RNS Number : 5554R 
Carador PLC 
30 April 2009 
Carador plc 
30 April 2009 
Annual Report for the 
Nine Months Ended 31 December 2009 
Carador plc ("Carador" or the Company) has today released its Annual Report and 
Consolidated Audited Financial Statements for the period from 1 April 2008 to 31 
December 2008. The Annual Report and Consolidated Audited Financial Statements 
will shortly be available from the Company's website www.carador.co.uk and for 
inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is 
located at: 
Financial Services Authority 
25 The North Colonnade 
Canary Wharf 
London E14 5HS 
The financial information set out in this announcement is an extract from the 
Annual Report and Consolidated Audited Financial Statements of the Company for 
the period from 1 April 2008 to 31 December 2008 and does not constitute the 
Company's statutory accounts. 
Paul Noonan 
Northern Trust Investor Services (Ireland) Limited    +353 1 542 
It is a pleasure to present the consolidated annual report and financial 
statements for Carador plc ("Carador" or the "Company") for the nine month 
period from 1 April 2008 to 31 December 2008. 
2008 was a difficult year. The first quarter saw the initial multibillion dollar 
losses (including Citibank - $18bn, UBS - $18bn, HSBC - $17bn), fraud (Société 
Générale) and the collapse of Bear Stearns. This was followed by monoline 
insurers losing their AAA ratings, bank downgrades and large capital raising by 
banks and other financial institutions (Fannie Mae). The negative events 
continued for the rest of the year, most notably with the bankruptcy of Lehman 
Brothers, the collapse of the Icelandic banking system, the acquisition of 
Merrill Lynch by Bank of America, the crisis at Washington Mutual, the takeover 
of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and State support for banks. Cuts in interest 
rates, recapitalizations, government packages and regulatory and accounting 
support were not enough to turn the tide. 
The impact of the credit crisis on the Collateralised Loan Obligations ("CLO") 
market in the period was evident. AAA CLO spreads widened from +150 bps at the 
beginning of the period, to +500 bps on 31 December 2008(1). CLO volumes fell 
85% to $14 billion with no new transactions launched since mid-September 
2008(2).Despite this turmoil, CLOs, as a result of their term financing, were 
not sellers of bank debt; however, a quarter of the loan market was owned by 
hedge funds, many of whom sold a large portion of these loans to reduce their 
leverage. The effect on the underlying leveraged loan market was immediate with 
the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index generating an unprecedented -29.10% total 
return in 2008, underperforming unsecured high yield bonds (the ML US High Yield 
Master II Index generated a -26.39% return in the same period). 
Defaults increased markedly in 2008, highlighting that the liquidity and 
confidence crisis was filtering through to the real economy. The issuer weighted 
loan default rate increased from 0.26% at the end of 2007 to a six-year high of 
4.35% as at 31 December 2008, while the dollar-weighted default rate increased 
from 0.24% to 3.75%(3). S&P LCD carried out a survey of portfolio managers at 
the end of 2008 who predicted an average default rate of 10% in 2009, with a 
worst case scenario of 15% and a positive scenario of 7%. 
To put these rates in context, and based on year end prices, investors are 
anticipating that 24% of leveraged loans, as represented by the S&P/LSTA US 
Leveraged Loan 100 Index, will default annually, assuming a 70% recovery (15% 
annual default rate assuming 50% recovery)(4). 
(1) Source: JP Morgan 05/01/09 "Global CDO Weekly - Market Snapshot" 
(2) Source: Standard and Poor's Leveraged Commentary and Data ("S&P LCD") 
(3) Source: S&P LCD News, 5 January 2009 
(4)Estimated long term average spread based on S&P LCD estimate of average price 
for the S&P/LSTA US Leveraged Loan 100 Index (63.71%) and nominal 
spread (+2.44%) as of 31 December 2008. Assumes 5 year maturity for the loans. 
Long term default rate based on S&P LCD "Leveraged 
Carador's fundamental performance has been positive, with an estimated 1.6% 
cumulative default rate in the underlying loan portfolios since inception versus 
6.77% for the market(5). 
During the period, the Company appointed GSO Capital Partners International LLP, 
a subsidiary of The Blackstone Group LP ("GSO/Blackstone") as Investment Manager 
of the Company following the transfer of the key executives of Washington Square 
with responsibility for the portfolio of the Company to GSO/Blackstone and, as a 
result, increased the depth of resources available to the investment management 
In addition, the Company completed the amalgamation of Carador Guernsey Limited 
(a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) and Abingdon Investment Limited 
("Abingdon") which became effective on 9 December 2008. In accordance with the 
terms of the amalgamation, 6,159,881 new euro shares and 83,779,318 new US 
dollar shares were issued to Abingdon shareholders. Following the amalgamation, 
the Directors resolved to change the accounting reference date of the 
Company from 31 March to 31 December. 
  Lending Quarterly Review 3Q08", Lagging 12-months Default Rate by Number of 
Issuers and loss given default based on Moody's "Default Study 1920-2007"; 
Average Corporate Debt Recovery Rates (measured by ultimate recoveries), 
1987-2007 measured by issuer-weighted ultimate recoveries. From 1987-2007, the 
average recovery of Loans was 82.04%. Assumes 30% future loss severity 
(5) Source: Standard and Poor's LCD. Cumulative default rate for Carador 
estimated as the arithmetic average of default rates for Carador investments as 
     7 January 2009 
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT (continued) 
In order to take advantage of the fundamental dislocation in the market and 
reduce the risk in the Company's portfolio, the Board announced on 13 February 
2009 the proposals to amend the Company's investment objective and investment 
policy to permit investment in the Senior Notes of CDOs which are collateralised 
by senior secured bank loans. Shareholders approved this change at the 
Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 March 2009. The Investment Manager believes 
that in the current market environment, Senior Notes, as more senior tranches in 
the CDO structure, may provide an attractive return with a lower risk profile. 
The returns currently available from many Senior Notes approach that originally 
envisaged for the equity and mezzanine tranches at the launch of the Company. In 
addition, as Senior Notes rank ahead of the equity and mezzanine tranches, in 
the event of an increase in the default rate of the underlying bank loans, the 
Senior Notes will benefit from the diversion of cashflows from the junior 
tranches, thereby providing additional downside protection. The Investment 
Manager believes that because of their lower risk profile, they are an 
attractive addition to a diversified portfolio.  The Company made its first AAA 
investment in April 2009. 
The Company has generated a net loss of EUR15,355,195 for the period ended 31 
December 2008.  The Board declared interim distributions of EUR0.055 per euro 
share on 27 October 2008 relating to the 6 month period ended 30 September 2008 
and EUR0.0015 per euro share (US$0.0019 per US dollar share) on 15 January 2009 
relating to the quarter ended 31 December 2008.  The interim distribution 
declared in January was the first quarterly distribution payable by the Company 
and the first distributions following the amalgamation of the Company. 
The net asset value per euro share decreased by EUR0.21 in the period, which 
equates to a decrease of 31% since 31 March 2008. The net asset value per USD 
share was US$0.65 at 31 December 2008. As at 31 December 2008, the Company's 
portfolio had exposure to investments managed by 24 CLO managers. The investment 
portfolio is broadly diversified across managers, asset classes and geographies 
in order to minimise risk. 
In December, the Board was pleased to announce the appointment of Edward H. 
D'Alelio and Nicholas Moss as non-executive directors, both of whom were 
directors of Abingdon Investment Limited. 
The date of the third Annual General Meeting of the Company will be announced at 
a later date. 
Werner Schwanberg 
30 April 2009 
Responsibility Statement 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the consolidated financial 
statements in accordance with applicable Irish law and those International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") as adopted by the European Union. 
Irish company law requires the Directors to prepare consolidated financial 
statements for each financial period, which give a true and fair view of the 
state of affairs of the Group and Company and the profit or loss of the Group 
and Company for that period. In preparing those consolidated financial 
statements, the Directors are required to: 
  *  select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  *  prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
  inappropriate to presume that the Group and Company will continue in business; 
  *  present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides 
  relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; 
  *  provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in 
  IFRSs is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact on particular 
  transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial position and 
  financial performance; and 
  *  state that the Group and Company has complied with IFRSs as adopted by the 
  European Union, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in 
  the financial statements. 
The Directors confirm that they have complied with the above requirements in 
preparing the consolidated financial statements.  The Directors confirm that the 
consolidated financial statements contain a fair review of the events during the 
period and a description of the principle risks and uncertainties for the next 
twelve months. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper books of account which disclose 
with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and 
Company and to enable them to ensure that the consolidated financial statements 
are prepared in accordance with Companies Acts 1963 to 2006 and the Listing 
Rules of the UK Listing Authority. They are also responsible for safeguarding 
the assets of the Group and Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for 
the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
In preparing these consolidated financial statements for the nine months to 31 
December 2008 the Directors confirm that, to the best of our knowledge: 
(a)the consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of 
the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Group and 
Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; 
(b)the directors' report, chairman's report and investment manager's review 
include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the 
position of the Group and Company and the undertakings included in the 
consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal 
risks and uncertainties that they face. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
Market Overview: 
The Chairman's report provides a clear overview of the major events which 
affected financial markets in 2008. The impact of the fundamental and technical 
turmoil in the leveraged loan and securitization markets has been extreme. 
We estimate that over 80% of the primary market demand for leveraged loans in 
2007 was due to collateralized loan obligations ("CLO") and hedge funds. A large 
number of hedge funds used funding subject to mark to market triggers, resulting 
in forced liquidations as the market fell in 2008, and created a downward spiral 
in prices. Additional redemptions, estimated by Citibank to have reached between 
$300 billion and $900 billion, created additional pressure. Sales triggered by 
the collapse of several banks and the significant backlog of new issues present 
at the beginning of the year met, as a result, with no demand, creating 
additional pressure on prices. As a result, the average bid for the S&P/LSTA US 
Leveraged Loan 100 index fell to 66.63%(6) as at 31 December 2008, implying a 
14.6% annual default rate, assuming 50% recovery (based on Moody's Default Study 
1920-2007; the average loan recovery rate, measured by ultimate recoveries, 
between 1987 and 2007 was 82.04%). As a comparison, the average high-yield 
flow-name bond bid was 60.97% on 23 December 2008. The dislocation between the 
implied default and recovery rates in the secured and unsecured markets 
highlights the technical pressure suffered in 2008 by the loan market and the 
increasing importance of liquidity premia in the market. 
Term funded cash flow CLOs showed their structural strengths. Lower prices in 
their portfolio did not trigger any forced selling of the underlying loans 
although the secondary market for the different tranches of CLOs reflected the 
stress and technical problems in the CLO market. Spreads for CLO AAA bonds 
widened to +500 bps at the period end, from +145 at the beginning of April 2008. 
The traditional buyers (banks and SIVs represented 92% of demand(7)) became 
forced sellers in a bid-less market. Similar dynamics were experienced by lower 
rated CLO tranches. 
In addition to the seismic changes in the price of liquidity, actual and 
expected fundamental risks are being priced in. The rate of loan defaults 
increased markedly in 2008 (4.35% issuer weighted, 3.75% by principal amount). A 
combination of extremely poor economic environment, lack of financing available 
and aggressive financings are likely to result in one of the largest speculative 
grade default rates ever recorded in 2009. According to S&P LCD, the leveraged 
loan market suffered its highest default rate (8.2%) in 2000, and the high yield 
bond market experienced a record 12.5% default rate in 1991. Moody's "Corporate 
Default and Recovery Rates, 1920-2007" study identifies the all time high annual 
issuer-weighted corporate default rate for speculative grade issuers at 15.39% 
in 1933. The second highest year was 1932 with 10.81%.  At the end of 2008, S&P 
LCD surveyed portfolio managers in the US to ascertain their expectations for 
default and recovery rates in 2009. The average prediction for defaults in 2009 
was 10% with an average rate for a worst and best case scenario of 15% and 7% 
Despite the increasing defaults, CLO equity generated attractive cash flows in 
2008. The key risk for the junior tranches of CLOs in 2009 is the possibility of 
cash flow diversion to either purchase additional collateral or to repay senior 
tranches. This will be driven by their over-collateralization test ("OC test", 
non-defaulted assets divided by rated liabilities). The numerator of the OC test 
is based on the notional value of the portfolio (hence its independence from 
mark to market volatility). If the OC test is breached, the CLO will divert cash 
flows in order to potentially cure it. The cash flows may be used to purchase 
additional loans (increasing the OC numerator) or to repay senior debt 
(decreasing the OC denominator). 
The risk of breaching OC tests in 2009 will be driven by credit losses in the 
portfolio and their exposure to CCC rated assets. 
(6) Source: S&P LCD News. As of 23 December 2008, last reading for the year 
(7) Source: Bank of America, November 2008, "Opportunities in Structured Credit 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
Credit losses will not only be a result of the higher expected defaults but also 
a result of the recovery rates for defaulted assets. CLO default rates have 
often been below the market's given the involvement of a manager not seeking the 
highest total return plays in the design and monitoring of the portfolio and the 
CLO's concentration limits and diversification requirements. We expect 
significant dispersion in terms of default rates for specific CLOs, particularly 
in the US where the broader loan universe allows managers to implement their 
credit views more selectively. Similarly, we expect a wide range of recovery 
values for loans, as a result of more aggressive capital structures, lack of 
debtor in possession financing ("DIP") and acquisition finance, and the 
historically large number of issuers funded exclusively through loans. Moodys, 
for example, expects that the average expected ultimate recovery rate on US 
first lien senior secured bank loans will be 68% (versus an actual historical 
average of 87%)(8). An additional factor to take into account, from an OC test 
perspective, is that the recovery rate for calculation purposes is generally 
estimated as the post-default trading price for the asset. As we mentioned 
before, current market prices have been affected by a dramatic increase in 
liquidity premia, which is likely to result in lower estimated recoveries. 
Historically, 30 day post-default recoveries have been 75% of ultimate 
recoveries (Moody's 30 day post-default recoveries for loans 1982-1997 was 
65.52%(9)). Current market prices for CCC rated assets also highlight the 
potential for recoveries below historical averages. We believe that the 
expectation of lower recoveries is justified by fundamental factors (lack of DIP 
funding, scarcity of funding for potential private equity or industry buyers and 
adjusted valuations reflecting lower earnings and multiples). As in the case of 
defaults, we expect a very high dispersion between specific issuers. 
