  per
     ordinary   share,  to  be  paid  on  30  April   2001   to
     shareholders on the register at the close of  business  on
     30 March 2001.

4.   This  preliminary  announcement is  not  being  posted  to
     shareholders, but a full Annual Report will be  despatched
     to  shareholders shortly.  The Annual General Meeting will
     be held on 10 April 2001.
     Reconciliation  of operating profit to net  cash  in  flow
     from operating activities
                                         2000            1999
                                         #000            #000
Operating Profit                        3,187           2,143
Depreciation Charges                      647             425
Goodwill amortisation                      10               -
Profit on sale of tangible fixed                             
 assets                                   (32)             (4)
Increase in Stocks                       (553)           (181)
Decrease/(Increase in debtors)              6            (111)
(Decrease)/Increase in creditor          (235)            290
                                   ----------      ----------
Net cash inflow from operating                               
 activities                             3,030           2,562
                                   ----------      ----------
Analysis of cash flows                   2000            1999
                                         #000            #000
Returns on  Investment and                                   
servicing of finance                         
Interest Paid                            (531)           (208)
Interest element of hire purchase                            
 repayments                                 -              (3)
                                   ----------      ----------
Net cashflow from returns on                                 
 investments and servicing of                                
 finance                                 (531)           (211)
                                   ----------      ----------
Capital expenditure and financial                            
Purchase of tangible fixed assets      (4,081)         (3,669)
Sale of tangible fixed assets              57              24
                                   ----------      ----------
Net cash outflow from capital                                
expenditure and financial                                    
 investments                           (4,024)         (3,645)
                                   ----------      ----------

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