RNS No 7507e
1 September 1999

CMG plc
Group interim results for six months to 30 June 1999

                    6 months to 30 June

                   1999 Euros  1999 GBP  1998 GBP  Increase

                        Euros   #290.5m   #194.2m       50%
                       432.8m                       (47%**)

Operating profit*      Euros     #36.4m    #23.6m       54%
                        54.3m                       (51%**)

Profit before tax*      Euros    #36.8m    #24.3m       51%
                        54.8m                       (48%**)

Profit after tax        Euros    #23.9m    #15.5m       54%
                        35.6m                       (51%**)

Earnings per share*     Euros     20.3p     12.9p       57%
                         0.30                       (54%**)
Interim dividend
Payable on 19 November
1999 to all shareholders
on the register on
22 October 1999                    2.9p      2.0p      45%

* Before goodwill amortisation
**  At  constant exchange rates.  The effect of exchange rates
on CMG's reported results is shown on page 4.
The 1998 comparatives have been restated to comply with FRS14,
see page 5 for more detail.


Turnover, profit, operating margin and headcount have all made
good  advances in the first half with CMG continuing  to  take
market share in its chosen territories and markets.

 * 50% growth in Group turnover, primarily organic
 * Group pre-tax profits up 51% to #36.8 million
 * Headcount passes the 8,000 level
 * Continued operating margin improvement, up from 12.2% to 12.5%

On the outlook for the remainder of the year, CMG Chairman Cor
Stutterheim said:  "We expect turnover growth for the full
year to stay well ahead of industry averages, but do not
expect growth to be as exceptionally high as last year.  In
the unique situation of the approaching millennium, it would
be unwise to ignore the potential for isolated incidents
distorting planned activities in the last quarter of the year.
However, our forward planning discussions with customers do
not indicate any general slowdown or freezing of developments
and we therefore continue to look forward to a very good set
of results for the full year.  Looking forward into 2000, we
are seeing increasing evidence of strong demand from our
customers to address new applications and projects, giving us
considerable confidence in our ability to continue to grow
ahead of our chosen markets next year and beyond."

For further information please contact:
Cor Stutterheim, Chairman, CMG plc      Tel: 00 31 20 672 0444
Chris Banks, Finance Director, CMG plc  Tel: 00 44 171 592 4000
Tony Richards, Group Communications (London)   Tel: 00 44 171 592 4000
Jan Massier, Group Communications (Amsterdam)  Tel: 00 31 20 672 0444
Toby Mountford, Citigate Dewe Rogerson  Tel: 00 44 171 638 9571

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report that we had an excellent first half of
the year producing a very good result.  Turnover in the six
months to 30 June 1999 increased by 50% to #290 million and,
with the operating profit margin* improving from 12.2% to
12.5%, operating profit* rose 54% to #36.4 million.  Profit
after tax has risen 54% to #23.9 million, while diluted
earnings per share* have grown to 19.3p, an increase of 57% on
the same period last year.  While three acquisitions were
completed during the period, growth was again predominantly
organic and our employee numbers had reached 8,004 by the end
of June, compared to 5,725 a year earlier and 7,122 at the end
of 1998.
* before goodwill amortisation

We continued to experience strong demand for our services
across all territories.  This confirmed our view that the
drivers for growth are related to the ongoing need to deploy
information and communications technology (ICT) for
competitive advantage rather than short-term preoccupations
with the millennium.  While organisations are unlikely to move
new applications from their development platforms to "live"
working in the months either side of 1 January 2000, we do not
see any significant sign of budgets being reduced or diverted
from new projects.  Indeed, since our customers are typically
larger organisations who have addressed their millennium
issues in good time, we are already seeing greater attention
being focused on applications that have the potential to
increase customer loyalty or give access to new revenue

In such an environment, human resource management remains a
critical skill. Our well-established computerised planning
methodology enables us to maintain good utilisation rates by
ensuring that we have the right expertise in the right place
at the right time.  It does so by allowing us to adjust our
recruitment and development programmes according to the future
needs of our customers.  The long-term relationships we foster
with customers are crucial to securing that intelligence early
and regularly.

