The Clarkson Hill Group Plc (the "Group") 
         Interim Report for the period 1 January 2009 to 30 June 2009 
* Operating loss before exceptional reorganisation costs and tax was GBP16,074 
  (2008 Profit: GBP173,552). 
* Turnover decreased 28% to GBP8.5 million (2008 GBP11.8 million). 
* Gross profit decreased by 8% to GBP1.65 million (2008: GBP1.796 million). 
* Operating efficiency deteriorated to 19.4% (2008: 13.7%). Operating 
  efficiency is calculated as being the operating costs as a percentage of 
Trading Highlights                                  6 months to     6 months to 
                                                   30 June 2009    30 June 2008 
Turnover                                              8,558,381      11,839,240 
Gross Profit                                          1,650,841       1,796,597 
Net Operating Costs                                 (1,666,915)     (1,623,045) 
Exceptional reorganisation costs                      (129,320)               - 
Operating (loss)/profit excluding exceptional          (16,074)         173,552 
Profit/(loss) before Tax                              (178,479)         145,999 
There was a group operating loss before exceptional reorganisation costs of GBP 
16,074 (2008: Profit GBP173,552), reflecting the impact of the unfavourable 
economic conditions during the six month period. Turnover reduced by some 28% 
to GBP8.5 million (2008: GBP11.8 million). Operating efficiency deteriorated to 
19.4 % (2008: 13.7%) largely due to the reduction in turnover. 
Impact of recession 
It is only to be expected that uncertainty over financial markets and the 
impact of global recession has had an adverse impact on investment and mortgage 
activities throughout the group. This was particularly evident during the last 
quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, as clients and advisers got to 
grips with the decline in equity and property markets and the far reaching 
impact of the failure of companies such as Lehman Brothers, which has 
significantly undermined confidence in the financial sector. 
There has been some recovery coming through in the second quarter 2009 as the 
benefits of the financial rebuilding of banks worldwide and quantative easing 
have been seen. The resultant improvements in equity markets have given clients 
more confidence to invest on the upswing. Clearly there is still some way to 
go, the continuing increase in unemployment and the likely future cutbacks in 
government expenditure will slow down the economic recovery. 
Group response to the Impact of recession 
In recognition of the impact of the recession, the group began a restructuring 
programme in the first quarter 2009. Various cost reduction activities have 
been put in place, and are continuing and will result in the reduction in 
annual costs of approximately GBP1m. 
This has been achieved by a combination of redundancies, cost savings and 
renegotiated contracts, which resulted in exceptional reorganisational costs of 
some GBP130,000 in the six month period which is shown on a separate line within 
the financial statements. 
The full benefits of these cost reductions have not been immediately seen. 
Redundancy payments and lease exit payments have an immediate impact. In the 
main these costs savings have now fed through the system and the benefit will 
be seen both in the second half of this year and in future years. 
The directors believe that these cost savings have not in anyway reduced the 
group's ability to develop and take advantage of future opportunities in the 
market place. 
The cost review that has taken place has sharpened our focus and the company 
will benefit from this exercise. 
It is important to note that these cost reductions have not impacted on our 
commitment or resources in the area of compliance and Treating Customers 
Move to Assets under Management 
This continues to be a significant driver in the activities of both the company 
and its advisers. 
However, the impact of recession has been exacerbated by the reduction in 
initial commissions received on single premium business, as the company and 
advisers move towards the new regulatory model. 
The drive to increase Assets under Management by generating ongoing trail 
income to reflect the ongoing advice given, has resulted in a 20% reduction in 
initial commission taken on this business. 
Trail income is now growing at an annualised rate in excess of 25%. 
The benefit of this fundamental shift in company and adviser remuneration will 
be seen in future years, as the trail income reflecting the value of the 
investments, will continue to be received. This in itself will bring more 
certainty of income both for the company and the adviser. 
Further developments are planned in this area, to consolidate the value to the 
group of its total Assets under influence as Assets under Management. 
Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) 
The group continues to pay attention to regulatory and consumer aspects of TCF. 
Since inception the group has carried out 113,913 advisory transactions. To 
date 30 complaints have been upheld, this represents 0.026% 
The directors continue to believe that the group's approach to compliance 
checking is the way to provide suitable advice to its clients and protect the 
group from future complaints. 
Retail Distribution Review (RDR) 
The group continues to plan for the introduction of RDR. 
As described above, the move to capture ongoing trail income from Assets under 
Management continues to be a main focus of the group. This is very much in line 
with the proposed post 2012 situation. 
Many of the group's advisers have already begun the process of adding 
qualifications and their progress towards an as yet ill-defined qualification 
will be aided by plans to be implemented later in 2009. 
Whilst the group is confident that its advisers will meet the new qualification 
levels, and put the group in a strong position, we remain concerned that the 
impact of this regulatory driven change will be a significant reduction in the 
number of IFA's available to advise clients. 