In addition, CLOs normally define a maximum "CCC basket" in the 5-10% range. If 
the percentage of CCC rated loans in the portfolio increases above that limit, 
the excess has to be marked to market (the actual price calculation can differ 
from deal to deal). This implies that the numerator used to calculate 
overcollateralization tests ("OC") is reduced (CCC names would be treated as par 
assets otherwise). Concerns about the downgrade of loans to CCC were partly 
based on a report published by S&P reviewing the liquidity and covenant 
situation of US companies which highlighted how the disruption in the capital 
markets is likely to result in a large increase in defaults through 2010. The 
report highlighted the dangers of covenant breaches. Although these can be 
waived and negotiated by lenders, avoiding default, the key risk is that rating 
agencies take an aggressive approach to downgrading companies which find 
themselves in this position or who undertake exchange offers (through the 
concept of "selective default"). We saw a significant increase in the "CCC 
buckets" in the second half of 2008. According to JP Morgan(10), the range of 
CCC exposure for a sample of over 500 CLOs was 7.1% in the first week of January 
2009, up from 4.1% at the end of July 2008. We expect significant 
differentiation between managers and transactions. The JP Morgan study showed a 
0% to 19% range. 
Unfortunately managers usual ability to manage around deteriorating credits has 
been constrained by lack of liquidity and by structural issues. CLO portfolios 
have strict diversification requirements which limit the exposure to single 
names and sectors. This limits the exposure to problematic industries but, at 
the same time, makes it difficult for a manager to completely avoid sectors. 
These risks make the choice of CLO managers key. In addition to their ability to 
design fundamentally strong portfolios in the context of CLO constraints and 
access appropriate collateral, the ability to trade or work out problematic 
assets has the potential to avoid triggering or facilitate the curing of OC 
breaches. Trading assets requires a strong understanding of the CLO structure 
and market dynamics. CLOs will normally be subject to "discount obligation" 
provisions, stating that assets purchased at a deep discount to par (normally 
80-85%) cannot be considered "par" assets for OC test calculations. These 
discount obligations are priced at purchase price. The rationale for this clause 
was to prevent a manager from improving the OC test by purchasing 
credit-impaired assets at discounts. According to S&P(11) "At that time, the 
market consensus was that the 80% threshold was a reasonable proxy for 
distinguishing credit-impaired loans from performing loans". Unfortunately, at 
the end of December 2008, even the liquid Markit LCDX index was trading below 
(8)Moody's, "Strong Loan Issuance in Recent Years Signals Low Recovery Prospects 
for Loans and Bonds of Defaulted U.S. Corporate Issuers", June 2008 
(9)Moody's, "Corporate Default and Recovery Rates, 1920-2007", February 2008 
(10)Global CDO Weekly Market Snapshot, 12 January 2009 
(11) S&P, "A Guide To Overcollateralization Tests And 'CCC' Rating Haircuts In 
U.S. CLOs", December 2008 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
This severely constrains the manager's ability to trade the portfolio. In the 
past, a loan trading below 80% could safely be considered problematic, and this 
constraint prevented managers from taking down the quality of the portfolio 
while building OC test par. Given current average market prices, the unintended 
consequence of the constraint is that a CLO manager is not incentivized to sell 
loans trading below 80% (the OC test would suffer the realized loss), to 
purchase discount obligations (which will be marked at purchase price, not par, 
for OC test purposes). Although S&P has issued some constructive comments in 
this respect, changes are likely to require approval from all CLO tranches and 
this is likely to highlight the different priorities among noteholders, with 
AAAs potentially benefiting from a breach of the test which may bring forward 
principal repayment. 
Carador - Performance Highlights 
In light of the market conditions set out above, Carador's euro share NAV 
decreased over the period to EUR0.4919 per share at the period end. As at 31 
December 2008, the US dollar class NAV per share was US$0.6243. Carador's shares 
closed at EUR0.4250 and US$0.6000, a 13.60% and 3.89% discount to the NAV 
respectively as at 31 December 2008. 
The successful amalgamation of Carador's wholly owned subsidiary, Carador 
Guernsey Limited, with Abingdon Investment Limited in December 2008 resulted in 
a larger portfolio, a significant cash balance and additional diversity as well 
as a larger shareholder base. It also resulted in the creation of a US $ share 
Abingdon added one position following the publication of the prospectus at the 
end of September. We believe that this transaction, rated BB, is backed by a 
strong portfolio and, in addition, benefits from structural features which may 
result in par prepayments of principal in the short to medium term. 
Outlook for the Coming Year 
Although we remain cautious in the near term about future volatility, we believe 
that current market conditions offer a unique opportunity for a Company able to 
invest with a medium term horizon. Carador took a conservative approach in the 
second half of the year and ended the year with a 23% cash balance which can be 
deployed in 2009 to generate extremely attractive risk adjusted and absolute 
In addition, since shareholders approved the amendment to the investment 
objective and investment policy at the EGM on 9 March 2009 Carador is now able 
to take advantage of investment opportunities across the full rating CLO 
spectrum. We believe that in the current market environment these more senior 
tranches in the CDO structure represent an attractive risk return. The return 
nears that originally envisaged for the more junior tranches but with lower risk 
as the securities are more senior in the capital structure. In addition these 
notes have additional upside in the event of an increase in the underlying bank 
loan's default rate, due to their current discounted price and the potential 
principal prepayment at par if defaults of CCC rated assets in the underlying 
portfolio exceed certain limits. The Senior Notes usually rated AAA or AA show 
resilient returns across all scenarios. Even in a depression scenario (50% 
cumulative defaults over 3 years and 35% recovery on senior secured loans) 
expected returns are positive.  The Company made its first AAA investment in 
April, in the A2 tranche of GECLT 06-2, backed by a portfolio of senior secured 
loans serviced by GE Capital Loan Services. This transaction was purchased at a 
discount to par and, given its structure, has started to repay principal in this 
tranche at par. Since it was purchased, the tranche's principal factor has 
decreased from 88.99% to 63.42%, generating a capital gain for the Company for 
the value of the discounted purchase price. 
We believe the Company is well positioned to take advantage of the ultimate 
recovery in the financials markets. 
GSO Capital Partners International LLP 
30 April 2009 
As at 31 December 2008 
|   31 March |   |                                                |       |  31 December | 
|      2008  |   |                                                |       |        2008  | 
|         EUR  |   |                                                |Notes  |           EUR  | 
|            |   |                                                |       |              | 
|            |   | Assets                                         |       |              | 
|  3,278,746 |   | Cash and cash equivalents                      |  2,5  |      162,243 | 
|    409,377 |   | Amounts due from brokers                       | 2, 7  |      909,377 | 
|    908,811 |   | Interest receivable                            |  2    |    1,079,064 | 
|     55,537 |   | Derivative financial instruments               |2, 11  |      680,057 | 
| 29,496,338 |   | Financial assets at fair value through profit  |  3    |   53,036,009 | 
|            |   | or loss                                        |       |              | 
|   -        |   | Investment in subsidiary at fair value through |3, 14  |   12,311,214 | 
|            |   | profit or loss                                 |       |              | 
| 34,148,809 |   | Total Assets                                   |       |   68,177,964 | 
|            |   |                                                |       |              | 
|            |   | Liabilities                                    |       |              | 
|     19,690 |   | Operating expenses payable                     |  4    |    1,723,840 | 
|    122,012 |   | Audit fee payable                              |  4    |      188,325 | 
|     28,384 |   | Investment management fee payable              |  4    |       94,059 | 
|     19,233 |   | Administration fee payable                     |  4    |       19,660 | 
|      5,918 |   | Custodian fee payable                          |  4    |        6,375 | 
|   -        |   | Derivative financial instruments               |2, 11  |      892,415 | 
|    195,237 |   | Liabilities (excluding amounts attributable to         |    2,924,674 | 
|            |   | participating shareholders)                            |              | 
|            |   |                                                |       |              | 
| 33,953,572 |   | Net Assets attributable to participating       |       |   65,253,290 | 
|            |   | shareholders                                   |       |              | 
|            |   |                                                |       |              | 
|     0.6787 |   | Net Asset Value per participating EUR share      |  18   |       0.4661 | 
|        N/A |   | Net Asset Value per participating $ share      |  18   |       0.6480 | 
These financial statements were authorised and approved for issue by the 
Directors on 30 April 2009 and signed on their behalf by: 
Werner Schwanberg Adrian Waters 
Director                                 Director 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
As at 31 December 2008 
|    31 March |                                                |       |   31 December | 
|       2008  |                                                |       |         2008  | 
|          EUR  |                                                |Notes  |            EUR  | 
|             |                                                |       |               | 
|             | Assets                                         |       |               | 
|   3,278,746 | Cash and cash equivalents                      |  2,5  |    8,146,587  | 
|     409,377 | Amounts due from brokers                       | 2, 7  |      909,377  | 
|     908,811 | Interest receivable                            |  2    |    2,223,882  | 
|      55,537 | Derivative financial instruments               |2, 11  |      680,057  | 
|  29,496,338 | Financial assets at fair value through profit  |  3    |  252,811,063  | 
|             | or loss                                        |       |               | 
|  34,148,809 | Total Assets                                   |       |  264,770,966  | 
|             |                                                |       |               | 
|             | Liabilities                                    |       |               | 
|      19,690 | Operating expenses payable                     |  4    |    1,772,542  | 
|     122,012 | Audit fee payable                              |  4    |      188,325  | 
|      28,384 | Investment management fee payable              |  4    |      361,920  | 
|      19,233 | Administration fee payable                     |  4    |       19,660  | 
|       5,918 | Custodian fee payable                          |  4    |       23,422  | 
|   -         | Coupon note interest payable                   |  3    |    1,049,054  | 
|   -         | Derivative financial instruments               |2, 11  |      892,415  | 
|   -         | Financial liabilities at fair value through    |  3    |  190,107,679  | 
|             | profit or loss                                 |       |               | 
|     195,237 | Liabilities (excluding amounts attributable to         |  194,415,017  | 
|             | participating shareholders)                            |               | 
|             |                                                |       |               | 
|  33,953,572 | Net Assets                                     |       |   70,355,949  | 
|             |                                                |       |               | 
|   -         | Minority Interest                              |  14   |    5,102,659  | 
|             |                                                |       |               | 
|  33,953,572 | Net Assets attributable to participating       |       |   65,253,290  | 
|             | shareholders                                   |       |               | 
|             |                                                |       |               | 
|      0.6787 | Net Asset Value per participating EUR share      |  18   |        0.4661 | 
|         N/A | Net Asset Value per participating $ share      |  18   |        0.6480 | 
|             |                                                |       |               | 
These financial statements were authorised and approved for issue by the 
Directors on 30 April 2009 and signed on their behalf by: 
Werner Schwanberg Adrian Waters 
Director                                 Director 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
|   Year ended  |   |                                           |       |  |   Nine months | 
|               |   |                                           |       |  |         ended | 
|      31 March |   |                                           |       |  |   31 December | 
|         2008  |   |                                           |       |  |         2008  | 
|            EUR  |   |                                           |Notes  |  |            EUR  | 
|               |   |                                           |       |  |               | 
|               |   | Income                                    |       |  |               | 
|      776,003  |   | Dividend income                           |  2    |  |       89,056  | 
|    5,358,043  |   | Interest income                           |  2    |  |    4,936,805  | 
|       56,462  |   | Net unrealised (loss)/gain on derivative  |  11   |  |     (267,895) | 
|               |   | financial instruments                     |       |  |               | 
|    2,178,374  |   | Net realised (loss)/gain on derivative    |  11   |  |   (3,293,088) | 
|               |   | financial instruments                     |       |  |               | 
|   -           |   | Net unrealised loss on foreign currency   |       |  |     (990,322) | 
|  (16,444,373) |   | Net unrealised loss on financial assets   |  3    |  |  (11,523,370) | 
|               |   | and financial liabilities designated at   |       |  |               | 
|               |   | fair value through profit or loss         |       |  |               | 
|     (696,580) |   | Net realised gain/(loss) on financial     |  3    |  |      119,580  | 
|               |   | assets and financial liabilities          |       |  |               | 
|               |   | designated at fair value through profit   |       |  |               | 
|               |   | or loss                                   |       |  |               | 
|   (8,772,071) |   |  Total Operating Loss                     |       |  |  (10,929,234) | 
|               |   |                                           |       |  |               | 
|               |   | Expenses                                  |       |  |               | 
|     (415,237) |   | Investment management fee                 |4, 10  |  |     (291,425) | 
|     (175,817) |   | Operating expenses                        |  4    |  |     (546,552) | 
|     (110,764) |   | Directors' fees                           |  4    |  |     (164,949) | 
|      (78,000) |   | Administration fee                        |  4    |  |      (58,767) | 
|     (157,762) |   | Audit fee                                 |  4    |  |     (188,325) | 
|      (24,000) |   | Custodian fee                             |  4    |  |      (18,408) | 
|      (12,070) |   | Bank interest expense                     |       |  |            -  | 
|           -   |   | Write-off of Goodwill                     |  13   |  |     (406,160) | 
|     (973,650) |   |  Total Expenses                           |       |  |   (1,674,586) | 
|               |   |                                           |       |  |               | 
|   (9,745,721) |   | Loss Attributable to Participating        |       |  |  (12,603,820) | 
|               |   | Shareholders                              |       |  |               | 
|               |   |                                           |       |  |               | 
|               |   | Financing costs                           |       |  |               | 
|   (7,053,525) |   | Distributions paid to participating       |  20   |  |   (2,751,375) | 
|               |   | shareholders                              |       |  |               | 
|  (16,799,246) |   | Decrease in net assets attributable to    |       |  |  (15,355,195) | 
|               |   | holders of redeemable participating       |       |  |               | 
|               |   | shares                                    |       |  |               | 
|               |   |                                           |       |  |               | 
|               |   | Earnings/(losses) per share               |       |  |               | 
|       (EUR0.19) |   | Basic and diluted earnings/(losses) per   |  17   |  |       (EUR0.27) | 
|               |   | share                                     |       |  |               | 
|         EUR0.14 |   | Distribution per share                    |  20   |  |        EUR0.055 | 
These financial statements were authorised and approved for issue by the 
Directors on 30 April 2009 and signed on their behalf by: 
Werner Schwanberg                  Adrian Waters 
Director                                      Director 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
|   Year ended  |                                             |       |    |    Nine months | 
|               |                                             |       |    |          ended | 
|      31 March |                                             |       |    |    31 December | 
|         2008  |                                             |       |    |          2008  | 
|            EUR  |                                             |Notes  |    |             EUR  | 
|               |                                             |       |    |                | 
|               | Income                                      |       |    |                | 
|      776,003  | Dividend income                             |  2    |    |        89,056  | 
|    5,358,043  | Interest income                             |  2    |    |     5,837,155  | 
|       56,462  | Net unrealised (loss)/gain on derivative    |  11   |    |      (267,895) | 
|               | financial instruments                       |       |    |                | 
|    2,178,374  | Net realised (loss)/gain on derivative      |  11   |    |    (3,293,088) | 
|               | financial instruments                       |       |    |                | 
| -             | Net unrealised loss on foreign currency     |       |    |  (990,322)     | 
|  (16,444,372) | Net unrealised loss on financial assets and |  3    |    |   (10,578,179) | 
|               | financial liabilities designated at fair    |       |    |                | 
|               | value through profit or loss                |       |    |                | 
|     (696,581) | Net realised (loss)/gain on financial       |  3    |    |       119,580  | 
|               | assets and financial liabilities designated |       |    |                | 
|               | at fair value through profit or loss        |       |    |                | 
|   (8,772,071) |  Total Operating Loss                       |       |    |    (9,083,693) | 