However, the demand for experienced people who understand the
interrelationship between business processes and ICT systems,
and for those with the latest technical skills, significantly
outstrips supply.  We have an excellent track record as both a
recruiter and an employer, but our greatest challenge is
always to attract enough good people and we continue to
innovate and invest heavily in that process.  With some
mobility taken out of the employment market in the run-up to
the millennium, recruitment has been more demanding recently
and we do not expect the exceptionally strong increase in
staff numbers in the second half of 1998 to be repeated this

We increased our geographic coverage in the first half through
acquisitions that established CMG in Antwerp and Hannover.  In
addition we decided to open an office in Berlin to capitalise
on new market opportunities there, while a specific long term
contract led us to establish a facility in Prestatyn, North
Wales.  We have also taken the first steps to establish an
additional software development centre for our telecoms
business in Cork, Republic of Ireland.


Continued strong organic growth with increased Belgian contribution

Turnover in the Benelux grew by 47% to #187 million and the
operating profit by 53% to #32.5 million.  We have continued
to achieve high utilisation rates thanks to strong demand for
our services in a market where we are a preferred supplier for
many of our key customers.

Turnover from Belgium grew through both continued development
of our Brussels-based business and the acquisition of
Softguide, based in Antwerp.  The latter, which specialises in
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations, doubled
the size of our Belgian operation and brought a blue-chip
customer portfolio with it.

In both the finance and trade, transport and industry sectors
in the Benelux we have extended our activities in the area of
customer relationship management, including further web-based
applications aimed at enhancing customer loyalty and,
ultimately, internet-based banking or trading. Demand for
ongoing applications management has also been strong across
all sectors, including Government. The global telecoms
business managed from Utrecht had a strong period with
important new contracts secured, including one to increase the
short messaging capacity of the D2 network of Mannesmann to a
record-breaking level.

Organic growth through vertical sector focus and large contract wins
Our UK business achieved a 27% uplift in turnover to #63.0
million, which was virtually all organic.  The operating
profit grew by 14% to #4.6 million.  Profits would have grown
slightly ahead of turnover except for a provision on a fixed
price project which is now on track.
1998 saw a number of notable successes with UK government
departments and this trend has continued in the first half of
1999.  The contract signed with the Export Credits Guarantee
Department will exploit both our government and finance
expertise and generate revenues of #40 million over a ten year

We have built on our successful re-entry into the privatised
energy utilities sector in 1998 with orders from several
electricity companies for the Archipel "middleware" product
line, which enables the management of multi-service offerings
and multi-channel marketing and distribution.

Enhanced geographic coverage and broadening application set
The strong performance in 1998 has continued for our German
operations with turnover growth of 87% and operating profit up
by 72% to #1.6 million.  We acquired Partner Consult, which
substantially strengthened our presence in Northern Germany.
In addition to an excellent and well established customer-
base, this company has expertise in social security systems,
which can now be exploited through our network of offices to
which we have added Berlin.

In the finance arena, we are consolidating our position as a
market leader by extending our regulatory reporting product
into wider risk management applications within the framework
of tracsFRAME (topics for reporting, management and
controlling risks).

Integrated operation with improving market profile
In the first half we completed the integration of the three
acquired businesses with our organically developed activities.
We now have a single company operating from a single location
under one management team and with the standard CMG systems
and methodologies in place.  Turnover rose from #2.3 million
to #11.8 million for the first six months with an operating
loss of #0.4 million, in line with our objective of being
closer to break even for the year.
We now have more than 400 people focussed on ICT solutions
across the finance, retail, automotive, telecoms and public
sectors. In the French ERP market, we are now amongst the top
ten players.

