RNS Number:9562X
Cammell Laird Holdings PLC
29 January 2001


Date:          Embargoed until 7.00am, Monday 29 January 2001

Contact:      Brett Martin, Deputy Chief Executive

Jon Schofield, Finance Director

Cammell Laird Holdings PLC          Tel: 0151 236 5500

Peter Otero

Financial Dynamics                    Tel: 020 7831 3113

                          Cammell Laird Holdings PLC

                               Interim Results

Cammell Laird Holdings PLC, the international marine services company,
announces interim results for the six months to 31st October 2000.

Operational Highlights

  * Costa Classica dispute will have a significant impact on the Group's
    financial results for the full year

  * Both the Port of Marseille and Portland, Oregon acquisitions have been
    fully integrated within the Group and have made a small contribution to
    the first half results

  * Order book, as at 31 December 2000, totalled #41 million

  * Management refocused resulting in changes to organisational structure

Financial Highlights

  * Pre-tax loss of #3.5 million (1999 - Profit #7.7 million)

  * Operating loss of #1.9 million (1999 - Profit #8.2 million) on turnover
    of #52.7 million (1999 - #61.7 million)

  * No dividend to be paid at the interim stage

Juan Kelly, Chairman of Cammell Laird, comments:

"The non-delivery of the Costa Classica will have a significant impact on our
financial results for the full year. However, the Group has a highly committed
management team and skilled workforce that we believe will be more effective
and focused under the new management structure. Additionally, the growth of
the markets in which we operate and the requirement for our particular skills,
remain strong. We fully expect to reverse the recent sequence of events with
good profitable work in the near future."

                          CAMMELL LAIRD HOLDINGS PLC

                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

The first half of the financial year has proved a difficult time for the Group
primarily as a result of the contract dispute with Costa Crociere, the owners
of Costa Classica.

Operating loss for the period was #1.9m (1999 - profit #8.2m) on a turnover of
#52.7m (1999: #61.7m) resulting in a pre-tax loss of #3.5m (1999 - profit #
7.7m). Given the disappointing financial performance your Board believes it
would be inappropriate to propose an interim dividend.

Costa Classica

In September 1999 the Group entered into a contract with Costa Crociere to
undertake the lengthening and upgrade of their cruise vessel, Costa Classica.
The majority of the work was to be carried out before the vessel arrived at
our Birkenhead facility, and involved the construction of a mid-body section,
plus additional upper decks and other steelwork for the existing ship.

Costa Classica was due to arrive at the Yard on 23rd November 2000. On 18th
November the vessel left its homeport of Genoa for Birkenhead, with 30 of our
staff on board to carry out preparatory work. On 21st November, following a
meeting between the parties, Costa advised the Company that it wished to amend
the contract involving retentions from the contract price and other more
onerous conditions. In their letter, Costa gave the Board until 27th November
to respond, but in the event they re-called the vessel on 22nd November with
our personnel being put ashore at La Coruna in Northern Spain.

Urgent explanation was sought from Costa Crociere who subsequently informed us
that they were seeking to appoint arbitrators to assess whether they had the
right to 'suspend' or 'terminate' the contract because of alleged delays and
technical issues. These allegations were in contrast with an independent
report received by both parties in October. Further, the allegations were not
consistent with the despatch of the vessel from Genoa.

Over the last two months we have had a series of meetings with Costa in an
attempt to settle our differences and reactivate the contract. Regrettably, an
agreement has not been reached, and your Board has instructed lawyers to file
for dissolution of the contract on the grounds that Costa Crociere are in
breach. Your Board remains fully prepared to meet with Costa to seek an
amicable settlement to this issue. Failing this, however, we will vigorously
pursue a remedy through the arbitration process.

The terms of the Costa Classica contract provide for payment by Costa Crociere
on completion of the ship, and therefore the delay, twelve months into a
sixteen month contract leaves us carrying substantial costs.

It is our legal counsel's opinion that we have a very strong case in law and
consequently, if necessary, we will be seeking to recover costs and damages
from Costa Crociere. However, from an accounting viewpoint, prudence must
apply to any carrying value of work in progress and therefore accrued profits
on the contract to date have been eliminated.

