RNS No 6622r
8th March 1999

  CMG plc: Audited results for the year to 31 December 1998


                                     1998      1997 Increase %
Turnover                          #443.8m   #303.0m         46
Operating profit                                   
- before goodwill amortisation     #58.4m    #37.1m         57
- after goodwill amortisation      #56.7m    #37.1m         53
Profit before tax
- before goodwill amortisation     #59.2m    #38.5m         54
- after goodwill amortisation      #57.5m    #38.5m         49
Profit after tax                   #37.4m    #24.5m         53
Earnings per share                                 
- before goodwill amortisation      31.9p     20.0p         60
- after goodwill amortisation       30.5p     20.0p         53
Final dividend                       4.0p      2.6p         54
(Payable on  20 May 1999 to
all shareholders on the
register on 23 April 1999.  Ex-
dividend date is 19 April


*    Strong  growth  in  Group turnover and profit,  primarily

*    Operating  margin before goodwill amortisation rises  for
     the sixth consecutive year to 13.2% (1997: 12.3%)

*    Staff numbers up 44% to 7,122

*    The  Benelux  operation continues to perform  excellently
     and grow market share

*    Entry into French market supplemented with 3 acquisitions
     to create a 350+ people company

*    Turnover growth and margin improvement accelerates in the

*    German  operation grows strongly to attain critical  mass
     with subsequent acquisition completed in February 1999

Commenting on the outlook for the year ahead, CMG Chairman Cor
Stutterheim said:

"Our view of the future remains largely unchanged and is very
positive.  We believe our customers will be more influenced by
the need to compete in changing markets than by any
recessionary trends when determining their IT budgets.  Our
sector and country strategies are sound, and our customer
relationships strong, although we remain vigilant for new
opportunities for profitable growth.  There is inevitably some
concern about the development of markets generally and IT in
particular in the final year of this millennium; and
undoubtedly there will be examples of organisations around the
world experiencing millennium related difficulties that
receive publicity.  However, we are confident that any such
short-term disruption will not impede CMG's ability to grow
ahead of the market in its chosen areas of operation.

Our strategy of operating globally from a European base allows
us to deliver value to multinational customers without
spreading management too thinly when there are so many
opportunities in markets that we understand well.  While our
focus continues to be on strong organic growth, we will make
acquisitions when they help us to enhance our business.  We
are profit-driven and are proud of the way we work and the
performance this brings to all of our stakeholders.  We are
not complacent about the uncertainties we all face, but firmly
believe that our 35th year of operation will be one of
exciting opportunities and continued growth."

In general, CMG's performance in 1998 was characterised by:

*    Growth  ahead of both its peers and the market to  secure
     higher market share in its core territories.

*    Continued improvement in margins in the Benelux,  the  UK
     and  Germany  through higher levels of  productivity  and
     economies of scale.

*    Success in attracting and retaining high quality staff to
     meet customer demand and fuel strong organic growth.

*    Focused  acquisitions to accelerate progress. The company
     made  six  acquisitions during 1998: Alias  (France)  and
     Microlex  (UK)  in  the first half; and Cometh  (France),
     Techside (France), CMS (Germany) and Rohirst (UK) in  the
     second half. Had all of these been consolidated from  the
     start  of  1998  our  turnover would have  been  some  #9
     million higher.

*    Further  development  of  long  term  relationships  with
     customers centred on helping them to apply technology for
     revenue generation, enhanced customer loyalty and/or cost

A copy of the full Chairman's Statement is included below.

For further information, contact:

Cor Stutterheim, Chairman, CMG plc
Tel: +31 (0) 20 67 20 444
Chris Banks, Finance Director, CMG plc
Tel: +44 (0) 171 592 4000
Tony Richards, Group Communications Manager, CMG plc
Tel: +44 (0) 171 592 4000
Jan Massier, Group Communications (Amsterdam), CMG B.V.
Tel: +31 (0) 20 67 20 444
Toby Mountford, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Tel: +44 (0) 171 282 2820

Chairman's Statement

I am very pleased to report another set of strong results and
that the confidence I expressed both in last year's report and
at our interim results was well founded.  We have increased
turnover by 46% to #444 million and our pre-tax profit before
goodwill amortisation by 54% to #59.2 million.  We have also
increased market share in all our key markets.  Earnings per
share before goodwill amortisation were up 60% at 31.9p as a
result of which the Board has recommended a final net dividend
of 4.0p.

The year saw considerable disruption in global financial
markets and consequent reassessment of projected growth rates
in the major European economies.  CMG's performance in this
context underlines that our chosen strategy provides
considerable resilience to such pressures.  We have focused
our business on organisations and industry sectors where the
market conditions require substantial change to survive and
prosper.  In most cases, those changes can only be successful
by better use of information technology.

