Embargoed Release: 07:00hrs Monday 30 July 2007

                             Clipper Ventures Plc                              

             (The `Group' or the `Company' or "Clipper Ventures")              

                              Preliminary Results                              

                      For the year ended 30th April 2007                       


  * Group profit before and after tax of �925k, an increase of 5% year-on-year
    and marginally ahead of market expectations.
  * The results include the majority of profit associated with the 2006/7 Velux
    5 Oceans Race. Although this has led to an 8.5% reduction in turnover,
    margin on the Velux 5 Oceans race is particularly strong and accordingly
    the Group has benefited from a 14.7% increase in operating profit.
  * Earnings per share were static at 2.8p per share.
  * Interest costs have more than doubled year-on-year. This was due to the
    high level of borrowing early in the reporting period. However the Company
    now has no net debt.
  * The Group completed a successful fund raising during the period and now has
    adequate financial resources going forward.
  * Preparations are nearing completion for the next Clipper Round the World
    Yacht Race, due to start from Liverpool in September. The event promises to
    be the most successful Clipper race to date.
  * Following the reduction in capital, and the consequent elimination of the
    deficit on the Profit and Loss account, approved earlier this year the
    Board is recommending the Company's maiden dividend payment of 0.25p per
    share at the forthcoming AGM and intends to pursue a progressive dividend
    policy going forward.
Enquiries, please contact:

William Ward Chief Executive, Clipper Ventures plc 02392 526000

Jeremy Knight Finance Director, Clipper Ventures plc 02392 526000

Chris Roberts Hansard Group 020 7245 1100

David Seal Blue Oar Securities Plc 020 7448 4400

Chief Executive's Review

Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

Our unique sponsorship model, which pits cities from around the world against
each other for the Clipper Cup, continues to grow. Sponsorship income in the
Clipper 07 race is forecast to be approximately �5m (the majority of which is
now contracted):

Sponsorship Income �'000  Clipper 05                Clipper 07               
Contracted                3,709                     4,422                    

Additionally the Company has already contracted �1m of sponsorship income for
the Clipper 09 race, and discussions have commenced with a number of other
cities interested in continuing their association with the race. The Board sees
this early recruitment of sponsoring cities as key to the future success of the
event, as it gives a forward visibility of income for the business.

Crew income for the Clipper races continues to grow ahead of inflation. As at
the date of publishing these results:

Crew Income �'000         Clipper 05                Clipper 07               
Contracted                4,417                     4,895                    

Additional crew income is expected to arise in the coming months from existing
crew members increasing the number of race legs in which they participate.

One of the key factors in the ability of an event to generate sponsorship
income is the level of media coverage it generates. As such the Company views
the media value of its events as a leading indicator of the potential of the
events to generate sponsorship income. During the year, management has
commissioned an independent agency to measure the media value of its events and
it is intended that this measurement shall continue in future events. Media
coverage of the Clipper 05 race was independently valued by Sports Marketing
Surveys at �27.6m, a value that we anticipate will be significantly exceeded in
the Clipper 07 Race following our recently announced partnership with APP
Broadcast to produce a 10-part television series for international

The Clipper 05 website generated 26 million hits. A new state-of-the-art
website has just been launched with input from each of the international city
sponsors, audio clips, video footage and more regular position reports and
competitor blogs. The Clipper 07 website is set to generate a vastly increased
number of visitors, further increasing the media reach of the event.

Since the first race in 1996, the event has been transformed from a low-key
amateur sailing race into a major, and highly profitable, international event
attracting the interest of the world's media and business leaders.

Velux 5 Oceans

The Velux 5 Oceans race is known as the longest and toughest event for any
individual in any sport. And the 2006 edition, with Velux as its title sponsor,
proved no exception. From the drama of Mike Golding's rescue of Alex Thomson in
the Southern Ocean, to the domination of the winner's podium by Bernard Stamm,
and the inspiring completion of the race by our 68-year-old Chairman, Sir Robin
Knox Johnston, the race provided a spectacular event.