|               |                                             |       |    |                | 
|               | Expenses                                    |       |    |                | 
|     (415,237) | Investment management fee                   |4, 10  |    |      (400,971) | 
|     (175,817) | Operating expenses                          |  4    |    |      (569,213) | 
|     (110,764) | Directors' fees                             |  4    |    |      (164,949) | 
|      (78,000) | Administration fee                          |  4    |    |       (60,701) | 
|     (157,762) | Audit fee                                   |  4    |    |      (188,325) | 
|      (24,000) | Custodian fee                               |  4    |    |       (25,379) | 
|      (12,070) | Bank interest expense                       |       |    | -              | 
| -             | Coupon note interest expense                |  3    |    |      (576,681) | 
| -             | Write-off of Goodwill                       |  13   |    |      (406,160) | 
|     (973,650) |  Total Expenses                             |       |    |    (2,392,379) | 
|               |                                             |       |    |                | 
|   (9,745,721) | Net Loss for the period                     |       |    |   (11,476,072) | 
|               |                                             |       |    |                | 
|               | Financing costs                             |       |    |                | 
|   (7,053,525) | Distributions paid to participating         |  20   |    |  (2,751,375)   | 
|               | shareholders                                |       |    |                | 
|               |                                             |       |    |                | 
|  (16,799,246) | Decrease in net assets                      |       |    |   (14,358,518) | 
|               | Attributable to:                            |       |    |                | 
| -             | Redeemable participating shareholders       |       |    |   (14,227,447) | 
| -             | Minority interest                           |       |    |      (131,071) | 
|               |                                             |       |    |                | 
|               | Earnings/(losses) per share                 |       |    |                | 
|       (EUR0.19) | Basic and diluted earnings/(losses) per     |  17   |    |        (EUR0.25) | 
|               | share                                       |       |    |                | 
|         EUR0.14 | Dividend per share                          |       |    |         EUR0.055 | 
|               |                                             |       |    |                | 
These financial statements were authorised and approved for issue by the 
Directors on 30 April 2009 and signed on their behalf by: 
Werner Schwanberg Adrian Waters 
Director                                       Director 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
|                                     |       |                |      Retained |               | 
|                                     |       |                |               |               | 
|                                     | Notes |  Participating |      Earnings |        Total  | 
|                                     |       |         Shares |               |               | 
|                                     |       |             EUR  |            EUR  |            EUR  | 
| Balance at 20 February 2006         |       |             -  |            -  |            -  | 
| Profit attributable to holders of   |       |             -  |    1,995,830  |    1,995,830  | 
| participating shares                |       |                |               |               | 
| Issue of participating shares       |       |    50,025,000  |            -  |   50,025,000  | 
| Initial expenses                    |  9    |             -  |   (1,268,012) |   (1,268,012) | 
|                                     |       |                |               |               | 
| Balance at 31 March 2007            |       |    50,025,000  |      727,818  |   50,752,818  | 
|                                     |       |                |               |               | 
| Loss attributable to holders of     |       |             -  |  (16,799,246) |  (16,799,246) | 
| participating shares                |       |                |               |               | 
|                                     |       |                |               |               | 
| Balance at 31 March 2008            |       |    50,025,000  |  (16,071,428) |   33,953,572  | 
|                                     |       |                |               |               | 
| Loss attributable to holders of     |       |             -  |  (15,355,195) |  (15,355,195) | 
| participating shares                |       |                |               |               | 
| Issue of participating shares       |       |    46,654,913  |            -  |   46,654,913  | 
|                                     |       |                |               |               | 
| Balance at 31 December 2008         |       |    96,679,913  |  (31,426,623) | 65,253,290    | 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
|                          |       | Participating |      Retained |     Other  |   Minority |              | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
|                          | Notes |       Shares  |      Earnings |   Reserves |   Interest |       Total  | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
|                          |       |            EUR  |            EUR  |         EUR  |         EUR  |           EUR  | 
| Balance at 20 February   |       |            -  |            -  |         -  |         -  |           -  | 
| 2006                     |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Profit attributable to   |       |            -  |    1,995,830  |         -  |         -  |   1,995,830  | 
| holders of participating |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| shares                   |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Issue of participating   |       |   50,025,000  |            -  |         -  |         -  |  50,025,000  | 
| shares                   |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Initial expenses         |     9 |            -  |   (1,268,012) |         -  |         -  |  (1,268,012) | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |           -  | 
| Balance at 31 March 2007 |       |   50,025,000  |      727,818  |         -  |         -  |  50,752,818  | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |           -  | 
| Loss attributable to     |       |            -  |  (16,799,246) |         -  |         -  | (16,799,246) | 
| holders of participating |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| shares                   |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |           -  | 
| Balance at 31 March 2008 |       |   50,025,000  |  (16,071,428) |         -  |         -  |  33,953,572  | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Minority interest on     |       |           -   |           -   |        -   |        -   |          -   | 
| investment acquired      |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Loss attributable to     |       |           -   |  (14,227,447) |        -   |        -   | (14,227,447) | 
| holders of participating |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| shares                   |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Loss attributable to     |       |           -   |           -   |        -   |  (131,071) |    (131,071) | 
| minority interest        |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Unrealised Exchange Loss |    14 |           -   |           -   |  (996,677) |        -   |    (996,677) | 
| on Foreign Subsidiary    |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
| Issue of participating   |       |   46,654,913  |           -   |        -   |        -   |  46,654,913  | 
| shares                   |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |           -  | 
| Balance at 31 December   |       |   96,679,913  |  (30,298,875) |  (996,677) |  (131,071) |  65,253,290  | 
| 2008                     |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
|                          |       |               |               |            |            |              | 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
For the period ended to 31 December 2008 
|   Year ended  |  |                                          |       |   Nine months | 
|               |  |                                          |       |         ended | 
|      31 March |  |                                          | Notes |   31 December | 
|         2008  |  |                                          |       |         2008  | 
|            EUR  |  |                                          |       |            EUR  | 
|               |  |                                          |       |               | 
|               |  | Cash flows from operating activities     |       |               | 
|   (9,745,721) |  | Loss for the financial period            |       |  (12,603,820) | 
|               |  |                                          |       |               | 
|               |  | Adjustments to reconcile profit for the  |       |               | 
|               |  | financial period to net cash from        |       |               | 
|               |  | operating activities                     |       |               | 
|        8,763  |  | Increase/(decrease) in creditors         |       |    1,837,022  | 
|      272,880  |  | Decrease/(increase) in debtors           |       |     (670,253) | 
|            -  |  | Write-off of goodwill                    |   13  |      406,160  | 
|   16,387,910  |  | Unrealised capital loss on investments   |       |   11,791,265  | 
|    6,923,832  |  | Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating |       |      760,374  | 
|               |  | activities                               |       |               | 
|               |  |                                          |       |               | 
|   (1,611,884) |  | Purchase of investments                  |       |  (24,381,464) | 
|    2,158,292  |  | Repayment of principle on investments    |       |    1,760,931  | 
|      444,626  |  | Disposal of investments                  |       |    6,700,000  | 
|            -  |  | Acquisition net cash acquired            |   13  |   15,785,353  | 
|            -  |  | Exchange rate movement on cash acquired  |       |     (990,322) | 
|      991,034  |  | Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing |       |   (1,125,502) | 
|               |  | activities                               |       |               | 
|               |  |                                          |       |               | 
|               |  | Cash flows from financing activities     |       |               | 
|   (7,053,525) |  | Distribution paid                        |       |   (2,751,375) | 
|   (7,053,525) |  | Net cash outflow from financing          |       |   (2,751,375) | 
|               |  | activities                               |       |               | 
|               |  |                                          |       |               | 
|      861,341  |  | Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash |       |   (3,116,503) | 
|               |  | equivalents                              |       |               | 
|    2,417,405  |  | Cash and cash equivalents at the         |       |    3,278,746  | 
|               |  | beginning of the period                  |       |               | 
|    3,278,746  |  | Cash and cash equivalents at the end of  |       |      162,243  | 
|               |  | the period                               |       |               | 
|               |  |                                          |       |               | 
|               |  | Supplementary Information                |       |               | 
|    5,630,923  |  | Cash inflow from interest                |       |    4,766,552  | 
|      776,003  |  | Cash inflow from dividends               |       |       89,056  | 
During the current period there were investing and financing activities of a 
non-cash nature which are disclosed separately in Note 13. 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
For the period ended to 31 December 2008 
|  Year ended  |  |                                            |       |    Nine months | 
|              |  |                                            |       |          ended | 
|     31 March |  |                                            |Notes  |    31 December | 
|        2008  |  |                                            |       |          2008  | 
|           EUR  |  |                                            |       |             EUR  | 
|              |  |                                            |       |                | 
|              |  | Cash flows from operating activities       |       |                | 
|  (9,745,721) |  | Loss for the financial period              |       |   (11,476,072) | 
|              |  |                                            |       |                | 
|              |  | Adjustments to reconcile profit for the    |       |                | 
|              |  | financial period to net cash from          |       |                | 
|              |  | operating activities                       |       |                | 
|       8,763  |  | Increase in creditors                      |       |     3,219,686  | 
|     272,880  |  | (Increase)/decrease in debtors             |       |    (1,815,072) | 
|           -  |  | Write off of goodwill                      |       |       406,160  | 
|  16,387,910  |  | Unrealised capital loss on investments     |       |    11,664,017  | 
|           -  |  | Unrealised exchange loss on foreign        |       |       788,905  | 
|              |  | subsidiary                                 |       |                | 
|   6,923,832  |  | Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating   |       |     2,787,624  | 
|              |  | activities                                 |       |                | 
|              |  |                                            |       |                | 
|  (1,611,884) |  | Purchase of investments                    |       |   (25,932,452) | 
|   2,158,292  |  | Repayment of principle on investments      |       |     4,522,992  | 
|     444,626  |  | Disposal of investments                    |       |     6,700,000  | 
|           -  |  | Acquisition of subsidiary, net cash        | 13    |    20,531,374  | 
|              |  | acquired                                   |       |                | 
|           -  |  | Exchange rate movement on net cash         |       |      (990,322) | 
|              |  | acquired                                   |       |                | 
|     991,034  |  | Net cash inflow from investing activities  |       |     4,831,592  | 
|              |  |                                            |       |                | 
|              |  | Cash flows from financing activities       |       |                | 
|  (7,053,525) |  | Distribution paid                          |       |    (2,751,375) | 
|  (7,053,525) |  | Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing   |       |    (2,751,375) | 
|              |  | activities                                 |       |                | 
|              |  |                                            |       |                | 
|     861,341  |  | Net increase in cash and cash equivalents  |       |     4,867,841  | 
|              |  | Net Foreign Exchange Difference            |       |                | 
|   2,417,405  |  | Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning |       |     3,278,746  | 
|              |  | of the period                              |       |                | 
|   3,278,746  |  | Cash and cash equivalents at the end of    |       |     8,146,587  | 
|              |  | the period                                 |       |                | 
|              |  |                                            |       |                | 
|              |  | Supplementary Information                  |       |                | 
|   5,630,923  |  | Cash inflow from interest                  |       |     4,522,084  | 
|     776,003  |  | Cash inflow from dividends                 |       |        89,056  | 
During the current period there were investing and financing activities of a 
non-cash nature which are disclosed separately in Note 13. 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
1.        GENERAL 
Carador plc (the "Company") is a closed-ended limited liability investment 
company domiciled and incorporated under the laws of Ireland with variable 
capital pursuant to the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2006 of Ireland.  It was 
incorporated on 20 February 2006 under registration number 415764. The 
Company was authorised by the Financial Regulator pursuant to Part XIII of the 
Companies Act, 1990. 
The Company's share capital consists entirely of shares of no par value.  The 
Company's initial share capital is denominated in euro. The Company issued a US 
dollar denominated share class at the time of the Amalgamation of its 
wholly-owned subsidiary, Carador Guernsey Limited, with Abingdon Investment 
Limited on 9 December 2008.  The Company may issue one or more additional 
classes of shares on prior notice to, and clearance by, the Financial Regulator. 
 The euro denominated shares were admitted to the Official List and began 
trading on the London Stock Exchange on 12 April 2006.  The US dollar 
denominated shares were admitted to the Official List on 9 December 2008, and 
began trading on the London Stock Exchange on 9 December 2008. 
The Company's investment objective is to produce attractive and stable returns, 
with low volatility compared to equity markets, by investing in a diversified 
portfolio of senior notes of collateralised debt obligations collateralised by 
senior secured bank loans and equity and mezzanine tranches of collateralised 
debt obligations. 
The Company has been established with a 15 year life. 
2a. Statement of Compliance 
The consolidation financial statements are prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued by the International 
Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and interpretations issued by the 
International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee of the IASB as 
adopted by the European Union. 
2b. Basis of Preparation 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost 
basis, except for financial instruments classified at fair value through profit 
or loss that have been measured at fair value. The consolidated financial 
statements are presented in euros. 
2c. Basis of Consolidation 
The consolidated financial statements of the Group comprise the financial 
statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (including special purpose 
entities ("SPEs") that the Company consolidates) for the nine months ended 31 
December 2008. The financial statements of the Company's subsidiaries are 
prepared for the same reporting period as for the Company, using consistent 
accounting policies. 
All intra-group balances, transactions, income and expenses are eliminated in 
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is 
transferred to the Company. Control is achieved where the Company has the power 
to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain 
benefits from its activities. The results of subsidiaries acquired during the 
year are included in the consolidated income statement from the date of 
acquisition The Company also consolidates SPEs where the substance of its 
relationship with them indicates that it has control over them. The results of 
SPEs are included in the consolidated income statement from the date the Company 
is deemed to have assumed the majority of the residual risk in the subsidiary. 
Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for at fair value, with fair value 
being determined as described under note 2l (iii) below. Changes in fair value 
are recorded within "Net unrealised loss on financial assets and financial 
liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss". 