Our geographic focus in one sense continued to be in Europe
where we achieved good progress in all our country operations
and grew the percentage contributed from outside our Dutch
activities.  However, CMG is also an international player,
successfully undertaking projects for customers in countries
around the world.  This capability has been crucial in
extending our relationship with major multinational companies
like Exxon, ABN AMRO Bank and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.

Our entry into the French marketplace has been encouraging.
The local recruitment market has responded well to our
approach to people and business, enabling us to attract good
talent. This has been supplemented by three focused
acquisitions that extend both our client base and our skills
set, particularly in Enterprise Resource Planning systems and
advanced technology services.  These companies have been
brought together under a common management structure and
support services and, together with our new recruits, create a
platform for profitable growth.

Attracting the right people to our company and keeping them
remains as critical as ever to our business.  Our recruitment
programmes have been successful in all countries, as a result
of substantial effort, investment and creativity. When we see
any upward shift in our staff attrition, we move swiftly to
identify the underlying reasons and take measures to
counteract them.  We are careful to understand the talents and
ambitions of every person we employ and to structure
appropriate development plans for them.  In 1998, over 100,000
days of training were undertaken across the Group. This
investment pays off not only in retention rates that are above
our industry average, but most importantly in the quality of
the work that we are able to carry out for our customers.

The Market

Whatever claims have been made by technologists in the past,
today there is tangible evidence that computers have the power
to change market dynamics.  The convergence of IT and
telecommunications, with the Internet as its most visible
presence, is sweeping away barriers to entry in many markets
by creating new ways of engaging customers.  Traditional
suppliers have to adapt rapidly to compete.  In many cases,
this process is being accelerated by deregulation of markets,
by the advent of a global, 24-hour economy, and by the need to
shorten times to market in such an environment.  At the same
time, software is being increasingly embedded in products that
we use, knowingly or otherwise, in every facet of our business
and private lives.

All of these trends create demand for CMG solutions.  Our
customers need systems that provide far better visibility of
their clients' profiles, behaviour and ability to generate
profits for their businesses.  They wish to enhance service
to, and create loyalty amongst those clients without
spiralling costs.  Technologies such as the Internet,
electronic commerce and call centres can provide new customer
relationship models, while within organisations, Intranets can
enable knowledge sharing and the ability to secure a larger
share of business from existing clients by more effective
cross selling.

The millennium and Euro issues continue to be much debated.
For many of our customers, the new systems we are delivering
today have the secondary benefit of reducing their millennium
exposure, but we continue to do relatively little work purely
focused on fixing old systems.  Nonetheless, we do believe
that some projects have been postponed due to budget
reallocation and we expect these to return as millennium work
is completed.  For most organisations, competitive pressures
will not allow the option of postponing much longer.  Nor will
they generally have the depth  of skills and scope of
knowledge available in-house to deliver them without help.

Again, we have relatively little work related purely to Euro
conversion, although Euro support is an additional objective
of many of our systems development projects.  However, it is
clear that many organisations have yet to identify how to
secure full strategic advantage from the community of Euro-
based markets when fully operational, and we believe this will
generate significant business opportunities in the early years
of the new century.

Customer Relationships

Our positioning is geared to developing long term
relationships with our customers, something we have enjoyed
for a long time in The Netherlands.  We are making
considerable progress in replicating that success in Germany -
in the banking community, for instance - and in the United
Kingdom where competition is particularly intense, but our
stature is growing in successfully tendering for high value,
long term contracts.  There is a growing realisation that as
IT has become a business critical tool, partnership with IT
service providers is the best model for achieving business

Developing long-term relationships is dependent on our ability
to deliver quality solutions consistently.  That is partly a
result of formal quality systems and good management control.
However, it is more than anything due to a CMG culture that
encourages total commitment to our customers' success.  Most
service companies make such claims; few invest so much time
and effort in making it a reality, particularly in a period
when our staff numbers are growing so rapidly.  On behalf of
the Board, I would like to thank all of my CMG colleagues for
maintaining our company ethos and thereby helping to generate
our success.

The Board

At the end of the year, Angus Young retired from his non-
executive directorship.  He has been involved with CMG in
different capacities from its very beginnings and I know I
express the profound thanks of all my colleagues for the
wisdom of his advice over the years as our company has


Our view of the future remains largely unchanged and is very
positive.  We believe our customers will be more influenced by
the need to compete in changing markets than by any
recessionary trends when determining their IT budgets.  Our
sector and country strategies are sound, and our customer
relationships strong, although we remain vigilant for new
opportunities for profitable growth.  There is inevitably some
concern about the development of markets generally and IT in
particular in the final year of this millennium; and
undoubtedly there will be examples of organisations around the
world experiencing millennium related difficulties that
receive publicity.  However, we are confident that any such
short-term disruption will not impede CMG's ability to grow
ahead of the market in its chosen areas of operation.