We have been successful in securing replacement work for our Birkenhead yard,
but, inevitably, there are consequential losses beyond the half-year, in
particular in the third quarter when there was very little time to rectify the

The non-delivery of the Costa Classica will have a significant impact on our
financial results for the full year. Unless circumstances change, we will not
recognise any profit on the contract. In addition, the overheads of the Group
were increased to support the contract and substantial yard capacity was
reserved for the project's completion. The costs of disruption and of reducing
these overheads will impact on the second half-year, particularly the third


During the period the Group made two important longer-term investments.

In July 2000 we entered into a 20-year concession with the state-owned Port of
Marseille to operate the three largest dry-docks, two of which are of a much
greater capacity than was previously available to the Group. The concession
provides us with access to an existing local repair market, and the prospect
of developing new markets, in particular within the strong oil and gas
exploration sector where we have hitherto been restricted by the size of
dry-docks available to the Group.

Under the terms of the concession, the Port of Marseille undertook maintenance
work during the summer, resulting in the two larger dry-docks not being
available to the Group until October 2000. Consequently, the new operation has
had little impact on our results.

In August 2000 we acquired a 49% stake in Cascade General, the largest
commercial ship repair company on the west coast of the United States for
$7.7m. Situated in Portland, Oregon, Cascade is ideally situated to service
the Alaskan markets, and operates the largest floating repair dry-dock in the
Americas. Like Marseille, the benefits to the Group of this investment are
medium to long term, as the location and reputation of Cascade are
complemented by the marketing capacity and technical know-how within Cammell

Both acquisitions have made a small contribution to our first-half results.

Current and prospective workloads

As the Group's operational capacity has grown, our strategy of providing an
integrated service from design through to outfitting, as opposed to extensive
outsourcing, now demands larger projects to complement the high volume of
repair and smaller conversion projects. These larger projects should provide a
stable level of underlying business facilitating investment and training, and
enable us to generate significant incremental profits from higher volume
repair and conversion business. Much of our sales and marketing effort over
the past twelve months has been aimed at achieving this balance. Whilst we
firmly believe this is the right approach, we have had to accept a time lag
between the cost of developing the capability and the resulting increase in

The first indications of progress in this policy came late last year with the
agreement with Luxus Holdings to build two '6 star' cruise ships in a deal
worth $500m. The contract is conditional on the Department of Trade and
Industry providing loan guarantees to Luxus similar to those available in most
of mainland Europe, and finalisation of banking arrangements. Provided the
necessary level of support is obtained, the project will commence in February
and will provide bedrock work throughout the Group for three years.

The Group continues to secure a regular flow of repair and conversion projects
and at 31 December 2000, the current order book totalled #41m (1999: #43m
excluding Costa Classica).


The Board has concluded that several significant changes in our organisation
and management are necessary to ensure the optimum development and focus of
our expanded international operations.

John Stafford has indicated that he wishes to stand down from his posts of
Chief Executive and PLC Board director, and the Board has accepted his
resignation with effect from 26 January.

In the short-term, Jon Schofield, our Finance Director has been appointed
Acting Chief Executive, with his deputy, Ged Gurney, fulfilling the role of
Acting Finance Director. Brett Martin will assume the new post of Corporate
Development Director and will take over Mr Stafford's former responsibilities
for strategic development of the Group. The process of recruiting a new Chief
Executive will commence shortly.

In order to support the Acting Chief Executive in his primary task of
consolidating our expanded operations, a number of other structural changes
have been made.

The Public Company Board (Cammell Laird Holdings PLC) is being reduced from
eleven members to six. The revised Board will comprise the three existing
non-executive directors (Juan Kelly as Chairman, Hugh McCoy and Rowan Sumner),
the Chief Executive, Finance Director, and Corporate Development Director. Mr
McCoy has been appointed as Senior Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the
Audit Committee.

Our intermediate holding company, Cammell Laird Group PLC, will provide a
focused operational management team chaired by the Chief Executive who will
report directly to the public company board. A key member of this team will be
David Skentelbery who has been appointed as Group Managing Director. David
recently joined us from Global Crossing and has a wealth of experience in the
marine industry at senior management level.