Minority interests represent the portion of profit and loss and net assets not 
owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company and are presented separately in 
the Consolidated Income Statement and in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Any 
losses applicable to the minority interest in excess of the minority interest 
are allocated against the interests of the parent. Acquisitions of minority 
interests are accounted for using the parent equity extension method, whereby, 
the difference between the consideration and the fair value of the share of the 
net assets acquired is recognised as goodwill. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
2d. Business Combinations and goodwill 
Business combinations are accounted for using the purchase method. Where the 
Company obtains the power to govern the financial and operating policies of 
another entity, the Company is deemed to be the acquirer in a business 
combination. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value of the 
assets given, shares issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of 
exchange, plus costs directly attributable to the acquisition. Identifiable 
assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business 
combination are measured initially at fair values at the date of acquisition, 
irrespective of the extent of any minority interest. 
Goodwill is initially measured at cost being the excess of the cost of the 
business combination over the Group's share in the net fair value of the 
acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities. If the 
cost of the acquisition is less than the fair value of the net assets of the 
subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised directly in the income 
After initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated 
impairment losses. Goodwill is tested for impairment at the balance sheet date 
and when circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. 
Impairment is determined for goodwill by assessing the recoverable amount of 
each cash-generating unit to which goodwill relates. Where the recoverable 
amount of the cash-generating unit is less than their carrying amount an 
impairment loss is recognised. 
2e. Changes in accounting policies, classifications and disclosures 
The classification of certain items in the cash flow statement has been amended 
from their classification in the financial statements for the year ended 31 
March 2008. Purchase of investments, repayment of principal on investments and 
disposal of investments have been reclassified from cash flows from operating 
activities to cash flows from investing activities as the Directors believe this 
to be a more appropriate classification of these items. The comparative data has 
also been reclassified in line with IAS 1 'Presentation of financial 
statements'. The effect of this change is a reclassification in the Consolidated 
and Company Cash Flow Statements of EUR493,990 (31 March 2008: EUR991,034) and 
EUR746,430 (31 March 2008: EUR991,034) from operating activities to investing 
In addition to this there was an amount of EUR409,377 relating to amounts due from 
brokers which had been included as a cash flow from operating activities in the 
repayment of principal on investments at 31 March 2008. This amount has been 
removed from this line as the Directors believe that it is no longer appropriate 
to reflect this balance in the cash flow statement as it did not reflect a cash 
transaction in that period. 
The Company has adopted the following amendments: Amendments to IAS 32 Financial 
Instruments: Presentation and IAS 1 - Presentation of Financial Statements - 
Puttable Financial Instruments and Obligations Arising on Liquidation. 
Amendments to IAS 32 and IAS 1 were issued by the IASB in February 2008 and 
become effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009 with 
early application permitted. The amendment to IAS 32 requires certain puttable 
financial instruments and obligations arising on liquidation to be classified as 
equity if certain criteria are met. The amendments to IAS 1 require disclosure 
of certain information relating to puttable instruments classified as equity. 
The Company's shares do not meet the definition of puttable instruments 
classified as equity instruments under the amendments, as the distributions to 
shareholders are non discretionary. Hence, the amendments to IAS 32 and IAS 1 do 
not have a material impact on the financial performance or position of the 
Company or Group. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
2e. Changes in accounting policies and disclosures (Continued) 
Standards and amendments to existing standards that are relevant to the Company 
but are not yet effective and have not been early adopted by the Company: 
  *  IAS 39 (Amendment), 'Financial instruments: Recognition and 
  measurement' (effective from 1 January 2009). The Company will apply the IAS 39 
  (Amendment) from 1 January 2009. However, it is not expected to have an impact 
  on the Company's Income Statement. 
  *  IAS 1 (Revised), 'Presentation of financial statements' (effective from 1 
  January 2009). The Company will apply IAS 1 (Revised) from 1 January 2009. This 
  change is not expected to significantly change the presentation of the Company's 
  performance statement other than to change its title to "Statement of 
  Comprehensive Income". 
  *  IAS 1 (Amendment), 'Presentation of financial statements' (effective from 1 
  January 2009). The Company will apply the amendments from 1 January 2009. 
  However, it is not expected to have an impact on the Company's financial 
  *  There are a number of minor amendments to IAS 8, 'Accounting policies, changes 
  in accounting estimates and errors'; IAS 10, 'Events after the reporting period' 
  and IAS 18, 'Revenue' (all effective from 1 January 2009), which are part of the 
  IASB's annual improvement project published in May 2008. These amendments 
  are unlikely to have an impact on the Company's accounts. 
  *  IAS 27 (Revised), 'Consolidated and separate financial statements' (effective 
  from 1 July 2009).  This will result in a minor amendments to the financial 
  *  IFRS7, 'Financial instruments: Disclosures'.  This will result in increased 
  disclosure in the area of liquidity risk and increased disclosure surrounding 
  fair value measurements within the Company's financial statements. 
  *  IAS 34, 'Interim financial reporting'.  This is not expected to have an impact 
  on the Company's financial statements. 
  *  IFRS 3 (Revised), 'Business combinations' (effective from 1 July 2009).  This is 
  not expected to have an impact on the Company's financial statements. 
2f. Interest and Dividend Income and Interest Expense 
Income receivable and payable from interest bearing financial instruments is 
recognised in the Income Statement on an accruals basis to the extent that it 
represents income and not a return of principal to the Company. Dividend income 
is credited to the Income Statement on an ex-dividend basis. Dividend income is 
shown gross of any non-recoverable withholding taxes, which is disclosed 
separately in the Income Statement, and net of any tax credits. 
2g. Redeemable participating shares 
Redeemable participating shares are redeemable on the winding up of the Company, 
due to take place on or around 20 February 2021, and are classified as financial 
liabilities in accordance with IAS 32. The liabilities arising from the 
redeemable shares are carried at the redemption amount being the net asset value 
calculated in accordance with IFRS. 
2h. Fees and Charges 
The Investment Manager's fee, Custodian's fee, Administrator's fee, Directors' 
fees and other operating expenses are charged to the Income Statement on an 
accruals basis. Costs associated with the amalgamation with Abingdon Investment 
Limited are accounted for in line with IFRS 3 Business Combinations and are 
included within the cost of the business combination for the purposes of 
calculating goodwill on acquisition. Costs associated with the issue of shares 
relating to the amalgamation are expensed in the period in which they were 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
              2i. Cash and Cash Equivalents 
Cash comprises current deposits with banks. Cash equivalents are short-term 
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash, 
are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, and are held for the 
purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than for investments or 
other purposes. 
2j. Net Realised Gains or Losses on Investments 
Realised gains or losses on investments pertain to gains or losses on disposal 
of investments at fair value through profit or loss calculated on a weighted 
average cost basis and gains or losses on settlement of derivative financial 
2k. Net Unrealised Gains or Losses on Investments 
Net unrealised gains or losses on investments at fair value through the profit 
or loss pertain to the fair value movement, which is calculated as described in 
Note 2l (iii) and adjusted for any principal repayments. The returns received on 
the Company's investments in CLOs carried at fair value through profit or loss 
are allocated between income and principal based on the expected return on an 
individual investment. Also included within this caption are the unrealised 
gains or losses on derivative financial instruments, which are calculated as 
described in Note 2l (i). 
2l. Financial Instruments 
(i) Classification 
The Company classifies its financial assets and financial liabilities as listed 
below as financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit 
or loss in accordance with IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and 
The category of financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through 
profit or loss comprises: 
Financial assets and financial liabilities designated at fair value through 
profit and loss 
Financial assets and financial liabilities classified in this category are 
designated by management on initial recognition as part of a group of financial 
assets and liabilities which are managed and their performance evaluated on a 
fair value basis, in accordance with a documented investment strategy.  The term 
"financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss" includes 
investments in collateralised loan obligations, equities, collective investment 
schemes and term deposits. The term "financial liabilities designated at fair 
value through profit or loss" includes term notes issued by Gale Force 4. 
Financial instruments held for trading 
Derivatives are categorised as held for trading, as the Company does not 
designate any derivatives as hedges for hedge accounting purposes as described 
under IAS 39. Derivatives include forward currency contracts. Derivatives are 
recorded at fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivatives are recorded in 
'Net unrealised losses on derivative financial instruments'. 
(ii) Initial Measurement 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are measured initially at fair value, 
being the transaction price,  on the  trade  date. Transaction costs on 
financial assets are expensed immediately. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
2l. Financial Instruments (Continued) 
(iii) Subsequent Measurement 
 After initial measurement, the Company measures financial instruments which are 
classified at fair value through profit or loss at their fair values. Changes in 
fair value are recorded within 'Net unrealised loss on financial assets and 
financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss'.  Fair 
value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability 
settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. 
The following sources have been used to obtain fair value for the financial 
assets and liabilities of the Company: 
1. Where quoted market prices are available for the financial assets and 
liabilities these are used to determine fair value of the respective financial 
2. Where the market for a financial instrument is not an active market the fair 
value on subsequent measurement is obtained through broker quotes or through the 
use of pricing services; 
3. Where the fair value cannot be determined by reference to observable market 
quotes or broker quotes the entity estimates fair value through the use of a 
discounted cashflow model. There are a number of assumptions applied in 
determining the fair values of the financial assets and liabilities whose fair 
value is estimated through the use of the discounted cashflow model. 
(iv) Offsetting Financial Instruments 
Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the 
Balance Sheet where there is a legally enforceable right to offset the 
recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or 
realise the assets and settle the liability simultaneously. 
(v) Derecognition 
The Company derecognises a financial asset when the contractual rights to the 
cash flows from the financial asset expire or it transfers the financial asset 
and the transfer qualifies for derecognition in accordance with IAS 39. The 
Company derecognises a financial liability when the obligation specified in the 
contract is discharged, cancelled or expires. 
2m. Foreign Currency 
The functional currency of the Company is euro as the Directors have determined 
that this reflects the  Company's primary economic environment. The presentation 
currency of the Company is also euro.  Transactions in foreign currencies are 
translated at the foreign currency exchange rate ruling at the date of the 
transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies 
are translated to euro at the foreign currency closing exchange rate ruling at 
the Balance Sheet date.Foreign currency exchange differences relating to 
investments at fair value through profit or loss are included in the realised 
net gain/loss on investments at fair value through profit or loss and the 
movement in unrealised net gain/loss on investments at fair value through profit 
or loss. All other foreign currency exchange differences relating to monetary 
items, including cash are presented in the Income Statement. 
Foreign exchange gains and losses on financial assets and financial liabilities 
at fair value through profit or loss are recognised together with other changes 
in the fair value. 
The results and financial position of any subsidiary whose functional currency 
is not the same functional currency of the Company shall be translated into the 
Company's presentation currency using the following procedures: 
(i) assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate at the date of the 
Balance Sheet; 
(ii) income and expenses are translated at average exchange rates during the 
period; and 
(iii) all resulting exchange differences are taken directly to a separate 
component of Net Assets Attributable to Participating Shareholders. On disposal 
of the foreign subsidiary, the deferred cumulative amount is recognised in the 
Income Statement. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
2n. Taxation 
Under current law and Irish practice the Company qualifies as an investment 
undertaking under Section 739B of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 and is not 
therefore chargeable to Irish tax on its relevant income or relevant gains. No 
stamp, transfer or registration tax is payable in Ireland on the issue, 
redemption or transfer of shares in the Company. Distributions and interest on 
securities issued in countries other than Ireland may be subject to taxes 
including withholding taxes imposed by such countries. The Company may not be 
able to benefit from a reduction in the rate of withholding tax by virtue of the 
double taxation agreement in operation between Ireland and the other countries. 
The Company may not, therefore be able to reclaim withholding tax suffered by it 
in particular countries. 
To the extent that a chargeable event arises in respect of a Shareholder, the 
Company may be required to deduct tax in connection with that chargeable event 
and pay the tax to the Irish Revenue Commissioners. A chargeable event can 
include payments to Shareholders, appropriation, cancellation, redemption, 
repurchase or transfer of shares, or a deemed disposal of Shares every 8 years 
beginning from the date of acquisition of those Shares. Certain exemptions can 
apply. To the extent that Shareholders have appropriate tax declarations in 
place with the Company there may be no requirement to deduct tax. 
2o. Distributions 
Distributions to holders of redeemable participating shares are recorded in the 
Income Statement when they are declared to the members. Distributions are based 
on net income received in the period, less expenses, and does not include 
realised and unrealised capital gains and losses on investments. Distributions 
to shareholders are recognised in the Income Statement as finance costs. 
           2p. Loans and Receivables 
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or 
determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. The Company 
includes in this category amounts relating to cash collateral on securities 
borrowed and other short-term receivables. 
2q. Significant Accounting Judgements and Estimates 
(i) Fair value of financial instruments 
Given the illiquidity and widening spreads in current market conditions, 
available quoted market prices may not necessarily represent the realisation 
value of the Company's CDO assets at the balance sheet date. There is no active 
secondary market for such assets and there is no industry standard agreed 
methodology to value the positions. 
When the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in 
the balance sheet cannot be derived from active markets, they are determined 
using valuation techniques including the use of discounted cash flow models. The 
inputs into these models are taken from observable markets where possible, but 
where this is not feasible, a degree of judgement is required in establishing 
fair values. The judgements include considerations of liquidity and model inputs 
such as credit risk, correlation and volatility. Changes in assumptions relating 
to these factors could affect the reported fair value of financial instruments. 