Our strategy of operating globally from a European base allows
us to deliver value to multinational customers without
spreading management too thinly when there are so many
opportunities in markets that we understand well.  While our
focus continues to be on strong organic growth, we will make
acquisitions when they help us to enhance our business.  We
are profit-driven and are proud of the way we work and the
performance this brings to all of our stakeholders.  We are
not complacent about the uncertainties we all face, but firmly
believe that our 35th year of operation will be one of
exciting opportunities and continued growth.

Cor Stutterheim

Summary financial information is set out below:

Exchange Rate impact table

             1998      1997      1997 % Growth   %Growth
                         at        at       at        at
                   constant    actual constant    actual
                   exchange  exchange exchange  exchange
                      rates     rates    rates     rates
               #m        #m        #m
Turnover    443.8     296.8     303.0       50        46
Profit*      58.4      36.2      37.1       61        57
before       59.2      37.6      38.5       58        54
after tax    37.4      24.0      24.5       56        53
             ----      ----      ----     ----      ----
per share*  31.9p     19.6p     20.0p       63        60
             ----      ----      ----     ----      ----
rates used
above:  #1
Guilder      3.28      3.28      3.19
Mark         2.91      2.91      2.84

*  before goodwill amortisation

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 1998

                               Notes      1998      1997
                                         #'000     #'000
Turnover                           3   443,832   302,992
Net operating costs                   (387,155) (265,857)
                                       -------   -------
Operating profit                                        
    Before goodwill amortisation        58,371    37,135
    Goodwill amortisation              (1,694)         -
                                        56,677    37,135
Net interest receivable                    805     1,332
                                       -------   -------
Profit on ordinary activities                           
before tax                         3    57,482    38,467
Tax on profit on ordinary                               
activities                            (20,065)  (13,961)
                                       -------   -------
Profit on ordinary activities                           
after tax                               37,417    24,506
Dividends - ordinary shares        5   (7,351)   (4,777)
                                       -------   -------
Retained profit for the year            30,066    19,729
                                       -------   -------
All results are derived from
continuing activities.
Earnings per share                 6
    headline and basic                   30.5p     20.0p
     before goodwill amortisation        31.9p     20.0p
     effect of goodwill amortisation    (1.4p)         -
    diluted                              29.0p     19.1p

The 1997 comparatives have been restated to comply with
FRS14 in relation to dividends payable to the Employee
Trust and to remove the shares held by the Employee
Trust from the earnings per share calculation.  The
restated earnings per share also reflect the one for one
bonus issue which took place in May 1998.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
31 December 1998

                           1998      1998      1997      1997
                          #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000
Fixed assets
Goodwill                           28,463                   -
Tangible assets                    17,794              12,672
Investments   -    own              2,790               2,798
shares                              -----               -----
                                   49,047              15,470
Current assets                                               
Debtors                 115,930              66,715          
Cash  at bank  and  in   
hand                     39,467              38,896          
                          -----               -----
                        155,397             105,611          
Amounts  falling   due                                       
within one year         114,592              67,355
                          -----               -----          
Net current assets                 40,805              38,256
                                    -----               -----
Total   assets    less                                       
current liabilities                89,852              53,726

Provisions for liabilities                                       
and charges                       (5,449)             (3,669)
                                    -----               -----
Net assets                         84,403              50,057
                                    -----               -----
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up equity share                                       
capital                             6,406               3,203
Share premium account              10,382              13,585
Reserves  of  Employee Trust        2,197               1,912
Profit and loss account            65,418              31,357
                                    -----               -----
Capital employed                   84,403              50,057
                                    -----               -----
The 1997 comparatives have been restated to comply with FRS14
in relation to dividends payable to the Employee Trust.