Whilst this will offer the group potentially wider opportunities post 2012, it 
is difficult to see how the savings gap will be reduced, when fewer financial 
advisers will be available to the general public. 
The timescale for the implementation of "professional" qualifications needs to 
be reviewed otherwise the loss of advisers will have an adverse impact on the 
availability of quality advice. 
Capital Raising 
5,000,000 ordinary shares of 2p nominal value were placed on 27 May 2009 at a 
price of 4p per share, raising net proceeds of GBP190,000 to provide additional 
working capital. Following the placing the enlarged share capital increased to 
28,957,677 ordinary shares of 2p each. 
The directors continue to recognise that we need to focus both on cost 
efficiencies to ensure the group fully benefit from the programme established 
and the continued recruitment of quality advisers, which is considered 
essential and will continue. 
Since June the group has continued to trade in line with the board's 
RD Pritchard, CEO 
24 September 2009 
Consolidated Income Statement 
Unaudited Interim Results to 30 June 2009 
                                     6 months to     6 months to      17 months 
                                    30 June 2009    30 June 2008          ended 
                                       Unaudited       Unaudited    31 December 
                                               GBP               GBP              GBP 
Turnover                               8,558,381      11,839,240     29,093,190 
Cost of sales                        (6,907,540)    (10,042,643)   (24,590,999) 
Gross profit                           1,650,841       1,796,597      4,502,191 
Net operating expenses               (1,666,915)     (1,623,045)    (5,147,286) 
Exceptional reorganisation costs       (129,320)               -              - 
Group operating (loss)/profit          (145,394)         173,552      (645,095) 
Interest receivable and similar            1,699         (3,761)         47,159 
Interest payable and similar            (34,784)        (23,792)       (71,271) 
(Loss)/profit on ordinary              (178,479)         145,999      (669,207) 
activities before taxation 
Tax on (loss)/profit on                        0           6,298        163,721 
ordinary activities 
(Loss)/retained profit for the         (178,479)         139,701      (505,486) 
Basic earnings/(loss) per share          (0.74)p           0.58p        (2.11)p 
There are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit or loss for the 
above financial periods. 
None of the group's activities were acquired or discontinued during the above 
financial periods. 
Consolidated Balance Sheet 
Unaudited Interim Results at 30 June 2009 
                                    30 June 2009   30 June 2008     31 December 
                                       Unaudited      Unaudited         Audited 
                                               GBP              GBP               GBP 
Non current assets 
Intangible assets                        120,055        180,055         120,055 
Property, Plant & Equipment              156,021        169,364         153,978 
Investments                                7,000          7,000           7,000 
Deferred Tax                             503,919        333,900         503,919 
                                         786,995        690,319         784,952 
Current Assets 
Trade and other receivables            3,523,126      3,954,904       3,189,357 
Cash and cash equivalents                455,993        694,666         586,640 
                                       3,979,119      4,649,570       3,775,997 
Total Assets                           4,766,114      5,339,889       4,560,949 
Called up share capital                  579,154        482,154         479,154 
Share premium account                  2,177,011      2,140,073       2,087,011 
Merger reserve                          (99,000)       (99,000)        (99,000) 
Retained earnings                    (2,075,931)    (1,362,166)     (1,897,452) 
Total Equity                             581,234      1,161,061         569,713 
Non-current liabilities 
Long term borrowings                     530,000        150,000         534,444 
Current Liabilities 
Trade and other payables               3,149,291      3,733,791       3,077,838 
Short term borrowings                    276,448        125,000         142,258 
Current portion of long term             121,963        120,000         187,031 
Current taxes payable                    107,178         50,037          49,665 
                                       3,654,880      4,028,828       3,456,792 
Total equity and liabilities           4,766,114      5,339,889       4,560,949 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
Unaudited Interim Results to 30 June 2009 
                                                6 months  6 months 17 months 
                                                   ended     ended     ended 
                                                 30 June   30 June        31 
                                                    2009      2008  December 
                                               Unaudited Unaudited   Audited 
                                                       GBP         GBP         GBP 
Cash flows from operating activities 
(Loss)/Profit before taxation                  (178,479)   139,701 (669,207) 
Depreciation                                      36,300    28,200    80,200 
Impairment                                             -         -   (1,775) 
Interest net                                      33,085     7,122    24,112 
Operating (loss)/profit before working capital (109,094)   175,023 (566,670) 
Decrease/(Increase) in trade and other         (333,769)    33,152   211,095 
Increase in trade and other payables             128,966   179,268   405,316 
Cash generated from operations                 (313,897)   387,443    49,741 
Interest paid                                   (34,784)  (19,861)  (71,271) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities     (348,681)   367,582  (21,530) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Net disposals of intangibles                           -  (58,706)    18,000 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment       (38,343)  (15,786)  (40,645) 