The models are calibrated regularly and tested for validity using prices from 
any observable current market transactions in the same instrument or based on 
available observable market data. The key assumptions applied are base discount 
rate (36.69%) (31 March 2008: 6.01% - 26.23%), default rate (long term annual 
rate of 2%) (31 March 2008: 2%), severity loss (30%) (31 March 2008: 30%). The 
most significant of these is the base discount rate which is adjusted to reflect 
the credit risk of the respective financial instruments. Adjustments are made, 
among others, in respect of the overcollateralisation cushion, the weighted 
average rating factor and weighted average spread. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
As described in the accounting policies note, the Group and Company have 
financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or 
loss. The following table indicates firstly, the types of financial assets and 
liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss and secondly, the 
unrealised and realised gains or losses on those financial instruments. Included 
in the figure below for total financial assets of the Company is EUR12,311,214 
relating to the investment in Gale Force 4. 
|                                     |       Company |   Consolidated |       Company | 
|                                     |   Nine months |    Nine months |    Year ended | 
|                                     |         ended |          ended |               | 
|                                     |   31 December |    31 December |      31 March | 
|                                     |          2008 |           2008 |          2008 | 
|                                     |             EUR |              EUR |             EUR | 
| Financial assets at fair value      |               |                |               | 
| through profit or loss              |               |                |               | 
|   - Collaterised debt obligations   |   47,549,870  |    41,589,901  |   29,016,202  | 
|   - Equities                        |      394,624  |       394,624  |      480,136  | 
|   - Money market funds              |    1,875,584  |     1,875,584  | -             | 
|   - Term deposits                   |   15,527,145  |    15,527,145  | -             | 
|   - Loans and receivables           | -             |   193,423,809  | -             | 
| Total Financial Assets at Fair      |   65,347,223  |   252,811,063  |   29,496,338  | 
| Value through Profit or Loss        |               |                |               | 
|                                     |               |                |               | 
| Financial liabilities at fair value |               |                |               | 
| through profit or loss              |               |                |               | 
|   - Term notes                      |   -           |   190,107,679  |   -           | 
| Total Financial Liabilities at Fair |            -  |   190,107,679  |            -  | 
| Value through Profit or Loss        |               |                |               | 
|                                     |               |                |               | 
| Gains/(losses) recognised on        |               |                |               | 
| financial assets and                |               |                |               | 
|                                     |               |                |               | 
| financial liabilities at fair value |               |                |               | 
| through profit or loss              |               |                |               | 
|   - realised                        |      119,580  |       119,580  |     (696,580) | 
|   - unrealised                      |  (11,523,370) |   (10,578,179) |  (16,444,373) | 
| Total Gains/(Losses)                |  (11,403,790) |   (10,458,599) |  (17,140,953) | 
|                                     |               |                |               | 
The below table discloses the fair value at the period end and the fair value 
movement during the period of those financial instruments at fair value through 
profit or loss (excluding term deposits) valued using the valuation methods 
outlined in note 2(q). 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
|                                 | Company       | Consolidated  | Company       | 
|                                 | Nine Months   | Nine Months   | Year Ended    | 
|                                 | Ended         | Ended         |               | 
|                                 | 31 December   | 31 December   | 39538         | 
|                                 | 2008          | 2008          |               | 
|                                 | EUR             | EUR             | EUR             | 
| Assets                          |               |               |               | 
| Fair value through profit or    | 49,820,078    | 237,283,918   | 29,496,338    | 
| loss (excluding term deposits)  |               |               |               | 
|                                 |               |               |               | 
| Quoted prices in active market  |               |               |               | 
| Fair value at period end        | 1,875,584     |   1,875,584   | -             | 
| Fair value movement in period   | -             | -             | -             | 
| Valuation techniques based on   |               |               |               | 
| observable market data          |               |               |               | 
| Fair value at period end        | 40,000        | 187,503,840   | 13,776,868    | 
| Fair value movement in period   |  (60,000)     | 2,209,311     |  (3,354,025)  | 
| Valuation techniques based on   |               |               |               | 
| non-observable market data      |               |               |               | 
| Fair value at period end        | 47,904,493    | 47,904,493    | 15,719,470    | 
| Fair value movement in period   |  (17,606,252) |  (17,606,252) |  (13,090,348) | 
|                                 |               |               |               | 
| Liabilities                     |               |               |               | 
| Fair value through profit or    | -             | 190,107,679   | -             | 
| loss                            |               |               |               | 
|                                 |               |               |               | 
| Valuation techniques based on   |               |               |               | 
| observable market data          |               |               |               | 
| Fair value at period end        | -             | 9,959,376     | -             | 
| Fair value movement in period   | -             |  (643,862)    | -             | 
| Valuation techniques based on   |               |               |               | 
| non-observable market data      |               |               |               | 
| Fair value at period end        | -             | 180,148,303   | -             | 
| Fair value movement in period   | -             |  (2,264,684)  | -             | 
At 31 December 2008 the Company through a consolidated subsidiary of the Group 
("Gale Force 4") had in issue term notes with a fair value of EUR190,107,679. The 
annual interest rate on the notes ranges from 3 month LIBOR plus 26.5 to 640 
basis points and is paid quarterly. The reinvestment period is seven years and 
final maturity is 20 August 2021. During the period ended 31 December 2008 the 
Group incurred interest on the notes of EUR576,681(31 March 2008: nil) and at that 
date owed EUR1,049,054 (31 March 2008: nil), including EUR472,373 (31 March 2008: 
nil) relating to the pre-merger liability assumed on amalgamation. 
The Directors have considered the effect on the fair values of those financial 
instruments valued using valuation techniques based on non-observable market 
data, of changing the Base IRR by 4%, which is a reasonably possible alternative 
assumption. The effect on those financial instruments is outlined in the 
following table: 
|                                     | Consolidated |      Company |    Company | 
|                                     |  Nine Months |  Nine Months | Year Ended | 
|                                     |        Ended |        Ended |            | 
| Reasonably possible alternative     |  31 December |  31 December |   31 March | 
| assumption                          |         2008 |         2008 |       2008 | 
|                                     |            EUR |            EUR |          EUR | 
| Base IRR +4%                        |  (3,658,028) |  (2,685,350) | -          | 
| Base IRR -4%                        | 4,485,964    |   3,336,167  | -          | 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
The Investment Manager was entitled to receive a management fee from the Company 
of 1.0 per cent per annum of the Net Asset Value of the Company, calculated and 
payable monthly in arrears, up until 8 October 2008.  Following shareholder 
approval at the Annual General Meeting on 26 August 2008, with effect from 9 
October 2008, the Investment Manager is entitled to receive a management fee 
from the Company of 1.5 per cent per annum of the Net Asset Value of the 
Company, calculated and payable monthly in arrears. The base management fee will 
be reduced to take into account any fees received by the Investment Manager or 
any of its associates or affiliates as a result of managing any CDO that the 
Company invests in, if such investment is or has been made in the Primary 
In addition, following shareholder approval at the Extraordinary General Meeting 
on 27 October 2008, the Investment Manager is entitled to a performance fee in 
respect of each share class equivalent to 13 per cent. of the amount by which 
the value of the period end Net Asset Value per share of a class plus 
distributions per share of that class paid in the period exceeds the value of 
the Net Asset Value per share of that class, as increased by 12 month Euribor 
plus 2 per cent., as at the following point in time: 
(i)if a performance fee has previously been paid, the Net Asset Value per share 
of that class as at the end of the most recent previous completed accounting 
period or, if greater, the Net Asset Value per share of that class as at the end 
of the previous completed accounting reference period in respect of which a 
performance fee was paid; or 
(ii)if no performance fee has been paid, the Post-Amalgamation Company Opening 
Net Asset Value per share of that class ("Post-Amalgamation Company Opening Net 
Asset Value" means the Net Asset Value of the Company as at the effective date 
of the Amalgamation of Carador Guernsey Limited with Abingdon Investment 
The Company also reimburses the Investment Manager for all out-of pocket 
expenses reasonably incurred in the performance of its duties. 
The Custodian is entitled to receive an annual fee from the Company of 0.04 per 
cent. of the Net Asset Value of the Company paid monthly in arrears, subject to 
an aggregate minimum monthly fee payable by the Company to the Custodian (and 
the Administrator) of EUR8,500. 
The Administrator is entitled to receive an annual fee of 0.08 per cent. of the 
Net Asset Value of the Company on the first EUR75 million of the Company's Net 
Assets, 0.07 per cent. of the Net Asset Value on the next EUR75 million of the 
Company's Net Assets and 0.06 per cent. thereafter, accrued and paid monthly in 
arrears, subject to an aggregate minimum monthly fee payable by the Company to 
the Administrator (and the Custodian) of EUR8,500. 
During the period ended 31 December 2008 the Company paid Investment Manager, 
Custodian and Administration fees of EUR291,425 (31 March 2008: EUR415,237), EUR18,408 
(31 March 2008: EUR24,000) and EUR58,767 (31 March 2008: EUR78,000) respectively. Of 
these EUR94,059 (31 March 2008: EUR28,384), EUR6,375 (31 March 2008: EUR5,918) and 
EUR19,660 (31 March 2008: EUR19,233) were outstanding at the period end. There were 
no performance fees paid in the year (31 March 2008: Nil). 
The Directors are entitled to a fee in remuneration for their services at a rate 
to be determined from time to time by the Directors and disclosed in the 
financial statements. During the period ended 31 December 2008 the Company paid 
Directors fees of EUR164,949 (31 March 2008: EUR110,764), of which EURnil (31 March 
2008: EURnil) was outstanding at the period end. 
During the period ended 31 December 2008 the auditors received a fee of EUR188,325 
(31 March 2008: EUR157,762), of which EUR188,325 (31 March 2008: EUR122,012) was 
outstanding at the period end. The auditors also received a fee of EUR171,000 (31 
March 2008: Nil) for their work relating to the amalgamation of Carador Guernsey 
Limited with Abingdon Investment Limited, this fee occurred in the 
pre-acquisition period and is included in calculating the cost of the business 
combination as set out in Note 13. None of this fee was outstanding at period 
end (31 March 2008: Nil). 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
4.FEES (continued) 
During the period ended 31 December 2008 the Company incurred other operating 
expenses of EUR546,552 (31 March 2008: EUR175,817) including costs of EUR345,596 in 
respect of the issue of shares on the amalgamation. 
Investment Management, Custodian and Administration fees of EUR400,971 (31 March 
2008: EUR415,237), EUR25,379 (31 March 2008: EUR24,000) and EUR60,701 (31 March 2008: 
EUR78,000) respectively were paid by the Group during the period. Of these 
EUR361,920 (31 March 2008: EUR28,384), EUR23,422 (31 March 2008: EUR5,918) and EUR19,660 
(31 March 2008: EUR19,233) were payable at the period end. 
Operating expenses of EUR569,312 were incurred by the Group. The Group incurred no 
further directors' and audit fees other than those incurred by the Company. 
All cash balances of the Company are held with the Northern Trust Company. Cash 
balances of Gale Force 4 are held with State Street Corporation. 
The authorised share capital of the Company shall not be less than the currency 
equivalent of EUR2 and the maximum issued share capital shall not be more than the 
currency equivalent of EUR500,000 billion divided into a specified number of 
shares of no par value. The issued share capital consists of 56,184,881 euro 
shares (31 March 2008: 50,025,000) and 83,799,318 US dollar shares (31 March 
2008: nil).The Company has allotted two subscriber shares, of EUR1 each.  These 
shares do not participate in the profits of the Company. 
| Issued Share (No. of Shares)     |  EUR Shares   |  USD Shares   |    Total    | 
| Balance at 1 April 2008          |    50,025,000 |             - |  50,025,000 | 
| Issued during the period         |     6,159,881 |    83,799,318 | 899,959,199 | 
| Balance at 31 December 2008      |    56,184,881 |    83,799,318 | 139,984,199 | 
|                                  |               |               |             | 
Capital Management 
The Company is closed ended. It will redeem all shares on the expiry of its 15 
year limited life. 
           The Company's objectives for managing capital are: 
                -   to invest the capital in investments meeting the 
description, risk exposure and expected return indicated in its 
                -  to achieve consistent returns while safeguarding capital by 
investing in CLOs backed by corporate loans or 


                -  to maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the expenses of the 
Company and to meet distribution commitments; and 
                -  to 
maintain sufficient size to make the operation of the Company cost-efficient. 
Quantitative disclosures are contained in Note 15. 
Amounts due from brokers consist of a collateral account held with JP Morgan. 
There are no agreements for the provision of any services by means of soft 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
Initial expenses are fees and expenses relating to the establishment and initial 
set-up of the Company, the issue of Shares pursuant to the Placing. 
Until 15 June 2008, the Company was managed by Washington Square Investment 
Management Limited. On 16 June 2008, GSO Capital Partners International LLP, a 
subsidiary of The Blackstone Group LP was appointed in place of Washington 
Square Investment Management Limited as Investment Manager of the Company. Of 
the fees paid to the Investment Manager, EUR68,305 was paid to Washington Square 
Investment Management Limited (31 March 2008: EUR415,237). Fees paid to GSO 
Capital Partners International LLP amounted to EUR223,120 (31 March 2008: Nil) of 
which EUR94,059 (31 March 2008: EURNil) was outstanding at the period end.  No 
Director, nor the Company Secretary, had any beneficial interest in the shares 
of the Company during the period ended 31 December 2008 or during the year ended 
31 March 2008. 
During the period ended 31 December 2008 the Company paid, on behalf of its 
wholly owned subsidiary Carador Guernsey Limited, expenses of EUR2,548 (31 March 
2008: nil). 
GSO Debt Funds Management LLC, an affiliate of the Investment Manager and a 
subsidiary of The Blackstone Group LP was paid EUR109,546 in investment management 
fees relating to Gale Force 4 during the period of which EUR267,861 was 
outstanding at the period end, including EUR158,315 relating to the period prior 
to the amalgamation date. 
The Company invests in underlying assets which are predominantly US dollar and 
euro denominated. The Company therefore has an exposure to changes in the 
exchange rate between euro and the US dollar which, if unhedged, has the 
potential to have a significant effect on returns. The Directors believe that it 
is in the best interests of shareholders for the Company to engage consistently 
in currency hedging solely to reduce the risk of currency fluctuations and the 
volatility of returns which may result from such currency exposure. This 
involves hedging the US dollar assets to euro, through the use of rolling 
forward foreign exchange transactions. The Company only uses hedging techniques 
for the purposes of efficient portfolio management and has no intention of using 
the currency hedging facility for the purposes of currency speculation for its 
own account. 
The Company utilised currency contracts for the purposes of efficient portfolio 
management during the period ended 31 December 2008. Details of the contracts 
open at period end are disclosed in Note 15. Unrealised gains/(losses) resulting 
from these contracts are disclosed below. The fair value of forward foreign 
exchange contracts is calculated using valuation techniques based on observable 
market data. 
|                                      |      Company | Consolidated |    Company | 
|                                      |  Nine months |  Nine months | Year ended | 
|                                      |        ended |        ended |            | 
|                                      |  31 December |  31 December |   31 March | 
|                                      |         2008 |         2008 |       2008 | 
| Financial assets held for trading    |            EUR |            EUR |          EUR | 
|   - derivative financial instruments |      680,057 |      680,057 |    55,537  | 
| Financial liabilities held for       |              |              |            | 
| trading                              |              |              |            | 
|   - derivative financial instruments |    (892,415) |    (892,415) |         -  | 
|                                      |    (212,358) |    (212,358) |    55,537  | 
|                                      |              |              |            | 
| Gains/(losses) recognised on         |              |              |            | 
| derivative financial instruments     |              |              |            | 
|                                      |              |              |            | 
|   - realised                         |  (3,293,088) |  (3,293,088) | 2,718,374  | 
|   - unrealised                       |    (267,895) |    (267,895) |    56,320  | 
| Total Gains/(Losses)                 |  (3,560,983) |  (3,560,983) | 2,774,694  | 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
A statement of changes in the schedule of investments is disclosed on page 66. 