Paul Ashcroft, Andy Boardman, David Gillam, Chris Millman and John Syvret,
have resigned from the public company board with effect from 26 January, but
remain directors of Cammell Laird Group PLC and will continue to have a
significant role in the management of the Group.

I believe that these changes will bring to bear a better focus of management
resource to suit our enlarged operations.

Impact on financial performance

As was implicit in my earlier comments, the sudden problem of the Costa
Classica, combined with the delay in securing large orders mean that activity
levels for this financial year will be lower than originally forecast. As a
result, we now expect our performance to be significantly below last year.

In addition, we have commenced a major review and rationalisation of our cost
base which will result in additional one-off expenditure in the second half of
the financial year. The benefits of this rationalisation will flow through in
the next financial year.

The disruption caused by Costa Classica will give rise to further losses in
the third quarter results but we expect trading performance to improve from
the fourth quarter onwards.

The dispute with Costa Crociere will also result in higher levels of borrowing
than planned. The Group is operating within the borrowing limits included in
its banking facilities and anticipates continuing to comply with the
requirements of its lenders. At 25 January, the Group had overdrafts totalling


During 2000, Cammell Laird moved from being essentially a UK marine services
company to an international business with shipyards spanning the Western
Hemisphere. Whereas at the start of the year our capacity and capability was
restricted by our concentrated location and limited dry-dock sizes, we enter
2001 with a much expanded, geographically diverse portfolio of facilities, and
some of the largest dry-docks in operation. As a result we are now able to
undertake a much wider range of projects and have the capability to
substantially increase our sales over the medium to long-term.

We have a highly committed management team and skilled workforce that we
believe will be more effective and focused under the new management structure.
Additionally, the growth of the markets in which we operate and the
requirement for our particular skills, remain strong. We fully expect to
reverse the recent sequence of events with good profitable work in the near

J.H. Kelly CBE




                                                  Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited
                                            Note   6 months   6 months  Year to
                                                         to         to
                                                 31 October 31 October 30 April
                                                       2000       1999     2000
                                                      #'000      #'000    #'000

Continuing operations                            51,776     61,741     138,511
Acquisitions                                        938        -          -

                                                 52,714     61,741     138,511

Cost of Sales                                   (43,511)   (43,952)   (103,229)

Gross Profit                                      9,203      17,789     35,282

Amortisation of goodwill                           (398)      (334)      (722)
Other administrative expenses                   (11,228)   (9,985)    (18,864)

Administrative expenses                         (11,626)   (10,319)   (19,586)

Other operating income and charges                  540        745      1,033

Operating (loss) / profit
Continuing operations                            (1,924)     8,215      16,729
Acquisitions                                         41          -          -

                                                 (1,883)     8,215      16,729

Share of joint ventures and associates            3 332        -          -

Net interest payable                             (1,921)    (476)      (804)

(Loss) / profit before taxation                  (3,472)    7,739      15,925

Tax on (loss) / profit on ordinary             4    908    (2,167)     (4,321)

(Loss) / profit after taxation                   (2,564)    5,572      11,604

Dividends                                        -          (678)      (2,037)

Retained (loss) / profit                         (2,564)    4,894      9,567

Dividend per share                               -          0.25p      0.75p

Basic Earnings per share (pence)               5 (0.9)      2.1        4.3
Diluted earnings per share (pence)             5 (0.9)      1.9        4.1
Basic Earnings per share before                5 (0.8)      2.2        4.6

There were no recognised gains or losses in any of the above results other
than the consolidated (loss) / profit for the relevant period.