The Group cash performance is seasonally weaker in the first
half, but we have had better cash flow than in the comparable
period last year and again expect operating cash flow to be
good for the year as a whole.

Recognising the excellent first half-year results, the Board
has declared an interim dividend of 2.9p net per share.  This
represents an increase of 45% over the 1998 interim dividend.
The dividend will be paid on 19 November 1999 to shareholders
on the register on 22 October 1999.

During the period we invited tenders from three major
international firms for our external audit with the objective
of achieving greater co-ordination across our various country
operations.  As a result of this review process, we selected
Arthur Andersen (of which our previous auditors Binder Hamlyn
are a member).  The appointment of Arthur Andersen as our
auditors will be put to shareholders at the next Annual
General Meeting.

Year 2000/EMU
A review has been carried out of the services and products
sold to customers in the past as well as those currently being
offered in order to assess exposure to potential liabilities
associated with the year 2000. Internal systems have also been
reviewed. In the limited instances where millennium non-
compliance has been identified, remedial work has either been
carried out or is in progress. The review process will be
maintained to ensure prompt identification and resolution of
any future issues. Similar review procedures are in place in
respect of the introduction of the Euro. It is not anticipated
that the cost of any remedial work will be material.

Market conditions remain generally good with demand still
outstripping the supply of skilled resource. There is
increasing commentary from industry analysts that this skills
gap may widen rather than reduce as we enter the next century.
If this proves true, it will clearly be to the benefit of
companies like CMG that invest heavily in acquiring,
developing and retaining the appropriate people skills.  We
expect turnover growth for the full year to stay well ahead of
industry averages, but do not expect growth to be as
exceptionally high as last year.  In the unique situation of
the approaching millennium, it would be unwise to ignore the
potential for isolated incidents distorting planned activities
in the last quarter of the year.  However, our forward
planning discussions with customers do not indicate any
general slowdown or freezing of developments and we therefore
continue to look forward to a very good set of results for the
full year.
Looking forward into 2000, we are seeing increasing evidence
of strong demand from our customers to address new
applications and projects, giving us considerable confidence
in our ability to continue to grow ahead of our chosen markets
next year and beyond.

Cor Stutterheim

Exchange Rates
CMG's  reported  results  can be significantly  influenced  by
movements in exchange rates, which can hinder understanding of
the  underlying  financial performance.   To  provide  a  more
meaningful  basis of comparison, the table below provides  key
financial  information expressed both at 1999  exchange  rates
("constant exchange rates") and at the exchange rates used for
1998 ("actual exchange  rates").

Six months to 30 June
                                                  %       %
                       1999    1998    1998  growth   growth
                                 at      at      at      at
                           constant  actual  constant actual
                           exchange exchange exchange exchange
                              rates   rates   rates   rates
                        #'m     #'m     #'m

Turnover              290.5    197.7  194.2      47%     50%

EBITDA                39.4     26.5   25.9      49%     52%

Operating profit
before goodwill
amortisation          36.4     24.1   23.6      51%     54%

Profit before tax
and goodwill
amortisation          36.8     24.8   24.3      48%     51%

Profit after tax      23.9     15.8   15.5      51%     54%

Earnings per share  (basic)
 - before goodwill
   amortisation       20.3p   13.2p   12.9p     54%     57%
 - after goodwill
   amortisation       19.5p   12.9p   12.6p     51%     55%

Key exchange rates used above: #1 =
Netherlands Guilder    3.28    3.28    3.36
Deutsche Mark          2.91    2.91    2.98
French Franc           9.76    9.76    9.99

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

                      Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                       6 months  6 months  6 months      Year
                          ended     ended     ended     ended
                        30 June   30 June   30 June    31 Dec
Notes                      1999      1999      1998      1998

                     Euros '000     #'000     #'000     #'000

Turnover 3              432,839   290,496   194,151   443,832

Net operating costs    (380,083) (255,089) (170,847  (387,155)
                      --------- --------- --------- ---------