On 9 December 2008 the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Carador Guernsey 
Limited, amalgamated with Abingdon Investment Limited ("Abingdon"), an unlisted 
closed-ended investment company, following the approval of the shareholders of 
Carador plc and Abingdon at separate EGMs held on 27 October 2008.  As a result, 
Carador is considered to have obtained the power to govern the financial and 
operating policies of Abingdon, and is therefore the acquiring entity in this 
transaction. At the date of the amalgamation Abingdon had a wholly owned 
subsidiary, Abingdon Finance Limited.  The amalgamation was effected by the 
transfer of the business, assets and liabilities of Abingdon Investment Limited 
into Carador Guernsey Limited and subsequently into the Company. The fair value 
and corresponding carrying amount of the identifiable assets and liabilities of 
Abingdon and its subsidiary at the date of acquisition and immediately before 
acquisition were: 
| Balance Sheet                             |        Fair |      Carrying | 
|                                           |       value |     amount at | 
|                                           |             |   acquisition | 
| Assets                                    |          EUR  |            EUR  | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                 | 15,862,109  |   16,666,084  | 
| Receivables                               |    208,120  |      414,798  | 
| Prepaid expenses                          |         -   |       75,160  | 
| Investments - available for sale          | 17,525,168  |   23,157,484  | 
| securities                                |             |               | 
| Investment in subsidiary                  | 14,017,031  |   21,624,195  | 
|                                           |             |               | 
| Total Assets                              | 47,612,428  |   61,937,722  | 
|                                           |             |               | 
| Liabilities                               |             |               | 
| Current Liabilities                       |     34,307  |      125,480  | 
| Other Liabilities                         |    591,498  |   -           | 
| Total Liabilities                         |    625,805  |      125,480  | 
|                                           |             |               | 
| Net Assets                                | 46,986,623  |   61,812,243  | 
| Goodwill arising on acquisition           |    406,160  |               | 
| Total consideration                       | 47,392,783  |               | 
|                                           |             |               | 
| Cost                                      |          EUR  |               | 
| Shares issued, at fair value              | 46,654,913  |               | 
| Costs associated with the acquisition     |    737,870  |               | 
| Total                                     | 47,392,783  |               | 
The total cost of the combination was EUR47,392,783 and comprised of the value of 
the issue of 6,159,881 euro shares and 83,799,318 US dollar shares in Carador 
plc to the previous shareholders of Abingdon and costs directly attributable to 
the combination.  An amalgamation ratio, based on a formula asset value (as 
defined in the prospectus) at 31 October 2008, was used to calculate the number 
of Carador shares that Abingdon shareholders were entitled to. The amalgamation 
ratio was 7.4966. The fair value of these shares at the date of issue was 
determined by reference to the published NAV of the Company at 30 November 2008. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
| Cost                                      |          EUR  |               | 
| Shares issued, at fair value              | 46,654,913  |               | 
| Costs associated with the acquisition     |    737,870  |               | 
| Total                                     | 47,392,783  |               | 
| Cash outflow on acquisition              |          EUR  | 
| Net cash acquired with the subsidiary    | 15,862,109  | 
| Cash paid                                |    (76,756) | 
| Net cash inflow on acquisition           | 15,785,353  | 
|                                          |             | 
| Cash inflow on consolidation of Gale     |  4,746,021  | 
| Force 4                                  |             | 
| Total cash inflow                        | 20,531,374  | 
The goodwill acquired on amalgamation with Abingdon has been allocated to one 
cash-generating unit, being the investment in debt securities business segment, 
for impairment testing. The recoverable amount of this cash-generating unit has 
been determined based on fair value calculations. Key assumptions are those as 
set out in the accounting policies. The carrying amount of the unit exceeds the 
recoverable amount by the value of the goodwill, and therefore the goodwill of 
EUR406,160 has been written-off. 
Assets previously owned by Abingdon but now owned by the Company have 
contributed EUR50,353 in revenue since the date of acquisition.  It would be 
impracticable to disclose the revenue and profit or loss for the period as 
though the acquisition had been at the beginning of the period for the following 
  *  the books and records of Abingdon and Abingdon Finance Limited for the period 
  prior to the amalgamation are held with another administrator; 
  *  the accounting period differs from that of Carador plc; and 
  *  the assets and liabilities on the books of the previous administrator were not 
  carried using accounting policies consistent with those applied by Carador plc. 
The Company's results are consolidated with those of its subsidiaries, namely: 
  *  Abingdon Finance Limited 
  *  Gale Force 4 
  *  Carador Guernsey Limited 
Abingdon Finance Limited 
The Company owns 100% of the issued share capital of 50,000 US$1 shares of 
Abingdon Finance Limited, which has contributed EURNil to the profit and loss of 
the Company since becoming a subsidiary of the Company on 9 December 2008. 
Abingdon Finance Limited has no assets or liabilities. At the date of 
amalgamation, Abingdon Finance Limited had a loan payable to Abingdon Investment 
Limited of US$23.5 million.  Subsequent to the amalgamation date the directors 
of the Company determined the value of the loan and the related interest payable 
to be nil. The consolidation of Abingdon Finance Limited has had no effect on 
the primary statements of the Group as it held no assets or liabilities at the 
Balance Sheet date. Abingdon Finance Limited has its registered office at PO Box 
1093GT, Queensgate House, South Church Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman 
Islands.  A liquidator has been appointed to voluntarily liquidate Abingdon 
Finance Limited. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
Gale Force 4 
The Company owns 70.98% of the Income Notes of Gale Force 4. By virtue of the 
provisions of SIC Interpretation 12 - 'Consolidation - Special Purpose Entities' 
("SIC 12") the Company is deemed to control Gale Force 4 as it holds the 
majority of the residual risk in Gale Force 4. At 31 December 2008 the minority 
interest in the net assets of Gale Force 4 on the Consolidated Balance Sheet of 
Carador Plc is EUR5,102,659 (31 March 2008: nil). The minority interest in the 
profit or loss of Gale Force 4 at 31 December 2008 is EUR131,071 (31 March 2008: 
The Consolidated Income Statement includes income and expense relating to Gale 
Force 4 for the period from 9 December 2008, the acquisition date, to 31 
December 2008. Balance Sheet figures are as at 31 December 2008. The functional 
currency of Gale Force 4 is US dollars; therefore the results of Gale Force 4 
have been translated in accordance with IAS 21 'The effects of changes in 
foreign exchange rates'. This has resulted in a unrealised exchange loss on 
consolidation of EUR996,677, which is recorded within the Consolidated Statement 
of Changes in Net Assets Attributable to Participating Shareholders. 
Gale Force 4 has its offices at P.O. Box 1093GT, Boundary Hall, Cricket Square, 
George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. 
Carador Guernsey Limited 
On 25 September 2008 the Company incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary, Carador 
Guernsey Limited with the issue of one GBP1 ordinary share. Carador Guernsey 
Limited was incorporated in order to effect the amalgamation of the Company with 
Abingdon Investment Limited, the detail of which is disclosed in note 13. 
Carador Guernsey Limited has its registered office at 1st and 2nd Floor, 
Elizabeth House, Les Ruettes Brayes, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1EW. On 11 
December 2008 Carador Guernsey Limited was put into voluntary liquidation. The 
consolidation of Carador Guernsey Limited has had no effect on the primary 
statements of the Group, as it held no assets or liabilities at the balance 
sheet date. 
Risk is inherent in the Company's activities but it is managed through a process 
of ongoing identification, measurement and monitoring, subject to risks limits 
and other controls. The process of risk management is critical to the Company's 
continuing profitability. The Company is exposed to market risk (which includes 
currency risk, interest rate risk and other price risk), and credit risk arising 
from the financial instruments it holds. Given the Company's permanent capital 
structure, it is not exposed to liquidity risk, such as redemption risk. 
 However the Company's financial instruments include investments in 
collateralised debt obligations and derivative contracts traded over-the-counter 
which are not traded in an organised public market and which may be illiquid. As 
a result, the Company may not be able to promptly liquidate some of its 
investments in these instruments at an amount close to its fair value in order 
to meet its liquidity requirements or to respond to specific events such as 
deterioration in the credit worthiness of any particular issuer. It may be 
impossible to assess the exposure to risk in such circumstances. 
           Risk Management Structure 
The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for identifying and controlling 
risks. The Investment Manager also carries out ongoing monitoring of the risk. 
As a result, there are separate bodies for managing and monitoring risks at the 
            Risk Measurement and reporting system 
The Company's risks are measured using a method which reflects both the expected 
loss likely to arise in normal circumstances and unexpected losses, which are an 
estimate of the ultimate actual loss based on models. The models makes use of 
the probabilities derived from historical experience, adjusted to reflect the 
economic environment. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
Monitoring and controlling risks is primarily performed based on limits 
established by the Board. These limits reflect the business strategy and market 
environment of the Company as well as the level of risk that the Company is 
willing to accept. In addition, the Company monitors and measures the overall 
risk bearing capacity in relation to the aggregate risk exposure across risks 
type and activities. 
            Risk Mitigation 
The Company has investment guidelines that set out its overall business 
strategies, its tolerance for risk and its general risk management philosophy 
and has established processes to monitor and control economic hedging 
transactions in a timely and accurate manner. The Company uses derivatives and 
other instruments only in connection with its risk management activities, but 
not for trading purposes. 
            Excessive Risk concentration 
Concentration arises when a number of counterparties are engaged in similar 
business activities, or activities in the same geographic region, or have 
similar economic features that would cause their ability to meet contractual 
obligations to be similarly affected by changes in economic, political or other 
conditions. Concentration indicates the relative sensitivity of the Company's 
performance to developments affecting a particular issuer, manager, asset class 
or geographical location. 
            Excessive Risk concentration (Continued) 
In order to avoid excessive concentration of risk, the Company's policies and 
procedures include specific guidelines to focus on maintaining a diversified 
portfolio. Identified concentration of credit risks are controlled and managed 
Carador's investment guidelines specify, among others, that the Company must 
invest in a minimum of 20 separate CDO equity, mezzanine and/or senior tranche 
transactions with a maximum exposure per CDO investment, at the time of 
investment, of 20 per cent. of the Net Asset Value. The Company also limits its 
exposure to CDOs managed by the same CDO portfolio manager to 15 per cent of the 
Net Asset Value, at the time of investment. However, if the CDO portfolio 
manager is an affiliate of the Investment Manager, this limit is increased to 60 
per cent of the Net Asset Value, at the time of investment.The concentration 
risk at 31 December 2008 and 31 March 2008 is disclosed within credit risk note 
15.1.Market Risk 
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial 
instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices and includes 
interest rate risk, foreign currency risk and "other price risks", such as index 
price risk. The Company uses derivative instruments to hedge the investment 
portfolio against currency risk. 
The Company's investments in collateralised debt obligations typically have no 
significant assets other than the collateral. Accordingly, payments on the CDO 
securities are payable solely from the cash flows from the collateral, net of 
all management fees and other expenses. Payments to the Company as a holder of 
equity notes and/or mezzanine notes are met only after payments due on the 
senior notes (and, where appropriate, the mezzanine notes) have been made in 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
15.1.Market Risk (Continued) 
The following table shows the securities held by the Company which are 
susceptible to market risk arising from uncertainties about interest rates, 
foreign currency fluctuation and future prices of the instruments. 
|                               |       Company  |  Consolidated  |     Company  | 
|                               |    31 December |    31 December |     31 March | 
|                               |          2008  |          2008  |        2008  | 
|                               |             EUR  |             EUR  |           EUR  | 
| Financial assets at fair      |    53,036,009  |   252,811,063  |  29,496,338  | 
| value                         |                |                |              | 
| Investment in subsidiaries at |    12,311,214  |            -   |          -   | 
| fair value                    |                |                |              | 
| Derivative financial          |       680,057  |       680,057  |      55,537  | 
| instruments                   |                |                |              | 
|                               |                |                |              | 
| Financial liabilities at fair |            -   |  (190,107,679) |          -   | 
| value                         |                |                |              | 
| Derivative financial          |      (892,415) |      (892,415) |          -   | 
| instruments                   |                |                |              | 
|                               |                |                |              | 
Interest Rate Risk 
The majority of the Company's financial assets are equity and mezzanine tranches 
of cashflow Collateralised Debt Obligations. The Company's investments have some 
exposure to interest rate risk but this is limited to floating Libor-based 
exposure for both the CDO's assets and its liabilities. 
The following table shows the Director's best estimate of the sensitivity of the 
portfolio to stressed changes in interest rates, with all other variables held 
constant. The table assumes parallel shifts in the respective forward yield 
curves. The table also assumes 3 month USD Libor ("$ 3m Libor") and 6 month EUR 
Libor ("EUR 6m Libor"), which are the standard indices for each type of CDO 
| Consolidated |  Possible |   Effect on |   Effect on Net |  Effect on |    Effect on | 
|              |  Absolute |   Profit 31 |       Assets 31 |  Profit 31 |   Net Assets | 
|              | Change in |    December |   December 2008 | March 2008 |     31 March | 
|              |      Rate |        2008 |                 |            |         2008 | 
| $ 3m         |       -1% |     96,291  |         96,291  |   265,634  |     296,352  | 
| Libor        |           |             |                 |            |              | 
|              |        1% |    (57,179) |        (57,179) |  (258,704) |    (290,915) | 
| EUR 6m         |       -1% |    478,129  |        478,129  |   225,783  |     581,829  | 
| Libor        |           |             |                 |            |              | 
|              |        1% |   (480,943) |       (480,943) |  (220,356) |    (565,516) | 
|              |           |             |                 |            |              | 
| Company      |  Possible |   Effect on |   Effect on Net |  Effect on |    Effect on | 
|              |  Absolute |   Profit 31 |       Assets 31 |  Profit 31 |   Net Assets | 
|              | Change in |    December |   December 2008 | March 2008 |     31 March | 
|              |      Rate |        2008 |                 |            |         2008 | 
| $ 3m         |       -1% |     70,767  |         70,767  |   265,634  |     296,352  | 
| Libor        |           |             |                 |            |              | 
|              |        1% |    (42,022) |        (42,022) |  (258,704) |    (290,915) | 
| EUR 6m         |       -1% |    526,034  |        526,034  |   225,783  |     581,829  | 
| Libor        |           |             |                 |            |              | 
|              |        1% |   (529,130) |       (529,130) |  (220,356) |    (565,516) | 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
15.1.Market Risk (continued) 
Interest Rate Risk (continued) 
Concentration of interest rate risk 
|                              |       Company |  Consolidated |         Company | 
|                              |   31 December |   31 December |   31 March 2008 | 
|                              |          2008 |          2008 |                 | 
|                              |             % |             % |               % | 
| Investments related to       |       100.00  |       100.00  |         100.00  | 
| floating rate assets         |               |               |                 | 
|                              |               |               |                 | 
| Investments related to fixed |           -   |           -   |             -   | 
| rate assets                  |               |               |                 | 
|                              |               |               |                 | 
|                              |       100.00  |       100.00  |                 | 
Currency Risk 
The Company's investments are denominated in dollar and euro (the functional 
currency of the Company). It is therefore exposed to currency risk, as the value 
of the securities denominated in other currencies than the euro will fluctuate 
due to changes in exchange rates. This exposure is mitigated by the use of 
monthly rolling forward currency contracts as hedges. 