Interest received                                  1,699    12,739    47,159 
                                                (36,644)  (61,753)    24,514 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Share issue / Forfeiture of shares               190,000         -  (56,062) 
Proceeds from (repayment of) long term           (4,444)  (60,000)   350,000 
Movement in short term borrowings                 69,122  (87,512) (364,846) 
Payment of hire purchase and finance                   -         -   (8,462) 
                                                 254,678 (147,512)  (79,370) 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash       (130,647)   158,317  (76,386) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of    586,640   536,349   663,026 
the period 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the      455,993   694,666   586,640 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
Unaudited Interim Results to 30 June 2009 
                                 Share      Share  Merger   Retained      Total 
                               capital    premium reserve   earnings     equity 
Balance at 31 December 2007   482,154  2,140,073 (99,000) (1,496,048)  1,027,179 
Changes in equity for 2008 
Share forfeiture              (3,000)   (53,062)        -           -   (56,062) 
(Loss) / Profit for the             -          -        -   (401,404)  (401,404) 
Balance at 31 December 2008   479,154  2,087,011 (99,000) (1,897,452)    569,713 
carried forward 
Changes in equity for 2009 
Share Issue                   100,000     90,000        -           -    190,000 
Loss for the period                 -          -        -   (178,479)  (178,479) 
Balance at 30 June 2009       579,154  2,177,011 (99,000) (2,075,931)    581,234 
carried forward 
Basis of preparation 
The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with 
International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRS). It does not include all the information required for full 
annual financial statements. Full details of the accounting policies adopted 
are presented in the Financial Statements for the seventeen months ended 31 
December 2008. IFRS 8 Operating Segments applies for accounting periods commencing 
from 1 January 2009 and has been adopted replacing IAS 14 Segment Reporting. 
The group changed its accounting reference date from 31 July to 31 December 2008, 
with the audited figures being for a seventeen month period. In order to provide 
information on a consistent basis the unaudited comparative figures shown are for 
the six month period to 30 June 2008. These have not been independently reviewed 
and are not as reported previously in the last published interim statement which 
was for the year to 31 July 2008. 
Earnings/(loss) per share 
The earnings per share is calculated on the loss attributable to ordinary 
shareholders of GBP178,479 (6 months to 30 June 2008: profit GBP139,701, 17 months 
to 31 December 2008: loss GBP505,486) divided by 23,957,677 (6 months to 30 June 
2008: 24,107,677, 17 months to 31 December 2008: 23,957,677) being the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. 
During 2009 and 2008, the share warrants and options were antidilutive and 
accordingly there is no dilution of loss per share. However, the share options 
could potentially dilute basic earnings per share in the future. 
Analysis of changes in net debt 
                                               Opening  Cashflows       Closing 
                                               balance                  Balance 
                                        1 January 2009             30 June 2009 
                                                     GBP          GBP             GBP 
Cash at bank and in hand                       586,640  (130,647)       455,993 
Segment Analysis 
The Group's primary reporting segment is by business type and all business is 
carried out in the UK. The business segments can be analysed to the gross 
profit level; other costs, assets and liabilities are not directly attributable 
to any of the segments and apportionment is not considered meaningful. 
               6 months   6 months   6 months   6 months  17 Months  17 Months 
             to 30 June to 30 June to 30 June to 30 June      ended      ended 
                   2009       2009       2008       2008         31         31 
                                                           December   December 
                                                               2008       2008 
              Unaudited  Unaudited  Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited    Audited 
               Turnover      Gross   Turnover      Gross   Turnover      Gross 
                            Profit                Profit                Profit 
                  GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Investments       2,838        530      3,901        535     10,121      1,551 
Pensions          2,928        558      3,594        504      8,675      1,313 
Fees/               799        153      1,538        342      4,338        624 
Protection        1,852        319      2,748        370      5,783        874 
Other               141         91         58         46        176        140 
                  8,558      1,651     11,839      1,797     29,093      4,502 
Financial Information 
The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's 
statutory financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2008 (but is 
derived from those financial statements). Statutory financial statements for 
2008 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have 
reported on those financial statements; their report was unqualified and did 
not contain statements under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
Report and financial statements 
Copies of the Interim Report for the 6 months ended 30 June 2009 will be sent 
to shareholders shortly. Further copies will be available from the Company's 
registered office at Alexandra House, Alexandra Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire 
PE13 1HQ. The financial statements are also available on the Company's website 
The Clarkson Hill Group Plc 
Ron Pritchard, Director 
Tel: 01945 585721 
Nominated Adviser 
Dowgate Capital Advisers Limited 
Liam Murray / Aaron Smyth 
Tel: 020 7492 4777 

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