Operating profit

 Before goodwill
amortisation             54,250    36,410    23,628    58,371
 Goodwill amortisation  (1,494)   (1,003)     (324)   (1,694)
                         52,756    35,407    23,304    56,677

Net interest receivable     523       351       656       805
Profit on ordinary
activities before tax    53,279    35,758    23,960    57,482

Tax on profit on
ordinary activities 5   (17,724)  (11,895)   (8,490)  (20,065)
Profit on ordinary
activities after tax     35,555   23,863     15,470    37,417
 - ordinary shares 6     (5,298) (3,556)     (2,450)   (7,351)
Retained profit for
 the period              30,257    20,307    13,020    30,066

Earnings per share

- headline and basic 7
 - before goodwill
amortisation              Euros     20.3p     12.9p     31.9p
 - after goodwill
amortisation              Euros     19.5p     12.6p     30.5p
- diluted
 - before goodwill
amortisation              Euros     19.3p     12.3p     30.4p
 - after goodwill
amortisation              Euros     18.5p     12.1p     29.0p

The 1998 half year comparatives have been restated to comply
with FRS14 in relation to dividends payable to the Employee
Trust and to remove the shares held by the Employee Trust from
the earnings per share calculation.

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                      Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                       6 months  6 months  6 months      Year
                        30 June   30 June   30 June    31 Dec
                           1999      1999      1998      1998

                     Euros '000     #'000     #'000     #'000

Profit for the period    35,555    23,863    15,470    37,417

Currency translation
differences on foreign
currency net investments (5,596)   (3,756)     (564)    4,280
Total recognised gains   29,959    20,107    14,906    41,697

Consolidated Balance Sheet

                      Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                        30 June   30 June   30 June    31 Dec
Notes                      1999      1999      1998      1998

                     Euros '000     #'000     #'000     #'000
Fixed assets

Goodwill                 68,552    44,806    18,608    28,463
Tangible assets          27,317    17,854    15,426    17,794
Investments -
  own shares              4,269     2,790     2,798     2,790
                        100,138    65,450    36,832    49,047
Current assets

Debtors                 237,802   155,426    92,913   115,930

Cash at bank
and in hand              40,091    26,203    30,214    39,467
                        277,893   181,629   123,127   155,397


Amounts falling due
within one year        (216,296) (141,370)  (94,633) (114,592)
Net current assets       61,597    40,259    28,494    40,805
Total assets less
current liabilities     161,735   105,709    65,326    89,852

Provisions for
liabilities and charges (7,134)    (4,663)   (2,813)   (5,449)

Net assets              154,601   101,046    62,513    84,403

Capital and reserves

Called up equity 9
share capital             9,809     6,411     6,406      ,406

Share premium account 9  16,018    10,469     10,382   10,382

Reserves of Employee 
 Trust                   93,565     2,330      2,001    2,197

Profit and loss 
 account 9              125,209    81,836     43,724   65,418
Capital employed        154,601   101,046    62,513    84,403

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                      Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited   Audited
                       6 months  6 months  6 months      year
                          ended     ended     ended     ended
                        30 June   30 June   30 June    31 Dec
Notes                      1999      1999      1998      1998

                      Euros'000     #'000     #'000     #'000

Net cash inflow from
  operating activities 8 38,727    25,991    12,180    51,762

Returns on investments
  and servicing of finance

Interest received         1,484       996       787     1,843

Interest paid              (311)     (209)     (217)     (898)
Net cash inflow from
 returns on investments
 and servicing of 
 finance                  1,173       787       570       945

Taxation                (12,385)   (8,312)   (4,927)  (15,286)

Capital expenditure      (4,899)   (3,288)   (4,642)   (9,814)

Acquisitions            (33,906)  (22,756)   (8,085)  (22,456)

Equity dividends paid    (7,302)   (4,901)   (3,331)   (5,635)
Net cash (outflow)
 before use of liquid
 resources and 
 financing              (18,592)  (12,479)   (8,235)     (484)

Management of liquid
  resources                (341)     (229)     (244)      498

Financing activities

Proceeds from exercise
of share options            137        92         -         -
(Decrease) / increase
  in cash               (18,796)  (12,616)   (8,479)       14

Notes to the interim report

Basis of preparation

The unaudited results have been prepared in accordance with
the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report for the
year ended 31 December 1998.