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 1998

                           1998      1998      1997      1997
                          #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000
Net cash inflow from                                         
operating activities               51,762              39,241
Returns on investments                                       
and servicing of finance
Interest received         1,843               1,495          
Interest paid             (898)               (468)          
                          -----               -----
Net cash inflow from                                         
returns on investments                                       
and servicing of finance              945               1,027

Taxation                         (15,286)            (12,180)
Capital expenditure               (9,814)             (6,141)
Acquisitions                     (22,456)             (4,393)
Equity dividends paid             (5,635)             (4,179)
                                    -----               -----
Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                           
before use of liquid resources                
and financing                       (484)              13,375

Management of liquid                                 
resources                             498               (270)
                                    -----               -----
Increase in cash                       14              13,105
                                    -----               -----


1. Source of financial information

   The   financial   information  above  does   not   comprise
   statutory  accounts.   Financial statements  for  the  year
   ended  31 December 1997,which include an unqualified  audit
   report,  have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
   The  1998  financial statements, including  an  unqualified
   audit  report, will be posted to shareholders and  will  be
   filed with the Registrar of Companies.

2. Exchange rates

   The  most  important exchange rates used in  preparing  the
   financial information were:
                           1998      1998      1997      1997
                       Year end   Average      Year   Average
Netherlands Guilder        3.12      3.28      3.34      3.19
Deutsche Mark              2.77      2.91      2.96      2.84
French Franc               9.29      9.76         -         -
3. Segmental information

   Analyses  of  turnover and profit before tax by  geographic
area are given below:

                                             Profit    Profit
                       Turnover  Turnover    before    Before
                           1998      1997       tax       tax
                                               1998      1997
                          #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000
Benelux                 290,270   207,879    53,317    33,645
United Kingdom          108,230    71,966     9,161     4,638
Germany                  36,182    23,147     2,215     1,131
France                    9,150         -   (2,748)         -
                          -----     -----     -----     -----
                        443,832   302,992    61,945    39,414
Common costs                  -         -   (3,574)   (2,279)
Goodwill amortisation         -         -   (1,694)         -
                          -----     -----     -----     -----
                        443,832   302,992    56,677    37,135
Net interest receivable       -         -       805     1,332
                          -----     -----     -----     -----
                        443,832   302,992    57,482    38,467
                          -----     -----     -----     -----

#1,454,000 of the goodwill amortisation is attributable to
the UK; #219,000 is attributable to France; and the remaining
#21,000 to Germany.  The UK goodwill amortisation includes
#752,000 of goodwill (net of sales proceeds) which was
previously written off against reserves.  This relates to the
disposal of the IMACS business which was acquired in 1994 for
a consideration of #927,000 and sold in 1998 for #175,000.

4. Employees

                           1998      1997      1998      1997
                        Average   Average  Year end  Year end
The number of                                                
employees was:
Benelux                   4,157     3,111     4,752     3,558
United Kingdom            1,294       939     1,500     1,094
Germany                     394       244       513       293
France                      160         -       357         -
                          -----     -----     -----     -----
                          6,005     4,294     7,122     4,945
                          -----     -----     -----     -----

5. Ordinary dividends paid and proposed

                           1998      1998      1997      1997
                          #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000
Interim dividend of                                          
2.0 pence on                                       
ordinary shares                                    
(1997: 1.3 pence on       
ordinary shares)          2,562               1,665
Less dividends            
payable to
the Employee Trust        (112)                (73)
                          -----               -----
                                    2,450               1,592
Proposed final dividend 
of 4.0 pence on 128,112,658 
ordinary shares (1997: 
2.6 pence on 128,112,658
ordinary shares)          5,125               3,331
Less dividends payable 
to the Employee Trust      (224)              (146)
                          -----              -----
                                     4,901               3,185
                                     -----               -----
                                     7,351               4,777
                                     -----               -----

The comparatives have been adjusted to remove dividends paid
to the Employee Trust in accordance with FRS14 and also to
reflect the bonus issue.

6. Earnings per share

                                               1998      1997
- standard basis (#'000)                     37,417    24,506
- before goodwill amortisation (#'000)       39,111    24,506
                                              -----     -----
Number of shares ('000)
Weighted average number of shares                            
in issue                                    128,112   128,112
Shares held by the Employee Trust           (5,599)   (5,616)
                                              -----     -----
Shares used to calculate                                     
earnings per share                          122,513   122,496
                                              -----     -----
Effect  of  dilutive  potential  ordinary
- share options                               6,331     5,631
                                              -----     -----
Shares used to calculate diluted                             
earnings per share                          128,844   128,127
                                              -----     -----
Earnings per share
- headline and basic                          30.5p     20.0p
  - before goodwill amortisation              31.9p     20.0p
  - effect of goodwill amortisation           (1.4p)         -
- diluted                                     29.0p     19.1p

The headline and basic earnings per share have been
calculated in accordance with FRS14 using the profit after
tax, which excludes any dividends paid or payable by CMG to
the Employee Trust, and on the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period less shares held
by the Employee Trust.  The comparatives have been restated
to comply with FRS14 and to reflect the May 1998 bonus issue.



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