The tables below indicate the currencies to which the Company had significant 
exposure at 31 December 2008 on its trading monetary assets and liabilities. The 
analysis discloses the Directors' best estimates of the effect of a reasonably 
possible movement of the currency rate against the euro with all other variables 
held constant on the profit and loss account. A negative amount in the table 
reflects a potential net reduction in profit and loss or net assets, while a 
positive amount reflects a net potential increase. 
| Company      |  Possible    |    31      |    31      |  31 March  |  31 March    | 
|              |  Reasonable  |  December  |  December  |  2008 Net  | 2008 Effect  | 
|              |  Change in   |  2008 Net  |    2008    |  Exposure  |    on Net    | 
|              |  Exchange    |  Exposure  | Effect on  |            |  Assets and  | 
|              |    Rate      |            |Net Assets  |            |    Profit    | 
|              |              |            |and Profit  |            |              | 
| Currency     |      %       |     EUR      |     EUR      |     EUR      |      EUR       | 
|              |              |            |            |            |              | 
| US dollar    |   (+/-) 5    | (466,686)  |   (+/-)    |   (+/-)    | (+/-) 4,870  | 
|              |              |            |  26,300    |  102,267   |              | 
|              |              |            |            |            |              | 
| Consolidated |              |            |            |            |              | 
|              |              |            |            |            |              | 
| US dollar    |   (+/-) 5    |5,625,973   |   (+/-)    |   (+/-)    | (+/-) 4,870  | 
|              |              |            |  286,825   |  102,267   |              | 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
15.1.Market Risk (continued) 
Currency Risk (continued) 
Concentration of foreign currency exposure 
The Company's total net exposure in foreign currency exchange rates at the 
Balance Sheet date was as follows: 
|                              |        Company |     Consolidated |      Company | 
|                              |          Total |            Total |        Total | 
|                              |    31 December | 31 December 2008 |     31 March | 
|                              |           2008 |                  |         2008 | 
|                              |              EUR |                EUR |            EUR | 
| Financial assets             |                |                  |              | 
|                              |                |                  |              | 
| US dollar                    |    52,977,999  |     250,571,001  |     152,832  | 
|                              |                |                  |              | 
| Total financial assets       |    52,977,999  |     250,571,001  |     152,832  | 
|                              |                |                  |              | 
| Financial liabilities        |                |                  |              | 
|                              |                |                  |              | 
| US dollar                    |   (53,444,685) |    (244,945,028) |          -   | 
|                              |                |                  |              | 
| Total financial liabilities  |   (53,444,685) |    (244,945,028) |          -   | 
|                              |                |                  |              | 
| Net exposure                 |      (466,686) |       5,625,973  |     152,832  | 
The Company's policy is to enter to monthly currency hedging transactions to 
mitigate currency risk. 
At 31 December 2008 and 31 March 2008 the Company had open forward positions in 
the following contracts: 
| Contract     | Strike | Maturity   | Ccy |             |   Ccy  |             |  Unrealised | 
|              |        |            |     |             |        |             |             | 
| Date         | price  | date       | Buy |     Amount  |   Sell |     Amount  | Gain/(Loss) | 
|              |        |            |     |             |        |             |           EUR | 
| 31/12/2008   | 1.439  | 30/01/09   | USD | 74,203,805  |    EUR | 52,552,270  |   (892,415) | 
| 31/12/2008   | 1.439  | 30/01/09   | EUR | 40,094,551  |    USD | 56,613,506  | 680,057     | 
|              |        |            |     |             |        |             |             | 
|              |        |            |     |             |        |             |             | 
| Contract     | Strike | Maturity   | Ccy |             |   Ccy  |             |  Unrealised | 
|              |        |            |     |             |        |             |             | 
| Date         | price  | date       | Buy |     Amount  |   Sell |     Amount  |      Gain EUR | 
|              |        |            |     |             |        |             |             | 
| 31/03/2008   | 1.575  | 30/04/2008 | EUR | 10,793,651  |    USD | 17,000,000  |      55,537 | 
The period end exchange rate was EUR:USD 1.39005 (31 March 2008: 1.58455). 
The primary purpose of the Company's foreign currency economic hedging 
activities is to protect against the volatility associated with investments 
denominated in foreign currencies. The Company primarily utilises forward 
exchange contracts to hedge foreign-currency denominated financial assets. 
Increases or decreases in the Company's foreign-currency-denominated financial 
assets are largely offset by gains and losses on the economic hedging 
instruments. The Company does not use foreign currency forward exchange 
contracts or purchased currency options for trading purposes. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
15.1.    Market risk (continued) 
Index Price Risk 
Index price risk is the risk that the fair value of the portfolio changes as the 
result of changes in the levels of fixed income and credit indices. 
Specifically, it is the Company's portfolio of CDOs that is effected by index 
price risk. 
The Directors' best estimate of the effect on the Company's net assets and 
profit and loss due to a reasonably possible change in standard fixed income 
credit indices, with all other variable held constant is as follows. In practice 
the actual trading results may differ from the below sensitivity analysis and 
the difference could be material. 
|  Market  |Change in  |  Change in  |  Effect   |  Change in  |  Effect on net    | 
| Indices  |  Market   |  Price (%)  |  on net   |  Price (%)  |assets and profit  | 
|          |Index (%)  |             |  assets   |             |                   | 
|          |           |             |    and    |             |                   | 
|          |           |             |  profit   |             |                   | 
|          |           |31 December  |    31     |  31 March   |  31 March 2008    | 
|          |           |    2008     | December  |    2008     |                   | 
|          |           |             |   2008    |             |                   | 
|  iTraxx  |   +10%    |    4.32%    |    EUR      |    9.69%    |    EUR 3,289,592    | 
|  LEVX    |           |             |2,975,871  |             |                   | 
|CDX LCDX  |   +10%    |   11.07%    |    EUR      |    7.08%    |    EUR 2,404,592    | 
|          |           |             |7,619,469  |             |                   | 
|  iTraxx  |   +10%    |    2.50%    |    EUR      |    1.61%    |    EUR 548,265      | 
|  Europe  |           |             |1,721,472  |             |                   | 
|  CDX NA  |   +10%    |    5.00%    |    EUR      |    1.77%    |    EUR 601,148      | 
|    IG    |           |             |3,442,943  |             |                   | 
|          |           |             |           |             |                   | 
|  iTraxx  | Index consists of 35 equally weighted European reference entities,    | 
|  LEVX    | referencing 1st lien loans. Calculated by Markit                      | 
|CDX LCDX  | Index consists of 100 reference entities, referencing 1st lien loans  | 
|          | listed on the Markit Syndicated Secured List                          | 
|  iTraxx  | Index composed of one hundred twenty five (125) investment grade      | 
|  Europe  | entities domiciled in Europe. Calculated by Markit                    | 
|  CDX NA  | Index composed of one hundred twenty five (125) investment grade      | 
|    IG    | entities domiciled in North America. Calculated by Markit             | 
The table below contains the inputs that have been used for the Index price risk 
analysis table. 
The definition for each of the columns is the following: 
-  market Indices: relevant Market Indices to stress; 
-  change in Market Index: stress applied; 
- estimated Sensitivity: manager's view on the "beta" between Carador 
investments and the index; 
- % of Portfolio to Apply: based on asset allocation of Carador and the Market 
In order to arrive at "Change in Price" in the above table, the "Change in 
Market Index" was multiplied by "Estimated Sensitivity" and "Percentage of 
Portfolio to Apply" in the below table. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
15.1.Market Risk (continued) 
Index Price Risk (continued) 
| Market    | Change in |    Estimated |        % of |    Estimated |        % of | 
| Indices   |    Market |  Sensitivity |   Portfolio |  Sensitivity |   Portfolio | 
|           | Index (%) |              |    to Apply |              |    to Apply | 
|           |           |  31 December | 31 December |     31 March |    31 March | 
|           |           |         2008 |        2008 |         2008 |        2008 | 
|           |           |              |             |              |             | 
| iTraxx    |      +10% | 1.50         |         29% |        1.50  |      64.59% | 
| LEVX      |           |              |             |              |             | 
| CDX LCDX  |      +10% | 2.00         |         55% |        2.00  |      35.41% | 
| iTraxx    |      +10% | 0.25         |        100% |        0.25  |      64.59% | 
| Europe    |           |              |             |              |             | 
| CDX NA IG |      +10% | 0.50         |        100% |        0.50  |      35.41% | 
Concentration of index price risk 
The table below analyses the Company's concentration of index price risk by 
subsector in the secured loan asset class, including investment in subsidiary 
(represented above by the iTraxx LEVX and CDX LCDX indices). 
|                                             |      Financial |      Financial | 
|                                             |         Assets |         Assets | 
|                                             |    31 December |  31 March 2008 | 
|                                             |           2008 |                | 
| By Asset Class:                             |              EUR |              EUR | 
| Broadly Syndicated Sub-Investment Grade     |     10,674,117 |     18,529,351 | 
| Secured Loans - Europe                      |                |                | 
| Broadly Syndicated Sub-Investment Grade     |     34,941,182 |      7,646,606 | 
| Secured Loans - North America               |                |                | 
| Middle Markets Secured Loans - North        |      2,329,195 |      2,520,936 | 
| America                                     |                |                | 
| ABS Investment Grade - Europe               |            -   |        521,764 | 
| Trust Preferred Securities - North America  |            -   |        277,681 | 
| Other                                       |      1,875,584 |            -   | 
| Term Deposits                               |     15,527,145 |            -   | 
|                                             |     65,347,223 |     29,496,338 | 
|                                             |                |                | 
|                                             |     65,347,222 |     29,496,338 | 
|                                             |                |                | 
The table below analyses the Company's concentration of index price risk by 
geographical area. 
|                     |          Company  |     Consolidated |           Company | 
|                     |  Financial Assets | Financial Assets |  Financial Assets | 
|                     |   at Market Value |  at Market Value |   at Market Value | 
|                     |  31 December 2008 | 31 December 2008 |     31 March 2008 | 
|                     |                 EUR |                EUR |                 EUR | 
| Europe              |       12,549,701  |      18,529,351  |       19,051,115  | 
| North America       |       52,797,522  |       7,646,606  |       10,445,223  | 
|                     |       65,347,223  |      26,175,957  |       29,496,338  | 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
            15.2. Credit Risk 
Credit Risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a 
financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge an obligation. It is 
the Company's policy to enter into financial instruments with a range of 
reputable counterparties. Therefore, the Company does not expect to incur 
material credit losses on its financial instruments. 
The table below analyses the Company's maximum credit exposure to credit risk 
for the components of the Balance Sheet, including derivative financial 
|                         |         Company |     Consolidated |      Company | 
|                         |     31 December | 31 December 2008 |     31 March | 
|                         |            2008 |                  |         2008 | 
|                         |               EUR |                EUR |            EUR | 
| Cash and cash           |        162,243  |       8,146,587  |   3,278,746  | 
| equivalents             |                 |                  |              | 
| Amounts due from        |        909,377  |         909,377  |     409,377  | 
| brokers                 |                 |                  |              | 
| Investments at fair     |     52,641,385  |     252,416,439  |  29,496,338  | 
| value                   |                 |                  |              | 
| Investments in          |     12,311,214  |              -   |          -   | 
| subsidiaries            |                 |                  |              | 
| Derivative financial    |        680,057  |         680,057  |      55,537  | 
| instruments             |                 |                  |              | 
The change in fair value of the loans and receivables designated at fair value 
through profit or loss, attributable to changes in credit risk amounts to a loss 
to the Company and the Group of EUR2,057,477 (31 March 2008: EURnil).  The estimate 
is based on the change in the average bid of loans held in Gale Force 4 which 
suffered credit rating changes by Moody's or S&P during the period 9 December 
2008 to 31 December 2008, adjusted by the change in the S&P LCD All Loans Index. 
There were 3 loans downgraded by S&P, 9 loans downgraded by Moody's and one loan 
upgraded by Moody's. The average bid of the S&P LCD All Loans Index decreased by 
1.01% during the period. 
The change in fair value of the financial liabilities at fair value through 
profit or loss, attributable to changes in credit risk amounts to a loss to the 
Group of EUR2,417,549 (31 March 2008: EURnil). 
There is no significant credit risk attached to cash and cash equivalents, 
amounts due from brokers or derivative financial instruments. 
The Company also quantifies the exposure to credit risk of all financial assets 
(excluding equities) by geographic region: 
|                             |             Company |   Consolidated |     Company | 
|                             |    31 December 2008 |    31 December |    31 March | 
|                             |                     |           2008 |        2008 | 
|                             |                   EUR |              EUR |           EUR | 
| Cayman Islands              |         35,742,592  |    24,310,051  |  6,997,027  | 
| United States               |         16,660,306  |   208,113,832  |  3,448,196  | 
| Canada                      |                 -   |     6,414,151  |         -   | 
| Ireland                     |          6,653,959  |     6,653,958  |  7,110,540  | 
| Luxembourg                  |            515,750  |       680,312  |  1,000,000  | 
| Netherlands                 |          5,379,992  |     5,379,992  | 10,940,575  | 
| Norway                      |                 -   |       864,143  |         -   | 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
          15.2.     Credit Risk (Continued) 
The table below summarizes the Company's portfolio concentrations as of 31 March 
2008 and 31 December 2008. 
|                              | Maximum Portfolio  |   |  Average Portfolio  | 
|                              |   Holdings of a    |   |      Holdings       | 
|                              |    single asset    |   |                     | 
|                              |    % of Total      |   |% of Total Porfolio  | 
|                              |      Porfolio      |   |                     | 
|                              |                    |   |                     | 
| 31 December 2008 Company     |      18.86%        |   |        1.73%        | 
| 31 December 2008             |      10.63%        |   |        1.39%        | 
| Consolidated                 |                    |   |                     | 
| 31 March 2008                |       5.43%        |   |        2.80%        | 
The Company's and Group's portfolio is mostly invested in the equity tranches of 
cashflow Collateralised Debt Obligations that, by definition, are not rated 
securities. The only security in which the Company has invested that is rated is 
the Inwood Park CDO BB which had a rating of Ba2 with Moodys and BB with 
Standard and Poors as at 31 December 2008.The consolidated portfolio also 
contains Gale Force 4 loans. 