                                                       Unaudited     Audited
                                                      31 October    30 April
                                                 Note       2000        2000
                                                           #'000       #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible                                          2 16,909        15,203
Tangible                                              64,565        63,415
Investments                                         3 11,519         5,112

                                                      92,993        83,730

Current assets
Stocks                                              6   3,587       10,575
Debtors                                               100,943       56,339
Cash at bank and in hand                                   30           12

                                                      104,560       66,926

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year        (46,931)      (50,341)

Net current assets                                     57,629        16,585

Total assets less current liabilities                 150,622       100,315

Creditors: amounts falling due after one year       7 (70,550)      (31,635)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                   (544)         (544)

                                                       79,528        68,136

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                             8 14,357        13,573
Share premium account                                 18,469        5,297
Revaluation reserve                                   15,688        15,688
Merger Reserve                                        14,136        14,136
Profit and loss account                               16,878        19,442

Equity Shareholders' funds                          9 79,528        68,136


                                        Unaudited       Unaudited       Audited
                                         6 months        6 months       Year to
                                               to              to
                                               31              31            30
                                          October         October         April
                                             2000            1999          2000
                                            #'000           #'000         #'000

Operating (loss) / profit               (1,883)         8,215           16,729
Depreciation                               951            597            1,405
Amortisation of goodwill                   398            334              722
Loss / (profit) on sale of               -                 65              (17)
tangible fixed assets
Decrease / (increase) in stock            7,060       (20,009)          (7,852)
Increase in debtors                     (40,379)       (6,189)         (37,747)
(Decrease) / increase in                 (1,951)        3,047            3,650

Net cash outflow from continuing        (35,804)        (13,940)        (23,110)
operating activities

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received                           79             156             414
Interest paid                           (2,332)           (632)         (1,218)

Net cash outflow from returns on        (2,253)           (476)           (804)
investments and servicing of

Corporation tax paid                    (600)           -               (4,012)

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets       (2,017)         (3,909)         (8,464)
Sales of tangible fixed assets          -               -                  106
Purchase of investments                 (6,075)         -               (5,112)

Net cash outflow from capital           (8,092)         (3,909)        (13,470)
expenditure and financial investment

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary                  (1,177)         (1,051)         (3,354)
Net cash from purchase of                  366              51             137
subsidiary undertakings

Net cash outflow from acquisitions and    (811)         (1,000)         (3,217)

Equity dividends paid                   (1,365)         (1,081)         (1,759)

Issue of shares                         14,249             199             227
Receipts from borrowing                 73,875          11,500          21,130
Repayment of hire purchase                (26)            -                (69)
Loan repayments                        (35,010)        (1,741)         (4,087)
Expenses paid in connection with        (2,589)           (38)            (38)
share and bond issues

Net cash inflow from financing          50,499          9,920           17,163

Increase / (decrease) in cash            1,574        (10,486)         (29,209)


reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debT

                                                   Unaudited  Unaudited Audited
                                                    6 months   6 months Year to
                                                          to         to
                                                  31 October 31 October      30
                                                        2000       1999    2000
                                                       #'000      #'000   #'000

Increase / (decrease) in cash in the period         1,574   (10,486)   (29,209)
Cash inflow from borrowings (net)                 (36,577)   (9,759)    (17,043)
Cash outflow from hire purchase contracts              26         -          69

Change in net debt resulting from cash            (34,977)   (20,245)   (46,183)
Non cash movement in net debt                         989        -          -
Loans and hire purchase contracts acquired           (618)      (97)       (720)
with subsidiaries

Movement in net debt in the period                (34,606)   (20,342)   (46,903)
Opening net debt                                  (46,935)       (32)       (32)

Closing net debt                                  (81,541)   (20,374)   (46,935)



        The interim results have been prepared on the same basis and using the
        same accounting policies as those used in the preparation of the full
        year's financial statements to 30 April 2000.


        The Group interim results consolidate CMR (as part of Cammell Laird
        France SAS), acquired on 6 July 2000. The completion accounts for this
        acquisition have yet to be finalised and therefore the assets and
        liabilities that existed at the date of acquisition have only been
        recorded at their provisional fair values.

        Goodwill arising on consolidation is capitalised on the balance sheet
        and amortised over the useful lives of the assets. Goodwill arising on
        consolidation is amortised over 20 years, which, in the opinion of the
        directors, reflects the useful lives of the assets purchased.


        Undertakings other than subsidiary undertakings and joint ventures, in
        which the Group has an investment of at least 20% of the shares and
        over which it exerts significant influence, are treated as associates.