The  financial  information in this interim  report  does  not
constitute  statutory accounts within the meaning of section
240 of the Companies Act 1985.  Statutory accounts for the
year ended 31 December 1998, upon which the auditors gave an
unqualified  opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of

2. Exchange rates

The most important exchange rates for the Group were:

                 30 June 1999       30 June 1998       31 December 1998
                 Period end Average Period end Average Year end Average

Netherlands Guilder 3.37    3.28     3.39       3.36    3.12     3.28
Deutsche Mark       2.99    2.91     3.01       2.98    2.77     2.91
French Franc       10.03    9.76    10.09       9.99    9.29     9.76
Euro                1.53    1.49     -          -       1.42     -

The primary reporting currency of the Group is UK Pounds
Sterling.  For illustrative purposes, a translation into Euros
has been provided.  The profit and loss account and cash flow
statement have been translated at the average exchange rate
for the period and the balance sheet has been translated at
the closing rate for the period.

3. Segmental information

Analyses of turnover and profit before tax by geographic  area
are given below :

                     Turnover           Profit before tax

            30 June 30 June  31 Dec 30 June 30 June  31 Dec
               1999    1998    1998    1999    1998    1998

              #'000   #'000   #'000   #'000   #'000   #'000

Benelux    187,123 127,093 290,270  32,477  21,185  53,317
 Kingdom    63,013  49,505 108,230   4,594   4,035   9,161
Germany     28,540  15,240  36,182   1,572     914   2,215
France      11,820   2,313   9,150    (442)   (768) (2,748)
           290,496 194,151 443,832  38,201  25,366  61,945

Common costs      -       -       - (1,791) (1,738) (3,574)
 amortisation     -       -       - (1,003)   (324) (1,694)
Net interest
 Receivable       -       -       -    351     656      805
            290,496 194,151 443,832  35,758  23,960  57,482

#442,000 of the goodwill amortisation is attributable to
the UK (1998: #279,000); #179,000 is attributable to Germany
(1998: #nil); #160,000 is attributable to Benelux (1998: #nil)
and the remaining #222,000 to France (1998: #45,000).

4. Employees
                            30 June     30 June 31 December
                               1999        1998        1998
The average number of employees
 during the period was:

   Benelux                   5,039       3,815       4,157
   United Kingdom            1,576       1,206       1,294
   Germany                     655         331         394
   France                      404          59         160
                             7,674       5,411       6,005

                            30 June     30 June 31 December
                               1999        1998        1998
The number of employees
 at the end of the 
 period was:

   Benelux                   5,230       3,997        4,752
   United Kingdom            1,632       1,285        1,500
   Germany                     721         362          513
   France                      421          81          357
                             8,004       5,725        7,122

5. Taxation

The tax charge for the half year has been based on the
estimated effective tax rate for the full year of 33.3%.  The
charge includes overseas tax of #10.0 million (1998: #7.3

6. Dividends on ordinary shares

An interim dividend of 2.9 pence (1998: 2.0 pence) will be
paid on 19 November 1999 to shareholders on the register on 22
October 1999.