The ratings of the consolidated portfolio of investments are as follows: 
|                          |           Company |   Consolidated |                 | 
|                          |  31 December 2008 |    31 December |  31 March 2008  | 
|                          |                   |           2008 |                 | 
| Moody's Rating           |    Market Value EUR | Market Value EUR |  Market Value EUR | 
|                          |                   |                |                 | 
| A3                       |               -   |     2,025,826  |             -   | 
| B1                       |               -   |    24,457,566  |     16,660,259  | 
| B2                       |               -   |    55,123,054  |      1,431,005  | 
| B3                       |               -   |    12,047,179  |             -   | 
| Ba1                      |               -   |     5,440,082  |      1,534,601  | 
| Ba2                      |        1,513,587  |     6,024,730  |             -   | 
| Ba3                      |               -   |     8,086,910  |      7,782,792  | 
| Baa2                     |               -   |       611,489  |             -   | 
| Caa1                     |               -   |     9,328,793  |             -   | 
| Caa2                     |               -   |     4,561,731  |             -   | 
| Caa3                     |               -   |     2,395,549  |             -   | 
| NR                       |       63,833,636  |   122,708,153  |      2,087,681  | 
| Total                    |       65,347,223  |   252,811,063  |     29,496,338  | 
The Company may be adversely impacted by an increase in its credit exposure 
related to investing, financing, and other activities. The Company is exposed to 
the potential for credit related losses that can occur as a result of an 
individual, counterparty or issuer being unable or unwilling to honour its 
contractual obligations. Theses credit exposures exist within financing 
relationships, commitments, derivatives and other transactions. These exposures 
may arise, for example, from a decline in the financial condition of a 
counterparty, from entering into swap or other derivative contracts under which 
counterparties have obligations to make payments to us, from a decrease in the 
value of securities of third parties that the Company holds as collateral, or 
from extending credit through guarantees or other arrangements. As the Company's 
credit exposure increases, it could have an adverse effect on the Company's 
business and profitability if material unexpected credit losses occur. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
              15.2.    Credit risk (continued) 
The Company will typically be in a first loss or subordinated position with 
respect to realised losses on the collateral of each investment.  With the 
exception of investments in senior CLO notes, the Company will typically be in a 
first loss or subordinated position with respect to realised losses on the 
collateral of each investment. The leveraged nature of the equity notes and the 
mezzanine notes, in particular, magnifies the adverse impact of collateral 
defaults.  The leveraged nature of the equity notes and the mezzanine notes, in 
particular, magnifies the adverse impact of collateral defaults. 
The investments held by the Company are subject to ongoing review as part of the 
Investment Manager's monitoring process. Data used in the credit monitoring 
process includes trustee reports, internal research, security prices, rating 
agency reports, press releases and ongoing due diligence, and aims to assess the 
performance of the specific investments. The process also includes regular 
contact with the investment vehicle's manager and advisers. GSO maintains a 
"Credit Watch List" of corporate credits, which is used to monitor the 
underlying portfolios of each investment, and a "CDO Review List" which is based 
on a matrix which summarises the performance of the investment in terms of 
over-collateralization tests ("OC test"), weighted average spread of the 
underlying portfolio ("WAS"), weighted average rating factor of the underlying 
portfolio ("WARF") and manager quality. One of the assets held by the company, 
FM LCF II, representing an estimated 1.06% of the Company's net asset value, was 
listed on the CDO Review List at year end, showing a 0.8% negative value in the 
OC test. 
           15.3.Liquidity Risk 
Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Company may not be able to settle 
or meet its obligations on time or at a reasonable price. 
The Company does not use leverage and as a result it has no financing subject to 
margin calls which may force the Company to liquidate assets. The Company's 
unleveraged capital structure reflects the long-term investment strategy and 
matches the illiquidity of the underlying investments. As the Company is a 
listed closed end investment company, it is not required to meet any fund 
redemptions and hence liquidity risk is limited. 
The Company has been established with a 15 year life. At the annual general 
meeting in 2021, the Directors will be obliged to put a resolution for the 
winding-up of the Company. The Directors may be relieved of this obligation by 
special resolution of shareholders. The Directors expect that at the end of the 
15 year life the Company's investments will have been realised or will be 
capable of immediate realisation at their fair values. There is no certainty 
that market events in the intervening period will not cause legal maturities in 
the Company's underlying investments to have been extended beyond the 
anticipated life of the Company thus causing the Directors to seek relief from 
winding up the Company. 
Given the Company's permanent capital structure, it is not exposed to liquidity 
risk, such as redemption risk. However the Company's financial instruments 
include investments in collateralised debt obligations and derivative contracts 
traded over-the-counter which are not traded in an organised public market and 
which may be illiquid. As a result, the Company may not be able to promptly 
liquidate some of its investments in these instruments at an amount close to its 
fair value in order to meet its liquidity requirements or to respond to specific 
events such as deterioration in the credit worthiness of any particular issuer. 
It may be impossible to assess the exposure to risk in such circumstances. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
           15.3.Liquidity Risk (Continued) 
The table below analyses the Company's financial liabilities into relevant 
maturity grouping based on remaining period at the balance sheet date to the 
contractual maturity date. There is a facility agreement in place with JP Morgan 
to mitigate liquidity risk, which is undrawn at year end. The amounts in the 
table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows. Balances due within 12 months 
equal their Balance Sheet carrying balance, as the impact of discounting is not 
|                            | Due on |         Due |     Due | Due after |        Total | 
|                            | demand |    within 3 | between | 12 months |              | 
|                            |        |      months |   3 and |           |              | 
|                            |        |             |      12 |           |              | 
|                            |        |             |  months |           |              | 
| Company                    |      EUR |           EUR |       EUR |         EUR |            EUR | 
|                            |        |             |         |           |              | 
| Financial liabilities as at 31      |             |         |           |              | 
| December 2008                       |             |         |           |              | 
| Derivative financial       |    -   |   (892,415) |     -   |       -   |    (892,415) | 
| instruments                |        |             |         |           |              | 
| Other payables             |    -   | (2,032,259) |     -   |       -   |  (2,032,259) | 
| Total financial            |    -   | (2,924,674) |     -   |       -   |  (2,924,674) | 
| liabilities                |        |             |         |           |              | 
The table below analyses the Group's financial liabilities into relevant 
maturity grouping based on remaining period at the balance sheet date to the 
contractual maturity date. The amounts in the table are the contractual 
undiscounted cash flows. Balances due within 12 months equal their Balance Sheet 
carrying balance, as the impact of discounting is not significant. The carrying 
value of the financial liabilities due after 12 months is EUR111,402,893 (31 March 
2008: EURnil), a difference of EUR278,839,322 from the undiscounted contractual 
|                            | Due on |          Due |     Due |     Due after |         Total | 
|                            | demand |     within 3 | between |     12 months |               | 
|                            |        |       months |   3 and |               |               | 
|                            |        |              |      12 |               |               | 
|                            |        |              |  months |               |               | 
| Consolidated               |      EUR |            EUR |       EUR |             EUR |             EUR | 
|                            |        |              |         |               |               | 
| Financial liabilities as at 31      |              |         |               |               | 
| December 2008                       |              |         |               |               | 
| Derivative financial       |    -   |    (892,415) |     -   |           -   |     (892,415) | 
| instruments                |        |              |         |               |               | 
| Other payables             |    -   |  (3,414,923) |     -   |           -   |   (3,414,923) | 
| Financial liabilities at   |    -   |          -   |     -   | (390,242,215) | (390,242,215) | 
| fair value through profit  |        |              |         |               |               | 
| or loss                    |        |              |         |               |               | 
| Total financial            |    -   |  (4,307,338) |     -   | (390,242,215) | (394,549,553) | 
| liabilities                |        |              |         |               |               | 
|                            |        |              |         |               |               | 
|                            | Due on |          Due |     Due |     Due after |         Total | 
|                            | demand |     within 3 | between |     12 months |               | 
|                            |        |       months |   3 and |               |               | 
|                            |        |              |      12 |               |               | 
|                            |        |              |  months |               |               | 
| Company                    |      EUR |            EUR |       EUR |             EUR |             EUR | 
|                            |        |              |         |               |               | 
| Financial liabilities as at 31      |              |         |               |               | 
| March 2008                          |              |         |               |               | 
| Other payables             |    -   |    (195,237) |     -   |           -   |     (195,237) | 
| Total financial            |    -   |    (195,237) |     -   |           -   |     (195,237) | 
| liabilities                |        |              |         |               |               | 
The amounts included in the above tables represent undiscounted cash flows. 
However, amounts included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet represent discounted 
cash flows. 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
The following table details the financial assets pledged as collateral for 
liabilities or contingent liabilities: 
|                                  |        31 December 2008  |      31 March | 
|                                  |                          |         2008  | 
|                                  |                       EUR  |            EUR  | 
| Cash Collateral for borrowed     |                 909,377  |      409,377  | 
| securities                       |                          |               | 
Cash collateral is held with JP Morgan. It is used to cover any mark to market 
margin requirements. The interest on collateral is paid by JP Morgan 
periodically. Cash collateral was requested by JP Morgan as of 11 January 2007. 
The Company did not enter into any stocklending transactions during the period 
to which these financial statements relate or the prior year. 
Basic and diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing net profit for 
the period/(loss) attributable to redeemable participating shareholders of 
Carador Plc by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during 
the period. The weighted average number of shares for the nine months ended 31 
December 2008 reflects the issue of shares in the period. The net loss used to 
calculate the EPS for the year ended 31 March 2008 was the pre-dividend loss. 
|                         |         Company  |    Comsolidated  |       Company  | 
|                         |      Nine months |      Nine months |    Year ended  | 
|                         |            ended |            ended |                | 
|                         |      31 December |      31 December |       31 March | 
|                         |            2008  |            2008  |          2008  | 
| Net loss for the period |     (15,355,195) |     (14,358,518) |    (9,745,721) | 
|                         |                  |                  |                | 
| Number of ordinary      |      57,248,001  |      57,248,001  |    50,025,000  | 
| shares for basic and    |                  |                  |                | 
| diluted earnings per    |                  |                  |                | 
| share                   |                  |                  |                | 
|                         |                  |                  |                | 
| Earnings per share      |           (0.27) |           (0.25) |         (0.19) | 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
The Net Asset Value per share which was published by the Company differs from 
that presented in these financial statements for period ended 31 December 2008. 
The difference is due to adjustment on value of investments and accruals. 
The Net Asset Value reconciliation as at 31 December 2008 is as follows: 
|                                                          |   EUR Class  |      US$ | 
|                                                          |            |    Class | 
| Net Asset Value per share for shareholder dealing per    |   0.49190  | 0.62430  | 
| valuation                                                |            |          | 
|  Adjustment to accruals                                  |  (0.02575) | 0.02367  | 
|  Net Asset Value per share per financial statements      |   0.46615  | 0.64797  | 
The Net Asset Value reconciliation as at 31 March 2008 was: 
|                                                          |   EUR Class  | 
| Net Asset Value per share for shareholder dealing per    |   0.67730  | 
| valuation                                                |            | 
|  Adjustment to accruals                                  |   0.01090  | 
|  Adjustment to value of investments                      |  (0.00950) | 
|  Net Asset Value per share per financial statements      |   0.67870  | 
The Net Asset Value reconciliation as at 31 March 2007 was: 
|                                                          |  EUR Class  | 
| Net Asset Value per share for shareholder dealing per    |  0.97926  | 
| valuation                                                |           | 
|  Adjustment to accruals                                  |  0.03524  | 
|  Net Asset Value per share per financial statements      |  1.01450  | 
Under IAS 14, the primary segment has been identified as the business segment. 
The Company has only one business segment, which is its investments in debt 
At 31 December 2008 the Company was in breach of an investment restriction which 
prevents it from holding more than 20% of its Net Asset Value on cash deposit 
with any one institution. At 31 December 2008 the Company held 24% of its Net 
Asset Value on cash deposit with the Northern Trust Company. The reason for this 
breach was a delay in an account opening with JP Morgan into which the 
Investment Manager intended to transfer any cash received from Abingdon as a 
result of the amalgamation.  On 16 January 2009 the account opening with JP 
Morgan was completed. On 31 January 2009 the deposit with the Northern Trust 
Company represented 20% of the Company's Net Asset Value. 
The Board declared a distribution of 5.5 cents (EUR0.055) per each euro share in 
respect of the 6 month interim period ending 30 September 2008. This 
distribution was paid on 31 October 2008 to shareholders on the share register 
as at the close of business on 31 October 2008.  The total distribution amounted 
to EUR2,751,375 (31 March 2008: EUR7,053,525). 
For the period ended 31 December 2008 
On 9 December 2008 Edward D'Alelio and Nicholas Moss were appointed to the Board 
of Carador. Both Mr D'Alelio and Mr Moss were directors of Abingdon Investment 
Limited prior to the amalgamation. 
On 16 October 2008 it was resolved to change the Company's accounting year end 
from 31 March to 31 December each year to coincide with the year end of its 
subsidiary, Abingdon Finance Limited, on the sole condition that the 
amalgamation be completed.  As a result these financial statements present the 
results of the company for the period from 1 April 2008 to 31 December 2008, a 
period of nine months. 
The comparative information presented is the audited results of Carador plc for 
the full year ended 31 March 2008 for both the Company primary statements, the 
Consolidated primary statements and the notes to the financial Statements.The 
comparative period of 31 March 2008 shows the position and results of the 
Company for the year ended 31 March 2008. 
The Board declared an interim dividend on 15 January 2009 of EUR0.0015 per 
ordinary share in respect of the quarterly period ended 31 December 2008. This 
dividend was paid on 30 January 2009 to shareholders on the register as at the 
close of business on 23 January 2009. US dollar class shareholders received 
US$0.0019 per share, calculated at the prevailing exchange rate on 15 January 
2008 of EUR1:US$1.3064. This equated to EUR84,277 and $159,219 and a total 
distribution of EUR206,153. 
At the extraordinary general meeting of the Company on 9 March 2009, 
shareholders approved the amendment of the Company's investment objective and 
investment policy to permit investment in the senior notes of CDOs which are 
collaterised by senior secured bank loans. 
On 14 April 2009 the Board declared a distribution of EUR0.0131 per share in 
respect of the quarterly period ended 31 March 2009. 
No other events have occurred in respect of the Company subsequent to the period 
end that may be deemed relevant to the accuracy of these financial statements. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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