        Entities in which the Group holds a long-term interest on a long-term
        basis, and which are jointly controlled by the Group and other
        parties, are treated as joint ventures. Where arrangements exist with
        other parties under which the Group carries on its own business, the
        Group's own assets, liabilities and cashflows are included in the
        Financial Statements of the Group and of the Group company which is
        party to the arrangement

        On 30 August 2000 the Group purchased a 49% equity interest in
        Shipyard America Inc, the parent company of Cascade General Inc. The
        consideration for this investment was a $7.7m equity purchase plus a
        $1.3m term loan. This investment has been accounted for as an
        associated company. The "Share of joint ventures and associates"
        recognised in the Profit and Loss Account relates to the Group's share
        of Shipyard America's pre tax earnings post investment.


        The interim tax credit of 26% has been based on an estimate of the
        likely effective tax rate for the full year to 30 April 2000.


        The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the
        earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted
        average number of shares in issue during the period.

        The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic
        earnings, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares on the assumed
        conversion of dilutive options.

        The calculation of the basic earnings per share before amortisation is
        based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders adjusted
        to add back the amortisation of goodwill, divided by the weighted
        average number of shares in issue during the period.

                                                           31        31      30
                                                      October   October   April
                                                         2000      1999    2000
                                                         '000      '000    '000
Weighted average share in issue at the end of each    277,155   270,577 270,782
Dilutive effect of share options                       11,395    14,323  13,505
Weighted average shares in issue including share      288,550   284,900 284,287


        Debtors as at 31 October 2000 include #34,322,000 relating to the
        contract with Costa Crociere for the lengthening of the cruise ship
        Costa Classica. The Group is currently in dispute with Costa Crociere
        regarding this contract.

        Also included in debtors is #26,266,000 relating to the amount owed by
        the associated undertaking Progress Group Ltd.


    The creditors due after one year take account of the fact that on 17
    October 2000 the Company raised 125,000,000 euros (gross) through the
    issue of Senior Notes. These notes are due for repayment in 2010 and
    accrue interest at 12% per annum, paid semi-annually. The proceeds of this
    offering were used to repay existing term and revolving debt.


        Share capital at 31 October 2000 reflects the placing that occurred on
        29 August 2000. The Company placed 13,572,900 shares with
        institutional investors, raising #13,679,000 net of expenses.
        Additional shares have also been issued during the period in respect
        of share options exercised by employees under the rules on the
        approved scheme. The number of shares in issue at the end of the
        period were 287,131,000 (October 1999 271,024,000 and April 2000


                                                    6 months   6 months Year to
                                                          to         to
                                                  31 October 31 October      30
                                                        2000       1999    2000
                                                       #'000      #'000   #'000

(Loss) / profit for the period                       (2,564)      5,572  11,604
Dividends and other appropriations                         -      (678) (2,037)

                                                     (2,564)      4,894   9,567
Issue of shares                                       13,956        657   1,063

Net increase in shareholders' funds                   11,392      5,551  10,630
Equity Shareholders' funds at the start of the        68,136     57,506  57,506

Equity Shareholders' funds at the end of the          79,528     63,057  68,136


        The Board has continued to review the Group's organisation structure
        and internal controls in the period, reviewing both its compliance
        with the Combined Code and its stated intention of completing a risk
        management review process by 31 December 2000; in line with the
        guidance "Internal Control: Guidance for Directors on the Combined
        Code". The organisational changes announced in the Chairman's
        statement with regard to the changes in Board structure and the
        appointment of a Group Managing Director are a result of this ongoing
        process. Following on from these changes there will be organisational
        change and restructuring in the subsidiary companies and divisions. An
        update as to these changes will be provided in the Group's 2001 annual
        report and accounts.


        The financial information given does not constitute statutory accounts
        within the meaning of Section 240 (5) of the Companies Act 1985. The
        figures for the year ended 30 April 2000 are extracted from the
        statutory accounts filed with the Registrar of Companies and which
        contained an unqualified audit report.

        The above figures will be posted to shareholders on or before 9
        February 2001. Further copies will be available on request from 8
        Princes Parade, Liverpool, L3 1DL.

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