The sponsorship contract that the Company signed with Velux linked sponsorship
payments to specific targets of media generation of the race, with the maximum
sponsorship payment being made when the race generated a media value of �60m.
The media value of the race is still being measured by Sports Media Surveys,
but has now passed Euro40m and is forecast to shortly exceed Euro60m - maximum
payment level in the Velux Contract. With this success under our belt, we are
now in very advanced discussions with a number of parties interested in the
sponsorship of the next event in 2010, and hope to be able to make further
announcements shortly. We also anticipate that the media value of the 2006
event will allow us to sign a number of secondary sponsors and "official
suppliers" for the 2010 race - a source of sponsorship income which was missing
from the 2006 race.

Nevertheless, the 2006 Velux 5 Oceans race proved profitable. Divisional
operating profit for the event was �1074k, a significant improvement on the
2002 event which was run with limited investment to break even.

When we purchased the 5 Oceans Race (or Around Alone as it was then known) in
2001 for just $150,000 it was seen as an exhausted event with no direction. It
is now one of the most high profile media events within the sport of round the
world sailing with the proven ability to generate solid revenues.

Clipper Training

Building on our world-class training offered to our race crews for the last
eleven years, 2007 saw the launch of our training division, Clipper Training,
in conjunction with Plymouth University and Falmouth College. This opens a new
line of income, offering training to the general public for a maritime studies
degree, as well as giving our existing Clipper Race crews degree credits as a
result of the training they do with us. Additionally we receive a government
subsidy for each student that undertakes our training further boosting this
revenue stream.

Clipper Hospitality & Events

During the year we launched a new division, Clipper Hospitality & Events,
offering corporate sailing onboard our Dubois 68s when they are not involved in
the Clipper Race. This has proved highly attractive, has returned a small
profit in its first year of operations and we look forward to the continued
growth of this area of the business.

Investor Information

A resolution will be proposed at the forthcoming AGM that the Company be
authorised to re-purchase its own shares. It is the Board's intention to
re-purchase shares where the Company has sufficient working capital to do so
and where the price would make the purchase advantageous to shareholders.

The investor relations area of our web-site is currently being upgraded.
Current financial reports and Director profiles are already available at 
www.clipper-ventures.com. Additional investor information as required by AIM
Rule 26 will be added shortly.

The Board is pleased with the progress of the Company and is able to report
profits in line with market expectations. It has therefore decided to propose a
maiden dividend payment of 0.25p per share at the forthcoming AGM. It is
intended that this will be the first dividend payment of a progressive dividend
policy, including an interim dividend in the year to April 08.

The Company has been informed of the following Board shareholdings as at the
date of this announcement:

Name of director          Number of Ordinary Shares Percentage of the        
                          held                      Company's issued share   
William Ward              7,589,936                 19.39                    
Robin Knox-Johnson        2,749,941                 7.02                     
Bob Dench                 666,667                   1.70                     
Guy Spelman               125,000                   0.32                     
David Stubley             433,333                   1.11                     

The Board is pleased to announce the appointment to the Board of Jeremy Matthew
Knight, aged 44, who on 15 December 2006 became finance director on a temporary
basis, as Finance Director and Company Secretary. Jeremy is also a Director of
Corellen Ltd, Clipper Ventures plc, Clipper Ventures Online Ltd, Zapcat Racing
Ltd and Grand Prix of Ocean Racing Ltd. Save for the above there is no further
information required to be disclosed under paragraph (g) of Schedule 2 of the
AIM Rules with respect to the appointment of Jeremy Knight.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended 30th April 2007

Profit and Loss                                    2007                 2006
                                                      �                    �
Turnover                                      6,980,615            7,625,197
Cost of Sales                               (3,127,378)          (4,850,919)
Gross Profit                                  3,853,237            2,774,278
Administration Expenses                     (2,778,934)          (1,838,837)
Operating Profit                              1,074,303              935,441
Other Interest Receivable and                        13                  488
similar income                                                              
Interest Payable and similar                  (148,991)             (57,084)
Profit on Ordinary Activities                   925,325              878,845
Before Taxation                                                             
Tax on profit on Ordinary                                                  -
Profit on Ordinary Activities After             925,325              878,845
Profit Per Ordinary Share (Pence)                   2.8                  2.8
Diluted Profit Per Ordinary Share                   2.8                  2.8

All results are derived from continuing operations.

There were no recognised gains or losses or other movements in shareholders'
funds other than those included in the profit and loss account above.