7. Earnings per share
                            30 June     30 June 31 December
                               1999        1998        1998
   - standard basis (#'000)  23,863      24,866      15,470
   - before goodwill
     amortisation (#'000)    15,794      37,417      39,111
   Number of shares ('000)
   - weighted average number
     of shares in issue     128,163      (5,592)    128,113
   - shares held by the
     Employee Trust
                             (5,603)    128,113      (5,599)

   Shares used to calculate
   earnings per share       122,571     122,510     122,514
   Effect of dilutive potential
    ordinary shares
   - share options            6,531       5,717       6,331
   Shares used to calculate
   diluted earnings 
   per share                129,102     128,227     128,845

The 1998 half year comparatives have been restated to comply
with FRS14 in relation to dividends payable to the Employee
Trust and to remove the shares held by the Employee Trust from
the earnings per share calculation.  Earnings per share
excluding goodwill amortisation have also been included as the
directors consider that this figure is helpful for a better
understanding of the underlying business.

8.  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
operating activities
                           30 June         30 June   31 December
                              1999            1998          1998
                             #'000           #'000         #'000

Operating profit            35,407          23,304        56,677
Goodwill amortisation        1,003             324         1,694
Depreciation of
 tangible fixed assets       3,013           2,306         4,890
(Profit) / loss on
 disposal of fixed assets      (24)            220           524
Net result of Employee
Trust                           (1)              2           (11)
Increase in debtors        (38,717)        (25,413)      (42,021)
Increase in creditors
 and provisions             24,903          12,058        30,710
Exchange rate adjustments
 on debtors and creditors      407            (621)         (701)
Net cash inflow from 
 operating activities       25,991          12,180        51,762

9. Reconciliation of group reserves

                  Share     Share Reserves of   Profit   Total
                capital   premium    Employee and loss
                          account       Trust  account

                  #'000     #'000       #'000    #'000   #'000
Balance at
 1 January 1999   6,406    10,382       2,197   65,418  84,403
Change in value
 due to currency
 fluctuations         -         -           -  (3,756) (3,756)
Retained profit for
 the period           -         -           -   20,307  20,307
Transfer in respect
 of Employee Trust
 result               -         -           1      (1)       -
Transfer in respect
 of Employee Trust
 dividends after tax  -         -         132    (132)       -
Shares issued during 
 the period           5        87           -        -      92
Balance at
 30 June 1999     6,411    10,469       2,330   81,836 101,046

10.          Acquisitions

The Group completed three acquisitions during the period.
Partner Consult GmbH, a German company, was acquired on 19
February 1999 for a cash consideration of DM23.9 million (#8.2
million).  Softguide Group, a Belgian company, was acquired on
30 March 1999 for a cash consideration of BFr 991.5 million
(#16.5 million) and Softguide France was acquired on 23 June
1999 for a cash consideration of FFr 0.7 million (#0.1

These acquisitions contributed a total of #5.9 million to
group turnover during the period and #0.5 million to group
operating profit before goodwill amortisation.

11.          Interim report

Copies of the interim report are available from CMG plc,
Parnell House, 25 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1EJ and CMG BV,
Johannes Vermeerstraat 29, 1071 DL Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Independent review report to CMG plc

We have been instructed by the company to review the financial
information set out on pages 6 to 11 and we have read the
other information contained in the interim report and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information
contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been
approved by, the directors. The Listing Rules of the London
Stock Exchange require that the accounting policies and
presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in  preparing the preceding
annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasonsfor
them, are disclosed.

Review work performed
We  conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained
in  Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  A
review  consists  principally of  making  enquiries  of  Group
management and applying analytical procedures to the financial
information and underlying financial data and, based  thereon,
assessing  whether  the accounting policies  and  presentation
have  been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and
verification  of assets, liabilities and transactions.  It  is
substantially  less  in  scope  than  an  audit  performed  in
accordance  with Auditing Standards and therefore  provides  a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do  not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion
On  the  basis of our review we are not aware of any  material
modifications that should be made to the financial information
as presented for the six months ended 30 June 1999.

Arthur Andersen                            London
Chartered Accountants                      31 August 1999



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