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30th April 2007

                                  2007        2007                 2006        2006
                                     �           �                    �           �
Fixed Assets                                                                       
Intangible Assets                          316,004                          321,478
Tangible Assets                          4,363,568                        4,461,174
Investments                                    125                              125
                                         4,679,697                        4,782,777
Current Assets                                                                     
Assets Held for Resale         214,676                          644,044            
Stock                          147,114                          124,057            
Debtors                      5,114,671                        4,101,876            
Cash at Bank and In Hand       319,120                            1,159            
                             5,795,581                        4,871,136            
Creditors : amounts        (1,470,320)                      (2,376,431)            
falling due                                                                        
within one year                                                                    
Deferred Income falling    (3,868,185)                      (3,328,682)            
within one year                                                                    
                             5,338,505                      (5,705,113)            
Net Current Assets /                       457,076                        (833,977)
Total Assets less Current                5,136,773                        3,948,800
Creditors: Amounts falling   (200,000)                        (750,000)            
after more than one year                                                           
Deferred Income falling    (1,269,348)                      (1,669,000)            
after more than one year               (1,469,348)                      (2,419,000)
Provisions for Liabilities                 (1,783)                          (1,783)
                                         3,665,642                        1,528,017
Capital and Reserves                                                               
Called up share capital                    587,195                          503,862
Share Premium Account                    2,142,728                        4,365,951
Profit and Loss Account                    935,719                      (3,341,796)
Shareholders Funds                       3,664,642                        1,528,017

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 30th April 2007

                                                       2007                2006
                                                          �                   �
Net cash inflow from operating                      438,126             931,491
Returns on investment and servicing                                            
of finance                                                                     
Interest Received                                        13                 488
Interest Paid                                     (148,991)            (57,084)
Net cash inflow / (outflow) for                   (148,978)            (56,596)
returns on                                                                     
investment and servicing of finance                                            
Taxation                                                  0               1,783
Capital expenditure and financial                                              
Payment to acquire tangible assets                 (21,426)         (1,756,860)
Receipts from sales of tangible assets                    0                 350
Net cash outflow for capital                       (21,426)         (1,756,510)
Net cash outflow before financing                   267,722           (879,832)
Issue of ordinary share capital                      70,000              45,654
Share Premium on issue of equity share              942,300             800,595
Repayment of debenture loans                      (350,000)           (500,000)
New loans                                                 0             750,000
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from                    662,300           1,096,249
Increase / (decrease) in cash in the                930,022             216,417
 Reconciliation of Operating Profit to net cash inflow from                    
                                       operating activities                    
                                                       2007                2006
                                                          �                   �
Operating Profit                                  1,074,303             935,441
Non Cash consideration on equity issue              200,000                   -
Depreciation of tangible assets                     333,708             331,011
Amortisation of intangible assets                     5,474              91,047
Decrease in assets held for re-sale                 214,692             155,956
Decrease / (increase) in stocks                    (23,057)              49,197
Decrease / (increase) in debtors                (1,012,795)             283,527
(Decrease) / increase in creditors                (154,199)           (914,688)
Net cashflow from operating activities              438,126             931,491

Notes to the Financial Statements.

1) Status of Financial Information

The financial information set out in this announcement does not comprise the
Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 April 2007 or 30 April 2006.

The financial information for the year ended 30 April 2006 is derived from the
statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was
unqualified with an emphasis of matter paragraph relating to going concern and
did not contain a statement under either Section 237 (2) or Section 237 (3) of
the Companies Act 1985.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2007 will be finalised on
the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in this
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

2) Earnings per Ordinary Share

Profit/(loss) per share has been calculated on the net basis on the profit on
ordinary activities after taxation of �925,325 (2006: �878,845) using the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 32,917,942 (2006:

3) Analysis of Net Debt

                                              1 May      Cash Non-Cash     1 May
                                               2006      Flow  Changes      2007
Net Cash                                      1,159   317,961            319,120
Bank Overdrafts                           (630,233)   612,061           (18,172)
                                          (629,074)   930,022            300,948
Debts Falling Due After One               (750,000)   350,000  200,000 (200,000)
                                        (1,379,074) 1,280,022  200,000   100,948

4) Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Funds

                                                  2007                  2006
Increase in cash in the year                   930,022               216,417
Net cash from new loans                              0             (750,000)
Repayment of debenture loans                   550,000               500,000
Movement in debt in year                     1,480,022              (33,583)
Opening debt                               (1,379,074)           (1,345,491)
Closing (Debt) / Cash                          100,948           (1,379,074)


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